HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.c. Conduct biennial review and approve revisions to Board Policy BP 019 - Recycled Water Page 1 of 4 Item 4.c. CENTRAL SAN July 5, 2022 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE FROM: MELODY LABELLA, RESOURCE RECOVERY PROGRAM MANAGER REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES KENTON L. ALM, DISTRICT COUNSEL ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: CONDUCT BIENNIAL REVIEW AND APPROVE REVISIONS TO BOARD POLICY BP 019 - RECYCLED WATER BP 019 - Recycled Wateris due for its biennial review and staff would like to propose a number of changes to reflect the evolving nature of recycled water. In addition to removing redundant elements, staff is proposing to eliminate the provision on the 15-year payback criteria and replace it with a new provision that is based on the principle of beneficiary pays. Staff is also proposing to memorialize the Board guidance given as part of Central San's Recycled Water Wholesale Opportunities study to prioritize large recycled water projects with year-round demands, in addition to adding a reference to the Guiding Principles for Satellite Water Recycling Facility projects, which were adopted by the Board in January 2022. See Attachment 1 for a redlined version of staff's proposed revisions. See Attachment 2 for a clean version of staff's proposed policy. If the Committee concurs, the proposed changes will be brought to the full Board for consideration. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 3—Support regional development of local water supply GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Revisions to BP 019 - Redlined 2. Proposed BP 019 - Clean July 5, 2022 Regular ADM IN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 41 Page 2 of 4 Attachment 1 Number: BP 019 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 17, 2016 jgfNi Revised: July 21, 2022 Reviewed: July 5, 2022 CENTRALSAN Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering & Technical Services Department BOARD POLICY RECYCLED WATER PURPOSE TDeried'Gall,i, +he State of California frequently experiences severe droughts and recycled water is one of the major alternatives for an uninterruptable source of water supply. Wastewater is an underutilized resource that is increasing in value. The purpose of this Policy is to promote cost-effective projects in collaboration with water agencies to augment the region's water supply with Central San's water resourcestreated effl,ion+ pred Ged at the DiStrint'S treatment Yll The Diotrint is ire maLiRg thin new reoe,erne ayailaNe POLICY I. Promote, produce, sell and/or deliver recycled water to retail and wholesale customers both within and outside of Central San's service areathe Distrez in a safe manner consistent with laws, regulations, and prudent public policy. water agenniec Drniento must have a payba Gk peried of net mere than 15 yearn III. Work with the State of California, the County of Contra Costa and individual local cities and water agencies to develop ordinances and guidelines to eRGeurage expand the use of recycled water. IV. DevelopPrec d ,res and stunrl Tto ere the safe and heRefinial ,ice of reGyGlerd water III. Collaborate with water agencies to develop new recycled water projects that follow the beneficiary pays principle. IV. Prioritize large recycled water projects with year-round demands that expand water resources within Central San's service area. V. Collaborate on the development of satellite water recycling facility projects in accordance with the Guiding Principles adopted by the Board in January 2022. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] July 5, 2022 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 41 Page 3 of 4 Number: BP 019 RECYCLED WATER POLICY Page 2 of 2 V-.VI. Conduct ongoing public information and customer service programs to ensure that the public and individual customers have an appropriate understanding of recycled water including the benefits and responsibility of using recycled water. V4,VII. Track all costs associated with recycling water and periodically report to the Board. July 5, 2022 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 41 Page 4 of 4 Attachment 2 Number: BP 019 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 17, 2016 = Revised: July 21, 2022 Reviewed: July 5, 2022 CENTRALSAN Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering & Technical Services Department BOARD POLICY RECYCLED WATER PURPOSE The State of California frequently experiences severe droughts and recycled water is one of the major alternatives for an uninterruptable source of water supply. Wastewater is an underutilized resource that is increasing in value. The purpose of this Policy is to promote cost-effective projects in collaboration with water agencies to augment the region's water supply with Central San's water resources. POLICY I. Promote, produce, sell and/or deliver recycled water to retail and wholesale customers both within and outside of Central San's service area in a safe manner consistent with laws, regulations, and prudent public policy. II. Work with the State of California, the County of Contra Costa and individual local cities and water agencies to develop ordinances and guidelines to expand the use of recycled water. III. Collaborate with water agencies to develop new recycled water projects that follow the beneficiary pays principle. IV. Prioritize large recycled water projects with year-round demands that expand water resources within Central San's service area. V. Collaborate on the development of satellite water recycling facility projects in accordance with the Guiding Principles adopted by the Board in January 2022. VI. Conduct ongoing public information and customer service programs to ensure that the public and individual customers have an appropriate understanding of recycled water including the benefits and responsibility of using recycled water. VII. Track all costs associated with recycling water and periodically report to the Board. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] July 5, 2022 Regular ADM IN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 41