HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.Att. 2 Budget Revision Log Page 335 of 341
This log includes substantive edits made to the FY 2022-23 Budget since distribution of the 4/29/22 Budget
Book Draft, which was received by the Board as part of the 5/26/22 meeting agenda packet.The page number
(#) noted in the first column corresponds to both the Draft Budget distributed to the Board on 5/26/22 and the
Budget included in the 6/16/22 Board packet unless noted.
Pg # Finall#Page Description of Change
24 24 Central San currently has 291 budgeted full-time employees.The budget for
FY 2022-23 is proposed at 23-294 positions.
25 24 The budget proposes a level of funding that will enable and achieve the goals set forth in
the FYs '^�2 2022-24 Strategic Plan.
Third column text was replaced with the following: Continue exploring partnerships with
Contra Costa Water District(CCWD), Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) and
33 33 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC)to advance the Refinery Recycled
Water Exchange Project to utilize recycled water at nearby refineries in place of raw
Delta water to increase the amount of drinking water available to the community, and
collaborate with East Bay Municipal Utility District(EBMUD) on a potable reuse study.
Sub-Fund A($1.5 million targeted level)tracks general and automobile liability losses,
35 35 while Sub-Fund C($7.5 million targeted level)tracks losses related to emergencies or
catastrophic events.
55 55 The allocation of the SSC to Capital increases from 31.6% in FY 2021-22 to 58.0% 57.4%
in FY 2022-23.
67 67 The addition of twe three new permanent FTE positions, resulting in an increase of the
permanent headcount from 291 to 2-93 294 (see "Staffing Changes" section).
Changed number under FY 2022-23 "Total" column for "Budgeted Full-Time Employee
68 68 Positions" row to 294(was 293).Also increased number under same row in the 0&M
column to 261.1 (was 260.1).
In addition to 243-294 budgeted full-time equivalent (FTE) positions, the General
68 68 Manager has the ability to hire up to five additional "transitional" positions at any given
time to backfill positions vacated due to an extended leave of absence or as necessary to
properly address succession planning.
69 69 Added "(Subject to meet and confer process)" after last sentence that describes the new
Optimizations Program Manager position.
69 69 Changed number under"FY 2022-23" column for"Regular Employees" row to 294 (was
69 69 Increased Local One/Operations cell to 106 (was 105), increased subtotal of Operations
column to 143 (was 142), and increased grand total to 294(was 293).
69 69 Overall, staffing is budgeted in FY 2022-23 at 2-93 294 full-time equivalent positions,
which is two-three positions higher than the prior year's budget.
69 69 As noted previously,this budget includes funds for#three additional permanent
full-time employees.
Added a new sentence to the end of the last paragraph:The third new FTE included in
69 69 the budget is for an Electrical Technician in the Plant Maintenance Division that will
specialize in high voltage electrical projects.
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Added new bullet at beginning of"Office of the General Manager," including the
70 70 following sub bullet:
1)Administrative Assistant transferred to the Planning& Development Services Division.
70 70 Added third sub-bullet under "Planning& Development Services) stating: Cancel an
Engineering Assistant and add a Lead Engineering Assistant.
1)Added Innovation &Optimization Program Manager position (increased total
70 70 budgeted headcount of Central San by one FTE, subject to meet and confer process.)
2)Transferred Administrative Assistant from Plant Maintenance Division
1)Added 2nd sub-bullet stating the following: Electrical Technician position added
70 71 (increased total budgeted headcount of Central San by one FTE).
2)Added 3rd bullet stating:Transfer Administrative Assistant to Office of the Director of
Added new bullet at end for"Plant Operations Division" change. Included the following
three sub-bullets:
1)Administrative Assistant position transferred to the Environmental & Regulatory
70 71 Compliance Division (Laboratory).
2) Cancel a Control Systems Technician and add a Utility Systems Engineer.
3) Cancel a Senior Plant Operator and add a Plant Operator to reflect turnover at the
senior level.
Increased FY 2022-23 Collection System Program Budget to$36,850,000, General
72 73 Improvements Program FY 2022-23 budget to $3,795,000; decreased FY 2022-23
Contingency budget to$1,635,000, and adjusted budget to variance and budget
85 86 Increased 2023 Capital Expense column for Collection System from $36.6 to$36.9 and
decreased General & Other from $5.6 to $5.4.
91 91 ••• to supply recycled water to neighboring refineries, or other potential users such as
East Bay Mud (EBMUD) or San Francisco Public Utility Commission (SFPUC).
103 103 Removed (?)from sentence ...ADC,which remained relatively low(?) at$3.3 million in
FY 2022-23.
104 104 Connected "FY 2022-23 budget." with the last sentence of paragraph (inadvertently
shown separately).
Savings to Central San are projected to be ever$ 0 mill ^^ approximately$2 million
111 111
annually or$15 million in total over the remaining 7-year term of the debt.
122 122 Unbolded "Contracts" in Contracts and Procurement Specialist title.
135 135 Changed e-Builder to Procore.
136 136 Unbolded "Temporary Assistant Engineer."
136 136 The Capital Projects Division budget for FY 2022-23 is r0 �($0.8 million),
reflecting a 3,216.9% reduction from the prior year's budget.
