HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Review draft Fiscal Year 2021-22 Strategic Plan Annual Report Page 1 of 51
Item 5.a.
October 4, 2022
Attached is Central San's draft Fiscal Year(FY) 2021-22 Strategic Plan Annual Report, summarizing staff
achievements from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, in the second and final year of the FY 2020-22
Strategic Plan.
1. Draft FY 2021-22 Strategic Plan Annual Report
2. Presentation
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Attachment 1
FY 2021 - 22
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rf Progress and achievements in
fulfilling the Goals of the
-� FY 2020- 22 Strategic Plan
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In Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22, we came to the close of our FY 2020-22
Strategic Plan, which set forth seven Goals to guide Central San in
fulfilling its Mission, Vision, and Values. I am pleased to report that we
have honored these values and have achieved successes in executing the
Strategic Plan. We continued to provide the highest level of customer
service, while keeping the safety of our customers and employees at the
Today's uncertainties require us to be resilient, adaptable, and sensitive
to our customers' needs. Each challenge has amplified our call to
innovate our operations and be a positive force in our industry and
community through leadership, partnership, and action.
As we look toward our FY 2022-24 Strategic Plan, Central San seeks the
best ways to serve and engage our customers and stakeholders; promote
environmentalism and sustainability; maintain financial stability and
transparency; maintain and replace aging infrastructure; optimize our
operations; and respond quickly and decisively to changes.
This is not done in a vacuum. Our skilled employees are dedicated to making us the industry
leader and world-class organization we are today. They have continually risen to the call to
think of the most optimal ways to utilize our resources. We, in turn, are committed to being
a preferred employer so we can continue to attract, develop, and retain the best talent, and
it is our goal to continue to foster a diverse, inclusive, and equitable working environment
where they can thrive.
In addition to our staff, I would like to recognize our Board of Directors for providing the
vision, resources, and support necessary to achieve our goals and respond to challenges. We
are excited to take on the next two years, will carefully continue to uphold our high
standards of exceptional customer service, responsible rates, and reliability.
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Roger S. Bailey
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• Continued to provide essential wastewater treatment and collection services without
interruption during the pandemic.
• Reopened the Permit Counter to the public after being closed for 15 months.
• Oversaw over 74,734 visits to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF)
and Residential Recycled Water Fill Station.
• Collected 2,187,630 pounds of household hazardous waste (HHW).
• Served 19,802 students through virtual and in-person education programs.
• Celebrated Central San's 75th Anniversary by launching a Customer Experience website.
• Began participating in a State Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program.
• Received the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Peak Performance
Platinum Award, marking 24 consecutive years of 100% compliance with Central San's
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit.
• Negotiated successful 5-year renewal of the NPDES Treatment Plant Permit.
• Maintained one of the highest service reliability ratings in the state.
• Distributed 225 million gallons of recycled water to customers.
• Continued to pursue partnerships to expand the recycled water program, including a
potential Water Exchange and a potable reuse study.
• Saved about $2 million in interest costs stemming from the payoff of the unfunded
actuarially accrued liability (UAAL) in June 2021.
• Received $996,177 in State funding to help reimburse pandemic-related costs.
• Received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 21st consecutive year.
• Launched the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative.
• Developed and launched the Career Development Program and Clarifier Speaker Series
to promote employee development and engagement.
• Continued construction on improvements to the Filter Plant and Clearwell, Influent Pump
Electrical, Electric Blowers, and Pumping Stations in Orinda and Moraga.
• Replaced 4.6 miles of aging neighborhood sewer pipes.
• Completed review and inventory of all sewer structures in public right-of-way.
• Conducted pilot tests on tertiary membrane and reverse osmosis filtration, remote recycled
water meter reading, and remote manhole monitoring.
• Implemented and enforced the COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan to maintain a safe and
healthful workplace.
• Participated in SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance efforts with various universities,
laboratories, and health organizations.
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Pleasant Hill
Central San is a special district which was established in
W.tnut Creek
1946. It is headquartered in Martinez, California, and is Urinda
proud to serve its communities (service area map pictured)
with wastewater collection and treatment, household M°raga
hazardous waste collection, and recycled water distribution °a" nd oanvlll�
services. Central San has 294 budgeted full-time employees
led by a General Manager, 3 Department Directors, .Headquartem,Treatment Plant'HHW San Raman
Collecti°n Facilely
13 Division Managers, and 1 Internal Auditor. ' `°°en1on5ystems°Pero"°n,5ewer
0 Wastewater Collecton and Treatment;
HHW Collection
Wastewater Treatment and HHW
HHW C°Ilecdon°nry aaaaHO Mnea A
' 1 . 4 .1 VALUES, AND GOALS
FY 2020-22
STRATEGIC GOALS as included in the FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan
. +
To protect public health and the environment
To be a high-performance organization that provides
exceptional customer service and regulatory
compliance at responsible rates
• Value water sector partners
PEOPLE • Foster excellent community relationships
• Value customers and employees Be open, transparent, and accessible
• Respect each other • Understand service level expectations
• Work as a team • Build partnerships
• Work effectively and efficiently
• Celebrate our successes and learn LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT
from our challenges • Promote a passionate and empowered
• Encourage continuous growth and
• Be truthful and honest
• Be fair, kind, and friendly . Inspire dedication and top-quality results
• Take ownership and responsibility . Provide a safe and healthful environment
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� i 1
Y are the foundation of the Strategic Plan. They are
3_ set by the Board to identify Central San's priorities.
iiii" outline Central San's approach to achieve its Goals,
* '! overcome its challenges, accomplish its mission, and
meet the community's needs in the best possible ways.
KEY METRICS describe the actions to enact the Strategies.
set targets, track progress,
and evaluate performance. 022° KEY SUCCESS MEASURES
\', provide examples of tasks that further the Initiatives.
The Strategic Plans establish policy direction, outline core commitments, 1`
focus initiatives, and track performance with key performance metrics.
Central San develops its Strategic Plans on a two-year cycle, ooa
while tracking progress quarterly and producing reports annually. o0
FY 2021-22 represents the second half of the FY 2020-22 Strategic Plan.
Central San has adopted a FY 2022-24 Plan with updated Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals.
' 7 ki;�. Since the development of the FYs 2016-18 Strategic Plan, staff has used
the Effective Utility Management (EUM) model as a tool to identify
practices and procedures to improve operations and move toward
continued sustainability. The EUM framework was originally developed in
Effective Utility Management 2007 by the American Water Works Association, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, and nine other association partners representing the
U.S. water and wastewater sector. It consists of 10 attributes that provide
succinct focus areas for effectively managed utilities and what they
should strive to achieve.
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Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputation
Deliver High-Quality Customer Service
♦ Provided wastewater treatment service with no interruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
♦ Ensured essential services remained intact while following state and local health orders to provide a safe and
healthful working environment.
♦ Reopened the Permit Counter to the public after being closed for 15 months due to the Contra Costa County
Health Ordinance, and implemented a scheduling system on the website for customers to book appoint-
ments with staff.
♦ Responded to 273 collection system service requests.
♦ Received and cleared 31,993 USA locating requests on time.
♦ Oversaw 74,734 visits to the HHWCF and Residential Recycled Water Fill Station by residents, small business-
es, reuse customers, retail partners, and fill station users.
♦ Collected 2,187,630 pounds of HHW.
♦ Gave away 244,978 pounds of reusable products.
♦ Collected 5,397 pounds of pharmaceuticals. In addition to Central San's collection program, there are now
an increasing number of retail pharmacy collection sites through the County s Safe Medication Disposal
Program (40 as of May 2022).
♦ Responded to 53 Public Records Act requests.
p q21
♦ Launched and promoted an interactive 75th Anniversary Customer Experience
website (pictured).
♦ Designed and mailed a special 75th anniversary edition of the Pipeline customer
♦ Produced the "Adventures with Toot: Disappearing Act" student education film,
a tour video for the Advanced Recycled Water Pilot Project, and an Overflow Simulator video for Collection
System Operations (CSO).
♦ Filmed individual Board Member interviews to raise public awareness of Central San's services.
♦ Created a virtual Pollution Prevention awards presentation for Sustainable Contra Costa.
♦ Served over 19,800 students with education programming.
0 Presented the Pipe Protectors program, a hands-on, science-based curriculum for elementary schools,
both virtually and in-person.
0 Partnered with Contra Costa Water District on "Go with the Flow" classroom assembly, an interactive
show with a one water message.
0 Co-sponsored the Delta Discovery Voyage, a floating laboratory that educates on the source of water.
♦ Communicated with residents affected by upcoming construction,to help minimize impacts.
0 Mailed notices.
0 Posted a video discussing methods and impacts on centralsan.org, along with project-specific maps.
0 Held onsite meetings with residents in high-impacted areas.
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Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputatio
♦ Managed Central San's drone program to capture photographs and videos of facilities for education, out-
reach, and operational assessments.
♦ Implemented the first year of the two-year pilot Septic to Sewer Financing Program to encourage single-
family houses to connect to nearby sewer mains.
♦ Continued to administer the Non-Residential Capacity Fee Installment Payment Program to provide broad-
er financing for businesses struggling in the current economic climate.
♦ Began participating in a State Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program to assist low-income
customers who did not pay their sewer service charge (SSC) bills during the pandemic for the period of
March 2020 through June 2021. Central San has coordinated with the State and the County regarding how
the funds will be received from the State and appropriately credited to the customer.
♦ Implemented an online recycled water customer quarterly self-monitoring reporting program.
♦ Created the "Applicant's Guide to Building Permit Review& Encroachment Verification," which was
distributed to customers and posted on the website.
♦ Held virtual Board meetings to help facilitate public participation and open government.
♦ Conducted three California Voting Rights Act Public Hearings to update the by-area elections data with the
2020 Census data for Central San.
♦ Facilitated voting through a secure, public ballot drop box installed on campus.
♦ Completed outreach on redistricting efforts in line with Senate Bill (SB) 594 and proper wipes labeling legis-
lation, Assembly Bill (AB) 818 in the Pipeline, on social media and centralsan.org, and in local newspapers.
