HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 12-17-07 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imiloff Place, Maltlllcz, CA 94553-4392 (925) 228-9500 . www.centralsan olg BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Nejedly Monday,December17,2007 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT a. Review open claims or potential claims. *b. Results from Small Claims Court. 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS *a. Ten-Year Plan Assumptions b. White Paper and AON Report - GASB 45 (Tab 9.a.1) in Board binder) · Additional Questions · Role of Committee *c. Review of Funds Required 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. ADJOURNMENT * Attachment A "4>> Recycled Paper PHONE t "/,:' ~::,) i'. il/., ".',.'1:1. () \:)Ut"t:.t1IUt1 \.iUUH,1 ut' \.iAUt"UHNIA, ~~ ljLAIM~ UIVI~IUN (\ C~NTY OF CONTRA COSTA ( . . " . '\.' 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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District December 14,2007 TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER ~ FROM: RANDALL MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION flIP/ft DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER ~,L SUBJECT: 10-YEAR PLAN RATE SETTING MODEL ASSUMPTIONS At the Budget and Finance Committee meeting of December 3,2007, the Committee requested to receive the assumptions that are researched and developed for use in developing the 1 O-year plan for its review. Staff considers items such as economic conditions, financial condition of the State, and regulatory requirements as the assumptions are developed each year. The 1 O-year plan will present the prior year Recommended Scenario, the current year Recommended Scenario, and a third alternate scenario. Accordingly, this year's list of assumptions, a copy of the January 2007 Board Workshop Recommended Scenario, and an expense trend spreadsheet looking back twelve years are attached for your consideration. The third attachment shows the rates of increases for the different line items in the budget. N:\ACCQUNTING\GMTEMP1\2008-2009 Projections\2007-12-14Finance Comm 12 17 meeting - assumptions_1.doc CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT JANUARY 2008 BOARD FINANCIAL WORKSHOP PRELIMINARY SCENARIO ASSUMPTIONS Scenario Options: . Debt Issuances from last year were dropped from scenarios due to changes in capital spending estimates and timing over the 10-year period. One new issuance was added in 2017-2018 to fund the large projects in 2016-17 and 2017-18 (Option 1). A sinking fund approach was also run (Option 2). A combined approach was also suggested (Option 3). A scenario with no rate increase in the upcoming fiscal year is also prepared (Option 4). Revenue/Rates: . Initial scenarios used anticipated rate increases for 2009-1010 forward based on the recommended scenario from the January 2007 Workshop. Rates will be adjusted when final assumptions and data are received and analyzed. . New connection data results in $5.0 million less than last year's estimate over the 1 O-year period. . Assumptions for interest rates were lowered based on current knowledge, including three interest rate cuts since August of 2007 by the Federal Reserve, and trending LAIF rates back to the late 1980's. The 19-year LAIF average is 5.5%, which is lower than the previous 6% average; the scenarios now cap at 5.75% by the end of the 1 O-year window. . 