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HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. Receive report on FY 2020-21 Closeout of Capital Improvement Projects Page 1 of 18 Item 5.a. CENTRAL SAN September 21, 2021 TO: ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE FROM: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER REVIEWED BY: PHILIP LEIBER, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE REPORT ON FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 CLOSEOUT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Thirteen capital improvement projects were closed in Fiscal Year 2020-21. Attachment 1 lists the expenditures and budget under-run or over-run for each project. All expenditures are based on the pre- audit financial reports ending June 30, 2021. Attachment 2 contains a brief summary of the work completed under each project. For project budget details, please reference the information provided under the Financial Statements. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 2—Maintain a positive reputation GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1—Achieve 100% compliance in all regulations GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL FOUR: Workforce Development Strategy 4—Meet or exceed industry safety standards GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life, Strategy 2—Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program, Strategy 3—Protect personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SEVEN:Agility andAdaptability Strategy 1—Maintain a safe working environment for employees and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 15 of 34 Page 2 of 18 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Expenditure Summary 2. Project Descriptions 3. Presentation September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 16 of 34 Page 3 of 18 Attachment 1 Expenditure Summary Fiscal Year 2020-21 Closed Projects TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM DISTRICT AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT PROJECT TITLE BUDGET AS OF 6/30/20 OVERRUN NO. (OVERRUN) 6172 Sludge Blending Tank Repairs $ 776,000 $ 669,539 $ 106,461 7317 Plant Control System Network Upgrade 885,000 916,458 (31,458) 7322 Fire Protection System, Phase 2 1,406,000 1,426,173 (20,173) 7351 Mechanical and Concrete Renovations 14,697,000 15,168,022 (471,022) 7362 Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades 6,589,177 6,739,744 (150,567) 7376 Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility Upgrades 3,548,000 2,865,313 682,687 Program Totals $27,901,177 $27,785,249 $115,928 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM DISTRICT AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT PROJECT TITLE NO BUDGET AS OF 6/30/20 (OVERRUN) 6679 Cordell Drive Contractual Assessment District $ 123,443 $ 74,406 $49,037 8456 Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 3 4,280,000 4,253,318 26,682 8462 San Ramon Pump Station Flow Diversion 200,000 202,089 (2,089) 100020 EI Toyonal Sewer Replacement 450,000 377,160 72,840 Program Totals $5,053,443 $4,906,973 $146,470 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM DISTRICT AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT PROJECT TITLE BUDGET AS OF 6/30/20 OVERRUN NO. (OVERRUN) 8207 General Security and Access $ 284,777 $ 207,952 $ 76,825 8243 Server Room Relocation $2,000,000 $2,453,653 (453,653) Program Totals $2,284,777 $2,661,605 ($376,828) RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM DISTRICT AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT PROJECT TITLE BUDGET AS OF 6/30/20 OVERRUN NO. (OVERRUN) 7365 Recycled Water Clearwell Repairs $1,700,000 $1,767,602 ($67,602) TOTAL EXPENDITURES $36,939,397 $37,121,429 ($182,032) September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 17 of 34 Page 4 of 18 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions Fiscal Year 2020-21 Closeouts TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM Project No. Project Title 6172 Sludge Blending Tank Repairs The work included rehabilitation of the sludge blending tank and lime tanks including piping rehabilitation, repairs and valve replacement. 7317 Plant Control System Network Upgrade The primary path for treatment plant data traffic runs over the ethernet system that is neither redundant nor sufficiently reliable to meet control system standards today. The major elements completed under the project are installing and configuring industrial type ethernet switches, installing fiber optic lines for the treatment plant control system and server room, and installing industrial wireless network. 7322 Fire Protection System, Phase 2 Most of the fire protection system was built in the late 1970s, and the fire alarm control panel was upgraded in the early 2000s. There are seven existing fire protection systems (alarm, monitoring, and suppression types) at the treatment plant. The existing fire systems are the primary notifications to the control-room operators and the occupied buildings in the event of a fire. Wiring and devices on the fire protection system are problematic and are in frequent need of repair. Repairs have become extremely complex and difficult; therefore, long-term reliable improvements to the fire protection system are needed. Staff anticipates the recommended improvements will be implemented over a multi-year program. Phase 2 replaced gas detection systems in the Solids Conditioning Building and Standby Facility. Fire alarm system improvements were also completed in the Plant Operations Building (POB) and other areas of the treatment plant. 