HomeMy WebLinkAboutReal Estate, Environmental & Planning MINUTES 05-18-22 Page 2 of 7
President Pro Tem
PHONE: (925)228-9500
M I N U T E S FAX.- (925)372-0192
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
9:00 a.m.
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Barbara Hockett
Member David Williams
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations (joined during Item 5.a.)
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regularoty Compliance Division Manager (left during Item 6.a.)
Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer
Rita Cheng, Senior Engineer (left during Item 6.a.)
Kim Stahl, Development Services Supervisor
1. Notice
This meeting was conducted virtually in accordance with the provisions stipulated in
Assembly Bill 361 and adopted by the Central San Board of Directors on May 5, 2022.
The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could participate in the
2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Hockett called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
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3. Public Comments
Ms. Young advised that Item 5.b. would not be heard today and deferred to a
separate Committee at a future meeting.
4. Consent Items
a. Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution No. 2022- accepting
irrevocable offer of dedication for sanitary sewer easements from Warmington
WC Associates, LLC, Job No. 6714 in Walnut Creek, and authorizing staff to
record the resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder
b. Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution No. 2022- accepting
irrevocable offers of dedications for sanitary sewer easements from Davidon
Homes related to Job 6729 in Pleasant Hill, and authorizing staff to record the
resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder
C. Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution No. 2022- accepting an
irrevocable offer of dedication for sanitary sewer easements from River Lane
LLC related to Job 6735 in Danville, and authorizing staff to record the
resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder
d. Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution No. 2022- accepting an
irrevocable offer of dedication for sanitary sewer easements from River Lane
LLC related to Job 6735 in Danville, and authorizing staff to record the
resolution with the Contra Costa County Recorder
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
5. Other Agenda Items
a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
professional consulting services agreements with 1) Yorke Engineering, LLC.,
in an amount not to exceed $780,000, and 2) GHD, Inc., in an amount not to
exceed $500,000 for a five-year period (Fiscal Years 2022-27) to provide as-
needed air quality compliance, greenhouse gas, and health risk assessment
services; and find the project is exempt from the California Environmental
Quality Act
Ms. Cheng reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
In response to a question posed by Member Williams of how Rule 11-18 may
impact Central San, Ms. Cheng advised that the future wet scrubber
improvements, as part of the Solids Handling Facility Improvements-Phase 1A
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project, will bring the District into compliance with that regulation. With the air
district's delay of review of Health Risk Assessments, the replacement
schedule of the new wet scrubbers should align perfectly.
Member Williams asked if the District runs the same model the air district runs.
Ms. Cheng advised that the District runs the same model that follows standard
Mr. Petit advised that the District has an advantage running its model since it
includes site-specific data. Member Williams opined this approach is good to
provide a cross-check and find the cause of any inconsistencies.
Member Williams stated that in the draft Position Paper it was mentioned that
the incineration is not a diversion from landfill and inquired how confident the
District will be to get a positive reading in the application of incineration as a
diversion. Ms. Cheng advised that the California Air Resource Board released
a guideline model to evaluate greenhouse gas reductions and, with questions
of the modeling parameters, is one of the reasons for the use of consulting
services to support the District in reviewing this information.
In response to a question posed by Member Williams about ramifications, Ms.
Cheng advised that is more for accounting purposes, but she is unaware of
any real ramifications that may be encountered.
Member Williams inquired about a specific diversion goal or target. Ms. Cheng
stated that the diversion goal is not agency specific but more of a
California/jurisdictional goal.
There was an in-depth discussion of what the District may do about biosolids.
Mr. Petit advised that staff has not yet decided on a process but will complete
an evaluation as part of the Phase 2 project.
Chair Hockett asked if the ash is still being used as a cover on the landfill. Ms.
Cheng advised that the ash is going to two separate amendment sites that are
not landfills.
Chair Hockett requested more information on the scrubber and Mr. Petit
advised that staff can provide detailed schematics which shows the airflow
through the solids process.