4%/year escalation of Property Tax - this is consistent with what has been used in past workshops. Actual prior year increases have been 7-14% a year, if we assume we received 100% of tax during the 2-year ERAF shift to the State. Due to the current real estate market and sub prime market crisis, 4% is still a conservative escalation. The 2007-08 actual tax amount we receive will be confirmed with the County. . Revised Alhambra Valley Revenue estimates - minimal impact Expense/Expenditures/Debt: . New Capital Spending estimates from Engineering, consistent with the 12/6/07 Board presentation. . Includes detailed staffing and retirement changes from Director review, and expense account assumption changes if significant. Estimated new positions in the 1 O-year period are around six; it is assumed that all retiree positions will be re-filled. . The O&M discount factor was reduced from 4% of all expense to only 1 % of all expense since we included a 3% discount on salaries this fiscal year (2007-08); future years calculate from this beginning number. GASB 45: . The beginning Funds Available amount does not include the $3.2 million booked as an OPEB/GASB 45 liability in 2006-07, as if cash has been set aside. . OPEB/GASB 45 annual payments are assumed to go to an outside Trust. . The OPEB/GASB 45 contribution in future years is based on the estimates provided in the AON actuarial report assuming an external trust earning 8%, which keeps annual costs around $5.2- $6.0 million. Funds Required: . The Funds Required calculation remains the same: 32% of next year's O&M + 30% of next year's Capital costs + 100% of Debt Service. OPEN: . GASB 45 (OPEB) Board Decision - Will we establish a trust, or book an internal liability on our financials. The annual trust payment is estimated to be $5.2 million compared to $6.2 million if we handle internally. D FILENAME \p N:\ACCOUNTING\GMTEMPI\2008-2009 Projections\Assumptions - Kick-off Meeting.docD SNOI.1.dwnssv OI~VN30S J.lX1lIfIIr. ~ qao 8:l!^Jas 8:l!^Jas Jqap 10 %00 ~ + lijSOO 8:)!^J8S Jqap 10 %00 ~ + "'0;) I '0 Jqap 10 %00 ~ + lijSOO ,..!d.0 + W'iO s,Jla~ peau 10 %&& "lIdIO S,JIM peau 10 %0& + W'iO s,JIM pew 10 %(;& S,JIM peau 10 'llIO& + W'iO s,JIMpeeu 10 %(;& NOIJ.dwnSSY OlRllnO:nl SONn:I 009 6S& S 009 6(;t S OOS &L& S 19~-S~0(; - 9Q-SOO(;) po!'ea J'M O~ I8JOJ. 006'Z~f -H8odJnd uosIJfldwoa JOJ NlO/8fl/8IOI U! ION Y/N V/N S~Ot-L~Ot 000''''1 -tluodJnd uosIJfldUJOO JOJ NlO/8fll8lOl U! 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(2,800) (6,300) (2,700) (10,500) (1,300) 600 (200) 200 (100) (100) (600) 100 (12600) (4300) (10400) ~ 800 200 600 300 200 ~ >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 $ 13,800 7,600 5,900 6,100 6,500 6,800 7,100 7,400 7,900 8,200 8,500 55 900 49 600 47 000 36 500 35 200 35 900 35 600 35 900 35 800 35 700 35100 69,700 57,200 52,900 42,600 41,700 42,700 42,700 43,300 43,700 43,900 43,600 33,500 34,100 35,000 32,700 33,300 35,400 37,000 37,900 38,800 41,400 42,800 36,200 23,100 17,900 9,900 8,400 7,300 5,700 5,400 4,900 2,500 800 3,051 6,203 9,320 12,414 15,501 18,534 21,489 24,339 27,057 29,607 I 5.27 6.05 6.35 6.25 6.44 6.44 5.32 4.61 4.79 5.72 4.39 23.92% 26.14% 13.84% 10,17% 10,00% 10.17% 10.13% 10.08% 10.14% 10.20% 10.20% Funds Required/Funds Available Operations & Maintenance: Total Operating Revenues Total Operatin9 Expenses, LESS RelireelOPES Retiree Benefits/OPEB Contributions Capital: Total Capital Revenues Total Capital Expenditures Total Revenue Over Expense OVer/(Under) Funds Required Debt Coverage O&M Prudent Reserve Percent 80,000 70,000 60,000 ~ 50,000 ... c ~ 0 ~ 40,000 c ~ .!! '0 30,000 c 20,000 ------.... ------ . . . - - - - ------ - - -- .-- .---- 10,000 ~-------_._.__._-----_.. 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Year Total Funds Available - - Total Funds Required I 12/13/2007 JAN 07 STAFF RECOMMENDATION revexpsumm o 'i: ca E: CI) U UJ " CI) " 1:) E: 'i: CI) - E m E otJ)o ~~ ~ ~5O:: E: u E: ca U ca UJ<(ii: S CI) ?- m m = o E: ~ O CI) I C.O ca >< ~ bWE E: :E 0 o ~ I- OOLL - " ~ CI) - - E: U CI) CI) o '0' I- 0.. co o o N I ..... o o N ?ft. ClQ) > CI c( c .. IV IV.c Q) u .>- N .... - III IV 0.. Q) .c - o - c o III 'i: IV Q) .. u .!! c '0 .1! e~ CO"C o Q) o _ N U ,.:. Q) o'e' ~o.. E o o ~"iG I = an_ en U ~c( ?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft.?ft. oo:rCDO........Nen,.....,,.......anan Ooo:roo:rNO....,...ONenoo:rCDO ~oi~Moiu;cciu;~~U;U;cD .... .... .... "-CON 0 "<:1"0> O"-OOCOI.OO ..-00...... 