7351 Mechanical and Concrete Renovations The gates, concrete, and other miscellaneous equipment and surfaces within the Headworks and Primary Treatment areas are exposed to corrosive environments. Slide gates throughout these areas are essential to stop and re-direct flows as required for preventive maintenance and for emergency and wet weather scenarios. Many of the slide gates have unreliable actuators, show signs of corrosion, have deteriorating seals and wedges, and in some cases, have been inoperable. Additionally, there are some structures and concrete surfaces that have spalling concrete, corroded reinforcing bars, and show signs of significant cracking. Some concrete areas require coating to prevent further corrosion. The project addressed these aging infrastructure needs and improved the safety and reliability of the existing systems. Major project elements included repairing concrete in the Headworks Drywell, West Gallery, Structure B, Structure D, Primary Sedimentation Tanks, Primary Effluent Channel, Influent Structure, and Influent Structures 1 and 1A, replacing or rehabilitating gates and actuators in the Influent Structure, Influent Structure 1 and 1A, Pre-Aeration, Primary Sedimentation Tanks, and Primary Effluent Channel, replacing or rehabilitating existing polyvinyl chloride liner, 60-inch and 72-inch pipelines at Structures B and C, primary collector chain and flights, embedded rails, grit piping, and effluent launders, and odor control system repairs have been added in these areas and other nearby structures. Page 1 of 4 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 18 of 34 Page 5 of 18 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions Fiscal Year 2020-21 Closeouts 7362 POB Seismic Upgrades The purpose was to improve safety and seismic resiliency of the POB. In 2009, a seismic evaluation was completed for the treatment plant facilities (Martinez Wastewater Treatment Plant Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Selected Facilities, December 2009). Included in the evaluation were recommendations to bring the POB up to date with current seismic design standards. The POB houses staff for the Plant Operations and Plant Maintenance Divisions, the main control room, control system servers, Board Room, and Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)which also serves as an emergency operations center. The MPR is also frequently used by the public. Central San had plans to construct security improvements to the MPR. This involved reconfiguring the space and modifying the existing restrooms to improve public access and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Due to the construction, some of the workspaces required modifications. Floorplan modifications were done in a cost-effective manner. POB seismic improvements were completed to meet the Damage Control Performance Level for occupied buildings. Construction included column strengthening and addition of steel braces and columns, installation of new steel collector beams, MPR enhancements to provide ADA compliant restrooms, and improve treatment plant security and access, and Headquarters Office Building lobby modifications to the reception and permit areas to improve functionality and access for the public, including the addition of an ADA compliant restroom. 7376 Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility Upgrades The work included upgrades to the Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility to improve operations and odor control for daily use. Improvements included a new odor control system, ventilation, and electrical modifications. Replacement of the hopper slide gates and controls were completed and the system tested; Central San off-hauled sludge successfully for a one-week duration. The solids were hauled to Lystek International for processing and for land application use. COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM Project No. Project Title 6679 Cordell Drive Contractual Assessment District (CAD) In certain instances, the cost to extend public sewers into an area serviced by septic tanks can be an extreme financial burden for one owner or even a small group of property owners. Central San developed the CAD Program to address this financial burden. The CAD process provides a means to finance the cost of sewer improvements over time at a fixed interest rate. The CAD assessments are placed on the customers' property tax bills each year until the entire amount is reimbursed to Central San. Each CAD is presented to the Board of Directors (Board)for approval. The Cordell Drive CAD in the Town of Danville installed approximately 386 feet of 8-inch sewer and infrastructure to serve up to six properties. 