HomeMy WebLinkAbout01. Financial Planning Workshop Page 1 of 48 Item 1. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETINGDATE: JANUARY12, 2023 SUBJECT: FINANCIAL PLANNING WORKSHOP IN WHICH THE FOLLOWING WILL BE PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED: • PROPOSED FISCAL YEARS 2023-24 AND 2024-25 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS AND CORRESPONDING UPDATED TEN- YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN; • COST OF SERVICE UPDATE, INCLUDING PROPOSED ADDITION OF AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (ADU) SEWER SERVICE CHARGE CUSTOMER CATEGORY; • UPDATED OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS; AND • SEWER SERVICE CHARGE AND RECYCLED WATER RATE IMPACT SCENARIOS AND PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND ENG-PDS-DIVISION MANAGER DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER PHILIP LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm General Manager District Counsel ISSUE January 12, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 4 of 57 Page 2 of 48 This workshop is a follow-up to the December 15, 2022 Financial Planning Workshop discussion item on ADUs and addresses Sewer Service Charge (SSC) and Recycled Water(REW) rate issues and outlook. Staff will present updated information for the Board of Directors (Board) consideration on the following: 1. Proposed FY2023-24 and FY2024-25 Capital Improvement Budgets (CIB) and Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (C I P); 2. Cost of Service update, including proposed addition of an ADU residential SSC customer category; 3. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget assumptions; and 4. Rate Stabilization Account (RSA)funding options. Staff will also present updated SSC and REW rate impact scenarios and proposed rate implementation schedules. Upon conclusion of the presentation, staff will be requesting Board direction on proposed addition of the SSC residential customer category, establishing the rate schedule for future SSC and REW rate increases, select a preferred rate scenario for purposes of preparing Proposition 218 notices, and confirm the proposed rate cycle timetable, including holding a public hearing on rate increases on April 20, 2023. BACKGROUND Central San's long-term financial plan is updated at least annually and discussed with the Board. The attached presentation provides updates on the 2019 Cost of Service study and includes a proposed addition for the residential SSC customer categories. This presentation also provides options for funding the RSA, updated O&M budget assumptions, updated rate impact scenarios and proposed implementation schedules. Cost of Service Study With regard to the Cost of Service update, the initial Cost of Service Study was conducted in FY 2014-15 and updated in FY 2018-19. Staff has worked with rate consultant, Raftelis &Associates to update the cost of services and review residential customer classes. The attached presentation summarizes the findings and assumptions in the Cost of Service update. Financial Plan Update With regard to the financial plan update, staff has updated the long-term financial plan and has developed various rate scenarios to share with the Board. Updates to the spending profile for O&M and capital have been entered into the financial model. O&M updates will be highlighted in the presentation; economic uncertainties and the likelihood of inflation have produced increases to O&M. Proposed capital spending has been reduced over the next ten years, shifting spending further out into the 20-Year Cl P, helping reduce near-term rate pressure. Assumptions for the usage of debt, including principal amount, type and interest rate will be highlighted. As background and context, a discussion on the external economic environment, and potential impacts on our costs and revenues are also included. Several alternatives for the size and duration of required rate increases will be presented, along with resultant required debt issuances. Proposed recycled water rates, with a planned three-percent (3%) increase, are also overviewed. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS With regard to the Cost of Service Study updates and the resultant SSC residential customer categories, the Board could direct staff to maintain the status quo, adopt staff's recommended updates or provide some other direction to staff. With regard to the financial forecasts updateand rate outlook, the Board can provide direction that staff should focus on one of the scenarios for implementation for the next fiscal year or years; or request that additional scenarios be developed. January 12, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 57 Page 3 of 48 FINANCIAL IMPACTS The economic uncertainty and timing of a few major future projects can impact Central San's rates and debt issuances. Additionally staff is evaluating how to optimize capital project priorities. With these uncertainties, staff is recommending a two-year SSC rate schedule. The Cost of Service addresses the overall revenue requirement, how those costs are allocated between customer classes, and how those costs are recovered from each class. The presentation will provide information on the following key issues: 1. Due to changes in usage patterns, there is a shift of costs from residential to non-residential customers. Proposed changes to the customer classes are designed to be revenue neutral to Central San overall, but SSC rates can increase or decrease between -5% to +6% for individual customer classes. 2. The cost of service justifies the addition of an ADU residential SSC customer class. The presentation provides a more detailed rate schedule for review. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Central San takes its responsibility to provide customers with clear and detailed information on proposed rate changes very seriously. These outreach efforts far exceed the requirements of Proposition 218, including: • Providing an expanded Proposition 218 notice that is more readable, engaging, and accessible to customers by including graphics, maps, locations of projects and summarizing information • Incorporating the notice of the proposed rate increase and public hearing in the Pipeline newsletter in an effort to reach additional customers, including both property owners and tenants • Receiving protests and customer rate inquires through traditional mail, email, fax, and hosting a Community Information Line • Publishing a calendar of rate related events, holding public workshops, distributing Proposition 218 notices that comprehensively describe the proposed rate changes, and holding a public hearing regarding the changes Central San also publishes comprehensive budget documents describing the proposed change in revenue requirements. Additionally, Central San will conduct specific outreach to customers that would be affected by the proposed changes in SSC rate categories. The presentation will describe the planned outreach for this rate cycle. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION No Committee recommendation was sought for these matters. Given their agency-wide significance, they have been brought forward for discussion with the entire Board. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Take action by motion or provide direction to staff with respect to each of the following items, which may include directing staff to bring back any or all of these items for consideration at a future meeting: 1. With regard to addition of the SSC ADU residential customer category as a result of the updated Cost of Service study results, direct staff to: January 12, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 57 Page 4 of 48 • Maintain the status quo; or o Adopt staff's recommended updates; or • Provide some other direction to staff. 2. Establish whether the rate schedule will be for two years (staff recommendation), or four years. 3. For purposes of preparing Proposition 218 notices, select preferred rate scenario for: o Sewer Service Charge; and • Recycled Water Charge. 4. Consider proposed rate cycle timetable, including holding public hearing on rate increases on April 20, 2023, and provide direction to staff as to how to proceed. 5. Provide direction on Rate Stabilization Funding options. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service, Strategy 2- Promote initiatives to advance affordable and equitable access to services GOAL FOUR: Governance and Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1 - Promote and uphold ethical behavior, openness, and accessibility, Strategy 2- Encourage and facilitate public participation, Strategy 3- Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL SIX:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally, Strategy 2- Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation January 12, 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 7 of 57 Item 1. (Handout) Updated Presentation January 12,2023 Annual � d Financial Planning Workshop -mom Board Workshop _e . 1 , 1 1 Introduction Roger S. Bailey, General Manager w DCENTRALSAN 2 1 1 � Toda s Objectives for , - Today's sVI 1lf�/,��'� Board Discussion a� Provide guidance on Sewer Service Charge (SSC)rates for Fiscal Year(FY)2023-24 and beyond,and proposed recycled water rates Confirm rate schedule time horizon (2 or 4 years) �\ Discuss alternatives for Rate Stabilization Account Funding Levels Confirm Financing Alternatives of Capital " { Improvement Program (CIP) 3 7Overview of Today's Presentation 4 Current Financial Condition Review(including debt overview) Financial Plan Update �• 1. CIP Outlook 2. CIB Analysis 3. Inflation _la 4. Interest Rate All 5. Recession 6. Mitigation ~ - III. Rate Term IV. Cost of Service&SSC Rate Structure Changes j V. Recycled Water VI. General Manager Concluding Remarks VI I. Appendix: Rate Stabilization Account Funding Adequacy 4 2 I. Current Financial Condition Review Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration 5 SAN". 5 Recent Financial 7 - - Accomplishments Overall Budgetary Control and Cost Reductions Eight years of nearly flat Operations and Maintenance(O&M)budgets (through FY 2021-22) California Public Employees'Retirement System(CaIPERS)Healthcare Plano switch;$5.5 million savings annually started in FY 2019-20 2018 Bond Refinancing:$8 million interest savings through 2030 �s 2021 UAAL Payoff: —$15(+/-)million projected interest savings through 2029 (actual being monitored annually) State Revolving Fund(SRF)Financing for Solids Handling Facility Improvements(Solids Project):$20+million interest savings over 30 years based on likely use of$100 million of the$173 million loan y i FLA • Spending Control after Budget Adoption • FY 2021-22$2.6 million O&M savings • FY 2022-23 anticipated--$2+million O&M spending savings 6 3 7Recent Financial Accomplishments - • Customer Rate Relief • Deferral of FY 2020-21 adjustment:maintained$598 SSC,postponing$629 SSC • Participating in LIHWAP program for payment of COVID period SSC for eligible low-income him customers • Building Reserves to Weather Turbulent Times • Fully funded O&M and Sewer Construction Reserves • Rate stabilization account:$7.5 million • Increased Catastrophic Self Insurance Reserve from$5 million to$7.5 million • Greatly improved funded ratios for employee-related liabilities 100%for Pension UAAL and 85.4%on a market value basis of assets for Other Past-Employment Benefits(OPEB) , • Recovery of—$1 million of COVID response costs from State,with additional funds anticipated from FEMA application submitted 12/30/22 • Optimization and Benchmarking • Creation of Operations&Organization-Wide Optimization Division and manager appointed • Continuation of national/state benchmarking study participation • Annual Optimization report documents continual improvement efforts • Process optimization improvements a key focus in next two years 7 7 FY 2022-23 Central San Funding Sources $213.5 Million (M) Total C.Pddty Fees, AIIOther Revenue • SSC is the main"controllable" $4579000 Sources,$5,616,900 (through setting rates)revenue Ta.Revenue. source, used cover projected s21sa4.000 expenses not funded from other revenue sources. City of • Borrowing can also be used to Szsioo,000 cover capital funding needs. sewer Service Charges, $114,657,000 Debt Proceeds, 542,000,00 Revenue provides$171.5M of the revenue requirement;balance from SRF Loan 8 4 ,t SSC Annual Review Requirement While not binding for FY 2023-24, the Ordinance for this year indicated "Prior to imposing the rate set forth under this Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2022-23, the Board of Directors shall consider, at a noticed public hearing:" A. District's proposed budget, _ B. Projected capital and operations and � r maintenance costs; - - C. Its financial condition; D. Other factors which bear on the .a � revenue requirements of the District. a = 9 A. Proposed FY 2023-24 Budget Q • Budget Process Not Yet Started. (Budget to be presented 4t in early May) O&M for FY 2023-24 E • Per Financial Plan: $90.9 million per Financial Plan as of January 2023 Capital Budget for FY 2023-24 • Per Prior 10 Year CIP $120.4 million , • Per Current 10 Year CIP $78.7 million _t (Reduced given current status of carryforward) 10 5 B. Historical & Projected O&M Costs 5140,0001000 $120,000,000 $100,000,000 — - - - - - $80,000,000 - - - - $60,000,000 - - - - $20,000,000 0 0 0 0 rl rl v-I rl rl rt rl rl rl .d N N N N N N N N N t+� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y } } } } } } Y Y Y } } Y } y } } Y Y Y } } } } } ■Budget ■Projection O 2021 Debt Takeaway: Eight years of O&M budget stability at an average of about$89M. Future cost growth to be mitigated through optimizations and other efforts (bars represent Financial Plan placeholders for now) 11 B. Historical & Projected Capital Costs Capital Budget ("Estimated Expenditures"pre FY37/18) 140,000,000 120,000,000 100,000,000 80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 I I I 20,000,000 O pp Op� �C ti -O !If ti er-1 N Fi N fi N N b o m — — — to W to W W — W Takeaways: Left: Maintain Middle: Ramp-up to replace aging infrastructure Right: Replace aging infrastructure; but recognize economic/operational/contracting constraints 12 12 6 C. Financial Condition Financial Condition is Good Required Fiscal Reserves are fully funded "^- $7.5 million in Rate Stabilization Account Pension UAAL fully paid off.OPEB at 86%actuarial basis funded. (Subject to change based on poor 2022 returns) Favorable variances are anticipated from FY 2022-23. YTD Results through November 2022 O&M Variances Total revenue variance: $1.1 million (likely$1.5 million for full year) Total spending variance: $1.4 million --^-^d^�^° b--° Net Variance: $2.5-$2.9 million favorable -- Capital Variances ^� Total revenue variance: $5.5 million (Perhaps$3.9 million for full year) Total capital project spending of$158 " million with carryforward. Only$17.3 million spent to date. Detailed capital forecast conducted (discussed subsequently) -----m -,�-" 13 13 C. Financial Condition-Debt Overview Outstanding Debt: Original Issuance Currently Outstanding 2018 Revenue Bonds: $19,4509000 $11,875,000 2021 Certifications of Participation: $50.570.000 $33,060,000 Total $70,200,000 $44,935,000 Debt Service Chart(Principal and Interest per Year) 5u.ao°.aoo �t tt si°.roo.aw � �t saamnoa � 1 5aav6noo II II II]] II II ll II II �J aa�Pa$a44q$$oo�a 6 m=se=m n�Irin�A�nRs s���as`ssaasaasasoso---- --'eatslse"saris tr .x xn°xrxw:°°w^a.a n.K^,,.w^a° •xc�caP: ..°m-.va.aw..... :°�e°^e, .x°xx caw 14 14 7 C. Financial Condition-Debt Overview Debt (Liabilities) to Total Assets: $100,621,583/ $1,046,518,092 =9.6% Debt used to Fund CIP (last 10 years; projected 10 years) $in millions Debt Funded Capital Spending 51,20o l00% 90% $1,000 SO°h $800 70% 60% 5500 S0% 40% $400 3WA $zoo zo% lo% so o% Past 10 Years Current Through Next 10 years �Capital Spending IiiiiiiiiiiiiDebt -% 15 15 C. Financial Condition : Reserves BOARD POLICY (BP) 017 FISCAL RESERVESm ..°'° Defines and governs use of.- O&M Reserve Sewer Construction Reserve Self-Insurance Reserve Rate Stabilization Account _ �-~ - OPEB Trust and Pension � � Prefunding Trusts ` Analysis in Appendix 16 16 8 C. Financial Condition: Reserves On Track / Healthy Reserve Status MrIMMMM ($ millions) MMMMM�I�IMM Reserves per 6/30/22* $53.3 $83.9 $9.1 $7.46 $75.1 $0 $482.4 Policy Required Level at 6-30-22 35.4 24.5 9.0 Difference (17.9)(4) 59.5(5) .I Reallocations (1.0) 1.0 Balances After Reallocations $52.3 83.9 $9.1 $7.46 $76.1 S-0 $482.4 " Reserve balances per pre-audit financial statements and external sources as applicable. (I)Amounts per Balance sheet,and for CCCERA the actuarial value of pension assets. (2)Pension Prefunding Trust had a trivial balance as of 6/30/22 following CCCERA pension UAAL payoff in June 2021. (3)$482.4 M actuarial value of assets per December 31,2021 CCCERA valuation. (4)Balance is higher than the policy required level due$69.3M attributable to budgetary carryforwards(total authorized spending less actual spending) (5)Higher balance at 6/30/22 will be reduced over the course of FY 2022-23 through a lower allocation of SSC(consistent with budget)so that the'6/30/23 balance meets the policy targeted level. 17 D. Other Factors that Bear on the Revenue Requirements of the District Economic uncertainty: COVI D/Russia/Ukraine/Inflation--> Fed Actions-->Recession? - Covered subsequently Project Uncertainty: UNCERTAINTY Solids Project(Finalize Phase 1a, AHEAD Establish Phase II scope) Size of CIB Carryforward Nutrients/Water Exchange I 18 9 Summary Assessment Commentary Conclusion A.District's proposed budget; Process not yet commenced. Budgets Inflation continues;O&M costs about anticipated to be consistent with financial /z revenue requirement. plan. Reduced CIB to reflect actual pace of spending. B.Projected capital and Capital needs in the next remain Rate adjustments still needed; but operations and maintenance heightened,though slower pace expected opportunity to moderate them. costs; versus last year's financial plan. Significant uncertainty as to timing of major projects. Water Exchange/Nutrient Issue Pending. C. Its financial condition; Good Maintain fiscal and rate adjustment discipline D.Other factors which bear External economy reasonably strong, but Caution warranted on the revenue requirements mounting uncertainties of the District. Need for rate increase remains 19 II. Financial Plan Update Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager - 20 10 7Trajectory Of FY 2023-24 and Future Rates As of Last Year $31 not $906 $938 $1,000 collected $880 + (+3.5%)- $807 $831 $i% (+3%)(3 %) DEBTASSUMPTIONS $900 approved $776 (+3%) (_) I I I I $629 $718 $746 (+4%) (+4%) $800 (+5.25%) (+4%) (+4 $690 %) r� 13 I �1 �1 I I I I I Secured $700 $59 eHecrive $660 SRF Loan $173.1 M it$600Planned $soo I Future SRF $190.0 M $40oLoans $300 i i i$20o$100 $0 L L L I I I I_I I_I Li 1-1 2019-20 2020-212021-222022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026.27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31203 1-32 ■Approved Single-Family Rate 21 Major 2022 Factors Affecting Financial Plan Status&Timing of Solids Handling, Nutrients, CIP Project— Outlook Aeration Basins,& Growing for UV Projects past 3 years Major Carryfomard projects CIB and smallerRate " undesignated" Fatigue projects Need to moderate rate Central adjustments in light San Impact on of all factors InflationLabor,Benefits, Other Costs Economic 4. Uncertain Soft Landing or Interest_ Significant increase Recession since March Inverted Interest Rate Curve 22 22 11 11.1 CIP Projects Edgar J. Lopez, P.E. Capital Projects Division Manager fit 23 Current Year 10-Year CIP FY 2022-23: $1,135.7 Million Ten-Year CIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 FY 29-30 FY 30-31 FY 31-32 $ 40.0 $ 68.5 $ 78.6 $ 98.9 $ 71.2 $ 75.7 $ 72.3 $ 72.1 $ 84.9 $ 62.1 $ 36.9 $ 43.8 $ 40.4 $ 30.3 $ 30.3 $ 28.3 $ 28.4 $ 28.4 $ 28.4 $ 29.2 $ 3.8 $ 2.9 $ 2.0 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 8.7 $ 3.8 $ 4.3 $ 2.4 $ 9.3 $ 9.8 $ 5.4 $ 0.3 $ 0.3 $ 0.3 00$ 1.6 $ 1.4 $ 2.0 $ 2.0 $ 2.0 $ 2.0 $ 2.0 $ 2.0 $ 2.0 $ 2.0 2022-23 Proposed CIP $ 91.0 $ 120.4 $ 127.3 $ 135.7 $ 114.9 $ 117.9 $ 110.2 $ 104.9 $ 117.7 $ 95.7 $1,135.7 $140.0 $120.0 rioo.o - $80.o $6o.o $40.0 $20.0 $_ FY 22-23 FV 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 FY 29-30 FY 30-31 FV 31-32 24 ■Treatment Plant ■Collection System ■General Improvements ■Recycled Water ■Contingency 24 12 Proposed Year 10-Year CIP FY 2023-24: $985.4 Million Ten-Year CIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oFY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 FY 29-30 FY 30-31 FY 31-32 FY 32-33 $ 36.5 $ 62.3 $ 65.0 $ 68.7 $ 62.1 $ 56.1 $ 57.9 $ 67.2 $ 67.7 $ 67.2 $ 38.9 $ 42.1 $ 35.8 $ 29.6 $ 30.2 $ 29.1 $ 28.1 $ 28.1 $ 28.7 $ 26.7 $ 2.6 $ 2.1 $ 2.2 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 2.1 $ 0.5 $ 2.8 $ 4.8 1$ 0.3 $ 2A I $ 9.3 1$ 9.8 1$ 5.4 $ 0.3 $ 0.3 $ 5.0 2023-24 Proposed CIP $ 78.5 $109.3 $107.81 $100.7 1 $ 96.7 1 $ 96.5 1 $ 97.8 $102,81 98.9 $ 96.3 $120.0 5100.0 $so.o $60.0 $40.0 - $20.0 $- _ FY 23-24 FY 24-25 M5-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 FY 2330 FY 30-31 FY 31-32 FY 32-33 25 ■Treatment Plant ■Collection System ■General Improvements ■Recycled Water Il Contingency 25 Capital Improvement Plan 10-Year Updates: Total net reduction of$150 million to 10-Year Plan Why the change? The past two years have been challenging in delivering construction projects due to several reasons including equipment and material delays. Biggest impact has been on the Treatment Plant program as longer delivery times have overlapped with other project schedules. Major changes include: • Solids Project, Phase 1A: Updated Project Estimate • UV Disinfection Replacement: Schedule changed-SRF funding • Aeration Basins Diffuser Replacement: Schedule changed for constructability • Annual Infrastructure Project Reduced Budgets • Filter Plant&Clearwell Improvements, Phase 1 B: Continue Phase approach/SRF funding • Nutrient Removal Project: Continue Planning. Funding for optimization • Other Treatment Plant Projects Schedules changed to avoid constructability concerns These and previously known factors have been incorporated in ALL new financial model scenarios 26 26 13 Overview of Projects included in FY 2023-24 CIB F-- Planning/S tudies • Large Diameter Pipeline Inspection • Nutrient Removal(MABR)Pilot • Collection System Masterplan Update • Solids Phase 2 • UV Disinfection Replacement • Sewer Renovation • 39-inch Pipe R&R • Filter Plant PH I B • Solids Handling PH IA • Aeration Basin Diffuser Replacement Phase I • Fairview&Maltby Pumping Station(PS)PH 2 • Martinez PS Electrical Rehab • Several sewer renovation projects 27 27 Capital Improvement Projects C Costs Not Included in CIP Assumption:Projects will include Revenue Offsets Water Exchange Project Concord Community Reuse Project 5. Collection System Upsize - - Concord Industrial Pump Station Upgrade Recycled Water Plant Upgrades Caltrans A-Line Relocation (Design) 9 rk �i. 28 14 111.2 CIB Carry-forward Adjustments and Contingency _43CENTRALSAN 1 29 What is Carry-Forward? Previous year(s) allocations are carried forward into new - fiscal year in order to spend planned Capital Project Budgets Money is committed to specific project and can be transferred to manage overall program budget. FY 2022-23 Approved CIB a _ CIB Allocation Carry-Forward Allocations Total 76,000 $67,008,029 $157,984,029 30 30 15 55� Carry-forward Analysis Treatment Plant $ 41,517,900 $22,873,000 $16M in Solids reallocated for SRF cashflow Planning and Inspection Collection System 18,132,200 5,138,000 projects adjusted to reflect delays General Improvements 3,241,200 400,000 Reallocated to future Recycled Water 4,1 16,700 500,000 Reduced budgets Projects were evaluated for likely cashflow in FY 2022-23 and with recommendation to return allocations to Sewer Construction fund. 31 Carry-forward Analysis - Remaining Revised Design Construction Construction FY 2021-22 Commitments Commitments* Carry Carry-forward Forward% Treatment Plant $ 18,644,900 $ 6,073,900 $ 12,571,000 67% Collection System 12,994,200 2,921,200 10,073,000 78% General 2,841,200 278,200 2,563,000 90% Improvements Recycled Water 3,616,700 376,700 3,240,000 90% 38,097,000 $ 9,650,000 $ 28,447,000 * Construction commitments includes,but not limited to,awarded projects, equipment/ vehicle procurements,and construction support services. 32 16 New method to manage CIB Contingency this Fiscal Year Existing Plan for Contingency New Proposed Plan Yearly allocation of$ 2 Million One-time seeding using close out savings or At year end, remaining amount goes into additional funds from FY 2022 carryforward Fund 20 (sewer construction fund) Contingency account will carry maximum of$5 Potential savings from closed projects are Million and will roll over yearly included into account at year end Potential savings from closed projects are Amount is used in spending target included into account at year end, however any (90% metric) amount over$5 M will be returned to Fund 20 10-Year CIP Impact:$20 Million Will not be included in spending target 10-Year CIP Impact:$0-5 Million 1 33 11.3 In and General Rate Model Assumptions Danea Gemmell, Manager of Planning & Development , f "JW MINI- � a w 1_ CENT-­NTRA COM SAN-DISTRICT�� 34 - -- - 17 Rate Model Assumptions O&M Budget: Utilize FY 2022-23 budget as BaseYear Salary: Memorandums of Understanding;5%for FY 2022-23,and 3.75%Consumer Price Index Capital Budget: (CPI)for following 4 years 2024-5%escalation;2025-5%escalation;2026 Number of employees:294 4%escalation;thereafter 3% Updated 10-Year Cl P:$985 M based on revised Retirement(CCCERA data) cash flow Ca1PERS Medical per current employee contract SRF issuances at 2.0%to 2.6%interest Includes UAAL Certificates of Participation debt Bond Interest at 4%to 4.5%over next 10 years service for 6 years(0.38%overall interest) New Contingency Process funded with savings Reserves:Targets per Board Policy Debt Service Coverage Basis of Model:December 2022 Cost of Service Study by Raftelis k1 CENTRAL SAN 35 SRF Background and Strategy Historical SRF Rates range from 0.8%to 2.7%since 2010 SRF Loans (Preference for Debt) Previous Financial Model Assumed$190M in SRF funding for Solids Phase 2 and UV California SRF Interest Rate Disinfection projects due to low interest rates 30% Loans must be project scope and budget 2.5% specific 2.0% Loans are competitive and approved by Water 1.5% Board 1.0% 0.5% Dec-2022 CASA SRF Working Group 00% informed that State program is oversubscribed M"'e, Mach8, Marche, M—h% Marchar Mach B, M-1`81 2016 2012 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 up to 3-years 36 Continue to apply for SRF Loans,but assume Bond Financing for 10-Year Financial Model Apply any savings upon successful application 1 36 18 Capital Debt Assumptions Secured SRF Loan on Solids Project 1A ($173.1 M) 0.90% Interest Rate 30-Year Term Debt payments start 1-year after construction complete Received Reimbursement of$13.8M for previous planning/design expenditures. Revenue Bond Issuances ($170M) $80 Million Bond for Treatment Plant/Recycled Water Programs in FY 2028-29 (Year 6). $90 Million Bond for Treatment Plant/Recycled Water Programs , in FY 2031-32 (Year 9). n. r ' 37 111.4 Interest Rate and Debt Update Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration w 38 19 Debt Financing Debt is a key financial planning tool. With a given level of spending, funds can be generated either through RATES or BORROWING. We need to collect through rates funds to pay debt service and/or pay-as-you-go funding for CIR Borrowing Types: SRF Loan through State (Interest rate is 50% of State's latest borrowing rate; but program is oversubscribed) Direct Borrowing by Central San through either Certificates of Participation(COPS) Revenue Bonds(Requires JPA) We presented in March 2022 on the topic of the timing F%A of borrowing. There was a substantial increase in interest rates in the following months to combat inflation. 