HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Review draft Position Paper to grant bid relief to Bay Pacific Piplines, and award a contruction contract to Devaney Engineering, Inc. for District Project 8464 Page 1 of 15 Item 4.a. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS . , , . POSITION PAPER . , 0 DRAFT MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 11, 2022 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO GRANT BID RELIEF TO BAY PACIFIC PIPELINES, INC.; AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,925,050 TO DEVANEY ENGINEERING, INC., THE SECOND LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 7, DISTRICT PROJECT 8464; AND FIND THAT THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYACT SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: DAMASI0 ZEPEDA ARAGON, ASSOCIATE ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- ENGINEER CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: SASHA MESTETSKY SENIOR ENGINEER EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER KENTON L. ALM, COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT ISSUE On September 27, 2022, eight bids were received for the construction of the Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 7, District Project 8464 (Project). On September 29, 2022, Bay Pacific Pipelines, Inc. (Bay Pacific) requested bid relief of their bid. The Board of Directors must determine whether to grant relief of the bid and to award the construction contract to the second lowest bidder or reject bids within 50 calendar days from the bid opening. Authorization is also required for the General Manager to execute the contract documents subject to submittal requirements. BACKGROUND The Project is part of the ongoing sewer renovation program within the yearly Capital Improvements Budget aimed to replace or rehabilitate deteriorated sewer infrastructure that is at the end of its usefulness and in poor condition. Most sewers being replaced under this project are original to the City of Martinez and, in some cases, have been in operation for over 100 years. In addition, as a result of the replacement work, any capacity deficiencies identified in the District's Collection System Master Plan within the project location will be resolved. The Project is also being coordinated closely with the City of Martinez's paving project on Alhambra Avenue that is set to begin in the summer of 2023. October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 4 of 37 Page 2 of 15 The Project will replace approximately 6,400 feet of sewers, which range from 6-inch to 12-inch in diameter, and replace maintenance access structures or other related public sewer infrastructure within public rights-of-way and a private easement. Central San staff prepared the plans and specifications for the Project. Construction methods primarily consists of open-trench methods with one small site being renovated via a slip-lining method. Most of the construction work will be focused on Alhambra Avenue near the downtown area to Alhambra High School.Attachment 1 provides an overview map of all site locations. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $3,900,000. This Project was advertised on September 6 and 13, 2022. Eight bids ranging from $2,458,801 to $4,429,150 were received and publicly opened on September 27, 2022.A summary of bid received is shown in Attachment 2. On September 29, 2022, staff received a letter from the low bidder, Bay Pacific, indicating a material mistake had been made in the preparation of their bid. The letter explained that the contract did not include the pricing for all the piping and fittings. In review of the bid items provided by Bay Pacific, staff does acknowledge that the pricing appears irregular since the cost for installing 8-inch pipe is the same as for 12-inch pipe. I n most cases, an increase is included for larger pipelines within the bid items provided at the