HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinance MINUTES 10-25-22Page 2 of 8
President Pro Tent
PHONE: (925) 228-9500
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 FAX.- (925) 372-0192
2:00 p.m. www.centralsan.org
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Mike McGill
Member David Williams
Staff. -
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations
Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (joined during
Item 5.a., left after Item 5.e.)
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer (joined during Item 5.a., left after Item 5.c.)
Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer
Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer
Oliva Ruiz, Accounting Supervisor
Christopher Thomas, Accounting Supervisor
Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator
Warren Gaines, Materials Services Supervisor (joined during Item 4.a.)
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Eileen Hansen, Records Program Administrator
Stacey Durocher, Administrative Services Assistant
This meeting was conducted virtually in accordance with the provisions stipulated in
Assembly Bill 361 and adopted by the Central San Board of Directors on
October 6, 2022. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public
could participate.
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2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m.
3. Public Comments
4. Old Business
a. Follow-up to questions asked at the September 27, 2022 Finance Committee
meeting regarding specific expenditures
Mr. Mizuno reviewed the details of the information provided in the agenda
packet. The Committee had no questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
b. Receive status update of Warehouse Inventory Cycle Counts
Mr. Leiber outlined the memorandum provided in this agenda packet.
Mr. Gaines provided additional detail including that, with the implementation
of the Oracle Program system, the warehouse has also implemented a
barcode tracking system to aid with inventory cycles. Reports can be run
with various parameters that helps manage the inventory, which has been
segmented into A, 8 and C categories based on value. Mr. Gaines spoke of
a current project in coordination with Risk Management staff to link the
barcode system to staff access badges that will help expedite the inventory
count process. As to the accuracy of the overall inventory system, it was
announced that the results of a recent count found that actual stock variance
was well under 1 % compared to book value.
Mr. Leiber added that staff is also working with the Plant Maintenance
Division to link the inventory detail with the Asset Management system.
Among other initiatives, this will help account for items in inventory that are
related assets to determine whether items still need to be maintained or can
be declared obsolete.
The Committee had no questions. Chair McGill stated his appreciation for
the efforts involved.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
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5. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred September 16,
2022 through October 13, 2022
Staff responded to limited questions to the Committee's satisfaction.
Chair McGill noted there were various payments made to
"Woodard & Curran, Inc. formerly RMC,"and asked when the vendor's name
would or could be updated to simply state the business name. Mr. Mizuno
advised it is sometimes directed on the invoice as a payable entity but staff
would look into the matter. Staff was also instructed to confirm if any
contracts remain open that were executed prior to the company merger that
could be affected by a correction to the vendor description.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval and provided
input to staff.
b. Receive Financial Overview through the month of September 2022
Mr. Mizuno reviewed the September financial overview and stated the year-
to-date spending for the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) budget was 2.6%
under projection. Compared to last fiscal year at this time, the variance was
a little higher, largely due to timing and the methodology used in the closing
of the books. As it pertained to the Sewer Construction Fund (capital
spending), the trending of expenditures was low and is attributed to a
continuance of labor and supply shortages for construction projects.
Member Williams cited that on the surface it may appear the District is saving
money on the capital budget, but on the other hand the projections needed
to be considered in the context of rate setting. Underspending due on
construction projects should be recognized so that additional funds are not
collected prematurely in rates. Mr. Bailey advised that staff is taking an in-
depth look to evaluate all scenarios and ensure that any necessary
adjustments are taken to maintain priorities or projections. Part of the priority,
if spending is not as projected, is to avoid running the risk of prematurely
increasing rates. He stated staff will have the conversation with the full Board
at the budget and rates workshops to be held early next year.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt.
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C. Receive Pre -Audit Fiscal Year 2021-22 Capital Improvement Budget Year -
End Status Report
Mr. Leiber led the discussion and noted the information provided with the
agenda materials adequately portrayed and explained the pre -audit results.
In review of the Year -End Status Report tables provided as Attachment 1 of
the agenda packet, Mr. Leiber noted the revenues were on target overall,
and reflected a net favorable $100,000 fiscal year actual total than
estimated. Although no State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan reimbursements
were received last fiscal year, it was announced that earlier this month
$14.7 million in SRF proceeds have been deposited. As discussed in prior
Committee meetings, on the expenditure side, spending was delayed due to
construction project supply -chain challenges. This affected all four capital
programs, for reasons as noted in the fourth slide of the presentation. He
noted that while Mr. Lopez was not available for the Committee meeting
today, he would present this overview at an upcoming Board meeting and
could provide additional commentary.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt.
d. Review draft Position Paper to receive Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Pre -Audit
Year -End Financial Statement Summary Report and consider alternatives for
handling various pre -audit budget variances
Mr. Leiber opened the discussion and stated a decision will need to be made
on what to do with the positive variances from the prior fiscal year closeout
since there are some favorable balances to consider. He and Mr. Mizuno
reviewed the presentation and supplementary information provided with the
agenda materials, including the potential uses for the favorable variances
and recommended allocations as shown on slides 4-6.
Mr. Leiber stated staff proposes to keep $6 million in the O&M Reserve fund
to have the policy required balance at the end of FY 2022-23. This was the
assumption contained in the FY 2022-23 Budget, and was used as the basis
of allocating sewer service charge between the O&M and other sub -funds.
