Multi -Purpose Room
Thursday, December 16, 2021
2:30 p.m.
Open Session — Multi -Purpose Room
(Video recorded)
President Pro Tent
This meeting was held in the specified meeting room with a virtual participation option
pursuant to Central San Resolution 2021-080. The resolution made findings with the
Governor's Emergency Declaration and County Health Services recommendations related
to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the provisions provided under Assembly Bill 361.
Board Members participated in -person or via videoconference. The agenda provided
options in which members of the public could participate in the meeting.
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Pilecki at
2.30 p.m. Secretary of the District Katie Young called roll:
PRESENT: Members. Hockett, Lauritzen, McGill, Williams, Pilecki
ABSENT: Members: None
The Board, staff and audience joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
No comments.
President Pilecki announced Item 9 would be heard following conclusion of the Consent
These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's
website at centralsan.org.
Book 69 — Page 276
December 16, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 69-Page 277
Receive Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors Resolution honoring Central San's
75th Anniversary
On behalf of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, incoming Chair
Karen Mitchoff presented a Resolution to congratulate and commend the District on
75 years of essential service to the community.
BOARD ACTION: Received the resolution.
2. Approve the following:
a. November 29, 2021 Special Board meeting minutes
b. December 2, 2021 Regular Board meeting minutes
3. Approve the proposed salary increase of 7.5 percent for the Household Hazardous
Waste (HHW) Technician I classification, and 12.6 percent for the HHW Technician II
and Senior HHW Technician classifications
4. Authorize the General Manager to execute a three-year extension to the
professional consulting services agreement with Bienati Consulting Group, Inc. to
facilitate Executive Management Team annual performance evaluations and provide
Board support, in an amount not to exceed $45,000 commencing June 1,
2022, bringing the total cost ceiling to $102,500, including an option to extend for
two additional years, subject to Board approval
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Hockett and seconded by
Member Williams to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed
by unanimous roll call vote.
At this point, the agenda moved to Item 9.
5. Receive and approve 2022 Board Committee and other assignments - President -
Elect Williams
This agenda item was heard at the conclusion of Item 9.
President -Elect Williams introduced the assignments provided in the agenda
memorandum which he based on the feedback received from Board Members.
Member Lauritzen stated she was excited to serve on two Committees, which she
would be able to participate if the Board allows for the continuation of virtual
December 16, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 69-Page 278
meetings. She requested consideration of a contingency plan for when there is no
option to conduct meetings virtually, or be paired with another Board Member that
has schedule flexibility, and the possibility to have a 4:00 p.m. meeting start.
Although she had no issue with the current Committee structure, she would like a
plan developed, which may require a Committee assignment switch. A lengthy
discussion ensued.
In reflection of prior Board discussions, Member McGill stated he has made it a point
to attend meetings in person. He spoke about his extensive travel schedule and
social interactions and asked for the Board's feedback, with that disclosure, if his
attendance in person is favored with the current pandemic situation. Additionally, in
response to a late meeting start time, he said he would be willing to do a later
meeting if it could be done virtually.
President Pilecki discussed staff ramifications with late meetings, such as the District
paying overtime, the potential for very long meetings, and a delay in family time.
He cautioned the Board to also consider the impact to staff, noting it was not just two
Board Members'schedule but potentially 8-10 or more staff members.
Member McGill opined meetings could be limited to a two-hour hard -stop or staff
could delay the start of their workday on a Committee meeting day.
Member Williams responded that it could be problematic to set hard -stops, and
could compound what is already a weighty Committee and Board agenda schedule.
He opined setting a hard -stop and reconvening does not work efficiently. His
preference is to return to pre -pandemic, in -person meeting attendance in a safe and
healthy manner.
Member Lauritzen reiterated she could not attend during the day unless the
meetings are virtual and stated having that option would alleviate the problem. She
asked for the Board's flexibility and consideration of options.
A question was posed by President Pilecki regarding schedule availability for meeting
duration. Committee meetings are typically scheduled for two -hours. This year, the
Engineering & Operations (E&O) Committee was reduced to a one -hour duration with
added meetings to accommodate Member Lauritzen's schedule. He asked if she
would be able to commit to two hours moving forward. Member Lauritzen replied she
could do one -hour for E&O Committee meetings and two hours for Administration
Committee meetings, if virtual.
Member Hockett reflected on prior conversations and the Board's agreement to
change the regular Board meeting time to 2:30 p.m. to assist with schedule challenges
that was anticipated to expire in December. Member Lauritzen stated she will be
attending Board meetings in person beginning in January at 2:30 p.m.; however,
reiterated her request is to build a contingency plan for Committee meetings.