time of bid. With that said material error, Bay Pacific has requested relief from their bid and return of the bid security(Attachment 3). Under the California Public Contract Code Section 5103, a bidder may request relief of bid within five business days after bid opening in the event of a clerical or arithmetic error in preparing the bid proposal. The law is stringent regarding relief from bids and allows relief to be granted by the awarding authority only under specific circumstances. Specifically, the law states that: "The bidder shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that: (a)A mistake was made. (b) He or she gave the public entity written notice within five (5)working days after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. (c) The mistake made the bid materially different than he or she intended it to be. (d) The mistake was made in filling out the bid and not due to error in judgement or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans or specifications." Under the above Public Contract Code, it appears to staff that Bay Pacific made a mistake in filling out the bid and that relief should be granted. The Board must evaluate the information provided, consider other information that may be presented at the Board meeting, and determine whether to grant Bay Pacific relief from the bid due to the error. Should the Board accept Bay Pacific's claim for relief, Bay Pacific will be released from all obligations and further requirements, and its bid security will be returned. The Capital Projects Division conducted a technical and commercial review of the other bids and determined that the second lowest bidder, Devaney Engineering, Inc. (Devaney), is the next lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Devaney is currently finishing a similar project in Danville and is qualified to perform the work, and its bid price is significantly below the Engineer's estimate. Staff recommends contract award to Devaney. Central San will administer the construction contract and provide construction management, resident engineering, survey, administration, and submittal review. Consultant inspection will be performed by one of Central San's consultant inspection service contracts. October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 37 Page 3 of 15 California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Staff has concluded that this Project is exempt from CEQA under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section 15302 because it involves replacement of existing facilities at substantially the same locations and with the same purpose and level of activity as the facilities being replaced. Any capacity increases are for non- growth inducing, wet weather purposes. The Project also is exempt under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), since it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. This certainty is based on Central San's experience with numerous sewer construction projects of this nature, the relatively short distance involved, and Central San's impact-limiting construction specifications. These specifications are standardized general and special conditions that are made part of the Project bid documents to address environmental considerations, such as protecting trees and riparian areas, as well as compliance with applicable federal, state, county, district, municipal and local laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations.Approval of this Project will establish the Board's independent finding that this Project is exempt from CEQA. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS Central San staff has coordinated the Project work with the City of Martinez, utilities, private property owners, businesses, and schools. Rejecting bids and postponing the sewer work is not recommended. The sewers need replacement, and staff has coordinated the project with the City of Martinez and their paving plans. