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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07. Accept Irrevocable Offer of Dedication and authorize execution of Quitclaim Deeds re John Muir Health in Walnut Creek Page 1 of 7 Item 7. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 7, 2021 SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2021-070 ACCEPTING AN IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION FROM JOHN MUIR HEALTH FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES; AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS TO JOHN MUI R HEALTH, OR CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER AT TIME OF RECORDING, FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES; AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO RECORD THE RESOLUTION AND DOCUMENTS WITH THE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RECORDER SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: STEPHANIE GRONLUND, ASSOCIATE ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- ENGINEER PDS-DEVELOPMENT SERVI CES-MAINLINE REVI EW REVIEWED BY: DANA LAWSON, SENIOR ENGINEER DANEA GEMMELL, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm General Manager District Counsel ISSUE A resolution of the Board of Directors (Board) is required to accept an irrevocable offer of dedication of a sanitary sewer easement to convey real property interest to Central San; authorize execution of a quitclaim deed for sewer purposes for Central San to release real property interest; and to authorize recording of the resolution and documents. October 7, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 101 of 200 Page 2 of 7 BACKGROUND John Muir Health (property owner) is expanding their medical campus located on Ygnacio Valley Road and La Casa Via in Walnut Creek. To accommodate a new Outpatient Service Center, realignment of an existing public sewer main was requested. With Job 6705, the property owner is in the process of constructing a new public sewer main and abandoning portions of the existing public sewer mains that were installed with Jobs 2060, 5841, and 3298. To avoid construction delays of the new building, property owner has requested Central San to initiate Board action now, which is a deviation from the standard practice of waiting until the sewers have passed final inspection, so the quitclaim deeds can be recorded immediately without delay since the sewer flows have been successfully routed to the new sewer main. To provide the necessary land rights to the public sanitary sewers, the property owner will record a Grant of Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (Easement for Sewer Purposes). ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could decline to accept the irrevocable offer of dedication. This alternative is not recommended as Central San would not have recorded land rights to reconstruct, maintain, or operate the public sanitary sewers that will be owned by Central San. The Board could also decline to quitclaim the unused sewer easements, although this action would increase Central San's potential liability for lands without public sewers. FINANCIAL IMPACTS None, as the property owner has paid to process and record these documents. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Real Estate, Environmental and Planning Committee reviewed this matter at its meeting on September 13, 2021 and recommended approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Adopt the proposed resolution accepting an irrevocable offer of dedication from John Muir Health for sanitary sewer purposes; authorizing execution of quitclaim deeds to John Muir Health, or current property owner at time of recording, for sanitary sewer purposes; and authorizing staff to record the resolution and documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life October 7, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 102 of 200 Page 3 of 7 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Easement Map 3. Proposed Resolution October 7, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 103 of 200 Page 4 of 7 John Muir Health Medical Center Walnut Creek Developer Project 6705 Map Date:8/20/2021 Concord Pleasant Hill Detail Area 'a • JaOe`!F� ® Walnut Creek Lafayette MJchba% mai °e e �oS.GeCC°S� �o a� CO of 2 6705 San Carlos�Dr Monte9° z$..0 dslo'a_ Wal ;><nu�g\va QProject Location and Number Note: 0 1,000 Map Displayed in North American Datum of 1983 Attachment Central San data as of August 2021. FeetCalifornia State Plane,Zone III FIPS 0403,US Feet 1 October 7, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 104 of 200 ATTACHMENT 2 (D BKF Engineers MATCHLINE SEE RIGHT Imo+ / CITY F © APN / �" WALNI 3I uoa � j�'� �/�� E E I� — UT CREEK EXISTING / i I BS, RICHARD M 140-290-003-7 RICHARD M F CITY CR �� // 9821OR406O/OS.//RMA I I� I Q SSEO PROPERTYLINE- pm SCHULZE PROPERTY SCHULZE 2a WALNUT CREEK APN 140-410-014-9 // APN 140-410-014-9 vi A / i p / APN / 11§ E0rSSE I _ 140-290-003-7 I / 235 M 34 C p I E (QUITCLAIMED) AMENDED TRAIL EASEMENT `\ n ■� O DOC 2007-298302 .� (QUITCLAIMED) \ -' Q 20'SSE 2 / `I.06 V PRO OSED 99 I I „� IC 20'EBRPD TRAIL AND 4 + a W O �w'1`" PROPOSED E PARCEL ROW `L / EXISTING N a Q Q I I N I [�20'EBRPD TRAIL AND h,50 O PROPERTY LINE 00St I I� PARCEL ROW p \ \N / 1 SSE \ z N 0 5/ 'BE ISTIN .'��zs I / / 98210R 406 O} 6 J-g �$0 n I I / /'%� \ N51'16'48"W 154.99' 10'SSE (SSLINEA)PUBLIC �[j /� �� __ _� _ u1 65700R471 6 I I 8"PVC SDR 26 p C \ (a ` mm W / / / PARCEL 6 ROW I I I I g�yy�c E pI I I — E o / MATCHLINE SEE LEFT =W�Z w-o E U a `/ 4S 20'SSE 2 I / I} I8415[C EX 8"ABS SS(3298) - EXISTING I T11 W z F 9 ea.n n TO BE REMOVED) I p4'I 10'PRIVATE SSE r .W RMA I■ ,pz N O I G \ EXISTING 3� 2004-04329 MI as m I 0'SSE © DOC AMENDMENT-00 235 M 34 AMENDMENT C 2 5 M 4 �` NN (QUITCLAIMED) EX 8"ABS SS(3298) I o QµpFESs/q 4 I I (QUITCLAIMED) \ (TO BE REMOVED) y� I I � EXISTING zl I I y 425 E E E _ 8 SS EXISTING No C 062281 10'SSE A I +�. ° w — 6498 OR 487 W 10'SSE D \ E(QUITCLAIMED) I I I 191 P.M.26 ,r/A clVl1. �'a aulecP° EX8"ABS SS (gUITCLAIMED)_.... < EX 10"AC SS(2059) I I I I 8S PVC SDR 26Ile I BLIC RIi B I REMO i ED) N,3 (TO BE REMOVED) I �- EX SS LATERAL '� 0 It. 0T 0 (TO BE REMOVED) oI I I zD � EX 10"AC SS(5841) I ea. ,c a+1' I I I Q (TO BE REMOVED) I N w e za p 1. 