HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinance MINUTES 07-26-22 Page 2 of 9
President Pro Tena
PHONE: (925)228-9500
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 FAX.- (925)372-0192
2:00 p.m. www.eentralsan.org
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Mike McGill
Member David Williams
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Stephanie King, Purchasing and Materials Manager
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (joined during Item 5.a.)
Charles Mallory, Information Technology Manager
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Olivia Ruiz, Accounting Supervisor
Christopher Thomas, Accounting Supervisor
Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator (left after Item 6.c.)
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Notice
This meeting was conducted virtually in accordance with the provisions stipulated in
Assembly Bill 361 and adopted on July 7, 2022, by the Central San Board of
Directors. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.
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3. Public Comments
Mr. Leiber requested consideration to hear Item 6.c. as the first order of business;
the Committee concurred.
4. Old Business
Beginning with Item 4.a., the balance of the original agenda order was heard upon
conclusion of Item 6.c.
a. Follow-up to question asked at the June 21, 2022 Finance Committee
meeting regarding specific expenditures
Mr. Leiber provided a brief overview of the contract with Mr. Faust for
lobbyist representation.
Chair McGill opined that the General Manager obtaining these services was
a great idea and the Board is aware and supportive.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
5. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred June 10, 2022
through July 14, 2022
Staff responded to questions posed of various expenditures to the
Committee's satisfaction. Items with notable attention and discussion are
summarized below.
Check 306281, Sustainable Contra Costa, $5,172.50 (p. 35/117)
Chair McGill stated his appreciation of the educational services coordination
and this great partnership with Central San.
Morgan-Bonanno Development Inc. Check 306384 (p. 44/117) and Check
306515 (p. 65/117)
Chair McGill inquired about the large quantity of materials captured in the
invoice descriptions and asked how the tonnage is monitored. He wanted to
ensure the Committee and staff have appropriate controls in place.
Member Williams asked whether these costs were associated with a pipeline
or other capital project.
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Mr. Lopez provided an explanation that although Capital Projects works
closely with CSO on job coordination, these payments are not part of a
capital project but rather various maintenance projects. This includes spot
repairs, trenching, pavement settlement, and repaving tasks. He stated CSO
organizes location pavement work for cost-efficiency. Some areas are
completed with an urgency to meet any city requirements and standards.
Ms. Gemmell added when the maintenance cover inventory was taken, staff
worked with CSO to note areas of deficiencies for immediate repair
Mr. Lopez also noted that with the higher threshold for applicable public
works projects, CSO has been able to complete more maintenance work,
which has helped with a push from cities to complete paving projects.
Check 30649, Alfa Laval, Inc., $115,219.70 (p. 49/117)
This payment was due to a single unit centrifuge repair and associated labor.
The centrifuges are sent out of state for repair. Mr. Lopez explained staff is
repairing the equipment until such time replacements can be installed under
the Solids Handling Facility Improvements - Phase 1A project. He estimated
the centrifuge repairs will continue to be an annual maintenance cost for
another few years until that project can be completed.
It was noted throughout the discussion that many of the questions posed
was due to the invoice descriptions, or lack thereof. Mr. Mizuno
acknowledged this correlation.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
6. Other Items
a. Receive overview of Procurement Card (P-Card) Procedures and
Reconciling Items
Chair McGill stated he thought the overview memorandum was well done,
and provided a nice background of P-Cards and the reconciliation process.
He commented the memorandum should be required reading for any new
Finance Committee member in the future.
Mr. Mizuno extended his appreciation to Ms. Ruiz and the accounting staff
with gathering the data for this update, which was a worthwhile endeavor
and allowed staff to build new processes to assist the Committee with its
reviews. For example, a key change was the use of the posting date rather
than expense date.
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Member Williams provided his understanding of the P-Card process. A
discussion ensued about the number of assigned cards, receipt
management, and supervisor oversight.
Ms. King stated there are 143 P-Cards currently issued to staff, and recently
a report was sent to the management group to verify the list is appropriate or
whether any cards may no longer be needed and could be closed.
Mr. Leiber provided an example of the approval notification sent by Oracle
once the cardholder submits their P-Card expense reconciliation, and the
amount of detail that is provided as part of the approval process.
Mr. Mizuno added that from a financial perspective as a former auditor, the
supervisor approval process is a key control. The transaction cannot be
posted until the approval process is complete and accurate. If a supervisor
does not respond to the Oracle notification, a second and third reminder is
sent; if not response after the third notification, the process is escalated up
the chain of command.
Additionally, Mr. Mizuno advised that of the 143 cards that are issued, not all
cards are being used on a monthly basis; on average, 75 expense reports
are submitted monthly.
