HomeMy WebLinkAbout01. (Handout) Federal Affairs Report presentation 1. Introduction to Marcus G. Faust, P.C. 2. Federal Funding Overview Overview WIFIA,COVID-19 Stimulus Funding(ARPA),Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL),Regular Appropriations Process,Inflation Reduction Act(IRA) 3. Federal Election Predictions �I l MARCUS G. FAUST, P. C. Marcus G. Faust, P.C. (MGFPC) is public policy law firm located in Washington, D.C. MGFPC's clientele is based in the western United States and consists primarily of units of local governments and special districts. Marcus G. Faust, P.C.Staff: Marcus Faust,J.D.Attorney and Counselor at Law(President&CEO) Olivia Sanford, M.A. Legislative Director Camille Mindrum, M.S. Legislative Assistant 3 FEDERAL FUNDING OVERVIEW 1.Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation(WIFIA)Program Established in 2014 as part of P.L.113-121,which was signed into law June 10,2014 2.American Rescue Plan Act of 2021(ARPA),commonly referred to Signed into law March 11,2021 as COVID-19 stimulus package 3.Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act(IIJA),commonly referred Signed into law November 15,2021 to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law(BIL) 4.Regular Appropriations Process FY22 Omnibus enacted March 2022 FY23 bills currently pending in Congress Passed Senate on August 7(51-50)and the 5.Inflation Reduction Act of 2022(IRA) House on August 12(220-207) Signed into law on August 16,2022 4 2 WIFIA PROGRAM <, MGFPC 'FI P1111'i➢P. WIFIA is a federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects WIFIA can fund development&implementation activities for eli eligible projects: Maximum time that repayment may g p i Minimum project size for large 0 be deferred after substantial Wastewater conveyance and treatment projects communities. completion of the project. Drinking water treatment and distribution projects Minimum project size for small ® Interest rate will be equal or Enhanced energy efficiency projects and communities(population of 25,000 greaterto the USTreasury rate of wastewater facilities 0 or less). a similar maturity. Desalination,aquifer recharge,and water recycling ,, Maximum portion of eligible project Projects must be creditworthy. projects costs that WIFIA can fund. Acquisition of property if it is integral to the project or will mitigate the environmental impact of aMaximum final maturitydate from a NEPA,Davis-9,,on,American Iron �y project substantial completion. l;:el and Steel,and all federal cross-cutter 1�I provisions apply. A combination of eligible projects secured by a common security pledge or submitted under one application by an SRF program 5 THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT ARPAl . / MGFPC 'rh l•r�e�+r l l� Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds—$3626 in federal aid for state and local governments A state or local government receiving payment from funds made available by this section may transfer funds to a private nonprofit organization...a public benefit corporation involved in the transportation of passengers or cargo,or a special-purpose unit of State or local government Eligible Uses: To respond to COVID-19 or its negative economic impacts To provide premium pay to eligible workers or by provide grants to eligible employers that have eligible workers Reduction in revenue(i.e.,online,property,or income tax)due to COVID-19 To make necessary investments in water,sewer,or broadband infrastructure Funds will come in two traunches; 1)within 60 days of enactment and 2)no sooner than one year later States are not allowed to use funds to directly or indirectly offset reduction in the next tax revenue(maintenance of effort)and funds cannot be deposited into pension funds Funds must be expended by December 31,2024 6 3 BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE $8.3 billion LAW (BIL) Bureau of Reclamation ' C. Significant BIL Funding through the Bureau of Reclamation $3.2 billion $1 • i million $1 billion $500 million Aging Infrastructure Water Recycling • Desalination Reuse Projects Projects •• million —',I WaterSMART Water $100 million Colorado$300 million &Energy Efficiency Cooperative $250 million $50 million Drought Grants(includes Watershed River Fish uatic stem Contingency Plan 00 • • Management Restoration Program • Recovery Programsnatural Program projects)infrastructure 7 BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE $8.3 billion LAW (BIL) Bureau of Reclamation MGFPc projectsl7section 40901(4)-Water Recycling and Reuse Projects:Title XVI Sectionunder this section,includes projects that Reclamation has approved and future 41.1 Title XVI project funding is awarded as grants to sponsors of nonfederal projects;Federal cost share is limited to 25%with cap of$20 million $550 million available for water recycling and reuse projects Congress waived the WIIN Act's requirement that the projects funded by BIL be designated by name in enacted appropriations legislation $450 million is available for large-scale House of Representatives recently passed H.R.5118,a Drought and Wildfire water recycling and Package,that increases authorized funding for water recycling projects by an reuse projects additional$600 million and increases funding cap from$20 million to$50 million 8 4 BIPARTISAN INFRASTRUCTURE $55.426 billion LAW (B I L) Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) MGFPC SRF Funding Program 91,00 MT.RFunding INI State Match Eligible for Additional Subsidy Clean Water State 10%in 2022&2023 Assistance recipients that meet Revolving Fund(SRF) $11,713,000,000 49% the state's affordability criteria on project types as described in Supplemental 20%in 2024-2026 section 603(1)of the CWA Drinking Water SRF $11,713,000,000 10%in 2022&2023 0 Supplemental 49� Disadvantaged communities pp 20%in 2024-2026 Clean Water Emerging o 0 $1,000,000,000 0/ 100/ No restriction Contaminants I25%for disadvantaged Drinking Water $4,000,000,000 0% 100% communities or public water Emerging Contaminants systems serving fewer than 25,000 people Drinking Water Lead $15,000,000,000 0% 49% Disadvantaged communities 9 i REGULAR APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS MGFPC • FY23 appropriations bills are still pending before Congress • End-of-year omnibus appropriations bill likely FY22 Omnibus Appropriations Package (Enacted March 2022):Overview of Key Programs • WIIN Act WaterSMART Program o Water Recycling and Reuse Projects-$17.5 million o Title XVI Water Reclamation and Reuse- o Desalination Projects-$10.5 million $53,193,000,a$49 million increase above President's budget request; $17.5 is to go to projects o Water Storage Projects-$117,250,000 authorized through WIIN Act process o Environmental Restoration or Compliance-$10 o WaterSMART Grants-$45.5 million,a$30 million million increase above President's budget request • WIFIA:$69.5 million to EPA to administer the loan o Drought Response and Drought Plans-$20 million,a program,a$4 million increase over last year $3.5 million increase above President's budget request 10 5 FY23 APPROPRIATIONS UPDATE MGFPC Appropriations Comparison *FY23 HouselSenate Bills will need to be reconciled before enacted Program Name As Enacted(P.L. 117-103) House Bill Senate Bill WIFIA $69,526,000 $80,344,000 $74,526,000 (+10.818M) (+5M) Clean Water State Revolving Fund $1,638,826,000 $1,751,646,000 $1,688,847,000 (+112.645M) (+$50M) $1,126,096,000 $1,176,095,000 (+8M) (+50m) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund $1,126,088,000 *A supplemental amount of$8,429,000,000 was appropriated for FY23 for the State Revolving Funds in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law(BIL) 11 (i31i I Imes,to or urith public on pities and Irub-Tribes,that pm- N F LAT I O N REDUCTION 2 ride for llu rarrdrret of the following activities to neitigate ACT (IRA) 3 the impacts afd—ght in th,Recbamafemr States,.4th pri- 4 ority giuea to the Colum&IN—Basin and other ho.,iars Passed the Senate on August 7 and the House on August mMGFPC S -1;erienring rmpamble kr�ele of Iony-teen drought,to be 12•President Biden signed the bill into law on August 16 6 implemented in rnml,l;r,n, r ah rapplioable enrirmnmental. 7 lrrru; 8 (i)Cnmpensnfiarr fir a teniporary or mrdfiyear 14 SEC.60233.DROUGHT MITIGATION IN THE RECLAMATION 9 voluntary ndarNmr in diresion of water or rxna- 15 STATES. 