HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Review draft to replace the vacant Maintenance Planner position with an Associate Engineer posiiton Page 1 of 4 Item 4.a. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS . , , . POSITION PAPER . , DRAFT MEETING DATE: APRIL 12, 2022 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO APPROVE REPLACING A VACANT MAINTENANCE PLANNER POSITION (G-71, $4,166 - $5,044 BI-WEEKLY) WITH AN ASSOCIATE ENGINEER POSITION (S-79, $5,065 - $6,124 BI- WEEKLY) SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: CLI NTSHIMA, SENIOR ENGINEER OPERATIONS-RELIABILITYENG INEERING NEIL MEYER, PLANT MAINTENANCE DIVISION MANAGER REVIEWED BY: STEVE MCDONALD, DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS TEJI O'MALLEY HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER ISSUE Board of Directors (Board) approval is needed when the addition and deletion of vacant positions results in an increase in Central San's budgeted labor costs. If calculated at the maximum step of the salary range and including the full benefit cost, this action may result in an increase in the labor costs; thus, falling outside the purview of the General Manager's delegated authority related to personnel actions. BACKGROUND Central San's Plant Maintenance Division recommends replacing a vacant Maintenance Planner position with an Associate Engineer Position in the Reliability Engineering (RE)workgroup. The RE team provides licensed engineering for modifications and projects at the plant and pumping stations. RE staffing currently consists of 5 positions including 1 Senior Engineer, 1 Utility Systems Engineer, 1 Staff Engineer, and 3 Maintenance Planners (Attachment 1. Division Organizational Chart). All major workflow is routed through the RE team for screening, planning, scheduling, and technical/engineering support. The RE team plays a critical role in asset lifecycle management; one of which is the transition of new assets from Capital Project Planning to Capital Projects and ultimately delivery to Operations and Maintenance. During the planning phase, the RE team is responsible for assessing the need and timing of repair or replacement. In the design phase, the RE team helps guide the equipment selection process for opportunities to standardize and ensure reliability, maximum useful life, and achieve an optimal maintenance program. In the construction phase, the RE team reviews submittals and field installation and April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 4 of 76 Page 2 of 4 oversees the spare parts management process. During the operations and maintenance phase, the RE team ensures that the proper preventative, predictive, and condition-based maintenance is applied to maximize the life of these new assets. The RE workgroup is responsible for delivery of the maintenance strategy and all reliability analysis such as: root cause analysis and maintenance task optimization. The Associate Engineer will play a lead role in executing the strategy. The Capital I mprovements Program (CI P) activity has increased by nearly fivefold recently. This includes large, significant projects with extensive new assets at the treatment plant and pumping stations. The RE team is also the key point of contact with procurement and the warehouse. Ninety percent of procurement and warehouse operation workflow goes through the RE team. They lead the development of spare parts requirements and maintenance program tasks, and the development and administration of service contracts. The CI P has increased the volume of new assets and those needing replacement in kind or retired and requires a significant effort to manage the asset hand-off process. The Associate Engineer will provide day-to-day direction to staff to maximize the life and reliability of hundreds of new assets as well as thousands of existing assets. The RE team also supports the Pumping Station group. The current major Pumping Station projects, Phase One and Phase Two, require significant RE support to review operations and maintenance and develop new preventative maintenance programs, identify spares requirements, and update the transfer from the existing paper system to the new computerized maintenance management system for daily operations and maintenance. As Central San increases focus on energy optimization and evolves, the RE team will be heavily involved. The treatment plant energy profile is a complex system involving natural gas, landfill gas, electricity, a steam system, and solar panels. As new smart motor control centers are installed allowing improved monitoring of electrical power usage, a tremendous quantity of data must be analyzed to optimize processes. The data will also be used to troubleshoot equipment problems quickly and bring processes back online faster. The Associate Engineer will manage the data and implement changes to reduce Central San's energy consumption. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS Do not replace the position as proposed. This is not recommended because the Reliability Engineering workgroup is in need of an Associate Engineer position that can take on more complex and technical level tasks as previously stated. FINANCIAL IMPACTS Approval of the Associate Engineer position may increase the Maintenance Operating Budget by$39,031 in future years at the maximum step of the salary range. Depending on the hire and potential reciprocity, benefits and overall total compensation may be a decrease to the Operating budget compared to the employee that vacated the Maintenance Planner position. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Administration Committee reviewed this matter at its April 12, 2022 meeting and recommended April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 76 Page 3 of 4 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Approve replacing a vacant Maintenance Planner position (G-71, $4,166 - $5,044 bi-weekly)with an Associate Engineer position (S-79, $5,065 - $6,124 bi-weekly). Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life ATTACHMENTS: 1. Division Organizational Chart April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 76 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Operations Department - Plant Maintenance Division Director of Operations U20 S.McDonald Plant Maintenance Division Manager 1 M24 1 N.Meyer RELIABILITY MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING uperm en en, Superinten ent, Operations and Senior Engineer Operations and Maintenance Maintenance 1 S81 11 S83 1 1 S81 1 L.Gonzalez C.Shima J.Nicolaus BUILDINGS r MECHANICAL •• •• ELECTRICAL SHOP •• GROUNDS Utility Systems E ectrica E ectnca Instrumentation Shop Instrumentation Shop Supervisor Supervisor Engineer Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance 1 S79 1 Supervisor Supervisor 1 S76 1 1 S76 1 Supervisor S.Diethelm 1 S75 1 1 S75 1 S.Sullivan S.Borrelli 1 S75 1 M.Mahoney B.Bowers T.Haskins Pumping Stations Maintenance Planner Operator III 2 G70 1 3 G71 2 Electrical Technician Instrument Technician G.Palmer J.Macagba Lead Maintenance Machinist Vacant D.Wellner Technician 4 G69 4 3 G69 3 Staff Engineer Vacant 7 G68 7 2 G68 1 E.Goin T.Francis Lead Maintenance i 1 S67 1 D.Derrick A.Smith J.Powell N.Hill C.Jaschek Crew Member [4p"mG61-G66 ping Stations Z.Lee B.Martinez T.Smith Vacant A.Musawwir J.Mercer 1 G67 1 Operator 1/11 S.Mockel B.Walters M.Turner D.Stanovich 4 P.Serrato i J.Atoigue II Maintenance I A.MacArthur II Technician 1/11 J.Stoops 11 2 G62-G65 1 Painter I J.Thompson II K.Rosenstiel II 1 G62 1 Utility Worker Vacant J.Griffis 7 G55 6 February 28,2022 M.Angel T.Foulger 47 Budgeted Authorized Positions(left) J.deBonneville J.Stone 42 Filled Positions(right) F.Ferguson** R.Walton **Plant Operator Traineee Vacant April 12, 2022 Special ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 7 of 76