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08. Receive overview and hold discussion regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Page 1 of 14 Item 8. CENTRALSAN Jdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 17, 2022 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: TEJI O'MALLEY HUMAN RESOURCES AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGER CHRISTINA GEE, MANAGEMENT ANALYST REVIEWED BY: ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE OVERVIEW AND HOLD A DISCUSSION REGARDING DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION (DEI) GUEST SPEAKER: BERNARDO FERDMAN, PH.D., FERDMAN CONSULTING At the August 5, 2021 Board meeting, the Board held a discussion regarding whether Board Policy No. BP 002 - Diversity Statement may require an amendment or further information for consideration. Board Member McGill had requested this subject be agendized for the Board to discuss a potential policy regarding Social Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (SJEDI). Following discussion, the Board established an Ad Hoc Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. Then-President Pilecki appointed Members McGill and Williams to serve on the Committee and asked staff to provide the Committee with initial background research on SJEDI. Central San contracted with Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D. of Ferdman Consulting to provide information, expert guidance, and facilitation toward DEI efforts. Dr. Ferdman's background and qualifications, spanning over 35 years of experience in the field, is enclosed (Attachment 1). The Ad Hoc DEI Committee met on February 10 and received a presentation from Dr. Ferdman. Having received the Committee's input, staff and Dr. Ferdman have proceeded with advancing the DEI efforts at Central San. For the benefit of the full Board, Dr. Ferdman has been invited to share a presentation (Attachment 2), which includes a brief overview of SJ ED 1, activities thus far, and proposed next steps, for Board discussion and input. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL FOUR: Workforce Development Strategy 1—Proactively plan for future operational staffing needs, Strategy 2—Foster relationships across all levels of Central San, Strategy 3—Inspire employee engagement March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 62 of 85 Page 2 of 14 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Background and Qualifications of Ferdman Consulting 2. Presentation March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 63 of 85 Page 3 of 14 Bernardo is passionate about helping to create an inclusive world in which more of us can be fully ourselves and accomplish our goals in ways that are effective, productive, and authentic. He is an accomplished leadership and organization development consultant and CCE Board Certified Coach with over three decades of experience working with diverse groups and organizations to increase individual and collective effectiveness and inclusion. Bernardo,principal of Ferdman Consulting,has focused his career on supporting organizations to use their diversity to achieve better business results. He works with organizational leaders and employees to foster inclusion,to develop and implement effective ways of using everyone's talents and contributions,to develop and implement DEI strategies,and to build inclusive behavior and multicultural competencies on the part of individuals, teams,and organizations. A CCE Board Certified Coach and native Spanish speaker,Bernardo also has extensive international experience.Bernardo works with organizations, groups,and individuals to improve performance and leadership and to foster inclusion,focusing on assessment,coaching,dialogue,facilitation,and learning in the context of diversity.He has consulted to a range of businesses,NGOs,non-profits,government agencies,and educational institutions in the United States,Europe,Latin America,and Asia to develop and implement inclusion initiatives.He has served as a leadership coach for a range of clients in corporate,non-profit,and other settings,working to support them in achieving their goals while developing self-awareness,receptiveness to feedback,and practice in working effectively and productively with a range of co-workers,supervisors,and reports.He has also worked with UCLA, UCSD,Ascent-Leading Multicultural Women to the Top,and others to develop Latino/Latina and other multicultural leaders in both corporate and nonprofit settings,and with the United Nations System Staff College, UCLA,and other organizations to support leaders in enhancing their inclusive leadership. A sought-after speaker, Bernardo has designed and delivered learning sessions and worked with managers and executives to support their professional and leadership development and with organizations to develop effective strategies for diversity,equity,and inclusion.A skilled facilitator, he has designed and conducted hundreds of workshops,meetings,and other events on inclusion and diversity and various other issues. Bernardo served as president of the Diversity Collegium, is a member of the Inclusion Allies Coalition and expert panelist for the Global Diversity,Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarks, and was a network associate