HomeMy WebLinkAbout00.a. (Handout) Written Public Comments (read into the record) Public Comments (Handout) 10-21-21 From: Central San To: Secretary of the District Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1044-Scott Swan Comment 1 of 10 Date: October 21,2021 10:20:27 AM 117 1 1 1 1. • • � COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1044 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 10:20am I wish to submit a written comment. I am an employee at CSO writing to address the board on the subject of mandating vaccinations without the option of testing. By now it has become clear that the board and Central San will not be entertaining the idea of not imposing a vaccine mandate. The subject however of not giving a testing option is something that myself and others would strongly wish you to reconsider. You are saying it is to protect ourselves and others, you are thinking it is for our best interest. But you are wrong. When you believe you know better than us on what is best for our bodies and families than you have crossed the line from elected official to tyrant. You are not God. You should not have these powers. When the pandemic began we saw no concern from management for our health, it took months before any action was taken. We worked through the whole thing. Dealt with the worst of the public ridicule and worked through any haphazard restrictions to get the job done. Any compensation for braving what we did not know at the time? Quite the opposite. My pay was cut for calls I received blatantly ignoring our MOU. Now though, we do know things, we are able to make educated decisions. And many of us have made the decision that the vaccine is not right for us. To deny us the opportunity to continue our careers that we have poured our lives into because of a choice you five have made is a horrible atrocity that I hope haunts you all. Give us a choice, give us freedom to test, and please don't strip the bright future we were promised from us. My speech/comment is not about an item on the Agenda. I wish to address the Board during the PUBLIC COMMENT item on the agenda. [item number] Submitted by: Scott Swan You are receiving this e-mail because you signed up at our website: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If you did not sign up, or you are receiving this message in error, please contact us so we can promptly resolve the problem. From: Central San To: Secretary of the District Comment 2 of 10 Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1045-Marcus Dahlund Date: October 21,2021 11:38:20 AM 8 LMM :. • • COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1045 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 11:38am I wish to submit a written comment. Board of Directors, My name is Marcus Dahlund and I am a Crew Member at CSO. In March of 2020 when shutdowns went into effect there were a lot of unknowns and this virus was said to be extremely deadly and transmissible. We now know that to be untrue. At the beginning of all this CSO was put on rotating shifts and crews would work one week and have two weeks off. That lasted two months before everyone was back at work full time. CSO has been operating at capacity maintaining the system throughout the entire pandemic with very few positive cases. When positive cases would arise contact tracing would be done and possible positives would be sent home until a negative test result was provided. This has been the standard for 18 months now and has been extremely effective at stopping the spread. As it stands now there remains 15 unvaccinated employees within CSO and not a single vaccinated employee has issue with that. It is your right as an American to choose what you put into your body. Quite a few of my coworkers have had Covid-19 and made a full recovery within a weeks time. A good majority of those employees were vaccinated prior to contracting the virus as well. Why is it they should be required to be vaccinated for a virus they already have natural antibodies for? Forcing a vaccine on an unwilling employee is only going to create more animosity, friction, and divisiveness in the workplace. By definition a vaccine makes the host immune to the foreign body which means they can no longer contract or spread the virus. By definition this "vaccine" is not a vaccine at all. It is a known fact that the vaccinated still contract and spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated. So what is the point? Vaccines that are administered to children in the US have been so for decades with no known short term or long term adverse effects. They have decades of research and development behind them. This Covid-19 shot has approximately eight months. mRNA vaccines are a newer method of vaccinating that have not went through proper research and development to even understand what the long term effects may be. If the district is all of a sudden so concerned with employee health and testing has been a proven method to stop transmission this past year and a half then why is it suddenly no good? Why when CaIOSHA, the governor of California or the president of the United States has not passed any law or legislation mandating the vaccine are we jumping to