HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b. Receive FY2020-21 Strategic Plan Tracking Reports - Third QuarterItem 5.b. May 4, 2021 T O: A D MI NI S T R AT I O N C O MMI T T E E F RO M :C HR I S T I NA G E E, MA NA G E ME NT A NA LYS T RE V IE WE D B Y:P HI L I P L E I B E R , D I R E C TO R O F F I NA NC E A ND A D MI NI S T R AT I O N R O G E R S. B A I L E Y, G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: R E C E I V E F I S C A L YE A R 2020-21 S T R AT E G I C P L A N T R A C K I NG R E P O RT S - T HI R D Q UA RT E R Attached are the Strategic P lan Trackers f or the third quarter of F iscal Year (F Y) 2020-21, the first year of C entral San's F Y 2020-22 Strategic P lan. T hese reports provide an update on the progress on each goal and strategy through the f ulf illment of the key success measures (K S Ms) and the key metrics. Per the C ommittee's request, last f iscal year's quarterly performance has been included for metrics that are On Hold / Delayed / At R isk or Of f Track. T he color legend is defined as follows for each tracker: B L UE – Completed Key Metrics Tracker: Target was met for the F Y K S Ms Tracker: K S M was fulfilled G RE E N – On T rack / Revised Approach Key Metrics Tracker: Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured dif f erently from how it is written in the Strategic P lan but preserving the intent K S Ms Tracker: K S M is in progress or being done differently f rom how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent Y E L L O W – On Hold / D elayed / At Risk Key Metrics Tracker: A bility to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable K S Ms Tracker: K S M is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable RE D – Off T rack Key Metrics Tracker: Target is in danger of not being met f or the F Y K S Ms Tracker: K S M is in danger of not being f ulf illed by J une 30, 2022. Staf f will be available at the meeting to answer questions. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 55 of 91 Page 1 of 31 AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. K ey Success Measures Tracker 2. K ey Metrics Tracker May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 56 of 91 Page 2 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 1 GOAL 1 - CUSTOMER AND COMMUNITY Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputation in the Community Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Deliver high-quality customer service Provide core service of treating wastewater, along with value-added programs to go above and beyond in service to customers. Continue to assess customer satisfaction, awareness, and preferred methods of receiving information. Barnett Ongoing and consistent. Respond in a timely manner to requests for service. Seitz Ongoing. See Key Metrics Tracker for response times. Receive high marks on customer satisfaction surveys for Collection System Operations (CSO), Capital Projects, Permit Counter, and other services. Seitz / Lopez / Gemmell See Key Metrics Tracker for customer satisfaction ratings. Continue to administer customer-facing programs such as the Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Recycled Water Fill Station programs. Schectel Minimize impacts to residents and businesses during capital projects, construction work, and maintenance. Hold informational community meetings for all major sewer renovation projects, including outreach to officials of the impacted cities/county. Barnett Q1/Q2: Meetings will be held Qs 3 & 4 for 2021 projects. Q3: Informational letters and an online video presentation were provided in place of an in-person workshop for the South Orinda Sewer Renovations Project Phase 8. Additional letters will be sent in Q4 for other projects. Meet individually with property owners and/or tenants on projects involving private easements. Barnett Q1/Q2: Meetings will be held Qs 3 & 4 for 2021 projects. Q3: Phone conversations and individual meetings were held as needed for projects in Orinda and Walnut Creek. Troubleshoot and resolve construction issues as rapidly as possible. Barnett Q1/Q2/Q3: Meet or spoke with customers as needed to resolve issues. Operate and govern with transparency. Renew California Special District Leadership Foundation Transparency Certificate of Excellence. Young Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4/Year-End: Up to date until Fall 2021. Update website with the latest Board meeting agendas, public notices, financial documents, and other content. Young / Barnett Q1/Q2/Q3: Uploaded content as needed. Practice principles of Brown Act and Ethics training. All Managers Respond to Public Records Act requests promptly. Young May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 57 of 91 Page 3 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 2 GOAL 1 - CUSTOMER AND COMMUNITY Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputation in the Community Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Maintain a positive reputation Form and maintain relationships with federal, state, and local elected officials and stakeholders. Meet regularly with elected officials and stakeholders. Barnett Q1: Elected officials have been met with in group meetings as part of new Shelter in Place standards. Q2: Board members attending virtual meetings where electeds are participating in. Q3: With pandemic in person and council meeting presentations on hold. Zoom fatigue is most common reasoning hoping to keep meetings short. Smaller meetings and once restrictions are lightened, this will resume to normal. Plan a customer engagement signature event to coincide with Central San’s 75th anniversary. Barnett Q1: Potential COVID-19 impact. Q2: Scheduled to present to Admin Committee and Board on for 75th. Q3: Development of virtual 75th Anniversary Celebration site is underway. Support Board Member engagement with elected officials and stakeholders through presentations, events, and meetings. Barnett Q1/Q2: Presentations continue under guidelines and meetings as part of new Shelter in Place standards. Q3: With pandemic in person and council meeting presentations on hold. Zoom fatigue is most common reasoning hoping to keep meetings short. Smaller meetings and once restrictions are lightened, this will resume to normal. Increase understanding and support for key initiatives, programs, and services. Conduct facility tours and speaker’s bureau presentations highlighting infrastructure investments. Barnett See Key Metrics Tracker for number of people served through tours and presentations. Develop videos and public service announcements to communicate environmental messages and other information. Barnett Q1: Supported Pollution Prevention Week with PSAs airing on our local CCTV channel and created a video for the Sustainable Contra Costa Awards gala. Q2: Aired 504 PSA commercial spots for 2 weeks during Thanksgiving, urging customers to recycle their cooking oil at HHW. Reached 62.6% of households in our service area. Q3: Developed student education, externship and 75th anniversary videos. Create engaging customer publications and brochures. Barnett Q1: Developed Fall Pipeline customer newsletter with essential service & innovation theme.Q2: Fall Pipeline newsletter mailed to all customers. Q3: Production of Pipeline customer newsletter is underway. Expand media relations, including social media. Barnett Q1: Continued to monitor and grow YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers and impressions. Also promoted CVRA and Virtual Plant Tour through traditional media. Q2: Continued to monitor and grow YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers and impressions. Q3: Continued to monitor and grow YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram followers and impressions. Expanded social outreach on LinkedIn. Distributed two news releases. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 58 of 91 Page 4 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 3 GOAL 1 - CUSTOMER AND COMMUNITY Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputation in the Community Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Host the citizens’ academy, Central San Academy, annually. Gee Q1: 2020 Academy postponed due to COVID-19. Q2: Academy not held in 2020 but planning a virtual session in spring 2021. Q3: Virtual Spring 2021 session scheduled for April 21 and 22 with 56 sign-ups thus far. Develop industry-leading student education programs and implement classroom and community education events. Barnett See Key Metrics Tracker for number of students served through education programs. Support member organizations and sister agencies. Take leadership roles in, participate in, attend meetings of, and share lessons learned from industry organizations. All Managers Q3: Staff gave a webinar via BAYWORK on lessons learned during the process of upgrading Cityworks. Serve on oral boards, grant mutual aid through CalWARN, and provide other assistance as requested. All Managers Continue to achieve recognition highlighting industry-leading work through member organization programs. All Managers May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 59 of 91 Page 5 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 4 GOAL 2 – ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainability Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Achieve 100% Compliance in All Regulations Comply with all applicable regulations. Meet or surpass all wastewater discharge, air, and recycled water requirements. Weer Continue to attain National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Platinum Peak Performance Awards. Weer Q1: ¾ of calendar year 2020 complete. Q2: 2020 complete; eligible for Platinum 23. Minimize sanitary sewer overflows through optimized rehabilitation, replacement, and cleaning. Seitz Ongoing. See Key Metrics Tracker for statistics. Complete infrastructure improvements required to meet regulations. Bid the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project. Lopez Q1: Solids Project Design scheduled to be received Green by Nov. 1st for final review. Q2: Scheduled to bid Feb. 22. Inspect and maintain the outfall. Lopez Q1: Outfall has been dewatered, inspected, tested, and repairs to be completed by November. Q2/Q3/Q4/Year-End: Completed. Complete assessment of the Steam and Aeration Blower Renovation Project. Gemmell / Goel Q1: Steam Project Update was provided to E&O Committee on 9/1/20. Q2: On track. Condition assessments are complete. Summarizing the finding in executive summary, Q3: Workshops with Operations to discuss findings; Phase 2 Diffuser project being presented to E&O Committee Actively manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the most cost-effective and responsible manner. Prepare internal monthly GHG emission inventory updates, annual inventory summary, and verification report and submit to California Air Resources Board (CARB) as required. Cheng Q1: CARB verification for 2019 inventory completed 7/30/2020. Q2 and Q3: Completed internal monthly updates. Minimize natural gas usage and maximize landfill gas usage through daily operations and capital improvements for energy efficiency. Weer Anticipate and Prepare for Potential Regulatory Changes Foster relationships with regulatory agencies. Actively participate in meetings of the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies. Schectel Communicate directly and participate in meetings and workshops with regulatory bodies such as the Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Water Resources Control Board, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Environmental Protection Agency, and CARB, as needed. Schectel Track proposed and pending legislation or regulatory changes; plan for possible implementations. Log, analyze, review, and comment on proposed legislation and regulations that have a direct impact on District operations, as appropriate. Barnett Q1/Q2/Q3: Ongoing state and federal leg presentations at Board meetings. Including commenting on Board approved positions on leg. Support key legislative and advocacy initiatives through customer communications and outreach. Barnett Q1: Wipes was focus via Pipeline and social media to support AB 1672 proper wipes labeling bill. Q2: Supporting reintroduction of AB 1672 for 2021-22 Legislative Session. Q3: Reintroduction of wipes legislation and other P2 bills. Central San is the lead on SB 594 amendments to address census data delay. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 60 of 91 Page 6 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 5 GOAL 2 – ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainability Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Incorporate potential impacts of regulatory changes into long-range infrastructure and financing plans. Lopez / Schectel / Gemmell / Leiber Q1: Capital Projects to meet and update any long-range infrastructure plans in 2nd QTR. Financial plans for Solids Project SRF funding is nearing completion for initial agreement. Q2: Financial plan will be updated for March 2021 workshop. No major changes anticipated in projects at this time. Q3: March 25 workshop presented update of plan. No major changes to CIP outlook. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 61 of 91 Page 7 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 6 GOAL 2 – ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainability Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) 1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Support Regional Development of Local Water Supply Explore and advance partnering opportunities. Develop and execute a contract for the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project with Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) (and/or other interested water supply agencies). LaBella Q2: First official Board Liaison meeting between Central San, CCWD and Valley Water took place on November 30, 2020 and will continue quarterly. Q3: Raftelis Financial Consultants hired to complete cost allocation scenarios between Central San and Valley Water. Work with CCWD and the City of Concord to supply recycled water to the Concord Community Reuse Project. Gemmell Q2: Concord is re-initiating the process to engage a new developer. Collaborate with Dublin San Ramon Services District – East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) to allow DERWA to divert raw wastewater from the San Ramon Pumping Station to produce recycled water to meet DERWA’s peak summer irrigation demand. Gemmell / Frost / Cauble Q1: Construction for diversion infrastructure has commenced. Q2: Completed construction and testing. Q3: Accepted facilities and initiated 3-year term for temporary diversion agreement. Facilitate innovative and financially viable recycled water solutions (e.g., the Diablo Country Club demonstration satellite water recycling facility (SWRF)). LaBella Q2: Central San was approached by the Golden Rain Foundation regarding the development of a potential new SWRF to serve the Rossmoor community in Walnut Creek. EBMUD has taken the lead on developing a memorandum of understanding. Continue to provide recycled water to residents and businesses; evaluate and process new customer requests. Bid the Filter Plant renovations project. Lopez Q1: Construction contract for the project was awarded by the Board and the Notice to Proceed was issued on Oct. 13, 2020. Q2/Q3/Q4/Year-End: Completed. Continue to operate and maintain a reliable recycled water distribution system for Zone 1 customers. Gemmell / Foss Continue the Residential Recycled Water Fill Station and Commercial Recycled Water Truck Fill Programs. Gemmell / Foss Reduce Reliance on Non-Renewable Energy Explore opportunities for cost-effective renewable energy generation, conservation, and efficiency. Track and review energy usage; continue to explore ways to optimize efficiency in accordance with Board policies. Meyer / Shima Q1: Energy tracked monthly, work with PG&E on energy efficiency programs. Q2: Ongoing tracking of energy usage and energy efficiency programs. Q3: Ongoing tracking of energy usage, and work with PG&E on energy efficiency programs Replace lighting and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning with newer, more efficient fixtures and equipment at the Martinez campus. Meyer Q1: We are continuing to proceed as time allows. Replaced 10 streetlight heads this quarter in the plant. Mechanical Shop / Warehouse HVAC replacement is in progress. Q2: Working on the Mech Shop HVAC; it should go out for bid in February. Lighting replacement effort consisted of replacing or retrofitting approximately 6 conventional fixtures with new energy efficient LETD fixtures or lamps and ordering and receiving approximately 20 fixtures for future installation. Q3: Electric Shop replaced 25 incandescent emergency light fixtures with new LED fixtures. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 62 of 91 Page 8 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 7 Implement an onsite solar energy project. LaBella Q2: A solar energy Power Purchase Agreement with fully executed with REC Solar on November 24, 2020. Design and CEQA will proceed in Q3. Q3: PG&E Interconnection Agreement executed. Design and CEQA continued. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 63 of 91 Page 9 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 8 GOAL 3 – FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY Manage finances wisely and prudently Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Maintain Financial Stability and Sustainability Conduct long-range financial planning. Mitigate rate increases by leveraging financing opportunities to fund capital needs. Leiber Q1: SRF loan for Solids Handing Project upsized to $183MM, including reimbursement for planning costs; will reduce rate pressure. Interest rate likely to be below 1%. Q2: On track. Feedback provided on draft, and SRF agreement pending with SWRCB. Q3: Presented status of SRF agreement at 3/25 workshop and plan to finance FY 2021-22 CIP for UAAL paydown. Work on that underway. Develop scenarios to utilize debt prudently in financing the 10-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Leiber Q1: Planning alternatives to be presented at 12/17/20 workshop and March 2021 workshop. Additional scenarios under development for presentation in March 2021. Q2: Scenarios to be developed for workshop in Q3. Q3: Scenarios prepared for discussion as needed at 3/25 workshop. Pursue State Revolving Fund loan and grant opportunities, as appropriate. Gemmell Q1: Provided responses to Division of Financial Assistance staff on Solids Application. Q2: On track. Feedback provided on draft, and SRF agreement pending with SWRCB. Q3: On track. SWRCB has confirmed agreement is forthcoming. Issue debt as needed, consistent with Board direction and the debt management policy. Leiber Q1: Continuing to monitor need for 2nd loan or SRF funding after initial SRF loan for Solids Handling Project. Q2: SRF loan pending. Scenarios for Q3 to include other debt financing opportunities. Q3: Bond offering for FY 2021-22 planned. Board update in April/May. Ensure resiliency against recession or other economic events. Fund rate stabilization account with available funds from favorable year-end variances. Mizuno Q1: Funding pursuant to Board approved action commenced in October 2020 with initial contribution of $417k. Total of $1.25M to be contributed by 6/30/21. Q2: Funding continuing monthly as scheduled. Q3: Will present opportunities for variance disposition including to RSA after year end. Outlook good for such opportunities. Adopt pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits funding policy to strive towards full funding of employee-related obligations. Leiber Q1: BP Nos. 41, 42 adopted by Board 9/18/20. Manage costs. Develop budgets in alignment with the Strategic Plan and Risk Mitigation Plan. Mizuno Q1: Budget development for FY 2021-22 commences in January 2021. Q2: Having bi-weekly PBCS design/configuration meetings. Budget schedule developed w/ budgeteer kickoff meeting now scheduled for 2/3/21. Q3: Budget development on track for May 2021 presentation to Board. Pursue opportunities for cost control through efficiencies and new technology. All Managers May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 64 of 91 Page 10 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 9 GOAL 3 – FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY Manage finances wisely and prudently Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Adjust operations and maintenance budgets at rates no greater than the inflation measures used in the 10-Year CIP. Mizuno Q1: Budget development for FY 2021-22 commences in January 2021. Q2: In progress. Budget kickoff meeting scheduled for 2/3. Q3: O&M Budget will be below Financial Plan target. Enforce and continuously review procurement policies to ensure competitive and fair pricing on services and goods. King Q1: New Oracle ERP will provide improved efficiency after stabilization. Q2/Q3: Continued to review procurements to ensure compliance with policies and regulations. Complete annual Benchmarking Study to identify potential gaps. Gee Q1: Initiated FY 2019-20 internal data collection and distributed interagency survey statewide. Q2: Continued collecting data. Q3: Submitted data to AWWA Utility Benchmarking annual survey. Evaluate and apply risk management practices. Develop annual internal audit plans based on risk assessment. Leiber Q1: 2020 Audit Plan adopted, but due to COVID-19 and staff offsite, internal auditor hiring has been deferred. Proceeding in October 2020. Q2: Four candidates for internal auditor interviewed. Second round in late January 2021. Q3: Internal Auditor hired in March. Test and improve internal controls to mitigate risks of loss and improve efficiency and effectiveness. All Managers Q2: Continued to use new Oracle ERP. Went live with Payroll in January 2021. Q3: Internal auditor work will address several areas affected by new ERP and other key internal controls. Identify and implement lessons learned. Deutsch Q1: Current focus on COVID-19 best practices and response plans. Q2/Q3: No change. Reduce average cost of overflow claims. Deutsch Q1: Average cost per overflow claim through Q1 is $1000.00. Q2: Cumulative average cost per overflow claim through Q2 is $6,335. Q3: Cumulative Average cost per overflow claim through Q3 is $7,426 with open reserves. 4 total claims to date, benchmark is <$25,000. Maintain and report on Enterprise Risk Management program and risk inventory. Deutsch Q1: Semi-annual report issued in July 2020; annual report planned for December 2020. Q2: ERM Team met, reviewed and updated strategic risk ranking. Agendized presentation to Board in Q3. Q4: Report provided to Board 4/1/21. Develop and implement an equipment identification and tracking system. Meyer / Gemmell / Goel Q2: On track. Piloting bar coding system.Q3 Bar coding pilot is underway. Q3: A pilot project has begun including 110 assets to have Asset Bar Code Tags attached to them. O&M staff will easily be able to scan the asset bar codes, and quickly create an accurate WO in Cityworks. The tags types have been selected, and are currently being procured. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 65 of 91 Page 11 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 10 GOAL 3 – FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY Manage finances wisely and prudently Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Ensure Integrity and Transparency in Financial Management Confirm rate structure and fees are consistent with cost of service principles. Conduct annual review of rates and fees. Gemmell Q1/Q2: Scheduled for Q3. Q3: Completed. Will present to Finance Committee in April. Perform annual review of non-residential customers to ensure current and consistent billing information and charges. Gemmell Q1/Q2: Scheduled for Q3. Q3: Completed. Will present to Finance Committee in April. Deliver reliable and relevant financial information. Issue the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report no later than six months following the end of the fiscal year. Mizuno Q1: On track. Q2: Done. Accepted by Board December 2020. Also submitted GFOA award application. Conduct regular internal and external financial audits. Mizuno / Leiber Q1: External financial statement audit on track. Internal audits on hold. Q2: Financial statement audit/CAFR completed without findings. Internal audits still on hold. Q3: Internal auditor on board effective March 2021. Earn the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Mizuno Q1: GFOA CAFR Award received for FY 2018-19 in October 2020. Q2: No updates. Distinguished budget award for FY 2020-21 submitted; could receive in Q4. Q3: No update. Leverage enterprise resource planning (ERP) technology to produce accurate, timely, and meaningful reports and dashboards. Mizuno Q1: On track. Monthly and Quarterly reports produced. Dashboards underway. Q2: Work underway for final modules including budget and payroll. Q3: Payroll and budget modules went live in Q3. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 66 of 91 Page 12 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 11 GOAL 4 – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Proactively Plan for Future Operational Staffing Needs Continue to develop employees to meet their full potential and to fill future leadership roles. Formalize an Organizational Development and Talent Management unit within Human Resources (HR). O’Malley Q1: Completed. Management Analyst transferred to HR to oversee and develop organizational development and talent management initiatives. Acquire a centralized learning management system to track training. O’Malley Q1/Q2/Q3: Will be considered once ERP implementation is completed. Explore career and professional development opportunities (e.g., job shadowing and rotation) to expand employees’ skills to meet changing workforce needs. O’Malley Continue the Leadership and Supervisory Academies and Mentorship Program. O’Malley Q1/Q2: Mentorship Program will likely be extended to allow more time to meet and complete projects. 2020 Supervisory Academy was postponed due to COVID-19. Q3: Mentorship Program is on schedule and will end as originally planned in August 2021. Supervisory Academy is being planned to be offered in early 2022. Encourage staff to obtain technical certifications, such as Certified Reliability Leader. Meyer Q1: 2 staff obtained CRL certification, total 7 staff presently certified. Certified in UE, and registered for MLT and Vib.Q#: Q3: 3 Staff members have asked to receive the CRL training and testing, 1 staff member received their CWEA Grade 3 Mechanical Technologist, and 1 staff member obtained their Grade 1 Electrical and Instrumentation Tech certification. Continue to host and participate in multiagency development programs for staff from Central San and sister agencies. O’Malley Q3: Became an active participant in the BAYWORK-sponsored Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion group, including staff working toward certification in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace. Enhance Central San’s ability to recruit staff who exhibit the organization’s values. Expand the internship program placements to cross-disciplinary positions. O’Malley Continue participation in workforce development activities. O’Malley Q1: Worked with BAYWORK to launch a new website with training resources. Q2: Externship Program developed for college students nationwide. Q3: Held first Externship Program virtually for 45 college students and recent graduates nationwide. Foster Relationships across All Levels of Central San Cultivate a positive work culture. Perform an employee engagement survey to develop a baseline; evaluate and implement