39 7sRF rest Rates: vs. Agency Direct Borrowing 1¢5RF —3oY mmo 5% lan 202271��% Mln Dec 20214% ""c' ''fs Nov 2021.m s4% O[t 20213% Sep 20213% Aug 2011 2% Jul 2021 1.37% 2% Jun 2021 1.46% 1% * *ilf * *>Ik * * * ** May 2021 1.57% 1% Apr 2021 1.61% 06, Mar 2021 1.74% Feb 2021 1.48% Jan 2021 1.43% Note:The tables on the right show monthly averages of short-term indices and tax-eaempt feted interest rates.As of[Ds January 12,2022 Disclaimer:Mello&Company has prepared this material for informational purposes only.Mello&Company obtained this information from multiple sources believed to be reliable as of the date of publication;Mello&Company,however,makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of such third parry information.Mello&Company has no obligation to update,modify or amend this information or to otherwise notify a reader thereof in the event that any such information becomes outdated.inaccurate.or incomplete. 40 40 20 . 1 • . .. ISO 11111111111 1111 1111111 1 PFM Analysis conducted in Early 2022 Analysis considered whether to borrow in 2022 (foregoing the 50% SRF interest rate discount), or later. Considered a forecast of future interest rates (used Bloomber BVAL Municipal AAA rate curve; with forward rates 10-93 basis points higher than today) and other factors. Results: Borrow later appeared to have a lower overall cost to Central San. Major Sensitivity: Change in Forward Interest Rate Curve. OVAL Muni AAA CurveCal able) From F—h 5,2D22.this function wi it no ipnBer support export to fucei/P- 02 15 22 M+ 02 36 R o lrvlied WrNary 0 65A6 lr33143 1,53328 1.69552 1.70e 1767� 1,91M l Yr Pro tx[ed 2 Yr Pro e[ted 3Yr Pro'a,ted 5Yr Prp'ected So,what happened next? 41 7Rateslimbed Sharply After March 2022 workshop THE 20-BOND INDEX (20 year Muni Bond Index) 4.35% 4.15% 3.95% 3.75% 3.55% 3.35% 3.15% 295% 2.75% 2.55% 2.35% 2.15% NNW Pf 1.95% B' �tid�ti�,tic"ti a�L`)yti` e�`Lc�`ryB,;>rc, 0-10,9�1 fol 0Jryti o,10, 7 42 42 21 ISO 111111111111 1111 1111111 1 . � • . M . 7 Current Borrowing Plan 1. Next borrowing needs are 6 and 9 years away. 2. Pursue SRF by filing applications plications with State for UV Project and Phase II of solids handling 3. Revenue bonds as back-up. Join JPA in 2023. 4. Interest Rates may be lower in 2023-24 than now: - - _ MAW �Mper San0ler�, Mr&et _— PSH F—tt R Wi, - — MO 2021 1D221013 YE 2013YE FF 0.25% 0.25% 4.50% 375% 470% 3m 0.07% 0.04% 4.30X; 3.60% i 4A2% 2y 0.32% 0.73% 6.43%� 3..31% i 3.Bd% Sy 0.36% 1.16% 4.00%, 7.90% 3.50% 10y 0.92% 151% 3.97%�� 3A0% 3.53% `- —�• a� 90Y 1.64% 1.90% 3.96% ' 3.23% 3.60% Competing pressures of inflation vs. recession 43 43 111.5 Economic Uncertainty: Caution Ahead? • Interest rate hikes * High inflation slowing economy *Consumer confidence down * Housing market slowing from a year ago, but increased •Stock market declines in December • Impact of Ukraine/Russia Low unemployment conflict 3.2%GDP growth in Q3 of 2022 • ....Recession? (2 quarters of negative growth in Q1, Q2 2022) f -Ala LOO, 9p - w WM D1111- -_*43CbNTRALSAN _ 44 22 GDP and Other Indicators 1/4/2023:Manufacturing activity contracted for the 12/22/2023:Real gross domestic product(GDP)increased at an annual rate of 3.2 second consecutive month,hitting its lowest level since percent in the third quarter of 2022,according to the"third"estimate released by the the pandemic outbreak,back in April and May of 2020 Bureau of Economic Analysis.In the second quarter,real GDP decreased 0.6 percent. rsnn neanur.cnrrinernae. 1 sss S Thursday,Oecember22.2022 SEA22-64 -------- --------- --------- j ReaIGDP:Percent change from preceding quarter below 30 4030 b wnao, rwn.e na�as wpria ro��� 20 12/15/2022:Retail sales contracted in November hitting 10 their worse level in I I months. Resiliency of the American a consumer is feeling the impact of the Fed's rate hikes. -10 20 4.0- Feuil Ssles�,All Items{N FbM1 3,0 -30 -4p2,0LIA n I X11 (ll CIA Eli q) Il; «A C�1 ryJ iGi (1.1 fl1 (1) it i0 'LJa 2018 20199 2020 2021 2022 IILJII 0.0 1.5.bureau er Ecenemic Malysir Sce�enetty edlueted annual rates -1.0 lowest in It— " 1 s •2.0- mmft Sep21 38.22 Mer-22 Sep-22 • Impacts • Limited direct impact to Central San; impacts overall inflation rate, health of economy. 45 Inflation: High, But Likely Cooling 7C,,.,t: nnua�[Wfiauon Rates(2012 10 2022] 0 r �y041 ,� f "$a�� '0ry.�,�.4t. vi,e;•�,,�,�+•�'��, 2012 2014 201fi 2018 2020 2022` 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 *r Jen Feb Mar Apr MW Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct NW Dec An 2022 7.3 7.9 83 8,3 8A 9.1 83 83 U 7.7 7.1 2021 L4 1.7 26 41 1.0 lA 5.4 33 74 61 68 7.0 47 • Impacts • Affects all components of expenditures, and indirectly, interest 46 rates/borrowing costs, and pension/OPEB costs. 46 23 ' ' 0 Unemployment and Consumer Confidence Contra Costa County Unemployment at November:3.4% consumer confidence lndox® FRED -. ....c...rm.ca.4--. ne...+sea.,m �Ad,,,„» January 6,2023: Nationally: Surveys C 1s1sigt1j.a December Jobs Final Results for December 2022 Report: 223,000 new jobs, w° Unemployment rate falls from m zoz, rn a cna�r 3.6%to3.5%. HOurlywage p0- � .°uanwmH smnmenl ssa ss.e gas s,x .,s.ax growth cooled to 4.6%from a o1onem1Con4"b"` sa9�� "� +° a°fcrosumv[.pman°nz .5 68.3 •].]x 5.6%pace in March. w s22 TECH LAYOFFS Surveys of Consumers Director Lynn Franco,Senior Director of Joanne Hsu.Consumer sentiment Economic Indicators atThe Conference rose 5%above November. stripe Board:Consumer confidence bounced back in Sentiment remains relatively December to 108.3,up from 101.4 in downbeat at 15%below a year ago, November,to reach its highest level since April but consumers'extremely negative 2022. Improved due to consumers'more attitudes have softened this month - and other Big Tech companies favorable view regarding the economy and jobs. due to easing pressures from announce layoffs Inflation expectations retreated in December to inflation.One-year business their lowest level since September 2021,with conditions surged 25%,and the December 31: Despite the notable job cuts announced in November by recent declines in gas prices a major impetus. long-term outlook improved a more large tech,the labor market remains resilient. However, with several Vacation intentions improved but plans to modest but still sizable 9%.Still, economic indicators suggesting a recession is very likely to hit the purchase homes and big-ticket appliances both measures are well below 2021 economy in 2023,we expect a broader cooling of the labor market to cooled further. readings. take place over the next few quarters. (Piper Sandler) • Impacts 47 • Affordability/ ability to pay rate increases 47 01011 irons Housing (November 30,2022 data) Existing home sales iYoY,%j M°rtgaaeapplicatiau 7 40 340 .pv h+ ase Index 1880' HOrnebrylriflpdiEWly &aEding IM.mhs f000s1 Ifioed ngrgase idea 20 290 6 15110 j CA 0 ara twn°mt 1200- 1 120 -20 19[1 Existing home sales ne 4 +hs side {rznllians�2m lagl an<irypui Kw hISeKK4P -40 new record 140 3 g00� — gp� +T Mar-0fi Mar-11 Mu-16 Mar-21 SeF.18 Sep-19 Sep-20 Se1-21 5e1-22 Mar 16 laay!8 aa1YX1 Mgr-23 