♦ Held Ethics and Brown Act trainings for staff to operate and govern with integrity and transparency.
Maintain a Positive Reputation
♦ Met with elected officials, city and town officials, and other stakeholders to ensure
open lines of communication and interagency relations.
♦ Continued to coordinate construction projects with local jurisdictions and other
agencies to lessen construction impacts to the community.
♦ Continued to increase social media followers and impressions on YouTube, Face-
book, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedln.
♦ Designed new maintenance access cover (pictured) as part of a beautification and
outreach project to coincide with 75th anniversary and help customers better connect with Central San,
make it easier to identify the agency responsible for sewer service, and be a good civic neighbor.
♦ Began planning the next Central San Academy; 80 applications have been received for the next session.
♦ General Manager served on the boards of National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA),
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA), WateReuse,John Muir Health, and the Califor-
nia African American Water Education Foundation to strengthen ties to the water sector and the
community Central San serves.
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• • irovide
ER AND COMMUNITYY Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputation
-. • . . •.
♦ Completed urgent sewer replacements, including near and at the new Pleasant Hill Library project, to
lessen impacts to the public and nearby residents.
♦ Received an average 90% customer satisfaction rating for the Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 6
construction project.
♦ Received an average 90% customer satisfaction rating for the Permit Counter.
♦ NACWA Platinum Excellence in Management Recognition Award
NACWA Peak Performance Award — Platinum 24
♦ Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in
Financial Reporting (21st consecutive year)
♦ GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (4th consecutive year)
♦ 2021 Water Environmental Federation Public Communication and Outreach Program Award
for Central San's Pipe Protectors Student Education Program
♦ Resolution from Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors honoring Central San's 75th
Anniversary (presented by Supervisor Karen Mitchoff)
♦ 2021 Municipal Information Systems Association of California Innovation Award for the 75th
Anniversary Experience website
♦ 2021 California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Statewide First Place Award for
Community Engagement and Outreach Program of the Year (virtual treatment plant tour)
Objectives for FY 2022-23
♦ Continue to expand outreach to residential and commercial customers, legislators, elected officials, and
sister agencies to grow and maintain relationships and advocate for the interests of customers.
♦ Renew California Special Districts Leadership Foundation Transparency Certificate of Excellence.
♦ Invest in programs such as student education programs, tours, and Central San Academyto inform the
public of the need to fund necessary infrastructure improvements to maintain Central San's level of
service and protect public health and the environment.
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Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputatio
Y` Metric *1k Target PerformanAceN
r.. ; Average onsite response time for
collection system emergency calls, :530 minutes 21.20 minutes*
;., during working hours
Average onsite response time for
collection system emergency calls, 540 minutes 32.18 minutes*
after hours
Average customer service rating for >_3.8 3.93
emergency calls out of 4.0 out of 4.0
Average customer satisfaction rating >95% 82.6%
on construction projects
Average customer satisfaction rating
>_95% 90%*
on permit counter interactions _
Students served by education programs >_6,000 19,802
Participants in Plant/HHWCF tours >_500 652
and District presentations
Participants in Central San Academy >_35 80 applications received
for next session
Awards or recognitions achieved 10 11
Performance may have been affected by modified working schedules due to COVID-19.
Comments related to turn-around time and adding electronic plan review.
Legend (applies to all Key Metrics tables in the report) V
Target met Performance met or exceeded the target
Performance fell short of the target, which is a stretch goal because:
Work in progress/
Stretch goal • Current and past performance is not within reach of the target, and/or
• Performance is affected by circumstances beyond Central San's control
Work in progress Performance fell short, but within reach, of the target
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Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and Promote Sustainability
Achieve 100% Compliance in All Regulations
♦ Achieved 241"year of continuous 100% compliance with all National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) permit requirements governing wastewater discharge, marking the longest successful streak of any
wastewater utility in California and tying for 9th in the nation.
♦ Negotiated successful renewal of the NPDES Treatment Plant Permit, via 1,780-page application which
included maps, data, screening information, various analyses, and other technical content. The new per-
mit was adopted unanimously by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board and sets pollutant limits
as well as monitoring and reporting requirements. It went into effect on August 1, 2022, and will expire
on July 31, 2027. The adoption of the new permit caps more than a year of diligent work by Central San
staff and consultants, in coordination with the Regional Board.
♦ Continued to clean and inspect sewers optimally to reduce sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs).
0 Responded to 25 SSOs.
0 Cleaned 787 miles of sewers.
0 Completed 17,808 work orders on schedule 98.86% of the time.
0 Performed 17% of all cleaning work on "hotspots."
0 Closed circuit televised 119 miles of sewers.
0 Continued the ongoing effort of reviewing frequency cleaning schedules for optimization.
mary, and verification report and submitted 2021 inventory to California Air Resources Board as required.
♦ Completed annual recycled water reports and other recycled water quality reporting to the San Francis-
co Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Water Resources Control Board, and Division of Drinking
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Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and Promote Sustainability
♦ Made progress on infrastructure improvements needed to meet current and future regulations.
0 Received bids for and revised the scope of the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project
(Solids Project), which includes replacement of the centrifuge and cake pumps and air pollution
equipment needed to meet regulatory requirements. The Phase 1A design and repackage effort has
begun and is expected to bid in December 2022.
0 Completed preliminary design for the Aeration Basin Diffuser Replacement, which is critical to
meeting the NPDES permit.
♦ Obtained regulatory permits for Outfall Monitoring Improvements Project.
♦ Obtained Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)Authority-to-Construct permits for pump-
ing stations improvements and coordinated start-up emissions testing.
♦ Coordinated with Contra Costa County Flood Control on the Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project.
♦ Updated Pretreatment Program outreach materials.
♦ Raised awareness for recycling cooking oil at the HHWCF by broadcasting a public service announcement
(PSA) with Comcast, reaching customers in the service area over 150,000 times.
♦ Broadcasted PSAs pertaining to spring cleaning and Wipes Clog Pipes on Contra Costa Television.
♦ Applied for a competitive small project grant through CalRecycle's HHW Grant Program.
0 If granted, the funding will be used in conjunction with a regional outreach and education campaign
that focuses on proper disposal and safer alternatives for marine flares, which are considered
explosive and for which there are no safe disposal options currently available.
0 Central San is contracting with the California Product Stewardship Council (CPSC) to advertise and
provide an off-site collection site supported by the HHWCF. Through this contract, the CPSC will
take the lead on all grant activities, reporting, and reimbursement requests annually until 2025.
♦ Held a Board Self-Evaluation Workshop, Financial Planning Workshop, and annual review of Board
Member compensation and benefits.
♦ Board Members attended workshops on Ethics Compliance and Harassment Prevention.
♦ Coordinated biennial review of 21 existing Board policies, amendments to 13 policies, and retirement of
1 policy.
♦ Facilitated adoption of the following new Board Policies: Board Liaison and Representatives; Board Com-
pensation, Benefits, and Expense Reimbursement; Regulatory Accounting; and Deferred Compensation
♦ Indexed over 76 new records boxes and transferred them to storage, created and printed over 700 new
file folder labels, and delivered over 143 boxes requested from storage.
♦ Developed new policy and converted board compensation resolution to a new Board Policy to generate
regular review.
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T= Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and Promote Sustainability
Anticipate and Prepare for Potential Regulatory Changes
♦ Incorporated nutrient removal and regulatory requirements in the proposed FY 2022-23 Capital Improve-
ment Plan.
♦ Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager served as a Bay Area Clean Water Agencies
(BACWA) Executive Board Member, as the Co-Chair of CASA's Water Regulatory Workgroup, and BACWA
liaison to CASA's State Legislative Committee.
♦ Participated in BACWA Nutrient Strategy Team, Nature-Based Solutions Steering Committee,and Nutrient
Data Analysis Steering Committee.
♦ Communication Services and Government Relations Manager was reappointed to California Special Districts
Association (CSDA) legislative committee, which helps develop CSDA's legislative agenda and reviews,
directs, and assists with legislative and public policy issues affecting California special districts.
♦ Pursued policy efforts at the state and national levels that promoted pollution prevention, producer respon-
sibility, and proper wipes labeling.
♦ Provided outreach on proper wipes labeling legislation,AB 818, in the Pipeline, on social media and central-
san.org, through the employee newsletter, and in local newspapers.
♦ Presented ongoing state and federal legislative updates at Board meetings.
♦ Served as a member of the Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group, helping to identify and track regulatory
actions at the federal and state levels.
0 Worked with National Stewardship Action Council on AB 707 on Mercury Thermostats Extended
Producer Responsibility, and on AB 818 on Truth in "Flushable" Wipes Labeling.
0 Communicated with the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and Department of Pesticide Regula-
tion (DPR)to represent wastewater issues.
0 Supported preparation of BACWA letters to EPA and DPR on pesticides.
♦ Started coordinating advocacy for 2022 session with CSDA, CASA, and regional industry advocacy leads.
Support Regional Development of Local Water Supply
♦ Distributed approximately 215.5 million gallons of recycled water to Zone 1 customers.
♦ Distributed approximately 3.6 million gallons of recycled water through the Commercial Truck Fill Program.
♦ Distributed approximately 5.9 million gallons of recycled water through the Residential Fill Station.
♦ Conducted tertiary membrane filter plant pilot to test ways to effectively produce Title 22 recycled water.
♦ Continued efforts toward the proposed Refinery Recycled Water Exchange.
0 Completed draft of Preliminary Feasibility Report for partner agencies' review.
0 Began talks with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission as a potential partner.
♦ Collaborated on the development of an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)with East Bay Municipal
Utility District (EBMUD)to complete a potable reuse study.
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Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and Promote Sustainability
♦ Completed first raw wastewater diversion from June to September 2021 and begun coordinating with Dublin
San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) on a possible 2022 diversion, as part of three-year term for a Temporary
Wastewater Diversion to support a collaboration request from DSRSD—EBMUD Recycled Water Authority
(DERWA), a recycled water joint powers authority,to divert raw wastewater from the San Ramon Pumping
Station to DSRSD for the production of recycled water to meet DERWA's peak summer irrigation demand.