Member Williams provided kudos to staff for keeping up with the complex and
continual moving parts of the air regulations and rules.
In response to a question posed by Member Williams regarding Rule 5 and
any impact to the trailer park with future projects, Ms. Cheng advised that with
the new scrubber, the District should meet the rule; however, the new
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consultant will confirm the results, but staff does not anticipate any issues in
the near term.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute a
professional engineering services agreement with Woodard & Curran, Inc. in
an amount not to exceed $1,400,000 for the Collection System Master Plan
Update; execute four professional engineering services agreements for on-call
support services with: 1) GHD, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $350,000; 2)
West Yost Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $600,000; 3) Woodard
& Curran, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $600,000; and 4) V&A, Inc. in an
amount not to exceed $375,000; transfer $750,000 from the Capital
Improvement Budget Contingency to District Project 100028 for the Collection
System Master Plan Update; and find the agreements are exempt from the
California Environmental Quality Act
This item was not heard and deferred to a future Board Committee meeting.
6. Other Items
a. Receive Quarterly Permit Counter Report
Ms. Gemmell reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials in
There was a discussion regarding the uptick in applications and the way staff
is handling all of the permit request workload. Ms. Gemmell advised that
implementation of a permitting software through Oracle is ongoing and should
be ready to go live in 2023.
Ms. Gemmell advised that a new Permit Counter process (Denied at Intake)
was implemented in January, which is an initial completeness check and staff
is able to turn back an applicant if items are missing or incorrect, saving time
for the both the applicant and staff.
In response to a question posed by Chair Hockett regarding outreach on this
process, Ms. Gemmell advised that the information and processes are
available on the District's website.
Member Williams inquired about an option to pay an additional fee for a fast-
track plan review. Ms. Gemmell advised that staff has recurring discussion on
this topic, but the question of fairness and equity comes into play, along with
the expectations of undeliverable review date requests.
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Ms. Gemmell advised that after discussion with the General Manager, a trial
period in the hours that Permit Counter staff is available to the public has been
implemented starting Monday May 16th. Access to the Permit Counter staff,
including phones, will be closed at 4:00 p.m., which coincides with the
deadline for contractors to get a permit and schedule and inspection for the
following day. The lobby will remain open until 5:00 p.m. and applicants can
still drop off and pick up plans. Closing the public facing counter after 4:00 will
allow for an hour of dedication to plan checks without interruption. Staff
emailed all contractors regarding the change along with the messaging on the
District website. . Both Committee Members believe this is a good change in
District process.
Ms. Stahl advised that staff is happy with the change and feels a sense of
relief at the ability to process more plan reviews. The Permit Counter voicemail
is modified each day at 4:00 reminding customers to leave a message which
will be returned the next business day and changed back the next morning.
Ms. Gemmell provided a detailed explanation on encroachment verifications
along with examples of projects that have been authorized by a city or county,
which have resulted in the District being bypassed, and discussed the
importance of plan review and communication.
Ms. Gemmell advised that conducting the Sewer Summits are very important
to share information with the County and show how the process impacts
Central San.
Member Williams appreciated the presentation which provided a great insight
of the Permit Counter and requested staff pass along the Board's appreciation
to the Permit Counter staff for their great work and diligence of an essential
function at the District.
Chair Hockett was impressed with staff's due diligence and incredible work the
Permit Counter staff has done and appreciated the change in counter hours to
assist staff:
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
7. Announcements
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8. Suggestions for future agenda items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other
future agenda items
Ms. LaBella advised that the item regarding the Shell Pipeline will not be ready
until the July Committee meeting and that, in the future, staff will be bringing a
memorandum of understanding between Central San and East Bay Municipal
Utility District (EBMUD) regarding recycled water and a potable reuse study.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
9. Future scheduled meetings
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
10. Adjournment— at 10:33 a.m.
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