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estimated project cost is $4,581,000, which includes planning, design, bid price, contingency, construction management, and consultant costs as detailed in Attachment 4. This project is included on page 214 of Central San's Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget with a budget of $5,000,000. There is adequate funding for the Project. Staff is including the typical 15-percent contingency on this Project since additional work may be required to urgently repair or replace nearby sewers and to cover any expenses due to unknown conditions and changes associated with renovation work. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Central San staff did extensive homeowner outreach to prepare residents and businesses for the upcoming construction work. I nitial project letters were sent in the Fall of 2021 informing residents of the design work. Throughout the course of design, staff addressed email and phone inquiries regarding the Project. The public was also invited to a public workshop that was held at the District on August 30, 2022, to address any questions or concerns regarding the Project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this subject at its meeting on October 11, 2022 and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: 1. Grant bid relief to Bay Pacific Pipelines, Inc. and direct staff to return its bid security bond; 2. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA; October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 37 Page 4 of 15 3. Award a construction contract in the amount of$2,925,050 to Devaney Engineering, Inc., the second lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the construction of the Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 7, District Project 8464; and 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service, Strategy 3- Build neighborhood and industry relations GOAL TWO:Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1 -Achieve compliance in all regulations GOAL FIVE: Safety and Security Strategy 2- Protect Personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SIX:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 2- Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Location Map 2. Summary of Bids 3. Bay Pacific letter dated September 29, 2022 4. Post Bid/P reconstruction Estimate October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 7 of 37 Page 5 of 15 Martinez Sewer Renovations Phase 7 District Project 8464 Map Date:9/13/2022 Detail Area m Martinez Marina M a� 5� a ^� tt Pleasant Hill d•3 Co a i�e� Aa N deo checo B��d 8464 cos P�e� w s� ,e ► re��P 5 8464 F-St 8464 Cn H-st a 8464 � 36 3 n mol E ol A ON� leas QProject Location and Number Note: 0 1,000 Map Displayed in North American Datum of 1983 Attachment Central San data as of September 2022. F� California State Plane,Zone III FIPS 0403,US Feet 1 October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 8 of 37 Page 6 of 15 ATTACHMENT 2 MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 7 DISTRICT PROJECT 8464 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 8464 NO. OF ADDENDA: 1 DATE/TIME: SEPTEMBER 27, 2022/11:00 AM PROJECT NAME: MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 7 PROJECT MANAGER: DAMASIO ZEPEDA ARAGON PROJECT LOCATION: 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ CA ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $3,900,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 Bay Pacific Pipeline, Inc. $2,458,801 2 Devaney Engineering, Inc. $2,925,050 3 Cratus, Inc. $3,276,105 4 KJ Woods Construction, Inc. $3,438,000 5 Andes Construction, Inc. $3,527,400 6 California Trenchless, Inc. $3,677,138 7 Argonaut Constructors $4,097,950 8 Glosage Engineering, Inc. $41429,150 BIDS OPENED BY: /s/Katie Young DATE: September 27, 2022 at 11 AM October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 9 of 37 Page 