18 a."Sep-94 soY,W Jar'm seyll MW-17 Piper Sandler Economist on 12/21/22:Home resales fell in Piper Sandler Economist on 12/20/22: Despite incentives offered November for the tenth consecutive month and are now near by builders,higher borrowing costs are significantly curtailing the their lowest levels since 2010,when one excludes the COVID ability of potential buyers to afford a new home,with the related low points.On an annual basis,the pace of sales was down affordability index deteriorating to a new low Housing has further by a new record low of 35.4% room to fall in the months ahead,especially as the Fed remains on its aggressive tightening path.Overall,activity in the housing market continuous to weaken with little evidence that it has reached a bottom. • Impacts • Development levels affect Capacity Fees / Permit Fees • Housing prices affect Ad Valorem taxes (lagged/moderated) 48 48 24 Financial Market Indicators: Interest Rates 2022 Fed Rate Hikes:Taming Inflation lanuary 2 commentary from Piper Sandler: Given growing disinflationary pressures,the Fed's next rate hike will push monetary policy into restrictive sec,s.zozx >> A00%m935% territory for the first time since the Fed embarked on its a.� z our current rate hiking campaign.Almost 500 by of expected ro,n�a sero cumulative rate hikes are having their intended effect on �vazoa a uc:=lam the economy with the odds of a recession rising.The Fed —1,.z— may terminate its tightening cycle in Q 1 2023 and based 2020 Fed Rate Cuts:Coping with Covid-19 on past historical tightening cycles,we expect the Fed to remain on hold until the end of Q3 2023 with rates declining across the curve over the next 12 months. o�,oaz— Furthermore,the yield curve should remain deeply inverted as monetary policy remains tight and I Oyr Treasury yields fall as low as 3%. Treasury Yield Curve InvertsYield inversion does not always predict a recession.But a recession is always proceeded by an inversion.So it's To Deepest Level Since 1981 a correlation,not causation.80'/correlation. • Impacts • Interest rates affect borrowing costs and overall economic conditions 49 49 7� Financial Market Indicators: Equity Markets S&P500: I year(as of 1/3/23) S&PP500: 5 years(as of 1/3/23) 3,824.14 USD ♦-942.04(-19.779;)past year 3,$24.14 USD ♦+1,150.53(+43.030 past 5years January 3,4:70 PM tsT market closed - 00o a wu 6.500 3.w0 9.000 Prevleus 2.w0 Class: �sw 5 �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII11111u1111�1 �llllllllllllnlllllllllllllll l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l�l l 2017 2015 2015 2020 021 2072 52wk High 4,818.62 52wk High 4,81862 52wk Low 3,491.56 52wk Low 3.491,56 • Impacts • Financial Markets provide some indicator of overall economic conditions • Equity market returns affect Pension/OPEB funding costs 50 50 25 Summary of Impacts of a Recession to Central San 1 . Expenditures: UAAL payments higher (market returns below target) 2008 major impact 2. Revenues: Commercial SSC (lower water usage) 3. Expenditures: Construction Costs (lower) 4. Expenditures: Inflation (lower) M 5. Revenues: Capacity Fees (reduced development) M 6. Revenues: Ad Valorem (lower growth of property values) M 7. Revenues: Permit Counter Fees (lower development) 51 51 111.6 Rate Mitigation Danea Gemmell, Manager of Planning & Development x _ w 52 26 History of SSC increases Infrequent,large increases or regular, modest increases Rate Increases have Mirrored Low: 0%, High 12%, average 5%, median 5.1% Increasing Capital Investments SSC Rates and Annual Increase% 10 Year Cumulative Increases and Average Annual Capital Investment 5600 14.CeS $700 12�� $millions 100% $57 $60 $600 10.p� 90'A % $50 80% a 5400 60" t5. 1540 5300 5.0% � $30 5200 4.0x6 30% $20 201° sic $100 I I I 2.0% 10% $0 0.0% 0% 10yearsto 2002/03 10 years to 2012113 10 years to 2022(23 $0 A� Ah O� A°j 01 O'� O� 01 CSS 1,' wiry 1�v ti°°w tib$tic ti�ry ti�a v��ti��ti°tea ti°4ry ti°�v ti°tiw ti°y$ti°ry°ti°yry Cumulative 10 Yr Rate Increase Single-Family Rate -Increase% -A-S.A-al Lapital Investment in 5 milli- 53 53 Use of Debt will mitigate future SSC increases Ten-Year CI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27 FY 27-28 FY 28-29 FY 29-30 FY 30-31 FY 31-32 FY 32-33 $ 63.7 $ 71.3 $ 66.6 $ 59.8 $ 76.3 $ 11.2 $ 98.4 $ 104.3 $ 17.2 $ 96.3 $ 665.2 $ 1s.0 $ 38.0 $ 41.0 $ 41.0 $ 15.0 $ $ $ $ $ $ 150.0 $ 80.0 $ 90.0 $ 170.0 2023.24 Proposed CIP $ 78.7 $109.3 $ 107.6 $ 100.8 $ 91.3 $ 91.2 $ 98.4 $ 104.3 $ 107.2 $ 96.3 $ 985.2 Debt Financing Plan FY 2023-24 5120.0 _sloo.o sfo.a E 560.0 a $40.0 V $20.0 s FY 23-2a FY 24.25 FY 25-2b FY 26-27 FY 27.28 FY 28-29 FV 29-30 FY 30-31 FV 31-32 FY 32-33 54 •Cash NN,Gni Noierrs -SK F.ndnd N.ircts -acrd Fundrd Pr.0- 32.5%of Proposed Ten-Year Capital Plan is funded with Debt 54 54 27 Mitigation Efforts Applied Project screening Project timing Reduce contingency funding Realistic assessment of CIB carryforward and ability to deliver Cost control efforts (optimization, benchmarking, benefit costs) Use of targeted borrowing Pursuit of lowest cost debt (SRF) and next best alternative (revenue bonds) Holistic approach to rate setting: Top-down approach to rate setting in addition to bottoms up needs assessment Annual check-ins for multi-year rate schedules to lower rate if appropriate 55 III. Rate Proposal Term Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration � a w 56 28 Rate Term Options 2Year • More precision with a formal update after two years • Realistic choice given some uncertainty on major CIP project costs and timing L ommendation • Uncertainty around inflation mmmm • Downside:More conversations about rates 4Year Save cost of second Proposition 218 mailing effort • Reduced staff time in avoiding a second major rate effort • Annual check-ins can allow for adjustments downward while providing rate levels for years 3 and 4 sufficient to support work on key projects with less than certain timing or costs (Nutrients/Water Exchange/Solids) • Set CIP limits and manage within those limits • Major cost(labor) agreements specified in MOUS • More clarity of rates for businesses,who appreciate certainty 57 ' CENTRALSAN 57 V. Cost of Service & Rate Structure Changes Danea Gemmell, Manager of Planning & Development Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer-Financial Planning � �- ' . • _ . 