10 -,nptii-r ecatrr nse. 16 (a) DEPI.VrrtO.v OF R&CLAMATION S7ATE—In this 11 (2) Vohrrdory system consenxitimr prnjerta that 17 section,the term"Reelamatiwa State'means a State or ter- 12 rrrh:ierM arerifiah[e rrdurfirnrs in we of or drauarer!for 18 ritory described in the first section of the Ad of June 17, 13 anter sapplies ar pro-i,edr_enuaran,neatol h,•nefiLr in 19 1902(32 Stat.388,Mapter 1093,•48 U.S.C..391). 14 the burr Basin or f+ppar Basira of the Colom.do 20 (b)AYPR0PELP17ox.—In addition to amounts other- 15 Rievn•. 21 urine available,there is appropriated 1.the 8e mtar7f(act- 16 (3)Eeasystew and habitat rrstomtdon projects to 22 ing thrmrgh the Conirmi3.siuner of Rwhimation),far fisoal 17 address issues directly carried by dvnuryh.t in a river 23 year 2022,nut !/«ny money in the Treasury not otherwise 18 basin or inland water body. 24 app,npri&M,$4,000,000,000,to revnain aaailahle thnnrgh 19 (e)2t.-xutT.--vtiirt later than i year after the date of 25 Neptember 311,2026,fbr Smuts,contracts,or f amerial m- 20 ewuarnaat of this Act awed each yaoer therrajter; tTm Ser- 26 siatarrcc<eyreamants, riot accordance with flee recGr.rnation 21 ela-y shall submit to Cangress a-,,port that describes any <we.are ens 22 r.rperuliHrmx ruder fl,6v xertianr. 12 6 ELECTION PREDICTIONS U.S.House of Representatives(2022)—likely to shift to Republican majority • 181 Democrats—222 Republicans—32 Toss Ups(218 needed for majority) o Expect Republicans to control the House of Representatives by 10 to 20 votes • 49 representatives are not seeking re-election(not including those who left office early);31 Democrats and 18 Republicans U.S.Senate(2022)—advantage has shifted back to the Democrats holding the majority since several Republicans that won primary elections in swing states are not considered to be strong candidates • 46 Democrats—46 Republicans—8 Toss Ups(51 needed for majority) o Toss Ups:Senators Kelly(D-AZ);Warnock(D-GA);Hassan(D-NH);Cortez Masto(D-NV);Johnson(R-WI);Open Seats in North Carolina, Pennsylvania,and Ohio(all previously held by Republicans that are retiring) • 6 Senators are not seeking re-election;1 Democrat and 5 Republicans 2024 Election—Presidential and Senate • President Biden vs.Former President Trump or Florida Governor DeSantis • In 2024,33 Senators up for re-election:21 Democrats;2 Independents(Caucus with Dems);10 Republicans 13 2022 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ELECTION itGFPc S11.1 1-M Current House of Representatives 2022 Election Prediction Republicans are Favoredto 181 32 P„nn=•^=222 win the Flause 79intoo at%too a„ Z General Predictions: .w•�.._. `` -� - + Republicans will control House of Representatives by _� 4 10 to 20 votes after the election Rep. Pelosi will NOT run for Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)will be the Dem Leader Rep. Pelosi may resign her seat after being sworn in 14 7 MEMBERS NOT SEEKING RE-ELECTION *NOT INCLUDING INCUMBENTS WHO LEFT EARLY 31 Democrats 18 Republicans • Rep.Ann Kirkpatrick(AZ-2) Rep.Brenda Lawrence(MI-14) ^Rep.Mo Brooks(AL-5) Rep.John Katko(NY-24) Rep.Jerry McNerney(CA-9) Rep.G.K.Butterfield(NC-1) ^^Rep.Jody Hice(GA-10) Bob Gibbs(OH-7) Rep.Jackie Speier(CA-14) Rep.David Price(NC-4) Rep.Adam Kinzinger(IL-16) Rep.Anthony Gonzalez(OH-16) ^^Rep.Karen Bass(CA-37) Rep.Albio Sires(NJ-8) Rep.Trey Hollingsworth(IN-9) ^Rep.Markwayne Mullin(OK-2) • Rep.Lucille Roybal-Allard(CA-40) *Rep.Thomas Suozzi(NY-3) Rep.Fred Upton(MI-6) Rep.Fred Keller(PA-12) • Rep.Alan Lowenthal(CA-47) Rep.Kathleen Rice(NY-4) • ^Rep.Vicky Hartzler(MO-4) ^^Rep.Louie Gohmert(TX-1) • Rep.Ed Perlmutter(CO-7) ^Rep.Tim Ryan(OH-13) • ^Rep.Billy Long(MO-7) Rep.Van Taylor(TX-3) Rep.Stephanie Murphy(FL-7) Rep.Peter DeFazio(OR-4) • ^Rep.Ted Budd(NC-13) Rep.Kevin Brady(TX-8) ^Rep.Val Demings(FL-SO) ^Rep.Conor Lamb(PA-17) • * • *Rep.Charlie Crist(FL-13) Rep.Michael Doyle(PA-18) Rep.Lee Zeldin(NY-1) • Rep.Ted Deutch(FL-22) Rep.James Langevin(RI-2) • Christopher Jacobs(NY-27) • *Rep.Kai Kahele(HI-2) Rep.Jim Cooper(TN-5) • Rep.Bobby Rush(IL-1) Rep.Eddie Johnson(TX-30) No symbol denotes retiring from public office • Rep.Cheri Bustos(IL-17) ^Rep.Peter Welch(VT-AL) *Running for Governor • Rep.John Yarmuth(KY-3) Rep.Ron Kind(WI-3) ^Running for Senate • ^^Rep.Anthony Brown(MD-4) AA Running for another office 15 2022 SENATE ELECTION r MGFPC Current Senate 2022 Election Prediction s9 oamocrateareafightly 46 8 ^"'°"46 ©© /avoredtowinthasenate © ." tea,.oy o• .....ma..row.m.d..