1) 7th row: Environmental Compliance SUPeF;^+^^d^^+ program Administrator
141 141 2) 8th row: Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor Program Administrator
3) 10th row: Laboratory S peFintende^+ Program Administrator
1) 7th row(Engineering Assistant) FY 2022-23 column: Increase to 7 (from 6)
149 149 2) "Total" row FY 2022-23 column: Increase to 34 (from 33)for Engineering Assistant
(added late in budget process, already included on page 70)
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1) In 5th row(Electrical Technician): Under FY 2022-23 column, increased from 4.0 to
163 163 2) In 9th row: Changed "Maintenance Crew Leader"to "Lead Maintenance Crew
Member(swapped Machinist w/ Lead Maintenance Crew Member for alpha).
3) In 17th row (Pumping Stations Supervisor): Changed from 1.0 to "-" (zero)
4) In "Total" Row of FY 2022-23 column: Increased total employees from 47 to 48.
This program also includes planning and regulatory support for the existing system and
169 169 planned expansions, including the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project and
discussions with other regional water districts (including EBMUD and SFPUC), a Satellite
Water Recycling Facility and the...
Replaced the first bullet with the following three new bullets:
*Continued leading the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project to augment the
region's water supply and executed Amendment No. 3 to the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU)to extend the expiration date to June 30, 2022. Central San and
169 169 Valley Water have extended the staff-level Cost-Sharing Agreement to jointly fund work
by Raftelis to June 30, 2022.
•Began talks with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) as a potential
partner in the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project.
-Collaborated on the development of an MOU with East Bay Municipal Utility District
(EBMUD)to complete a potable reuse study.
Replaced the Refinery RW Exchange objective with the following: Continue working with
170 170 CCWD,Valley Water, and SFPUC to advance the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange
Project. Also added a new objective/row associated with the same Goal 2: Collaborate
with EBMUD to complete a potable reuse study.
186/187 186/187 Removed ranking numbers from projects of equal ranks.
192 192 Changed future year estimated budget for these projects from $601.66 million to
$602.35 million; changed FY 2022-23 CIB from $916.82 million to $917.51 million.
192 192 See attached PDF for multiple $ changes.
193 193 April 30, 2022,the FY 2021 is $87.9M, and future is$47.25M.
Updated Sewer Construction Fund table, changed title to "Sewer Construction Fund
193 193 (SFC) Budget Commitments and Financial Capacity," and changed legend for blue line to
"Existing SCF Revenue (includes growth in non-SSC revenue but no SSC rate increases)".
194 194 Decreased budget to$9,410,000 and estimated total project cost to $89,410,000.
195 195 Added bullet: Major project budgets were changed from last fiscal year, as shown
195 195 Added new table of major project budget changes.
196 196 Added new section titled "Staffing for Large Capital Projects and Program".
197 198 Changed Project No. for Orinda-Moraga PS Architectural Improvements from TBD to
199 200 Added Project 100027 Furnishings Replacement to table.
Increased Project 100028 FY 2022-23 budget to $850,000, decreased Collection System
202 202 Sewer Renovation Phase 2 FY 2022-23 budget to $9,410,000, corrected Future FYs from
$80,0000 to$80,000,000, and adjusted project totals accordingly.
216 216 Increased FY 2022-23 Construction budget to$3,702,000 and adjusted totals
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220 220 Increased FY 2022-23 Construction budget to$1,213,000 and adjusted totals
224 224 Increased FY 2022-23 Planning budget to$850,000 and adjusted totals accordingly.
225 225 Decreased FY 2022-23 Construction budget to $9,410,000 and adjusted totals
227 227 Changed Project No. from TBD to 100037 and added photo.
265 265 Increased Project 8252 budgets FY 2022-23 to$150,000 and Future FYs to$650,000.
Adjusted table totals accordingly.
270 270 Replaced project drivers section with new text, and replaced last sentence of
270 270 Increased FY 2022-23 Design budget to $150,000, FY 2023-24 Construction budget to
$650,000, and adjusted table totals accordingly.
273 273 Added row- Electric Vehicles (up to 2) - Preorder.
276 276 Added photo.
277 277 Added photo.
Central San will also continue efforts to add new cost-effective customers in Central
San's Zone 1 service area, pursue outside funding assistance (sch as federal and state
284 284 grants for all Central San recycled water projects), and work with water supply agencies
to develop recycled water supply alternatives, such as the Water Exchange Project with
Contra Costa Water District and Santa Clara Valley Water District, and discussions with
other regional water districts (including EBMUD and SFPUC).
Increased FY 2022-23 budget for Project 8466 from $3,600,000 to$3,702,000, increased
303 303 FY 2022-23 budget for Project 100017 from $1,100,000 to$1,213,000, and adjusted
totals accordingly.
305 305 Increased Project 8252 FY 2022-23 budget from $0 to$150,000, FY 2023-24 budget from
$0 to $650,000, and adjusted totals accordingly.
Decreased Contingency Ten-Year total from $20,000,000 to $18,985,000, FY 2022-23
306 306 from $2,000,000 to $1,635,000, FY 2023-24 from 2,000,000 to$1,350,000, and adjusted
all totals based on changes to contigency and projects budgets.
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