♦ In response to interest by several cities in Central San's service area, completed an evaluation to determine
the most cost-effective way to provide recycled water to portions of Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Orinda, and
♦ Continued to support the City of Concord's Community Reuse Project. Currently,the new Master Developer
and the City of Concord have begun holding community outreach meetings and finalizing term sheets.
♦ Per the request of the Real Estate, Environmental, and Planning Board Committee, a Board-level policy discus-
sion was held to provide guidance on how Central San will prioritize recycled water projects.
♦ Developed Guiding Principles for Satellite Water Recycling Facility(SWRF) Projects.
♦ Continued discussions with Diablo Country Club, including General Manager support of conversations with
the Town of Danville to help secure their support of the SWRF project.
♦ Worked with a consultant to complete a reevaluation of the Lamorinda Project, including assessing the viabil-
ity of SWRF projects to serve the golf courses at Rossmoor, Moraga Country Club, and Orinda Country Club.
Rossmoor also continues to evaluate the feasibility of a SWRF project.
Reduce Reliance on Non-Renewable Energy
♦ Continued work towards construction of a new 1.75-megawatt solar array near the treatment plant.
0 Board adopted California Environmental Quality Act mitigated negative declaration and approved the
project,Amendment 1 to the Power Purchase Agreement, and a new capital project to fund the Pacific
Gas and Electric (PG&E) grid interconnection.
0 The project is on track to start construction in the first quarter of FY 2022-23 and to be fully operational
by the end of FY 2022-23.
♦ Began development of a net zero policy.
♦ Continued using alternative renewable diesel fuel on the fleet at CSO,which reduces GHG emissions and
increases reliability, with less downtime due to maintenance.
♦ Continued to track energy on a monthly basis.
♦ Continued work with PG&E on RAPIDS Wastewater Treatment Optimization Program for energy efficiency.
♦ Continued to replace lights with newer, more efficient fixtures and equipment.
♦ Completed a visioning effort to evaluate the benefits of the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure's
Envision sustainable infrastructure framework, which helps agencies plan, design, and build more
sustainable, resilient, and equitable infrastructure.
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to Meet Regulatory Requirements and Promote Sustainability
. .. -
Objectives for FY 2022-23
♦ Bid Phase 1A of the Solids Project and continue work on Phase 2, which will analyze the future of solids
handling, treatment, and disposal, and how to extract energy from that process.
♦ Complete the construction of the Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements - Phase 1A Project, which will
include replacing critical electrical gear and increase reliability at recycled water storage facilities.
♦ Continue working with project partners on recycled water expansion projects, including collaborating
with EBMUD to complete a potable reuse study.
♦ Complete construction of a cost-effective 1.75 MW solar energy project and begin purchasing solar
energy under its power purchase agreement.
♦ Pilot the Envision verification process on the Aeration Basins Diffuser Replacement and Seismic Upgrades
Project, and pilot sustainability enhancement workshops for future projects.
. . . . . . .
, . . .
processes.Athen washed down the drain or flushed down the toilet,they can make their way into Central
.�an's treatment plant. Although the treatment
microplasticsvastewater, tiny
This year, Central San participated in a pilot study headed by Southern California Coastal Water
Research Project to help develop standardized sampling methods for microplastics and understand
how much of them are in the water. This research is part of a statewide effort to develop effective
strategies for managing microplastics in California's coastal waters.
For the study, staff collected samples from different points in the treat-
ment process over 24-hour periods. The team filtered the water through Am J
stacks of sieves with varying meshes designed to capture microparticles
of different sizes. The samples were then sent to a specialized lab for � f + J'"
analysis. Central San was the first agency in California to test the sam AN
pling protocols and equipment in a real-world treatment plant. Through
repeated testing, staff made adjustments to the sampling apparatus to
improve its reliability. Central San also produced a training video to
document the process for other wastewater utilities to follow. AM
Finding reliable means of measuring microplastics in wastewater is an t�
essential step to understanding how best to manage them. The next %-ow
phase of the study will look at the effectiveness of different wastewater
treatment methods in removing these troublesome pollutants. .,
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Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and Promote Sustainability 'r-
. . . . .
• • • r
PFAS have ee
use since the 1940s and can be found in many common
household products like nonstick cookware, furniture,
clothing, carpets, cosmetics, and food packaging. .
Although the U.S. has banned some types of PFAS, - �� _ ►-�
there are still over 5,000 types in use. t
s '
PFAS contain some of the strongest chemical bonds ""
known to science. They can travel long distances and -.. '
persist in the environment for decades, polluting f '
water, air, and soil,without a way to eliminate them.
In compliance with the State Investigative Order for PFAS,
Central San participated in the Region 2PFAS Study
coordinated through BACWA and managed by the San
Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI). These research efforts ,
will inform the state and regional water boards as they +�
develop strategies for managing PFAS in California's
In Phase 1 of the study, staff collected samples from the
influent, effluent, and biosolids to better understand how
PFAS move through the treatment process, as well as how to best measure and monitor these trouble-
some pollutants. Phase 1, which included 15 Bay Area treatment facilities, found that PFAS concentra-
tions did not correlate to the percentage of industry within a service area, suggesting that residential
and commercial sources are the primary contributors of PFAS.
Phase 2 was designed to gather more information on these sources. Staff collected samples at six
locations in the collection system, including two single-family residential neighborhoods, a multifamily
residential neighborhood, two hospitals, and an industrial laundry. They used an autosampler to collect
samples every 15 minutes over 24 hours. The samples have been sent to a specialized lab for analysis,
and SFEI will compile and share the data.
The best solution to PFAS pollution is at the source, by keeping it out of the environment to begin with.
That is why Central San has advocated for state legislation to better inform consumers about these
pollutants and limit the use of PFAS where safer alternatives are available. Recently, California has taken
some positive steps and phased out PFAS-containing firefighting foams and enacted new bans on PFAS
in paper food packaging and children's toys and products. More legislation is in the works, and Central
San will continue to support those efforts.
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mi Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and Promote Sustainability
National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES)compliance Zero(0)violations Zero(0)violations
Title V compliance Zero(0)violations 1 notice of violation (NOV)*
Recycled Water Title 22 compliance Zero(0)violations **
23,837 MT COZe in
year 2021.
Anthropogenic GHG emissions <25,000 calendar metric tons(MT)COZe y
On track to meet 2022 target.
Sanitary sewer overflows
<2.0 spills per 100 miles 1.63 spills per
of pipeline 100 miles of pipeline rr
Spills to public water 53 4
Percent of spills<500 gallons >_95% 72%
Pipeline cleaning schedules completed on time >_98% 98.86%***
Pipeline cleaning On>A of ***
quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) pipelines cleaned on 3.24/
an annual basis
Pipeline cleaning QA/QC passing rate >_98% 95.85%***
Annual Environmental Compliance Inspections and
100% 100%
permitting completed on time
HHW management compliance Zero(0)violations Zero(0)violations
Gallons of recycled water distributed 2:240 million gallons 227.5 million gallons ;
to external customers
kWh of electricity produced by co-generation >_18 million kWh (reported
22.8 million kWh
using natural gas as a rolling average)
kWh of solar power produced at >_220,000 kWh (reported as 274,000 kWh
Collection System Operations and HHW Facility a rolling average)
kWh of solar power produced >_2.5 million kWh (reported Project on track to start
by a new solar array construction in
near the treatment plant campus as a rolling average) FY 2022-23
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Manage Finances Wisely and Prudently Q
Maintain Financial Stability and Sustainability
♦ Continued to see savings from the innovative refinancing of the pension plan's unfunded actuarial accrued
liability(UAAL)debt, achieving a true interest cost of approximately 0.38%versus the 7.0%discount rate
assumed by the pension plan administrator.
0 Savings to Central San are projected to be approximately$2 million annually or$15 million in total over the
remaining seven-year term of the debt, but will be affected by pension asset returns over this period.
♦ Executed State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan agreement in the amount of$173.1 million for the Solids Project.
Staff has begun plans to finance the new project scope and is monitoring the interest rate environment.
♦ Began preparing SRF loan applications for the Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Replacement and Hydraulic
Improvements Projects.
♦ Completed paperwork and addressed questions from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for
a $3.3 million grant for the Walnut Creek/Grayson Creek Levee Project (a joint project with the Contra
Costa County Flood Control) through the Building Resilient Infrastructures and Communities program.
♦ Contributed an additional$2.7 million in budgetary savings to the Rate Stabilization Fund reserve account in
the Running Expense fund to help hedge against volatility of the SSC due to cost pressures or revenue shortfalls.
♦ Fully funded the Other Post-Employment Benefits actuarially determined contribution of$3.3 million, with
an estimated $1.3 million of that going towards the paying down of the UAAL.
♦ Presented financial alternatives for Board input consistent with debt management policy,fiscal reserve
policy, CIP, and general ratemaking principles at a Financial Workshop and a Public Hearing.
♦ Continued to assess the need for debt, consistent with Board direction and the debt management policy,
and monitoring external factors.
♦ Reduced the number of Annual Contracts and Blanket Purchase Orders older than five years and with an
annual spend greater than $25,000 from 11 (two years ago)to 1 (this year).
♦ Issued 76 non-construction contracts totaling $17.4 million.
♦ Issued 1,042 non-construction Purchase Orders totaling $17.3 million.
♦ Collaborated internally to identify and remove obsolete spares and equipment from the Warehouse in a
continuous effort to decrease inventory-carrying costs.
♦ Updated insurance requirements for goods and services contracts and made full use of external insurance
tracking application.
♦ Presented semi-annual reports on the Enterprise Risk Management
program and strategic risk inventory to the Board.
Ensure Integrity and Transparency in Financial Management
♦ Received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) `
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
award for the 21s'consecutive year (pictured).
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Manage Finances Wisely and Prudently
♦ Received the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation award for the 4th consecutive year following
Central San's first-ever submission four years ago.
♦ Received an unmodified ("clean") external audit opinion and zero reported material weaknesses or
significant deficiencies in internal controls as part of the annual financial audit.
