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09. Public Hearing to consider adopting an ordinance to update the Standard Specifications, 2022 Edition, eff. 07-01-22
Page 1 of 297 Item 9. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: JUNE 16, 2022 SUBJECT: CONDUCTA PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTING UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE NO. 325 TO ESTABLISH THE "CENTRAL SAN STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESIGNAND CONSTRUCTION, 2022 EDITION"AS DISTRICT'S STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT CODE SECTION 9.08.010, TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022 SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: DANA LAWSON, SENIOR ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- PDS-DEVELOPMENT SERVI CES-MAI NLI NE REVI EW REVIEWED BY: DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm General Manager District Counsel ISSUE Section 9.08.010 of the District Code requires that the Board of Directors'adopt an uncodified ordinance to establish or amend the District's standard specifications. BACKGROUND Central San's Standard Specifications for Design and Construction was last updated in 2020. Since that document was published, staff has continued to solicit comments from internal and external customers, June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 408 of 771 Page 2 of 297 and has revised the document to clarify requirements and align with industry practices. The updated document is now ready for publication. Section 9.08.010 of the District Code requires that the Board of Directors amend the standard specifications by uncodified ordinance for an effective date of July 1, 2022. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could decline to adopt the 2022 edition of the standard specifications, which would result in the 2020 edition continuing to be enforced. However, this is not recommended since it is important that the most current practices be covered by a Board-established specifications document. FINANCIAL IMPACTS None by this action. Design and construction of new facilities in accordance with the proposed specifications will minimize future maintenance costs and ensure that the facilities have an acceptably long service life. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this item on June 1, 2022, and recommended holding the public hearing. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Conduct the public hearing, and adopt an uncodified ordinance to establish the document entitled Central San Standard Specifications for Design and Construction, 2022 Edition as Central San's standard specifications, in accordance with District Code Section 9.08.010, to become effective July 1, 2022. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service, Strategy 2—Maintain a positive reputation GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation of 2022 Update 2. Proposed Ordinance 3. Proposed Standard Specs 2022 June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 409 of 771 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 297 2022 UPDATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 41, Board Meeting St June 16, 2022 Specdacd �PS�9nat��nS Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer c�hs'r°`t%on Development Services Section REVISIONS - PART 1 . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS r9rX?7r7-r6 M, Cover New 2-01 Clarified basic sewer service policy requirements 2-03 Revised per Code update 2010 2-04 Moved from Section 17 ©2-04.A Added precedence:District Code,then Specs and Plans 2-04.B.1 Added order of precedence for Mainline plans 3-01.B.2.a.i Clarified location of cap 3-01 General updates to include recycled water(e.g.,sewer/recycled water work) 3-01.B.2.a.iv Clarified that portion of lateral(lower only)that may be permitted with sewer extension 3-01.B.2.a.vii Moved pump review item from C.7 3-01.0 Added title,added subsections for Service Requests and Building Permit Review and Encroachment Verification(to match revised application title and Applicant's Guide) 3-02 Expanded expirations to applications and plans,by type.Clarified requirements to re-start after close. 3-05 License classifications updated to match District Code update that added C47 and B with conditions for issuance. 