HomeMy WebLinkAbout09. (Handout) Presentation by CSRMA - Pooled Liability Program Overview Item 9. (Handout)
Meeting Presentation
CSRMAORiskCalifornia Sanitation
Pooled LiabilityProgram Overview
ContraCentral •
: • . • of Directors
May 5, 2022
Presented bv:
Alliant Insurance Services
But First, A Little Background:
Two factors in recent premium increases:
• 2020-Rapid spread of COVID-19 created greater uncertainty
• 2021 -Disasters are more frequent and more expensive to insure:
U.S.2021 Billion-Dollsr Weather and Climate Disasters
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Excess Liability Paid and Projected Insurance Premiums
CSRMA Quote for FY 21-22 was$50k $913,966
higher than regular renewal,but incl.
$800,000 add'I$lo million in coverage.
$700,000 Lower pool deductible eliminates the
need for gap EPLcoverage,saving us $626,128
$600,000 an add'I$20k-net$30k dif.
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 CSRMA 2022-23
Excess Liability Premium-% Increase Year to Year
15.00% 14.09%
0.0096 ■
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Prof 2022-
Table of • Wiant
• CSRMA Overview
• CSRMA Governance
• Pooled Liability Program
• Structure
• Limits and Deductibles
• Membership
• Claims Handling
• Residential Sewer Backup Response& Claims Handling P&P
• CSRMA Services
• Risk Control
CSRMA Overview 4410ant
• Established in April 1986 as a:
• "Joint Powers (Insurance)Authority"with ability to assume risk,
and group purchase products
• Mission: We provide excellent coverage and comprehensive
risk management services in a reliable and cost-effective
• Today comprised of 59 Member Agencies
• Operates like a Mutual Insurer, Policyholders are Owners
• Management Structure
• Public-Private Partnership
• Wastewater Utility Managers as Directors
• Professional Insurance Administrator as Staff
CSRMA Governance
• Board of Directors
• One per member agency plus alternate
• Executive Board
• Pooled Liability Committee
Pooled Liability Program Wlant
• Risk Sharing "Pooled" Program
• General Liability, Automobile Liability, Employment Practices
Liability and Public Entity Errors and Omissions Liability
• Pooled Layer$500,000
• Reinsurance/excess insurance to$25,500,000 in Limits
• Deductibles
• General Liability/Auto Liability$500,000
• Employment Practices Liability$25,000
• Public Entity Errors and Omissions$2,500
• Retrospective Rating Plan —over$8M returned to membership
• Dividend Plan—over$18M returned to the membership
• Initial 3-year commitment
Pooled Liability Program Membership AAffiant
➢ Carmel Area Wastewater District ➢ San Elijo Joint Powers Authority
➢ Carpinteria Sanitary District ➢ Ross Valley Sanitary District
➢ Central Marin Sanitation Agency ➢ Sanitary District No.5
➢ Delta Diablo ➢ Santa Margarita Water District
➢ Dublin San Ramon Services District ➢ Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District
➢ East Bay Dischargers Authority ➢ Selma-Kingsburg-Fowler Sanitary
➢ Encina Wastewater Authority District
➢ Fairfield Suisun Sewer District ➢ Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside
➢ Goleta Sanitary District ➢ Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin
➢ Ironhouse Sanitary District ➢ Silicon Valley Clean Water
➢ Lake Arrowhead Community Services ➢ South Orange County Wastewater
District Authority
➢ Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District ➢ Stege Sanitary District
➢ Leucadia Wastewater District ➢ Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation Agency
➢ Montara Water and Sewer District ➢ Triunfo Water and Sanitation District
➢ Montecito Sanitary District ➢ Union Sanitary District
➢ Monterey One Water ➢ Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District
➢ Mt.View Sanitary District ➢ Ventura Regional Sanitation District
➢ Nevada County Sanitary District ➢ Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation
➢ North of River Sanitary District Authority
➢ Novato Sanitary District ➢ West Bay Sanitary District
➢ Ojai Valley Sanitary District ➢ West County Wastewater District
➢ Oro Loma Sanitary District ➢ West Valley Sanitation District
• Claims Administrator TH[LIA MM PROGRAM
• Carl Warren&Company 1. MT DUe 01,
A Llabmn Propeam Op«a"nn
• Policies& Procedures LiAla"p'°'am4"°°'°'r
A \\lal l.a Twrt lalm^
CSR-NLA e. R.pornnRclakm.
