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President Pro Tens
PHONE: (925) 228-9500
Monday, December 19, 2022 FAX.- (925) 372-0192
2:00 p.m. www.eentralsan.org
(All attendees participated via video conference)
Chair Mike McGill
Member Tad Pilecki (alternate for Member D. Williams)
David Alvey, Maze & Associates (left after Item 4.c.)
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations
Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left after Item 4.b.)
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Christopher Thomas, Accounting Supervisor
Olivia Ruiz, Accounting Supervisor
Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Stacey Durocher, Administrative Services Assistant
1. Notice
This meeting was conducted virtually in accordance with the provisions stipulated in
Assembly Bill 361 and adopted on December 15, 2022 by the Central San Board of
Directors. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
participate in the meeting.
2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 2.00 p.m.
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3. Public Comments
It was requested that Item 4.c. be heard as the first item of business; the Committee
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
Item 4.a. and the balance of the agenda was heard at the conclusion of Item 4.c.
a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred November 11,
2022 through December 8, 2022
Staff responded satisfactorily to questions posed by the Committee on
various expenditures listed in the report. One notable item is summarized
Check 307693, Alfred Conhagen, Inc. for $531, 768.74
There was a discussion on the work performed by the contractor to repair the
turbine equipment as part of an emergency declared earlier in the year, and
whether the cost should be capitalized rather than expended under the
Operations and Maintenance fund. It was questioned whether the work
should not be considered routine maintenance but rather a significant,
capitalizable improvement. Mr. Leiber stated his commitment to having an
internal discussion to determine the proper avenue for this expenditure.
Mr. Bailey added that capitalizing costs is an advantage and should be
handled in a best practice manner.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Receive Financial Overview through the month of November 2022
Chair McGill noted this month's overview appeared to show trends
consistent with prior months, particularly the rate of capital expenditures.
Member Pilecki inquired if the target for the Capital Improvement Budget
(CIB) will be revised when staff has completed the reshuffling of projections
with the shift of the Solids Handling Facility Improvements (Solids Project)
that occurred last year. He opined that the reports do not reflect a favorable
impression to the layperson reviewing the report without knowing the history,
and suggested staff revise the chart to show what is expected to occur.
Chair McGill concurred.
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Staff acknowledged this concern and a discussion followed. It was
emphasized that while the prior year capital spending projection needed to
be updated to reduce the amount of spend attributable to the Solids Project,
this year's CIB was significantly reduced to show much of the construction to
be spent in FY 2024-25 and thereafter. However, the rollover from prior
years still results in an overstatement of the current year's CIB "authorized
spend." Staff responded they will continue to look into the matter, especially
for the upcoming rates discussion at the January 2023 Financial Planning
Workshop and during the development of next year's CIB.
Member Pilecki suggested staff provide an educational overview to the
incoming Committee Members of what has transpired to date.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt.
C. Review draft Position Paper to accept (1) the audited Annual Comprehensive
Financial Report (ACFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022, performed
by Maze & Associates, and (2) the independent auditors' memorandum on
internal control and required communications for the fiscal year ended June
30, 2022
This item was heard out of order as the first business item.
Mr. Mizuno presented this discussion item, reviewed the details provided in
the draft Position Paper and report included with the agenda packet, and
introduced audit partner David Alvey of Maze & Associates, the firm which
performed the fiscal year closing auditors' memorandum.
Mr. Alvey reviewed the auditor's statement of the comprehensive ACFR
report, which conveyed a clean, "unmodified" independent audit opinion.
The Memorandum on Internal Control and Required Communications
provides findings or whether there were no disagreements with
management, or the use of accounting assumptions. He thanked staff for
their assistance during the audit process.
Mr. Pilecki thanked all parties for the hard work that goes into performing this
audit and financial closing. Chair McGill echoed the sentiments of the work
involved and found the report to be well written.
Mr. Alvey and staff responded to questions posed by the Committee.
Regarding the new GASBI rules effective in future years, Member Pilecki
inquired whether there may be any impact to Central San. Mr. Alvey
mentioned the subscription -based IT arrangements would be one factor.
GASB defined as Government Accounting Standards Board
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The District will need to look at those costs and account -for and report -on
those accordingly following the new standard. It is expected the task to
implement GASB 96 will not be as large an effort at the implementation of
GASB 87 that went into effect this year, as the software implemented for
compliance can be used for both leases and subscription -based IT
Chair McGill highlighted an area of the report (p. 111/114) that he would like
amended as it did not properly reflect how the Board of Directors is
organized under the new Division -based electoral system given that three
Board Members remain at -large. Mr. Bailey offered that at the time of the
report, the Board was all at -large for the balance of their terms. Mr. Leiber
mentioned that an edit could be incorporated to clarify the movement
towards the Division -based structure that went into effect this election
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board acceptance.
d. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a
contract in an amount not to exceed $213,500 with Foster & Foster to
provide Other Post -Employment Benefits (OPEB) and pension actuarial
services for a five-year contract period
Mr. Mizuno responded to limited questions regarding this agenda item.
