HomeMy WebLinkAbout15. Receive update for discussion of the Lamorinda Recycled Water Project (Shell Pipeline) Page 1 of 8 Item 15. CENTRALSAN Jdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT July 7, 2022 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: MELODY LABELLA, RESOURCE RECOVERY PROGRAM MANAGER REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE UPDATE AND HOLD DISCUSSION ON THE REEVALUATION OF THE LAMORINDA RECYCLED WATER PROJECT (SHELL PIPELINE) As a result of recent interest expressed by the cities of Lafayette and Orinda and the Town of Moraga (collectively known as Lamorinda), staff engaged Woodard & Curran (W&C)to conduct a high-level feasibility study of options for providing recycled water service to the Lamorinda area for landscape irrigation. Since it is along the route, serving the golf courses at Rossmoor are also included, as they were in the original Lamorinda Project. Potential recycled water alternatives evaluated include: 1. The reuse of a portion of an abandoned Shell pipeline, which was acquired by Central San in 1994 with the vision of using it to distribute recycled water to the Lamorinda area; 2. The use of the Shell pipeline right-of-way to construct a new, larger recycled water pipeline; 3. Construction of a satellite water recycling facility(SW RF) at each of the three major demand sites - the golf courses at Rossmoor, Moraga Country Club and Orinda Country Club; and 4. A larger, regional SW RF located at CSO or an equivalent location. W&C has completed their evaluation and will be attending the Board meeting to review their findings in the attached presentation. This presentation was reviewed by the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee at their meeting on June 15, 2022. Strategic Plan re-In GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 3— Support regional development of local water supply ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 82 of 137 Page 2 of 8 REEVALUATION OF THE LAMORINDA RECYCLED WATER PROJECT Melody LaBella, P.E. Resource Recovery Program Manager Board Meeting July 7, 2022 Lamorinda Recycled Water �- • • • • • Supply Evaluation ` July 7, 2022 1 July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 83 of 137 Page 3 of 8 Agenda ► Introductions ► Recycled Water Demands in Rossmoor and Lamorinda ► Conceptual Alternatives for Delivering Recycled Water ■ Expanding Central San's recycled water delivery system reusing the abandoned Shell Fuel Product Pipeline (Alternative 1) • Expanding Central San's recycled water delivery system using the Shell Pipeline corridor (Alternative 2) • Using satellite treatment facilities to serve the golf courses at Rossmoor, Moraga Country Club and Orinda Country Club (Alternatives 3A/313/3C) • Using a larger, regional satellite treatment facility at CSO to serve the Rossmoor and Lamorinda areas (Alternative 4) ► Description of Conceptual Alternatives and Estimated High Level Capital Costs Woodard-Curran 3 Key Assumptions and Context for Unit Costs ► Our cost estimates generally include the infrastructure costs to deliver recycled water and the annual costs to pump the water and maintain the infrastructure. ► What is not included: • Cost of recycled water treatment upgrades at Central San ■ Unit cost for the treated recycled water • Cost of pipeline right-of-way, easements, or land acquisition ► For water market context - the unit cost for retail drinking water