be the first? Why is it that the board think it's even remotely okay to force their ideals on employees with no say in the matter? Why is it we are being harassed and threatened with our livelihood if we don't comply with unreasonable demands? If the vaccine is effective then those who chose to be vaccinated should be safe, right? So why is it that the others will be forced to do the same? The answer is simple: To save face and look like we're trying to make a difference. We'll you're not and it's not working. I know the district invests a lot of time and money in their employees and in the two years I've been employed here I've met a lot of guys I consider brothers. To think they may not be by my side come the new year due to this ridiculous policy and the decision making of the board is saddening and I ask you to reconsider your decisions and allow testing to continue for those who are unvaccinated. Thank you for your time. -Marcus Dahlund My speech/comment is about an item on the Agenda. I have provided the Agenda Item Number below. 1 Submitted by: Marcus Dahlund MDahlund@centralsan.org CCCSD 5019 Imhoff Rd. Martinez, CA94553 9255506394 From: Central San Comment 3 of 10 To: Secretary of the District Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1046-Jason Brown Date: October 21,2021 12:04:52 PM 8 COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1046 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:04pm I wish to submit a written comment. I have been worked the district for 10 years now and it is a great place to work. I work with a great group of people that although all have different backgrounds and sometimes opinions, we all come together and have one anothers back to keep eachother and the public safe. Since Covid hit almost 2 years ago, although we had a period of shift changes and a small amount of rotated time off, we all came to work and kept CentralSan running and the environment safe. Now, I understand that the Covid vaccine has played a huge role in reducing severe covid symptoms in some people, and am not against the vaccine at all. I just personally feel that after extensive amounts of research, it is not for everyone and should not be forced upon anyone. As we all know, even the vaccinated can contract and spread the virus. The survival rate of Covid always has been and still is over 99.5%. 80% of severe complications and deaths are in people that are obese or have comorbities. That being said, take 80% from that .5% survival rate and you now have .1%. Yes, healthy people with no underlying conditions have 1/10th of 1% chance of death from this virus. So instead of focusing on forcing healthy individuals to inject something into their body, or lose their way of providing for their family, why don't we focus on making sure those that need it get it. This is nothing more than a flu shot. It does not kill the virus and until we create a vaccine that does, Covid will continue to mutate and soon just become the next "flu". The very first year of influenza killed 50 Million people, Covid killed less than 5 Million last year. To this day the flu still kills 50,000/yr. Why, because the vaccine does not kill the virus, and neither does the Covid vaccine. This is an endemic, the pandemic has been over for quite some time now. All of that being said, I myself am very healthy, but have a small condition of my own. I was born with an irregular heartbeat and still have one. I have never had a problem with it and would like to keep it that way. I have asked my doctors opinion twice now about getting the vaccine. He tells I should get it because Covid could be worse, but states that is only his opinion and I am responsible for the outcome either way. Fair enough. Its MY CHOICE. The media and just about every advertisement out there tells us to get vaccinated, but again, only you are responsible for the outcome. Not sure if you all are aware of this but OSHA now does not require employers to report adverse effects of the vaccine, if an employer mandates it, until May of 2022. Why is that? Osha is not taking any responsibility, AND telling employers that they will also not hold them liable. My question for the board is are you willing to hold the liability for all of us? Everyone wants to give their strong opinion and/or have the power to enforce it, but nobody wants to take responsibility if a bad reaction occurs. More and more cases of Myocarditis and Pericarditis are occurring every day from the vaccine, and although they are rare, so are deaths from Covid. These complications lead to irregular heartbeat, which I mentioned I have, and from there, heart failure. My question for the board is, since nobody else is willing to be held accountable, and you would like the power to force the vaccine upon the unwilling, are you willing to be liable? And if so, are you willing to put that in writing for every one of us? Remember, while yes you are part of a board that runs a very large sewer district, you are also just regular citizens voted in by a small amount of our districts population. Do you honestly think you should hold that kind of power over another human being and their family? My speech/comment is about an item on the Agenda. I have provided the Agenda Item Number below. 