20'SSE O2 I I3 U 3 EXISTING PROPERTY LINE I _ 9`' '01 c +al RMA I I I II A 0'SSE \ 2006-0033298-00 B I 19a1a rc I E p nti e p p� ys'6 E E E p E © E p I (QUITCLAIMED) I 1a 10 12"p e m` I I3I AMENDEIDTR AIL EASEMENT I I\ SANITARY SEWER RIGHT OF WAY LOG I % I DOC 2007-298302 z Q T c EX 10^AC SS(1841) x (QUITCLAIMED) �� I I�i re w \ \ m I I I I RECORDING INFO RECORDING INFO = O c (TO BE REMOVED) • I y \ I ROW PARCEL NO. GRANTEE DOCUMENT BEFORE CCCSD AFTER CCCSD c ® I t IRR IRR I EI BOARD ACTION FOR BOARD ACTION FOR J G A ° 42-S 42 - 5 THIS JOB THISJOB �`S I 13 CITY OF WALNUT W 0 (� Q E ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NA NA LANDS OF JOHN a I O CREEK = O r o MUIR HEALTH DOC E E E IE 2 20'EASEMENT E E �/ - N 0) EX 10"AC SS(1602) E AMENDMENT 1 CENTRAL SAN EXISTING GRANT OF EASEMENT(GOE)-EXCLUSIVE 10'WIDE 9821 OR 406 NA L.1_ Q 2011-0184256-00 O SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT(SSE)(ROW PARCEL 1_JOB 3298) (4/18/1980) 0L r (TO BE REMOVED) I < APN 140-120-019 \ I I I Q yp�`I 3 LANDS OF JOHN MUIR ` EXISTING SSE 13 EXCLUSIVESUBSURFACEOFFER O AND NONEXCLUSIVE SURFACE C > O 2O CENTRAL SAN IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION(IOD)-20'WIDE 4 Z a _I MEDICAL CENTER 1 191 P.M.26 I A w A NT ) � LL c� (QUITCLAIMED)z AM DME TO D CUM T 200-04329 4-00 Z �_ DOC 2004-0432983-00 6 FOR BENEFIT OF EXISTING a w I 13A ENIORITY OF RIGHTS OVER ROW PARCEL 4-NEW EBRPD 1/26/2021 NA 10'SSE APN 140-410-013 z 29'SSE I I I APN:140 410-014-9 = J_ _ n TRAIL EASEMENT/LICENSE) I o6498 OR 487 O © I I E I 1 p I I I I I„s I A JOHN MUIR HEALTH QUI IM ED D)O XIS G G (RO ARC 1- NA O � rn I (gUITCLAIMED) _ O JOB 2060,6498 OR 487,10/15/1971) Ua U N _Siwd1-E � E E W 'N' 1 Q E E I E E - © JOHN MUIR HEALTH QUITCLAIM DEED(QCD)OF EXISTING GOE(ROW PARCEL 2,A NA �1 i I o 'o I I lint JOB 5841,2006-0033298,1/31/2006) JOHN MUIR HEALTH CC CLRIOW PARCEL D)OJOB 32 8I 235 M 34.3/11/1980)11 N 554 NA W W o (� JOHN MUIR HEALTH QUITCLAIM DEED(QCD)OF EXISTING SSE(ROW PARCEL 2-JOB NA 3298,191 PM 26,11/8/2004) U UN I p ✓> © I I I 110'SSEI C c RMA JOHN MUIR HEALTH ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT(RMA)FOR PRIVATE NA NA E Q c 235 PM 34 (ALL-WEATHER ACCESS)ROADS WITH PUBLIC SEWERS J w 2 SD z�Vim- E .6 SD I 4 E NEW EBRPD TRAIL EASEMENT/LICENSE SEE ROW PARCEL © E I I _ 4O EBRPD FORSENIORRIGHTS) ® NA NA �I 3 a I 3m (SS LINE A)PUBLICI-'�--^^-^ i F pRTI 8"PVC SDR 26 EXISTING 10'WIDE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT(SSE)(ROW 92040 760 N s1e I © y p I I ,-JI I I i I O5 CENTRAL SAN PARCEL 2-JOB 3084) 1/29/1979 NA 1 o j Rcw recw recw IIIA I oi� I I I I QUITCLAIM DEED(QCD)OF EXISTING TRAIL EASEMENT o yam- -- E �--HE o"J., IW I I OF EBRPD (DOC 2007-298302) NA NA `" 5 pYE o� I I I I I L V I I C6�] © CENTRALSAN EXISTING 19 WIDE SSE 6570 OR 471 0 PROPERTY LIYNE I I a a 6 19 0 N I ¢ n Ex 10"AC S5(zo5s) �- E � ,e apo L I I p' S1 e/db (TO BE REMOVED o 0 cm _ =2 0 L: —w I c E ---- -- - - Y I f 8yw' o C � E DISCLAIMER E � E r.«�s-=E-�-- - PURPOSE OF SANITARY SEWER RIGHT OF WAY MAP IS TO DEPICT LAND RIGHTS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE z �@ ^oE E '`/'` w w w - SEWERS. SEE PLAN AND PROFILE SHEETS FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. U SA n CA - - (SS LINE C)PUBLIC °�6 - - _ _ - ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NOTE: o ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 3 8"PVC SDR 28 c - �i8"DIP °H I S o O j� _ _ \ _' R1 INCLUDES ALL PRIVATE ROADS TO N Z 0°cj -° g^SS_ -EX8"AC SS 308x) \ o--c�� "-, PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES ^ . E o 0 _ — AMERICAN BAPTIST JOHN MUIR N < n a N —_(TO BE REMOVED \ n o > o w ° o \ COM MUNI TY CHURCH APN O MEDICAL CENTER APPLICANTS ROAD MAINTENANCE AND OWNERSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CENTRAL