58 29 • Overall Central San Customer Profile r Single Family Residential (SFR) 96,621 59% r SFR+ADU 1,936 2% Multi-family and Condos 17,635 24% Non Residential 2,592 15% Total 118,784 100% Source:FY 2022-23 tax roll Takeaways Parcels with ADUs are a relatively small portion of the total parcels Non-residential Sewer Service Charge (SSC) revenue is about 15%of total SSC revenue 59 • Non-Residential Customers Billed on water consumption and business type Low Medium Medium Medium High Low High Up to 350 mg/L 351 to 700 mg/L 701-1000 mg/L 1001-1300 mg/L Over 1300 mg/L Std.Commercia Churc Schools:Daycar Shop Preschool, ® - - - Automotive, Aviation,Marin 50%by flow Milligrams per liter(mg/L) 60 30 Each Customer User Group is Allocated Costs Proportional to Treatment Plant Flow and Strength • -409 • , Cost Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) Total suspended solids(TSS) 61 Cost of Service Analysis 7 Finding #1 i i ➢ Adding a new Accessory Dwelling Unit SSC Rate Class is warranted ➢ ADU Flow is about 50% of an SFR ', r- ➢ Fixed Costs included in SFR �. bL 62 31 Accessory Dwelling Unit Rate >>! ➢ Intent is not to charge units that have been reviewed by Central San and were not classified as an ADU under prior criteria ➢ Specific criteria for ADUs can be revisited following the workshop ➢ District Code update is planned for ADUs based on 3 previous appeals i 63 In order to highlightADUs and other key customer information Pipeline: Home Improvement Special Edition (June 2023) D' Tips for keeping your sewer lateral in top shape i► �� �� 4r Need sewer repairs? Get multiple bids/find the right Are + contractor f,V What to know about easements _ ,< Buying a new home? Do your due diligence ADUs 2� ADUs defined P Options for connecting your new ADU to the public sewer system Bringing existing structures into compliance } What are capacity charges? 64 64 32 • Cost o ff Service Analysis Finding #2 Cost of Service calculations show a slight shift of rates from Residential Customers to Non-Residential Customers based on changes in water consumption and wastewater flow. Treatment Plant Influent Flow: Concord/Clayton Flows: 12,741 million gallons annually decreased slightly from 33% to 31%: 35 million gallons per day (MGD) 3,973 million gallons annually 11 MGD Annual Plant Influent (million gallons) 16,000 15,000 14,000 13.000 .................„ 12,000 11,000 10,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 65 65 7• Sewer Service Charge Revenue Requirements FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 SSC Single-Family Rate $690 $697 $725 + 1.0% +4.0% 1 2 2 Total SSC Revenue Required $114,657,000 $117,176,000 $121,863,000 + 2.2% +4.0% .. R From Budget Book 2 Projected 66 33 • 6661 FY 2023-24 rates hold flat, then generally follow previous plan for first 5 years Sewer Service Charge Rates DEBT ASSUMPTIONS 1200 $1049 2-Year Rate I I $Ii 995 I 5iI .44% Secured $ 5944 5.4% $173.1 M 1000 $ 5.4% 5.5% SRF Loan 84 5 4.2X 8 __1 982 800 7% 4% $856 -7I I I$940 .5Planned$697 $ 5 $754 $4 -4% $882 3.5% $690 1% x$807 $831 3% 3 is6 3% 3% $718 $74 4% Future SRF $170.0 M 600 4% I i Li % Loans I II II I I II II II II I��I I I I I I I I I I 400 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 200 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Projected CIP Debt is$20 M less than plan 0 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 25-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 Approved Single-Family Rate r 7Previous Plan -Proposed Plan 67 67 Residential Single Family(SFR) $690 $697 1.0% $725 4.0% Accessory Dwelling $654 $339 (48.2%) $353 4.0% Unit*(ADU) Multifamily(MFR) $654 $622 (4.9%) $647 4.1% Non-residential Rate Low $7.20 $7.63 6.0% $7.94 4.1% Medium Low $8.83 $9.32 5.6% $9.69 4.0% Scenario Medium $11.07 $10.99 (1.0%) $11.43 4.0% Medium High $12.35 $12.04 (2.5%) $12.52 4.0% High $16.37 $14.48 (11.5%) $15.06 4.0% Schools-Elementary $8.58 $8.94 4.2% $9.30 4.0% (per student) Schools- Intermediate/High $16.95 $17.89 5.5% $18.61 4.0% (per student) FY 2023-24 percentage increases vary due to Cost-of-Service calculations and rounding FY 2024-25 percentage increases vary due to rounding of rates 'New Customer Class 68 68 34 7V• Recycled Water Danea Gemmell, Manager of Planning & Development 4� 4kv!— i FCCSD�a SAN 69 Recycled Water 569 Million Gallons in FY 2021-22 Residential Consumption Fill Station Class II I.0% Categories 24.8% Utility Water-Treatment Plant ass Truck Fill 13.1% 0.6 Residential Fill Station *Class I Truck Fill ' *Class I Meters(Former Treated Customers) *Class 11 Meters(Former Untreated Customers) Utility 60.5 *FY 2021-22 Recycled Water Revenue is$545,048 70 •Utility •Class I •Class II Residential Fill Station •Truck Fill 1 70 35 7Proposed Recycled Water 3% Rate Increase Zone 1 ReW customers are billed based on measured use $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 �� $4.27 $4.40 $4.53 $4.67 $3.50 $3.80 $3.91 $4.03 $4.15 $3.00 $2.50 $1.81 $1.86 $1.92 $1.98 $2.04 $2.10 $2.16 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 $0.00 FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026- 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 f Class I(Former Treated) —Class II(Former Untreated) 71 71 VI. Staff Recommendation: Recommend Adoption of Sewer Service Charge Rates 7, ISM 72 36 Our Rates Continue to be Below the Average san Franrism(SFPuq Berkeley(EernuD for f real meni7 soma Rosa Petaluma RRhmand Ben a Rodeo Sanitary DIAnct a-ked Sanitary Department San leandro Dakland(EBMtID fartreatment) Rd[View Sanitary Distract _rage Average of Agencies Surveyed rvennore Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Contra) Napa Sanitation Diste Brentwood Stege SD(EMUD for treatment) Median Median ofAlien—5urveyed Concord(CCCSOf—iiealmeM) west COu"Wash ate,Diste Central san PROPOSED FY2023-2a Central San FY 7023-24(proposed) Centrel5an Centre)Sen FY 2022-23 Sunnyvale Novato Sanitary Disfdcl Ardiodi(Deka Diablo iwtreatrnent) Pittshurg(Defia nwhlofartmatmerd) Bay Pant(Del ta Doblofc tnrafinent) San Mise Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District Union Sanitary District PleasarRon(DSRSD iwtreatrnent) Dublln San Ramon Services—DAnd ",to Valley sanitary Distract Hayward One Irma Sanitary DBtnct 5D $2W $411) $6W $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,a0D $1,600 $1,800 $2,I111D FY 2022-23 Sewer Service Charge per Single-Family Home 7 73 Central San's Rates are Below Average Even When Property Tax is Included San Frareism[SFPUG) Berki,ley(EBMUD for[reatrnent) Santa Pma Bn&n Inaony Di3nct Petaluma cmrlrett sam�ry DePartm�nt Richmond Denicia San L®ntro Akland(Eri UD for treatment) ivae—Sanitary Distort average ❑ Average of Agen es surveyed -l San PROPOSED FY 202329 1 Central SanF =3-24(prop­rd) 1ntm1sao Central San FY 2022-23 Va31go Saritation and Flood-d Stege SD(EBMUDfor n,a nt) Uvermwe Median ❑ Median of Agencies Surveyed Novat rifaryDi-irt vv 6t�Prt waaewatzroimfn NapaS WoUrn Dis6iU Brentwood Concord(CCCSD fu'treatment) Antiodi[Dell Diablo fortreatment) Pgtsbvg(Deaa Diablofortrte6nent] ■FY 2022-235ewea Service Charge Srmm�nle Day Point(Delta Diablofortrtahnrnt] aMiimaN4 paPaM la. 5anlose Faidield-So Sewer Dts6id Union 5aNtey f15tnd pie_ i—D for treatment) Castro Valley I ni tory DiAnd D.U.San Ramon 5tttices Dhtnct fkryward Oro Eoma San itary Dism[t $D Sem $am $600 $em $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 $1,800 $2A. FY 2022-23 Sewer Service Charge per Single-Family Home 74 74 37 Staff recommends 2-Year Rate Plan Sewer Service Charge Rates 12W $1049 $995 2-Year Rate $944 5 5..4% 5.4% 4% 1000 $849 $895 5.5% ___ $815 5.4% ___ I F $982 $725 $754 $4%4 4% 4.2% --1 1 $908 I 1 $940 1 4.5% 800 $697 4% 496 — $831 1 $856 I 1 $3%2 I 3.5% I I $690 1% -- $776 I $807 I 3% I I 3% 