HomeMy WebLinkAbout16.b. Committee Minutes-Engineering & Operations 05-04-2022 Page 1 of 6
Item 16.b.
jdf A- hom
May 26, 2022
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. Minutes of 05-04-22 meeting
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President Pro Tem
MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX.- (925)372-0192
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 www.centralsan.org
11:00 a.m.
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Mariah Lauritzen
Member Barbara Hockett
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations (joined during Item 4.c.)
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Notice
This meeting was conducted virtually in accordance with the provisions stipulated
in Assembly Bill 361 and adopted by the Central San Board of Directors on
April 7, 2022. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
participate in the meeting.
2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Lauritzen called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m.
3. Public Comments
No public comments.
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Engineering & Operations Committee Minutes
May 4, 2022
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4. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the
amount of $444,000 to Power Engineering Construction Company, the
lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Outfall Monitoring
Improvements, District Project 100018
Using the location map provided as Attachment lb as a guide, Mr. Lopez
provided an informative overview of the Outfall pipeline; the recently
completed and regulatory required Outfall Improvements project; and the
clay soil challenges that surround the Outfall pipe. He explained the recent
improvement project included an internal inspection of the pipeline.
Monitoring is a permit condition on the Outfall and inclinometers had been
installed throughout the years. The existing clay soil or Bay mud tends to
expand during wet conditions and contract severely during drought years.
As such, the pipe can move and inclinometers are used to track
settlement or movement. Mr. Lopez also mentioned the history of
relocating a portion of the Outfall due to the landfill and showed the
location, a shift in alignment, on the location map.
The prior improvements project was deadline driven and many permitting
agencies were involved; the pandemic impacted any revision of necessary
permits. Thus, this portion of work for monitoring installment was
repackaged from that initial project for bid. The work is specialized and
although outreach was undertaken, only one bid was received. The bid
was slightly over the engineer's estimate; however, the cost difference
was attributed to an increase in price of the inclinometers. Staff
recommends proceeding with award as there would be no advantage to
rebid the work. Additionally, the contractor is familiar with the project
location and infrastructure. There is significant and available contingency
budget in the program to transfer to the project that is within the
General Manager's Authority.
The Committee had no questions or concerns.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
b. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the
amount of $3,762,825 to Devaney Engineering, Inc., the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder for the Danville Sewer Renovations,
Phase 4, District Project 8466; include an alternative bid item in the
amount of$250,000 to construct an interceptor structure; and find that the
Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
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Mr. Lopez reviewed the information provided in the draft Position Paper in
detail. As described, Devaney Engineering, Inc. is a new contractor to
Central San by name, but not by prior contractor staff experience. The bid
was thoroughly reviewed, below the engineer's estimate and well in order.
Additionally, as part of the bid, an alternative bid item was included to
address recurrent challenges encountered by the Collection System
Operations (CSO) staff to clean and flush a 42-inch interceptor and
siphon. Staff designed a grit-trap that would be installed before sewage
enters the siphon, and the pricing received from Devaney was good and
within budget. Therefore, staff recommends to also award the alternative
bid item in addition to the project scope.
In regard to a question posed by Member Hockett as to what may be
contributing to the debris floating into the interceptor encountered
upstream, Mr. Lopez explained that solids and grit tend to build up when
low flows are encountered. Seasonal changes and weather can contribute
to the challenges of low flows within a large sized pipe, which require
higher flows to flush grit and solids settlement. Based on Central San's
design criteria, pipes are required to be able to handle wet weather
conditions. Thus, larger pipelines can retain more sediment during long
periods of low flow and is especially more the case for siphons that can
trap settlement until higher flows are present. The new structure will help
CSO significantly in removing settlement before reaching the siphon.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
c Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the
amount of$1,333,333 to Vellutini Corporation, dba Royal Electric
Company, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the San
Ramon Electrical Upgrades, District Project 100017; and find that the
Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
Another new contractor to Central San, Mr. Lopez explained Royal Electric
is well known in the Sacramento area in the commercial industry, and
includes a group focused on industrial/public works/municipality type work.
Staff completed a thorough review and reference check and found that all
submittals were in order.
Mr. Lopez stated this was another difficult project to estimate with the
supply challenges being faced and availability of electrical equipment.
However, the project received good competition and even with cost
challenges, he commended staff for receiving a good response and
estimating the work close to the low bid. Other bids in the Bay Area have
been far worse. As for the cost difference between the engineer's estimate
and low bid, the electrical equipment increase was the difference factor.
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In preparation for two other pump station improvement projects that will
also bid this year, Mr. Lopez advised the Committee that staff recently
conducted a complete Request for Proposal process for construction
management and support. The consultant would manage three like
construction projects, some which have specialty work, namely in the
electrical discipline. The specialty work and multiple projects cannot be
managed by staff alone. From that process, Carollo Engineers was
selected. Mr. Lopez stated a request to authorize an agreement with
Carollo will be brought forth at a future time. For now, staff will manage
this project until such time the other projects are awarded and will require
Carollo's assistance to proceed forward.
Member Hockett inquired if this work was in regard to the Malty Pump
Station that needed additional land. Mr. Lopez replied yes, and stated the
agreement to purchase land from the adjacent parcel for work at that
particular pump station had been recently executed, and the Fairview
Pump Station location also has a land swap that is close to being signed.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
5. Other Items
a. Receive Capital Projects Division Quarterly Report (January to March) on
capital projects, active consultant contracts, change order log, and
schedule of bids and awards
In regard to the future Bids and Awards report, Mr. Lopez explained the
engineer's estimate fields were intentionally left blank while staff
reevaluates project estimates based on current impacts that have been
experienced of late with equipment and supply challenges.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
6. Announcements
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
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8. Future Scheduled Meetings
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at 11:00 a.m.
9. Adjournment— at 11:28 a.m.
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