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7,980,311 4.04% 0201 WORKERS' COMPENSATION INS (36,195) 474,677 510,872 23.92% 0202 STATE UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR 8,878 17,280 8,402 5.71% 0203 FEDERAL MEDICARE TAX 82,192 227,434 145,242 8.85% 0204 MEDICAL (Active & Retirees) 1,573,782 4,977,052 3,403,270 10.07% 0205 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 3,008,942 7,662,224 4,653,282 8.10% 0206 DEFERRED COMPo CONTRIB 844,519 1,206,004 361 ,485 3.01% 0207 DENTAL (Active & Retirees) 312,231 629,119 316,888 6.01% 0208 LONG-TERM DISABILITY INS 55,106 74,235 19,129 2.51% 0209 LIFE INSURANCE 107,869 144,454 36,585 2.46% 0211 ACCRUED COMPENSATED ABS 311,701 479,999 168,298 3.66% 0213 OPEB CONTRIBUTION 2,658,233 2,658,233 N/A EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 6,269,025 18,550,711 12,281,686 9.46% 0250 CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD (877,779) (3,206,851 ) (2,329,072) 11.40% CAPITALIZED ADM OVERHEAD (877,779) (3,206,851 ) (2,329,072) 11.40% TOTAL LABOR CHARGES 18,519,513 36,452,438 17,932,925 5.81% 0301 DIRECTORS FEES & EXPENSES 32,341 76,790 44,449 7.47% DIRECTORS FEES & EXPENSES 32,341 76,790 44,449 8.18% 0401 CHLORINE 204,387 0 (204,387) -100.00% 0402 LIME 62,592 135,000 72,408 6.61% 0403 POL YMER 218,353 376,000 157,647 4.63% 0404 BOILER CHEMICALS 18,965 42,000 23,035 6.85% 0405 SULPHUR DIOXIDE 150,868 0 (150,868) -100.00% 0406 OTHER CHEMICALS 296,395 470,000 173,605 3.92% 0407 HYPOCHORITE 0 367,000 367,000 N/A CHEMICALS 951,560 1,390,000 438,440 3.21% 0501 ELECTRICAL 834,859 963,260 128,401 1.20% 12/13/2007 D17A 1 of 3 revenue and expense comparison for j kelly] Central Contra Costa Sanitary District O&M Expense Accounts 2007-08 Projected From 10-year Plan Recommended Scenario Comparison to the Past 07 -oB to 95-96 1995-96 2007 -2008 Dollar 12 year Avg. % NO ACCOUNT TITLE Actual Projected Variance change 0502 NATURAL GAS 742,512 3,796,900 3,054,388 14.57% 0503 LAND-FILL GAS 359,395 874,000 514,605 7.69% 0504 WATER 60,239 89,500 29,261 3.35% 0505 TELEPHONE 116,031 228,200 112,169 5.80% UTILITIES 2,113,036 5,951,860 3,838,824 9.01% 0601 OUTSIDE VEH/EQUIP REPAIR 37,759 55,750 17,991 3.30% 0602 VEHIC/EQUIP REPAIR MAINT 76,779 116,000 39,221 3.50% 0603 GENERAL REPAIRS & MAINT 755,196 956,000 200,804 1.98% 0604 OUTSIDE REPAIRS & MAINT 824,704 1,898,700 1,073,996 7.20% 0605 COMPUTER REPAIRS & MAINT 146,552 300,421 153,869 6.16% 0606 REAL PROPERTY REPAIRS 6,542 38,500 31,958 15.92% REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 1,847,532 3,365,371 1,517,839 5.12% 0701 ASH REMOVAL 154,295 184,000 29,705 1.48% 0702 SLUDGE REMOVAL 3,000 15,000 12,000 14.35% 0703 GRIT REMOVAL 68,195 94,000 25,805 2.71% 0704 JANITORIAL & REFUSE REMOV 111 , 172 218,310 107,138 5.78% 0705 SPOILS REMOVAL 35,378 50,000 14,622 2.92% 0706 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 0 461,000 461,000 N/A 0707 MOBILE COLLECTION-HHW 0 0 0 N/A HAULING & DISPOSAL 372,040 1,022,310 650,270 8.79% 0801 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 55,754 140,920 85,166 8.03% 0802 LEGAL SERVICES-BOARD 20,781 38,000 17,219 5.16% 0803 LEGAL SERVICES-STAFF 208,684 337,500 128,816 4.09% PROFESSIONAL & LEGAL SERV 285,219 516,420 231,201 5.07% 0901 OUTSIDE SAFETY SERVICES 48,996 107,500 58,504 6.77% 0902 TECHNICAL SERVICES 1,125,981 1,725,800 599,819 3.62% 0903 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 6,208 500 (5,708) -18.93% 0904 OTHER PUBLIC AGENCY SERVS 158,089 322,650 164,561 6.13% 0905 REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES 32,245 43,100 10,855 2.45% 0906 RECRUITMENT 21,831 91,000 69,169 12.63% OUTSIDE SERVICES 1,393,350 2,290,550 897,200 4.23% 1001 SELF-INSURANCE EXPENSE 150,000 800,000 650,000 14.97% SELF-INSURANCE EXPENSE 150,000 800,000 650,000 14.97% 12/13/2007 D17 A 2 of 3 revenue and expense comparison for j kelly] 12/13/2007 D17A 3 of 3 revenue and expense comparison for j kelly] -$1,000,000 -$6,000,000 -$11,000,000 -$16,000,000 -$21,000,000 -$26,000,000 -$31,000,000 CCCSD Change in