viable suggestions. O’Malley Q1/Q2/Q3: Project is on hold. Promote a sense of community through events, team-building exercises, and increased interdepartmental communication and collaboration. All Managers Q2: Launched Employee Recognition Events program to allow managers to request funding for team-building events to acknowledge extraordinary achievements. Use the performance evaluation process to establish and communicate clear expectations and standards. All Managers Q1: Working on rollout of enhanced performance evaluation process by developing an SOP and training materials. Continue General Manager lunches with the division workgroups. Bailey Q1: Virtual town halls held with each department. Individual luncheons on hold due to Covid-19 situation. Q3: Still on hold for COVID safety reasons. Engage the bargaining units in informal discussions on collaborative solutions to workplace issues. O’Malley May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 67 of 91 Page 13 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 12 GOAL 4 – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Sustain and grow collaborative relationships with the bargaining units. Continue the General Manager and Board Member meetings with the bargaining representatives. Bailey Q1: Planning to meet in early 2021. Q2: Meetings have been scheduled for January 2021. Q3: The meetings took place as scheduled. Track and implement action items from Labor Management Committee meetings. O’Malley Q1/Q2: Tracking log is active for both Committees to help implement action items. Inspire Employee Engagement Expand employees’ understanding of Central San’s operations and their role in the agency’s success. Communicate important initiatives and information to employees via print and electronic media, including the Lateral Connection employee newsletter and the intranet. Barnett Q1: Produced three Lateral Connection newsletters, and communicated important COVID-19, wildfire, and other updates via District-wide emails. Q2: Produced three Lateral Connection newsletters. Communicated important COVID-19 updates via District-wide email. Q3: Produced three Lateral Connection newsletters. Communicated important COVID-19 updates via District-wide email. Expand the onboarding process. O’Malley Provide presentations on major projects or training in specialty areas (e.g., Purchasing, HR) to divisions upon request. All Managers Q1: COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan Q&A and benefits fair were held virtually. ERP trainings occurred. Weekly virtual ICMA- RC financial seminars open to employees. Q2: Financial seminars offered re: transition to bi-weekly pay. Q3: Renewed contract to provide 5 full-days of training via the NorCal Employment Relations Consortium. Survey employees for customer satisfaction with internal support services. All Managers Q1: Internal survey system remain active for Information Technology Helpdesk. As of 9/1, with the new ERP, customer satisfaction surveys for Purchasing will no longer be auto generated by the requisition. Celebrate employees’ achievements. Recognize employee achievements via articles in the Lateral Connection, the intranet, Board meeting announcements, and other avenues. All Managers Initiate an employee recognition program. O’Malley Q1: Draft HR Procedure and fund authorization form have been developed internally. Hold a yearly event to recognize innovative employees going above and beyond to improve and optimize their work. Gee Q1: Innovations Fair Planning Committee has been meeting. Nominations were received, and the first Innovations Fair is on track to take place virtually in October. Q2: Innovations Fair took place online culminating with virtual awards ceremony in December. Meet or Exceed Industry Safety Standards Improve consistently in comparison to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) industry injury rates. Continue to monitor accident/incident causes to identify and mitigate hazards. Ledbetter Continue to provide regular analysis summaries to the District Safety Committee, Safety Teams, and Management Team on accident/incident causation and corrective measures. Ledbetter Enhance the safety culture through improved training and communications. Increase visibility of Safety staff in the field. Ledbetter Use learning management system to provide and track employee safety training. Ledbetter Continue to conduct training based upon accident/incident causal factors, new processes, equipment, or procedures. Ledbetter May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 68 of 91 Page 14 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 13 GOAL 4 – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Continue to provide relevant information via safety publications and, when appropriate, a Safety Corner in the Lateral Connection. Ledbetter Continue to provide information on upcoming safety-related regulations to supervisors and managers. Ledbetter May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 69 of 91 Page 15 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 14 GOAL 5 – INFRASTRUCTURE RELIABILITY Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Manage Assets Optimally to Prolong Their Useful Life Continue updating the 10-Year Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) consistent with recommendations of the Asset Management Program. Complete condition assessments on all critical equipment on time and incorporate into Capital Improvement Budget or Maintenance Program as appropriate. Goel / Lopez / Meyer Q1: Steam Project condition assessments on schedule. Ongoing condition assessments in Capital Program are on schedule and several have been completed this quarter. Q2: On track. Condition assessments of the Steam Project are complete. Summarizing the finding in executive summary. Q3: On target. Implement the Large Diameter Pipe and Force Main Inspection and condition assessment programs. Gemmell / Frost / Waples Q1: Inspection Contract awarded 8/20/20 to Hoffman Southwest (ProPipe). Q2: Completed manhole inspections for large diameter pipe for baseline condition info before using multi- sensor robots. Q3: Working to finalize MSI inspection agreement. Completed internal kickoff meeting for forcemain inspection project. Expand reliability-based approaches to maintaining assets. Perform Reliability Centered Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance Optimization (PMO), Defect Elimination, Safety Quality Effectiveness Audit, Root Cause Analysis, and other strategic reliability-based analysis on treatment plant process systems. Meyer Q1: 0; plans for Q2 include PMO Clarifier and RAS pumps, PMO Influent Pumps, and Motors Boiler Feed Water Pumps and Turbines. Q2: 1 PMO. Q3: 3 PMO’s were completed in Q3 (Influent Pump and Motors, Primary Sed tank, and Boiler Feed Water system). Improve the asset condition monitoring program by developing and deploying condition-based and predictive-based technologies (e.g., infrared, vibration, and ultrasound testing) across asset classes. Meyer Q1: Ongoing effort: inspection templates developed for each technology; various staff have obtained certification in the technologies; continue to implement technologies on various asset classes. This project also overlaps with the Smart Initiative - Asset Health Indicator and eventual health scores will be configured based on testing/analysis and factored into the Asset Health score. Q2: staff obtain certification in various technologies and include asset condition health score into IT master plan. Q3: Began 3 month Steam Trap PM using the UT probe. 4 Electrical Shop Thermography PM’s completed (1 UV, and 3 MCC). Add service contracts to computerized maintenance management software (CMMS) to track work orders. Meyer / Gemmell Q1: Started to track contracts in CMMS, ongoing effort. Q2: ongoing Q3: Still ongoing. Most contracts are in CMMS, there is a total of 11 in CMMS. Transfer Pumping Stations maintenance program to CMMS. Meyer Q1: Planned for Q3 and Q4. Q3: There are others that needing assets numbers from Pump Stations. So far, there is a total of 1,308 assets in CMMS. Execute Long-Term Capital Renewal and Replacement Program Integrate data from the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) and Asset Management Program into the Ensure all critical assets and processes in need of repair or replacement are appropriately scheduled in the 10-Year CIP. Lopez / Weer / Meyer Q1: Several critical VFDs replaced and other equipment included in several projects in design. Q3: RAS VFDs replaced. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 70 of 91 Page 16 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 15 analysis of long-term capital improvement needs. Develop a prioritization model for vertical assets. Gemmell / Goel / Meyer Q1: Early Adopter Contract signed with Innovyze on 10/5 to replace InfoMaster with InfoAsset, which has a vertical asset prioritization built in. Staff will be pilot testing the software. The contract provides a freeze of the $7,800 annual subscription until 2023 during the pilot. Estimated savings of $64,000. In addition, Central San will be evaluating software solutions as a part of IT Master Plan that assist in the development of the prioritization model for vertical assets. Q2/Q3: Ongoing. Harden infrastructure for climate resiliency. Identify vulnerable assets and develop mitigation measures. Meyer / Goel Update the CWMP Technical Memo (TP8) on Resiliency and Vulnerability. Gemmell / Frost Q1: Planned for Q3 and Q4. Q2: Met with BAYCAN representative to initiate sea level rise planning discussions. Q3: Initiative will be completed FY 2021-22. Protect Personnel and Assets from Threats and Emergencies Enhance capability to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies. Train staff and conduct an exercise of the Continuity of Operations Plan. Deutsch Q1/Q2: Planned for Q3. Q3: We continue to operate under COVID-19 health orders which is an actual continuity condition. Tabling plans for a continuity exercise until we return to normal operational conditions. Maintain the Emergency Operations Plan. Deutsch Q1/Q2/Q3: Plan is up to date. Expand participation in CalWARN to represent the needs of wastewater agencies in emergency planning and responses. Deutsch Q1: Ongoing. Q2: No requests. Q3: No requests. Update emergency communication systems. Deutsch Q1: Everbridge mass notification software is operational. Q2: Notification tests performed among Ops staff. Q3: Testing Iridium iGo with smart phones. Increase the number of licensed amateur, or HAM, radio operators among staff. Deutsch Q1: Ongoing. Q2: No activity. Q3: No changes. Evaluate and implement improvements to meet new or evolving threats, both physical and digital. Budget and implement the projects identified in the Security Master Plan. Deutsch Q1: Working with Capital Projects on Scoping for Security Improvements Project. Q2: Ongoing. Q3: Completed scoping for camera upgrade project, issued RFP for security guard services. Provide regular security awareness training to staff. Deutsch Q1: Ongoing. Q2: No activity. Q3: Found security overrides on interior doors. Renovate security guard posts and update monitoring equipment. Deutsch Q1: Included in site conditions improvement project for Solids and other treatment plant capital projects. Q2: Ongoing. Q3: Reviewing draft plans for DP 7375. Expand access control systems and harden certain facilities. Deutsch Q1: Included with Security Improvements Project. Q2: Added card readers. Upgrade treatment plant control network and its equipment to create redundant paths. Huie / Weer Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4/Year-End: Work completed. Continue to conduct third-party cybersecurity operation assessments focusing on technology, people, and physical assets, including an audit to gauge readiness against ransomware cyberattacks. Huie May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 71 of 91 Page 17 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 16 GOAL 6 – INNOVATION AND OPTIMIZATION Explore new technologies for continuous improvement Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) 1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Implement the Central San Smart Initiative Utilize data to optimize operation and maintenance; improve asset management; increase energy efficiency, staff productivity, and safety; and reduce facility management costs. Continue meetings of the steering committee formed in January 2020. LaBella Q2: Steering Committee meetings were held quarterly through 2020. Develop an implementation schedule for the initial projects. LaBella Q2: An Implementation Plan was developed. Several projects will be delayed in order to coordinate with the completion and implementation of the IT Master Plan update currently in procurement. Establish project task forces and identify project champions. LaBella Q2: This task has been completed for the projects initially identified, but will be an ongoing effort as new projects are identified. Improve and Modernize Operations through Technology and Efficiency Measures Implement new ERP system, including permitting software, and integrate with linked systems. Address e-procurement, contract management, and procurement card system needs. King / Huie Q3: Continued to work with consultant on system capabilities in areas such as reporting, contract management, and inventory management. Plan to purchase and implement software to provide functionality and efficiency in the inventory management processes. Evaluate, select, and implement new SSC billing software. Gemmell Q1: Several meetings with Oracle to add-on a billing component to Permits Module. Meetings held with potential vendors. Q2: Oracle will not be used for billing software. Kickoff meeting between IT/PDS for billing software. Q3: Consultant being engaged to develop Business Mapping. Leverage software towards the elimination of paper processes. All Managers Q1/Q2/Q3: Staff continues to use DocuSign, PayPal, and other technologies to conduct business electronically. Oracle now provides for invoice approval electronically. Update procedures to reflect new business workflows. All Managers Q1/Q2/Q3: Staff is updating procedures as needed. Evaluate and invest in cost- effective and innovative technology to enhance business processes. Hold Applied Research meetings to promote innovation and continuous improvement. Frost / Cauble Q1: Staff hosted applied research committee meeting in August 2020. Q2: Staff hosted applied research committee meeting in December 2020 and participated in ISLE Technology Approval Group meeting in October 2020. Q3: Staff participated in ISLE Technology Approval Group meeting in February 2021. Continue to participate actively in the HYPOWERS pilot project to test an emerging hydrothermal resource recovery process for solids handling. Frost / Cauble Q1/Q2/Q3: Staff continues to participate and coordinate HYPOWERS project. Funding and DOE approval for Phase 2 is still TBD. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 72 of 91 Page 18 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 17 Expand and improve the use of mobile computing and communication technologies, including applications for inspector and surveyor field staff. Gemmell / Lopez Q1: Inspectors have iPads. New Oracle Permitting Module will be implemented at the end of Q2. Q2: Construction Inspectors are utilizing mobile devices. Some aspects of Oracle Permitting Module will not be available until the end of the year, however an interim process with partial functionality is planned for March 1. Q3: Ongoing. Review 1-, 2-, 3-, 5-, and 7-year pipeline cleaning schedules for optimization. Seitz Always ongoing. Provide Optimizations Program Annual Reports to Board. Gee Q1: Managers reviewed FY 2019-20 Optimizations Tracking Log. Annual report on track to be presented in the next few months. Q2/Q3: Report presented to Administration Committee 12/15/20 and is scheduled to be presented to Board on 4/15/21. Develop a Technology Roadmap to encompass all major technology implementation across the organization. Include ERP, CMMS, supervisory control and data acquisition, document management, asset management, geographic information system, operational technology projects, and beyond. Huie Q1: RFP written and to be released soon. Q2: RFP finalist selected & Interviews scheduled. Q3: Consultant negotiation in progress. Organize the various technologies with overlapping areas of interest and use of resources to plan projects with a global view. Huie Q1: RFP written and to be released soon. Q2: RFP finalist selected & Interviews scheduled. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 73 of 91 Page 19 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 18 GOAL 7 – AGILITY AND ADAPTABILITY Preserve business continuity during pandemic events or major natural disasters Strategy Initiative Key Success Measures Responsible Person(s) 1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR / Final FY-End Status Performance in Achieving Success Measures (Status, Comments, and Exceptions) Maintain a Safe Working Environment for Employees and the Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic Provide a safe working environment. Implement applicable federal guidelines, state directives, and local health and safety orders. O’Malley Provide pandemic status updates and recommended safety, operational changes, and other information to employees. Barnett Q1/Q2/Q3: Provided updates at every Board meeting. Collaborate on best practices with sister agencies. Barnett Ongoing and consistent. Make improvements to the business practices and workplace to reduce the risk of transmission. O’Malley / Gemmell Q1: Engineering Controls Plan is being drafted. Q2: Plan is developed and being implemented in phases. Implement practical and reasonable revisions to work schedules to reflect social distancing best practices. All Managers Utilize automated business processes, virtual meetings, and other technologies to minimize physical contact. All Managers Ensure proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided, including masks, gloves, and hygiene supplies. Ledbetter Increase the frequency of cleaning on campus. Meyer Q1: B&G hired two temporary staff to clean and disinfect as per cleaning matrix. All work on target. Q2: Staff coordinating cleaning frequency with HR and Safety team. Develop and employ an alternative service delivery approach where practicable. Minimize face-to-face contact with customers, suppliers, and