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Further discussion followed on various options. District Counsel Kenton L. Alm
responded to inquiry of Assembly Bill (AB) 361 meeting provisions and the more
stringent non -AB 361 meeting requirements.
A motion was made by Member McGill to approve the 2022 Board Committee
and other assignments as presented. Member Lauritzen seconded the motion.
President Pilecki stated the motion did not define how the meeting time or virtual
option issue is addressed.
Member McGill responded that matter could be addressed in Item 7 should the
Board elect to continue its findings under the AB 361 provisions.
Mr. Alm responded to a question posed by President Pilecki in that it was at the
Chair's discretion on whether to consider Item 7 before a vote on this motion.
President Pilecki moved to Item 7 for consideration and, upon its conclusion, the vote
was taken on the original motion presented for the 2022 Board Member assignments.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by
Member Lauritzen to approve the 2022 Board Committee and other
assignments, effective January 1, 2022. Motion passed by unanimous roll call
6. Authorize the execution of a one-year extension to the existing contract for legal
services with Meyers Nave, effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member Hockett and seconded by
Member Williams to authorize a one-year extension to the existing contract
with Meyers Nave for legal services effective January 1 through December 31,
2022. Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
Hockett, Lauritzen, Williams, Pilecki
President Pilecki moved to Item 8.
7. Consider adopting Resolution No. 2021-082 that reauthorizes the use of
teleconference/hybrid participation for Board and Committee meetings, pursuant to
Brown Act provisions provided under Assembly Bill 361, for the period of
January 1-15, 2022
This agenda item was heard during a continuance of Item 5.
Since this was the last Board meeting in December, Mr. Alm confirmed the proposed
resolution only extends for 30 days, which would only cover the first scheduled
Board meeting in January 2022 and not cover the Committee meetings in question.
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The first Board meeting in January could have an agenda item to extend through the
middle of February if applicable.
Motion made by Member McGill to adopt the proposed resolution (through
January 15, 2022); seconded by Member Lauritzen.
Member Williams stated he will not look at this option long-term but rather on a
meeting -to -meeting basis and that it is in the collective best interest to return in -
person as quickly as possible.
Member Hockett agreed. She stated she would consider this option today; however,
is supportive to meeting in person. Additionally, as mentioned in Item 5 regarding the
Board meeting start time change, she stated she would like to return to the original
regular Board meeting time (1:30 p.m.) at some point.
Ms. Young called a roll call vote of the motion. (Motion passed 4-1-0, Pilecki)
President Pilecki opined it is time to meet in -person and would continue to vote no
on this matter.
Member McGill mentioned it was appropriate, under this agendized item, to receive
input about his higher risk travel he stated during Item 5 and his in -person meeting
attendance. He asked Mr. Alm if he could receive comment, to which Mr. Alm stated
he could since a vote had been taken. The Board provided Member McGill with their
individual perspectives.
The agenda then moved back to continue Item 5 for a vote on that matter.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by Member
Lauritzen to adopt the proposed resolution to re -authorize virtual/hybrid meetings
pursuant to Brown Act provisions provided under AB 361 for the period of
January 1-15, 2022. Resolution No. 2021-080 (enacted for the month of December
2021) would then be replaced on January 1, 2022.
Motion passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Members: Hockett, Lauritzen, McGill, Williams
NOES: Members: Pilecki
ABSTAIN: Members: None
8. Receive overview and hold discussion regarding the California Business Roundtable's
Proposition entitled the Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act
Communications and Government Relations Manager Emily Barnett provided an
overview of the recently submitted proposition, which was at the Attorney General
and had not gathered signatures at this time. She noted the negative content
regarding impacts to the District's methodology and collection of rates and fees.
Ms. Barnett stated concerns that should this proposition pass, it could have a ripple
December 16, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 69-Page 281
effect for future legislation and other propositions. Ms. Barnett highlighted two main
themes of staff concern: legal challenges and capacity fee repercussions.
The Board and staff held a discussion of the implications, challenges, outreach
options, future sewer charges, and the uncertainty of how wastewater utility
operation "standards" would be defined.
Ms. Barnett stated some member organizations are preparing comments to send to
the Attorney General. The matter will go to the Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) and a
report is due January 19, 2022. Initial concern is whether the matter will collect
enough signatures by April to be on the November 2022 election ballot. She said
member organizations from city/county/special district communities have expressed a
lot of concern.