3-06 Insurance updated to match District Code ' Z June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 410 of 771 1 Page 4 of 297 REVISION: 2-01 BASIC SEWER SERVICE POLICY Seaton 2.Polteies and Programs 2-01 Basic Sewer Service Policy Each property having a separate Assessor's Parcel Number shall have- • .a public sewer extended to it—and • one connection to the public sewer. and a reparals pAvats sods sown extend ng sivaste piumb ng y to the public-sewer.inc{uding Ihaconnection lap or Vqe a!Il Exception;Central San wa may allow an exception to this policy if a property is • is the last lot on either Side of the road and • reasonably can be served from a public sewer via a private side sewer that serves only the excepted property and installed within a recorded easement across a single intervening property adjacent to the public sewer or within.public ngbtof_wav with explicit permission hum the localjurisdidioo., Additionally:when.a parcel is subdivided Ce g,,a lot sp itLany buildings sharing a side sewer to the public main shall be separated_to cornplyWith 1hiS�oliQ and these Standard Specifications(e.g.,reservation or ciranfing of a private sanitary sewer easement). Public sewers are owned,operated,and maintained by Central San. Private sewers shall be owned,operated,and maintained by the Property Owner. ' 3 REVISION : 3-02 EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF. . . 3-02 Effective Period of AppliCatii Plans,Permits A. Applications:Applications without activity,as listed below,will be deemed t0 be abandoned and will be administratively closed,unless an extension has been authorized by Central San. Application Type Exiairation Period months Service Requests 6 Residential 6 Commercial 18 Mainline Extensions 12 The extension shall be requested in writing,prior to its expiration,with justifiable cause demonstrated including a planned construction schedule. Central San may extend the time for action by the Applicant for up to 2 additional 6-month periods.An application may not be extended if these Specifications or any other pertinent codes,laws or ordinances have been amended after the date of application. To re-start after an application is closed the Applicant shall submit a new application,Lecialad submittals,and pay applicable feels). B. Plans(sewer mainline extensions):See Subsection 11-04. A C. Permits:As provided by District Code 45.04.060,Central San permits are amended for a period of 6 months from the date they are is issued,unless ' June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 411 of 771 2 Page 5 of 297 REVISIONS - PART II. PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION or ®4-01.F.2 Changed from variance to exception for dedicated side sewer under house 4-02.A.3 Added requirement to properly handle slurry from HDD operations 4-02.C.2 Reordered pipe material by preference;relocated removal of internal bead to Tech Specs 4-02.D Corrected auto-number of paragraphs 4-05.E Expanded to include multi-family residential and mixed use 4-07 Updated and clarified minimum horizontal clearances for building sewers 4-08.0 Clarified that portion of lateral(lower only)that may be permitted with sewer extension 4-09.A Clarified requirement for direction and accessibility of cleanouts;required at transition from pressure to gravity 5 General correction to internal reference of subsection 5-02a throughout section 5-04.E RV/Trailer Holding Tank Dump Stations—permissible in commercial applications only 5-06 Added new section for pet waste disposal jjj6-02.13 Added clarification for land-rights when parcels have same owner ®7-03 Added California Plumbing Code referenceAm ' s REVISION: 4-09 STRUCTURES (FOR PRIVATE SIDE SEWERS 4-09 Structures A. Cleanouts 1. Shall be installed so that if opens to allow cleaning in the direction of flow (Reference-California Plumbing Code§719 4) 2_ Shall be accessible at_all_times(Reference-California Plumbing Code§719.3 and§719.5] 3_ Shall canform to DWG 22-07 and be provided i n the side se-w ar at the following locations: a) point-0f-connection to the building drain,within 2 feet of building foundation b) any single bend greater than 45° c) aggregate horizontal change in direction exceeds 90° ------------------------------------ d)intervals not to exceed 100 feet(Reference:California Plumbing Code §7191 ] e) at the transition between pressurized and gravity flow on a side sewer ' 6 June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 412 of 771 3 Page 6 of 297 ADDITION: 5-06 PET WASTE 15-06 Pet Waste A. These types of connections are permissible in commercial applications only. B. Cat waste is prohibited from disposal into the sanitary sewer. C. Dog waste is permitted as follows: i. Liquid waste collection area shall: a) include a p-trap;and b) comply with Section 5-04A,if proposed in an outdoor area. 2. Solid waste disposal device shall: a) include a cover,similar to the Drain Hole Cover Detail shown in DWG 23- 01;and a) be protected from incidental debris entering the sanitary sewer(e.g. landscape materials, rocks, plastics,etc.). ' 7 REVISIONS - PART III. PUBLIC SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEMS -01 Added clarification for prohibition of ratepayer funds to install new infrastructure, 8-01.6 Moved from former section 10-01 to aid Engineers at start of design -01.0 Moved from former section 12-01 to aid Engineers at start of design 8-01.D Clarified that Central San does not maintain roadway or similar improvements where public sewer extensions are installed R4-=lllllllll1 DESCRIPTION 'W 5-01.E Clarified demonstration for entity to be responsible for private system 8 18-01.G Relocated"note'to appropriate paragraph =8-02 Moved from former section 10-05 to aid Engineers at start of design ®8-02.13 Moved from former section 10-04.A.9 to aid Engineers at start of design =8-03.A.2 Reordered pipe material by preference;relocated removal of internal bead to Tech Specs ®8-03 Removed CIPP,as this is not a method of sewer main extensions �8-05.A Added to reiterate District Code requirement to design for ultimate tributary area;and mitigate impact of development on existing downstream system =8-06.B Added to mitigate impact of development on existing downstream system 8-06.0 Added to reiterate existing Standard Drawing 21-02 for configuration at trunk manhole connection ' a June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 413 of 771 4 Page 7 of 297 Section 8.Design Cntena REVISION: 8-01 a-01 baneiral A Central San is Prohibited iruni asm¢ezisauy ratepayer funds to install GENERAL mlrastr xture to serve new customers(reference Health and Safety Code&5471 and&&520 5).A property owner,such as a developer,seeking to install new public sewer facildies to serve his of her property must fund-desbn.construcl end proylde appropnale land-rights for the proposed public sewer facilites in (PUBLIC COLLECTION compliance with District Code and StandardSpecitiations B In accordance with the Business and Professions Code Professional Eggineers SYSTEM) Ad.56735.all tint enaneenn¢Plans specificaT ons a M reoods submitted to Central San shall be prepared by a licensed civil enpmeer or by a subordinate under his or her direction.and shall be siffned by Item or her to Indicate his or her fe5penslblllty fa Itiern In adddr¢n 10 NB SIOOator..all f1n83 cml en¢Ineenn¢ Plans sperficatrons and repass shall bear the stamp of the registrant and the expiration date of the certificate or authority C. The Job Eriguieer or Surveyor shall noldy affected property owners when they plan to cOndpC!SgrveYSye DnYate prOOedy and,d Dp55dfle.Obtain DCImIS51Orl lD enter onto the property.However.it is noted under Slate Law that licensed Surve rs may enter upon private property puisuani to Section 8774 Business 8 Professions Code,as authonzed by Section 846 5 of the Civil Cafe D, Where Central San facilities are installed in roadwW or all-weather access roads.Cenlral San is not responsible for maintaining The improvement conk,son &F Private Main Sewer System design and plan review shall be the same as for proposed public main sewer extensions.Additionally.Applicant shall state the eNlly Ihei will be responsible for the ownership and maintenance of the private system and demonsUate that entity is capable of that responsibility before Central San will approve a private system Proposed pnvala main sewer systems shall be connected to the public sewer system et a standard manhole ' 9 REVISIONS - PART III. PUBLIC SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEMS C�s SM!1111111111 DESCRIPTION or 8-07.A Added reference to District Code§7.15.020,that public facilities can only be installed in easements as last resort,basis for variance consideration,and minimum maintenance and operation requirements M8-07.B Clarified minimum clearance from pipe by removing"and structures" 8-10.A&B Reinforced requirement for access to structures �8.10.C.2 Clarified minimum clearance for manholes 8.10.C.3 Clarified configuration at trunk manhole connection per Standard Drawing 21-02 8.10.C.4 Provided example 8.10.C.8 Removed manhole protection wall item since manholes should be placed in location accessible to maintenance vehicles =8-11 Added reference to Tech Specs for proper abandonment of facilities 9-01.A Added reference to District Code§7.15.020,that public facilities can only be installed in easements as last resort 9 through 12 Eliminated references to alignment review stage,preliminary review stage,etc.Review process will be explained in Guidance documents per consultant recommendation. ®9-04, Updated preference for stand-alone land rights to promote timely contribution of assets and 9-06.A.2 reduce administrative burden - - ®9-073 Clarified Central San's infrastructure responsibility for sewers but not roadways ' 10 June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 