SAN'S ACCESS TO PUBLIC SEWERS. ;; " 9' ; E Z Y o � EX 8'AC SS 10'SSE 5 I c' APN 140-230-002-2 TO PROVIDE CENTRAL SAN ACCESS TO THE PUBLIC SEWERS,AN ALL-WEATHER ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND m c cpN(TO BE REMOVED)' 140-230-004-8 a- _ -cArv�� —� ^Po II u f I w , { MAINTAINED TO MEET OR EXCEED CENTRAL SAN'S STANDARD SPECIFICATION SECTION 15.02702.ALTHOUGH CENTRAL SAN Draw n g Number: < _ —� ���CCC �`\ o I S WILL USE THIS ROAD FOR PUBLIC SEWER CONSTRUCTION,MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION PURPOSES,THE APPLICANT 9 Z RIGHT OF WAY SYSTEM MAP SHALL EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE,THROUGH A RECORDABLE DOCUMENT,THEIR OWNERSHIP MAINTENANCE C- Z<o RESPO6"O NSIBILITIES FOR THIS ROAD. V Qo SCALE:1"=30' SHEET 7 OF 7 oa Mtober7, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 1050 49D7 CCCSD 6705 SHEET 7 OF 7 Page 6 of 7 ATTACHMENT 3 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-070 A RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ACCEPTING A GRANT OF IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS TO JOHN MUIR MEDICAL HEALTH, OR CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER AT TIME OF RECORDING, AS RELATED TO JOBS 6705, 2060, 5841, AND 3298 IN WALNUT CREEK BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) as follows: THAT Central San hereby accepts a sanitary sewer easement as recorded in the Grant of Irrevocable Offer of Dedication, which is more specifically referred to as "Grant of Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (Easement for Sanitary Sewer Purposes) from John Muir Medical Health for APN 140-410-013, Job No. 6705 - ROW Parcel No. 2", which is a portion of Parcel 1 as said parcel is shown in that certain map titled "Parcel Map, MS 804-03", filed November 8, 2204, in Book 191 of Parcel Maps at Page 26 with Contra Costa County Recorder; and THAT Central San hereby authorizes execution of a quitclaim deed, which is more specifically referred to as "Quitclaim Deed — Easement to John Muir Health, or current property owner at time of recording, for Job No. 6705 — ROW Parcels A and B, APN: 140-120-019", to release a portion of original easements that were recorded for Job No. 2060 - ROW Parcel No. 1 and Job No. 5841 - ROW Parcel No. 2; and THAT Central San hereby authorizes execution of a quitclaim deed, which is more specifically referred to as "Quitclaim Deed — Easement to John Muir Medical Health, or current property owner at time of recording, for Job No. 6705 — ROW Parcels C and D, APN: 140-410-013", to release a portion of the original sanitary sewer easements offered for Job No. 3298 — ROW Parcel No. 2; and THAT staff is authorized to record this resolution and the documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7t" day of October 2021 by the Board of Directors of Central San by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Tad J. Pilecki President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California October 7, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 106 of 200 Page 7 of 7 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Resolution No. 2021-070 Page 2 of 2 COUNTERSIGNED: Katie Young Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm, Esq. Counsel for the District October 7, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 107 of 200