contractors. All Managers Find new and innovative ways to provide service to the community, including automated customer-facing programs. All Managers Collaborate with community partners to be responsive to their needs. Barnett Ongoing and consistent. Plan Ahead for Scenarios of Direct Adverse Impacts Be prepared to modify operations if needed to prevent or mitigate an event in which staffing must be reduced on site for health and safety reasons. Implement policies, procedures, and cost-effective technologies and security measures to support teleworking as may be necessary. All Managers Create working schedules that allow for optimal redundancy and operational coverage. All Managers Continue to cross-train staff for mission-critical functions. All Managers Implement financial policies which take into account the effects of COVID-19 (e.g., market volatility, deferred rate adjustments, and revenue shortfalls from reduced incoming system development fees). Continue to monitor and update financial performance and assumptions. Leiber / Mizuno / Gemmell Q1: Will report to Board at December 17 workshop. Q2: Will report to Board again in March 2021 workshop. Q3: Have continued to monitor and quantify COVID-19 related impacts to revenues and costs. Continue to present alternatives to allow appropriate policy choices for mitigating customer rate impacts, meeting capital needs, and ensuring financial stability as a result of the pandemic. Leiber / Gemmell Q1: Analysis and review of market conditions to prepare for a COVID Impacts Workshop in December 2020. Q2: Covid-19 financial impacts workshop held in December. Materials for March 2021 workshop are being prepared to provide various rate options in light of external economic circumstances, and impacts on Central San finances. Q3: Addressed COVID-19 related impacts in workshop, and in financial plan. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 74 of 91 Page 20 of 31 ATTACHMENT 1 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY SUCCESS MEASURES (KSMs) PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of the KSM as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information about the status of the KSM. Completed On Task / Revised Approach (KSM was fulfilled) (KSM is in progress or being done differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (KSM is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Task (KSM is in danger of not being fulfilled by 6/30/22) Page 19 Account for any added costs due to the pandemic. Recognize savings opportunities through reduced Operations and Maintenance and Capital costs as appropriate. All Managers Re-prioritize and reschedule CIP projects as appropriate. Lopez Q1. Several construction projects ongoing and overlapping due to COVID. All projects have been staffed and scheduled accordingly related to COVID. Q2/Q3: Continued to evaluate the CIP for next budget cycle. Pursue reimbursement of expenses from state and federal agencies, including available grant programs. Leiber / Deutsch Q1: FEMA reimbursements underway.Q2: Working with CalOES to prepare project documents. Q3: New CalOES contact, PA application near completion. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 75 of 91 Page 21 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 1 GOAL 1 - CUSTOMER AND COMMUNITY Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Maintain an Excellent Reputation in the Community Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Average onsite response time for collection system emergency calls, during working hours* ≤30 minutes (FY 2019-20 Target: ≤20 minutes) Seitz 33 FY 2019-20: 25.0 31.66 FY 2019-20: 33.0 35.00 FY 2019-20: 33.5 Average onsite response time for collection system emergency calls, after hours* ≤40 minutes Seitz 34.2 34.2 35.83 Average customer service rating for emergency calls ≥3.8 out of 4.0 Seitz 3.50 FY 2019-20: 3.78 3.88 FY 2019-20: 4.0 3.66 FY 2019-20: 4.0 Average customer satisfaction rating on construction projects ≥95% Carpenter No surveys sent No surveys sent 100% Q1: There are no ratings to report, as all projects are still in construction. Surveys will be sent as early as Q2, but more likely not until Q3 after projects are completed. Q2: No construction surveys were sent out. One will be sent out in Q3, and the others will follow the completion of current projects. Q3: 15.9% response rate for Danville Sewer Renovation Project Phase 3 with overall satisfaction rating of 100%. Average customer satisfaction rating on permit counter interactions ≥95% Gemmell 100% 100% 100% Q1: Eight surveys received (rec’d) for Permit Counter; overall rating 4 out of 4. Q2: Five surveys received; 4 ratings of 4 (Excellent) and 1 rating of 3 (Good). Q3: 14 surveys received; 13 rates of 4 (Excellent) and 1 rating of 3 (Good) Students served by education programs ≥6,000 Barnett 1,241 7,926 6,048 Q1: Twelve hundred and forty-one (1,241) students were served through virtual classroom programs. Q2: Seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-six (7,926) students were served through virtual classroom programs. Q3: Six thousand and forty-eight (6,048) students were served through virtual classroom programs. *Delta Discovery Voyage data (January and February) will be added when it becomes available. Participants in Plant / Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility tours and District presentations ≥500 Barnett 361 102 104 Q1: Three hundred and sixty-one (361) people were served through virtual community presentations and facilities tours Q2: One hundred and two (102) people were served through virtual community presentations and facilities tours Q3: One hundred and four (104) people were served through virtual community presentations and facilities tours. Participants in Central San Academy ≥35 Gee 68 applications received 72 applications received 57 sign-ups received for the Spring 2021 virtual program Q1: Applications received from 68 potential attendees for the next session. Q2: Received 4 additional applications for 72 total for the next in-person session. Q3: Received 57 sign-ups for the upcoming 4/21 and 4/22 virtual session. Awards or recognitions received ≥10 Young 4 2 4 Q1: Four awards earned, unable to receive due to COVID but announced. Q2: Two awards earned, unable to receive due to COVID but announced. Q3: Four awards earned, unable to receive due to COVID but presented * Performance may have been affected by modified working schedules to adhere to social distancing mandates due to the COVID-19 pandemic. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 76 of 91 Page 22 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 2 GOAL 2 – ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainability Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsib le Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System compliance Zero violations Weer Title V compliance Zero violations Weer Recycled Water Title 22 compliance Zero violations Weer Anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions <25,000 metric tons (MT) CO2e per calendar year Cheng Q1: On track to meet Calendar Year 2020 GHG target. Q2: Met Calendar Year 2020 GHG target. Pre-verified total was 23,771 MT CO2e Q2: On track to meet Calendar Year 2021 GHG target. Sanitary sewer overflows ≤2.0 spills per 100 miles of pipeline Seitz 0.32 0.71 1.23 Q1: There were a total of 5 SSOs for this quarter. Q2: There were a total of 6 SSOs for this quarter. 11 total for the FY. Q3: There were a total of 8 SSO’s for this quarter. 19 total for the FY Spills to public water ≤3 Seitz 1 1 0 Q1: There was 1 Category 1 SSO for this quarter. Q2: There was 1 Category 1 SSO for this quarter. 2 total for the FY. Q3: There were no Category 1 SSO for this quarter. 2 total for FY Percent of spills less than 500 gallons ≥95% Seitz 80% FY 2019-20: 100% 83% FY 2019-20: 78% 89.47% FY 2019-20: 72% Q1: Out of the 5 SSOs this quarter, 1 was over 500 gallons. Q2: Out of the 6 SSO’s this quarter, 1 was over 500 gallons. 2 total for the FY. Q3: There were no SSO’s > 500 gallons this quarter. 2 total for FY. Pipeline cleaning schedules completed on time* ≥98% Seitz 99.66% 99.34 99.62 Pipeline cleaning quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC)* On ≥4% of pipelines cleaned on an annual basis (FY 2019-20 Target: ≥3%) Seitz 3.57% FY 2019-20: 3.53% 3.16% FY 2019-20: 2.89% 3.65% FY 2019-20: 2.80% Pipeline cleaning QA/QC passing rate* ≥98% Seitz 96.84% FY 2019-20: 97.42% 95.83% FY 2019-20: 93.28% 96.50 FY 2019-20: 95.58% Annual Environmental Compliance inspections and permitting completed on time 100% Potter 100% 100% 100% Q2: Non-emergency fieldwork suspended at end of second quarter in response to local shelter-in-place order Q3: Non-emergency fieldwork resumed in February. Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) management compliance Zero violations Wyatt Gallons of recycled water distributed to external customers ≥240 million gallons Foss 96 million gallons 30 million gallons 17 million gallons kWh of electricity produced by co-generation using natural gas ≥18 million kWh (reported as a rolling average) Shima 22.5 million kWh 23.0 million kWh 22.4 million kWh Q3: On track to meet target. kWh of solar power produced at Collection System Operations and HHW Facility ≥220,000 kWh (reported as a rolling average) Shima 273,000 kWh 271,000 kWh 271,000 kWh Q3: On track to meet target. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 77 of 91 Page 23 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 3 GOAL 2 – ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP Meet regulatory requirements and promote sustainability Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsib le Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues kWh of solar power produced by a new solar array near the treatment plant campus ≥2.5 million kWh (reported as a rolling average) LaBella Q1: Board consideration of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is scheduled for November 5, 2020. Current estimate for the start of construction is September 2021. Q2: A solar energy PPA was fully executed with REC Solar on November 24, 2020. Design will begin and CEQA is anticipated to be completed in Q3. Q3: Project design by REC Solar/Duke (Duke), including evaluation of a new system orientation, continued with some delays due to complications with Lagiss property construction limitations and Fire District review/requirements. PG&E Interconnection Agreement executed. CEQA completion, which is now anticipated for Q4, is awaiting completion of 30% design by Duke. * Performance may have been affected by modified working schedules to adhere to social distancing mandates due to the COVID-19 pandemic. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 78 of 91 Page 24 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 4 GOAL 3 – FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY Manage finances wisely and prudently Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Maintain service affordability Sewer Service Charge (SSC) less than average of Bay Area agencies SSC plus Ad Valorem tax less than average of Bay Area agencies ≤0.78% of median household income Leiber Residential rates unchanged and still below average of Bay Area agencies <0.78% of median household income Residential rates unchanged and still below average of Bay Area agencies <0.78% of median household income Residential rates unchanged and still below average of Bay Area agencies <0.78% of median household income Residential rates unchanged and still below average of Bay Area agencies <0.78% of median household income Residential rates unchanged and still below average of Bay Area agencies <0.78% of median household income FY 2020-21 Residential rates unchanged from FY 2019-20 and still below average of Bay Area Agencies. SSC / Median Income is <0.78%. Updated rate comparison was presented at March 25, 2021 workshop. Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s credit ratings AAA/Aa1 Leiber AAA/Aa1 AAA/Aa1 AAA/Aa1 AAA/Aa1 AAA/Aa1 Ratings unchanged. Debt service coverage ratio >2.0 Leiber / Mizuno >2.0 Q1: Debt service coverage projected to be >2.0. Q2: Outlook continues unchanged. Q3: Outlook continues unchanged. Actual reserves as a percentage of target 100% Leiber / Mizuno >100% Q1: Year-end projected reserves >100% based on revenue and spending performance in Q1. Q2: Outlook continues unchanged. Q3: Outlook continues unchanged. Reserve projection for 6/30/2021 shows full funding of reserves. Operating expenditures as a percentage of operating budget ≥95% Leiber / Mizuno Q1: FY 2019-20 at 93.3%. FY 2020-21 on track. Spending is underbudget as is typical in Q1. Q2: Favorable O&M spending variance may exceed 5%. Q3: Current outlook is for FY 2020-21 spending to be about 6.3% under budget. Reported material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in internal controls as part of annual financial audit Zero Leiber / Mizuno Q1: FY 2019-20 audit is underway. Q2: CAFR delivered to and accepted by Board in December 2020. No material weaknesses or significant deficiencies reported. Difference in inventory value in Purchasing database vs. value submitted to Accounting ≤1% King 0.62% 0.62% for Q1 (only July and August due to ERP migration in September). This metric is no longer needed since all the data now resides in one database in Oracle, as opposed to the two databases in HTE, which required a monthly reconciliation. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 79 of 91 Page 25 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 5 GOAL 3 – FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY Manage finances wisely and prudently Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Accuracy of physical inventory count vs. book value ≥95% King 97% Data not yet available in Oracle Data not yet available in Oracle Q3: Work is underway to automate inventory counts, and data should be available for Q4. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 80 of 91 Page 26 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 6 GOAL 4 – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Recruit, empower, and engage a highly trained and safe workforce Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Average time to fill vacancy (from request to hire) ≤60 days O’Malley/ Granzella 92 days FY 2019-20: N/A (zero recruitments) 80 days FY 2019-20: 50 days 69.5 days FY 2019-20: 58 days Turnover rate at or below median for combined utilities via American Water Works Association (AWWA) ≤7.8%* O’Malley/ Shields 2.6% 0% 2.5% Q1: There were 7 terminations out of 271 employees (2.6%). Q2: There were no terminations. Q3: There were 7 terminations out of 280 employees (2.5%). Average annual training hours (external and internal training) ≥15 per full-time equivalent employee (FTE) O’Malley/ Smith 3.06 FY 2019-20: 3.5 1.94 FY 2019-20: 4.6 5.65 FY 2019-20: 4.1 Q1: The average training hours per employee (including only the classes in OTIS training database and safety hours) this quarter are 3.06 per employee. Q2: The average training hours per employee (including only the classes in OTIS training database and safety hours) this quarter are 1.94 per employee. Q3: Training hours increased due to mandatory harassment training for all employees. Completion of annual performance evaluations 100% O’Malley/ Granzella (see comments for Q1 performance) FY 2019-20: 74% (see comments for Q2 performance) FY 2019-20: 74% (see comments for Q3 performance) FY 2019-20: 39% Q1: July evals 86% rec’d; Aug. evals 83% rec’d; Sep. evals 82% rec’d. Q2: Oct. evals 94% rec’d; Nov. evals 68% rec’d; Dec. evals 78% rec’d. Q3: Jan. evals 86% rec’d; Feb. evals 78% rec’d; Mar. evals 80% rec’d. Participation in annual Wellness Expo Increase by ≥10% each year O’Malley Q1/Q2/Q3: Wellness Expo is dependent upon the status of the pandemic, but virtual Wellness activities are being developed. Workers’ compensation experience modifier ≤1.0 Deutsch 1.10** 1.10* 1.10* 1.10** 1.10** FYs 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 expect to have higher ExMod as rolling three- year calculation includes one very bad loss year. The 1.10 factor applies for the entire FY. Temporary modified duty provided (Return to Work program) ≥95% of recordable injuries Deutsch 100% 100% 100% Q1/Q2/Q3: Provided to all eligible employees within restrictions. Internal promotions (excludes entry-level positions) ≥25% O’Malley/ Granzella 67% 67% 20% Q1: 67%. Q2: 67%. Q3: 20% for Q3 but still on target to meet ≥25% goal for FY. Formal grievances processed Zero O’Malley Zero Zero Zero Employee injury and illness lost time incident rate ≤4.0 (via Bureau of Labor Statistics) ≤3.4 (via American Water Works Association)* Ledbetter 0.0 0.0 2.92 Q1: 0 recordable injuries, 137,828.3 hours worked. Q2: 0 recordable injuries, 137,338.3 hours worked. Q3: 2 recordable injuries, 136,987 hours worked. * Median for wastewater-only utilities in FY 2017-18 as reported in the 2019 AWWA Utility Benchmarking book. **Metric not included in FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan, so comparable FY 2019-20 quarterly figures are not available. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 81 of 91 Page 27 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 7 GOAL 5 – INFRASTRUCTURE RELIABILITY Maintain facilities and equipment to be dependable, resilient, and long lasting Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Safety-prioritized work orders completed on time 100% Meyer 93% FY 2019-20: 85% 91% FY 2019-20: 89% 92% FY 2019-20: 100% Regulatory Title V work orders completed on time 100% Meyer 90% FY 2019-20: 75% 92% FY 2019-20: 94% 93% FY 2019-20: 100% Planned treatment plant preventative maintenance completed on time ≥90% Meyer 94% 92% 95% Recycled water distribution system maintenance schedules completed on time ≥98% Seitz 100% 100% 100% Q1: CSO completed all valve exercising and site inspections. Q2: CSO completed all valve exercising. Site inspections were completed in Q1. Uptime for vehicles 100% Seitz 100% 100% 100% Miles of sewers replaced or rehabilitated (focused on deteriorated small diameter pipelines) ≥6.0 Mestetsky 2.5 Miles 3.4 Miles 2.2 Miles Q1: Several projects ongoing in the collection system. Large diameter and force main condition assessment ≥3 miles per year for the next five years starting in FY 2020-21 Gemmell Q2: Manholes physically inspected in 4 sections in Danville Blvd and 39-inch sewer under HWY4; Force Main inspection program to start in Q3. Q3: Scope revised and inspections will resume in Q4. Average time to execute Engineering agreements from complete package submittal or Board approval ≤2 weeks Lopez / King Data not yet available** Data not yet available** Data not yet available** Q1/Q2/Q3: Oracle report on this metric is still in development. Several agreements delayed due to new ERP. Capital expenditures as a percentage of capital budgeted cash flow including carry forward ≥90% Lopez 60% FY 2019-20: 83% 70% FY 2019-20: 91% 65% FY 2019-20: 92% Q1: Financial reporting and invoices delayed due to new ERP. Q2: Invoicing behind and ERP continues to develop. Q3: Spending YTD at 65% of budget; expect some pick-up in Q4. Information system outages affecting normal business operations 100% uptime Huie Data backup and recovery Zero lost data Huie Zero lost data Zero lost data 1 data loss incident Q3: A staff member inadvertently deleted a SharePoint site, and only an older version of the site was able to be recovered. **Metric not included in FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan, so comparable FY 2019-20 quarterly figures are not available. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 82 of 91 Page 28 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 8 GOAL 6 – INNOVATION AND OPTIMIZATION Explore new technologies for continuous improvement Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Projects initiated under Central San Smart ≥3 LaBella Projects initiated: Q1: Development of Dashboard for Treatment Plant Maintenance Decision-Making and Smart Manhole Cover Pilot Q2: Development of CAD and Building Information Modeling (BIM) Standards Q3: Development of Dashboard for CSO Field Operations. Treatment Plant Asset Handover Optimization and Development of an Asset Health Indicator Tool on hold awaiting completion of IT Master Plan Update. Reviews or pilot tests of new and promising technology ≥3 Frost 2 4 (cumulative total for FY) 5 (cumulative total for FY) Q1: Two pilots ongoing - Water Pigeons and Manhole Monitoring w/two vendors - SmartCover and ADS. Q2: Pilots from Q1 are continuing. Also initiated with Laboratory the wastewater-based epidemiology pilot with CC Health/UC Berkeley for SARS-CoV-2 and started design for tertiary membrane pilot. Q3: Initiated wastewater surveillance with Aquavitas for US Dept of Human and Health Services (HHS) project. Research papers and findings presented ≥3 papers or presentations Frost 0 3 0 Q1: 0 this quarter, presentations planned for Q2 re: recycled water surge analysis and wastewater SARS-CoV-2 research. Q2: Presented surge analysis at CWEA Virtual Annual Conference, and presented wastewater-based epidemiology work at East Bay Municipal Engineers and Headwaters Institute. Q3: No new papers or presentations. Don’t Just Fix It; Improve It work orders completed* ≥35 Meyer 0 2 1 Q1: 0, some slowdown due to COVID but expect it to pick up in next quarters. Q2: 2 DJFI work orders completed. Q3: 1 DJFI work order completed. Completed optimizations ≥20 Gee Q1/Q2/Q3: Optimization efforts continue, and managers continue to track progress quarterly. * Performance was affected by modified working schedules to adhere to social distancing mandates due to COVID-19. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 83 of 91 Page 29 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 9 GOAL 7 – AGILITY AND ADAPTABILITY Preserve business continuity during pandemic events or major natural disasters Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Operational Number of sanitary sewer overflows (during the last five years for the same time period)*** ≤1 standard deviation Seitz 2.04** 2.71** 3.44** Permit compliance 100% Nguyen (Air) Esparza (Liquid) 100% (Air) 100% (Liquid) 99.9% (Air) 100 % (Liquid) 100% (Air) 100% (Liquid) Q1: 0 days out of compliance for air and liquid permits. Q2: There were 2 furnace bypass events lasting a few minutes at most each. Q3: 0 days out of compliance for air and liquid permits. Seitz (Collection System) 99.8%** 99.7%** 94.5%** Q1: 0.17 days out of compliance for collection system. Q2: 0.30 days out of compliance for collection system. Q3: 4.96 days out of compliance for collection system Productivity 95% Leiber >95% >95% >95% Q1: Detailed assessment not completed for Q1, but with return to work of all groups, productivity goal is met at >95%. By end of June 2020, was at 97%. Q2: Detailed assessment not completed for Q2, but with return to work of all groups, productivity goal is met at >95%. Q3: Same as Q2. Financial Increase in costs to the Operations & Maintenance budget beyond what is approved 0% Leiber / Mizuno Q1: O&M spending is below budget. Q2: O&M spending is below budget. Q3: O&M Spending is projected to be 6.3% below budget. Revenue projections met 100% Leiber / Mizuno Q1: SSC on track. Other revenues TBD. Q2: In the aggregate (total budget for each fund), revenues appear to be on track. Q3: Revenues are essentially on track. O&M revenues at about 99.3% of plan, and SC revenues at 101.5% of plan. Additional increase in unfunded liabilities ≤5% Leiber Q1: With stock market generally recovered to pre-COVID levels, no significant increase in UAAL is anticipated as of Q1. CCCERA 2019 valuation report received in October 2020 shows progress from prior 2018 report. Q2: UAAL per 2019 valuation declined. Funded ratio increased from 82% to 84%, or 85.8% including assets in the Pension Prefunding Trust. Q3: Unchanged outlook. Funds granted from available state and federal reimbursement programs 100% of requested funds Leiber / Deutsch Q1: Pending results, but costs are being tracked for reimbursement filing. Q2: Working with CalOES to prepare project documents. Q3: FEMA Public Assistance (PA) application in progress. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 84 of 91 Page 30 of 31 ATTACHMENT 2 FY 2020-21 STRATEGIC PLAN KEY METRICS PROGRESS TRACKER Color codes indicate the status of meeting the target for the FY as of the end of the quarter. Explanations in the right-most column provide additional information on the status of meeting the target. Completed On Track / Revised Approach (Target was met for the FY) (Target is on track to be met or metric is being measured differently from how it is written in the Strategic Plan but preserving the intent) On Hold / Delayed / At Risk (Ability to meet target is on hold, delayed, or at risk but recoverable) Off Track (Target is in danger of not being met for the FY) Page 10 GOAL 7 – AGILITY AND ADAPTABILITY Preserve business continuity during pandemic events or major natural disasters Metric FY 2020-21 Target Responsible Person(s) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 FINAL FY-END PERFORMANCE Comments / Issues Customers Customer satisfaction levels ≥90% Seitz (Average customer service rating for collection system emergency calls) 87.5%** 97%** 91.50%** Q1: 3.50 out of 4.0. Q2: 3.88 out of 4.0. Q3: 3.66 out of 4.0. Carpenter (Average customer satisfaction rating on construction projects) No surveys sent No surveys sent 100% Q1: There are no ratings to report, as all projects are still in construction. Surveys will be sent as early as Q2, but more likely not until Q3 after projects are completed. Q2: No construction surveys were sent out. One will be sent out in Q3, and the others will follow the completion of current projects. Q3:15.9% response rate for Danville Sewer Renovation Project Phase 3 with overall satisfaction rating of 100%. Gemmell (Average customer satisfaction rating on permit counter interactions) 100% 95% 98% Q1: Eight surveys received for Permit Counter; overall rating 4 out of 4. Q2: Five surveys received; 4 ratings of 4 (Excellent) and 1 rating of 3 (Good). Q3: 14 surveys received: 13 ratings of 4 (Excellent) and 1 rating of 3 (Good). Safety Requested personal protective equipment (PPE) provided 100% Ledbetter Requested safety improvements to the workplace fulfilled 100% Ledbetter / Gemmell Q2: Engineering Controls installed for COVID-19. Employees trained on COVID-19 prevention 100% Ledbetter Twice-daily cleaning of all restroom facilities 100% Meyer 100% 100% 100% Q1: B&G has two temporary staff members and janitorial staff completing all cleaning and disinfection per schedule. Execution of Capital Improvement Program Capital expenditures as a percentage of capital budgeted cash flow including carry forward ≥85%*** Lopez 60% FY 2019-20: 83% 70% FY 2019-20: 91% 65% FY 2019-20: 92% Q1: Financial reporting and invoices delayed due to ERP. Q2: Invoicing behind and ERP continues to develop. Q3: Spending YTD at 65% of budget; expect some pick- up in Q4. * The intent of this metric is to measure whether overflows have increased during pandemic events or natural disasters. If increased, the goal is to have a standard deviation of ≤1. Because overflows have been reduced in FY 2020-21 as of Q2 when compared to the same time period over the past five years, the standard deviation of 6.79 means the target was met and exceeded. ** Metric not included in FY 2018-20 Strategic Plan, so comparable FY 2019-20 quarterly figures are not available *** Performance on the Goal 7 metrics will only be tracked in the event of a pandemic or natural disaster, in which case the target for this metric will supersede the ≥90% target of the same metric in Goal 5. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 85 of 91 Page 31 of 31