♦ Conducted annual reviews of the following:
0 Rates and fees, for reasonableness and consistency.
0 Capacity fees, to ensure appropriate fees are assessed and collected.
0 Businesses, to ensure consistent use with existing permits and payment of capacity fees.
♦ Board adopted FY 2021-22 Internal Audit Plan to focus on the operational effectiveness of internal
controls, in accordance with established policies and procedures and relevant regulatory expectations,
and to address processes identified by evaluation of the audit process universe, risk assessments,
surveys, or requests from Management.
♦ Completed internal audits on IT Identity and Access Management, Accounts Payable, Payroll (design-only
review and operational audit using a risk-based approach), and Miscellaneous Assets.
The funding is from a 100 million Independent Special District Relief Fund
allocated by the State Legislature and Governor Gavin Newsom in the 2021-
22 State Budget.
Many special districts, including Central San, have faced unexpected expenses
and reduced revenues due to the ongoing public health emergency. Through-
out 2020 and 2021, California's special districts provided essential services to
the local communities, maintained a large portion of the state's critical infra- L .�
structure, and employed thousands of front-line workers, but initially '
received none of the COVID relief funding available to cities and counties.
The state funding will help cover some of Central San's in-house labor costs
as well as contracted services, materials, and supplies necessitated by the
pandemic. Central San also plans to submit a claim for additional COVID-
related costs to FEMA once the disaster declaration ends.
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Manage Finances Wisely and Prudentjum
., -
♦ Issued accurate and timely interim monthly financial reports, allowing for diligent monitoring of the
budget and accountability.
♦ Rolled out a user-friendly online budget monitoring tool through Oracle for managers and budgeteers to
monitor their divisional detail budgets.
♦ Developed FY 2022-23 Budget with the new Enterprise Performance Management Budget and Planning
software, used for both staff planning calculations as well as paperless gathering of budget information
from Division Managers and their delegate budgeteers.
♦ Managed claims aggressively to reduce costs and facilitate resolution, resulting in an average cost per
overflow claim of$14,148.
♦ Pursued opportunities for cost control through optimizations, efficiencies, and new technology.
♦ Worked on the annual Benchmarking Study based on the American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Utility Benchmarking framework.
0 Provided data as part of AWWA Utility Benchmarking Survey.
0 Assisted Global Water Intelligence on presentation of data from their initial benchmarking effort at
the Global Water Summit.
0 Published the FY 2019-20 Benchmarking Study, which compares Central San's performance from
FYs 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 to statewide and nationwide water/wastewater agencies.
0 Shared results of the FY 2019-20 statewide survey coordinated by Central San with 34 agencies.
0 Conducted a FY 2020-21 statewide survey, soliciting involvement from 58 agencies.
0 Prepared the FY 2020-21 study to be presented in fall 2022, which compares Central San's
performance from FYs 2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21 to statewide and nationwide water/
wastewater agencies.
♦ Continued to use the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act for savings on administrative costs of
bidding and streamlining the bidding process for smaller capital projects.
♦ Continued to evaluate, design, and manage construction sewer renovation projects in-house at costs below
the industry standards or compared to outside services.
♦ Tracked all COVID-19-related costs so all eligible expenses can be included with the reimbursement claim
that will be submitted for federal assistance programs.
Objectives for FY 2022-23
♦ Continue to pursue SRF loan funding for future project needs anticipated around 2024 and 2026.
♦ Continue to conduct internal audits with workplans presented annually and internal audit reports
presented to the Board.
♦ Seek feedback from staff on improvement on long-standing accounting and administrative protocols to
align with new streamlined paperless processes and enterprise resource planning (ERP) capabilities.
♦ Complete the FY 2020-21 Benchmarking Study.
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Manage Finances Wisely and Prudently
SSC less than average of Target Met
Bay Area agencies
FY 2020-21 residential rates
Maintain service affordability SSC plus Ad Valorem tax unchanged from FY 2020-21 and
less than average of are still below average of Bay
Bay Area agencies Area Agencies and below
:50.78%of median :50.78%of median
household income household income
Standard and Poor's (S&P) and AAA/Aa1 AAA/Aa1
Moody's Credit Ratings
Debt service coverage ratio >_2.Ox
(using pre-audited figures)
Actual reserves as a 150.4% (O&M) -
percentage of target 100% 342.8%(Capital)
(using pre-audited figures)
Operating expenditures o
as a percentage of >_95% 94.8/(using pre-audited figures)
operating budget
' Reported material weaknesses or
significant deficiencies
- in internal controls Zero(0) Zero(0)as part of annual financial audit - -
iir�-}� Difference in inventory value in
Purchasing database vs.value 51% Metric no longer needed*
submitted to Accounting
: " Accuracy of physical inventory
> a o
count vs. book value 95/ 98/19
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Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce t�)
Proactively Plan for Future Operational Staffing Needs
♦ Developed and launched the Career Development Program, to offer employees career coaching and job
shadowing to assist them in reaching their professional goals. Currently,2 employees are participating.
♦ Managed the fourth cycle of the BOOST Mentorship Program with 4 mentees with mentors paired across
divisions to gain mentorship and advice, learn about other divisions, make connections, complete a
project, and present on that project to Central San leadership.
♦ Kicked off the third Supervisory Academy with 26 participants.
♦ Resumed quarterly Human Resources (HR) @ Your Service trainings with an average audience of 132
attendees per session, with topics on Cybersecurity Awareness (presented by Information Technology (IT)
staff), Explaining Your Pension Benefits, and Deferred Compensation.
♦ Held virtual trainings and Q&As on Central San wide policies and procedures such as the updated perfor-
mance appraisal forms, Teleworking Policy, and COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan.
♦ Developed draft procedures for an enhanced performance appraisal process, which is initiated by
employee self-assessment and focuses on career coaching and development.
♦ Offered financial webinars on topics related to managing money and preparing for retirement.
♦ Offered wellness seminars on topics related to physical and mental health.
♦ Continued online therapy benefit to support employees' mental health and overall well-being through
Talkspace, which conveniently connects employees to a dedicated therapist from a secure platform and is
compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
♦ Continued the biannual Supervisors' Summit to discuss items of interest and receive brief refreshers on
safety directives, HR procedures, workers' comp practices, and other policies, including workers' compen-
sation practices and employee/labor relations.
♦ Offered periodic training for supervisors via the NorCal Employment Relations Consortium.
� . 1 • , . . � , . � . � . . � � . . . ,1+ ^ wEo/e&oAY 5E551aNs
• Members of Central San's
lessons earned and preparation activities for the future,
including long-term planning, new technology, recycled
water, solar energy, and more.
Central San encourages staff to attend conferences such _
as these to highlight their achievements, develop their
skills and knowledge, elevate their professional profiles,
and represent Central San.
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• • "FO
Oaf Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce
♦ Plant Maintenance continued to encourage staff to obtain technical certifications, resulting in staff obtaining
Certified Manager of Maintenance, CWEA Mechanical Technician III, Electrical/Instrumentation Technician 11,
Thermo I, and Ultrasound I certifications.
♦ Continued to offer Trainee Program for various classifications; since 2020, Central San has hired 6 employees
as Plant Operators-in-Training,to provide preparation and training for promotion and advancement opportu-
nities for regular employees interested in Operator positions.
♦ Communicated with other agencies on best practices through the HR Forum and BAYWORK.
♦ Engaged the next generation of wastewater workers.
0 Continued the Summer Student and Internship Programs, offering positions across the organization.
0 Hosted 22 externs from across the globe in the second Virtual Externship Program.
0 Continued to support and participate in BAYWORK's Next Gen Water Workforce events and Technical
Trades Internship Program to host BAYWORK pre-apprentices and help them explore skilled trades jobs.
0 Continued the successful Mechanical Intern Program and hired one of the first interns from the program
as a full-time employee.
0 Engaged with community and technical colleges to assist their recruitment and program development.
0 Continued coordinating with other agencies to support development of the regional workforce.
Central San'
Program • -•
d •
R •
Foster Relationships across All Levels of Central San
♦ Completed negotiations for successor MOUs for all bargaining groups.
♦ Completed preparation activities to assist in the timely adoption of successor MOUs, including analysis,
development of a tracking Gantt chart, and benchmarking studies.
♦ Held ongoing HR and union representative/employee meetings.
♦ General Manager held State of the District meetings and conducted an informal survey to obtain feedback
from staff.
♦ General Manager resumed hosting lunches with division workgroups.
♦ Continued to track status of the resolution of issues arising from the Local One and Management
Support/ Confidential Group Labor Management Committees.
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Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce tom)
Inspire Employee Engagement
♦ Launched Central San's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative.
o Board Ad Hoc DEI Committee and full Board received presentations from Central San's consultant.
o Leadership Team held learning sessions and workshops with the consultant to provide feedback and
begin their learning journey, in advance of the launch to all staff in July 2022.
♦ Launched a voluntary monthly internal Clarifier Speaker Series to bring employees together to learn
about staff's activities and achievements, and to support each other in those goals and achievements,
with an average of 70 employees attending each session.
♦ Continued to publish Flash updates, communicate COVID-19 updates via emails, and publish the Lateral
Connection monthly employee newsletters to keep employees informed about initiatives, activities, and
♦ Executive Team hosted a Strategic Plan Roadshow to each department to roll out the FY 2022-24 Strategic
Plan and its District-wide and department-specific initiatives.
♦ Continued Employee Recognition Events program to assist managers in acknowledging their teams'
♦ Began planning the second Innovations Fair, which will showcase and celebrate innovative employees
going above and beyond to improve and optimize their work at the 2022 Employee Appreciation Picnic.
♦ Continued to hold cross-divisional committee meetings to coordinate activities and build relationships.
_ l
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power, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce
Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards
♦ Administration and Engineering Departments had zero lost workdays.
♦ CSO Division has worked 342 continuous days without a lost-time injury, Plant Operations Division has
worked 728 continuous days without a lost-time injury, and Administration and Engineering Departments
have worked 2,331 continuous days without a lost-time injury.
