HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUDGET & FINANCE AGENDA 12-03-07 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imlloff Place Maltlnez, CA 94553-4392 (925) 228-9500 . wwwcentralsan.org BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Chair McGill Member Nejedly Tuesday, December 3, 2007 3:00 p.m. Executive Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT a. Review open claims or potential claims. 5. REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS *a. GASB 45 White Paper and related actuarial report. b. Discussion of role of Budget and Finance Committee in the 10-Year Plan. *c. Report on Job 6421, Amberwood Lane, Walnut Creek. 6. REVIEW EXPENDITURES 7. CLOSED SESSION - significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - one potential case. 8. ADJOURNMENT * Attachment A ~, Recycled Paper 50..\ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District December 14, 2007 TO: VIA: BOARD OF DIRECTORS JAMES KELLY, GENERAL MANAGER RANDALL MUSGRAVES, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION ttnt/l DEBBIE RATCLIFF, CONTROLLER ~ SUBJECT: GASB 45 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FROM: The District is required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statements 43 and 45 to calculate and report post retirement benefit obligations, which include mainly retiree medical and dental benefits. The reporting requirements must be included in the District's audited financial statements by December 15, 2007. Also, an actuarial study to determine the District's unfunded liability must be done every two years. Both of these requirements have been met. BackQround These two GASB statements were written to make transparent the future obligation that governmental entities are incurring for current employees (and retirees) for future benefits. Most governmental agencies have been addressing post-employment benefits on a pay-as-you-go basis. In 2006 and again in 2007, the District Board authorized staff through the approval and adoption of the annual budget, to set aside $5 million towards the unfunded liability associated with future post employment benefits. This $5 million includes approximately $2 million for current retiree benefit costs, and $3 million toward the unfunded liability of future benefit costs. These funds, however, are not formally earmarked. The actuarial firm of Aon was used for a second time to calculate the District's unfunded liability associated with post-retirement benefits. The data and assumptions used were consistent with those used by the Contra Costa County Employee's Retirement Association. Also, the District's actual experience on employee retention and retirement statistics was used in the actuarial calculation. Two different interest rates, 5% and 8%, were used to calculate the unfunded liability as well as the annual required contribution to pay down the unfunded liability over a thirty-year period. The 5% rate represents paying the current retiree medical costs out of the general funds of the District which are primarily invested in LAIF, and the 8% represents the more moderately aggressive H:\White Paper-GASB 45.doc return based on setting up a trust and investing in a broader choice of investments. The District's current unfunded liability based on current post-retirement benefits is approximately $68.5 million (5% discount rate) and $48 million (8% discount rate). The annual required contribution to meet the District's unfunded liability over thirty years would be $6.2 million at 5% and $5.2 million at 8%. Fundina Options There are three funding options associated with GASB 43 and 45. The District could choose to: 1. Establish an irrevocable trust and fund a portion or all of the annual required contribution. 2. Continue to pay-as-you-go and carry the annual unfunded liability on the balance sheet. 3. Set up a dedicated reserve to fund a portion or all of the annual required contribution (this would still be considered unfunded per GASB rules). Impacts of Irrevocable Trust Option - Allows for more aggressive investments and potentially a higher rate of return Higher rate of return would reduce the outstanding unfunded liability Protects funds from outside creditors and loss should consolidation with the County occur Full contributions are not required each year and are determined by the Board through the annual budget process Bond rating agencies look more favorably at districts that have set aside funds Funds can only be used for post-retirement benefit payments (unless health care becomes nationalized) Impacts of Pav-as-you-ao Option Highest long-term cost District has control of funds and can use for other purposes Not as secure from an employee perspective Unfunded liability is significantly higher due to lower rate of return Must carry unfunded liability on the Balance Sheet per GASB 45 - Bond rating agencies may look less favorably at Districts with growing liabilities Impacts of Dedicated Reserve - Same bullet points as pay-as-you-go except: Higher long-term cost than a trust - Would show Bond rating agencies that the District is making a good faith effort to address post retirement benefits - Would increase the District's reserves H:\White Paper-GASB 45.doc Recommendation Staff recommends establishing an irrevocable trust to fund annual GASB 45 contributions each year. Cropper Accountancy Corporation, the District's external auditors, also recommended that the District consider establishing a trust to fund post retirement benefits. The annual contribution can vary year to year to accommodate increases/decreases in operating expenses or capital expenditures. The actuarial report is attached for the Board's review. This 'White Paper" and the actuarial report will be included in the binder for the January 2008 Board Financial Planning and Policy Workshop. Recommendations will be presented to the Board for discussion as part of the rate setting process. H:\White Paper-GASB 45.doc Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Postemployment Health Benefits Actuarial Valuation Report Draft Valuation Date: July 1, 2007 Date of Report: November 6, 2007 Daniel R..McMonagle, ASA, MAAA 1211 SW Fifth A venue, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone (503) 228-7337 Fax (503) 228-7447 Employ"", Benofits Consulting I .Af::JItI Table of Contents 1. GASB Statement for Employers on Post Employment Benefits Other Than Pensions 1 2. Summary of Actuarial Methodology .................................................................................. 3 3. Actuarial Certification.......................................................................................................... 5 4. Summary of Changes in Liability ....................................................................................... 7 5. Liabi I ities and Disclosure.................................................................................................... 8 Sensitivity Analysis - Entry Age Normal................................................................................ 9 Determination of Annual Required Contribution - Entry Age Normal.................................. 10 '6. Demograph ics .................................................................................................................... 11 A. Actives and Retirees by Medical Plan at June 30, 2007: ..........................................11 B. Population Age Demographics at June 30, 2007:.....................................................12 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method ...............................................................13 A. Actuarial Assumptions.............................................................................................. 13 B. Other Considerations................................................................................................ 20 C. Valuation Method...................................................................................................... 20 D. Discount Rate (Investment Return Assumption)....................................................... 20 E. Benefits. .... .... ................ ...... ........ ...... .... .... ...... ...... .... .......... .... ...... ............ .... .... ... .....21 Central Contra Costa' Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page i Employee Benefits Consulting I ~ 1. GASB Statement for Employers on Post Employment Benefits Other Than Pensions In 2004, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) released two financial accounting standards that will change how public sector employers will account for their post employment benefits (other than pensions). These "other post employment benefits" (or OPEB) are typically retiree health benefits (medical, dental or vision). In the past, the OPEB cost was accounted for on a pay-as-you-go (cash) basis. However, GASB believes the cost of these future post employment benefits should be recognized as part of the compensation that employees receive each year. The purpose of the two new standards (No. 43 and No. 45) was to define the financial reporting requirements that governmental employers must follow if they have OPEB plans. The following outline summarizes some of the key requirements of the new GASB statements on OPEB plans: Statement No. 43 was released in April of 2004 and No. 45 was released in June of 2004 GASB 43 generally applies if there is a separate trust or fund used to accumulate assets for the OPEB plan and to pay benefits (i.e., to the OPEB assets under the stewardship of the OPEB sponsor(s)). Since the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ("Central San") OPEB plan is currently unfunded, GASB 43 does not currently apply. The GASB 45 effective date depends whether Central San was a Phase 1, 2 or 3 government for the implementation of GASB 34, which was dependent on the total annual revenues for the first fiscal year ending after June 15, 1999. As a Phase II employer, the District is required to implement in the fiscal year beginning after December 15,2007. "Implicit rate subsidies" must be included in the District's OPEB plan. An "implicit subsidy" exists when retiree premiums for post-retirement medical coverage are based on "blended" active employee rates. By "blended" we mean that the experience of the retirees is included with the actives' experience for underwriting and rating purposes. An implicit subsidy exists due to this blending, even if retirees self-pay the blended-premium for benefits. The District provides an implicit subsidy for pre-65 retirees since the retirees are pooled with active employees for health plan rating purposes. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 1 Employee Benefits Consulting I.AoN 1. GASB Statement for Employers on Post Employment Benefits Other Than Pensions (cont.) Pay-as-you-go accounting and disclosure will no longer be acceptable. However, GASB 45 does not require that Central San pre-fund its OPEB liabilities. The OPEB cost must be recognized as a form of deferred compensation (like pensions). GASB believes that the cost of the OPEB plans is part of the cost of providing today's public servIces. Must determine actuarial present value of future benefits. This is done by having the OPEB plan's actuary use economic and demographic assumptions to project the future benefit payments from the OPEB plan. These future cash flows are then discounted to their actuarial present value. Must attribute actuarial present value of future benefits for active employees to their employment service. GASB believes that these post employment benefits are part of the compensation that employees earn while they are working for the governmental employer. Assumed discount rate (i.e. interest rates applied to projected liabilities) must be based on the source of funds used to pay retiree health or welfare benefits. For this study we used 5.0% and 8.0% discount rates: - 5.0% represents the expected investment return on Central San's general assets; and - 8.0% represents the expected long-term investment return on a mix of equities and bonds for an OPEB plan that is pre-funded. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 2 Employee Benf3lits Consulting I .Ac::JItI 2. Summary of Actuarial Methodology The liability for any benefit plan can be split into liability based on past and future service. The annual cost of the plan will vary based on I) the actuarial cost method used to split liability between past and future service, and 2) the period over which unfunded liabilities are funded. The following definitions describe the components of liability: Present Value of Total Benefits (PVB) The total present value of future benefits, based on certain actuarial assumptions. The PVB is a measure of total liability or obligation. Essentially, the PVB is the value (on the valuation date) of the promise to retirees and current employees. Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL) The liability or obligation for benefits to be paid in the future earned through the valuation date, based on certain actuarial assumptions and the actuarial cost method. Normal Cost The value of benefits allocated to the year based on the actuarial cost method and assumptions. Present Value of Future Normal Costs The present value today of all future normal costs, which is the liability for benefits to be earned by current employees over their future service. The present value of future normal costs is equal to the difference between the PVB and the AAL. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 3 Employee Benofits Consulting I .~ 2. Summary of Actuarial Methodology (cont.) The following graph illustrates a typical PVB, with the lightly shaded area representing the AAL: Nonnal Cost Future Nonnal Cos ts AAL Annual Required Contribution ("ARC") Under GASB, the basic annual cost of a plan is termed the Annual Required Contribution or "ARC." Under the Entry Age Normal Cost method, the ARC consists of two components - the Normal Cost and the amortization of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability, or UAAL. The amortization of UAAL will vary based on the amortization period and method used, as well as the actuarial cost method under which it was initially established. Balance Sheet Liability The Annual Required Contribution and the actual contributions made to the plan (e.g., employer- paid benefit payments) do not necessarily have to be equal. GASB does not require OPEB benefits to be pre-funded. However, the GASB requirements will track the funded status of the plan. Any differences between the ARC and actual contributions made will be noted as a liability (or "Net OPEB Obligation") or asset ("Net OPEB Asset") on the District's balance sheet. Any excess of the ARC over the actual contribution will be recorded as a liability (Net OPEB Obligation) on the balance sheet. Interest on this obligation will be added to the ARC in subsequent years. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 4 Employee Benefits Consulting I .~ 3. Actuarial Certification This report presents the results of the actuarial valuation for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Employment Health Benefits as of July I, 2007 for development of the Annual Required Contribution and disclosure items under the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 45. This report was prepared using generally accepted actuarial practices and methods. The actuarial assumptions used in the calculations are individually reasonable and reasonable in aggregate. Aon Consulting did not audit the employee data and financial information used in this valuation. On the basis of our review of this data, we believe that the information is sufficiently complete and reliable, and that it is appropriate for the purposes intended. Actuarial computations under GASB 45 are for purposes of fulfilling employer accounting requirements. The calculations reported herein have been made on a basis consistent with our understanding of these accounting standards. Determinations for purposes other than meeting employer financial accounting requirements may be different from these results. As required by GASB 45, this valuation assumes this will be an ongoing plan. However, this assumption does not imply any obligation by the employer to continue the plan. This report is intended for the sole use of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. It is intended only to supply information for the District to comply with the stated purpose of the report and may not be appropriate for other business purposes. Reliance on information contained in this report by anyone for other than the intended purposes, puts the relying entity at risk of being misled because of confusion or failure to understand applicable assumptions, methodologies, or limitations of the report's conclusions. Accordingly, no person or entity, including the District should base any representations or warranties in any business agreement on any statements or conclusions contained in this report without the written consent of Aon Consulting. The actuaries whose signatures appear below are Members of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion contained herein. The actuaries are available to answer any questions with regard to the matters enumerated in this report. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 5 Employee Benofits Consulting I ~ 3. Actuarial Certification (cant.) Aon's relationship with the Plan and the Plan Sponsor is strictly professional. There are no aspects of the relationship that may impair or appear to impair the objectivity of our work. Respectfully Submitted, Aon Consulting Daniel R. McMonagle, ASA, MAAA 1211 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 306-2868 Brian Pieper, ASA, MAAA 199 Fremont Street, 14th Floor San Francisco, California 94105 (415) 486-7692 Anil Kochhar, ASA, MAAA 199 Fremont Street, 14th Floor San Francisco, California 94105 (415) 486-7122 November 6, 2007 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 6 4. Summary of Changes in Liability Employee Benefits Consulting I~ For the current valuation, we are using 5% for the "unfunded scenario" and 8% for the "funded scenario", compared to discount rates of3% and 5% for the unfunded and funded scenarios respectively at the prior valuation. These changes in discount rates give the appearance that liabilities have decreased when looking at the "funded scenario" or "unfunded scenario" on their own. In actuality, plan liabilities have increased in the two years since the prior valuation, when compared on a common discount rate basis. Following is a summary of the main reasons for the change in liability: Normal growth - The liabilities of the Plan increase over time due to Normal Cost (current benefit accruals) and interest cost (benefits are closer to being paid). The Actuarial Accrued Liability as of July I, 2005 was expected to increase by $4.9 million at a 5% discount rate due to this normal growth. Recognition of the "implicit rate subsidy" - For the July 1, 2007 valuation the average active and retiree "blended" claims costs are age graded to reflect the higher costs of retiree medical coverage versus active medical coverage for retirees under age 65. The inclusion of the implicit rate subsidy increased the total liability by 13% - 15%. Other (Gains) & Losses - Demographic changes (new hires, terminations, deaths) and economic changes (changes in trends and premium amounts, etc.) also affect the liability. Greater than expected increases in Kaiser premiums were one significant factor that contributed to an overall increase ("loss") in plan liability. Discount Rate Valuation Result at July 1, 2005 Normal Growth Inclusion of the Implicit Rate Subsidy Other Gains and Losses (demographic, economic) Valuation Result at July 1, 2007 Actuarial Accrued Liability 5.0% $53,400,000 $4,900,000 $7,200,000 $2,900,000 $68,400,000 * Assumes 30-year amortization of Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability Annual Required Contribution* 5.0% $5,000,000 $400,000 $580,000 $220,000 $6,200,000 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 7 Employ"", Benefits Consulting I ~ 5. Liabilities and Disclosure Discount Rate 5.00% 8.00% Employer Present Value of Benefits Active $46,890,619 $27,392,546 Retired $36,508.707 $27.174.594 Total $83,399,326 $54,567,140 Employer Actuarial Accrued Liability Active $31,939,249 $20,819,317 Retired $36.508.707 $27.174.594 Total $68,447,956 $47,993,911 Normal Cost $1,687,467 $872,152 Benefit Payments - Employer Subsidy Active (Expected Retirees) $148,078 $148,078 Retired $2.129.738 $2.129.738 Total $2,277,816 $2,277,816 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 8 Employee Benefits Consulting 1,Ar:::JItI 5. Liabilities and Disclosure (cant.) Sensitivity Analysis - Entry Age Normal 5.00% 5.00% Base Trend Trend + 1% Trend -1% Active Participants $31,939,249 $38,305,108 $26,902,904 Retired Participants $36,508.707 $40.398,048 $33,202.989 Total AAL $68,447,956 $78,703,156 $60,105,893 Normal Cost $1,687,467 $2,067,672 $1,394,412 8.00% 8.00% Base Trend Trend + 1% Trend -1% Active Participants $20,819,317 $24,246,227 $18,020,361 Retired Participants $27,174,594 $29,528.577 $25.129,871 Total AAL $47,993,911 $53,774,804 $43,150,232 Normal Cost $872,152 $1,040,038 $738,681 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 9 Employ"" Bendits Consulting I ,At:::JItI 5. Liabilities and Disclosure (cant.) Determination of Annual Required Contribution - Entry Age Normal Discount Rate 5.00% 8.00% Normal Cost with Interest $1,771,840 $941,924 Unfunded ML $68,447,956 $47,993,911 Amortization Period 30.00 30.00 Amortization Amount with Interest $4,452,638 $4,263,176 Annual Required Contribution $6,224,478 $5,205,100 Interest on Net OPEB Obligation $0 $0 Adjustment to Annual Required Contribution $0 $0 Annual OPES Cost (Expense) $6,224,478 $5,205,100 Benefit Payments/Expected Contribution $2,277,816 $5,205,100 Increase in Net OPEB Obligation $3,946,662 $0 Net OPEB Obligation-Beginning of the Year $0 $0 Net OPEB Obligation-End of Year $3,946,662 $0 Annual Required Contribution with Alternative Amortization Periods 10-Year Amortization Amortization Amount $8,864,323 $7,152,508 Annual Required Contribution $10,636,163 $8,094,432 20-Year Amortization Amortization Amount $5,492,441 $4,888,286 Annual Required Contribution $7,264,281 $5,830,210 UAAL as a Actuarial Entry Age Percentage of Actuarial Value of Normal Covered Covered Valuation Assets AAL UAAL Funded Ratio Payroll Payroll Date (a) (b) (b - a) (a I b) (c) ((b - a) I c) 7/1/2007 $ 0 $68,447,956 $68,447,956 0% $22,648,230 302% Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 10 Employee Benefits Consulting I .~ 6. Demographics A. Actives and Retirees by Medical Plan at June 30, 2007: Medical Plan Active Retiree* Kaiser 147 105 Health Net (HMO) 66 14 Health Net (PPO) 30 51 Opt-Out 17 4 Total 260 174 Dental Plan Active Retiree Delta Dental 260 171 Opt-Out 0 3 Total 260 174 . Also includes spouses of deceased retirees who remain eligible for benefits the plan. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 11 Employee Benefits Consulting I ,Ac::JItI 6. Demographies (cont.) B. Population Age Demographics at June 30, 2007: Actives Retirees Number Average Attained Age Average Service 260 47.28 12.4 174 67.69 21.0 Population 80 o 60 40 20 III Covered Actives .. Retirees and Beneficiaries Years of Employment Age Under 1 1 to4 5 to 9 10 to 14 15 to 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 and up Total 20 - 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 25 - 29 3 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 14 30- 34 2 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 15 35 - 39 4 7 11 0 0 0 24 40 - 44 2 6 14 3 10 0 0 36 45 - 49 2 6 14 5 14 4 3 49 50- 54 9 15 2 12 11 18 4 72 55 - 59 4 7 2 5 6 12 38 60 - 64 3 0 3 0 0 9 65 - 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 17 51 71 12 46 23 33 7 260 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 12 ErnploYbe 8en,jfits Consulting I ~ 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method A. Actuarial Assumptions (1) Participation It is assumed that 100% of current actives will elect coverage at retirement, if they are currently enrolled. It is assumed that active participants will elect the medical coverage they are currently enrolled in at retirement. (2) Pre- Retirement and Post Retirement Mortality Age Male Female 25 0.07% 0.03% 30 0.08% 0.04% 35 0.09% 0.05% 40 0.12% 0.08% 45 0.17% 0.10% 50 0.29% 0.16% 55 0.49% 0.26% 60 0.90% 0.51% 65 1.62% 0.97% * All pre- retirement deaths are assumed to be non- service connected. (3) Age of Spouse Active spouse dates of birth are used when available. When unavailable, it is assumed that female spouses are 3 years younger than male spouses. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 13 Employee Benefits Ctlf1sulting IAoN 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method (cont.) (4) Service Retirement Rates vary by age and tier. See tables below. Age Tier I Tier II 50 3% 3% 51 3% 3% 52 5% 5% 53 10% 5% 54 15% 10% 55 20% 10% 56 20% 10% 57 25% 10% 58 25% 10% 59 25% 10% 60 25% 15% 61 30% 15% 62 30% 25% 63 30% 25% 64 30% 30% 65 35% 35% 66 35% 35% 67 35% 35% 68 35% 35% 69 35% 35% 70 100% 100% Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 14 Employee Benefits Consulting I ..Af::JItI 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method (cont.) (5) Termination Rates Sample termination rates for all participants with less than 5 years of service are shown in the following table: o 1 2 3 4 General Rate 13.00% 7.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% Service Sample ultimate termination rates for all participants with 5 or more years of service* are shown in the following table: Age Rate 20 4.00% 25 4.00% 30 4.00% 35 4.00% 40 3.84% 45 3.21 % 50 1.52% 55 0.33% 60 0.00% * No withdrawal is assumed after a member is eligible for retirement. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 15 Employee Benofits Consulting IAoN 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method (cont.) (6) Morbidity Rates Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Health Plan Rates Age-weighted claims, which generate the expected average annual claim for Central San's health plan, were estimated by multiplying the plan premiums by the following morbidity rates. These morbidity rates were calculated using a standard age-graded morbidity table with adjustments to reflect Central San's current active and retiree demographics: Pre-65 Morbidity Rates Participant Spouse Age Male Female Male Female 50 116.60% 85.88% 134.66% 99.19% 51 120.45% 88.71% 139.11% 102.46% 52 124.42% 91.64% 143.70% 105.84% 53 128.53% 94.67% 148.44% 109.33% 54 132.77% 97.79% 153.34% 112.94% 55 137.15% 101.02% 158.40% 116.67% 56 142.09% 104.65% 164.10% 120.87% 57 147.20% 108.42% 170.01% 125.22% 58 152.50% 112.32% 176.13% 129.73% 59 157.99% 116.37% 182.47% 134.40% 60 163.68% 120.56% 189.04% 139.23% 61 170.56% 125.62% 196.98% 145.08% 62 177.72% 130.90% 205.25% 151.18% 63 185.18% 136.39% 213.87% 157.53% 64 192.96% 142.12% 222.86% 164.14% Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 16 Employee Benefits Consulting I ..Ac::JItI 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method (cont.) (6) Morbidity Rates (cont.) Post-65 Morbidity Rates Participant Spouse Age Male Female Male Female 65 86.02% 63.36% 104.60% 77.04 % 66 88.61 % 65.26% 107.74% 79.35% 67 91.26% 67.22% 110.97% 81.73% 68 94.00% 64.24% 114.30% 84.19% 69 96.82% 71.31% 117.73% 86.71 % 70 99.73% 73.45% 121.26% 89.31% 71 102.22% 75.29% 124.29% 91.55% 72 104.77% 77.17% 127.40% 93.83% 73 107.39% 79.10% 130.59% 96.18% 74 110.08% 81.08% 133.85% 98.59% 75 112.83% 83.10% 137.20% 101.05% 76 115.09% 84.77% 139.94% 103.07% 77 117 .39% 86.46% 142.74% 105.13% 78 119.74% 88.19% 145.59% 107.23% 79 122.13% 89.95% 148:51% 109.38% Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 17 Employee Bl,mefits Consulting I ~ 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method (cont.) (7) Retiree Dental and Vision In accordance with common actuarial practice, the retiree dental and vision claim costs were not adjusted for age or gender. (8) 2007-2008 Retiree Blended Premium Rates Heath Net Health Net Seniority Plus Retiree & Retiree Spouse/Partner Retiree & Family $499.29 $998.57 $1,447.94 $501.92 $1,003.84 $,1420.44 $723.29 $1,448.67 $2,097.17 Retiree & Retiree & Non Retiree Only Medicare Spouse Medicare Spouse $340.54 $681.07 $628.20 $1,256.40 $1,130.10 $338.12 $676.24 $840.04 $469.36 $938.72 $219.80 $439.60 Retiree & Retiree Spouse/Partner Retiree & Family $70.47 $122.84 $189.57 Medical Plan HMO Health Net Kaiser PPO Health Net Medicare Supplemental Rates after a Reflection of Medicare Part D HMO Health Net Kaiser Cost Plan Kaiser Senior Advantage PPO Dental Delta Dental Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 18 Employee Ben,Aits Consulting I ~ 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method (cont.) (9) Employee/Retiree Blended Premium Trend Rates Plan Year Health Delta Medicare Ending Pre-65 Post-65 Dental Part B 6/30/2008 11.00% 11.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6/30/2009 10.00% 10.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6/30/2010 9.00% 9.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6/30/2011 8.00% 8.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6/30/2012 7.00% 7.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6/30/2013 6.00% 6.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6/30/2014 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6/30/2015+ 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 19 Employee Benefits Consulting I .~ 7. Actuarial Assumptions and Valuation Method (cont.) B. Other Considerations Active employees that currently have spousal coverage are assumed to remain married and elect the same plan and coverage after retirement. This actuarial valuation is based on census data as of June 30, 2007. C. Valuation Method For the June 30, 2007 actuarial valuation, we have prepared results using the Entry Age Normal Method. The total liability for all benefits is the Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefits. Under the Entry Age Normal Method, the Actuarial Accrued Liability (AAL) for active members is calculated as the portion of the Actuarial Present Value of projected benefits allocated to prior years on a level basis over service. The cost for the current fiscal year is allocated based on service and is called the Normal Cost. The AAL for members currently receiving benefits, for active members beyond the assumed final retirement age, and for members entitled to deferred benefits, is equal to the present value of the benefits expected to be paid. No normal costs are applicable for these participants. The excess of the total AAL over the actuarial value of plan assets is called the unfunded AAL. Funding requirements are determined by adding the norm~l cost and an amortization of the unfunded AAL. The amortization of unfunded AAL is over a period of 30 years as a level dollar amount. All changes in liability due to plan amendments, changes in actuarial assumptions, or changes in actuarial methodology are amortized separately. In addition, all gains or losses are tracked and an unamortized gain or loss may be amortized each year. D. Discount Rate (Investment Return Assumption) 5.00% - This is based on the assumption that benefits will be paid from general Central Contra Costa Sanitary District assets and not invested in a separate trust. 8.00% - For illustration purposes, this is an example of an investment return assuming pre- funded contributions towards Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Postretirement Medical Benefits set aside in a trust with a mix of asset classes. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 20 Employee Benefits Consulting I .Af:J1iI 8. Summary of Plan Provisions E. Benefits Tier I Employees hired by the District prior to May 1, 1985 shall be covered by medical, dental, and reduced life insurance plans (one-half of the life insurance provided at time of retirement for employees hired before May 1, 1985) when they retire from District employment provided that they meet the "Rule of 65." Under the "Rule of 65" an employee's age plus years of service with the District at the time of retirement must total 65, with a minimum requirement that the employee must be at least age 50 and have at least ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at the time of retirement. Eligible employees' qualified dependents (as defined by the plan provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also shall be covered by medical and dental plans. Tier II Employees hired after May 1, 1985 but before April 19, 2003 shall be covered by medical and dental plans when they retire from District employment provided that they meet the "Rule of 65." Under the "Rule of 65" an employee's age plus years of service with the District at the time of retirement must total 65, with a minimum requirement that the employee must be at least age 50 and have at least ten (10) years of continuous service with the District at time of retirement. Employees hired after April 18, 2003, who are part of the MSCG & management groups (MS & MG) and have reached age 55 and have a minimum often (10) years of continuous service with the District at the time of retirement shall be covered by medical and dental plans when they retire from District employment. Eligibility requirements for employees hired after April 18, 2003 that are in the general group are still based on the "Rule of 65" requirements. The district shall only pay for the full cost of an eligible retired employee's medical and dental plan premiums until the retired employee's 65th birthday. At age 65, the retired employee shall pay the District fifty percent (50%) of the cost for the employee's medical and dental coverage. Eligible employees shall be provided with reduced life insurance ($10,000) when they retire from District employment. Eligible employee's qualified dependents (as defined by the plan provider) who were covered as dependents at the time of retirement also shall be covered by medical and dental plans with the exception that the District shall only pay for the full cost of an eligible dependent's medical and dental plan premiums until the eligible dependent's 65th birthday. At age 65, the eligible dependent shall pay the District fifty percent (50%) of the cost for the eligible dependent's medical and dental coverage. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 21 Employee Bcn(;fits Consulting I ,AcJItI 8. Summary of Plan Provisions (cont.) Common to All Retirees At the time of an eligible employee's retirement, all qualified dependents (as defined by the plan provider) who already were dependents at the time of retirement, shall continue to be covered by the District's medical and dental plans in accordance with the Tier I and Tier II benefits as stated above. The district shall have no obligation to pay for coverage for more than two-party (retiree plus one) coverage for any new and different dependent added after the date of retirement age (50 years). The program for dependents of a deceased employee shall provide for health and dental benefits for the length of that employee's total service with the District (in other than temporary status), or until such time that the spouse remarries, or until such time that the dependents no longer qualify for the benefits as stated by the District's policies. Medicare Part B and Medicare Part 0 The medical coverage for eligible retirees after age 65 will be integrated with Medicare for all eligible retirees regardless of whether they were hired before or after May 1, 1985 and eligible dependents upon their 65th birthday. If the retiree's/dependent's health plan requires enrollment at age 65 in Medicare Part B, the retiree and/or dependent shall be responsible for paying the Medicare premiums. Upon submission of evidence of payment to Medicare, the District will reimburse the retiree and/or dependent for the cost of the Medicare premiums ($93.50 in 2007). However, the District will not be responsible for any penalties or increased costs in the Medicare premium should the employee and/or eligible dependent not enroll in Medicare during the enrollment period surrounding his/her 65th birthday. Medicare Part D covers the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare eligible participants. Under Medicare Part D, Central San had the option of I) continuing to pay for prescription drugs under the Plan and receive a subsidy from the government or 2) enroll Medicare eligible retirees in Medicare Part D and experience a reduction in pharmacy costs. Central San has elected to offer retirees coverage in health plans that participate in Medicare Part D - the Medicare Part D premium is included in the plan premium for participants over age 65. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Post Retirement Medical Benefits Page 22 ( " S.c. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Payment Authorization Pay to: Name: Heath Culbreath ~ q 0 (, Company: Culbreath Engineering Address: 1673 Albani Place City: Brentwood State: CA Zip Code: 94513 12/01/07 Amount: Date Desired: Give Check to: Description: Job 6421 - Amberwood Lane, Walnut Creek Progress Payment No. 1 and Final Payment - Culbreath Engineering Construction Contract: 1 year warranty (10%) $110,000.00 $11,000.00 $121,000.00 Deposit Date * If Yes, attach "Final Payment and Release" Form. * If No, District to retain 10% with this invoice. % Invoiced Subtotal Less Amount Paid Contract Work Done? Y Project Security - Mains Cust 10 No. Name 002-0000-223.40-00 2139 Mendelson $25,000.00 002 -0000-223.40-00 2140 Chiappe 002-0000-223.40-00 2141 Cheng $25,000.00 002-0000-223.40-00 2138 Sri-Pathmanathan $45,000.00 002-0000-223.40-00 2138 Warranty Security $11,000.00 $121,000.00 $110,000.00 Payment Authorization Page 1 of 2 Payment Authorization Job &a1 . Amberwoocl Lane, Walnut Crelk Prog..... Payment No. 1 andFa.- paptent . Culbreath Engineering Initiated by: $1,000.00 Approved by: $17,500.00 Approved by: $25,000.00 Approved by: $50,000.00 Approved by: No Limit Attachments: St''!P/ianie :tl. {ironlUnd" Stephanie Gronlund, Associate Engineer 11/26/07 "/2'}1-1oO~ Date tl -- 2- 7 '"' '1 Date l( - Y6-6{ Date ?O~7- jl-7cf Date 1) Interest Calculation Sheet 2) PMIA Average Monthly Effective Yields (http://www.treasurer.ca.gov/pmia-Iaif/historicallavg_mn-ylds. pdt) 3) Contractors invoice (signed by Contractor, Owner and District Inspector) 4) If paying 100%, "Final Payment and Release" Form signed by Contractor is required. (N:\ENVRSRV\Plan Review\Forms\Final...) 5) Printout & date H.T.E. Customer Balance Sheet (Screen 7) 6) Engineering Department Authorization Limits (for Approval Limits) Payment Authorization Page 2 of 2 ( ( Final Payment and Release Project Name: Amberwood Lane. Walnut Creek CCCSD Job: 6421 The acceptance by Culbreath Enaineerina (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor") of the final contract payment in the sum of One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars ($110.000.00), covering all contract amounts shall operate as, and shall be a release to the project owner(s), Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD), CCCSD's directors, officers, representatives, agents, and employees, respectively, from all claims of and liability to the Contractor, including claims of the Contractor as the successor in interest by assignment or otherwise, to claims of laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, consultants, and materialmen and including claims by laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, consultants, and materialmen as successors in interest by assignment, or otherwise, arising out of the work performed under the Contract which are related to said Contract amounts. This Release shall be effective as to all claims of the Contractor arising out of or in connection with the performance of the work under this Contract with respect to said Contract amounts, including tort claims, which are known to the Contractor or reasonably should have been known to the Contractor at the date of the signing of this Release. The acceptance by Contractor of the final contract payment described above shall operate as a waiver of all claims described herein and of any entitlement to additional payment arising out of the Contract. Signed: ~~ . By: Heath Culbreath (typed or printed) Title: Owner Company Name: Culbreath Enaineerina Dated: / /- :2- ~"-O 7 I I- I 2./ PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT rAx '2.,. 9,,,- ,~, I This PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT is made between. SiN 51</ 'T'5 7/J - 52.3f::J (Ownillr'1 Nlme) .-- Te~' :_~ "^, ~""BG/'(#!!.o, !f.oA4 (Owriir', Addr..,) M:.~vr c:A~~/Lr ( , ,~) ;f~~~..(Lv()o,I) ~ ~~(A5 C/'~h ~________ (o\<Idr.t$) (City, St.... Zip) Contract iI / I I I I I , I I /- I i i I ! I I I (H.O. FORM 8) CULBREA TH ENGINEERING CA. License. 805032: CULBREATH ENGINEERING 1673 Alb8ni PIece Bntntwoocl, CA. 94513 925-240-0486 0fficeIF lIX 925-727-6206 Cell. e CONTRACTOR ) AND PROJECT: .s~A/ S~ / (N.".) CA. Deacriplion of'tIle Work:COI1tredOf propOses to furnish aN nec:eu.ty labor .I'd materia" to construct .nd compte.. in . t.killfu' ano1 ..: '. _ a- ... manner the tollowt"i: (OeIcribe nature of worle Illduding maternlla .no;j equipment expecled to be UMdl: Co.vrntc.; AM) 4r,'cG A/'4 ()-/tJI/:.iV ~ I/A~ /lAft&IJ---t/ZS/f27 ,~~__ /~'-ol. S,;fU SAt'. ..ot.ZJ' AArk~~ R0#I4" t...JA~ (!'~~~ CA. ___'m d.. ._ ~~~. s;:~ m~ ~ 1-;;";/ ~ ~!~~,p~- ~.-:~,~._. ~"""'1 /1'1# ~~~ ~-~ ~c. ~_---2 _~__ e.~C?OJL.~iJ 240 ,lUG ~......, '/ ~ A'J~ " 7!:'~ "",-;eJ ..:uv#t1I/I r Y"I ~.fA~__.. "" .. , ~o ,,:.v' L..~~ CM../ .-/U01"16< f/4~ ~ """"Jp~~44. 