HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinance MINUTES 06-21-22 Page 2 of 8
President Pro Tena
PHONE: (925)228-9500
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 FAX.- (925)372-0192
2:00 p.m. www.eentralsan.org
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Mike McGill
Member Tad Pilecki (Alternate for Member D. Williams)
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (joined during Item 4.a.)
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations (joined during Item 4.a.)
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (joined during Item 4.a.)
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager
Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor
Dan Frost, Senior Engineer
Christopher Thomas, Accounting Supervisor
Olivia Ruiz, Accounting Supervisor
Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator (joined during Item 4.a.)
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Notice
This meeting was conducted virtually in accordance with the provisions stipulated in
Assembly Bill 361 and adopted on June 16, 2022, by the Central San Board of
Directors. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
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3. Public Comments
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board
a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred May 12, 2022
through June 9, 2022
The Committee was satisfied with staff responses to questions posed on
various check register and procurement card expenditures. Items of
particular note or requiring staff attention are summarized below.
Check No. 305948, Marcus G. Faust, $10,000 (p. 4 of 57)
It was confirmed for Member Pilecki that this was a monthly rate payment for
lobbyist representation to find recycled water projects funding resources.
Chair McGill inquired whether another Committee reviewed and approved
this contract. Mr. Bailey explained this contract falls under his Delegation of
Authority and was executed to understand potential funding arrangements
for recycled water projects. Mr. Bailey announced that Mr. Faust will tour the
treatment plant this August and will be introduced to the Board at the
August 18 meeting. Chair McGill inquired if the contract had an end date or if
it was an open-ended arrangement. Mr. Leiber offered to confirm whether a
timeframe was established. Chair McGill requested a staff update at a future
meeting to facilitate the Committee doing its due diligence.
P-Card Reconciliation
Chair McGill reflected on a prior Committee inquiry of the staff handling of
reconciliations of p-card statements (i.e., unsubmitted reports or personal
charges) and how it cycles back to make sure it is completed. Mr. Mizuno
advised that staff is in the process of preparing an agenda item update for
the July Finance Committee meeting to address that concern. He stated staff
researched back to July 2021 up to April 2022 and found that the items of
reconciliation were small in comparison to those expended. Those items
were identified and a process is in place. More information will be presented
next month.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
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b. Receive Financial Overview through the month of May 2022
As discussed in other recent Committee meetings, the projection for current
fiscal year O&M and capital spending is that both will be underspent.
However, any current gap is expected to tighten towards the year-end close.
Chair McGill inquired whether the District runs a 12-month financial period or
uses a 13-month period to reconcile expenditures. Mr. Mizuno replied that
the District uses the 13-month model, however, the twelfth month is kept
open until near the end of July; expending to June and paying July charges
simultaneously. Any capital expenditures are appropriately captured.
As it pertained to the capital budget, it was asked when capitalization for
depreciation begins. Mr. Mizuno stated it occurs when the project is
determined to be significantly complete (e.g. 95% completion), by notice
from the project manager. Prior to that, he explained the cost is carried as an
a non-depreciable capital asset until notified it is completed. A discussion
Member Pilecki recollected that the capitalization was triggered by project
acceptance, rather than 95% completion, and asked staff to clarify in which
manner it is handled. He inquired at what point does staff start to look at
carryover and also look at sufficient staff to accomplish the goals, noting this
year appears to have $30 million carrying over to next year.
Mr. Bailey noted the observation and offered that some money is realistic for
carryover of unfinished projects, but that the carryforward and budget for that
year may need to move to subsequent years for optimization. These
considerations are made in the financial planning process.
Mr. Mizuno advised there would be a reduction in appropriations next fiscal
year and foresees a timing dip to catchup on some projects. He also
responded that the project's notice of completion and designation by capital
that the project is "substantially complete"go hand in hand when determining
when an asset's depreciation may commence.
Member Pilecki stated it comes back to rate setting, which will come up next
year and that staff will need to have assessed these matters thoroughly prior
to that occasion.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt.
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C. Receive Accounts Payable Internal Audit Report
Mr. Johnson presented an internal audit report of the Accounts Payable
function. He noted the payment approval process is a robust system that
was setup in Oracle and appears to work well.