Funds Available June 30 to Mid-December Attachment 2 Total Drop in Funds Available* 2001 $ (27,181,021) 2002 $ (23,733,333) 2003 $ (24,274,494) 2004 $ (23,769,956) 2005 $ (23,236,398) 2006 $ (30,402,966) 2007 $ (25,019,199) 10-Year Plan Funds Required 29,600,000 29,100,000 29,200,000 27,100,000 30,400,000 33,500,000 34,100,000 Variance 2,418,979 5,366,667 4,925,506 3,330,044 7,163,602 3,097,034 9,080,801 * June 30th until December 15th Total Reduction in Funds Available - June 30 to Mid-December Average drop is $25.4 million 5,~, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District December 14, 2007 TO: FROM: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGE~ RANDALL MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION"el1Ai DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER iJ~ BASIS OF "FUNDS REQUIRED" VIA: SUBJECT: The Budget and Finance Committee has been requested to review the basis and amount of the District's "Funds Required" and evaluate if they are appropriate. The basic assumption that leads to the development of the Funds Required concept is that the District will not borrow money to meet its cash flow needs during the year. The District receives most of its income two times a year when the County collects the ad Valorem tax and forwards the District's tax increment and Sewer Service Charge money to the District. Liquid assets are needed to meet the District's cash flow needs between the collections. The guidelines that Staff has used to develop the District's Funds Required are shown on Attachment 1. Attachment 2 presents the actual drop in Funds Available, the 10-year Plan Funds Required, and the variance between them from 2001 through 2007. As shown in the final column of Attachment 2, the actual Funds Available are $2.4 to $9.1 million less than the Funds Required signaling a planned reduction to reserves. Since there is some conservatism built into the Funds Required, this is expected because as previously stated, the goal of the Funds Required concept is to not borrow money for cash flow. The Funds Required concept is used in the District's cash flow model to develop rate proposals for the Board's consideration. The model assumes the District's Funds Available will be drawn down to be equal to the Funds Required level in ten years. This assumption has allowed the District to have modest annual rate increases, and should allow for the smoothing of rate increases in future years. This assumption also has resulted in a small draw down in the Funds Available over the past years because each year the model assumes the draw down will occur over 10 years. A shorter draw down period would result in lower rate increases in the short term, and larger rate increases in the longer term. H:\Work in Progress\2007-12-14 Finance Comm 12 17 meeting - funds available.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Reserves (Cash and Temporary Investments) and Cash Flow Guidelines Attachment 1 The purpose of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (CCCSD) Reserve Guidelines is to ensure that the District will have sufficient cash and investments (liquid assets) available to meet its operating, capital, self-insurance, and debt service obligations. This policy establishes a minimum reserve amount required in liquid assets to cover total District cash flow needs. This minimum fund requirement provides a sufficient level of cash and investments for long-term financial planning and for maintaining the District's long-term financial health and stability. Cash Flow Guidelines and Definitions Referred to as "Funds Required" in the 10-year planning and rate-setting process, this is the amount of money held in cash and investments (liquid assets) that is needed at June 30th of any fiscal year to meet our cash flow needs through mid-December, when we receive our first sewer service charge (SSC) and property tax payment from Contra Costa County (CCC). A cash flow analysis is prepared each year during