♦ Had zero Cal/OSHA violations.
♦ District Safety Committee implemented Safety Suggestions in less than 60 days.
♦ Adopted and kept updated a COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan to serve as the guiding document for
preventive measures, hazard assessment and controls, and safe return-to-work protocols, based on
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Cal/OSHA guidelines.
♦ Closed facilities to the public as needed and pivoted to services online where possible.
♦ Permitted the portion of the workforce who could do their work from home to telework on an interim
basis to reduce community spread during the pandemic.
Objectives for FY 2022-23
♦ Continue to gauge ways and means to make Central San a preferred employer.
♦ Conduct succession planning for District Counsel.
♦ Continue to administer the Supervisory Academy and Cycle 4 of the BOOST Mentorship Program.
♦ Launch the Goals & Performance and Safety ERP modules.
♦ Roll out new performance evaluation process with a coaching and career development approach, pend-
ing launch of the Oracle Goals and Performance module and testing of the draft procedures.
♦ Implement a learning management system.
♦ Hold an Innovations Fair to recognize employees' ingenuity.
♦ Continue to work collaboratively and keep open lines of communication with bargaining units to resolve
workplace issues in their early stages and prevent grievances.
♦ Expand the DEI initiative District wide and convene a Task Force to help guide the effort.
♦ Continue to modify working schedules and conditions and implement administrative and engineering
controls as needed to respond to the pandemic.
♦ Continue to update and implement the COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan to mirror changing local,
state, and federal guidelines.
♦ Update the public address system in the Treatment Plant and CSO for effective communication during
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Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforc tom)
r d,
Average time to fill vacancy 560 days 47.25 Days
(from request to hire)
Turnover rate at or below
American Water Works Association <7.8% 6.5% (including retirees)
industry median 5.1% (excluding retirees)
>_15 hours per
Average annual training hours full-time
r' equivalent 16.21 hours per FTE
(external and internal training) employee
{ Completion of annual 100% 80% t.. ;
performance evaluations
Participation in annual Increase by
10%each year
i Wellness Expo
47 participants" T, z:
Workers' Compensation
r 51.0 1.10***
experience modifier
Temporary modified duty provided >_95%of 100%
(Return to Work Program) injuries (not during COVID-19 surges)
Internal promotions 2:25% 47.1%
(excludes entry-level positions)
Formal grievances filed Zero (0) Zero (0)
Employee injury and illness 54.0 2.6
lost time incident rate
1 1 1 1 • 1 • • • •
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Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
Manage Assets Optimally to Prolong Their Useful Life
♦ Completed condition assessments and preliminary design for the Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Reno-
vation Project.
♦ Completed Preventative Maintenance Optimizations on the cogeneration system, auxiliary boiler, boiler feed
water pump and influent pump.
♦ Completed 13 Don't Just Fix It; Improve It (DJFI) initiatives to increase maintenance effectiveness, lower costs,
and increase equipment reliability.
♦ Completed 106 QA/QC Maintenance Planner updates to incorporate Maintenance staff's suggestions to
Preventive Maintenance work orders (e.g., updated asset information, improved standard operating proce-
dures, and improvements to task effectiveness or efficiency).
♦ Completed 924 services on vehicles and equipment.
♦ Continuously reviewed maintenance procedures and identified opportunities for improvement as part of the
overall Maintenance strategy, including failure reporting and corrective action processes.
♦ Continued developing Asset Health Indicator templates so eventual health scores may be configured based
on testing and analysis and factored into each Asset Health Score.
♦ Developed inspection templates for each asset-condition monitoring technology(e.g., infrared,vibration, and
ultrasound testing).
♦ Continued to develop and implement procedures through the Asset Condition Monitoring Team for ther-
mography, ultrasound, vibration, laser alignment, high speed camera motion amplification,fluid analysis, and
motor winding analysis.
♦ Began work on closed-circuit television (CCTV) software (ITPipes) multi-sensor inspection portal, so Phase 1
large diameter pipeline inspections may begin to help optimize pipeline replacement schedules.
♦ Executed ITPipes upgrades for the server and trucks, set up Contractor Portal services/syncing and data
migration from ITPipes' existing dataset, and upgraded to ITPipes Mobile in three CCTV units.
♦ Plant Maintenance and Engineering collaborated on pre-design, design, and construction to ensure procure-
ment and correct installment of the latest, safest, most reliable equipment and maintainable technology.
♦ Continued the breaker overload testing and winding analyzer programs, which play a significant role in low-
ering equipment downtime costs, increasing reliability of equipment, increasing effectiveness of the motor
management program, and enhancing acceptance testing of new or overhauled equipment.
♦ Increased accessibility of Asset Management and Reliability Engineering information, including tracking DJFI
initiatives, improving spares management, creating new workflows to the Cityworks maintenance system,
adding job plans to GeoPortal, and creating links in GeoPortal to reliability analysis information and preven-
tive and predictive maintenance program tasks based on asset identification.
♦ Made additions to the Asset-Centered Maintenance(ACM) program,including initiating a dashboard for
trending information from bearing temperature and sound inspections to better monitor, analyze, and act
on exceptions.
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Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
".M- W-114:411;4001IN
Recently,the group formalized Defect Elimination, Planned Maintenance Optimization, and Root
Cause Analysis initiatives; improved asset handoff workflows; and built an Asset Condition Monitoring
program. Planners are always optimizing maintenance productivity and effectiveness by coordinating
labor, materials,tools, and access to equipment.
The combination of these efforts have helped meet the group's target of<10% reactive work orders
per year, while maintaining a flat operations and maintenance (O&M) budget for the past 8 years.
The backbone of this program is a strategic framework for improving maintenance efficiency and
functional reliability of assets, a systematic and comprehensive program based on asset criticality
and consequence of failure, and identification of the most effective preventative maintenance tasks
for treatment plant equipment and systems.
Moving into the next fiscal year, staff will focus on expanding the reliability culture,
advancing asset management, shaping future leaders, empowering staff, and celebrating successes.
k 46
d r 6
a � �
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aintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
Execute Long-Term Capital Renewal and Replacement Program
♦ Replaced or rehabilitated approximately4.6 miles of public sewers in Alamo, Walnut Creek, Lafayette,
Pleasant Hill, Orinda, and other nearby communities.
♦ Worked on over 80 capital projects to address infrastructure, regulatory, equipment, and safety needs.
♦ Continued to design infrastructure repair, replacements, and improvements to the collection system,
treatment plant, and other facilities.
♦ Completed construction at pumping stations in Orinda and Moraga and at the treatment plant, including
the Contractor Staging Improvements Project.
♦ Completed the Treatment Plant Safety Enhancements, Phase 5,which added emergency exit stairs to the
Solids Conditioning Building for employee safety.
♦ Completed annual Basin A South soil cap seep repairs.
♦ Held internal joint-division assessment workshop with staff and stakeholders of the Capital Improvement
Program (CIP).
o The workshop's goals were to gauge the CIP's strengths and weaknesses, share lessons learned, audit
whether goals were being met, and develop broader measurements for the success of the program.
o This will become a semi-annual/annual review moving forward to ensure satisfaction of the CIP stake-
holders and ensure funds are being spent wisely.
♦ Began developing matrices for scoring the success of the CIP, regulatory compliance, operator satisfaction,
and compliance with identified objectives.
♦ Continued construction of the Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements, Phase 1A,for reliable recycled
water storage and electrical improvements.
♦ Continued construction of the Influent Pump Electrical Improvements and Electric Blower Improvements.
♦ Initiated major renovations of electrical equipment at Headworks and the Pump and Blower Building to
address reliability for pumping process flows and aeration air systems.
♦ Started several new projects, including the condition assessments for the UV Disinfection Replacement
Project and UV Hydraulic Improvement Project.
♦ Completed preliminary design for the Aeration Basin Diffuser Replacement to replace diffusers in order to
meet requirements of the NPDES permit.
♦ Completed preliminary design for the Seismic Upgrades Project to rehabilitate high-value assets such as
aeration tanks to prolong their remaining useful life.
♦ Began re-design and bid documents for the Solids Project, Phase 1A, which includes new air pollution control
equipment and other needed improvements.
♦ Started the Solids Project, Phase 2 to reevaluate the selection and phasing of biosolids facilities upgrades
based on information, circumstances, policies, and goals that have changed since the completion of the
Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan in 2017.
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Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
. -
n ♦ Developed Recycled Water Inspection mobile application to
conduct inventory of meter,valve, hydrant, and sampling station
locations with photos.
w ♦ Expanded InfoWorks' integrated catchment modeling dynamic
model to include Headworks structures and piping and conducted
scenario modeling.
♦ Completed a draft of the Asset Management Plan, which includes
y •�`"' identification of vulnerable assets related to climate change and
developing mitigation measures.
- �` ♦ Completed review of all structures in public right-of-way for the
Sewer Structure Inventory Project, which collected maintenance
t`F access hole and cleanout conditions, locations in bike lanes, road
�,r W types, and whether there are any structural issues needing imme-
diate attention by CSO.
6 ♦ Continued ongoing development of a detailed control system
- - ` design document, resulting in standard wiring, documentation,
and supervisory control and data acquisition screens across all
capital projects. Historical lack of standards has resulted in
disparate installations which have made maintenance and trouble-
shooting significantly more challenging.
N ♦ Completed migration of the pipeline risk and renovation model
from InfoMaster into Innovyze's new InfoAsset Planner software
platform. InfoAsset is being piloted as it can be used to develop a
prioritization model for vertical assets, and it will put a freeze on an
annual software subscription which will save an estimated
$64,000. Staff will be evaluating software solutions as a part of the
IT Strategic Plan in FY 2022-23.
�; ♦ Completed Treatment Plant Flood Vulnerability Study with the
help of a consultant.
ti "` ♦ Initiated 5-Year Collection System Master Plan Update.
♦ Kicked off preliminary design for the Recycled Water Distribution
System Renovation Project and conducted field inspections of
valves and flow meters.
♦ Worked collaboratively with Contra Costa Flood Control District to
complete 35%and 65%final design packages for the Walnut/
Grayson Creeks Levee Improvements Project.