Mr. Johnson noted that Member Williams had expressed concern in the past
of the potential for payments to be made to fictitious vendors. To address
those concerns, Mr. Johnson plans to audit the p-card process next fiscal
Member Pilecki thought this was a good audit report that raised a few
1. Administrative Procedures (APs): Is there a schedule to review APs
similar to that of Board Policies? Mr. Johnson replied he has seen a
lack of formalized policies/procedures and recommended a regular
update. There was some discussion on the various APs, and it was
noted the review of the APs depends on the responsible division and
any revisions that may need to be updated; there is no regularly
scheduled formal review process of the APs. Mr. Bailey stated this
would be looked at internally to determine whether a process needs
to be formalized and could be reported back as applicable.
2. Paperless Payments and County Treasury Services Contingency
Plan: What happens if the District or County gets hacked and loses
the ability to make payments, is there a contingency plan? Member
Pilecki stated he did not expect an answer today, but for staff to
consider the challenges that could be faced. He offered a
suggestion of having an emergency fund outside of the County as a
backup plan. Mr. Leiber noted that the District is precluded from
maintaining separate bank accounts outside of the County's control
while the County serves as treasurer. This led to a lengthy
discussion and introduction to staff's various internal meetings to
consider the value to continue with the use of the County's treasury
Mr. Leiber provided the Committee with an overview of some of the
issues involved in potentially stepping away from having the County
provide treasury management services and moving towards a more
independent arrangement. Since 1946, the County has served as
the District's treasury provider. They take a stance that a voluntary
participant is either all-in or out. Therefore, having a separate
emergency fund is not permissible. He noted that with respect to
internal controls, the additional value added by the County is limited
and opined it adds a layer of opaqueness. As an example, the
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County reviews the check register, but is not really in a position to
find fictious payments. Additionally, the District is unable to do bank
reconciliations through Oracle with the County arrangement in
place. However, on the investment side, Mr. Leiber noted there is
value as they do continual internal screening and ongoing
monitoring of investment issuers that is a benefit.
Mr. Leiber stated that as an alternative to the current arrangement,
staff could replicate the County's treasury services and has
reached out to other agencies for their experiences in this regard.
A few have moved away from their County for treasury services.
He noted the County is in the midst of its own enterprise resource
planning system implementation; the future system could provide
improved flexibility with electronic payments and other services.
Staff will have a discussion with the County prior to any planned or
proposed changes.
Member Pilecki inquired whether there would be an impact with the
County collecting ad valorem or service charges. Mr. Leiber
responded no, and that under any circumstances, the County's
services for billing the District's fees and portion of the ad valorem
taxes is valued and an efficient arrangement.
Mr. Bailey stated he requested staff conduct a formal and thorough
assessment of the issue, including alternatives if any changes are
to be formally considered.
Ms. Deutsch offered that the County is self-insured for hacking on
their assets/data/accounts. Additionally, the District purchases
cyber insurance.
Chair McGill stated this former discussion was a good conversation and
there are many things to look at, including an entity to potentially assist in the
future. He noted that he does not want to lose sight of this topic and asked
for the item to be added to a future agenda for further discussion/tracking.
Mr. Leiber stated it could be added to the schedule for regular updates when
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board receipt of the audit report.
Provided input to staff for future agenda items.
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5. Other Items
a. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of June 6, 2022
Ms. Deutsch noted there had not been much activity since the last report.
The Committee had no questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report.
6. Announcements
Mr. Leiber provided the Committee with an update of recent developments on the
selection of excess liability coverage beginning July 1. It had been discussed with
the Committee and Board in various meeting whether it may be time to change from
the current approach of having excess liability coverage from the commercial
market and moved towards a pooled authority coverage approach for the new fiscal
year, the decision had been delegated to the General Manager based on best cost
Staff received an earlier than expected commercial quote, which was a nominal
10% increase from the current year as compared to the 30% anticipated in the
budget for next year; therefore, staff is proceeding with procuring coverage from the
commercial insurers. The pooled authority runs on a different calendar cycle and
could not provide a definitive quote and instead provided an estimate. Although the
coverage is not an apples-to-apples comparison in terms of coverage limits and
terms, the pooled authority estimate was $750,000 compared to the commercial
quote of$680,000. Staff concluded remaining on the commercial path for another
year was prudent while continuing to keep the option of joining the pooled authority
as an alternative in the future.
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
As noted in Item 4.c., staff will provide the Committee with an update, as
applicable, of formalizing Administrative Procedure reviews, and will provide
the Committee with an update of a formal assessment, and potential regular
updates, on the consideration to transition away from the County for treasury
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
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8. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
9. Adjournment— at 3:27 p.m.
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