8456 Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 3 The Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 3 Project replaced or rehabilitated approximately 4,000 feet of small diameter sewers, installed 1,700 feet of new sewers, and abandoned 5,000 feet of existing sewers in private easements. Abandoning the public sewer required Central San to coordinate and install 40 private side-sewers to provide sewer service from the public right-of-way within the Las Lomitas neighborhood in the Town of Danville. Page 2 of 4 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 19 of 34 Page 6 of 18 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions Fiscal Year 2020-21 Closeouts 8462 San Ramon Pump Station Flow Diversion The Dublin San Ramon Services District and East Bay Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority Flow Diversion Project, under a memorandum of understanding and agreement, have requested diversion of wastewater upstream of the San Ramon Pump Station to the Dublin San Ramon Services District's collection system during the summer months. A small (100-horsepower (hp)) pump was rebuilt to operate more reliably at lower flow rates, during diversion times. This project included removing the existing 250-hp variable frequency drive (VFD), replacing with a 100-hp VFD, and rebuilding the pump and motor. 100020 EI Toyonal Sewer Replacement The Board authorized a contingency project on February 18, 2021 to immediately respond to replacing 1,400 feet of public sewers on EI Toyonal in the City of Orinda (City). This work was expedited to reduce the public impact for the residents and public at or around the neighborhood. Staff coordinated the efforts with the City and East Bay Municipal Utility District, which also hired a contractor to install new water mains, to successfully complete the sewer work prior to the repaving of EI Toyonal. GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Project No. Project Title 8207 General Security and Access This project improved safety for employees and the public, met safety standards, reduced exposure to liability, property loss, and operations and maintenance expenses. Additional security measures for essential public service facilities are required. In 2016, a comprehensive security study was completed for major facilities that utilized the principles of American Water Works Association J100 Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection methodology. Findings from this study that are applicable to non-treatment plant facilities and properties were implemented under this project. Improvements included installing security upgrades to the Headquarters Office Building's lobby to secure the area and clearly identify the public use of the building and cameras for surveillance, alarm system upgrades for intrusion, and associated systems were provided, access control improvements and additional card readers, perimeter fencing and gate modifications, increased signage, improved lighting, and other miscellaneous security system improvements, and planning efforts for the replacement and improvements to the treatment plant security guard shack. 8243 Server Room Relocation The information technology (IT) servers and equipment previously located in the POB basement are critical for day-to-day Central San operations, customer service, communication, and data management. This project was initiated after a major IT server failure at the main network facility in the POB basement. Several alternatives for relocation of the server room to a more reliable and resilient location were evaluated, and a new server room attached to the existing POB was recommended. The project included relocation of the server, network, and related computer equipment to a new Central San server room facility, built adjacent to the POB, new computer room air conditioning and fire suppression systems, re-routing of communication cabling and conduits to the new facility, and migration of existing equipment. Page 3 of 4 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 20 of 34 Page 7 of 18 Attachment 2 Project Descriptions Fiscal Year 2020-21 Closeouts RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM Project No. Project Title 7365 Recycled Water Clearwell Repairs The Clearwell structure was installed in 1975 and a cover was installed in the 1990s on the east cell to reduce chlorine usage, prevent algae growth, and maintain recycled water quality. Since then, the cover had severely deteriorated, and it was not feasible to only repair the system. This project activated the west cell for near term use by installing a new modular cover and maintaining the east cell cover to avoid complete failure. The major elements of the project included dewatering, cleaning, and disposing of solids from the west cell, installing a new modular cover on the west cell, repairing the east cell cover as needed, and mechanical modifications to operate the west cell. Page 4 of 4 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 21 of 34 Page 8 of 18 Attachment 3 FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 CLOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting September 21, 2021 Edgar J. Lopez, P.E. Capital Projects Division Manager TOTAL EXPENDITURES BY CAPITAL PROGRAM Program Program Underrun Expenditures (Overrun) Treatment Plant $27,785,249 $115,928 Collection System $4,906,973 $146,470 General Improvements $2,661,605 ($376,828) Recycled Water $1,767,602 ($67,602) Total Expenditures: $37,121,429 ($182,032) I;I 2 CENTRALSAN e .