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Item 9.
2021-22 AUDIT PLAN
Roger S. Bailey
General Manager
The annual audit plan informs the Board of Directors (Board) and Executive Team of the internal audits
scheduled for FY 2021-22. Adoption is recommended.
The Internal Audit Plan is a list of audit projects, coordinated by the Internal Auditor, to be performed
during the fiscal year. Audit planning is completed annually based on evaluation of the audit process
universe, risk assessments, and Management surveys/requests. Generally, internal audit projects focus on
the operational effectiveness of internal controls, in accordance with established policies/procedures and
relevant regulatory expectations. Additional projects may include risk evaluations for specific processes or
reviewing the design of controls. The Internal Auditor plans and completes approximately two to three
operational audits each year.
The Board can recommend adoption of the audit plan as presented, or propose amendments, such as:
1. Replace proposed audits with other focus areas which are viewed to be of higher priority by the
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Board.An attachment to this Position Paper discusses one potential such project.
2. Recommend an expanded scope of audits to be performed during the fiscal year through the
increased use of supplemental/outside resources.
3. Propose changes to the timing and prioritization of the audits within the fiscal year.
There are no financial impacts from adopting the proposed audit plan.
The Administration Committee reviewed the plan at its August 3, 2021 meeting and recommended Board
Adopt the FY 2021-22 Audit Plan as presented.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL THREE:Fiscal Responsibility
Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability, Strategy 2—Ensure integrity and transparency in financial
1. FY 2021-2022 Internal Audit Plan Proposal
2. Potential Document Management Project- Recommended Approach
3. Presentation
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Attachment 1
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
Executive Summary
This report provides the Internal Audit FY 2021-2022 Audit Plan based on the understanding of risk within the
organization at one point in time. Unexpected changes in internal or external factors may significantly impact
the audit plan. Internal Audit is presenting this plan to the Board for approval as presented or for modification if
there are other key areas of concern. In addition,the proposed projects are subject to change if higher priority
projects or risks are later identified.Any changes will be communicated to the Board.
An overview of the proposed work and budget for all projects during the fiscal year is provided.In order to be
available for management's needs,a budget for"special projects"has been included.
Internal Audit sincerely appreciates the assistance received from Staff in the completion of this project.
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This report includes the following sections:
AuditF--.w--Y 2021-2022 Audit Work Plan 0vervieW—.—...n--..-
. Development
• Audit Process Universe
• Internal Audit Risk Assessment
Proposed Internal AuditProjects
AuditFY 2021-2022 • Plan Overview
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FY 2021-2022 Audit Work Plan Overview
Internal Audit Work Plan-Includes Q4 FY 2020-2021
1.Audit Projects Refer to the audit plan detail for the proposed projects.It is estimated that Internal Audit will 60%
complete approximately two-three audits per year.
2.Special Projects Includes Management requests as needed,including ERP and HCM-related projects such as 15%
process risk feedback and design-only reviews.This may include requests that are more
informational or consultative in nature.
3.Risk Assessment and Audit Plan Includes Internal Audit's risk assessmentand improvements to the annual Audit Planning 15%
Update process.
4.Administrative Includes administrative activities such as presentations,audit findings tracking and follow-up. 10%
AuditInternal • Development
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Internal Audit Project Plan Development
Key Components in developing the Internal Audit Project Plan
Audit •
Periodic • AM
management '-•
Proposed internal Audit Frojects
*Internal Audit captured prior audit requests from Executive Management in developing the Internal Audit
Project Plan. However,specific audit requests may come from the Board,Executive and Operations
Management and/or the We-Tip Hotline. '
Internal Audit Plan Development
Key Audit Process Universe Inputs
Managements' strategic and operational risk assessment
Internal documentation regarding Central San's operating
Known business process areas
Management surveys
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Internal Audit Project Plan Development
Internal Audit Risk Assessment-Management Survey;completed in late 2019
Internal Audit conducted a survey regarding the existing internal controls within Central San's
operating departments where a risk score was given based on the response to each survey
Areas were ranked based on the score received,i.e.divisions with higher scores were
considered high-risk areas.