414 of 771 S Page 8 of 297 REVISION ■ 8-0 ■ 9-�-07 Pipe Alignment A. General Requirements PIPEALIGNMENT 1. Locate sewers in payed roadways(private or public] (FOR PUBLIC SEWER a) Unpaved easements shall be avoided where a reasonable alternate solution exists EXTENSIONS) b) Unless there are physical limitations sanitary sewers facddres shall be installed wilhin roadwan,per Disinct Code§7 15 020 c) If this is not feasible.the Applicant may request a Vanance during the Plan Review process to allow the sewer to be located unthin_an easement 2. Locate the centerline of the sewer in the center of the roadway a) It this is not feasible,the next order of preference is the center of lane, then al least 5 teet from face of curb both are sublect to approval by the Central San Engineer during[he Plan Review process. b) Where easements are approved,locate pipe in centedine of easement and there shall be careful consideration of how the sewer will be maintained and/or replaced.if necessary_including all-weather access roads to structures easement= f^ sit4o n the p6ibk h1 of way.the AppGEant may request a Vanance during Me Plan Review proGors in Pillo,N the sev;er In he kxaled 14.n»nifirarnrr+.u�-linn_ntkha mdeiefu crui�racd.�hn�imnc crri�ri.rn�f lhn 11 REVISIONS - PART III. PUBLIC SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEMS �ST ®10-01 Relocated design criteria to appropriate section(8) 10-02 Relocated from former section 11-03 ®10-03 Relocated from former section 11-05.6 10-04 Relocated from former section 11-06.13 10-05 Relocated from former section 10-02;and eliminated former Sections 10&11,moved into Guidance documents per consultant recommendation. 11 Created new section,Permitting for Construction,to clarify plan review process from permitting requirements.Relocated and reordered former sections 11-06,11-07,11-08,11-09,12-02,and 12- 03.Separated into administrative and pre-construction submittals. 11-02.A Updated to reflect electronic submittals only 11-02.0 Re-worded project cost estimate for clarity 11-02.1) Re-worded project security for clarity;reordered by order of preference and most common type of security;clarified additional review fees required for less common types 11-03.A.3 Relocated from former section 12 to aid applicant's during submittal process 12 Not Used;former section relocated to aid applicant's during submittal process 12 June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 415 of 771 6 Page 9 of 297 REVISION: 11 PERMITTING FOR CONSTRUCTION Sochors 12. Permitting for Construction 42-0411.01 General After Central Sai a kAasewer Main Extension_the Applicant will be notified that they may proceed to the permuting stage- 42 0211 r`% Administrative Submihats A Final Plans,Pour Complete sets of approved sewer design eleEheaic-Final oP-lans(24'x 36'),elecliym,__ally as a 300 dpi,PDF or TIE format,wet-signed and stamped by ache Professional Engineer B Fees.Payment of any remaining fees,inducing inspection fees C. Protect Cost Estimate-=the pled cost e5limae ale for pioval prior to submdllno the f rolect Securrtv Deposit The estimate shall be for the public sewer facilities only and must be itemized on a uL no lump surn eslimalesc�•,�r�n..,��r_� ��.,., Table on'he R Me Q18RI LOS mr-blO A-11 d""P 7-Project Se" Deposit 1 ('rayed socunlld_eppsq,shall be 100%of the approved cost estimate and shall be submitted to Central San orlor to issuance of a construction ' 13 REVISIONS - PART IV. RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS • None, this section remains a placeholder for the development of standard specifications June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 416 of 771 Page 10 of 297 REVISIONS - PART V. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS SECTION OR DWG DESCRIPTION ®NO. 17-05.1)&E Former sections relocated to Section 2-04 since this is an administrative requirement; not an inspection duty 'he Plans Gr 4hass SPSGr Aga ' is REVISIONS - PART VI. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION OR DWG DESCRIPTION ®NO. 33 05 33.13 Relocated item B(remove internal bead from HDPE)from design criteria to Part 2.3 tech spec ZJ JOIN IS A. Joints in HDPE pipe shall be made using thermal butt-fusion welding equipment designed for the specific purpose of permanently connecting HDPE pipes.This equipment shall be capable of squarely facing the pipe ends to be joined,properly heating each pipe end to the temperature range specified by the pipe manufacturer,and applying and sustaining the appropriate pressure,as recommended by the pipe manufacturer.Test joints may be requested at the Inspector's discretion to ensure the quality of the joints. B Internal beads shall be removed for all sewers B-C. For main sewer installation,the butt-fusion welding machine shall be outfitted ui1h.