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Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
I 41N 11*:�Iwffs I W1r:X q
Blowers are critical to the treatment process.They supply air to the secondary
aeration tanks, which support the growth of aerobic bacteria that break down
waste in the water.The new, more efficient blowers will each be capable of *.
moving 35,000 cubic feet of air per minute and can be powered by the existing
cogeneration system or standby generators.They will provide full backup if the
plant loses the ability to produce steam -for example, during upgrades to the
Solids Handling Facilities. - f'
In addition to the new blowers,the project will install new filter houses,chillers,
and electrical and control equipment.The first blower was delivered in April
2022, and assuming no supply chain challenges impact the delivery of support
equipment,the new blowers could be online by November 2022.
Protect Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies
♦ Selected a vendor for the Security Action Plan and scoped high-priority items into a capital project.
♦ Implemented Everbridge, an emergency notification system.
♦ Installed additional access control devices.
♦ Increased security guard presence on main campus.
♦ Made significant improvements in perimeter control and provided notices to staff due to increased activity.
♦ Gave presentation on security reminders to Central San's supervisors.
♦ Replaced and upgraded major data storage systems in data centers.
♦ Improved cybersecurity with advanced threat protection tools.
♦ Conducted phishing prevention training exercises and Cybersecurity Awareness training for all staff.
♦ Implemented new video security software used throughout Central San facilities.
♦ Continued Asset Bar Code Tags pilot project to identify and track equipment.
♦ Executed all contract renewals on time, ensuring uninterrupted service and reducing risk.
♦ Participated in the Operational Area Council to contribute to creating an effective and multi-jurisdictional
approach to disaster preparedness and planning.
♦ Worked on a comprehensive set of physical security standards as a risk tool, to allow Capital Projects to
perform an updated risk assessment (i.e., identify the purpose of a structure, use, reuse, and minimum
perimeter security, and provide consistency for new construction and retrofit).
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Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
Objectives for FY 2022-23
♦ Continue to utilize a repeatable and comprehensive approach to
maintenance that optimizes asset lifecycle based on reliability, cost, and
criticality, including continuing to perform additional Reliability Centered
Maintenance, Root Cause Analysis, PM Optimization analysis, and Defect
Elimination initiatives on critical equipment and systems.
♦ Continue to drive the development of the Asset Centered Maintenance
Program and integrate with analytics for earliest warning of equipment
♦ Complete the 5-Year update for the Collection System Wastewater t ,
Master Plan, including addressing collection system resiliency,
vulnerability, and mitigations for climate change.
♦ Develop a prioritization model for vertical assets.
♦ Renovate collection systems in Walnut Creek, North and South Orinda,
Lafayette, Danville, and Martinez.
♦ Bid the re-scoped Solids Project, Phase 1A and continue scoping Phase 2.
♦ Complete the construction of the Influent Pump Electrical Improve-
ments Project, which will replace the variable frequency drives at the
Headworks Facility at the treatment plant.
♦ Construct the Electric Blower Improvements; Steam Renovations,
Phase 1; and Aeration Basins Diffuser Replacement and Seismic
♦ Continue construction and electrical design of the Filter Plant and
Clearwell Improvements - Phase 1A and Phase 113 Projects, which will
include replacing critical electrical gear and increase reliability at
recycled water storage facilities.
♦ Upgrade the electrical system at the San Ramon Pumping Station.
♦ Construct the Pumping Station Upgrades, Phase 2, at the Martinez,
Fairview, and Maltby stations. -
♦ Design the UV Disinfection Replacement and Hydraulic Improvements.
♦ Finalize security system design criteria for use in upcoming capital
♦ Review and update the Emergency Operations and Continuity of
Operations Plans.
♦ Continue developing the IT Strategic Plan, including creating technology
roadmaps to coordinate technology use throughout the organization.
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• Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting
Safety-prioritized work orders 100% 100%*
completed on time
Regulatory Title V work orders 100% 97%*
completed on time
Planned treatment plant
preventative maintenance >_90% 96%*
completed on time
Recycled water distribution system
maintenance schedules >_98% 100%*
completed on time
Uptime for vehicles 100% 100%
Miles of sewers
replaced or rehabilitated >6.0 4.6**
(focused on deteriorated
small diameter pipelines)
Large diameter and force main ?3 miles per year NA- Phase 1 inspections
condition assessment for the next five years will begin August 2022
starting in FY 2020-21
Average time to execute Engineering
agreements from complete package :52 weeks 8 working days
submittal or Board approval
65.1%of adjusted target
Capital expenditures from re-forecast given
as a percentage of capital budgeted >_90/ Solids Project re-bidding
cash flow including carry forward o
50.6/of original budget
(using pre-audited figures)
Information system outages 100% uptime 99.9% uptime****
affecting normal business operations
Data backup and recovery Zero lost data Zero lost data
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Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
Implement the Central San Smart Initiative
♦ Smart Steering Committee meetings are currently on hold, pending progress on IT Strategic Plan.
♦ Potential projects in the Implementation Plan include Development of Dashboard for Treatment Plant
Maintenance Decision-Making; Smart Manhole Cover Pilot, Development of Computer Aided Drafting and
Building Information Modeling Standards, Development of Dashboard for CSO Field Operations,Treatment
Plant Asset Handover Optimization, and Development of an Asset Health Indicator Tool.
Improve and Modernize Operations through Technology and Efficiency Measures
♦ Continued ongoing optimization and improvement of the recently implemented, fully integrated cloud-
based ERP system. This system has been useful during the pandemic, with the conversion of several
business workflows into streamlined paperless processes (i.e., approvals for invoices, purchasing card
reports,journal entries, timecards, etc.).
♦ Configured, tested, and troubleshooted the new Goals and Performance module.
♦ Rolled out paperless ERP-integrated pathway for employees to submit for computer loans requests.
♦ Continued to work with consultant on various outstanding ERP issues, including contract management,
integrations with DocuSign and Laserfiche, inventory management, system access for users, and
♦ Continued to work toward launching the Community Development and Permitting module (targeted to
go-live in 2023), after which new SSC billing software will be selected.
♦ Completed the O&M budget process utilizing new Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
software. Use for the Capital budget process is planned for FY 2022-23.
♦ Utilized Oracle integrated Smart-View reporting technology to develop ACFR financials for first time.
♦ Implemented the Oracle Warehouse Management System, which also included updating the Warehouse
labels with the latest barcode symbology QR codes.
0 The barcode inventory program fully automates all issues, receipts, and inventory cycle counts and
streamlines the process of work order creation in the computerized maintenance management
system (CMMS) to easily look up asset information and its maintenance history.
♦ Transitioned to presenting detailed financial reports on a quarterly basis and monthly O&M and Capital
budgets-to-actual summary reports via the ERP system, saving staff time while preserving transparency and
oversight, replacing labor-intensive monthly reports.
♦ Implemented online access to budget-to-actual results for managers and budgeteers, to reduce manual
effort in preparing, reviewing, and distributing detail-level budget reports for each cost center to staff.
♦ Continued using ProCore construction management software.
♦ Kicked off Phase 1 of the IT Strategic Plan; initial results are scheduled for FY 2022-23. Completed depart-
ment and director workshops in preparation for developing a Technology Roadmap to encompass all technol-
ogy implementation across the organization.
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Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
♦ Initiated development of the Strategic Optimization and Innovation Initiative in the Operations Department.
♦ Maintained Optimizations Program to commit to efficiency, effectiveness, and continuous improvement by
tracking and reporting progress, and presented Optimizations Program Annual Report to the Board.
♦ Methodically increased dissolved oxygen levels in the aeration tank, which has resulted in potential improve-
ment and stabilization of effluent turbidity, which could lower costs and improve downstream UV and recy-
cled water process performance.
♦ Repurposed an existing field truckto accommodate rodder hoses for easement maintenance.
♦ Began developing in-house demonstrators to show how cleaning tools work inside a clear pipe, and a mainte-
nance access hole that shows the proper methods of turning cleaning tools in manholes.
♦ Purchased an inflatable dam for use with Category 1 SSOs. In the past, staff would use plastic and sandbags
to create a pool for bypass pumping, which was labor intensive and had a higher potential for slips, trips, and
falls.The dam can be carried with just two people in one trip and can stop flow into a creek in minutes.
♦ Designed a sewage grit trap for installation before a siphon, where settlement gets trapped in low flow.
♦ Created a device to catch debris created when breaking through concrete to adjust maintenance access hole
castings and covers.The device catches debris just below the frame and cover, so it can be reached and
removed easily, saving staff from having to perform a confined space entry into the manhole and/or use of a
vac truck.
♦ Set up automatic notifications of Category One Overflows to the Lab and created a link between Cityworks
and Geoportal.
♦ Piloted handheld data scanners to improve efficiency at the HHWCF and Recycled Water Fill Station.
♦ Standardized daily construction inspection reports used by outside consultants, internal engineers, and in-
spectors for a more efficient, consistent, and mobile process.
♦ Upgraded Secondary Process, Pump & Blower, UV, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, and Service Airprogram-
mable logic control programs from 1980s-era software to modern software.
♦ Optimized access to Asset Management Documents from Cityworks CMMS by programmatically placing a
hyperlink in Cityworks' work order comments which links directly to a page where staff can review and open
asset management documents.
♦ Began developing a UV resource planning dashboard which will facilitate the use of near real-time data to
help plan staffing and equipment resources needed to perform re-lamp tasks.
♦ Continued work on digitizing Operator routes from paper into a template on mobile devices.
♦ Installed arc-rated, quick electrical disconnects on washer compactor motors in the Headworks to save time
and reduce callouts for Electrical Shop support on motor maintenance.
♦ Developed an administrative procedure and consistent response to the encampments of people without
housing on Central San's buffer properties.
♦ Worked toward moving some of the Environmental Compliance permitting online, with the help of a data-
base consultant to ensure regulatory requirements are fulfilled.
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Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
♦ Replaced the outdated, legacy phone system with Microsoft Teams, upgrading the internal telephone system
and integrating it with the Teams system which has been widely used by staff.