7'J.o..."'iv~A ~ -~~d ~. ~N ~Ah /4':'~",v' L~ 0,,", #., fcKht' F"i4 t ~ A~~ ..R~ ~ ~./ Ml'f t11 I. ~// AVe. f'IlL 3S; A// 7?'~..t!IL_-t!L-"e.._4..~0:C,Y/U ~"y< ~~:.l:~/~__ +~ ~A ~,.. O~ -rG.~ 2i.?--~h.cLL.~t"4 k/,,7t( 0'''' ~ ~ ~~_~~ ' /JA7t::# ,17'" cA: -:rr&"Pcll.--'t!::::::./~ A &"" -r. cG1"J AI"'-L._...d..--a":'~4CL_oE..!f~l7'-w I t:u.../I'3At::/1771 ~NtkMLE..L.LLL,?- (.'...i{.)~'.J . d.._~)!c-'.I?r (-~//J('~~ O~ //.:~-C~.~,f~<;:,I'::~~"""'1 ~(..of'6~ ~_~~d _&/ ,1&~h'.E"t;.--.er-5?~.~tOA/IY/AA.(YiI!:iYJ!'.b!L~'?:./~cY" S'-'''~'h~" j"~,f'h,!c?", ero1'/.1C/ CO.......rIO/('" ~~/M"""~~......,.A"J-4'e...vA":('n).. .__u k~CV"('&:."dGt#~""J ~ r<1'I:;;;;' c:A...../,~J"~#~r# ~~ ~~.2C.tL~~.. '/ CC""';,1"'c.7""o;r./ 0"'" A1.~!4L _~M~~~~..!.1. ~_.L~~ r:~~~~~ t;.r~~~".e"f, m,)lAAJf ~~fR=.Tv"o-'..J;J.t;;l..Rr;~_F /,c..Id~ ,I(/~"" Al-fA.(: _?f~~. : Tol., contract pnce 'or the abolle wor~ ~ $ /~ 000 .oClCown pay,..,en: SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS shal/be per Sec. 7t59(e~ ar,d' :" . (it any) IS S /t::1CJ<'.o cr (Down payment m3y not exceed California Bl>sinells and Professions code (see back of thIs pa;,= one thousand (51.0OC.OOl or '0 rerCenl of tt-e contract C"(;8. @xciuding tinMce cnargn, whichever 1$ 'lie lesser' WHEN .. AI\.Ci....,- The folloWll\g WIN consli:ute substlllllial cOl}ime~nl ot wor\( on the project: SAt.c./ r<.A ..,L!'L~,r;'C/r _ Work lNiN cOl11mence at'prOxor>lIlely on Vc/,!!~ du /p,.,if: t r I n 9 delays caused by a(~s of Go.:1, slOrfTIY weatl'er or IInforseen circumstances. work wi! be Su/)slantiallv comDleled b. 1. Down Payment _ . S A)~~~cJo.,_. 2 SAt..c/__CYi'~.t1tFn~/ ~ s S"2~~~.:~~ ~"f-_-'----'-r--.- -- 3..r~.Irrt~......oE:,A'i?!:_~ A ~A_jfoe ~NfIw/4IPtJ~ ~ jljJt. <I' TO ~ /. ~60d-oo rA..Mt/. ,.D...,~ 7nt-'A..k;A! ~ ~o(J,~ (S""~lIe~~Iol/llt_q(_ .---- or swW:les kJ be perfolmed IJI' 10 any ....rertII$ and eqWpner.t to lie tullf.'h<Il ./~.. 0,0 D..a. Q..P' ('Must OullOWfllr. " do"'" ,,'1(1 oenlII ) NOTE: FAILURE BY CONTRACTOR WITHOUT LAWFUL EXUSE TO sueST ANTIAl Y COMMENCE WORK WITHIN lWEN TV ( 20 ) DAYS FROM THE APPROXIMATE DATE SPECIFIED IN THIS PROPOSAl AND CONTRACT WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN IS A VIOLATION OF THE CO RACTO S LICENSE LAW. ~ I , I j( 1,1 I I ;( :. "". ;P';'-<e" :''- '. -,-;.;':-'~' .~;: ::~~.'~ rb.j.. reme'~:~ ",.Ii ~e ;(:::f.jir~~,j c,,!, ~J.lGr. lJ wntt.,:"! d,ti'!'lga :;;UlJr for s,~me .).Y'~C ;:.y ';".\f'"' d",l \:cmrac.!cr r: ;r:~:(' IS g,:} i('lc:ea~e ~"r '1t!>:rfJ~~e ,.1 .;....7: -~i::..-:'. 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','.-: ~= .:~;).. - '-.~ ~..:,:a'e ~,' ~ri! paf."'r:er;: ;':1311 ~e dp.tfTIeo it Matetta: Oreacr: of IMlS c3I1tracl 1'("IT~ 'J": ..:-: ."'~ -r:~ ir"'l""l$ ~r;d COndfttoru :)i fac:i': ~la9.e ;j Ihs ~cnlra':t 6-,d 8~e~;Jle~ &.d.!DI!S are f1.xore,,!v irlcUfpv"'al-.a~ li;~O i~:S cdnlra':f ' .,..,:' :?' ~':.:':' ~~.~'.:!':l :b;,~' (11ft:!e fu on" ;::orti(J!} cf:Jole we:t r.~ri'Nme,:t t.,e "::l.1n::"3~ror .sh.1I ,:\(,('11 '~a"y 1~.1~Ett pd.,I"~m Lt!';~ig !"a~, t,:r':ll!" ~o H;e ~;sc-"1 ::;'jnliA-;tii1fj '01 thl; ~t\.'rt1d .';: \,;"'f-:-.; .: ~ ~:.:;. ..~t:';:H';1i\~.)r,.J1 ie'e~'S~ frOl""1 any .::..~im,.;: r'aCl1d~.;'a I~n '..ursuani ~~: s.e:::ticn 3:;j~,o-' i't 1r'l~~.!"'11 Cooe '1r i~IJt ccr.i']r ;;i ftte ",c)h. fc:r w~.\.'rl ra)'I"i~1 nal) be6t' ma~ .., ~ ~:~ '. :~'''''':e~. /j.",~ a;\o Raglslrd!I01 I'j" cf ifi Sa:e~p~rion \\~~ SQ) cite(! or neJO!Ii!!P') Ih.s ~o.rra,:' - -~---_.__._- N,o ________.____.__.. ACCEPTANce You are hereby authOllzed to furnish all materlals and labor required 10 complete the worli; mentlonecJ III this proposal, ior which IfINe llgree 10 pt:ov the contract price meotioned in this proposal. and 8CCOfd1ng to the tenns Itlereof. 1!We acknowledge Ihllt before entering Inlo l!'lis contract, I/We rftCelYed a COf>Y of the Notice To Owner. IIWe have read and agree to the provisions contained 00 al 100Jr pages of tni$ propos8I and contract and in any attaeh. men!a hereto. whlc:h 8te made a part hereof and 818 described as: I I / 1 C:;,..t~act Agreement' 2 NOllce of CancellationNVaive!' 3 D!agraOl Emib:l B- -1 (0a18) "4. Change OrderNVaiver Exnibit C-1 __ C-2 c-:) __ C-4 C-5 "(Enter dates and owner's initials for any change orders agreed to) ~:;~cte;j ,<l.::ecte<'j (Second Owner's signature, it needed) (Date) 1 I NOTICE: YOU. THE HOMe-OWNER (SUYER), HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT YOUR CONTRACTOR FURNISH YOU WITH A I PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONO OR USE A JOINT CONTROL APPROVED BY THE REGISTRAR OF CONTRACTORS. YOU, THE i SUYER, MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANYnME PRJOR TOMDMGHTOF THE llIRDBUSlNESS DAY (IN THE CASe OF DISASTER I REPAIRS, SEVENTH BUSINESS DAY) AFTER THe DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION, see THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELlATIONI ! WAIVER FORM FOR TION OF THIS RIGHT. . x I( ate If more than one Owner, second owner sign here Date I NOTICE' STATE LAW REQUIRES ANYONE WHO CONTRACTS TO DO CONSTRUCTION WORK TO BE UCENSED BY THE CONTRACTORs' I STATE liCENSE BOARD IN THE WCENSE CATEGORY IN WHICH THE CONTRACTOR IS GOING TO BE WORKING -If THE TOTAL PAfCEOF ; fHE JOB IS S3000R MORe (INCLUDING LABOR AND MATERIALS). I' UCe/liSEDCOHTRACTORSARE REGULATED BY LAWS DESIGNED TO PROTECT THE PUBUC. IF YOU CONTRACT WITH SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT HAVE A UCENSE, THE CONTRACTORS' STATE LICENSe BOAAD MAYBE UNA8LE TO ASSIST YOU WITH ACowat.AINt I 'fOUR ONLY REMEDY AGAINST AN UNUCENSED CONTRACTOR MAY BE IN CIVIl COURT, AND YOU MAY BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES ~ ARISING OUT OF ANY INJURIES TO THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS OR HER EMPlOYEES. . YOU MAY CONTACT THE CONTRACTORS' STATEUCENSEBOAAOTO FINO OUT lFTHIS CONTRACTOR HAS A VAUOUCENSE. THe ! BOARD HAS COMPLETE INFORMATION ON THE HISTORVOF LICENSED CONTRACTORS, INCLUDING ANY POSSIBLE SUSPENSKlNS, ! REVOCATIONS. JUDGMENTS. AND CITAnONS. THE BOARD HAS OFFICES THROUGHOUT CAUFORNIA. PLEASE CHECK THE i GOVERNMENT Po WHITE PAGES FOR THE OFFICE NEAREST YOU OR CALL 1-800-321-CSlB FOR MORE INFORMATION. ix <If more than one Owner, second oINner sign here) (Date) , x I CONiRACTORS are required by law to be bnsed lUMI NgU/IIad by the ConIrIc:tcMs' S... Lice,.. BOII'd which has JuriIdIctIon to ~ I complaints againatcontractof'llfl complHdll ftledwtbt three yellS tilht. otthtallged vtofIdlon. My quttlons concemIng. contrac:lornwy ! be referred to the Rlglsnr, Conlractof'l' StaIIt IJcense Board, P.O. Box 2tOOO. SIchmento. CA I582S or C1111.tOQ.321.2762. I t-E2 'TRA TlON OF DISPUTES: All claims and disputes arising out of this contract and any pelfonnance thereunder shan be mediated in accordance with I !'>€Ction 14 of tile Addllonal Terms and Conditions. If unsu~fUI, ihe dispute shall be arbitrated pursuant to the Construction Industry Arbitration RUles I 0' 'h7 Amencan Arbi!ration Association then In elCi$tenoe. NOTE: BY INf11AUNG IN THE SPACE; BELOW YOU ARE AGREBNG TO HAVE ANY DISPUTI ARt8ING OUT Of THE MATTEI" INCLUDED IN THE ~A"8/TRATlONOf' DISPUTES" PROVISION oeClDED BY NEUTRAL ARBITRATION AS PROVIOED BY CALIFORNIA LAW. If YOIU REfUSE TO SUB.T TO ARBITRATtON AFTeR AGREEING TO THIS PROVISION. you MAY BE COMPELLED TO ARBITRATE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCBDURE. YOUR AGREIlMENT TO THIS AReITRATION PROVtSlONS IN VOLUNTARY. WE HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THe FORE IN THE ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES" VI I ag.... to arbltrMfon ( Initials Of Contractor) NO AND AGReE TO 8U8MtT DISPUTES AIUSlNO OUT OF THE MATTERS INCLUDED TO NEUTRAL ARBITRATlOIiI. ,. I agree to arbitration A/c- ( 1I11tN1ls I ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONOmONS Th~ fOliowil'l9 'dtfi\iOl\al terms and &ondillons ,pply 10 the Il.:rYIlIC!Il! cr.heduje (If thi,; eontracl: ,a in,ne "".~t S'1.". 1he pay men' ~CMjJ'e ~,.)vioe ;e: .- (i~"~'rcr 'e rCt;l'"ve. ",~' <Mil CGnl:a.::l:>t acIu3l':, 'prp've O~Y'".Ft in p u:r!'s ::-; : '.")"., 'J~ l~e ',alll" oj t,.,e '1011\ p"r!0rc Of'! ,he p'Clect at arty :m~e. excfudlnG 'm:mce c~argt;!'i. elcet~ th~! ::u\fractcf ;-nay rl!t:e,vq ar. ir:i~lal d~wr: t=.~~yme'lt aV:N.\i;z~j L'r t'1I5 (:.,:'?:! ~ A, 'a~u'9 t.) (.0''''.00' ""Ih,d id"',U: ~'cuse !~ Lt;l~r'.a'!o; ':. ""~r,c" \'1M, WltI, I, '..,Pnly 1201 cay, ~Ilh(' appr~wna'e .j,;'!, "Pi?";',ol) 'r ',~"< ?,c,p.'sa ~r.d CvN'i1(' .',' wor~ ......'