HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. Review current Board Policy No. BP 007 - Teleconferencing and hold discussion Page 1 of 14 Item 5.a. CENTRAL SAN Y-109-ITMEN ME April 12, 2022 TO: ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT REVIEWED BY: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW CURRENT BOARD POLICY NO. BP 007 - TELECONFERENCING AND HOLD DISCUSSION It had been requested that staff include an agenda item to provide the Committee an opportunity to review the current Board Policy BP 007 - Teleconferencing (Attachment 1). Staff has included additional discussion items for review. This includes changes to the Board Policy that incorporates prior review comments (Attachment 2), as well as revisions to the policy's subsequent Administrative Procedure AP 007 (Attachment 3). Finally, a separate item for consideration is a proposed option to combine the policy and procedure into one all inclusive policy since it is mainly for Board Member meeting participation (Attachment 4). Should the Committee recommend changes, the policy will be brought to the full Board for consideration of any proposed revisions. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Current Board Policy BP 007 2. Proposed Revisions to BP 007 (strikethrough) 3. Proposed Revisions to AP 007 (strikethrough) 4. Proposed reformatted BP 007 Option (Draft) April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 30 of 76 Page 2 of 14 Attachment 1 Number: BP 007 Related Admin. Procedure AP 007 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: May 5, 2011 Revised: March 19, 2015, May 2, 2019 Reviewed: April 16, 2019 CENTRALSAN Initiating Dept./Div.: Secretary of the District BOARD POLICY TELECONFERENCING PURPOSE To encourage physical attendance by all members of the Board of Directors at all meetings. POLICY A Board Member may participate in a Board meeting via teleconferencing in accordance with the procedures in California Government Code Section 54953 when the Member is unable to resolve a scheduling conflict. If a Member anticipates being absent from a Board meeting at which an item of significance is being discussed, he/she may ask that the matter be moved to a meeting at which he/she will be in attendance. Staff will, to the extent practical, take into account planned absences when scheduling matters for Board action if District business will not be hindered by any delay or advancement of schedule. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 31 of 76 Page 3 of 14 Attachment 2 Number: BP 007 Related Admin. Procedure AP 007 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: May 5, 2011 Revised: M aFGh 19, 2015 May `' 2019 2022 -- Reviewed: p�62-04-9- April 12, 2022 Initiating Dept./Div.: Secretary of the District CENTRALSAN BOARD POLICY TELECONFERENCING PURPOSE To encourage physical attendance by all members of the Board of Directors at all meetings. POLICY A Board Member may participate in a Board meeting via teleconferencing in accordance with the procedures in California Government Code Section 54953 when the Member is unable to resolve a scheduling conflict, or in situations of family or other emergencies, and with prior approval of the Board President. If approved, the Board Member will provide all necessary location information to the Secretary of the District to include on the meeting agenda prior to publication. If a Member anticipates being absent from a Board meeting at which an item of significance is being discussed, he/she may ask that the matter be moved to a meeting at which he/she will be in attendance. Staff will, to the extent practical, take into account planned absences when scheduling matters for Board action if District business will not be hindered by any delay or advancement of schedule. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 32 of 76 Page 4 of 14 Attachment 3 Number: AP 007 Related Board Policies: BP 007 Authority: General Manager Effective: May 1, 2015 Z19 Revised: 2022 Reviewed: 2022 CENTRALSAN Initiating Dept/Div: Secretary of the District Date Signed: 5 (TBD) `aine R Boehme tie Young, Secretary of the District Roger S. Bailey, General Manager ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE TELECONFERENCING 1. PURPOSE To set forth an Administrative Procedure for Board Members to participate in Board and/or Committee meetings via teleconference in accordance with Board Policy BP 007 and California Government Code Section 54953. [This procedure is for standard Brown Act compliance and does not pertain to situations of State or Local Emergency declarations where other forms of teleconference or virtual participation may be enacted under separate guidelines.] 