with AmericaSpeaks. At Ferdman Consulting, he particularly focuses on building inclusive leadership practices to bring out the best in organizations and their members,assessing DEI,and developing DEI strategies.His workshops focus on the practice and challenges of inclusion, inclusive leadership, working across differences, authentically and effectively engaging in conflict, and bringing one's whole self to work. Bernardo was a university professor(1986 to 2017)and has broad knowledge of theory,research,and practice in diversity and inclusion,organization development, cross-cultural management/leadership, and Latinos/as in the workplace, topics on which he has published extensively. His books, Inclusive L12dersh1p:TransforminaDiverse LIves, Workplaces and Societies(RoutIedge,2021)andQi62LE vat Work-The Practice ofInclusion(Wi1ey, 2014)provide state-of-the-art,research-based understanding of inclusion and how to systematically create it,foster it and navigate its challenges. His many awards include Society of Consulting Psychology's Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Consulting,Janet Chusmir Distinguished Service Award(AOM Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division),Trailblazer Award(Ph.D.Project Management Doctoral Students Association), and the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize(SPSSI). Representative Client List: • Alcoa World Alumina;Alumina Espanola S.A. County of San Diego National College Attainment Network • AllianceBernstein L.P. Democracy Fund Nat'l Institute for Civil Discourse • AmericaSpeaks,Inc. Eli Lilly and Company National University System • Bank of America General Atomics Planned Parenthood • Brown-Forman Ikea Group AB San Diego Workforce Partnership • CaIEPA,Department of Toxic Substances Control Intel Corporation Sempra Energy &State Water Resources Control Board Inter-American Development Bank Solar Turbines • California State University San Marcos International Water Management Institute Swanson School of Engineering,Univ.of Pittsburgh • Center for Creative Leadership Lumina Foundation&Santa Ana Partnership U.S.DOD:Air Force JAG Corps;Defense Security Service • City of San Diego Nat'l Association for Multiethnicity in Communications Verizon Communications • Wells Fargo Education &Affiliations: • Ph.D.,M.Phil.,a M.S.in Psychology,Yale University;A.B.,Princeton University • Past Division Chair,Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division;Past Chair, • CCE Board Certified Coach(Executive/Corporate/Business/Leadership) Diversity&Inclusion Theme Committee,Academy of Management • Distinguished Professor Emeritus,California School of Professional • Past President,Interamerican Society of Psychology Psychology,Alliant International University • Charter Fellow,International Academy for Intercultural Research;Fellow, • President,Diversity Collegium(2019);Past co-chair,Webinars Committee, American Psychological Association(including five of its divisions:SIOP,SCP, Inclusion Allies Coalition;Expert Panelist,Globo/Diversity,Equity,&Inclusion SPSSI,SPSCER,&Int'I);Fellow,Society for Industrial and Organizational Benchmcrks Psychology(former Editorial Board Member,Prof.Practice Book Series) • Faculty,UCLA Anderson Executive Education;UN System Staff College &Society for Consulting Psychology • Past President,Interamerican Society of Psychology 0 Fer 0f)OQN Tlaftbard Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 64 of 85 ferdmanconsulting.com Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFa8k%411,t4022 J' Central San Board - Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Overview , Bernardo M. Ferdman, Ph.D. Principal, Ferdman Consulting r I FerdmanCONsuLTiNG Supporting leaders&organizations in bringing inclusion to life About Me consultant,speaker, r r facilitator,coach, rye' change agent scholar writer husband Ferdman Consulting „ ` researcher father,son- ........................ INCWSIVE in-law,son Focus: inclusion&diversity(strategy, V. education,assessment,org. change) community& multicultural&inclusive leadership academic,teacher professional identity(especially Latinx) Distinguished Professor intergroup and intercultural involvement Emeritus,CSPP,Alliant relations International University My passion: helping to create an inclusive and more just world where more of us can be fully ourselves, and make a difference that matters Ferdman L. CONSULTING 2 March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 65 of 85 1 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFJ8k%i 1,�4022 GOALS Provide an overview of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and organizational approaches for DEI Describe planned next steps at Central San to implement suggestions from the Board's DEI Ad Hoc Committee Ferdman 3 Why do diversity, equity, and inclusion matter to Central San (and to you)? How do they connect to your mission, vision, values, and goals? Mission:to protect public health and the environment Vision:to be an innovative industry leader in environmental stewardship and sustainability,while delivering exceptional service at responsible rates Values:customer service;employees;integrity;innovation;environmental sustainability;diversity,equity,& inclusion("we value people of all backgrounds,cultures,and perspectives,and