POLICY&PROCEDCRE c. e,u.renme¢re Me Regmormrm.
N[ENIOR,V%DC\I u 4-L(RerisM) D. (la4m.�Ram.r Pubo[Enunn
1. Greet al Fealul e•al(brm.Pra[Meir•
1. Haim.4eblrcrm Reaeueanoe Pe¢rMuin
SD6JK1: CLAI\IS\[A.YAGE\fENT J, pr ep«atlo¢.Rere¢tarloe a¢d(¢n JM1n a"¢e off lalm.
4. 71mr 1¢Cummmv Lae
Effrfi : Daember 9,1992 L A Wn p Lues o[N1111urpua¢rr•tm claim•11t,
Amended January 13.2001 a lar.1.R —,t
Amrndod January 2S,2004 E. C brm Deadline.a a�vl.hrll
I. Relearea
AmmAM January 18,2017 �.
r3- ippoard Iln¢r D.re n.e F"ee.
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7. Farm Len«.
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Residential Backup Response & AAffiant
Claims Handling Policy i Procedure
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CUM Claimr Ad—(UL R'mm&Compml)
Sean Ia kt ,na titre awa,om me% ha,iz eoacied m frx4rwe
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Residential Backup Response &
Claims Handling Policy i Procedure
CSRMA Sewer Backup Response&Claims Handling Policy&Procedure
Agency is Nofified of a Sewer Backup Event Sarrrpla Aft"-1 A
Agency Field Crew Respond&Make Initial Damrminaltfon of Responsibittty
Does The backup Appear To Be As A Result Of A Failure In The Agency's Sewer Lines?
Agency Field Crew Flerforrri the Following:
1.Inform OwnerlTenant the cause of the 1. Relieve the cause of the backup
backup is not in the Member owned sewer 2.Advise the customer to keep all faodly memberslpets out of arty
lines and that Vie Member is not contain rated areas
responsible for pnvale sarvice 14>s_ 3.Notify Agency Field Point of Contact of the incident(ifnW already
2.Document all evidence(photos,dagrams, on the scene)&request permission to call out one the Agency's
narr9eve,etc)that the backup is iaW due pre-approved restoration firms
to a failure in the Agency's sewer lines 4. V permission was granted.contact one the Agency's pre-
approved restoration firms&request a crew be dispatched
5. Nofify Customer that an Agency representative(if rrol aheady an
the scene)&that a restoration crew will amve shortly
o ;u, 15 7153 "u-,' ■.. 8.Take photos of affected&non-affected areas on the property
0 r r �_n C�61 - 7. Follow the Agency's 5SO Emergency Response Pian,as
0 rr necessary,unlll either the restoration crew a die Agency Fleld
0,CSRMACLi�I—en Point of Contact arrives
8. V the reslaadon firm arrives before the Agency Field Pdnl of
Wiling -s Contact,authorize gaIY emergency cleaning services(i.e,no
P.OBc�2411 deur d";
Same as CCCSD's current procedure
Residential Backup Response & 441hant
Claims Handling Policy i Procedure
Agency Feg d Point of Contact Porto rms the Fol to*n g: ffil
t. Initiate contact with the Customer&provide the following:
4Agenty Claim Form or instruictionson how to obtain a Claim form
-)Sewer Backup Customer information Letter
-Mwel Aulhorization,as necessary
2. Explain to the Customer that your Agency has authorized payment for emergency services only&that all future
expenses&lar questions regard ng claims issues must be discussed with Carl Warren&Co.
3_Complete the Sewer Backup Summary Report
4. Review the scope of emergency services proposed by the restoralkm firm
5_ Immediately contact Carl Warren&Co_&provide the following information:
7 Customer contact information
❑Extent of the backup
U Scope of services proposed by the restoration firm
NOTE i.'Ill Warren&Co.can't be immediately reached,use best professionalludgmenf to derermine it the
scope of services proposed by the restaratlon Arm is approprfare. If in doubt linin Ste Scope of Services to that
which seems reasonable unlit Carl Warren&Co.can be reached.