2. PROCEDURES/GUIDELINES A. Government Code: Section 54953 of the Brown Act (California Government Code Sections 54950-54963) provides that in connection with a meeting, "....the legislative body of a local agency may use teleconferencing for the benefit of the public and the legislative body." The Code requires that: 1. A quorum of the members of the legislative body must participate from locations within the agency's jurisdiction. 2. Agendas must be posted identifying all locations where members of the legislative body will be present during the meeting, and posted as required by law at all such locations. April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 33 of 76 Page 5 of 14 Number: AP 007 TELECONFERENCING Page 2 of 5 3. All locations must be accessible to the public and the public must be given an opportunity to address the legislative body directly at all such locations. 4. All votes taken during a teleconferenced meeting must shall be by roll call and publicly reported of the vote or abstention of the action taken. B. Board Member: If a Board Member will be unavailable to participate in a Board or Committee meeting (i.e., scheduling conflict, such as travel, or family or other emergencies) and wishes to participate via teleconference, he/she must:No approval is required for a Beard Member to participate in a Beard or Committee mooting via telenonferenne if unable to attend the mem 1. Contact the Board President to acquire approval to participate remotely at the earliest time possible, but no later than 96 hours (four days) prior to a scheduled meeting. As a courtesy, the Board President shall inform the Secretary of the District if approved. 2. Notify the Secretary of the District either in-person or via live phone conversation (not voicemail) at least 96 hours (four days) prior to the start of the meeting to provide location information and allow time for the Secretary of the District to comply with legal noticing requirements for teleconferenced meetings. He/she shall comply or assist with the required posting requirements. G. If a Beard Member wisheste partiGipate in a Beard or Committee v a teleGonference, he/ she must notify the SeGretary of the Distr.Gt either I person or via lade phone gonyersation (not VGOGemail) at least 96 hours 1A lays) prior to the start of the meetiRg to allow tome for the SeGretary of the rlistrigt to nomnhi with legal notiging requirements for telenonferenned BC. Secretary of the District: The Secretary of the District will: 1. Confirm that a quorum of the remaining Board Members will participate in the meeting from locations within the agency's jurisdiction. 2. Confirm that the teleconference location is ADA accessible, and has technology, such as a speakerphone, to enable the public to participate in the meeting. 3. List the address, room number and telephone number of the teleconference location immediately after the Adjournment item on April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 34 of 76 Page 6 of 14 Number: AP 007 TELECONFERENCING Page 3 of 5 the agenda with wording substantially similar to the following example: Teleconference Location: Board Member will participate by teleconference from the following location: 123 Main Street, Anytown, Michigan 99999 (meeting will commence at p.m. Michigan time) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54953(b)(3), any member of the public wishing to address the legislative body directly may do so at each teleconference location at the time the item is considered. 4. Arrange for the agenda to be posted at the teleconference location as required by law and for an agenda packet to be at the teleconferencing site for the public. 5. Notify the Information Technology Department to set up any necessary equipment in the Board Room or Conference Room. 6. Consult District Counsel as necessary to ensure Brown Act compliance. E. ideally, eaGh Board Member or member ef staff speakiRg at the meetiRg will fire identify themselves so ani listeners know who is sneaking 0 F. Votes taken nn matters during the teleronferenred portion of the meetino will he via roll roll Moto D. Meeting Etiquette 1. Ideally, each Board Member or member of staff speaking at the meeting will first identify themselves so any listeners know who is speaking. 