we are committed to the principles of equity and inclusion") Goals:Customer and Community(exceptional service),Environmental Stewardship,Workforce Diversity and Development,Governance and Fiscal Responsibility,Safety and Security,Infrastructure Reliability,Innovation and Agility - Ferdman CONSULTING L a March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 66 of 85 2 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFak%61°1f,�O22 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice: How and why do they matter? It's right It's required To think about: It connects us to our communities What is your"why?"What is Central San's "why?" . It makes us better& more successful*: • Attract,recruit,&retain key talent • Reduce costs/increase returns • Generate more resources&ideas • Catalyze innovation&creativity • Improve results *But only under the right conditions! Ferdman CONSULTING Copyright C 2022 bBernardo M.Ferdman,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute rep rod uce,or use without permission. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: What are they? Diversity "Counting differences":Who is here? composition,e.g.,of staff,board,etc.;relevant to processes such as recruitment,hiring,retention,promotion,advancement,leadership,... feature of a group,not of an individual "the varied perspectives and approaches to work that members of different identity groups bring."(Thomas&Ely) Inclusion M • "Making differences count": How engaged is each member of the group or organization?And how is each member engaged? • Creating a sense of full belonging,safety,and participation in a group or organization for everyone,so that: • no one feels the need to hide or subsume their differences • everyone can tap into their strengths and contribute these for collective benefit • patterns of social inequality&their effects are disrupted and eliminated or mitigated Equity IN • "Creating just outcomes&processes":How fair and just are experiences,processes,and outcomes? • Different than equality-which is treating everyone exactly the same • Giving everyone what they need to be successful,including acknowledging and removing systemic barriers • Extraneous factors don't determine service or outcomes • All people are treated in ways that respect and take account of identities,backgrounds,needs,and similar factors Ferdman CONSULTING Copyright@20226 Bernardo M.Ferdman,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute,rep rod uce,or use without permissm. March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 67 of 85 3 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFak%'1(,124022 The Practice of Inclusion: A Systemic & Dynamic Process INCLUSIVE VALUES, POLICIES, PRACTICES, EXPERIENCE OF INCLUSION BEHAVIORS (individuals& social identity (society, organizations, groups) leaders, work groups, individuals) Ferdman CONSULTING Copyright t 2022 by Bernardo M.Ferdman,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute,rep rod uce,or use without permission. ELEMENTS OF THE EXPERIENCE OF INCLUSION (Ferdman,2014) Feeling safe (self and (selfInvolvement and Feeling respected and group) engagement in the valued Authenticity/bringingA group group) Diversity is Influence on decision • - self to recognized, attended making work to, and honored Ferdman OONSULTING Copyright 91 2022 bBernardo M.Ferdman,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute,rep rod uce,or use without permission. March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 68 of 85 4 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFJ8k%i 1,�4022 Different Challenges Across the Employee Life Cycle: Some Examples • Are we an organization that is How do we define our How well do we work with and appealing to a sufficiently positions and jobs? across(many)differences? broad set of people? • Are we sufficiently open to Do we incorporate and apply • Is attention to diversity differences? the skills,behavior,policies, addressed and incorporated What criteria do we use and and practices that will support into our approaches to how do we apply them? inclusion of multiple recruitment and attraction of Have we eliminated invidious identities,perspectives,and new people? barriers? approaches? • In whose image from what Where and how do we source How equitable are our perspective(s)is the candidates? compensation and reward organization built and systems,our performance defined? appraisal approaches,and our • Whose interests does the succession planning? organization serve? Ferdman - CONSULTING 9 Copyright(0 2022 by Bernardo M.Ferdman,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute,reproduce,or use without permission. Levels of this Work . • [/strategic qk— PV Team/group Self _ Ferdman OONSULTING io March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 69 of 85 5 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFak%91(,124022 _ What is the strategic vision? And why? TOWARD A STRATEGIC APPROACH What are the key components/goals? FOR DEI: Key Questions How will we get there? (Where do current and planned initiatives fit in?) Ferdman CONSULTING Copyright t 2022 by Bernardo M.Ferdman,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute,rep roduce,or use without e Infusing DEI: A Model for Change Build the foundation Senior leader