.. b'?9';) ,h2.1 ~;)s:pcne ~~~ nl"! ';lJ~.:t:edirq vel"'.pr I I: ;~' "'1( lO' ')' :-~, ~","rc c' ~!I1'l! t~~l.ival(A :0 ;"t' :ir.e te!we~" whp., '.e~':ri':';'a' :.0 'Tf"Cer.!'rt '11)3 '._ , o~lJ(rea ~nd Nt,e, I' diel OCctl' r T~ 1er~~s a"'td co.;(N:0:15 5e~ f:":,~h 'j ~,'b-;)a.ragrcC(,s ~GJ an,:: i~. j0:;'Y~ C~~.1!lW'g ii) t:if: D<:l)'m~f1t 3tt".eduJe ~n~i! ,,:;,t aNi.y v,ner. :'1t:. ~,-':~'I;;:: ::rC1;"Je:. !(;t :~'I'Hn~ttCf ..... 'I,. a rerlocna^c,; a,',eI t'~''C.~ol ~,.)nJ hpr a::~ r~''''p'~h()r tJo,,~ tOrt_ ~i;~.'aierl c.- ,....'111 "'C"-.' ,l,'["'lJvea by t".; Rp.9hi;ar 0' C("I!ldCi'YS'_'''' ,.~, ':.11 c"r!ol'"ance a.'G C{,rt~., t)l '''Ie coll'acl and su~h OO"(l~ f.I :~,," '.0""0. 'S Cf a'e tJ"I~~HI t) :u,l~ac;or ('" ...h~~ .I.e carit's agrae tc f'Jil parme"'lO Of: "13de .1:0' 0' !.~' ~ ,':'eo.1uI" o~ ;Javnenb Ie ['J":,h,' ~~~E!f s.'I:sfaClnrl Compj!!hOl'.~' !',e project , WA.RNINC: 0_ ~'C r,';! use I',f. 'C'1'" t.'.€ ~"'.'e' I~ .["'J~: ".. '-"~'."IIJI ~"l 1':"iC.:E :;t:iJ:'~e A. Hc,,-,( 'mprc'.'e'l1p.r! '~TI-ael .....,~,' fl".....~€ .:r,;;~l" '"'JS' ro'T'~'Y M't",. Ca"rc'olil R~Ii'.I' In!rJi:r,;~nl S":~$ ,~!~";') .~,~I ;:ro'1lr€ "ede',,: '".., .'. .er<j,r" .:~'!. Tr.e i'ede'd, Tru!r. In Ler.jir;q ACI ~"so aOj;;'€S II '~.r: ..,('....-;,,' ;" .:.~.~ rWii:.'e ,'. rr,;"p '~''l" Ir::;J~lh''er.ts e'vl!~ " !h€.€ a~€ ;-.~. '~tFr~.,t .;. ': "~;'~~ r."'~rJ~s i~\t'~f ~~,.~;~':s c'ay'ne~~s are IlO. j"sla:itr.~N t:a~'r.1en's ; . . 1.. Ca'IGlIllalion' '! €'t',N tr,o i:~CO:;~1 Jr'C"Jr [he aC'::l;crdoC" .:, ". P'q'i)S..1 ar.J :~(I;:'ac~ IS ~lade I!t otre, !I,ar. Ihe premi!,e~ ~l ...~.':'. ever.actc' or o...ne.' o10r"'illl', ':,,".: ." a b,,~,r.eS$ I~&" y;)~. ih;! 6~le', may .:ancet thIS t'il%ilC:c" al 3' 'I \,.,,, prlO;' ".' m:cnighl 0' ltre !l\ord b~s";e~s jat after 1M dale 0' Ih,r, transaction (586 llltacr.ed N,~r,:., Ca'I(;P.l!alion.v~<IIYer 'orm fN an eKpla'lar on ~i 1111s r'gr! ; T"e P,.,v,sion Ital Cwn'!, nay cal1r.e' l!1is ~ar.$a<:ti':l" w;l~,c 'r-~e ~~s'ne9S ~ays ,MI: no! apply ~() a contract ,n "'hid! OWller tas incl.ated !-.e ':Gr,"ed 31':1 WhICh is eXf;<;.:,< . ;" C01r1t'Ction w'lh Ihe mak'ng O! e[l1er.:Jtl~cy r~plll'S C,t se"J1ces 1/f~'~'; ~'p. ~ecf",;a"y 1(" 1"" im'Tledlate li"oleG~~1'I Qf J)(!ISonS or redi lJ' ti~'s::,lal P:CPl!.tf, c:ov'ded thai GV.i ;_ tur"lS~es CO"jraClor "'~h a ;eparaloo1 dillf:,1 a,'d ~:gn~ persor3' steln."1en: (ies;r,r"ng ~t;!l s.tval.(lr re~:i~'r.9 ilTl"'edi~t€ "~nedy and e'li'es~lf <!'.:l!;low:e<.'g''lg and war.,r.g the '.; tG oan~el In!! sale WI'tli" I~ree bl!s'~ess days ISIle an8~lIed N"l'ce r: C~n(l.lllult';'~IWalvet). NOTICE TO OWNER \Se't:Ol\70185-Contra,;tcrSLI~en.~eL~j THE LAW REQUiRES TH/O-;- eEf'.JRE A L1CE-J--iSEC (;tjfiTR.4CTOK CAN ENTER INT-J A CONTRACT -ofrH YOI,j . FOR A WORI<: OF iMPROIJEv,E:>JTjrj i'CUR ?RO"'ERry HE ~UST GIVE YOU A CuPY OF l'HS IJ071CE Lnde' the taMarma Mechall.r... LiE:~ law, any ':O'l:'ac\:". <.tc.)nlra(:lor I,,~cr~r s~ppliet, or ulher lielSon QI entity ""ho helps to '1"O,o.P 'Jo,u' property bill is n.;, pa'~ for 'lis :If' I>er 'NQ'( or !UppJi!!s. "as 8 "g~! to plaCE a I:en '" ):"r~c,rne. ''l''~ 0' pro~'1'f where ,he work was performed and to sue Y"~ in '~'Oun :~ cb!a,n oayrrllt>t T~,.. means that IIller 8 C<:'urt hear-II!! your 1'l11'W. larJ ora vopertf c;'>'J,1 h1; SOio t.y a court officer anI t'le p'~'C'.!eas of HIt; Sd.e used 10 ~a:'sff"~a! ~';'u 'm~ -r_,;! can happen even If VOJ have oaio ~Qur (Mlla,;!;r ,". ""if; !te t1)r-tral;loIS. SuC'GOf\''ilctors. !aborers or !...pptiers rel"llllfl u,1paiC. To preserve ~'r r'\Jr.I' :0 1,18 a c:ai:'n or lien ~.11S' )'o~r Prop'1l1y cert3'r. da,r"c"IS such as subcon!laC!'Jr:; (Jf 'TliIleriel su;l~,l"rs c',; ea~h 'l'!cIJIIM :c crovide YOJ w,'~ a ljocume~' called E: .Prel.r.;;t\aff ~~()t~c'e. rOr.tra~lcrs a'lfJ iab!ji'!I'S "JIt'ln (:ryi".tr~f'I ""'li!1 cwners d,rectj)' do ~ot ~ave Ie .,rovlde ~'l;~ i1l,ti'~e s.rrC.; 10U are aware ct ti'e'r e.:~le~.;e as /Ill OW/1e< ~ p'ellm,nary wJl're 15 ~l)f a ';ell aga "51 f<;>~r C'Clpen,' "5 ~,,'r()~!! .! Ie M"~1 yo:.! 01 persons r;. f'f1lllilJ~ It,al mar h3Yt' a ";"t I,; f,:e . iit, 'ilaar.s~ YOur v:operty II.hey are 1101 paid Ir, IJr':el tv perler: :~e,' ;.e'l r,~h:s. d C'Jnl"e~.!o'. <iJtl<.olll'artcr. Supplier O~ I~l1orer '1lIISt "Ie a me.:'1an!r;~ :ien w-.h !h~ ~."'1~f 'ecordor. wI': ':~ ther. be;.Ctmes a rec:.,"fcer; lien aga'r~1 {OU' jlrOjlp.rt, G~I;era'; ,iI;' ma7.imJ!11 :'''le <Hewed tor lihng a me<;hallic!' I.en aga'ns: yeu' I'r~pMy 15 ;0 (f3Y~ atte' .~hs~a~IJ' COMplelion of your ;;ro,eCI TO INSURf EXTRA. PROTECTION fOR YOURSELF ,IlNO YOll~ P~ooERry, YOU MAY WISH TO TAKE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING STEFS: ~ Re'JUlle that 'fOor COn!rllctor supply to_ .v,:~ 3 oaf''''er: arc ,,~"c'm.l'.:~ ,.c-n(' ! loll -1 license bondi. wh,.;" pr:\'iUes ihilll~p ~()"'J'rg o,t'mp,,"y w:'I,;:Il1e' co!:',C'i':~ !toe p'~leGI or pay damages up Ie It>e a'l1Ouf\l )! :'1e bond T';is ~aym"': aM p<>rfc.'Irl"(;p. Cond as we,! as a C<:lFY c~ t~e C:r.lS:n,C1FJr, c~,-lracl. sll<J.I.j M l,'e(. w,lh ,II.. "ooJ') ~ecordt:r f:;; your fur1t-'er ~rC~fct:,o'~ Ttl(: payme,'t or-a ~~!'f:.~r-:1...ce ~JI'}"d (f,1 I t.'stJa':,\, ~,/..s1 !:,m 1 tc 5 perter:~ cf the ~cotract .'Jllk:!Jot ct~~',clng on ~,. C\,\!\tf8Ctt:':o bond!!'i abil'ty. II a cc:l!rar.t:'l" ClI11r.O~ ehtal'. s~c~ b.;nding .! "'a1 irC'(;,I'e h.t or 'er fira,:.:., .r;;aoac"y. 2 ReQulle that ollymenls be m-ide d'rectll 10 s~b.o~!'a':lo,., a"'o .~a'e"?' St;Opl'ws ''''(11'9'' a 10.01 con',,}1 """dl"9 seNices "a~ he .~',ai:ilole '0: ol 'E:\: ,n lour ,l~~a whi_' wiA E:slablis", v\lucl1er cr o:her 'l1edns 0' paY<7ler.' \;0 Y:),Jr ,;.:.,t,actor T!'Ese }t;:Vlcer. may alsu J;'ovice ycu w'lh lien Wll''Ie'$ aM ot~flr lerms or '}f~tecty,l My '0'-" ;or,:"ol agreeme", shoulej inc:~-oo thl! adder,dum ~cpr\lvet: L'if l~'e reglstr~r ] lssue Jon" cn'3G~ for peY(ll!:l(. maoe C\J~ :c t~)::-, !,o:"r co":~actQ~ a~o SI,II),:..:r.::-a.;f{!(s vi materlilt SIJPp1rers '~l\'O!Ii'.}1 in the rH)fe(.t T",e ~Ofl":~ cl'te("~:.; sr.olJ'd ~ rr.3~l"- .ay~b~ ('J I~e per'l'n~ or "n!it'es which send p,,,':oT'-,~rl r,~:'cf:S :: 1c~. ;"cse ~els(;n~ 01 en;lllllS r,ilve 'njfr:;jllllll'lat 'hey n~, nav""en rig:'ll o~ .eef P'(;(lj;r1y I~'!"~'?" you r,8e(j 10 protect yourself, r~i~ WI:! ~&Ip 10 "Isure ~'Jt ~It cerscns due ~~r~n! ar~ actually paid.. . 4. 'Jpc~ makl'l(/ pdymen; ell a:oy compfele,j ph6St c: :~€ "rolec~, al'1 :)el()r~ "21,i~'J a~y further pa,menls. requlro 1<1<1" funtraclcr 10 lJ'r.v'd~ YOU""': uncond ~()n3! "';Va;v" and l::?:elEF..se- ~t)~rns stg~~r! by ~a,:h !""lafena: sUPilheo. s.,;~co:t!1!;:'_~t,r l."'I,1 l,h:l,:,,'er 'Ilvoh,ed In I~a' p':Jrtion Of :r:e N.cl't' for ,,'''I'ch paym,!."ff was ir.-;t1-e ;ne S~3f~tC"'.' I~n retcaso,3 <l'e sel 'ort!> ~, eXdct la""l!a~e if, Sec!.cc :2!i2 01 ,':e C'V~ C~,1e >,losl lldhQ"t'l ,tores wJ' sel' the '\^,lllve, aad Release' ferr\'1! .. I'~U" oorltactoJr 01(....~ "'.: "ave them. T~e malena' S'Jpphers su!:,;omrar.W1i ana lato'er; :~!J: tO~ u('~a.:o rl!jca~e lrere are (tJooe pp'r-.oas or e'I'!,eS whe ha,'!? '''ed li''.lhn<na~ "Cbees w.ln y(." . 'feu are I'ct r.er:ain 01 'lte lTlal~r1a' 5~ppl,ers sullco'll'acrcr~ a"a 'ab~:t'ls wO'~"f\U ';;'1 l ~'" pr~jeCI. y(.;~ .1I8y 'JO'2:r a l;s! 100"1 yt'~r c';n:'acle'. ,)... o'O!ecls 'nv(1'vrn? if\'lp!ovelTler.!s lu a s~gle 'am,ly :..sillel!:;e U' a dllple. ~...r;eu 0, 1"~"~J~al~. ~he ~'t:1S0"\~l :,itJning ll!ese releases lose !he rigN to fife a 1\lec<I!I"'C!' "en !Q!.nSI your plope1, In ol!ler types :>1 ,onSl'UCi:On. /hIS proteCI'I)' ma, st:ll be ',"porta~: b~l mat '01 l'e as complete. To p'Olecl fcu;~elf under Ihls opt,on, you nll,s: e8 ceria,' ::Jar 3!- '1'la!en~1 S,lp:lIle's, sJt:.c1lnlraclors. ancllabor'lrs ~ave signed t~e "W-liier ~rd Re'f>3Seo (orm .r.1 me-;har.ics lier. has teen ~Iea aga'nst tOOl oroOl'fT'J jj can or'y te ;'8"Pla'.I, re,pase1 ), 3 'p'cordM "l:!etease l'f Mtlct9mG~' l'flr.' s'yn!;G b, Ihe person or e,llty :hatf"en \1"(' rr,ec!la"ics lie~ against your prC'perty ,.,,,IESS the ,aWSll' ;C e~!Ofr.e !