1 Submitted by: Jason Brown westdelta@comcast.net CCCSD 5019 Imhoff PI. 925-766-4428 You are receiving this e-mail because you signed up at our website: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If you did not sign up, or you are receiving this message in error, please contact us so we can promptly resolve the problem. From: Central San To: Secretary of the District Comment 4 of 10 Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1047-russ salva Date: October 21,2021 12:10:31 PM 8 LMM 1• • •1 01-N-1 mommum COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1047 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:10pm I wish to submit a written comment. we the people have the right to make our own health decisions ,the district does not have the righr to impose treir personal beliefs on whats good for our health. this mandate is simply a recommendation theres nothing set in legal format theres nothing that has been written down at all everybody knows this so how do you think you have the right to enforce a suggestion i do not understand this theres no proof that the vaccine works or is health for you in fact you can still catch it an spred it vaccinated or not so no matter what we are still going to be at risk of getting it .other districts are giving the option of testing weekly im under the impression that your not goin to allow us to do that why why are you taking it away if we already had to do it before..i Ike my job verey much but now i have to choose my health or my job an this is just wrog on every level theres no proof that any of this is anygood or healthy for us. thank you My speech/comment is about an item on the Agenda. I have provided the Agenda Item Number below. 14 Submitted by: russ salva cso From: Central San Comment 5 of 10 To: Secretary of the District Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1048-Jason Crowe Date: October 21,2021 12:20:20 PM 8 1 1 1• • • � COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1048 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:20pm I wish to submit a written comment. CentralSan Board I would like to stand in solidarity with my coworkers and express whole- heartily I am against the forthcoming mandate on employees to receive the vaccine. I believe we should be able to retain our freedom of choice. We are approaching 20 months of living and working within this pandemic and the large majority has remained healthy. The vaccine continues to show that it is not effective. The vaccine continues to decrease in effectiveness and most of the 'facts' we have been given concerning the vaccine have been shown to be false. Please give each of us the right to choose and make our own decisions about our own bodies. My speech/comment is about an item on the Agenda. I have provided the Agenda Item Number below. 1 Submitted by: Jason Crowe jcrowe@centralsan.org CCCSD 5019 Imhoff PI Martinez Ca 94553 925 260 0261 From: Central San Comment 6 of 10 To: Secretary of the District Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1049-Chris Johnsen Date: October 21,2021 12:21:35 PM 8 COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1049 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:21 pm I wish to submit a written comment. When this pandemic started, we at CSO were asked to show up every day and perform our tasks because we were deemed essential employees. At first there was some concern as nobody knew for sure what was going to happen. But we did so, with some minor tweaks and precautions to the normal routine, to keep us safe. When the Exposure Prevention Plan was approved, by you the board, and put into place, it worked. Masking, social distancing, staggering shifts, riding in separate vehicles, using Microsoft teams for meetings, Target Solutions to keep up on needed training, we didn't skip a beat. We continued to perform at a high level, as we always do, and as a matter of fact we are on pace to have another record low year for overflows. Of Covid cases we have had at CSO, there has been no employee to employee spread. If there was any kind of person-to-person contact, we followed the Exposure Prevention Plan's protocol's, and again, it worked. A big part of that plan is testing. So here we are, 20 months later, 20 months, and you, the board, are mandating the vaccine. A mandate that many here at CSO, BOTH, vaccinated and un-vaccinated feel is completely unnecessary. The protocol's we've implemented have worked. With that, I think we all can assume that employees that have not been vaccinated to this point, didn't plan on getting vaccinated. For those employee's why not offer testing twice a week in lieu of the vaccine? It's been proven that it works. For what ever personal reasons they have for not getting this vaccine, why not respect their choice or their beliefs? It's been quoted that "all Central San employees are essential" so if they don't abide by this mandate, are they no longer considered essential? It seems that way. Sincerely, Chris Johnsen, Maintenance Supervisor Ed Silva, Maintenance Supervisor Steve Sauter, Field Operations Superintendent My speech/comment is about an item on the Agenda. I have provided the Agenda Item Number below. 