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Item 9.a.
jdf A- hom
March 17, 2022
Attached are the announcements for the above meeting.
1. General Manager Written Announcements
March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 76 of 85
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Attachment 1
Board Meeting of March 17, 2022
General Manager Written Announcements
1) North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) 2022 No-Dig
Show in Minneapolis, Minnesota - April 10-13, 2022
Senior Engineer Sasha Mestetsky and Associate Engineer Jason Fitch will attend the
NASTT 2022 No-Dig Show from Sunday, April 10 through Wednesday, April 13, 2022, in
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr. Mestetsky and Mr. Fitch were awarded the NASTT 2022
Conference Municipal and Public Utility Scholarship, which will pay for their full
registration and hotel accommodations.
Additionally, Mr. Fitch will be presenting a paper titled "Trenchless in Miocene Bedrock of
the California Coast Range" based on the recently completed South Orinda Sewer
Renovation - Phase 8 capital project.
The No-Dig Show is the largest trenchless technology conference in North America.
NASTT promotes the benefits of trenchless technology for public awareness through
education, training and research, is a definitive resource for trenchless solutions to aging
underground infrastructure and the applications of trenchless technologies, and links
thousands of professionals and leaders working at the regional, national, and international
levels with a network of 12 regional chapters throughout North America.
Central San has a long history of using trenchless technology to effectively renovate its
collection system to lessen construction impacts to its customers and the public while
saving costs. Staff participation at this conference is included in the Fiscal Year 2021-22
Technical Training, Conferences and Meetings budget.
2) Temporary Hiring Back of Retired Employee to Assist with Upcoming Fiscal
Year Sewer Service Billing
The Planning and Development Services Division will hire back retiree Todd Smithey
effective March 21, 2022, to assist temporarily with sewer service billing for FY 2022-23.
The Permit Counter staff are seeing peak activity for application submittals and plan
review, while also restarting the Oracle permitting module and require staff augmentation.
Additionally, vacancies are affecting staff's ability to fully focus on sewer service billing
while recruitments are underway.
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Written Announcements
March 17, 2022
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Mr. Smithey is a former Central San Accounting Supervisor who retired in March 2021;
therefore, no Board action is required to waive the 180-day waiting period to employ a
retiree. This temporary hire is for a period not to exceed one year to augment staff
through the billing process and submittal of the tax roll to Contra Costa County in August.
It is anticipated that Mr. Smithey's services will be utilized full-time between April and
August and then on a part-time/as-needed basis. Mr. Smithey has 22 years' experience in
finance, a good understanding of billing and is an expert in utilizing SunGard, which is
Central San's software that calculates sewer service charges. Hiring a temporary
employee to help with the workload in the context of what is projected to be $114 million
in revenue is needed and very cost effective compared to hiring outside consulting
services, with little understanding of Central San's systems. There is no anticipated
incremental cost to the Operations and Maintenance project budget given forecast labor
savings in the current fiscal year.
Pursuant to Section 7522. 56 of the California Government Code and Board Policy No.
BP 003 - Hiring of District Retirees, a Central San retiree may be hired if he or she
possesses a skill set needed to perform specialized work of a limited duration subject to
the following conditions:
• The retiree cannot work more than 960 hours per fiscal year.
• The retiree's hourly rate of pay cannot be less than the minimum or exceed the
maximum of the published salary range for the job classification for which they are
• The retiree will receive no service credit or retirement rights for the temporary
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