HomeMy WebLinkAboutReal Estate, Environmental & Planning MINUTES 10-25-21110ENTRAL SAN
Monday, October 25, 2021
9:00 a.m.
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Mike McGill
Member Barbara Hockett
Dave Richardson, Woodward & Curran (left after Item 6.a.)
President Pro Tent
PHONE: (925) 228-9500
FAX.- (925) 372-0192
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (joined during Item 5.a.)
Jean -Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left after Item 4.b)
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regularoty Compliance Division Manager
Mary Lou Esparza, Laboratory Program Administrator
Blake Brown, Supervising Chemist
Dan Frost, Senior Engineer (joined during Item 5.a.)
Russ Leavitt, Engineering Assistant III (left during Item 6.b.)
Dee Dee Barrett, Administrative Services Assistant
1. Notice
This meeting was held virtually in accordance with the Brown Act provisions stipulated
in Assembly Bill (AB) 361 and adopted by the Central San Board of Directors on
September 30, 2021, via Resolution 2021-052, effective for the month of October
2021. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could participate
in the meeting.
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October 25, 2021
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2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
3. Public Comments
4. Consent Calendar
a. Review draft Position Paper to authorize a property purchase agreement and
adopt Resolution No. 2021- accepting a Grant Deed and Grant of Easement
from Rethink Green LLC (District Project 8457 — Parcels 1A, 1 B, and 2).
Chair McGill requested a title be added to each of the maps to be able to
properly identify them. Ms. Gemmell advised that Attachment 1 represents the
right-of-way that will be purchased in the fee title; Attachment 2 shows the
permanent easements purchased; and Attachment 3 depicts a temporary
construction easement.
b. Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution No. 2021- authorizing
execution of a quitclaim deed for properties located at 1535 Diablo Vista Road
in Alamo, as listed on Exhibit A to the Resolution; and authorizing staff to
record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder
In response to a question posed by Chair McGill, Ms. Gemmell advised that
older easements are dedicated to the District and done in a different way;
hence, the quitclaim process is needed for this matter.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval
5. Items for Board Recommendation
a.* Review proposed Guiding Principles for Satellite Water Recycling Facility
(SWRF) Projects
Mr. Petit reviewed the presentation attached and received feedback from the
Committee Members on the proposed Guiding Principles.
Guiding Principle 1
Member Hockett suggested "cities and towns" be included as to who would
benefit from the projects to receive broader overarching entities.
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October 25, 2021
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Chair McGill confirmed that the District will consider the total flow calculation of
the flow diverted by a SWRF prior to billing the cities of Concord or Clayton.
Mr. Petit concurred.
Guiding Principle 2
Mr. Bailey stated that in reference to entities having the jurisdictions, all
parties, including applicable cities, must be in agreement and address all
project related concerns.
Guiding Principle 3
Member Hockett inquired how the District will prove to people there is not
enough sewer water flow in the pipe and questioned whether a study had been
completed. Mr. Petit responded that the District has sewer modeling software
but requires the developer to do its own survey to measure the sewer flow
during dry weather in order to figure out the desired diversion location. Central
San can offer historical diversion data.
In response to a question from Chair McGill, Mr. Petit stated that the satellite
projects are not Central San projects; and, although supportive of the project, it
is the developer's project and would be their responsibility to resolve a matter
of location and confirming that the flow in their proposed diversion structure
meets their desired requirements.
In response to a question posed by Chair McGill, Mr. Petit advised that in the
District Code there is a provision for a minimum flow of two feet per second
that is to be maintained in a gravity sewer pipe.
Chair McGill stated that he likes these types of projects but is concerned about
the supply not being available and the District needs to come up with a way to
get ahead to evaluate and measure this issue.
Guiding Principle 4
Member Hockett suggested LED ultra -violet technology for the satellite
facilities. Mr. Petit stated that option would most likely take care of the
disinfection once the technology is available commercially. However, there are
concerns about membranes and byproduct issues, such as sludge and
chemical cleaning.
Chair McGill and Member Hockett reiterated adding other facilities, such as
parks, to the listing shown in item D2 in this guiding principle section.
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October 25, 2021
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Guiding Principle 5
Member Hockett asked if parameters could be added to limit the construction
schedule of a SWRF, so that the projects are actually completed in a timely
manner. Mr. Petit stated that the construction is the responsibility of the
developer and that the timeline is their prerogative.
Chair McGill suggested adding verbiage to the guiding principle regarding
abandonment and who is responsible for the cost. Mr. Petit indicated that this
would typically be covered in an operations and maintenance agreement once
the project is completed to address any long-term concerns.
Chair McGill expressed his concern regarding entering into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) on a one-year basis. He suggested doing a long-term
MOU with checkpoints. Mr. Petit advised that staff is trying to avoid MOU's that
contain no end dates.
There was a discussion regarding other agencies who participate in satellite
Responding to a suggestion posed by Chair McGill, Mr. Petit stated that a
paragraph will be added to the beginning of the guiding principles to
emphasize the valuable resource of recycled water.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed, provided input, and recommended
Board consideration.
6. Other Items
a. Receive update on Lamorinda Recycled Water Project (Shell Pipeline)
Mr. Petit reviewed the memorandum included in the agenda packet. He stated
that staff will conduct a feasibility study that includes the cost and how many
people the pipeline could serve. Woodward & Curran will be working with staff
to create a scope of work that will be presented to the Committee for further
In response to a question posed by Member Hockett, Mr. Petit advised that the
integrity of the pipe will require significant infrastructure upgrades and could be
fairly expensive to complete.
Chair McGill advised that this pipeline has been discussed with his liaison
cities and questioned whether it was theoretically possible to use this pipeline
for recycled water delivery.
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October 25, 2021
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Member Hockett stated that the discussion of this pipeline has been going on
for the past 25 years and believes it will take a lot of time and money and
would not be a viable source.
Mr. Bailey stated that once the condition of the pipeline is better understood,
staff will need direction from the Board as to how to proceed. He advised the
Committee that he will meet with the General Manager of East Bay Municipal
Utility District to discuss recycled water this week.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
b. Receive update on Microplastics
Ms. Esparza reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials. She
provided a short clip of a training video, composed by employees Joseph
Zumbo and Jim Wan, showing the set-up of a collection apparatus and sample
Ms. Esparza answered questions posed by Committee Members.
Both Committee Members expressed appreciation for the presentation and the
training video.
Mr. Bailey requested this presentation also be presented to the Central San
Managers Forum.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Receive written report on the most recent meetings of the Bay Area Clean
Water Agencies (BACWA)
Ms. Schectel reviewed the report provided in the agenda materials.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
7. Announcements
Mr. Bailey provided a quick summary of the outcome from the storm that occurred
yesterday stating that power was lost at the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station and
only a minimal amount of overflow occurred. At the treatment plant, during peak flow,
there was diversion to the basins. Mr. Bailey expressed his sincere appreciation to all
staff, and the great teamwork, that helped mitigate the situation and minimized
adverse impacts.
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October 25, 2021
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8. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other
future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
9. Future Scheduled Meetings
Monday, November 15, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. (Special)
Monday, December 6, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.
10. Adjournment — at 11:14 a.m.