14 Submitted by: Chris Johnsen CSO You are receiving this e-mail because you signed up at our website: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If you did not sign up, or you are receiving this message in error, please contact us so we can promptly resolve the problem. From: Central San Comment 7 of 10 To: Secretary of the District Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1050-Mike Rosen Date: October 21,2021 12:27:18 PM 117 COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1050 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:27pm I wish to submit a written comment. To the Sanitary District Board, I am writing this to encourage you to reconsider your position on weekly testing. My fellow brothers in orange and I have been working this whole time almost two years now incident free. There has been no employee to employee infection at CSO. The protocols that are in place are working. The president of the United States specifically said get vaccinated or do weekly testing making an allowance for the small number of people for medical or religious reasons. We are simply asking to please reconsider your earlier decision about weekly testing. In addition to that whether or not you are vaccinated you can still get sick, make other people sick, still have to wear a mask, and still have to social distance. So how much does the vaccine really help? Please bring back weekly testing. Thank you for your time. My speech/comment is about an item on the Agenda. I have provided the Agenda Item Number below. 1 Submitted by: Mike Rosen mrosen@centralsan.org CCCSD 5019 Imhoff PI. Martinez, CA 94553 You are receiving this e-mail because you signed up at our website: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If you did not sign up, or you are receiving this message in error, please contact us so we can promptly resolve the problem. From: Central San To: Secretary of the District Comment 8 of 10 Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1051-Jose Vega Date: October 21,2021 12:47:59 PM 8 COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1051 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:47pm I wish to submit a written comment. First and foremost, let me state that I am not an anti-vax person. If were, I would be against anyone receiving a vaccine. If you want a vaccine, I totally support your choice and your right to receive one. In exchange, I would appreciate your respect and support for my right to support my own beliefs and not put something into my body, that I don't believe in. This vaccine is not like previous vaccines. It is a new technology that was rushed through development and testing with no track record of long-term detriments, some of which have already proven to be life changing, if not life ending. It is clearly evident the FDA has been under intense pressure to fast-track approval of this vaccine. This leaves me with many questions, here are just a few: It has been scientifically proven that the COVID Vaccine does not prevent COVID, so why is there such horrible and personally invasive insistence on this vaccine? It is being touted that if you get COVID after having the vaccine, that it will keep the virus from becoming severe and lowering hospital rates... Where is the science to prove that? How exactly can it be proven? This virus affects each individual differently, so to prove that it will help prevent cases from becoming severe, it would have to be tested in the same individual, which, of course, is impossible. There is absolutely no science to support that the vaccine will help prevent cases from becoming severe. However, there is science that supports that the vaccine does not prevent COVID, and there is science to support that there are many injuries and death from this vaccine. It is stated that the vaccine will give you protection after two weeks from the second shot. If this is true, why do they discourage all antibody testing even after you have completed their protocol?? Why is there a booster needed? This would suggest that if the shot does give you any antibodies that it is, at best, a short-term protection. The vaccine is engineered against one protein of the virus and has shown any immunity provided has waned over a short period, hence advocating for booster shots. Antibodies produced after the virus have proven to be against at least five proteins and has tested at 95% at eight months out and still counting. Please do not misunderstand, I am not by any means recommending getting this virus for natural antibodies, but to discount the benefits of natural immunity would be absurd. As of Oct. 8, 2021, VAERS shows a staggering 798,634 COVID shot injuries have been reported. That's in addition to the 79,669 hospitalizations, 16,766 deaths and thousands of miscarriages caused by the vaccine. The risks have proven to be high, the decision to risk this vaccine should be personal. This has become a very hot and emotional topic for many. We all have read the literature on the positives of the vaccine, which leads me to ask how many people have read the negative reports on this vaccine? Unless you research and read both sides, you are falling into conformational bias. There are numerous rational ways to handle this divide. Here are a few simple ones... - Many people have been successfully working from home. There is no reason that these people should not continue to do so. - Masks and distancing have proven to substantially reduce risk, this must be continued even after vaccine, as the vaccine has been proven to not prevent COVID. Since this must be continued either way, why is the vaccine so important? - Antibody titer numbers could be used instead of vaccine status. - Weekly at home testing. Your time and diligence in researching these issues would be appreciated Thank you. - Jose Vega - My speech/comment is about an item on the Agenda. I have provided the Agenda Item Number below. 