in our region exceeds $2,000 per acre-foot (AF), with tiered pricing approaching $3,000/AF. In other communities (especially served by SFPUC), wholesale rates are projected to reach $3,000/AF. Woodard-Curran a 2 July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 84 of 137 Page 4 of 8 Alternative 1 : Lining Shell Pipeline �sa" for Recycled Water Use ► 10-inch Shell Pipeline only has sufficient capacity for Walnut Creek demands ► Average Annual Demand: 0.24 MGD (Peak 1.5 MGD) Cal2jtal Costs ` Distribution Capital Cost 52,000 LF;10-inch Pipeline $26,500,00 Total Capital Cost $26,500,00 alrral =" Annualized Project Cost(30 years,3.5%) $1,441,00 Larayen Annual O&M Cost $294,00 Total Annualized Cost $1,735,00 Annual Yield(AFY) 272 "mm per AF ^'$6,40 �. .'°. -- Moraga lamanntla Recyekd Waler ► porenlial Customers SM1e1l Pipeline Supply AMernafWea Evaluexan /\/Prappsetl Recycietl Waler Mains N Alb mael Woodard LininSg Existing hell Pipeline—r aa�°+�snan alper�na ciao aCurran for Reeyded Water Use S .l Alternative 2: Recycled Water System Expansion Along Shell Pipeline Corridor Average Annual Demand: 0.77 MGD (Peak 4.6 mgd) mP wakrymoear" Capital Costs ...... Distribution Capital Cost 44,500 LF;16-inch Pipe 39,000 LF;10-inch Pipe 26,000 LF;8-inch Pipe - Walnut Oreak 9,500 LF;6-inch Pipe $167,100,00 �"' Lafayette �I"e Total Capital Cost $167,100,00 fn° In a ear. Annualized Project Cost(30 years,3.5%) $9,081,00 odndam �' �noeraaa a Annual O&M Cost $1,391,00 �,aM�a �Rea�eera Total Annualized Cost $10,472,00 Annual Yield(AFY) 8611 Moraga per AF I - ._a°eetrymee�' mma�,aal,pa tamaana.Renyema wmer auppty Alternallves Evaluallan L � v°r°"vai Pw c°n°mc:^�wamrmai"a�ri.i"cn At.maeeez ■ '"�, a"o N"°°vasal°maaml°" q Woodard Recycled Water Systemn ti ^�aa°claa wamr n ytlB°wam �p aacurra6 Expan 3 July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 85 of 137 Page 5 of 8 '1 Alternative 3A: Rossmoor Golf r Course Satellite Treatment Facility Average Annual Demand: 0.23 MGD (Peak 1.4 mgd) Capital Costs Treatment, Diversion&Disposal Capital Cost $21,100,00 Distribution Capital Cost $400,00 Total Capital Cost $21,500,00 Annualized Project Cost(30 years,3.5%) $1,165,00 Walnut Crcck Annual 0&M Cost $790,00 x �a.avar� Total Annualized Cost $1,955,00 Annual Yield(AFY) 255 ornd, per AF 1 ^'$7,70 Moraga O ap 1 LamwinYa Rerycled Water � propseata od Slllte WRF, n\ SrppIY ARenatives EeaWa4on C . Evlsting Recycled Water System N Alternative 3 q n Proposed Satellite WRF Snell P'meona A Woodard at Anchor Customers _t i. Alternative 36: Moraga Country „aoy Club Satellite Treatment Facility Average Annual Demand: 0.16 MGD (Peak 0.9 mgd) Capital Costs Treatment, Diversion&Disposal Capital Cost $15,700,000 Distribution Capital Cost $1,800,000 Total Capital Cost $17,500,000 Annualized Project Cost(30 years,3.5%) $950,000 Wahut Creek Annual C&M Cost $674,000 �atayetle Total Annualized Cost $1,624,000 Annual Yield(AFY) 174 orhde per AF ^'$9,300 ops Moraga LamwlnYd Recycled Water Proposed Satslll�e WRF, SrppIY—.1—EvaWac . Evlsting Recycled Water System N Altemative3 n Woodard Proposed Satellite WRF sneo Pipeo�e ry Curran at Anchor Customers 8 4 July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 86 of 137 Page 6 of 8 _1 '1 Alternative 3C: Orincla Country - ►:.r Club Satellite Treatment Facility Average Annual Demand:0.16 MGD(peak 0.9 mgd) Capital Costs Treatment, Diversion&Disposal Capital Cost $15,700,00 Distribution