Areas with potential segregation of duties conflicts received additional points towards a higher
Qualitative factors were also considered. Divisions impacted by system implementations and/or
with no prior audit coverage were considered higher risk, prioritizing some areas above those
with a higher risk score.
Internal Audit Project Plan Development
Internal Audit Risk Assessment-Executive Management Survey;completed in late 2019
Internal Audit conducted a survey of Executive Management members regarding the areas they
consider to be of higher risk and/or of key concern.
Some areas of _ ERP/"CM implementation
key interest Physical security of assets
Identified were as Professional Engineering agreements process
follows: Sewer billing
Construction management&e-Builder
Any areas not previously identified were added to the Audit Process Universe for inclusion in the
current or future audit plan.
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Proposed Internal AuditProjects
Proposed Internal Audit Projects
Depending on the scope, each project is expected to be completed
within 3-4 months of the start date with special projects generally
completed within a month.
However, due to the involvement of staff with the ERP
implementation, Internal Audit will need to be flexible on the
timeline. Significant changes will be communicated to Management.
Projects for 14 months are presented. Risks should be re-evaluated
in the next year to determine if there are other higher risk areas.
Any changes will be communicated to the Board.
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Proposed Internal Audit Projects
Internal Audit Key Focus Areas
Area of Focus Risk Evaluation and Rationale
Process changes due to new system implementations High
Changes to previous processes and legacy systems through deployment of new systems with the
opportunityto strengthen controls
Asset Tracking and Monitoring Controls High
Smaller,portable assets are more susceptible to loss or theft
Considered high risk by Management
Segregation of Duties(SOD) High
Several processes exist with potential SOD conflicts
New system implementation warrants an independent review of changed responsibilities
Proposed Internal Audit Projects
Proposed Current Fiscal Year and FY 2021-2022 Audits
Process Proposed Audit Start Date Tintellne Potential Areas Covered
r r r r r
I.IT Identity and Access x Super user access/administrator rights,including the controls
Management in place to monitor activity.We partnered with third-party
subject matter experts(Clifton LarsonAlIen)to complete this
2.Accounts Payable xl x x1:Provided feedback in Q4 FY 2021 on risks identified by
management related to the new ERP system's A/P process.
Business process cycle review in late 2021 including changes
due to new ERP and any potential segregation of duties
3.Payroll x2 x x2:Design-only review completed in Q4 FY 2021 to verify that
controls were adequately designed and addressed process
risks related to the new ERP roll-out.This review had a specific
focus on the segregation of duties.
Operational audit of payroll process in Q3 FY 2022 using a risk-
based approach.Verify any segregation of duties conflicts.
4.Asset Inventory x A review of the controls in place to prevent loss or theft of
Management assets and identify best practices on how such assets are
tracked from request to issuance and return.This includes
smaller dollar(non-IT)assets not tracked by Accounting and
stored in various locations.Also,IT assets such as such as
smaller mobile devices could be included.
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Audit Process Universe
Audit Process Universe
The Audit Universe will be updated as needed, leveraging discussions and process
questionnaires completed by Executive Management.
This is a list of areas that could be considered for audit projects within the various
departments. Therefore, project-specific details will be determined when the
projects are scoped. In some cases, multiple areas can be covered as part of one
audit, or an area may be split into multiple audits.
The expertise available will be considered as projects are selected and scoped.
Specific expertise can be obtained externally or internally.
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Auditable Process Universe
The following listing provides the universe of auditable process areas for Executive Managementand Administration Department
based upon discussions with management and known business processes.
