HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Review draft Position Paper to consider replacing a vacant Control Systems Technician position (G-71, $4,166-$5,045 bi-weekly) with a Utility Systems Engineer position (S-79, $5,066-$6,124 bi-weekly)Item 4.a. BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT ION PA PER DRAFT M E E T ING D AT E:MAY 4, 2021 S UB J E C T: R E V I E W D R A F T P O S I T I O N PA P E R TO C O NS I D E R R E P L A C I NG A VA C A NT C O NT R O L S YS T E MS T E C HNI C I A N P O S I T I O N (G-71, $4,166- $5,045 B I -W E E K LY) W I T H A UT I L I T Y S YS T E MS E NG I NE E R P O S I T I O N (S- 79, $5,066-$6,124 B I -W E E K LY) S UB M I T T E D B Y: NAT E MO R A L E S , S E NI O R E NG I NE E R A L A N W E E R, P L A NT O P E R AT I O NS D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: O P E R AT I O NS-P L A NT O P E R AT I O NS RE V IE WE D B Y:S T E V E MC D O NA L D, D I R E C TO R O F O P E R AT I O NS R O G E R S. B A I L E Y, G E NE R A L MA NA G E R IS S UE T he B oard of D irectors approval is needed when the addition and deletion of vacant positions results in an increase in the District's budgeted labor costs. I f calculated at the maximum step of the salary range and including the full benefit cost, this action will result in an increase in the labor costs; thus, f alling outside the purview of the General Manager's delegated authority related to personnel actions. B AC K G RO UND T he P lant Operations D ivision has reevaluated its staf f ing needs and is recommending replacing a vacant C ontrol S ystems Technician position with a Utility S ystems E ngineer position assigned to the Process C ontrol S ystem (P C S) Group. T he District operates two central control systems, one at the treatment plant and a second f or the pumping stations. T he control systems are a group of instruments, programmable logic controllers (P L Cs), networks and servers that are carefully conf igured to allow operators to monitor and control any part of the wastewater process f rom a computer screen. Each is comprised of thousands of components, around 20 P L C programs and hundreds of graphic interf aces screens. T he P C S Group is responsible f or maintaining, upgrading and documenting the D istrict’s control systems. D ue to its technical nature, control systems is a highly specialized field. I n order to excel, a qualif ied employee requires a deep understanding of P L C programming, S C A D A software conf iguration, control theory, and controls design, including instrumentation, hardwire controls, and f ield wiring. I deally, candidates have networking and drafting backgrounds, as well as an understanding of electrical May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 4 of 91 Page 1 of 4 engineering, and construction services. C urrently, the P C S Group has four fulltime positions including a Senior E ngineer, two Utility S ystem Engineers (Engineer) and a Control Systems Technician (Technician). T here are many differences in required knowledge between an E ngineer and a Technician. F undamentally, a Technician is expected to troubleshoot issues, perf orm maintenance, and make minor programming changes; whereas, an Engineer is required to write new programs, apply control theories, and develop new standards. A dditionally, Engineers are required to work closely with the C apital Projects D ivision, consultants and contractors on control systems design, evaluate and comment on submittals, and assist or f acilitate construction ef f orts. Over the next ten years, the D istrict plans to substantially increase capital project expenditures. T he largest projects include signif icant replacement and improvement to the control systems and, as a result, will require dedicated effort f rom Control Systems staf f . Attachment 1 provides a list of upcoming projects with meaningful control systems scope. Work associated with capital projects is typically complex and exceeds the abilities of a Technician. Over the next ten years, between f our and nine large capital projects will be active. Historically, the D istrict has run one to two large projects simultaneously. I n order to ef f ectively support the increased capital project workload, as well as the day-to-day plant maintenance, operations and regulatory demands, an additional highly skilled, engineering-minded, C ontrol S ystems staff position is necessary. ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT IO NS T he B oard could consider the following alternatives: 1. D o not replace a vacant C ontrol S ystems Technician position with a Utility S ystems E ngineer position. I f this action is not approved, the C ontrol S ystems group will not be effectively staf f ed to keep up with the day-to-day plant maintenance, operations, and regulatory demands in addition to the increased capital projects workload. Utility Systems Engineers typically charge approximately 30- percent or more of their salaries and benefits to the C apital I mprovement Budget. 2. Hire a consultant to supplement existing P lant Control Systems staf f and execute the necessary tasks that a Control Systems Technician is not capable of perf orming. A consultant engineer with the required skillset would cost approximately $200 per hour. Due to the anticipated large workload, consultant costs would almost certainly exceed the annual cost of replacing a Technician with an Engineer for the f oreseeable future. Additionally, by outsourcing these technical tasks, critical and experience-based knowledge will not be gained by in-house staf f . F I NANC IAL I M PAC T S D ue to several Plant Operations personnel changes (positional vacancy and retirements) in F iscal Year (F Y) 2020-21 to date, this action will not result in an increase to this year's Operating B udget. T his action will result in an annual cost of approximately $38,995 due to the maximum step of the salary range, benef its, and date of hire. However, any operational budget increases due to this action in f uture fiscal years, starting in F Y 2021-22 will have already been more than of f set by substantial benefit savings due to retirements during F Y 2020-21. C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT IO N T he Administrative C ommittee reviewed this subject at its May 4, 2021 meeting and recommended _____. May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 5 of 91 Page 2 of 4 RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N Approve replacing a vacant C ontrol S ystems Technician position (G-71, $4,166-$5,045 bi-weekly) with a Utility Systems Engineer position (S -79, $5,066-$6,124 bi-weekly). Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L FI VE: I nfrastructure R eliability Strategy 1 – Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life G O A L S I X: I nnovation and O ptimization Strategy 2 – I mprove and modernize operations through technology and efficiency measures AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription 1. L ist of upcoming projects with Control Systems scope May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 6 of 91 Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1 Projects with Significant Control Systems Scope Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan Fiscal Year Project No Project Name 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 7328 Influent Pump Electrical Improvements x x 8436 Pump Station Upgrades ‐ Phase 1 x x 7349 Electric Blower Improvements x x x 7348 Solids Handling Facility Improvements x x x x x 8457 Pump Station Upgrades ‐ Phase 2 x x x x 10015 Aeration Basins Diffuser Replacement & Seismic Upgrades x x x x x 10012 UV Disinfection Upgrades x x x x x 7339C Pump & Blower I/O Replacement Project xx xx xx 7339D Standby Power I/O Replacement Project xx xx xx Treatment Plant SCADA Upgrades xx xx xx xx Pumping Station SCADA Upgrades xx xx xx xx xx 7349 Steam System and Existing Aeration Blower Renovations x x x x Standby Generator Expansion x x x CoGen Replacement x x x x x - Project currently in Design or Construction xx - Project to be led by Process Control System Group May 4, 2021 Regular ADMIN Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 7 of 91 Page 4 of 4