Capital Cost $1,800,00 Total Capital Cost $17,500,00 I Annualized Project Cost(30 years,3.5%) $950,00 J Walnut Crcck Annual O&M Cost $674,000 Total Annualized Cost $1,624,000 °° ataYede Annual Yield(AFY) 17 per AF Orinda ^'$9,300 ' - *Estimated demand and costs are extrapolated from Moraga Country Club. Nluraga ' I ap Evalueaap AMernallVes Laz A.aeryckd Wmr - proposed 55-111t.WRis Supply C ",',E%Is,lp9 n_yderl Water Syslem N Altemative 3 Woodard Proposed Satellite WRF /N/Sne�l plpeb' Curran at Anchor Customers 9 Alternative 4: Lamorinda Regional 5: „ Satellite Treatment Facility �Oe'�, Average Annual Demand:0.77 MGD (Peak 4.6 mgd) -i ✓7 Capital Costs Treatment,Diversion&Disposal Capital Cost $57,000,00 Wal-t Creek Distribution Capital Cost $155,000,00 onnda wawW' s" ' Total Capital Cost $212,000,00 °"^°��"`"" Lafayette Annualized Project Cost(30 years,3.5%) $11,503,00 Annual O&M Cost $3,493,00 Total Annualized Cost $14,996,00 Annual Yield(AFY) 861 [ge ba per AF ^'$17,40 °nJe Morega tamarinea-Vry I tlWater �a s.en.uwar ^� ?°reh�w°ier 6upplyAllem,ti ves Evalueaan = nlrmernw lame N A\ Alternative4 m snnPeryN*•°"�'•a»Ra'"�^ Ie,� Woodard Lamorinda Regional Nw;�;°.,°inc"A ° - ae°w°"' " •Curran 10 Satellite WRF 5 July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 87 of 137 Page 7 of 8 Figure 5-1-Non-Potable Reuse Alternative Co nparlson EBMUD 2 019 mom ^MontuaAm RW Master Plan Projects s5,Wb •MCC • —$3,000/AF unit price cutoff u,WD •DCC DERWA5an Flsman 1. 4,300 AFY RARE&N.Richmond Expansion Phase/ q 65,000 2. 4,100 AFY Phillips 66 Refinery PhesarB 3. 2,900 AFY East Bayshore Expansion _ EaslBayshon,Phase? ' ' 4. 1,400 AFY DERWA/San Ramon Valley Ph.3-5 ' sa000 CCC.".'" EsaOayahorePhaselA VERWNSan Ramon @.., i S1.0DOX 4 Phillipa56 Ph-3 Centrd San Roq-W DERWA5an RamonPhese5 sD 5055 60 65 70 75 60 85 90 95 Nontasl&areDERWAISan Ream Phase O •DERWAI5anR—Phase5 DERWA15an Rano,Pheses4 F. Ela&—Ph-1A ♦EaslSrh-R_16 E-4uyY ,o Phase? Cha dRarhot •P68Rd.P.Mary %Central San Regional XCC Pipi.In Cans Rpt! •DCC Salellbe Ned •MCC Sssit:e ProjctWrap Area Salelila ProjectNd Fw DERWMSan R­Vm"Paym Wow PmJW PM .ark W WM wbs*M gbods duR1 r0W. avnege08#16n06�e­A .W 00649. - - n-Sare6.m RWTP,A r Eesi Wyv000 RWIF,o=DERWNSan P­, a=CU.'SDena CC PO*.lnCens ROW. Source:EBMUD Updated Recycled Water Master Plan,2019 Al_�k Woodard-Curran 71 CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS • The cost of serving recycled water to Rossmoor and Lamorinda continues to be prohibitive without significant external funding. • Since they will be self-funded, satellite water recycling facilities remain a potentially viable way to serve recycled water to the golf courses in Rossmoor, Moraga and Orinda. • Potable reuse is a more cost-effective way to leverage Central San's treated wastewater in EBMUD's service area. • A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Rossmoor, EBMUD and the City of Walnut Creek has been developed and is currently under review by all parties for future consideration. • An MOU between Central San and EBMUD to evaluate recycled water opportunities, including a potable reuse study, is currently under development. Staff will be bringing it to the Board soon. - .- �Y CENTRALSAN 6 July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 88 of 137 Page 8 of 8 QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION ' 13 7 July 7, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 89 of 137