7 of 15 Attachment 3 BAY PACIFIC PIPELINES, INC. PO Box 1162 •Novato, CA 94947 Ph: (415) 897-6958 •Fx: (415) 897-1409 Contr.Lie.No. 524020 September 29,2022 Central San 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attn: Ms. Katie Young Secretary of the District Re: MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS PHASE 7 PROJECT#8464 Bid date: September 27, 2022 REQUEST FOR RELIEF FROM BID MISTAKE Dear Ms. Young, In accordance with Section 5100 et seq. of the Public Contract Code, Bay Pacific Pipelines, Inc. ("BPP') requests relief from its bid because of a material mistake. Accordingly,Bay Pacific respectfully asks to have its bid withdrawn and bid security returned pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 5103. After reviewing BPP's bid estimate with our estimator yesterday we discovered that the cost of pipe and fittings material required for the project was inadvertently left out of the bid price calculations. The problem was simply that the estimator got distracted in the last minutes of closing the bid out and did not remember to apply the approx. $300,000 material cost to the bid pricing worksheet. Accordingly, all of the requirements under Public Contract Code Section 5103 have been met. There was a mistake in our bid,which made the bid materially different from what we had intended it to be,and the mistake was not an error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work,or in reading the plans or specifications. This notice is given within five working days of the date of the bid. We apologize for any inconvenience resulting from our mistake. We understand and agree that,if our request for relief is approved,we will not be able to participate in further bidding on this project. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or if you need further information. Thank you for your review and consideration of our request. Sincerely, BAY PACIFIC PIPELINES,INC. t Kevin Carew Vice-President Attachments-Material Quotes Omitted from BPP's Bid Cc: Mr Damasio Zepeda Aragon,P.E.,dzenedancentralsan org October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 10 of 37 Page 8 of 15 ! ! suPPACE SUPPLY CORP 425 MARKET ST ppRP� OAKLAND CA 94607 PHONE#: 510-318-6900 * * Q U O T A T I O N TO: MCGUIRE & HESTER BID DATE: 09/27/22 NO. 1549973 2810 HARBOR BAY PKWY EXPIRATION DATE: 09/30/22 ALAMEDA, CA 94502 JOB: MARTINEZ SEWER PHASE FOB: JOBSITE PREP. BY JIM BURGESS REQ. BY WE ARE PLEASED TO QUOTE YOU ON THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL ********THIS QUOTE WILL EXPIRE AFTER 72 HOURS******** PAGE: 1 Qty Part Number Description ------Price. . . Extended BI#10 1512 PVPSDR2615 15X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PI 5300. 00 80136.00 6 WGACMA15 15 CONCRETE MANHOLE ADPT RING 22. 00 132 .00 2 TAPDETS3 3 X 1000 DETECTABLE GREEN TAPE - 52. 00 104 .00 4 FREELUBEGAL COMPLIMENTARY PIPE LUBE-GALLON 80372 .00 BI#11 798 PVPSDR2612 12X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PI 3600.00 28728 .00 8 WGACMA12 12 CONCRETE MANHOLE ADPT RING 20. 00 160. 00 518 PVPSDR2610 10X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PI 2500. 00 12950 .00 4 WGACMAIO 10 CONCRETE MANHOLE ADPT RING 18. 00 72 .00 2 TAPDETS3 3 X 1000 DETECTABLE GREEN TAPE - 52.00 104 .00 4 FREELUBEGAL COMPLIMENTARY PIPE LUBE-GALLON 42014.00 BI#12 =__> 600 PVPDR188G 8X20 PVC C900 DR18 GREEN PIPE-REQ 2550 . 00 15300 . 00 2380 PVPSDR268 8X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PIP 1625. 00 38675 .00 6 WGACMADI8 8 DI CONCRETE MANHOLE ADPT RING 14 .00 84. 00 40 WGACMA8 8 CONCRETE MANHOLE ADPT RING 14. 00 560.00 3 TAPDET83 3 X 1000 DETECTABLE GREEN TAPE - 52. 00 156.00 6 FREELUBEGAL COMPLIMENTARY PIPE LUBE-GALLON ----------- 54775. 00 BI#13 =__> October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 of 37 Page 9 of 15 P suAPpR, Qty Part Number Description Price. . . Extended 98 PVPSDR268 8X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PIP 1625. 