2. Each Board Member or staff member shall allow the teleconference party the opportunity to finish speaking in case of a technical or connection difficulty. Attached Supporting Documents: Exhibit A. GC§54953 [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 35 of 76 Page 7 of 14 ATTACHMENT! tvAP 007 3. all persens shall be perrnitted to attend any rneeting of the legislative body of a apeRGYexGppt n�e-Nico nreyided in this ^hnntor. M agenGy may use teleGenferenGiRg fer the benefit of the publiG and the legislative body of a leGal age---y in -_-_.n-e_GtieR with aRy meetiRg er PFeGeediRg authorized by law. The mooting or pro^eeding (2) TeleGeRfereRGiRg, as autherized by this seGtieR, may be used fer all purpeses hnrla All motes taken during a tele^onferen^ed mooting shall be by roll^all maRRer that preteGts the statutory and GeRStitUtieRal rights ef the parties or the puNiG rnernbers of the publiG to address the legislative body direGtly pursuant to SeGti 54954.3 at ecaGhr tefeG nf�TGe Ig T (4) For the Purposes of this sc.c"c ien��eGenfrrrcienGe" rneaRs as rnectil`•'g-Gf--a eleGtreRiG o through either audie or e er beth. Nothing On this seGtiGRn le^atives ivccmrrr. (1) No legislative body shall take a^tion by co^rot ballot whether preliminary or f, (2) The legislative body of a lo^al agen^y shall pi ibli^Iai report any a^tion taken andthe vote or abstention on that a^tien of ea^h member present for the a^tion ��cr vote a�-vrcrr�—accrvr-r. \�'T (1) Netwithstandi ng the proaiisions relating to a q ieru rn in paragraph /'2\ of who are ei itso de the ii irisrdi^tien of the ai itherity may he ^ei intend toward the of the number of members that would establish a q fieri rn are present within the boundaries of the territery over whiGh the authority exeFG.ses 0 and the health April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 36 of 76 Page 8 of 14 Godes are igdeRtifTogd in the Roti a o d ageR a of the mooting~ YET members from regularly meetiRg at a GOMMOR phySiGal site withiR the jurisdiGti Of H.- autherity er from using teleGenferenGe IOGatiens within or near the jurisdidien of autherity. A teleGenferen% meeting for wh'Gh a querurn is established pursuant to this s,,hgdivision shall be s,,hient to all other requirements of this sention (3) For purposes of this subdiViSieR, a health authority meaRs aRy entity Greated pursuant to CeGt� 14018.7, 1nr1Q7 Z1 14087 `25. lil087m 6 14087 ` 8 angd �a�v ���vv-r�--r��vm�.v��vm�. v�Tvm�. v�arrc` 14087.96 5 of the Welfare and institutions Cede, any inint powers a,itherity Grea+egJ � c� v.�-v rcrrc-rrc � , pursuant te Artide 1 (GOMmeRGORg with SeGtien 6500) of Chapter 5 of Divismen 7 fer the purpose of rnntrortin pursuant to Section 14ng� of the Welfare and Instftultion� v�cvrrcracarr��cn�crar�c-cv- v»� c� 1 Qr-crrc-rv-cira-r�arr to Chapter 2.2 (GOMmeRGORg with SeGtiOR 1340) of DiViSieR 2 of the Health and Safety Code the agdVisorY Gmmmimttee has 12 or more members. /�l�? subdivision shall remain in effect onhi until lonuary 1 018. , April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 37 of 76 12/13/21, 12:17 PM Page 9 of 14 Exhibit A GOVERNMENT CODE - GOV TITLE 5. LOCAL AGENCIES 150001 - 576071 ( Title 5 added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 81. ) DIVISION 2. CITIES, COUNTIES,AND OTHER AGENCIES L53000 - 558211 ( Division 2 added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 81. ) PART 1. POWERS AND DUTIES COMMON TO CITIES, COUNTIES,AND OTHER AGENCIES L53000 - 54999.71 ( Part 1 added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 81. ) CHAPTER 9.Meetings 154950-5496s1 ( Chapter 9 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 1588. ) (a)All meetings of the legislative body of a local agency shall be open and public,and all persons shall be permitted to 54953• attend any meeting of the legislative body of a local agency,except as otherwise provided in this chapter. (b)(1)Notwithstanding any other provision of law,the legislative body of a local agency may use teleconferencing for the benefit of the public and the legislative body of a local agency in connection with any meeting or proceeding authorized by law.The teleconferenced meeting or proceeding shall comply with all otherwise applicable requirements of this chapter and all otherwise applicable provisions of law relating to a specific type of meeting or proceeding. (2)Teleconferencing,as authorized by this section,may be used for all purposes in connection with any meeting within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body.All votes taken during a teleconferenced meeting shall be by rollcall. (3)If the legislative body of a local agency elects to use teleconferencing,it shall post agendas at all teleconference locations and conduct teleconference meetings in a manner that protects the statutory and constitutional rights of the parties or the public appearing before the legislative body of a local agency.Each teleconference location shall be identified in the notice and agenda of the meeting or proceeding,and each teleconference location shall be accessible to the public.During the teleconference,at least a quorum of the members of the legislative body shall participate from locations within the boundaries of the territory over which the local agency exercises jurisdiction,except as provided in subdivisions(d)and(e). The agenda shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the legislative body directly pursuant to Section 54954.3 at each teleconference location. (4)For the purposes of this section,"teleconference"means