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 4% 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 $718 1 $746 I 74 I I 4% 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 600 1 4% 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 400 U 1 I 1 A II--I 1� LI I I N LI I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 200 I I1 1 I LI LI LI H h II H I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I o — 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 Approved Single-Family Rate r=1 Previous Plan —Proposed Plan 7$ 75 Summary of Recommendations and Closing Roger S. Bailey, General Manager 76 '00- _ I 76 38 Summary of Key Points 1 Central San's financial position is favorable, reflecting strong financial policies and discipline to date. - Cost of Service study updates allocation between residential and non-residential classes A moderate rate adjustment is needed i Established framework of multi-year rate proposal with annual check-ins has worked well in the past 77 a 7Next Steps Related to -- FY 2023-24 Budget and Rates Set Public Hearing for 4/20/23 January 19,2023q Set Rates at Public Hearing for Fiscal Year 2023-24 April 20,2023 through 2024-25 or 2026-27 Draft Budget Released May 4,2023 Engineering&Operations Committee Review of May 8,2023 Capital Budget Finance Committee Review of Budgets May 9,2023 Budget Presentation May 18,2023 Budget Hearing and Adoption June 1,2023 �F R 78 39 QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, AND DISCUSSION s CLCD CENTRAL SAN :1 L ' Background on RSA Authorized as part of adoption of 2018 Bond Documents. Established as sub-accounts of the Running j Expense and Sewer Construction Funds �- r1F Operationoverned by BP 015 Fiscal Reserves Policy. Deposits and withdrawals require Board ' r J approval. Current balance of$7.5 million. �� ' How can we assess adequacy of this reserve? i 81 7 What is an Appropriate Targeted Funding Level? Approach 1: Level Based On Providing Adequate Debt Service Coverage(DSC) Rate stabilization concept included in bond documents is to avoid the need for rate adjustments from falling short of Debt Service Coverage("DSC")requirements(with a rather complex definition) 1.25x of debt service based on a"net revenues"covenant 1.00x debt service based on"gross revenues covenant' 2.00x targeted. Bond Document Language: The District may...withdraw from any amounts on deposit in the Rate Stabilization Fund...for the purpose of paying debt service on the Bonds coming due and payable in such Fiscal Year. Amounts so transferred from the Rate Stabilization Fund to the Wastewater System Funds shall constitute Gross Revenues for such Fiscal Year...The District has the right at any time to withdraw any or all amounts on deposit in the Rate Stabilization Fund and apply such amounts for any lawful purposes of the District relating to the Wastewater System. Results: Annual debt service is$13.3 million in FY 2022-23. Could target RSA at some portion(say 50%to 100%of 1.25x debt service or$16.6 million). This would range from $8.3 to$16.6 million. Rationale: regardless of what is happening with other revenues and expenses,coverage requirement could ALWAYs be met for one year if the reserve contained 1.25x DSC. However,through the 2020s,we have NO issue with projected DSC levels. 82 41 What is an Appropriate Targeted Funding Level? Approach 2a: Amount sufficient to avoid a typical Sewer Service Charge ("SSC") rate increase for one year A rate increase Is ongoing.... Calculation: SSC budgeted at$114.7 million in - FY 2022-23. So, a 1% Increase is $1.147 million PER YEAR. The financial impact of delaying an increase a year is $1.147 million,but the financial impact of avoiding it altogether is a continuing revenue loss of$1.147 million each year. .Yea,I eRenwease W 1% .YPd121ileinRee6e°I l% SSC increases over past 30 years ranged from 0 to 12.11) averaging 5%. In only years with rate Increases, average was 6.8°g, with minimum of 1.6% Avoid the average increase(6.8%)for one year: $7.8 million Avoid highest increase for one year: $13.9 million Avoid prospective financial plan's average(-4%)increase for one year: $4.6 million Avoid the average increase of 5%for one year: $5.7 million 83 83 What is an Appropriate Targeted Funding Level? Approach 2b: Amount sufficient to avoid an "above the average" portion of a potential SSC rate increase for one year (i.e. moderate a spike) Avoid the portion of increase over 5% (using an 8% need as an example)and phase in over subsequent two years: requires $5.25 million of funding from RSA Year I Year 2 Year 3 Total 3%, 0% 3% 1.5% 3% 3% IV- Revenue Loss $3.5M + $1.75 + $0 = $5.25MM 84 42 What is an Approach 3: Cover typical volatility in Appropriate revenues and O&M spending Targeted Funding A couple of ways to think about volatility: Level? 1. O&M spending variances for the past three years averaged $5.3 million (favorable). O&M revenue variances averaged $1.9 million (favorable). If we assume the Variances volatility could also swing negatively, and we Z° want to cover the absolute value of the variance, 1W we would need $7.2 million. G° 2. SSC: Volatility is mainly in nonresidential zo A«Wr, SSC (about 20% of total SSC; so 20% of PE $114MM is$22.8MM, and 20% of that (drop in 1 2 commercial volumes seen during COVID) is ■PEan .auui $4.6 million) NONNI logors }.;. • 85 MIN Approach 4: Cover Significant Unforeseen What 7is an circumstance Appropriate Targeted Funding Regulatory requirement or extraordinary costs Level? (high-inflation, court rulings, etc.) Self-insurance fund could cover some types of catastrophic losses. Regulatory Accounting Policy (BP 046) could allow for amortization of costs over several years to mitigate impact on O&M budget. Results: RSA Sizing impact indeterminate NONNI r= - Wim.} • 86 43 Rate Stabilization Account Adequacy: Summary Slide Suggests Need for Shortfall vs.Current a Reserve Level of- $7.SMM 1:Debt Service Coverage $8-16 million -0.5 to$8.5 2a:Avoid rate increase for a year $4.6 to$13 million ($2.9)to$5.5 million 2b:Partially mitigate an increase by spreading the excess over two years —$5.25 million n/a(it's covered) 3:Volatility of revenues and expenses $4.647.2 million n/a(it's covered) 4.Unforeseen Circumstances Indeterminant Summary $4.6 to$16 million ($2.9)to$8.5 million 87 Rate Stabilization Account Adequacy: Conclusion Rn RSA$in millions Conclusions: • RSA is reasonably covered using two of the four EXCELLENT approaches considered. • Could benefit from another$5.5 to$8.5 million. GOOD • Overall conclusion: "FAIR"funding level We are here • Caveat: RSA is split into O&M and Capital 7 FAIR components. That split isn't reflected in the analysis above;which would warrant higher funding, primarily for the O&M component. POOR • Pension Pre-Funding Trust can also serve as a flexible tool to manage volatility of revenues UNACCEPTABLE and expenses(although presently it only has $40,000). • Ability to control several elements of O&M spending and capital spending are also important tools to manage volatility. 88 88 44