♦ Modernized the Board Meeting Room with the addition of multiple video cameras to improve transparency,
upgrades to the electronic systems to accommodate mobile devices, and replacement of projector screens
with monitors.
♦ Held bid openings remotely and live online.
♦ Began migrating contract documents into Laserfiche, providing a secure electronic storage location while
also giving staff the ability to search and access contract documentation.
♦ Implemented EBIX, a certificate management platform to increase compliance and reduce cost.
♦ Made adjustments to optimize and maintain customer service levels during significant increase in Develop-
ment Services activity.
0 Hired temporary staff to perform precursory reviews.
0 Set up a dedicated email address to acknowledge electronic receipt of plans and advise when plans are
ready for pickup.
0 Began developing an Accessory Dwelling Units frequently asked questions sheet to clarify the
process and requirements.
♦ Coordinated strategically on outreach with two sister agencies to increase customer engagement through
communication opportunities.
0 Partnered with Contra Costa Water District on a "Go with the Flow" one water student education
program which served over 13,000 students.
0 Partnered with EBMUD on advertising Central San's virtual plant tours and the 75th Anniversary
Customer Experience website. EBMUD sent emails to 75,000 of their water customers and Central San's
wastewater customers promoting the sites, and will send 14 total between November 2021 and
December 2022. Central San has already seen an impact in responses from customers as a result.
• water meters.21wo generations of Water Pigeons were installed inside
meter boxes at 10 piloted sites, sending water consumption data and analytics to a web
portal. This could facilitate remote meter readings and be used to assist in identifying
usage trends and potential customer leaks. CSO staff currently conduct these readings
manually, which can take up to eight hours to read all 47 meters in the recycled water
distribution system.
Unfortunately, due to battery and device failures, site condition limitations, reading
inaccuracies and inefficiencies, and a high staff cost despite the low cost of the technol-
ogy, full-scale implementation was not recommended, but the pilot served its purpose
in allowing Central San to test this new technology for potential savings.
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Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
. .
The tec app i"9 -
o these units inc ude real-time eve moni oring,
hydraulic surcharge evaluation, cleaning frequency validation, and smart systems.
Following the pilot, after weighing the pros and cons of each unit, staff selected the
one that provides real-time understanding of levels, level and machine learning alerts,
and easy-to-access data. Staff is moving forward with developing a scale-up phasing ,
strategy to employ monitors in the collection system.
♦ Continued to support the HYPOWERS pilot project to test an emerging hydrothermal resource recovery
process for solids handling. Funding for Phase 2 is currently to be determined.
♦ Co-authored a wastewater-based epidemiology journal article with the University of California (UC),
Berkeley, titled "Tools for interpretation of wastewater SARS-CoV-2 temporal and spatial trends demon-
strated with data collected in the San Francisco Bay Area," published in Water Research X in August 2021.
♦ Co-authored a wastewater-based epidemiology manuscript for the American Chemical Society with
Stanford University, titled "Diurnal variability of SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in hourly grab samples
of wastewater influent during low COVID-19 incidence".
♦ Participated in ISLE applied research meetings.
♦ Began re-strategizing the optimal way to coordinate across divisions on applied research.
♦ Presented on innovations, optimizations, and best practices at conferences:
0 Presented paper on "Painting the Full Picture: Condition Assessments upgraded to Comprehensive
Asset Evaluations" at the 2021 WEFTEC conference for a seminar focused on Asset Management.
0 Presented "Membrane filtration — Potential solution for Title 22 water reuse in low SRT applica-
tions?" and "Rate and Fee Structure to Support A Large CIP" at the CWEA conference.
0 Presented on "How do you get 30K photo attachments out of ArcGIS Enterprise (or ArcGIS
Online)?" and "Get Hooked on Webhooks with FME Server Automation Tools for Your Enterprise"
at FME World Tour.
Objectives for FY 2022-23
♦ Launch the Community Development and Permitting module.
♦ Present alternatives and recommendation for Treasury Function Optimization for Board evaluation.
♦ Implement the IT Strategic Plan to improve efficiencies through technology.
♦ Conduct staff training to improve efficiency and usefulness of accounting, budgeting, and financial
reporting function through the ERP and EPM systems.
♦ Continue development of the Strategic Optimization and Innovation Initiative in Operations.
♦ Undertake pilots including high-definition CCTV 2-D or 3-D laser profiling sonar, if possible; manhole-
specific inspections using 3-D imagery; a 3-D mapping probe; and acoustic leak detection.
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Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
a pilot project to monitor wastewater from the Martinez Detention Facility(MDF)to look for
SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes •
Wastewater monitoring has proved to be a valuable tool during the pandemic to help health officials
track trends over time and spot early warning signs of rising infection rates within a population.
The MDF pilot could serve as a model for future monitoring projects for other high-density residential
locations within the community, such as jails, dorms, and assisted-living facilities.
During the two-week pilot, staff developed a sampling plan and worked out several logistical challenges.
The sewer design for MDF includes two separate collection areas that enter the collection system in
different places. Thus, the team had to collect samples at two different maintenance access holes to
capture data for the entire facility. Deploying the autosamplers was also challenging, requiring traffic
control and a two-person team to lower the equipment into position.
Samples were collected three times per week and sent to UC Berkeley for analysis.
Initial results found little evidence of the virus, and Central San staff plans to train CCHS staff to continue
the sampling going forward.
_ vi
ti` 1
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Page 39 of 51
Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
. . . . .
The project, housed in a tent in the treatment plant, tested three membrane manufac-
turers in parallel, helped determine optimal operating parameters and how those might
translate in full-scale costs, and operated a dual-stage reverse osmosis skid. The pilot
ran concurrently with Phase 1A of the Filter Plant Improvements Project, where staff
changed the media in one of the four filter cells. Staff will compare the performance and
operating costs of that media with the membranes in the pilot project.
The pilot required 24/7 operation, with staff performing operator checklists, water quali-
ty tests, and membrane chemical cleans; observing performance trends; and completing
maintenance and repairs. The pilot was decommissioned in July 2022, and once the data
is fully analyzed, a business case evaluation will be updated to determine best steps for
the Filter Plant improvements to further Central San's mission of protecting the environ- .i
ment, while being fiscally responsible.
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Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
Projects initiated under >3 4
Central San Smart
Reviews or pilot tests of 2:3 7*
new and promising technology
Research papers and findings >3 3
� -
Don't Just Fix It; Improve It (DJFI)
>35 13**
work orders completed
Completed optimizations >_20 20
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Preserve business continuity during pandemic events or major natural disasters
Maintain a Safe Working Environment for Employees and the Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic
♦ Communicated regularly with staff to provide updates on new guidelines and health orders.
♦ Implemented and enforced the COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan, and held virtual Q&As to explain
and answer questions on updates to the plan.
♦ Allowed employees to telework where possible based on their job duties and ability to work effectively
from home, to help reduce community spread.
♦ Continued to provide virtual treatment plant tours, speakers bureau, and student education programs,
maintaining Central San's levels of outreach and education during COVID-19 restrictions.
♦ Produced monthly Lateral Connection employee newsletter in digital magazine format to keep employ-
ees informed and engaged, even while working remotely.
♦ Ensured adequate and sufficient stock levels for required personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies
to accommodate all Central San staff despite the shortages and sourcing challenges during the pandemic.
♦ Began developing a Teleworking Policy to initiate a return to office for employees still teleworking.
♦ Provided updates on the pandemic at every Board meeting.
♦ Secured COVID-19 testing resources for employees and conducted contact tracing for all positive cases.
♦ Procured on-site "peace of mind" COVID-19 testing for employees.
♦ Implemented Central San's vaccine mandate.
♦ Maintained regular and ongoing communication with bargaining unit representatives and employees on
changes, updates, and general information related to COVID-19.
♦ Employed temporary staff to perform additional daily cleaning in accordance with the Cleaning and
Disinfection Schedule Matrix.
♦ Implemented recommendations of Engineering Controls Plan, such as installing signage, dividers, and
permanent automatic faucets and soap dispensers.
♦ Put additional controls in place for the reopening of the Lobby and Permit Counter to customers.
♦ Compared best practices with sister agencies.
♦ Required contractors to update their company Illness and Injury Prevention Plan to address COVID-19,
have daily safety logs and sign-in sheets, and wear PPE and provide handwashing and sanitizing stations.
♦ Updated the Pandemic Response Plan and presented it to the Board.
Plan Ahead for Scenarios of Direct Adverse Impacts
♦ Monitored and quantified COVID-19-related impacts to revenues, costs, and the Cost of Service model.
♦ Provided various rate options in light of external economic circumstances.
♦ Continued tracking COVID-19 related costs for potential FEMA reimbursement.
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Page 42 of 51
Preserve business continuity during pandemic events or major natural disasters
• i • . • • - . =M 9F9V1T4W4FI •
Since summer 2020, Central San has participated in several research projects looking at SARS-CoV-2 virus
concentrations in wastewater. Wastewater monitoring is effective because not everyone with COVID-19
will have symptoms or access to clinical testing, but everyone goes to the bathroom. Around the world,
wastewater monitoring has proved a valuable tool to help track population-level trends during the
pandemic and provide early warning signals of rising infection rates.
Central San was among the agencies recognized as "early trendsetters in
implementing wastewater-based epidemiology" in the resolution adopted ..,
by the Water Board.The Water Board also acknowledged Central San for
maintaining its sampling programs for more than a year. So far, sampling
has been completed for the following efforts with whom Central San is
proud to partner:
♦ Stanford Research Project, which looked at how concentrations of
the virus RNA vary throughout the day and the treatment process,
and evaluated different sampling methods.
♦ COVID-WEB, a regional wastewater monitoring project led by UC
Berkeley. At data.covid-web.org, anyone can view data from each
county and agency, including Central San. �--�
♦ National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS), a pilot study led
by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC
to develop a national wastewater monitoring database.
0 In a related effort, Central San is participating in a one-year, CDC-led
project in collaboration with the California Department of Public
Health that will include 500 sampling sites across the country.
