HomeMy WebLinkAbout06. Authorize amendments to four professional services agreements with CDM Smith, GHD, Inc., ArcSine Engineering, and HDR, Inc. for design and bid services re: District Project 7348 Page 1 of 4 Item 6. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TOAMEND FOUR EXISTING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENTS UNDER THE SOLIDS HANDLING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE 1A PROJECT FOR ADDITIONALDESIGNAND BIDDI NGSERVICES WITH THE FOLLOWING CONSULTANTS IN AMOUNTS NOT TO EXCEED: • CDM SMITH, INC. FOR $550,000, INCREASING THE AGREEMENT TO $1,400,000; • GHD, INC. FOR $200,000, INCREASING THE AGREEMENT TO $700,000; • ARCSINE ENGINEERING, INC. FOR $200,000, INCREASING THE AGREEMENT TO $800,000; AND • HDR, INC. FOR $200,000, INCREASING THE AGREEMENT TO $350,000 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: NATHAN HODGES, SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Board of Directors (Board) authorization is required for the General Manager to execute an amendment to an existing professional engineering services agreement above $200,000. BACKGROUND The Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A, District Project 7348 (Phase 1A) is under design and includes critical infrastructure replacement and the upgrade of the incinerator air pollution control equipment to meet regulatory standards within the treatment plant's Solids Conditioning Building (SCB). September 15, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 31 of 104 Page 2 of 4 In November 2021, the Board authorized professional engineering agreements for the selected consultant team to verify and confirm the scope of work and to ultimately produce new bid documents, including technical specifications and contract drawings for the Phase 1 A work. The consultant team is overseen by District staff and consists of: • CDM Smith, I nc. (CDM) is the lead consultant with overall responsibility for packaging the project for bid. CDM is also responsible for mechanical, dewatering system, and project model. • GHD, Inc. (GHD) is responsible for incinerators and air pollution control equipment. • ArcSine Engineering, Inc. (ArcSine) is responsible for electrical improvements and overall control system architecture. • HDR, I nc. (HDR) is responsible for structural engineering (including seismic engineering for new equipment) and architectural scope. • Degenkolb Engineers, Inc. (Degenkolb)was also selected as part of the original design team and is responsible for seismic strengthening of the SCB. The Board recently approved a revision to Degenkolb's agreement to proceed with producing bid documents for seismic improvements to the SCB. • Ewing Construction Services (Ewing) is assisting staff with bid documents, equipment procurement documents, cost estimating and construction schedule. • Stan Chilson, an incinerator and air pollution control specialist, is assisting staff with review of GHD's design and technical aspects of revisions to the wet scrubber procurement contract. The consultant team was first tasked with confirming the scope of the Phase 1 A project and identifying elements that require a redesign either to better clarify the work for bidders, produce more cost-effective construction, or meet future District needs for the SCB facilities. The Phase 1 A scope includes the following major items: • Replace the sludge blend tank cover. • Replace centrifuges and cake pumps. • New cake piping to the incinerators. • Incinerator improvements, including center shaft drive, blowers, burners, gas piping, and control system from field devices and cabinets to the furnace control console. • Replace and upgrade the incinerator air pollution control equipment (wet scrubbers). • Electrical and control improvements to facilitate replacement of the new systems. During scope confirmation, modifications to the original design were identified that address deficiencies found in the original design or address constructability issues. The following are scope items that are new from the previous design: • A new electrical design.As Phase 1 A began, it was understood that the electrical design would be starting from near beginning. This was primarily due to the decision to not build a new electrical room and keep as much of the existing electrical infrastructure as possible.A new electrical design provides the opportunity to provide more detail as this was identified by bidders as a major driver for construction pricing exceeding expectations. • Centrifuge polymer system is not being replaced resulting in additional controls work to integrate with the new dewatering systems. • GHD identified issues with the original wet scrubber design that, when addressed, will better meet current objectives and prepare for potential future air pollution control equipment, such as: • Raising the wet scrubber to eliminate pumping of scrubber drain water • Access platform to be redesigned to better accommodate seismic loads from the scrubber, accommodate the elevated scrubber, and take into account future air pollution control equipment. • Redesign