00 1592 .50 306 MSCPDS66 6*6 ' CLAY PIPE BAND SEAL (1=1FT) 10 .71 3277.26 90 NS00838033 8" X 6 ' BAND SEAL CLAY PIPE 13 .84 1245 .60 Vend Part#: MSCPBS86 8 MIS0188ARC 8 CLAY*CLAY COUPLING W/SR MISSION 120.25 962 .00 12 MIS016GARC 6 CLAY*CLAY COUPLING W/SR MISSION 64. 00 768 .00 3 MIS0288ARC 8 CLAY*CI/PL COUPLING W/SR MISSIO 120 .25 360.75 8206 .11 BI#15 =__> 5 PHWGY154 15 X 4 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 495. 00 2475 . 00 20 PHWGY124 12 X 4 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 348. 00 6960.00 7 PHWGY126 12 X 6 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 352 .65 2468 .55 7 PHWGY104 10 X 4 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 255 .00 1785 .00 3 PHWGY106 10 X 6 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 252.45 757.35 60 PHWGY84 8 X 4 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 102. 00 6120.00 13 PHWGY86 8 X 6 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 116. 00 1508 .00 20 WCPY84 8 X 4 WYE GASKETED SWR C900 PVC 590. 00 11800.00 92 PHWGS44 4 SDR26 SPG X GASKETED 45 ELL 22.35 2056 .20 23 PHWGS46 6 SDR26 SPG X GASKETED 45 ELL 32 . 83 755.09 20 WCPS44 4 45 ELL SPG X GASKETED SWR C900 130.52 2610.40 40 PHWGS24 4 SDR26 SPG X GASKETED 22 1/2 ELL 30.75 1230.00 10 PHWGS26 6 SDR26 SPG X GASKETED 22 1/2 ELL 58. 00 580 .00 560 PVPSDR264 4X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PIP 390. 00 2184 .00 112 PVPSDR266 6X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PIP 864. 00 967 .68 110 MIS0244ARC 4 CLAY*CI/PL COUPLING W/SR MISSIO 62 . 00 6820.00 25 MIS0266ARC 6 CLAY*CI/PL COUPLING W/SR MISSIO 83 .90 2097 .50 0 NOTE: ********************************************* NO SIZES INDICATED 4" & 6" SO I JUST ADDED SOME OF DIFFRENT SIZES WOULD NEED TO VERIFY BEFORE ORDERING ********************************************* 53174.77 BI416 1764 PVPSDR264 4X14 PVC SDR26 GASKETED SEWER PIP 400. 00 7056 .00 2 TAPDETS3 3 X 1000 DETECTABLE GREEN TAPE - 52 . 00 104 .00 7160.00 BI#18 =»> 27 REC97034 97034 4 PVC CHECK EXTENDABLE BACK 225. 00 6075 .00 27 PHWGTWC04 4 SDR26 2WAY CLEANOUT GASKETED 53 . 00 1431. 00 27 PAS62304 3X4 POPPER SEWER RELIEF CO VALVE 18. 00 486 .00 15 CHCG5TBOX G5 BOX CONCRETE TRAFFIC 10-3/8ID* 52 .50 787.50 October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 37 Page 10 of 15 t t P suPPo�y QtyPart Number Description Price. . . Extended 12 CHCF8BOXOS F8 BOX CONCRETE 8-1/2ID*11-3/4 HI - 25.60 307.20 15 CHCV0571CT G5 GRATE CAST IRON TRAFFIC BOLT D 52 . 00 780.00 12 CHCV171C V1 GRATE F/ F8 BOX 46 . 00 552 . 00 100 PVPSCH406 6 X 20 BE PVC SCH40 PIPE 1500 . 00 1500. 00 100 PVPSCH404 4 X 20 BE PVC SCH40 PIPE 792 . 00 792 . 00 54 PSFDWVSA4 4 SDR35 SOLV WELD HUB X DWV SOLV 6.30 340 .20 13050.90 BI#19 1 LEHKELLYVENT4 KELLY BACKWATER VLV NO HUB 65. 00 65 . 00 1 PHWGY4 4 SDR26 WYE GASKETED 57.00 57.00 1 MIS5644ARC 4 CI/PL*CI/PL COUPLING W/SR MISSI 42 . 00 42 .00 164 . 00 SUBTOTAL 258916.78 ESTIMATED FREIGHT 0.00 ESTIMATED TAX 22655.22 QUOTATION TOTALS 281572 .00 ** ESTIMATED FREIGHT/TAX CALCULATED ONLY FOR DESTINATION ADDRESS ON THIS QUOTE ** PRICES ARE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AFTER October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 13 of 37 t'.QREzo. Page 11 of 15 Bid Proposal for MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS PHASE 7 PROJECT #8464 All Bidders Job MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS PHASE 7 P ROJ ECT#8464 MARTINEZ,CA Contra Costa County Bid Date:09/22/2022 11:00 am Bid#:2530473 Sales Representative Core& Main Jeffery Franks 1315 Main St (M)925-250-6690 Oakley, CA 94561 (T)925-679-8005 (T)925-679-8005 Jeffery.Franks@coreandmain.com EXCLUDES DEBRIS TRAPS BY OTHERS w 09/26/2022-7:47 PM Actual taxes may vary Page 1 of 4 October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 14 of 37 Page 12 of 15 Bid Proposal for MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS PHASE 7 PROJECT#8464 All Bidders Job Location: MARTINEZ, CA Core&Main Bid Date: 09/22/2022 11:00 am 1315 Main St Core&Main 2530473 Oakley, CA 94561 Phone: 925-679-8005 Seq# MY Description Units Price Ext Price DUE TO CURRENT SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS,MATERIALS ARE SUBJECT TO PRICING AT TIME OF SHIPMENT. MATERIAL AVAILABILITY AND TIMELINESS OF SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED.THIS TERM SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER CONTRACTUAL PROVISIONS. 