a meeting of a legislative body,the members of which are in different locations,connected by electronic means,through either audio or video,or both.Nothing in this section shall prohibit a local agency from providing the public with additional teleconference locations. (c)(1)No legislative body shall take action by secret ballot,whether preliminary or final. (2)The legislative body of a local agency shall publicly report any action taken and the vote or abstention on that action of each member present for the action. (3)Prior to taking final action,the legislative body shall orally report a summary of a recommendation for a final action on the salaries,salary schedules,or compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits of a local agency executive,as defined in subdivision (d)of Section 3511.1,during the open meeting in which the final action is to be taken. This paragraph shall not affect the public's right under the California Public Records Act(Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 6250)of Division 7 of Title 1)to inspect or copy records created or received in the process of developing the recommendation. (d)(1)Notwithstanding the provisions relating to a quorum in paragraph(3)of subdivision(b),if a health authority conducts a teleconference meeting,members who are outside the jurisdiction of the authority may be counted toward the establishment of a quorum when participating in the teleconference if at least 50 percent of the number of members that would establish a quorum are present within the boundaries of the territory over which the authority exercises jurisdiction,and the health authority provides a https://legirAlggi$I2tuMCl2gftf@ 'PAN--eO Min LntWAoff9pyegekkgr,Npog cl (ogrf�tatues=2021&op_chapter=165&op_... 1/3 12/13/21, 12:17 PM Page 10 of 14 teleconference number,and associated access codes,if any,that allows any person to call in to participate in the meeting and the number and access codes are identified in the notice and agenda of the meeting. (2)Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed as discouraging health authority members from regularly meeting at a common physical site within the jurisdiction of the authority or from using teleconference locations within or near the jurisdiction of the authority.A teleconference meeting for which a quorum is established pursuant to this subdivision shall be subject to all other requirements of this section. (3)For purposes of this subdivision,a health authority means any entity created pursuant to Sections 14018.7, 14087.31, 14087.35, 14087.36, 14087.38,and 14087.9605 of the Welfare and Institutions Code,any joint powers authority created pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section 6500)of Chapter 5 of Division 7 for the purpose of contracting pursuant to Section 14087.3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code,and any advisory committee to a county-sponsored health plan licensed pursuant to Chapter 2.2 (commencing with Section 1340)of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code if the advisory committee has 12 or more members. (e)(1)A local agency may use teleconferencing without complying with the requirements of paragraph(3)of subdivision(b)if the legislative body complies with the requirements of paragraph(2)of this subdivision in any of the following circumstances: (A)The legislative body holds a meeting during a proclaimed state of emergency,and state or local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing. (B)The legislative body holds a meeting during a proclaimed state of emergency for the purpose of determining,by majority vote, whether as a result of the emergency,meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees. (C)The legislative body holds a meeting during a proclaimed state of emergency and has determined,by majority vote,pursuant to subparagraph(B),that,as a result of the emergency,meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees. (2)A legislative body that holds a meeting pursuant to this subdivision shall do all of the following: (A)The legislative body shall give notice of the meeting and post agendas as otherwise required by this chapter. (B)The legislative body shall allow members of the public to access the meeting and the agenda shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the legislative body directly pursuant to Section 54954.3.In each instance in which notice of the time of the teleconferenced meeting is otherwise given or the agenda for the meeting is otherwise posted,the legislative body shall also give notice of the means by which members of the public may access the meeting and offer public comment. The agenda shall identify and include an opportunity for all persons to attend via a call-in option or an internet-based service option.This subparagraph