engagement Build momentum Accountability,monitoring, GUIDING PRINCIPLES Refine Vision&Assess integration L- ONGOING op and implement workplan _ Ferdman ooNsuLnNG Copyright 91 2022 bBern a rdo M.Ferdm an,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute,rep rod uce,or use without permission. March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 70 of 85 6 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFa8k%TP')d22 Some practice areas in inclusive & equitable organizations Need to consider: ► Leadership&leadership development • structure (formal ► Talent management(recruitment,selection, systems/policies) assessment,onboarding,development,etc.) • culture (assumptions, ► Integration/alignment with other processes/systems(e.g., procurement,talent values, beliefs, mental management,etc.) models) ► Fostering identity(cultural&organizational); • behavior&mindsets employee resource groups (including attitudes & ► Communication (internal&external) perceptions) ► Behavior&culture:values;team building/skill building;ongoing support&development ► Measurement,accountability/evaluation, monitoring Ferdman CONSULTING 13 Copyright t 2022 by Bernardo M.Ferdm an,Ph.D.All rights reserved.Please do not distribute,reproduce,or use without permission. Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World ' THE httP://centreforglobaIinclusion.org INTERNAL I EXTERN G D EI B Nene Molefi,Julie O'Mara,Alan Richter,and Atrral:t& i MODEL 112 Expert Panelists Retain People I Serve •Recruitme:l 1 .Commu RIDGING •P�D Align&Connect .Com nsa� • cts Assessment •Marketing •Benefits .Communications nslbfe &Fleinblllty rcing .Learning ' •sustainability FOUNDATION Drive the Strategy - •Vision •Leadership .Structure �2021,The Centre for Global In elusion © 2021,The Centre for Global Inclusion The Centre Gte*al Inclusion 14 March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 71 of 85 7 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFJ8k%'LP,')d22 + Z) Align&Connect 1. Develop a strong rationale for DEI vision, 8. Ensure that assessments,measurement, Focal GoaIs. mission,and strategy and align it to and research include a DEI lens. organizational goals. 9. Make communication clear,simple to "15 Actions f o r 2. Hold leaders accountable for understand,and a crucial force in implementing the organization's DEI achieving the organization's DEI goals. World-Class DEI vision,setting goals,achieving results, 18.Educate all to achieve a level of DEI and being role models. competence and confidence needed to Work 1 3. Provide visible,dedicated support and create a diverse,equitable,and structure with authority and budget to inclusive organization. effectively implement DEI. 11.Connect the organization's DEI and sustainability initiatives to increase the e , , ..,, effectiveness of both. Global Diversity 4. Ensure that attraction,sourcing,and recruitment is done through the lens of Equity&Inclusion DEI. 12.Be proactive in working with community, 5. Ensure that DEI is integrated into talent public and private partnerships, Benchmar✓s development,performance management, government,and society at large,and advancement,and retention strategies. through philanthropy. The 6. Ensure that job design and classification 13.Embed DEI in services and products Centre are evaluated for bias and that development to serve diverse customers Gfor compensation is equitable across key and clients. c�usion dimensions of diversity. 14.Integrate DEI into marketing and 7. Achieve work-life integration,flexibility, customer service. and equitable benefits.Flexible work 15.Practice responsible and ethical sourcing. - options are widely available and Develop and nurture underrepresented accessible. suppliers. © 2021,The Centre for Global Inclusic FIVE LEVELS of PROGRESS BEST PRACTICE Demonstrating current global best practices in DEI;exemplary. PROGRESSIVE Implementing DEI systemically and showing improved results and outcomes beyond what is required or expected. 3 PROACTIVE A clear awareness of the value of DEI;starting to implement DEI systemically.This is what is required and expected of all organizations. REACTIVE A compliance-only mindset;actions are taken primarily to comply with relevant laws and social pressures.Doing the bare minimum. INACTIVE No DEI work has begun;diversity,equity,and inclusion are not part of Aorganizational goals. an"N"ftft Glriballncr�usio 0(19) 2021,The Centre for Global Inclusion March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 72 of 85 8 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting NFak%Yf'21d22 The Cel tM f-Global Inclusion Category 1 Benchmarks: Vision, Strategy, and Business Impact Develop a strong rationale for DEI vision, mission,and strategy and align it to organizational goals Level 5—Best Practice • 1.2 DEI is embedded in organizational culture as a core value, a source of innovation,and a means to belonging,sustainability and success. Level 4—Progressive • 1.7 The organization's DEI vision and goals to embed equity, prevent harassment,and reduce or eliminate discrimination and oppression are part of the organizational strategy. Level 3—Proactive • 1.13 A DEI vision, mission, strategy, and business impact statement has been developed and communicated to all employees. Level 2—Reactive • 1.18 DEI is defined