the 10-year planning process to determine an appropriate level of rate and fee adjustments. Staff will recommend rate and fee adjustments with a goal of maintaining our minimum "funds required" thresholds. Funds are needed to pay our bills between mid-April and mid-December while we wait for our SSC and property tax installment to be deposited into our account by the County. Since other revenue sources in addition to property tax and SSC help offset expenses, the reserve requirement is less than the full eight-month period between mid-April to mid-December. While we do have other smaller revenue sources each month that help offset expense, the County installment is our largest revenue source. The amount of cash required is stated as of June 30th each year to coincide with the fiscal year cycle, which is a 5% month period of time. The amount currently needed in reserve is approximately 30-32% of the next year's budgeted expenses, plus 100% of debt service, and is discussed in more detail in the last section of this report. Events or Conditions that Prompt the Use of Cash Reserves Reserve funds supply adequate cash flow to avoid short-term borrowing and to provide for unplanned or unforeseen events. Adequate reserves provide working capital to help stabilize rates and are a component of achieving favorable credit ratings that can help to minimize costs of issuing future debt. Also, the cash reserves earn interest and provide a financial cushion for dealing with unanticipated financial needs such as: State legislative decisions impacting revenue flows to the District, acceleration of capital project work, unexpected benefit increases, new regulations, unanticipated increases in costs such as chemicals and utilities, unforeseen emergency situations, unexpected drops in revenue such as partial loss of Ad Valorem tax or changes in the economy such as housing slowdowns, and unexpected economic conditions in general that affect our revenue or expense. Minimum Reserve Requirements Below are definitions and our minimum reserve requirements (funds required) in our four internal sub-funds based on annual cash-flow analyses. These thresholds should not drop below the minimum requirements as of June 30th each fiscal year. Also, while we show a minimum reserve for each internal sub- fund, temporary investments are recorded in the Sewer Construction Fund, with the exception of Self-Insurance that has it's own investment pool. Minimum Reserve Requirements are: · Running Expense Sub-Fund (Operations & Maintenance or O&M) accounts for the general operations of the District. Substantially all operating revenues and expenses are accounted for in this internal sub- fund. o Minimum Cash Reserve Requirement = 32% of the next year's budgeted O&M expenses. · Debt Service Sub-Fund accounts for activity associated with the payment of the District's long term bonds and loans. o Minimum Cash Reserve Requirement = 100% of next year's principal and interest, which must be paid each year per our bond document. o Legally Restricted Reserve Requirement = One annual bond payment for each issuance held by our trustee, U.S. Bank, in the event the District is not able to make its payment. Reserve funds will be used to make the last year's debt service payments for each issuance. · Sewer Construction Sub-Fund (Capital or SIC) accounts for non-operating revenues, which are to be used for acquisition or construction of plant, property and equipment o Minimum Cash Reserve Requirement = 30% of the next year's budgeted Capital Project Expenditures. · Self-Insurance Sub-Fund accounts for interest earnings on cash balances in this sub-fund and cash allocations from other sub-funds, as well as for costs of insurance premiums, deductibles, and claims not covered by the District's insurance policies. o Minimum Cash Reserve Requirement: determined by an Actuarial Study that is performed every-other year. The current temporary investment balance as of November 30,2007 is $3.7 million.