HomeMy WebLinkAbout19.b. Committee Minutes-Finance 11-21-2022 Page 1 of 7
Item 19.b.
jdf A- hom
December 1, 2022
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. Minutes of 11-21-22 meeting
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President Pro Tena
PHONE: (925)228-9500
Monday, November 21, 2022 FAX.- (925)372-0192
2:00 p.m. www.eentralsan.org
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Member Barbara Hockett (alternate for Chair M. McGill)
Member David Williams
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (left after Item 5.a.)
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Christopher Thomas, Accounting Supervisor
Olivia Ruiz, Accounting Supervisor
Laci Kolc, Risk Management Specialist
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Eileen Hansen, Records Program Administrator
1. Notice
This meeting was conducted virtually in accordance with the provisions stipulated in
Assembly Bill 361 and adopted on November 3, 2022 by the Central San Board of
Directors. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
2. Call Meeting to Order
Member Williams called the meeting to order at 2:04 p.m.
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3. Public Comments
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred October 12,
2022 through November 10, 2022
The Committee had no questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Receive Quarterly Financial Review for quarter ending September 30,
Mr. Mizuno provided an in-depth review of the unaudited quarterly financial
report through September and noted staff is wrapping up the prior fiscal
year's ACFRI that will be presented to the Committee next month. This year,
staff planned in advance for a new GASB2 pronouncement (GASB 87) by
retaining a consultant to assist with implementation. Accordingly, no delays
are anticipated to the ACFR audit in dealing with the new reporting standard.
As it pertained to actual expenditures for the first quarter of the fiscal year,
expenditures are slightly under budget, resulting in a favorable year-to-date
budget variance. There are three primary underspending categories.-
ategories.1) purchased property services; 2) other purchased services; and
3) supplies/materials. The Operations department is responsible for over
three-quarters of this favorable variance through the first quarter.
Regarding capital expenditures, staff has been collaborating and reviewing
details of capital projects and expenditures. Of the 85 active capital projects
(shown on page 15 of the report), the remaining budget for only eight
projects is responsible for 54% of the total budget remaining in FY 2022-23.
The top three projects with the largest unspent balances in the current fiscal
year are (in order). Solids Handling Facility Improvements; Pump Station
Upgrades; and the Filter Plant/Clearwell Improvements.
Member Williams recollected the numerous discussions of underspending
and inquired when staff anticipates to being back on track, noting his
expectancy that the trend may likely continue this fiscal year. A discussion
ensued regarding capital projects and the upcoming two-year rate setting
Board action next year.
ACFR defined as Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
2 GASB defined as Governmental Accounting Standards Board
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Mr. Leiber acknowledged this is a significant issue and staff has been
actively reviewing and planning, not only for budget setting but on how much
can be completed in the near term. He noted that over time, the overall
Capital Improvement Budget has increased significantly; however, the 90%
budget expenditure achievement has declined due to market challenges.
Mr. Bailey added that in addition to the internal work group reviewing the
delicacies involved, on a macro level, they will also determine how much
work can be completed and ensure the proposed budget is reconciled
against the reality seen over the last few years, and decide whether to
include new projects into the budget planning that cannot be achieved
within the same period. These decisions will be reflected in proposed rate
adjustments that will be presented to the Board for consideration.
Mr. Lopez concurred and added that the Board will still see the same
projects discussed; future projects will be the easier list to pursue. The
existing active projects with carry forward are the prime challenge at this time
and, based on the information currently in-hand, staff is doing the best they
can to manage project budgets.
Member Williams noted this will be a rate setting year for the next two years,
and acknowledged that no one can absolutely predict emergency
rehabilitation or replacement timing needs.
As it pertained to rates, Mr. Bailey offered that staff would present a two-year
recommendation rather than a four-year setting at the winter Financial
Planning Workshop due to the market uncertainties. Mr. Leiber added that it
is still early in the process, but staff expects to present a lower proposed
adjustment than previously anticipated, with a favorable balancing of several
factors, while still meeting required financial metrics and delivery of required
projects in the Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt.
C. Receive Financial Overview through the month of October 2022
Mr. Mizuno reviewed the monthly overview graphs which demonstrated
favorable FY 2022-23 expenditure variances through October 2022.
The Committee was satisfied with the overview and did not have further
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt.
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d. Receive Payroll Operational Audit Report
Mr. Johnson reviewed the presentation provided with the report in detail and
responded to questions from the Committee.
In response to questions posed on the audit of payroll payments, Mr. Johnson
clarified that the audit sample was based on a random draw of employees,
typically three individuals in each pay period (regarding slide 5); and as it
pertained to the results described on slide 6, the audit was conducted by staff
and reconciled prior to his review. However, he included the information to
memorialize the finding and reconciliation, and noted that management had
already implemented steps to begin automation of the process.
Member Hockett inquired about the challenging process to implement the
new Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and asked whether
the system had been improved and stabilized over time. Mr. Johnson
responded that the error rate has declined and added that the payroll
function is highly compliance based, but there remains room for
Lastly, in response to Member Williams'inquiry of whether any egregious
findings were revealed, Mr. Johnson responded no. He found staff is paid
timely and accurately overall, with the limited number of exceptions being
reduced since the project go-live.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt.
5. Other Items
a. Receive Highmark Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) and
Pension Prefunding Subtrust Reports for the Third Quarter of calendar
Mr. Mizuno reviewed the quarterly OPEB Report information and reported
that while the OPEB Trust has fared better in the past month and a half, the
losses over the previous nine months of the calendar year far exceed any
recent gains. The past year has been difficult on a global scale, but it was
emphasized that a long-term perspective is key and that the inception-to-
date returns still exceed the OPEB Trust benchmark.
He reported that an additional $1 million dollars had been approved by the
Board for deposit into the OPEB Trust made possible from positive budgetary
variance results of the prior year. Staff is finalizing a Request for Proposal
process for actuarial services, currently served by Bartel & Associates.
He announced that Bartel &Associates had been recently acquired by a larger
entity, Foster& Foster. Mr. Mizuno stated the first order of business with the
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selected consultant will be the actuarial report to calculate the contributions
needed over the next two years (FYs 2023-24 and 2024-25) that will use
July 1, 2022 asset values.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the reports.
b. Receive the FY 2021-22 Risk Management Annual Report
Ms. Kolc provided a comprehensive overview of the Risk Management Audit
Report and various functions being monitored. She responded to limited
questions posed by the Committee.
The Committee commended the well-done efforts of the Risk Management
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
C. Receive Announcement of Central San's Participation in a COVID
Wastewater Bill Relief Program
Mr. Leiber reviewed the content of the announcement as provided with the
agenda materials. In short, the District is participating in a program that may
help some eligible low-income customers unable to pay utility bills due to the
However, due to the manner in which the District is paid via the property tax
roll, it is not likely a large number may avail themselves to this program;
and, many low income customers may rent rather than own. Staff has issued
various means to inform customers of the program for educational purposes.
To date, no inquires have been received; but, staff will follow-up with the
County agency administering the program and interfacing with the public
regarding the level of participation seen thus far.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the announcement.
d. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of November 7,
Ms. Kolc reviewed the Loss Control Report and highlighted two new items,
one of which had been sent to counsel for review. Recently, there was a
small inhouse sewer leak that has been repaired but led to a small property
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Additionally, since this report was produced, two exterior overflow claims and
a minor vehicle liability matter were received that will be reflected in the next
Committee report.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
7. Announcements
8. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
9. Future Scheduled Meetings
Monday, December 19, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. (Special)
2023 meeting dates to be determined.
10. Adjournment— at 3:10 p.m.
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