Beyond this, $1 million in O&M variance is available for other uses. Staff
recommend a transfer of this amount to the Other Post -Employment Benefits
(OPEB) Trust given the impact that adverse investment returns have had on
the funded ratio for the OPEB obligations.
Member Williams inquired about the Rate Stabilization Account (RSA)
column shown on slide 7 and inquired if there was not a target identified.
Mr. Leiber confirmed that was the case and there is currently no specific
targeted level for the RSA. Mr. Leiber also later responded to further inquiry
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by Member Williams that the Rate Stabilization Account has not been used
to date, and would require Board approval if the funds were to be used.
Mr. Leiber explained the OPEB Fund was nearly fully funded as of last
summer (slide 7). However, this calendar year the funded ratio declined on a
market value basis.
Mr. Bailey requested staff include an additional column on slide 7 to show
the actual unfunded accrued actuarial liability (UAAL) in related dollar terms.
Member Williams opined the overall report looked fine; however, stated an
eye needs to be kept on the UAAL. His desire is to keep the unfunded
liabilities balance as close to zero as possible and, in going forward,
continued efforts should be made toward funding the Pension Prefunding
Upon conclusion, the Committee recommended Board approval of the staff
recommendations presented.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval of
staff recommendations for variance balance reallocation as presented.
e. Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution No. 2022- designating the
General Manager, Director of Finance and Administration, and the Risk
Management Administrator as authorized agents of Central San to obtain
financial assistance under The Stafford Act as amended and the California
Disaster Assistance Act
Mr. Leiber stated this item is being presented to gain Board approval to
designate authorized District agents (representatives) to complete required
reimbursement claim forms for available disaster relief funds through the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and to correspond with
FEMA on the claim.
In response to an inquiry by Chair McGill if the listed staff would be a
combined source or any individual could represent the District in the claims
process, Ms. Deutsch confirmed it could be completed by any one person of
those predesignated.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
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6. Other Items
a. Receive update and impact analysis on the most recently completed
Actuarial Valuations for Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement
Association, Central San's defined benefit pension plan administrator, and
the anticipated savings from the 2021 unfunded actuarial accrued liability
paydown transaction
Mr. Mizuno and Mr. Leiber provided an overview of the memorandum update
provided in the agenda packet. Mr. Mizuno stated a new section had been
added to include some projections on the impact to Central San for paying
down the UAAL last June.
Mr. Leiber stated staff worked with the financial advisor PFM to conduct
various scenarios to analyze the likelihood of the successful UAAL paydown
transaction, defined as net savings over the life of the transaction through
2028. A model was constructed and run at various times with results as
specified in the memorandum, including:
• As of June 2021, the model showed an estimated savings of
$15million, or an 87% chance of savings.
• July 2021 showed a slight increase to $16 million of estimated
December 2021 reflected a probable outcome that went up to 91
change of savings even though the expected savings in dollars was
$13 million.
In June 2022, the CCCERA investment return was near a loss of 7%, which
brought down the estimated savings to about $3 million, but still provided an
estimated 72% chance of success (overall net savings). A large unknown is
how the stock market will perform in the future and how long a recovery
would take. Raw data behind the summary listed above was provided in
Appendix 1, which included the model results that used historical CCCERA
returns over the last 20 years and randomly selected those annual returns to
forecast what could happen over the next seven years. Mr. Leiber stated the
bars shown on the histogram will narrow over time, and eventually center on
a single number.
Mr. Leiber noted that borrowing money at the very low rate of (0.38%) was
undoubtedly a good move, but the likelihood of overall savings was impacted
due to the adverse stock market returns experienced by CCCERA in the first
year of the transaction. Member Williams opined it was early and a lot could
happen, but for staff to continue and monitor the situation.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
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b. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of October 10, 2022
Ms. Deutsch provided insight of the new claim listed on the report that was
due to an exterior overflow in a backyard caused by a pressure relief valve
that `popped' between two manholes in a downhill location.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
7. Announcements
a. Mr. Bailey reminded the Committee of a water forum townhall meeting that
will be held on October 26 in Lafayette, which was posted as a Special
Board Meeting in anticipation of having a quorum of the Board present.
b. Mr. Leiber shared that staff has received no update, or requests for
assistance, to date on the state administered program LIHWAP (Low Income
Household Water Assistance Program) that was implemented during the
pandemic to assist citizens unable to pay service charges. Central San
became a program participant prior to summer, when it was expanded to
include wastewater utilities. He opined the challenge may be a public
knowledge of the program's availability and said he would follow-up with the
Communications staff on outreach for general education.
C. Ms. Berumen introduced Stacey Durocher, the new Administrative Services
Assistant in the Secretary of the District division to the Committee.
8. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
Chair McGill opined that an introductory meeting may be warranted to pass
the torch from the current Committee Members to the new 2023 Committee
Members in case there is not an overlap with current members. Mr. Bailey
and Ms. Young advised staff would review the types of items the Committee
typically reviews and any pending matters not yet addressed with the new
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
9. Future Scheduled Meeti
Monday, November 21, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. (Special)
Monday, December 19, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. (Special)
10. Adjournment — at 3:34 p.m.
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