Member Williams stated he is a firm believer in the P-Card system, which
helps to eliminate extra work of some purchase needs. He also stated he
has the upmost confidence in the checks-and-balances and tracking
mechanisms in place; the system is robust and thorough.
Chair McGill asked Mr. Mizuno if he had any closing remarks. Mr. Mizuno
stated the discussions with the Committee have been a useful tool. Although
the Oracle implementation has had some challenges, it has also provided
many benefits and more transparency. Before Oracle, the P-Card process
was all done manually with one staff member in control of the oversight.
Now it can all be reviewed electronically and better controls are in place.
Mr. Mizuno opined an annual P-Card update may be a consideration for the
Member Williams indicated his support of staff attempting to extract
maximum efficiency from Oracle and encourage staff to keep working with
them to makes things even better that will eventually save staff time.
Chair McGill stated these assignments are not a matter of staff not being
trusted, but to close any gap for particular accounting rules that need to be
followed and assist staff in the process.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
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b.* Receive update on borrowing decision discussed at March 2022 Financial
Planning Workshop
Chair McGill complimented the staff memorandum provided in the agenda
materials to address this topic.
Overall, Mr. Leiber stated staff will continue to watch and monitor the
borrowing options and rates. He noted the market has been fairly volatile,
and even since this agenda packet published, rates have decreased (2.95%
as of today, down about 0.4% since mid-June). The preferable alternative
outlined at the March 2022 Financial Workshop was to acquire State
Revolving Fund (SRF) loans for borrowing needs since the rate is one-half of
the market interest rate. As to the alternative of using revenue bonds,
Mr. Leiber added that should interest rates dip further, staff may return to the
Committee and full Board for authorization to lock-in a rate for cost savings.
Mr. Leiber shared that additional clarity on borrowing needs and timing will
be available in the coming months. For example, timing of the Ultraviolet
(UV) Disinfection Replacement and Hydraulic Improvements project is under
discussion. In order to preserve maximum flexibility, staff is in the process of
preparing an SRF loan application for that project.
In response to questions posed by Chair McGill on the SRF loan program;
Mr. Leiber stated the revolving fund rates also change, but not on a daily
basis. The rate is not established until the loan agreement is signed with the
Ms. Gemmell stated the $173 million SRF loan obtained for the initial Solids
Handling Facility Improvements project can only be use on the Phase 1A
scope. Mr. Leiber added that too is in a bit of flux, and more clarity will be
realized with a study is completed on that project, expected towards the end
of this calendar year.
Mr. Leiber asked whether staff should continue to monitor and provide a
future update or if the Committee had other input for staff:
Member Williams stated he was comfortable with staff continuing to monitor
the situation. He noted that the Board makes it decision based on the best
information that is available at that time. On this matter, he confirmed that
staff provided the Board with full disclosure with the information made
available and the Board was in-step with staff.
Member Williams concluded he agreed with the approach for staff to monitor
and update. Chair McGill concurred and added the Board has flexibility to
move projects to aim to capture opportunities for overall cost savings.
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Additionally, he commented staff is doing a great job to manage cashflow
and debt service.
Mr. Leiber stated staff is attempting to obtain the best deal possible for its
ratepayers, which includes not only low interest rates, but also doing the right
project at the right time, at the right cost; even if that may be at a slightly
higher interest rate.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update and provided staff with
direction to continue monitoring the alternatives and provide an update
as applicable.
After the meeting, staff provided the Committee with an updated AAA MMD
Rate History chart as of July 25, 2022, which reflects a decrease in the rates
since the agenda posting (attached).
C. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of July 12, 2022
This item was heard out of order as the first item of business. Ms. Deutsch
provided a brief overview of first Loss Control Report for the new fiscal year.
She noted there were no new overflow, auto incident, or property loss
With the new fiscal year, she explained all open items from the prior fiscal
year are carried forward and assigned a letter rather than numeric
designation. New items will be numbered going forward for differentiation.
The Committee had no questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
7. Announcements
8. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
Mr. Mizuno mentioned that an agenda item may be brought forward to the
August Committee meeting to address staff's assessment of the treasury
function discussed at a prior meeting, which will include various conversation
topics as well as alternatives to gain the Committee's input on any next
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COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
9. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Member Williams announced he would be absent from the August 23 Committee
Chair McGill complimented staff on the various memos and follow-up discussions to
answer the Committee's questions and other inquiries.
10. Adjournment— at 3:31 p.m.
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Item 6.b.
AAA MMD Rate History
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Updated AAA MMD Rate History Chart, as of July 25, 2022.
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