broadly to include some dimensions beyond gender, race,and ethnicity. • 1.20 There is no DEI vision, mission,strategy,goals, policies, principles,or program. © 2021,The Centre for Global Inclusion The CenUe+-r Global Inclusion Category 2 Benchmarks: Leadership and Accountability Hold leaders accountable for implementing the organization's DEI vision,setting goals,achieving results,and being role models Level 5—Best Practice • 2.1 Leaders are change agents and role models for DEI.They inspire others to take individual responsibility and become role models themselves. Level 4—Progressive • 2.7 The leadership and board of directors are diverse,engaged in DEI issues,and accountable for achieving the DEI strategy. Level 3—Proactive • 2.10 DEI is an essential leadership competency and leaders are rated on it. Level 2—Reactive 0• 2.15 Leaders defer regularly to HR or Legal when concerns regarding DEI are observed or reported. •2.17 Leaders do not see differences as opportunities for enrichment,progress,and success. © 2021,The Centre for Global Inclusion March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 73 of 85 9 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting Iv�ar��i1 'f210�22 The Centre r-Glezbal Inclusion Category 3 Benchmarks: DEI Structure and Implementation Provide visible, dedicated support and structure with authority and budget to effectively implement DEI Level 5-Best Practice • 3.2 DEI is integrated into core organizational structures, policies,systems,and practices. Level 4-Progressive • 3.10 An organization-wide DEI council/committee,which includes line and staff employees, is given visible and meaningful support by leaders. Level 3-Proactive • 3.16 If the organization has labor unions or similar groups,they are engaged and included in DEI efforts. Level 2-Reactive • 3.19 Diversity networks and DEI committees may exist, but they have no real power, influence, or resources. Level 1-Inactive • 3.20 There is no organizational structure, policy,or budget for DEI. © 2021,The Centre for Global Inclusion Next Steps Management engagement,learning,alignment • Management team interviews&questionnaire • Learning session-March 31 Staff engagement and involvement 0016 • Staff launch • Create and charter a staff DEI task force/working group • Inclusion@Work learning journey for the task force/working group assessment design,launch,interpretation ��• Where are we on inclusion and in relation to DEI best practices(with reference to the Global Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion Benchmarks)? • What should/could be our goals?How are we doing in relation to those goals? Decide on next steps and overall approach-in consultation with Ad Hoc Committee&DEI task force/working group • DEI goals,strategies,approaches • Criteria and metrics Ferdman CONSULTING 20 March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 74 of 85 10 Central San Board DEI Overview, Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D., Ferdman Consulting lylak%1147f21022 MEEL�ome References & Resources ♦ Annotated resources on inclusion:https://bit.ty/inclusioninfo ♦ Burlacu,G.,Ferdman,B.M.,Shyamsunder,A.,Eagly,A.,Kepinski,L.,&Nugent,J.S.(2018).New directions in diversity and inclusion: A dialogue on what truly works.The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist,55(3).(https://bit.ly/TIP-Jan2018) ♦ Ferdman,B.M.(2014).The practice of inclusion in diverse organizations:toward a systemic and inclusive framework.In B.M. Ferdman&B.R.Deane(Eds.).Diversity at work:The practice ofinclusion(pp.3-54).Jossey-Bass. ♦ Ferdman,B.M.(2016).If I'm comfortable does that mean I'm included?And if I'm included,will I now be comfortable?In L.M. Roberts,L.P.Wooten,&M.N.Davidson(Eds.),Positive organizing in a global society.Understanding and engaging differences for capacity-building and inclusion(pp.65-70).Routledge. ♦ Ferdman,B.M.(2017).Paradoxes of inclusion:Understanding and managing the tensions of diversity and multiculturalism.The Journal ofApplied Behavioral Science,53(2),235-263.doi:10.1177/0021886317702608 ♦ Ferdman,B.M.(2021).Inclusive leadership:The fulcrum of inclusion.In B.M.Ferdman,J.Prime,&R.E.Riggio(Eds.),Inclusive leadership:Transforming diverse lives,workplaces,and societies(pp.3-24).Routledge.(https://bit.ly/inclusionfutcrumchapter) ♦ Ferdman,B.M.,Prime,J.,&Riggio,R.(Eds.)(2021).Inclusive leadership:Transforming diverse lives,organizations,and societies. Routledge. ♦ Ferdman,B.M.&Roberts,L.M.(2014).Creating inclusion for oneself:Knowing,accepting and expressing one's whole self atwork. In B.M.Ferdman&B.Deane(Eds.).Diversityat work.The practice ofinclusion(pp.93-127).Jossey-Bass. ♦ Shyamsunder,A.,Ferdman,B.M.,Solberg,E.,Saywer,K.,Carr,S.,& Gilrane,V.(2020).The what,why,how,who,and where of inclusion:Highlights and the way forward from the SIOP 2020 Theme Track.The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist,58(2). https://bit.ly/SlOPinclusion Ferdman CONSULTING THANK YOU! practiceofinclusion.com inclusiveleader.com Bernardo Ferdman, Ph.D. w E-mail: bernardo(@ferdmanconsulting.com giversity al Work: Web: ferdmanconsulting com Inglusial INCLUSIVE _. Linkedln: linkedin.com/in/ferdman LEADERSHIP Twitter: @bferdman _ 10 Ferdman CONSULTING zz March 17, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 75 of 85 11