� - 1 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 22 of 34 Page 9 of 18 TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CLOSED PROJECTS > $1 MILLION Project Project Title Expenditures Number 7322 Fire Protection System, Phase 2 $1,426,173 7351 Mechanical and Concrete Renovations $15,168,022 7362 Plant Operations Building (POB)Seismic $6,739,744 Upgrades 7376 Emergency Sludge Loadout Facility $2,865,313 (ESLF) Upgrades 3 CENTRALSAN FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM, PHASE 2 DISTRICT PROJECT (DP) 7322 Purpose: • Most of the fire protection systems were built in the 1970s and some are in need of repair, upgrades, and replacement. Major Work Completed: • Replacement of the Solids Conditioning Building (SCB) and Standby Facility gas detection systems. • POB upgrades to the fire protection system. • Foam suppression for emergency tanks. • Upgraded network capabilities for monitoring. CENTRALSAN - 2 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 23 of 34 Page 10 of 18 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM, PHASE 2 DP 7322 R, • New suppression trailer for emergency tanks _,- Gas detection at SCB boilers s CENTRALSAN MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS, DP 7351 Purpose: • To rehabilitate or replace mechanical systems in the primary process of the treatment plant, as well as existing concrete structures with leaks or severe cracking. Work Completed: • Replaced several large gates and actuators. • Replaced or rehabilitated the 60" and 72" pipelines at associated structures at the primary sedimentation tanks (PSTs), including concrete coatings. • Repaired concrete in 10 structures between Headworks and the PSTs. •., Installed new PSTs gates and odor control improvements. �- CENTRALSAN 3 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 24 of 34 Page 11 of 18 MECHANICAL AND CONCRETE RENOVATIONS, DP 7351 Bypass pumping at the PSTs New gates at PSTs � ' CENTRALSAN POB SEISMIC UPGRADES, DP 7362 Purpose: • Improve safety and update seismic criteria for the POB. Manor Work Completed: • Major building modifications, including column strengthening, new steel braces, and collector beams. • Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) improvements for American with Disabilities Act compliance and audio visuals. • Security improvements, lighting, and minor tenant improvements. • Headquarters Office Building lobby and permit counter remodeled. CENTRAL SAN 4 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 25 of 34 Page 12 of 18 POB SEISMIC UPGRADES, DP 7362 MPR seismic retrofit Collector beam welding and restored 9 CENTRALSAN ESLF UPGRADES, DP 7376 Purpose: • Modify and improve the facility for daily operations to off-haul solids from Central San. Work Completed: • Improved odor control and equipment. • New gates and controls for sludge loading. • New ventilation in the facility and electrical and controls modifications. • Tested and performed a week of sludge hauling to Lystek International in Fairfield, CA. 40V i ,o CENTRALSAN 5 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 26 of 34 Page 13 of 18 ESLF UPGRADES, DP 7376 Testing and loading sludge for disposal New odor control � „ CENTRALSAN COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CLOSED PROJECTS > $1 MILLION Project project Title Expenditures Number 8456 Danville Sewer Renovations, Phase 3 $4,253,318 iz CENTRALSAN 6 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 27 of 34 Page 14 of 18 DANVILLE SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 3, DP 8456 Purpose: • Replace/renovate deteriorating and high maintenance sewers that have reached the end of their useful life. Work Completed: • Replaced or rehabilitated approximately 4,000 feet of small diameter sewers. • Installed 1,700 feet of new sewers. • Abandoned 5,000 feet of existing sewers in private easements. • Abandoning the public sewer required coordination and installation of 40 private side-sewers at Las Lomitas neighborhood in the Town of Danville. E13 CENTRALSAN DANVILLE SEWER RENOVATIONS, PHASE 3, DP 8456 Pipe install for HDD'd side sewer Pit-launched HDD drill rig LAW Open cut side sewer relocation Sewer main open trench 14 CENTRALSAN 7 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 28 of 34 Page 15 of 18 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CLOSED PROJECTS > $1 MILLION Project project Title Expenditures Number 8243 Server Room Relocation $2,453,653 15 CENTRALSAN SERVER ROOM RELOCATION, DP 8243 Purpose: • Provide a safe, purpose built, and reliable facility. Work Completed: • Relocation of server, network, and related computer equipment to a new Central San server room facility, built adjacent to POB. • New computer room air conditioning and fire suppression systems. • Re-routing of communication cabling and conduits to the new facility. • Migration of existing equipment. CENTRALSAN 8 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 29 of 34 Page 16 of 18 SERVER ROOM RELOCATION, DP 8243 0 _ J' New facility built at POB New server racks 17 CENTRALSAN RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM CLOSED PROJECTS > $1 MILLION Project project Title Expenditures Number 7365 Recycled Water Clearwell Repairs $1,767,602 18 CENTRALSAN 9 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 30 of 34 Page 17 of 18 RECYCLED WATER CLEARWELL REPAIRS, DP 7365 Purpose: • Provide continuous and quality recycled water. Work Completed: • Dewatered, cleaned, and disposed of solids from the west cell. • Installation of a new modular cover on the west cell. • Repaired east cell cover as needed. • Mechanical modifications to operate the west cell. 19 CENTRALSAN RECYCLED WATER CLEARWELL REPAIRS, DP 7365 i Repairing west cell liner East and west covers 20 CENTRALSAN 10 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 31 of 34 Page 18 of 18 QUESTIONS? ' 21 v- CENTRALSAN 11 September 21, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 32 of 34