♦ Verily, which analyzes solids as part of the NWSS.
♦ Biobot Analytics, a new wastewater-based epidemiology effort.
Central San will continue to participate in and provide samples for �.
wastewater monitoring efforts to help keep the community safe and healthy. --
Objectives for FY 2021-22
♦ Remain flexible and adaptable as the pandemic and other emergency events may impact operations.
♦ Enact the Return to Office Plan to bring remaining remote-based employees back to the office.
♦ Submit the FEMA Public Assistance application for reimbursement of COVID-19-related costs.
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Page 43 of 51
Preserve business continuity during pandemic events or major natural disasters
Number of sanitary sewer overflows <1 standard
(vs.during the last five years 1.74*
0 for the same time period) deviation
v 99.99%(Air)
3 Permit compliance 100% 100%(Liquid)
°—' 97.5%(Collection System)
Productivity 95% >95%
Increase in costs to the 0% 0�
O&M budget beyond what is approved
Revenue projections met 100% 100%
' Additional increase in unfunded liabilities 55% Pension funding at 100%.
No increase in UAAL noted.
Funds granted from available state and federal 100%of Expense recovery term
reimbursement programs requested funds extended.Application in
Customer satisfaction levels >_90% 90.3%
Requested PPE provided 100% 100%
Requested safety improvements 100% 100%
to the workplace fulfilled
Employees trained on COVID-19 prevention 100% 100% - -
Twice-daily cleaning of all restroom facilities 100% 100%
x 65.1%of adjusted target
from re-forecast given
cCapital expenditures as a percentage of capital > o ** Solids Project re-bidding
' budgeted cash flow including carry forward 85�
� 50.6%of original budget
� (using pre-audited figures)
The intent of this metric is to measure whether overflows have increased during pandemic
disasters. If increased,the goal is to have a standard deviation of!�1. Because overflows have reduced in
FY 1 1-21 when compared to the past five years,the target was met and exceeded.
Performance on the Goal 7 metrics will only be tracked in the event of a pandernic or natural disaster, in
which case the target for •- -• •1' of •.
Lower spending was caused by delayed spending in the treatment plant program
due to shortages of materials and equipment delays.
r ',�,.,_ �:�•.-. �`i.. w.4r+'��*�;a.r
October 4, 2022 Regular ADM IN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 83 of 93
Page 44 of 51
W .P' r
Assembly Bill Fiscal Year
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report • Government Finance Officers Association
Asset-Centered Maintenance Greenhouse Gas
American Water Works Association Household Hazardous Waste
Bay Area Air Quality Management District Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
Bay Area Clean Water Agencies Human Resources
i California Association of Sanitation Agencies Information Technology
Contra Costa Health Services Million
Closed-Circuit Television Martinez Detention Facility
Contra Costa Water District Million Gallons per Day
0 Centers for Disease Control • Memorandum of Understanding
Capital Improvement Program National Association of Clean Water Agencies
Computerized Maintenance • Notice of Violation
Management System
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
California Product Stewardship Council
National Wastewater Surveillance System
California Special Districts Association
•: Operations and Maintenance
Collection System Operations
• � Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
California Water Environment Association
• Pacific Gas& Electric
Diversity, Equity,and Inclusion
Personal Protective Equipment
Dublin San Ramon Services District—
East Bay Municipal Utility District Public Service Announcement
Recycled Water Authority
•� • Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Don't Just Fix It; Improve It Reportable Compliance Activity
Department of Pesticide Regulation 4 Senate Bill
r Dublin San Ramon Services District San Francisco Estuary Institute
East Bay Municipal Utility District State Revolving Fund
Environmental Protection Agency Sewer Service Charge
Enterprise Performance Management • Sanitary Sewer Overflows
Enterprise Resource Planning Satellite Water Recycling Facility
Effective Utility Management . . Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liabilities
Federal Emergency Management Agency
University of California
Full-Time Equivalent Ultraviolet
October 4, 2022 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 84 of 93
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Page 4&flgY2022
October 4,2022
Fiscal Year
Strategic Plan -�•.
g _
Annual Report
Administration Committee -
MeetingJ` ;
Christina Gee
Management Analyst
Fiscal Year (FY) FY 2021-22
2020-22 Strategic Plan STRATEGIC PLAN
_ Fiscal year y�
October 4, 2022 Regular ADM IN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 86 of 93 1
Page 4NQf 2022
Provide Exceptional Customer Service and 4-7Maintain an Excellent Reputation =
Earned high average customer satisfaction rating of '
3.93 out of 4.0 on collection system emergency calls
Launched and promoted the 751h Anniversary Experience
Reopened the Permit Counter
Served 19,802 students with hands-on, science-based lessons }
Oversaw 73,734 visits to the Household Hazardous Waste
Collection Facility and Residential Recycled Water Fill Station
Continued to communicate with customers and stakeholders
Began participating in a State Low-Income Household Water
Assistance Program
Held virtual Board meetings to facilitate civic engagement
a Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and
" Promote Sustainability
Received the National Association of Clean Water Agencies Platinum 24
Award—the longest streak in California and tied for 9th in the nation y
Negotiated successful renewal of National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Permit
Executed 17,808 pipeline cleaning work orders on schedule 98.86%of
the time
Responded to 25 sewer overflows(1.63 spills per 100 miles of pipeline)
Represented Central San in regulatory and legislative matters
Supported policy efforts promoting pollution prevention, producer
responsibility,and proper wipes labeling
October 4, 2022 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 87 of 93 2
Page 48%Q' 2022
' Strive to Meet Regulatory Requirements and
f Promote Sustainability ,;,
Distributed 227.5 million gallons of recycled water to external
Began talks with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission as a
potential partner in the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange
Began collaborating with East Bay Municipal Utility District on
development of a potable reuse study
Completed first wastewater diversion to support a collaboration
request from Dublin San Ramon Services District—East Bay
Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority(DERWA) ,
Continued work toward the 1.75-megawatt solar array project,
to start construction in FY 2022-23 -
OManage Finances Wisely and Prudently
Maintained Sewer Service Charge at less than average of Bay Area agencies
Continued to see savings from refinancing the pension plan's unfunded actuarial
accrued liability debt(-$2 million annually over remaining seven-year term)
Executed$173.1 million State Revolving Fund(SRF)agreement for the Solids Y
Handling Facilities Improvement Project --ti
Achieved 2151 consecutive year of receiving the Government Finance Officers
Association(GFOA)Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
Achieved 4th consecutive year of receiving the GFOA Distinguished Budget
Presentation Award
Completed internal audits on Information Technology(IT)Identity and Access
Management,Accounts Payable,Payroll(design-only),and Miscellaneous Assets s
Received$996,177 in State funding to help reimburse pandemic costs
Leveraged new software to provide budgeting tools and reports with improved
monitoring capability,accountability,and transparency
October 4, 2022 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 88 of 93 3
Page 4c_WW2022
Recruit,empower,and engage a highly trained and safe workforce
• Developed and launched the Career Development Program
Continued the Mentorship Program with 4 mentees and mentors 9�
Kicked off the Supervisory Academy with 26 participants
Resumed quarterly HIR @ Your Service trainings with an average of 132
attendees per session
Launched monthly Clarifier Speaker Series program,with an average of 70 �.,.
attendees per session
Hosted the Externship Program for 22 students and recent graduates
Held General Manager State of the District discussions
Completed negotiations for successor memoranda of understanding with
the bargaining groups
Launched Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion(DEI)initiative
Had zero Cal/OSHA violations
• Maintain facilities and equipment
to be dependable,resilient,and long lasting
Completed condition assessments and preliminary design for the
Steam and Aeration Blower Systems Renovation Project -
Completed Preventative Maintenance Optimizations on key Plant assets
Developed asset-condition monitoring inspection templates
Replaced or rehabilitated 4.6 miles of public sewers
Held Capital Improvement Program assessment workshop
Completed construction of major projects: _ _-
Pumping stations in Orinda and Moraga
Contractor Staging Improvements Project _
• Treatment Plant Safety Enhancements,Phase 5
Completed review of all structures in public right-of-way for the
Sewer Structure Inventory Project
Selected a vendor for the Security Action Plan _
Implemented Everbridge emergency notification system
October 4, 2022 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 89 of 93 4
Page 5CfVW2022
Explore new technologies for continuous improvement
w _
Continued work on enterprise resource planning(ERP) software .;
Developed the Goals and Performance module
Used Oracle software to complete the Operations&Maintenance Budget
and Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
Continued configuration of Community Development and Permitting
Maintained Optimizations Program
Kicked off Phase 1 of the IT Strategic Plan and held department and _
director workshops to develop a Technology Roadmap
Replaced internal phone system with Teams phones
Conducted pilots on remote recycled water meter readers, �r
remote manhole monitors, and tertiary membrane filtration
WONPreserve business continuity during pandemic events
or major natural disasters
Communicated regularly with staff to provide updates on new guidelines
and health orders
Implemented and enforced the COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan
Leveraged technology to keep employees and customers engaged and
informed =
Allowed employees to telework where possible based on their job duties
and ability to work effectively from home,to help reduce community spread
Procured on-site"peace of mind"COVID-19 testing
Ensured adequate and sufficient stock of personal protective equipment
Continued to participate in several research projects to study
SARS-CoV-2 virus concentrations in wastewater through various universities,
health organizations,and laboratories
October 4, 2022 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 90 of 93 5
Page 5f-4W2022
Fiscal Year k!n
Objectives for FY 2022-23 GOALS
t f:
Continue to perform education,outreach,and advocacy Continue working with project partners on recycled water expansion projects
Complete construction of a cost-effective 1.75 MW solar energy project and
begin purchasing solar energy under its power purchase agreement �ZZ
Continue to pursue SRF loan funding for future 2024-26 project needs
Roll out improved performance evaluation process
Hold an Innovations Fair
Expand the DEI initiative organization wide {
Bid the re-scoped Solids Project(Phase 1A)and continue scoping Phase 2
Begin work based off initial results of the IT Strategic Plan
Enact the Return to Office Plan -
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