�..ae � .,..... ' m 9n100� Y� eo6u1 ini00 Incumbents retlring from public office _rvJ,^m^_," .............�....,... © m .....�� •V Pa W blaan5 ""' Mo ram- Prtr $lata Dale arvwunraa Rlcnarr�9urs �Repuhiiiai• Nprtn ury 10.]Oy6 .,J Pati mey �Republlcan Penmyhanh Oct 5,201W� Rbb Portman 6Rapubl1tan W. Jan,25.RD2111 plchartl �Republlcan Alabama r*a 5:292U+1 • - •^ swby Several Republicans that won primary elections in swing states are not Re Dim • considered to be strong candidates,which has shifted favor back to the P"'""`" Democrats maintaining the majority in the Senate(e.g.,Walker is polling behind incumbent Warnock in Georgia) 16 8 a 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ,rl .Pi. Some of the public figures discussed in the media as potential candidates for the... Democratic Presidential Nomination Republican Presidential Nomination 1. President Joe Biden 1. Donald Trump Incumbent President(pictured) 45th President of the United States(pictured) 2. Kamala Harris 2. Ron DeSantis Vice President(pictured) Governor of Florida(pictured) { 3. Pete Buttigieg 3. Mike Pence ' U.S.Secretary of Transportation(pictured) Former Vice President ofthe United States(pictured) 4. Bernie Sanders 4. Ted Cruz U.S.Senatorfrom Vermont(pictured with Alexandria Ocasio- U.S.Senator from Texas Cortez,U.S.Representativefrom New York) S. Mike Pompeo S. Amy Klobuchar Former Secretary of State U.S.Senator from Minnesota 6. Nikki Haley 6. Chris Murphy Former Ambassador to the United Nations(pictured) U.S.Senator from Connecticut 7. Liz Cheney 7. Gavin Newsom U.S.Representative from Wyoming Governor of California 8. Chris Christie 8. Gretchen Whitmer Former Governor of New Jersey Governor of Michigan 9. Greg Abbott 9. Eric Adams Governor of Texas Mayor Of New York City,New York 10.Rick Scott 10.Roy Cooper U.S.Senator from Florida Governor of North Carolina Currently,a race between President Biden and either former President Trump or Governor DeSantis seems most likely,but the election is still more than two years away 17 2024 PRESIDENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS President Biden Job Approval as of August 2022 Latest Polls:2024 ®�„ Presidential "�"� ®a,.7 ." Republican Primary PnIhnMln9Aq.1420]S �Pann� o..o.e�@rye, P,.Ww.wpwvr.pnnuy,xm� ian. w. rmr ,ao ar w 'iii Aw 1.-2 �.—+......._...Y Bitlen? Haw unPOPular ieJce Biden7 a��.,.w., ,a•� Oroww vwew,.. n�.�s n,. ws.�r mn,rx.. How PePular ie lae ........ ......ti.....�._.._..-..._ '� �.w..i se,+ �w,w mow., *tea *.ra.•u JdYM mzx 18 9 2024 SENATE ELECTION MGFPC Senators up for Re-election in 2024 In 2024,more Democrats face re-election than Republicans;the opposite is true in AZ KvrstenSinema 2018 2.4 NJ Robert Menendez 2006 11.2 the upcoming 2022 election CA Dianne Feinstein 1992 8.4 NM Martin Heinrich 2012 23.6 CT Christopher Murnhv 2012 20.2 NV Jacky Rosen 2018 5 2024:33 Senators up for re-election: DE ThomasCamer 2000 22.2 NV KirstenGillibrand 2010 34 21 Democrats FL Rick Scott 2018 0.2 OH Sherrod Brown 2006 6.8 o Average margin of victory:16.77% HI MazieHirono 2012 42.4 PA Robert Case 2006 13.1 Independents (typically caucus with IN Mike Braun 2018 5.9 RI Sheldon Whitehouse 2006 23.1 Democrats) MA Elizabeth Warren 2012 24.1 TN Marsha Blackburn 2018 10.8 o Average margin of victory:29.5% MD SeniaminCardin2006 34.6 TX Ted Cruz 2012 2.6 10 Republicans ME AneusKine 2012 19.1 UT Mitt Ronrme 2018 31.7 o Average margin of victory:14.28% MI Debbie Stabenow 2000 6.5 VA Tim Kane 2012 16 MN AmvKlobuchar 2006 24.1 VT Bernard Sanders 2006 39.9 2022.35 Senators up for re-election: MO JoshHawlev 2018 5.8 ' WA Maria Cantwell 2000 16.8 14 Democrats Mo RoeerWicker 2006 19 1 WI TammvBaldwin 2012 10.9 o Average margin of victory:35.07% MT Jon Tester 2006 3.5 Wv Joe Manchin 2010 3.3 • 21 Republicans ND Kevin Cramer 2018 10.8 WY John Barrasso 2006 36.9 o Average margin of victory:28.64% NE Deb Fischer 2012 19.1 19 Questions ? 4 �kll. Marcus G. Faust, Attorney and Counselor At Law - - sit 20 10