shall not be construed to require the legislative body to provide a physical location from which the public may attend or comment. (C)The legislative body shall conduct teleconference meetings in a manner that protects the statutory and constitutional rights of the parties and the public appearing before the legislative body of a local agency. (D)In the event of a disruption which prevents the public agency from broadcasting the meeting to members of the public using the call-in option or internet-based service option,or in the event of a disruption within the local agency's control which prevents members of the public from offering public comments using the call-in option or internet-based service option,the body shall take no further action on items appearing on the meeting agenda until public access to the meeting via the call-in option or internet-based service option is restored.Actions taken on agenda items during a disruption which prevents the public agency from broadcasting the meeting may be challenged pursuant to Section 54960.1. (E)The legislative body shall not require public comments to be submitted in advance of the meeting and must provide an opportunity for the public to address the legislative body and offer comment in real time.This subparagraph shall not be construed to require the legislative body to provide a physical location from which the public may attend or comment. (F)Notwithstanding Section 54953.3,an individual desiring to provide public comment through the use of an internet website,or other online platform,not under the control of the local legislative body,that requires registration to log in to a teleconference may be required to register as required by the third-party internet website or online platform to participate. https://legirAlggi$Il2tuMCt2gftf@eMIPAN--CO MiltLNtWAoffgpyFgck*gr,Npag cl 6o®f�tatues=2021&op_chapter=165&op_... 2/3 12/13/21, 12:17 PM Page 11 of 14 (G)(i)A legislative body that provides a timed public comment period for each agenda item shall not close the public comment period for the agenda item,or the opportunity to register,pursuant to subparagraph(F),to provide public comment until that timed public comment period has elapsed. (ii)A legislative body that does not provide a timed public comment period,but takes public comment separately on each agenda item,shall allow a reasonable amount of time per agenda item to allow public members the opportunity to provide public comment, including time for members of the public to register pursuant to subparagraph(F),or otherwise be recognized for the purpose of providing public comment. (iii)A legislative body that provides a timed general public comment period that does not correspond to a specific agenda item shall not close the public comment period or the opportunity to register,pursuant to subparagraph(F),until the timed general public comment period has elapsed. (3)If a state of emergency remains active,or state or local officials have imposed or recommended measures to promote social distancing,in order to continue to teleconference without compliance with paragraph(3)of subdivision(b),the legislative body shall,not later than 30 days after teleconferencing for the first time pursuant to subparagraph(A),(B),or(C)of paragraph(1),and every 30 days thereafter,make the following findings by majority vote: (A)The legislative body has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency. (B)Any of the following circumstances exist: (i)The state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet safely in person. (ii)State or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. (4)For the purposes of this subdivision,"state of emergency"means a state of emergency proclaimed pursuant to Section 8625 of the California Emergency Services Act(Article 1 (commencing with Section 8550)of Chapter 7 of Division 1 of Title 2). (f)This section shall remain in effect only until January 1,2024,and as of that date is repealed. (Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 165, Sec. 3. (AB 361)Effective September 16, 2021.Repealed as of January 1, 2024, by its own provisions. See later operative version added by Sec. 4 of Stats. 2021, Ch. 165.) https://legirAlggi$Il2tuMCl2gftf@ IPAOM --eO*Ming�-, LntWAoff@p` kbgr,1prag�cl2[.t3&pr-&tatues=2021&op_chapter=165&op_... 