� .aril rnrnriiinn•niF fhn/IIMMnnin!An rnnili/innn n inlinn June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 417 of 771 $ Page 11 of 297 REVISIONS - PART VII. STANDARD DRAWINGS 19-01 New manhole cover design - r' 19-02 New manhole cover design 19-08 New manhole cover design 19-09 New manhole cover design r v 19 11 New manhole cover design CFNTPAISAN QUESTIONS June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 418 of 771 9 Page 12 of 297 Attachment 2 ORDINANCE NO. 325 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (UNCODIFIED) ESTABLISHING THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, 2022 EDITION" AS THE DISTRICT'S STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT CODE SECTION 9.08.010 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (Board) of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) finds that changes in acceptable materials, methods, industry practices, technologies and standards for design and construction of sanitary sewers have occurred since the current standard specifications document was published in 2020; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish and adopt a revision of the standard specifications document by ordinance in accordance with District Code Section 9.08.010, to incorporate updated requirements to address these changes; and WHEREAS, staff has completed a review of the 2020 standard specifications and has prepared an updated document clarifying requirements and incorporating the latest information regarding industry practices, technologies and standards. THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1 (To be uncodified) A. That the document entitled: "Standard Specifications for Design and Construction 2022 Edition" is hereby established as the District's standard specifications, which shall have the full force and effect of a District general regulation or ordinance and subjects its provisions to all enforcement provisions of the District Code. In accordance with the provisions of District Code Section 9.08.010, said document is made a part hereof by this reference. This document shall remain uncodified and copies of said document shall be kept on file in the office of the Secretary of the District and shall be available for public inspection and purchase at the offices of the District, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553. The document shall also be made available on the District website. B. That the most relevant and recently enacted local, county, state, federal or international standards and District, county, state or federal statutes, regulations, and ordinances applied, referenced or mentioned in the Standard Specifications are hereby incorporated and adopted, including any and all future revisions and enactments of such standards, statutes, regulations and ordinances. June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 419 of 771 Page 13 of 297 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. 325 Page 2 of 3 Section 2 A. Finding of No "Prosect" The District Board's action in adopting the proposed Standard Specification revisions does not constitute a Project as envisioned by CEQA, as this action is consistent with defined circumstances that do not constitute a Project pursuant to the provisions of Title 14 sections 15378(b)(2) and (5) of the California Code of Regulations. B. Severability 1. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Ordinance, including the application of such part or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, provisions of this Ordinance are severable. 2. The Board of Directors hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrases are held unconstitutional, invalid or unenforceable. Section 3 Effective Date This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and a summary shall be published in the Contra Costa Times and the San Ramon Valley Times, newspapers of general circulation, published and circulated within the District and shall be effective on the eighth day following said publication. Said Standard Specifications revisions shall remain in effect until amended by Ordinance or until amended as set forth in Section 1 .B. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 16th day of June 2022, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: David R. Williams President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 420 of 771 Page 14 of 297 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. 325 Page 3 of 3 COUNTERSIGNED: Katie Young Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm, Esq. Counsel for the District June 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 421 of 771