Nbre P It the severity of the backup is beyond yotr ability to menage,request Carl Warreth&Cin_provide a Field
Examin&r ASAP.
6.Collect the camera used by the Field Crew&take additional photos.as necessary
7.Gather all evidenceldocunentation of the following.
0 Cause of the backup ❑Extent of the damages caused by the backup
8. Forward all photos,completed Sewer Backup Summary Report&other dccumeniationlevidence to the Claims
Management Coordinator.
Similar to CCCSD's current procedures
Residential Backup Response & 441hant
Claims Handling Policy & Procedure A
Document and hand off to TPA
ManageMnt C
1. Review the Sewer Backup Summary Report,photos taken&all other documentationlevidence provided by
the Agency Field Point of Contact
2. Set up a claims file and insert copies of all relevant information
3. rmrnediafetw contact Carl Warren&Co.&discuss the following,
❑Documentation gathered
❑Plan of action
O PJtemate Irving arangernents.if necessary(ensure Car!Warren&Cc assumes responsibility for
managing alternate living aparrgernentyncidenWs from[hes pant forward)
4. DoarmerR the date,time&content of the discussion with Carl Warren&Co.and place in the claim Eta
{NOTE:document elf phare conversations/other communication with ft Customer&Carl Warren&Co.
from OS point forward&keep in the Claim fr1Bf
5. Immediately forward the Sewer Backup Summary Report photos and all other relevant
ewidenrPltlocurmentalion gathered to Cart Warren&l
6. Direct all Customer concerns and questions regarding the adjustment of their daim to the Cad Warren&
Co.Claims Adjustor or Amount Manager or to the CSRMA Program Administrators
7.Communicate amth the Claims Adjustor amdfor Account Manager bi-weekly or as necessary to keep
informed of the status of the claim and provide Information.as necessary
8. Ensure the Claims File is kept current wrath all communications between Cad Waren&Co..the Customer.
tame restoration firm and other involved parties
9. Provide internal status reports,as necessary,to appmprtate members of management staff
Residential Backup Response &
Claims Handling Policy i Procedure
1. Initiate contact with Ownerrrenant as soon as passible,but no later than the fust business day after
not ficaton of the Foss
2. Make all neoessary arrangements for lodging.food and incidentals beyond those made by the Agency
immediately following the loss
3. Negotiate&oversee the restoration firms' work to ensure proper scope of cleaning,disinfection,&
4. Investigate.adjust and administer claim to Bosun:
5. Whenever prudent to do so,have claimant agree,as a condition of claims settlement.to install and
maintain,at their expense.a Backwater Prevention Device meeting local requirements on their service
6. Far claims where the estimated settlement timeframe is greater than 30-days,provide the Agency's Claims
Management Coordinator with status reports bi-weekly,as necessary or as requested by the Claims
Management Coordinator.
7. For claims with issues oomplicahng movement towards settlement,immediately notify the CSRMA Program
Administrator's for guidance
& When clrcumstarrces warrant or when requested,dispatch a Field Adjustor to the location of the sewer
➢ EPL Hotline
➢ www.csrma.org
➢ Insurance Requirements in Contracts Training
➢ Exposure Analysis and Insurance Review
➢ WeTIP,anonymous crime reporting hotline
➢ Risk Management Consulting
➢ Otherinsurance Brokerage
➢ Risk Management Reimbursement Programs
➢ Risk Control
Risk • •
➢ Loss-based,focused on historical and emerging risks
➢ Classic Services:
■ Training
Seminars, Webinars, CASA(decision makers), and online
■ Risk Control Audits
58 known areas of risk against CSRMA-developed best standards
CalOSHA, CalEPA, SWRCB standards
■ Outreach
Model policies,Alerts, hotline services, newsletters
➢ SMART Procedures: Lockout/Tagout and Free-Form Photo SOP Mobile App
➢ Vector Solutions online training and learning management system
➢ Risk Control Online
Risk Control
■ iliant