Executive Management and Secretary ofthe District Information Technology Risk Management
Executive Risk Management(Risk Management) Software Licensing(Procurement) Disaster Recovery(IT)
Records Management IT Asset Management Crisis Management(Communications)
• Ethics Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Software Management Business Continuity
• Brown Act&Board/Committee Meeting Facilitation Cybersecurity Leases/Rental Property Management
• Ethics Hotline—We Tip Plant Control Systems(Plant Ops) Keycards and Keys(Finance/Management)
Business Continuity(Risk Management)
• Project Management and System Implementation
• Financial Systems
• Risk Management Strategy
• Information Security
• Cloud Security and Strategy
• Policiesand Procedures
Auditable Process Universe
The following listing provides the universe of auditable processes for Administration Department based upon discussions with management
and industry-specific guidance.
Communication Services and Intergovernmental
Purchasing and Materials Services Relations
• General Ledger,Financial Close Materials and Supplies Inventory Controls Social Media Policy Compliance(IT)
Accounting Policiesand Procedures Purchasing
• Payables Consulting Agreements and Contracts
• Expenses Module(P-Cards,travel reimbursement,etc.) P-Cards(Program Administration)
• Receivables Supplier Risk Management(Risk Management)
capital Assets
Treasury Processes,Cash Management and Budgeting
ERP Role Design
• Petty Cash Controls
• Capital Allocation
• Key Internal Reports Controls
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Auditable Process Universe
The following listing provides the universe of auditable processes for Engineering and Technical Services Department based
upon discussions with management and industry-specific guidance.
Capital Projects Planning and Development Services Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
Construction Project Management and Reporting Financial Planning for rates,fees,SSC and permits Title V Compliance Reporting
New System Implementation-E-builder Development Services(Counter and Inspection) Air Pollution Monitoring and Reporting
• Projects Asset Management Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting
• Capital Construction Purchase Orders Revenue and Collection of Rates/Permit Fees Policies and Procedures/SOPS
• QA/QC Inspections
Concord/Clayton Flow Meter Monitoring
Auditable Process Universe
The following listing provides the universe of auditable processes for Operations Department based upon discussions with management
and industry-specific guidance.
OperationsPlant Maintenance Plant
Plant Maintenance Program and Equipment Reliability Plant Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness Fleet Maintenance Scheduling and Reporting
Policies and Procedures/SOPS Policies and Procedures/SOPS Sewer System Management
• Recycled Water(Plant Ops and Planning&Development)
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Auditable Process Universe
The following listing provides the universe of auditable processes for operations Department based upon
discussions with management and industry-specific guidance.
Human Resources
• Payroll Internal Controlsand Compliance Physical Security
• Timekeeping Safety Compliance Reporting
• Employee Relations Hazardous Materials Management(Sops)
• Recruiting/Hiring
• Employee Benefits Administration
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Attachment 2
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
September 16, 2021
TO: Board of Directors
FROM: Benjamin Johnson, Internal Auditor
SUBJECT: Potential Document Management Project - Internal Audit's Recommended
At least one member of the Board has expressed interest in an audit of the document
management / records retention process. Central San had a third-party consultant
review this process in 2014 and meaningful feedback was provided. In response to the
report, there was an Electronic Document Management Advisory Group (EDMAG)
formed, which held eight meetings between 2015 and 2016 to help identify root causes
to known issues and formulate solutions. After discussions with key staff, it appears
significant work remains towards developing an overall framework and system to
address identified issues. Challenges include:
1. Garnering commitment amid competing priorities
2. Limited resources, both perceived and actual
3. A lack of published policies and procedures surrounding this process
Although Internal Audit was able to garner feedback from the former Records Program
Administrator before they recently retired, currently, the position is vacant, pending
The current IT Master Plan includes a separate task where a consultant is to review our
existing document management system/process and provide recommendations where
needed. The current anticipated scope of the project includes a holistic analysis of the
document management process, including a review of related systems, interviews with
key staff, developing an inventory of documents, and developing future state
requirements with recommendations of how to clean up file storage practices. The task
would be brought back for Board approval for the consultant to proceed after the initial
phase of the IT master plan approved by the Board in July.