the emergency bypass stack that will be utilized to route bypass exhaust to the new September 15, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 32 of 104 Page 3 of 4 wet scrubber and improve the piping lining to handle anticipated high temperatures. • A new concrete infill slab is needed on the 1 st floor of the SCB for the cake pump hydraulic power units (HPU). There is insufficient space on the 2nd floor to accommodate the cake pumps, control panels, and HPUs. • Cake pump design pressures were reanalyzed for new operating parameters to eliminate the need to replace all the cake piping in and outside the SCB. • Lube pumps were removed from the scope. • Reduced amount of overall piping to be replaced. New design will include replacing valves required for dewatering system control. • Incinerator console. Revised construction sequence to eliminate the temporary console and the new console will be modified to eliminate hard wired physical devices. • SCB seismic is under design with Degenkolb; however, CDM is coordinating and designing the yard utility conflicts and work required to facilitate the new design within the building. • HDR scope has increased due to the need for equipment anchoring and seismic, and to allow more details for the bidders. Bid Schedule The new electrical renovation design has been the main driver for the project schedule. Significant effort has been expended to investigate, document the existing electrical system, and coordinate with the new discipline experts. Below are key milestones to bid Phase 1 A: • Final Design by November 2022 • Bid Period of December 2022 - March 2023 • Bid Opening by April 2023 - May 2023 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS An alternative would be to not approve revisions to the consultant agreements. This decision would stop progress on the design to allow time to rescope the project to determine which items, if any, could proceed to construction. This alternative is not recommended as the project scope has already been reduced to address critical equipment replacement needs and meet regulatory requirements. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The current total expected consultant cost for CDM, GHD, ArcSine, and HDR is $3,250,000, of which up to $350,000 is related to bidding services. The reasons for the increase in design costs ($800,000) are cited above in the list of scope items that are being redesigned to satisfy deficiencies and improve constructability of the project. Electrical redesign accounts for much of the additional costs as the electrical scope essentially started from the beginning. The consultants are making use of as much of the original design drawings as possible, but most of the design and drawings have to be redone to account for reutilizing much of the existing electrical infrastructure. This effort not only is being carried by ArcSine, but also CDM and GHD. Agreements requiring Board authorization include those in the table below: Consultant Original Amount Proposed New Amount Amendments CDM $850,000 $550,000 $1,400,000 GHD $500,000 $200,000 $700,000 ArcSine $600,000 $200,000 $800,000 HDR $150,000 $200,000 $350,000. Total $2,100,000 $1,150,000 $3,250,000 September 15, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 33 of 104 Page 4 of 4 The current Engineers estimate for Phase 1A is $90 million. However, this estimate does not include the recently authorized SCB seismic design that staff, along with Ewing, continues to refine this estimate as the design progresses. A 95-percent estimate is scheduled to be completed by this October. The total estimated budget for this project is $169,000,000, as detailed below: Design - $21,000,000 Construction - $90,000,000 (Phase 1 A) $20,000,000 (Phase 1 B) Contingency- $16,000,000 Construction Management- $22,000,000 The combined total listed in the FY 2022-23 Budget and Capital Improvement Plan is approximately $168,000,000. The project work has qualified for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan projected at $173,100,000. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this subject at the August 31, 2022 meeting and recommended approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Authorize the General Manager to amend four existing professional engineering services agreements under the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, Phase 1A project for additional design and bidding services with the following consultants in amounts not to exceed: • CDM Smith, Inc. for$550,000, increasing the agreement to $1,400,000; • GHD, Inc. for$200,000, increasing the agreement to $700,000; • ArcSine Engineering, Inc. for$200,000, increasing the agreement to $800,000; and • HDR, Inc. for$200,000, increasing the agreement to $350,000. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1 -Achieve compliance in all regulations GOAL SIX., Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1 - Manage assets optimally, Strategy 2- Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program September 15, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 34 of 104