Mr. Alm cautioned the LAO report may not deal with local agencies as there are
separate sections that effect state government and affect the taxes/fees it charges;
however, he anticipates the report will reflect substantial losses to government
Senior Engineer Thomas Brightbill and Director of Finance and Administration
Philip Leiber responded in kind to President's Pilecki inquiry of how this proposition
would affect ad valorem tax, in that they did not initially see anything of how the
ad valorem would be divided nor consider it a concern. President Pilecki referred to
a mention of ad valorem in the proposition letter and asked staff to research in order
to gain more clarity of what it means.
President Pilecki stated his initial reaction is that Central San needs to be prepared
to deal with this issue and proposed the possibility of educational outreach.
Member McGill opined it is premature as the proposition may not gather enough
Member McGill stated this topic needs to be brought back as a periodic update to
get a sense if its progress and impact.
BOARD ACTION: Received the information and held discussion.
9. Consider approval of proposed Guiding Principles for Satellite Water Recycling
Facility Projects
This item was heard at the conclusion of the Consent Calendar.
Resource Recovery Program Manager Melody LaBella stated the development of
Guiding Principles had been recommended at a prior Board meeting and proposed
to the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning (REEP) Committee in October. The
materials provided with the agenda reflects the changes made since that meeting.
She mentioned the Guiding Principles would be beneficial to the participants and
Central San and noted a letter received from Diablo Country Club (DCC) which had
been provided before the meeting.
December 16, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 69-Page 282
Ms. LaBella then reviewed the five proposed Guiding Principles in detail. Notable
highlights provided below.
• Principle 1 — Cost Neutrality to rate payers; keeping with the beneficiary -pays
• Principle 2 — Community Consent. In response to the letter received from
DCC, slide 4 was amended to reflect Community Input rather than
Community Consent.
Member McGill opined with this change this principle now captures the
essence intended.
• Principle 3 — Wastewater Supply Availability. Ms. LaBella responded to
questions posed by Members Williams and Lauritzen on this principle.
Related to the fourth element of this principle, regarding Central San not
approving other upstream diversions, Member Williams questioned if there
could be a situation where someone wanted to tap into a larger trunk sewer
where there is more than adequate supply and suggested editing this item so
that there would be flexibility for such a situation. Ms. LaBella replied there
could be a case where one of these projects is proposed closer to the
treatment plant, where there is enough wastewater flow, and agreed that this
protection would not be necessary.
Member Lauritzen requested clarification of what being in development
meant, construction, proposal, etc. as it pertains to this item. Ms. LaBella
responded it would be early in the project, such as at the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) stage since the amount of wastewater supply available
is so crucial to these projects and could impact their feasibility.
• Principle 4 — Mitigation of Technical and Operational Impacts. Member McGill
stated this principle should be to maintain flow (in general), since the project
may include an impoundment that could contribute flow back to Central San's
collection system. He requested staff strike the word wastewater and just
leave it as the minimum amount of flow.
President Pilecki mentioned the discharge of very septic solid waste that
could impact the treatment plant, and whether it should be considered in this
statement. Ms. LaBella replied that she could easily capture the potential
treatment plant impacts in this item and noted that an Environmental
Compliance/Source Control permit would be required to discharge back into
Central San's system and staff would condition it to protect the treatment
plant from impacts.
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Principle 5 — Readiness and Ability to Proceed. A discussion followed on this
principle. Ms. LaBella stated it was inspired by the Moraga Country Club
situation that executed an MOU in 2016; however, no progress has been
made. Staff would like to sunset after a period of time lapsed, and include a
two-year term in all preliminary MOUs and planning agreements. It was
initially proposed as one-year to the REEP Committee; the Committee had
expressed it would not be long enough.
Member McGill stated he could see a two-year term for initial MOUs and a
longer period of time once the project goes into the planning process.
Measurement of upstream/downstream flows, community input and other
tasks may need up to a five-year period. He suggested the applicant provide
a timeline and reasoning. Staff provided input towards that suggestion. In the
end, Ms. LaBella stated leaving open-ended is not desired and leads to
Member McGill stated rather than approve with suggestions, he would prefer
staff return with revised language based on today's meeting for Board
approval at a future meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by
Member Hockett to continue the consideration of the proposed principles to a
future Board meeting to incorporate additional comments. Motion passed by
unanimous roll call vote.
At this point, the agenda returned the original order, beginning with Item 5.