10 BID ITEM#10:15" PVC OPEN CUT 20 1512 15 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G) 14' 30 6 10280015 PVC MH STOP RING FT 50.75 76,734.00 EA 16.31 97.86 SUBTOTAL 76,831.86 50 _ BID ITEM#11:10"&12"PVC 60 OPEN CUT _ 70 798 12 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G) 14' 80 6 102775 12 PVC MH STOP RING FT 33.81 26,980.38 90 518 10 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G) 14' EA 13.67 82.02 100 4 102750 10 PVC MH STOP RING FT 23.52 12,183.36 EA 13.34 53.36 SUBTOTAL 39,299.12 120 BID ITEM#12:8"PVC&C900 130 OPEN CUT 140 2380 8 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G) 14' 150 22 102725 8 PVC MH STOP RING 15.11 35,961.80 160 600 8 PVC C900 DR18 PIPE(G)20'BLU PC235 EA 10.14 223.08 170 6 8 MH WATERSTOP F/C900/DI 9.05 OD FT 24.06 14,436.00 180 DROP MANHOLE MATERIAL EA 8.16 48.96 190 1 8 0900 TEE GXG NP 200 2 8 C90045 DR18 NP EA 679.60 679.60 210 20 8 PVC C900 DR18 PIPE (G)20'PURP PC235 EA 411.90 823.80 220 3 MR5188 ARC 8 AC/DIXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING FT 24.06 481.20 230 2 MR56 88 ARC 8 CI/PLXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING EA 129.35 388.05 EA 129.35 258.70 SUBTOTAL 53,301.19 250 BID ITEM#13:6",8",12"VC 260 &8"SDR26 DIRECT BURY 270 260 6 CLAY PIPE BEXPE 280 60 8 CLAY PIPE BXS FT 12.50 3,250.00 290 25 12 CLAY PIPE PE BE FT 16.88 1,012.80 300 1 DELIVERY CHARGE FT 31.88 797,00 310 22 MR0166 ARC 6 CLAYXCLAY CPLG SHEAR RING EA 873.53 873.53 320 6 MR0188 ARC 8 CLAYXCLAY CPLG SHEAR RING EA 87.13 1,916.86 330 2 MR01 1212 ARC 12 CLAYXCLAY CPLG SHEAR RING EA 129.35 776.10 340 70 8 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G) 14' EA 205.98 411.96 350 4 MR02 88 ARC 8 CLAYXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING FT 15.11 1,057.70 EA 129.35 517.40 09/26/2022-7:47 PM Actual taxes may vary SUBTOTAL 10,613.35 Page 2 of 4 October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 37 Page 13 of 15 COREzo Bid#:2530473 Bid Proposal for MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS PHASE 7 PROJECT#8464 Seq# Qty Description Units Price Ext Price 370 BID ITEM#14:4"HDPE 380 60 4IPS DR17 HDPE PIPE FT 4.93 295.80 SUBTOTAL 295.80 400 BID ITEM#15:RECONNECT ACTIVE 410 4"&6"HOUSE OR BLDG LATERALS 420 4 15X4 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG 430 10 12X6 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG EA 923.99 3,695.96 440 13 12X4 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG EA 543.07 5,430.76 450 5 10X6 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG EA 452.52 5,882.76 460 6 10X4 HW SWR 5DR26 WYE GXG EA 398.73 1,993.65 470 25 8X6 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG EA 331.24 1,987.44 480 58 8X4 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG EA 134.99 3,374.75 490 40 6 HW SWR SDR26 45 GXSP EA 117.65 6,823.70 500 81 4 HW SWR SDR26 45 GXSP EA 38.35 1,534.00 510 400 6 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G)1FT 4' 26.10 2,114.10 520 756 4 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G) 14' FT 8.35 3,340.00 530 40 MR02 66 ARC 6 CLAYXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING FT 3.73 42,819. ,548.88 EA 113.71 4,548. 