3/3 Page 12 of 14 [DRAFT Option for an all-inclusive Board Policy] Attachment 4 Number: BP 007 Related Admin. Procedure AP 007N/A Authority: Board of Directors Effective: May 5, 2011 Revised: 2022 Reviewed: April 12, 2022 CENTRALSAN Initiating Dept./Div.: Secretary of the District BOARD POLICY BOARD MEMBER TELECONFERENCING PURPOSE To encourage physical attendance by all members of the Board of Directors at all meetings and set forth guidelines' for Board Members to participate in Central San meetings via teleconference in accordance with California Government Code Section 54953. POLICY A Board Member may participate in a Board meeting via teleconferencing in accordance with the procedures in California Government Code Section 54953, with prior approval of the Board President, when the Member is unable to resolve a scheduling conflict, or in situations of family or other emergencies. If a Member anticipates being absent from a Board meeting at which an item of significance is being discussed, he/she may ask that the matter be moved to a meeting at which he/she will be in attendance. Staff will, to the extent practical, consider planned absences when scheduling matters for Board action if District business will not be hindered by any delay or advancement of schedule. GUIDELINES A. Government Code: Section 54953 of the Brown Act (California Government Code Sections 54950-54963) provides that in connection with a meeting, "....the legislative body of a local agency may use teleconferencing for the benefit of the public and the legislative body." The Code requires that: ' This policy guideline is for standard Brown Act compliance and does not pertain to situations of State or Local Emergency declarations where other forms of teleconference or virtual participation may be enacted under separate guidelines. April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 41 of 76 Page 13 of 14 Number: BP 007 BOARD MEMBER TELECONFERENCING POLICY Page 2 of 3 1. A quorum of the members of the legislative body must participate from locations within the agency's jurisdiction. 2. Agendas must be posted identifying all locations where members of the legislative body will be present during the meeting, and posted as required by law at all such locations. 3. All locations must be accessible to the public and the public must be given an opportunity to address the legislative body directly at all such locations. 4. All votes taken during a teleconferenced meeting shall be by roll call and publicly reported of the vote or abstention of the action taken. B. Board Member: If a Board Member will be unavailable to participate in a Board or Committee meeting (i.e., scheduling conflict, such as travel, or family or other emergencies) and wishes to participate via teleconference, he/she must: 1. Contact the Board President to acquire approval to participate remotely at the earliest time possible, but no later than 96 hours (four days) prior to a scheduled meeting. As a courtesy, the Board President shall inform the Secretary of the District if approved. 2. Notify the Secretary of the District either in-person or via live phone conversation (not voicemail) at least 96 hours (four days) prior to the start of the meeting to provide location information and allow time for the Secretary of the District to comply with legal noticing requirements for teleconferenced meetings. He/she shall comply or assist with the required posting requirements. C. Secretary of the District: The Secretary of the District will: 1. Confirm that a quorum of the remaining Board Members will participate in the meeting from locations within the agency's jurisdiction. 2. Confirm that the teleconference location is ADA accessible, and has technology, such as a speakerphone, to enable the public to participate in the meeting. 3. List the address, room number and telephone number of the teleconference location immediately after the Adjournment item on the agenda with wording substantially similar to the following example: April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 42 of 76 Page 14 of 14 Number: BP 007 BOARD MEMBER TELECONFERENCING POLICY Page 3 of 3 Teleconference Location: Board Member will participate by teleconference from the following location: 123 Main Street, Anytown, Michigan 99999 (meeting will commence at p.m. Michigan time) Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54953(b)(3), any member of the public wishing to address the legislative body directly may do so at each teleconference location at the time the item is considered. 4. Arrange for the agenda to be posted at the teleconference location as required by law and for an agenda packet to be at the teleconferencing site for the public. 5. Notify the Information Technology Department to set up any necessary equipment in the Board Room or Conference Room. 6. Consult District Counsel as necessary to ensure Brown Act compliance. D. Meeting Etiquette 1. Ideally, each Board Member or member of staff speaking at the meeting will first identify themselves so any listeners know who is speaking. 2. Each Board Member or staff member shall allow the teleconference party the opportunity to finish speaking in case of a technical or connection difficulty. [Include Exhibit of supporting Government Code if desired] [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 43 of 76