14 COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE Submitted by: Jose Vega jvega@centralsan.org Central San 5019 Imhoff Place 9259577623 From: Central San Comment 9 of 10 To: Secretary of the District Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1052-WILSON BROOKS Date: October 21,202101:08:57 PM COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1052 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 1:08pm I wish to submit a written comment. LETS GO BARBARA! My speech/comment is not about an item on the Agenda. I wish to address the Board during the PUBLIC COMMENT item on the agenda. [item number] Submitted by: WILSON BROOKS You are receiving this e-mail because you signed up at our website: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If you did not sign up, or you are receiving this message in error, please contact us so we can promptly resolve the problem. From: Central San Comment 10 of 10 To: Secretary of the District Subject: SPEAKER/COMMENT CARD ID#1053-Roxanne Goward Date: October 21,202101:35:27 PM 8 COMMENT/SPEAKER CARD ID#1053 Submitted on Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 1:35pm I wish to submit a written comment. Members of the Board, I have looked over the credentials of all board members. While your achievements are impressive, none of you are physicians. Therefore, I am confused as to why the board believes it has the right to impose medical decisions upon Central San employees? Even if any one of you were a doctor, you would have to be the doctor of any employee to make that recommendation to them, as your patient. Again, none of you are medical physicians. Our freedom to choose what we put in our bodies is solely ours. Not the governments, not members of a board and not even our own doctors. We have the right to refuse medical advice at any time we are under the care of a physician. People have many reasons as to why they are willing or not willing to put something into their body. It is their choice. It should not be a choice made by ones employer. In fact, if you demand employees to be vaccinated or to lose their job, you have made no choice to them. Are employees to go to the board when they or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer or another disease or disorder and ask what the board recommends? Absolutely not. Again, you are not physicians. Trying to give medical recommendations and advice to your employees is reckless and possibly illegal. You have dedicated employees who have worked from the start of COVID, ensuring the plant operates efficiently and effectively. Let us not all forget what kind of a plant this is. The risk of disease is always out there, from the beginning of time. Central San employees work with human waste on a day to day basis. Not all of them, but it is a wastewater plant after all. Forcing a vaccine on someone can go against their religion, their beliefs, past experiences from the medical field and a plethora of other reasons. By not giving employees a choice is stripping them of their rights. If this is imposed, is the board willing to take responsibility for any adverse reactions from the vaccine? The choice is clear. Be vaccinated, or be homeless. Many employees are husbands, wives, fathers and mothers who provide for their families. What then, if you abuse your power and try and force a medical decision that should be made intimately between a patient and their doctor, are employees who provide for their families to do? Some are not able to replace their current occupation just like that. Please show your employees that they have meaning. That they matter. That they are an asset to Central San and that the plant would not operate and function without them. Stop trying to dictate any employees medical decisions. That is not your job and you are not qualified to make those decisions. You were not elected to infiltrate employees sacred choice of their medical wishes. Do what you were elected for. Sincerely, Roxanne Goward My speech/comment is not about an item on the Agenda. I wish to address the Board during the PUBLIC COMMENT item on the agenda. [item number] Submitted by: Roxanne Goward roxie18@sbcglobal.net 3305 Serpentine Drive 9252075348 You are receiving this e-mail because you signed up at our website: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. If you did not sign up, or you are receiving this message in error, please contact us so we can promptly resolve the problem.