540 79 MR02 44 ARC 4 CLAYXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING 40 EA 550 5 8X6 C900 WYE GXG NP 67.66 5,297.74 EA 570.6 560 5 6 C900 DR18 45 GXSP NON-PRESSURE 6 2,853.30 570 11 8X4 C900 DR18 WYE N/P NON-PRESSURE EA 224.24 1,121.20 580 11 4 C900 DR18 45 GXSP N/P NON-PRESSURE EA 618.40 6,802.40 590 60 6 PVC C900 DR18 PIPE(G)20'GRN PC235 EA 198.76 2,186.36 600 120 4 PVC C900 DR18 PIPE(G)20'GRN PC235 FT 14.04 842.40 FT 6.87 824.40 610 5 MRS1 66 ARC 6 AC/DIXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING EA 87.13 435.65 620 11 MR51 44 ARC 4 AC/DIXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING EA 66.93 736.23 SUBTOTAL 64,645.02 640 BID ITEM#18:BACKWATER VALVES 650 WITH CLEANOUTS 12"OR LARGER 660 LATERALS 670 10 6X4 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG 680 17 4X4 HW SWR SDR26 WYE GXG EA 84.02 840.20 690 27 4 HW SWR SDR26 45 GXSP EA 64.02 1,088.34 700 27 4 SDR35 CLEANOUT ADPT HXF L/PL EA 26.10 704.70 EA 7.07 190.89 710 27 4 PVC SWR CLEANOUT PLUG MIPT 720 27 G5 CONC TRAFFIC VALVE BOX EA 4.28 115.56 730 27 G-5C LID"SEWER" EA 55.03 1,485.81 740 27 4 97024 CLEAN CHK FVC BACK WATER VALVE SCH40 HXH EA 41.35 1,116.45 EA 18633 5,030.91 750 54 4 SEWER BUSHING X SCH40 HXS P1208 760 300 4 PVC SCH40 PIPE SWB 20' EA 7.02 379.08 770 300 6 PVC SCH40 PIPE SWB 20' FT 6.40 1,920.00 780 27 MR56 44 ARC 4 CI/PLXCI/PL CPLG SHEAR RING FT 11.23 3,369.00 EA 45.76 1,235.52 790 27 4 SDR35 CLEANOUT ADPT HXF L/PL EA 7.07 190.89 800 27 4 PVC SWR CLEANOUT PLUG MIPT EA 4.28 115.56 SUBTOTAL 171782.91 820 BID ITEM#19:OVERFLOW OPD 830 &CLEANOUT CO 09/26/2022-7:47 PM Actual taxes may vary Page 3 of 4 October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 37 Page 14 of 15 Bid#:2530473 Bid Proposal for MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS PHASE 7 PROJECT#8464 Seq# Qty Description Units Price Ext Price 840 14 4 PVC SDR26 HW SWR PIPE(G) 14' FT 3.73 850 2 4 SDR26 GXG 2WAY CLEANOUT TEE 52,22 860 2 4 5DR35 CLEANOUT ADPT HXF L/PL EA 63'67 127.34 EA 7.07 870 1 4 PVC SWR CLEANOUT PLUG MIPT .28 14,14 EA 880 1 JSC 562304 3X4 SEWER POPPER 4,28 890 2 G5 CONC TRAFFIC VALVE BOX EA 355.55.55 35.55 900 1 G-5C LID "SEWER" EA 55.03 110,06 910 1 G5 GRATE EA 41.35 41.35 EA 46.67 46.67 SUBTOTAL 431.61 Sub Total 263,200.86 Tax 0.00 Total 263,200.86 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED HEREIN,PRICES QUOTED ARE VALID IF ACCEPTED BY CUSTOMER AND PRODUCTS ARE RELEASED BY CUSTOMER FOR MANUFACTURE WITHIN THIRTY(30)CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS QUOTATION.CORE&MAIN LP RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INCREASE PRICES TO ADDRESS FACTORS,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, TARIFFS,TRANSPORTATION,FUEL AND RAW MATERIAL COSTS. DELIVERY WILL COMMENCE BASED UPON MANUFACTURER LEAD TIMES.ANY MATERIAL DELIVERIES DELAYED BEYOND MANUFACTURER LEAD TIMES MAY BE SUBJECT TO PRICE INCREASES AND/OR APPLICABLE STORAGE FEES.THIS BID PROPOSAL IS CONTINGENT UPON BUYER'S ACCEPTANCE OF SELLER'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE,AS MODIFIED FROM TIME TO TIME,WHICH CAN BE FOUND AT: hU2sl1coreandmain comlTassOC/ 09/26/2022-7:47 PM Actual taxes may vary Page 4 of 4 October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 37 Page 15 of 15 ATTACHMENT 4 MARTINEZ SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 7 DISTRICT PROJECT 8464 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE % Of Item Description Amounts Construction No. Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $2,925,050 b. 15% Contingency $438,950 c. Permits $75,000 SUBTOTAL- CONSTRUCTION COST $3,439,000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management (Engineering, Survey) $190,000 - Public Relations/Right-of-Way $30,000 - Operations (CSO) $30,000 b. Consultants - Inspection $195,000 - Material Testing/Geotech/Arborist/Others $47,000 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $492,000 14% 3. PREBID EXPENDITURES a. Engineering (Design, Survey, Right-of-Way, Drafting) $650,000 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $650,000 19% 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $4,581,000 October 11, 2022 Special EOPS Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 37