10. Receive update on Central San's response regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This update was heard following the conclusion of Item 8.
Ms. Barnett advised that since the report submittal, two employees had tested
positive, which brings the District to nearly 30 cases. Due to the holiday season and
Omicron variant, additional cases are anticipated. She noted the vaccinated are
having less of an exposure impact.
Lastly, Ms. Barnett commended Environment, Health and Safety Specialist
John Ortega and the Human Resources division for the successful
vaccination/booster shot clinic that was organized with the County and hosted onsite.
BOARD ACTION: Received the update.
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11. General Manager — Reports
a. Receive Internal Audit Reports for the first-half of Fiscal Year 2021-22
Internal Auditor Benjamin Johnson presented his audit findings for the first-
half of Fiscal Year 2021-22, as provided with the agenda materials, and
praised the management team for swiftly implementing recommended
Member McGill commended the reports and opined the identified items and
integration were very good, which reflected the complexity of running an
operation such Central San. He complimented Mr. Bailey for identifying a
need to conduct internal audits, especially with changing software systems.
President Pilecki stated the Administration Committee also reviewed the
reports and found it notable that the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
system has already undergone audits and areas to improve were identified
early in its implementation. He was pleased about how quickly staff has
responded to identify and fix areas that needed attention.
BOARD ACTION: Received the internal audit reports.
b. Receive Fiscal Year 2020-21 Strategic Plan Annual Report
Due to time constraints, Mr. Bailey asked the Board if they preferred a
presentation of Items 11.b. and 11.c., or if they had questions for staff.
The Board had no questions and deferred to any feedback the Administration
Committee desired to provide from their review.
President Pilecki noted the Strategic Plan Annual Report reflected a good
news status of the progress being made.
BOARD ACTION: Received the annual report.
C. Receive Optimizations Program Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2020-21
President Pilecki noted how he finds the many tasks and challenges that staff
faces and addresses to be an amazing accomplishment.
Member Hockett commented on her sense of pride in all staff is doing and
their accomplishments are awesome achievements.
BOARD ACTION: Received the report.
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12. General Manaaer —Announcements
a. Announcements — December 16, 2021
Mr. Bailey announced he hosted a meeting on December 15 with the General
Managers of Contra Costa Water District, Stephen Welch, and East Bay
Municipal Utility District, Clifford Chan. The meeting was organized to hold a
visionary -type discussion regarding recycled water and the various
complexities associated. It was agreed by all to form a focus group to develop
innovative ideas and thoughts to utilize effluent produced at Central San and
ways in which to treat, move, and distribute in an optimal fashion. Mr. Bailey
opined it was a good discussion and stated more time will be spent on this
topic to make the dreams of the community and the Board come true for
recycled water use.
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
13. Counsel for the District - No report.
14. Secretary of the District
Ms. Young announced the following items:
Special Closed Session Board (virtual) meeting — Monday, December 27 at 3:00 p.m.
The proposed schedule of 2022 Standing Board Committee meeting dates was in
development and would be presented for approval at the January 13, 2022 Board
BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements.
15. Board Members - Committee Minutes
a. December 7, 2021 - Administration Committee - President Pilecki and
Member Hockett (alternate)
BOARD ACTION: Received the Committee minutes.
16. Board Members - Reports and Announcements
Board Member reports on recent meetings or conferences for which they received the stipend or for
which the District paid their expenses.
a. Member Hockett - No report.
Member Lauritzen - No report.
Member McGill - Member McGill provided a written report covering his
announcements and other meetings, and noted one update to his report. He
was unable to attend the California Association Local Agency Formation
Commissions (CALAFCO) Coastal Region Roundtable on December 15.
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Member Williams - No report.
President Pilecki - No report.
BOARD ACTION: Received the reports and announcements.
17. Board Members - Reauests for Stipend/Reimbursement or Conference Attendance
No requests.
18. Board Members - Other Items
a. Consider proposed changes to Contra Costa Special Districts Association
(CCSDA) Bylaws
Member McGill referred to the Memorandum and Bylaws provided in the
agenda packet and stated his recommendation of approval. He then would
cast a vote according to the Board's input or direction.
BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by
Member Lauritzen to approve the proposed changes to the CCSDA
Bylaws. Motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.
ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7)
President Pilecki announced the cancellation of the agendized closed session, Item 19 that
related to a conference with labor negotiators.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
- 4 PI(tAt-
Tad J. Pilecki
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
December 16, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes — Book 69-Page 287
Katie Young
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California