Internal Audit is carefully considering performing a review of the document management
process in coordination with, or after, the consultant's review scheduled in that task of
the IT Master Plan. This approach would give the organization enough time to fill the
vacant Records Program Administrator position, have that person assess the program
and begin their improvement efforts, and serve as the point of contact for the external
Potential Document Management Project-Internal Audit Recommended Approach
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Board of Directors
September 16, 2021
Page 2
and internal audit review. Coordinating and proceeding in this manner would be most
efficient and reduce the chance of work duplicity. Furthermore, whether management
decides to implement a new document management system or not in response to the
consultant's review, any subsequent work performed by Internal Audit would reflect the
most current system, policies, and procedures.
Potential Document Management Project-Internal Audit Recommended Approach
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Attachment 3
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021
FY 2021-2022 Audit Work Plan Overview
Internal Audit Work Plan-Includes Q4 FY 2020-2021
���AMMIL— Descriptio
1.Audit Projects Refer to the audit plan detail for the proposed projects.It is estimated that Internal Audit will 60%
complete approximately two-three audits per year.
2.Special Projects Includes Management requests as needed,including ERP and HCM-related projects such as 15%
process risk feedback and design-only reviews.This may include requests that are more
informational or consultative in nature.
3.Risk Assessment and Audit Plan Includes Internal Audit's risk assessmentand improvements to the annual Audit Planning 15%
Update process.
4.Administrative Includes administrative activities such as presentations,audit findings tracking and follow-up. 10%
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Internal Audit Project Plan Development
Key Components in developing the Internal Audit Project Plan
Audit •
Periodic • AM
Management '-•
Proposed internal Audit Frojects
*Internal Audit captured prior audit requests from Executive Management in developing the Internal Audit
Project Plan. However,specific audit requests may come from the Board,Executive and Operations
Management and/or the We-Tip Hotline. 3
Proposed Internal Audit Projects
Depending on the scope, each project is expected to be completed
within 3-4 months of the start date with special projects generally
completed within a month.
However, due to the involvement of staff with the ERP
implementation, Internal Audit will need to be flexible on the
timeline. Significant changes will be communicated to Management.
Projects for 14 months are presented. Risks should be re-evaluated
in the next year to determine if there are other higher risk areas.
Any changes will be communicated to the Board.
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Proposed Internal Audit Projects
Proposed Current Fiscal Year and FY 2021-2022 Audits
Potential Areas Covered
r r r r21(IFY 2021-22) r d
1.IT Identity and Access x Super user access/administrator rights,including the controls
Management in place to monitor activity.We partnered with third-parry
subject matter experts(Clifton LarsunAlIen)to complete this
2.Accounts Payable x1 x x1:Provided feedback in Q4 FY 2021 on risks identified by
management related to the new ERP system's A/P process.
Business process cycle review in late 2021 including changes
due to new ERP and any potential segregation of duties
3.Payroll x2 x x2:Design-only review completed in Q4 FY 2021 to verify that
controls were adequately designed and addressed process
risks related to the new ERP roll-out.This review had a specific
focus on the segregation of duties.
Operational audit of payroll process in Q3 FY 2022 using a risk-
based approach.Verify any segregation of duties conflicts.
4.Asset Inventory x A review of the controls in place to prevent loss or theft of
Management assets and identify best practices on how such assets are
tracked from request to issuance and return.This includes
smaller dollar(non-IT)assets not tracked by Accounting and
stored in various locations.Also,IT assets such as such as
smaller mobile devices could be included.
Potential Document Management Project
Staff Recommended Approach
Internal Audit is carefully considering performing a review of the
document management process in coordination with, or after, the
consultant's review anticipated as a task of the IT Master Plan. This
approach would give the organization enough time to fill the vacant
Records Program Administrator position and greatly reduce the chance
of work duplicity. Furthermore, whether management decides to
implement a new document management system or not in response to
the consultant's review, any subsequent work performed by Internal
Audit would reflect the most current system, policies, and procedures.
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