Member Pilecki requested staff list the other five firms that competed for
these services, similar to capital projects. Mr. Mizuno stated this could be
updated for the final Position Paper but that he would check with
procurement staff first to ensure this is advisable in consideration of public
procurement laws and policy.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommend Board approval.
e. Review draft Position Paper to consider approval of a Joint Powers Authority
Agreement (JPA) to join the formation of the Northern California Sanitation
Agencies Financing Authority
Mr. Leiber provided a thorough overview of this matter and that of prior
discussions of anticipated future borrowing needs. Financing alternatives
include two viable options. use of State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans, or
issuing dept directly via revenue bonds or Certificates of Participation
(COPS). He discussed some complexities of each path and noted that COPs
had been used in the past. SRF loans are the lowest cost, but the demand
exceeds the available funding supply. As to the other option of COPs or
revenue bonds, revenue bonds are viewed as the more cost effective option,
and are a simpler, cleaner approach used commonly by utilities.
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Sanitary Districts in California can issue revenue bonds through a JPA
without a public vote. In order to have that option, Central San would need to
be a member of a JPA. Sacramento Regional San needs a new, separate
partner as their initial JPA partner is merging with them. They are ready to
move forward with Central San as a partner if Central San is interested.
There was a lengthy discussion of the logistics of the partnership, including
matters such as JPA meetings and governance.
Cost — The proposed agreement does not specify the costs since expenses
could change over time with other partners. Some costs would be split
evenly, except bond costs for one member alone would pay that portion. It is
anticipated there would be minor costs associated for the entity, such as
bookkeeping and an audit (state code indicates a JPA must have an annual
audit). While the cost of an audit is unknown at this time, it is estimated to be
fairly small given the limited activity of the JPA.
Benefits — Mr. Leiber stated exact savings are unknown, but he estimated at
an interest rate savings of just 5-basis points per year on $100 million of debt
would be $50, 000/year, which would be offset by the share of costs of the
JPA that Central San would pay. As there are significant constraints at the
state level for future SRF loans, he concluded it would be at the District's
interest to have options.
Representatives and Meetinq Locations — It was inquired whether JPA
meeting could be virtual or if all would be in -person at Sacramento Regional.
Staff stated they would explore options to conduct meetings. There was
discussion of who would represent Central San (i.e., Board President
recommendation, Finance Committee members, Board President/President
Pro Tem).
Board Compensation — Member Pilecki noted the JPA has no compensation
and, if Board Members need to travel, a stipend should be paid by
Central San. Mr. Bailey noted a District Board Member would receive a
stipend from Central San for their services.
Quorum of the JPA — It was noted the JPA would be a four -member Board,
whereas, Boards are typically odd -numbered in case of disagreement.
Mr. Leiber acknowledged the matter and noted that as there would be two
members, a five -member Board would leave one side more heavily
represented, however, he does not expect any contentious matters or issues
since this is more of a financial vehicle. Mr. Bailey added that an option may
be to have a mutually agreed upon representative from a neighboring city,
independent of the two entities, as a fifth Board Member.
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Mr. Leiber responded to other questions posed. He stated the agreement
was modified to include Central San and that counsel from both sides have
reviewed the draft agreement. He stated that District Counsel Kenton Alm
also committed to revisiting the draft agreement to ensure all prior member
references were amended.
Member Pilecki stated his support of the venture and opined it was a good
course to pursue.
Chair McGill also stated his support and complimented Mr. Leiber for his
diligence on this matter. He reflected that Mr. Leiber introduced this matter
earlier in 2022 and has found a solution to move forward. He advised the
agreement should not be held up for the minor matters raised, and
recommended Board approval with any minor clarifications at staffs
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommend Board approval with understanding
staff has ability to finalize the agreement.
5. Other Items
a. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of December 5, 2022
Ms. Deutsch reviewed the current Loss Control Report. She stated there
were three new incidents; two were overflows that were small, exterior
situations that required cleanup with no other damages. The other was a
minor vehicle accident.
Since this report, one more overflow report was received, which was
contained outside, but was a second occurrence at the property.
Ms. Deutsch report staff has spent time to discuss next steps, including
relocation of the overflow protection device, which operated well.
The Committee had no questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
6. Announcements
As it was the final 2022 Finance Committee meeting, Chair McGill thanked staff for
a job well done in presenting clear and concise reports on difficult matters.
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7. Suaaestions for Future Aaenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
8. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
9. Adjournment — at 3:34 p.m.
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