HomeMy WebLinkAbout19.a. (Handout) Member Hockett DSRSD-CCCSD Liaison Draft Minutes of 12-14-21 meeting Item 19.a. (Handout) (Member Hockett) Dublin San Ramon L Services District CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA Water,wastewater,recycled water Y T DSRSD Representatives: Central San Representatives: Director Johnson (Chair) Board Member Hockett Vice President Rubio DRAFT MINUTES (Administrative Draft as of January 11, 2022) DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT/CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING Virtual via Teams Tuesday, December 14, 2021 4 p.m. 1. Call to Order DSRSD Director Ann Marie Johnson called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. Committee Members (Elected Officials) Present: • Marisol Rubio, Board Vice President, DSRSD • Ann Marie Johnson, Director, DSRSD • Barbara Hockett, Board Member, Central San Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) Staff Present: • Dan McIntyre, General Manager • Jan Lee,Assistant General Manager • Steve Delight,Acting Engineering Services Director Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) Staff Present: • Roger Bailey, General Manager • Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services • Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager 2. Public Comment No public comment was received. 3. Approval of Minutes 3.A. Meeting Minutes of September 4, 2019 On a motion by DSRSD Vice President Marisol Rubio and seconded by Central San Director Barbara Hockett, the Committee unanimously approved the minutes. DSRSD/Central San Liaison Committee Draft Minutes Meeting of December 14, 2021 Page 2 4. Discussion Items 4.A. DSRSD Recycled Water Program Updates (DSRSD staff) DSRSD Assistant General Manager Jan Lee gave an overview on the DSRSD-EBMUD recycled water partnership known by its acronym of"DERWA." Since 2006,the amount of water recycled by DERWA and used in San Ramon, Dublin, and Pleasanton has more than quadrupled. DERWA is now producing over 5,000 acre-feet of recycled water for irrigation each year, and does this by recycling 40%of the total wastewater that comes to the DSRSD Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant each year. Central San has approved a three-year agreement for a temporary project to augment DERWA recycled water supplies with Central San wastewater during peak summer months. This program was started this past summer, and wastewater was diverted from Central San's system for 2% months. This wastewater was used in part to irrigate Canyon Lakes Golf Course, and will be used to irrigate the Crow Canyon Golf Club during peak irrigation season in 2022. It was noted that these two golf courses are located within Central San's service area. Ms. Lee then gave an update on the Tri- Valley Potable Reuse Technical Feasibility Study,which demonstrates it is possible to meet 7% to 15%of the Tri-Valley's potable water needs with a potential joint potable reuse project. The next phase of studies will be completed in 2022. DERWA and DSRSD are focusing on three priority areas in the near-term: (1) exploring supplemental supply options for recycled water supply, (2) evaluating demand management measures to conserve limited recycled water supplies, and (3) completing an annual report to Central San about the diversion project by January. DSRSD Vice President Marisol Rubio inquired what plans are in place to bring people along to support potable reuse. Ms. Lee noted that technical studies are proceeding in the Tri-Valley. 4.B. Central San Recycled Water Program Updates (Central San staff) Central San Resource Recovery Program Manager Melody LaBella gave an update on the Central San's Recycled Water Exchange Project. This is a potential partnership between Contra Costa Water District and Valley Water (formerly Santa Clara Valley Water District). The concept is for Central San to produce and distribute recycled water for two refineries located near Central San's wastewater treatment plant that have historically used approximately 10 million gallons per day of raw Delta water from CCWD,thus freeing up a raw water supply that could potentially be delivered to a third-party, such as Valley Water. Los Vaqueros Reservoir could potentially be used to store the water and the future Transfer- Bethany Pipeline could be used to convey the freed-up supply to Valley Water or another interested partner. The current Memorandum of Understanding between Central San, CCWD, and Valley Water is set to expire on June 30, 2022, so Central San will know better at that time if this project will move forward to a feasibility-level evaluation with the current partners. 4.C. DSRSD 2021 Alternative Water Supply Study (DSRSD staff) DSRSD/Central San Liaison Committee Draft Minutes Meeting of December 14, 2021 Page 3 DSRSD Assistant General Manager Jan Lee gave an update on DSRSD's 2021 Alternate Water Supply Study. This study looked at consolidated, updating, and synthesizing information from a number of other studies in the Tri-Valley. Long-term water demands were updated based on latest trends. The 2021 Study summarized multiple local and regional projects that are currently being evaluated. As a result of the 2021 Study,the DSRSD Board adopted a new Water Resiliency policy that supports further study of an array of regional project concepts to bolster water reliability in the Tri-Valley. 4.D. Future Agenda Topics (DSRSD and Central San elected officials' discussion) Central San General Manager Roger Bailey mentioned that Central San is just about to complete its transition from "at large"to "by division" elections, in order to conform with the requirements of the California Voting Rights Act. DSRSD Director Ann Marie Johnson noted that DSRSD is in the process of adjusting its existing voting division boundaries, based on the new federal census data. Mr. Bailey noted that the Liaison Committee should keep talking about recycled water. It would be desirable to meet at least once a year. 5. Next Meeting DSRSD Vice President Marisol Rubio expressed an interest in meeting earlier next year, pending developing of issues on drought conditions. DSRSD General Manager Dan McIntyre noted that a meeting will be scheduled for fall of 2022, to get an update on various recycled water efforts. If drought conditions warrant a Liaison Committee meeting in the March/April time frame,that could be set up by staff from the agencies. There was general consensus by the Liaison Committee that this was a good contingency plan. Staff will schedule one or two meetings in 2022 as appropriate. 6. Adjournment DSRSD Director Ann Marie Johnson wished everybody Happy Holidays and adjourned the meeting at 4:48 p.m.