~e .:e", "'a~ ""I !imely fded Y;)u shoulli 101 rraKe My Il~al paYlTlents OJ,':II ary illG all s~ch ,'e", are removed. io~ sll'Juld C1lnSult an alwrey ,r a lien '5 mec a~a,n~~ fOur pf:}~erty 3. Permils; CUillrac\or WII' obta," "'~o ;Jdt fly ?oil reo~.''lO DIJ':'j. 19 c~,.,,,,, b.,\ Q",",~r \y,'1 ca, ilSses~me"ts and ~~arges 'equ"ed bt DeOI:e cc.dll!S a',c '''''',es 10' !,"all~"9 )1 repaying the cost sewet5 storm c'n,', water sel'<l<;p. 2t>~ "lher \J~11>t'"-3. IrciOiOIl't;! sew~r an(j 3rcrm dram reit"1btlr~em~rt char~es re'J<::\i1rg IIJpd C/1B..JP,S !i;J.;k.IJu ch"9P.S and :!'Ie like 4. libor and Material: Cor.lracW "tail pay ai' .a~j c'.ar~es ~')' bec' an~ 'C.ate'liIl weurr~ by contr]Cto: ard ~sec 'n the crJ"st'JC1ion'f Ill.. ~'c;e~: t~" i, !!'G:j~I'C ty ON"fJl Irm" l'l~ 01:1I'1a\l01 fo: hdls :ece,vec 11'I ant pe":JJ I]"r,r~ 'N~,cn OWO!!' ., "I .}('~ar~n making >,~Ie~s J:01ymenls to cunllaroto' SI'o'j/a contractor lah '0 onll~e a~) paymen:s fe<lU"ea L-~e ~hl. J;)r;.9.a\J~. ''',P!'I tr:i!Y make ~"ch pav'llcr.1S Q'I oe~al! 01 c')nt'~:t)' "1j ;cr.::ac..... ~t,;::! 'cic'Ot,ISP. owrt:!r lor the Jr":!.:Jnt aClLiJUy oa!d or 41(.....;;:"'.-:1. :'ut )'A'r~' ~'~:'j;: n.:! Cy n~a"s ()~ i1'L;'9~':11enl or vt~-eIW,se. be '.m~l1led f('t :.rl1~~-,1 ar i il~ce~'!r :J"'~.l:r): ~~~' ~'.:},'~i..lt.fof th:l" l~e ,l'!1Qil.'i a'~l'la~y paod l~'- lah'l' or !";tren3, ,me' ::';5 i....ac."p" . . Nr. 'NaIver (!I rt;!na.c;e of l'f~eC~-lr.t(~ ;'er g'.,.:pn by ,Ao;::r~Cif.,r ::'~2~! !Jf bi'1d'rrg 1".",. 111 "r1~lTH~nt! <1t~p' 10 ccr.:~ado' w"o~. ti'i~ re'eCt:)!.: wa~ ~.\c('.,~ ~:~\'(' ~d~l;)i~i been l1a1f y ~ EJ~ra Work:: ShOlil1 ;twne:-. or an) rll;b1c ~<dy c)"d J":~er_itjf. G :t;~~i !rC<1lf'calion or ado,tion 10 I'le 'i'l;~ ':~veref1 b', '''.~ c~"'a~t Ihe C,$, .l3-e~a . Jw"e' a,lf! ('O.'tta~to' 10 a wr,nen Charge I]r.J')1 ~r,i1" oe ac:Jed to the ccn:racl C EXDe~ise 'l'lcFrpd becal.J~e ~I unusual (." j'\a,'"i('r,3:~C ~ro,;tld :-.or.\ht:Jl"s (!;IJCh ;l ~ har1 soJ m:~k ':~ 9',1uI'\O '",a,~~i shan tH? :ti.d l:-r t.,! ('.llhll.r ,-l!=: ~ltr~ work. tic e'lra or r:hanse.C'rd~r 'Ncr~ ~~i1' t~ '~::.:(e.'; I.~ ~e pe~("'netl ""llhr,,!: : w,.it.~n i'\:!~O't..-aho:1 cf hI? pt?";:;)f1 cor'r,l:'~lroG k' :~.~. :-::,;l;:,~-,::~i~ ....l)r tt-,j? "emf! i~pr~ve"':"' Ar,y cl'langes-crce~ fC~1"'5 1.:- r .'r fr'o;es 'r ~:.! ".~ .,;~~.. s:- ('I' :)€' ''';;()"OOnH~rl I:" b~~r.c'l'e i! o~rr C' j'j.):,;.,:rac! .:J~ ~ ,l- :':'::- 6. Delay. :>)(\~:.1,:::)r 3":;:' :F: (\:\.o:f~ :.r ~."'., ';~ic.t 1'1 C"::l1pie'IO.1 Of tl'P fr:~ ~JJs.p.v tw" ad~ r;' , ,)C =."::' . ,., ~-' >" I,' ~ . ~ C.:.;...T' ':.(r.rl"'y w~(!t!'e:. iab::" ~r'J l(t7:" \,IJ~ ;"_ ..' . ~'. ;, ~;~ .; ~ ,{ (ra .vcr"- i"a turd 01 ow"er !:.. ;' i'r~:'9'io::'S i-;:'~ -~~ ',~ :. "";'"... 'I)'f! ,'.-t'~) Ul'~c-re~ee'f hy (Onnt(t(,r "';E-"t'",;,;. ',r...;. .~-:-(' P;;" ~ 03m'j/' la Project II f~(' ",,>!oct ;$ ,jp$lroye.:l .:' tJa:ragert by 3" a"-c'd~,i. Q'saster or . ,11""'Y slOch !l$ /ire. sIC1i1. 'lMG l~nds:'1t. S,.bs.dexc or l!a1hQl.ake or!);' theft or v-lntja/isl". 1 WOI'. dor.e by co~trar.tor h rOOtn:QiFlg or r~~tt'1r~ ~&',e pf",e~ st.eK ~ p3id 'el li, C\Nf1er a~ ,,' Ire N(\rt 'mde.. $0r;11()" 5 COPltrac'or 't4,jl rr,al(l~iO ~n r.1:1 f,J(c( :trtc effp'(~ a VlO~;e:'S comr:'H'<7r,"Jf1 ::'~VC;I~~ or.'-,:" .>'.~ a:c:r.pr..~e"5I\-e liablllly i,'31:rpnce pCI;c, . ; Right t~ Stop wo,~: Con~:'act~r ~.h.Jfi .lflVP t!'l.q :~~t t,= stot) WOfo( ;or cn~' ra)'-ienr Si1~;: Hti! ~ t ~tt,1e :0 cont~'.)cfrr '.mJer !"i~ aQrp.e"e.,t '':(lMf1Cf,,' r.-a'l ;',~P fnf FlJ f1le ~,rl'.. a~ :'c'~"-'~n; ~ ".P ,rl! rp'C~iv~ ~ Cie.n.up: t!pc,;, CGr:"jp!~!IJ!"l o~ It'.e "'/cr~ ~C":!fU.!c;r f'J'.' ;-e""e:-.~ '1eb~ S: :]"'( ::J~I\.5 ::la:er;li f'm ownt}f'S property i1tnd Ie3VP It if. n~at 0:"10: t~'l)~m-r;cran C,:,:1dft:~-, '. "'~$~ tlf;'~~:il\ aQreed ':~erwlS8 in l'Ils 'antrac! . . 'I: ?ersona' f)ropertyILandscapir,g .J...,.;, a;.~~,: :: :~::';ie :. '-. r.",,,~..t 00,:; :"(~c"91 "'opllftl'. 'I'sl(ie and C'. I. '''clUdirg 1M PO: im,ttiJ :c, :':r~'o :~)S s~'''':. ~':l P'il"!logs. aa1 ,);"rfacf:lf shcJi: !lot :>e r(,sp(':lSI~'1! fvr ~"i::J "~r'\f, .-~I)'":~.2-:!"''''~'S .,ct ..pt';D('l~'Sib;" ~cr tt'le nat:Jraj ":;"~'qutrnc9~ ')1 t;::;e''lI':fC'ors WlI'",c Wl-IO' ''la, ;,;~;;s:~ ~ar>~ga to li'llptC'''erne~:ts '0 f8.:J1 p~ '"cludi'lg. but 'lOllmiled 10. "ulb~ "ldew~I~5. walk: drr,.e....aysgarages.patios. lawns ;hru~s. '",,,,k'er systems and or"e: allrlllle""",;p.6 Iv:'.,: 'es,del'ce c' O\h~,. 'eal prO<'erty. Cooteclor ;'~/l 1'01 bs f,eld reSt'I;1slb!e to. ,j~mil'J~ I') ,.'s(,,,al pro!,ertt or any ttT1p'OIIemsnlS 10 real '.roperly. caused by pe,sors oel.....""9 r,",ille' ,aI, '" . ~"':\I"en; or ~.~pir.g gales and doli'S .:'OSAG lor ch'ldrell a.1C an'll'!IS ;J.'I~~F ..t; '~!"'. a;',!t: "~r..!.~ 'l 'hj~ C\lrl1act. co'lrac~r will nc~ be rllsparslto; ". r~p!a-:e,"'l~"": :..- d:h ;-1~:~'::~u"~ " T axo;s t.nc ,~'s~ss,' ""I! -. (." 3", :pf1:'a' aSSestlnenlS ot al; descrIptions will t,t :::" . tv :.w"p' 1 ~ '1cf'ce .' . c.:,:~ .."~': c - -'O'..."~~ ""G'~r ""8 .;ontr3Cl may be givl!n bY !lrdll'ar_ . J' -"(. ~1:.1'~: :l~:'{~'. ,::.1:r ,. ,; ': :..-:'~'-: t...: ~"''-:--t addrflss mat be (;hartged by wrir.en ~..' >.~; ~) \;"'o! oa:1. :.: I' e :.--r-,f" .~':':- ,.,.,., I". :. . J:: ~f'~'.:J liO(IC8 1$ depOSited irt tle fO(Itii ;-'.:0::"-:': [:€~'a,j '~~~all J~ Ja.e-le(l .e..!.!.>'l..... - j:'s ::~:;...,~rl ,::cllrse (If If'lfl: ma~, 13 B8I1k'uPICy: ' eif~e' Ja't, O".CO~"' cp."n;;t ',Makes an assIgrlJlellllor ,Ill> L'p",.'-' C'~~ ~OrS. 'hI! O'M!" Parf} f';3S :re ~I;~'~ t,-. :,~"~e .1!1 c.orl~ract 14 Mediatlor.. 'jnless ol.~",.>~ a.l'e~':; (I r~~ ,'a~es ir Nf'IIing. aoy ClJn!roversy dr.; I:] 01 ~hl! GonStruel'ClI o'lhe ~;C.e". ;ef~"d" :e C j"S .::r ~3C: or regarditlq th!J "'er"e!al:()r .:' . ~f)'1i"BC1 Sfta1i be !u~ject:o ;; ~~:"):< :a.i~, ~.e:'~!;,:'; c:)<'l'I\j<:i~ b)' anG ,r. ao-..ordanc~ A"" .- r~les 0' the Amelican "rtit-;;! v ~\;:': 3!}.- '.1~1;alion ~'all ia~1! plll<:e prio' ',' '.:()rnrr.enc"",enl ,J( .~rbil'a:icn 1M "1 ~c e. e'" Hr :Mar. SiJ'Y (60) days aflerlllll first de~ >.:': . art. (,,:Jtlr. '5 filed by Olle orl.,e ~~,~/;s '.!.~~3:ic", s~aq be govfrntll by I.~! con"'j~"'" req."emenls ccr!ained in C.I~OM;a E~,dent. C,'~~ ,~r.lierJ \ :5, 5 Sh,~,1cI medllIlIon ',,' .. DartleS arbitralO tlle... tI,spu:e IS rot your IISs:slan~ Ihe C'"Piels "'~l~' 3ar:ioo 7:51 7'5' 7 ~l'd 7159 01 the Ca'".::;.. , EluSIf\_ and Profeni0l15 Code 8re r~~rinll<l ~elow. CALIFORNIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODe f7151. Ho..,.lmptllv.mllll h_lrnpl'lv~ QOOCI. or Itr\IIceI; dtfItlIIIofts 'H:lme~'r_t'.t"qnnv. ,P"oltifInrl. ~".~nv ~rtWt'11il/lgQ( 1J'000ngb. ''lS~!llllOl'f1yol<1d$i'Oli1CWC,lJutlYllMirnW!<!~'.!I1d'''''...''Qon.~.~lcr"'-__ a~._,.. -"""'9pac1s,""I.".;"g_a'l(Il>.llta.If~_. ...lIMliIgs.llorfII~lll8.~. 'Q~~. rorcIIl!S P;IQe$ lmJl sr.eIM. b_,*. ~11 c1ler --:>oIWT1InlsCll........._ or __ IS ...~a:e"'IO"dwtl'9l1Clu!e. ...!G.....--t"~"'m_tlEitI$I!IIaiD!(lI'l1onw~goods ~tl'eIurnlslli.1C'orl1c...:_enl!!'l_... r", ....""'po.ge5ofll'... ell.... .110.... ."'lplO'.8'll1!<.'9OOdt or Sfi;f\'......ll1elN goox'$ end ",,"'iellS. '" 1(.f.lMld."~<<b'1689.5(lf!'1eCi"'("je. ~nbrlo.'li~:"'_ilOII""'''''',~_o~..,~ S\dlhlmt'~gMdslllldS9J'<iOIS~m. at ....llClllr""'" D.~. ""'".~ f9/l:>ng. air ~e.~or~"!l~IIf"1<'''''''' _e""""oo,a!.!I'1 ft.>tI1Iol""""'_goorI."'lCtLOOl!\lOQdS>Alocfo lit' tI'!ltSOalllqalD....llIqlI!Ily.. \)!leaome I_Ill w ~ ,""",,*c-llQI-..r.kl!weflom t71it.2. HG""_~COIlhc:td"'" """""'__mertCOOIrlcl"nuMS'JI' _. """,,lIrorllor_.orCCnt_"MliOl"- <lx_II. -.. .ecntrd::'tend.. ~Ot~, 9toot_ "".lIINrIlOIIJiIliIIslIcll/lenunwOl 1l!..d......Ol.cMl!;ngtftts """'1Il18d ...""~oIlgi" ..I''' \'10 howlI.........Whe"'O'ir.. "'...~ to 'C "''''''''''''U'deol:eOo'_''''V,"", "'t'>el....",. """"'pe<b_llf ahomorrll'O'l!"Ilonl'l'l lltrIir<t<lin Cw.bor 7t51.lIIY.llncl:4ls ~R lm'!leMcet """ 1Il8l9'i", II) '>> 1\~'lG>ed ana pIIIlJIlll'ld '~_~:>de< .ltJr'lE> ,,_Iw:Jra.l' 1I$o1lP8lIS dlll(ll1lel'lWl. w'lIIilercral or ~ or::rJr.1801lld jr or:all"'0800c_ls. 1~9~~:rrdl1corSl1ttj<:~'1ornt~'~lrdla)Pr_(Vlbia_ reglIGiIssaft:l!l '>U'Ilbercf.'&IicIence :lr.,...... AlS awUned on Wlebol'ldtllgln IlhCI> "''''''~MOls. w!ctl provi:le; I:lrhlll!le. iroslallaloanO'I.,~c'llcrrer"'4ll"MmItll~ ~_ '71"CcmlIatt~..: tll\IclllfllllllC,""JIIaIIct. vkllallont T<1iJ a_ H'~; Oh'y 'e "Cne ~_....... 0lWa.1Ii <<: ""!Nd II Sft:lIen 71S1.2 be'-n a ~........ 'lll'*f'("lnlrr.orc< '-4Iv~. ....,iJb>sedor~lcill!licMNd~ 10 Iliacl1l!lllerwll r8llll'd n h 1r"",a.1Ic"-.""" .....:1Xr.1rlJ.1'....... """"cr .........tar_ c""". '.....""',. ~\lIstuct."".l)!14IOIIIR~h!rft; tri>'1Jlll:l'<<:~ ~-i9.~~iIIg. '" a1Iiou~lt1Ite$~"31lWllngcr5~1V8""!:r.l ~:~ ;JlCwI'eA! !'Iltaggreo_co.'llrIctOl'a 'Pft:~ ino-ear /I1Ol'lI~'Ilt!rI~. "~Iudj.o, ai' fiblr SfflCes. end """"'lDbe Unrshed trflf c~."fAl8ds ftve~doll;n fS5rel E.""Y llcr.!eilr_'\lOII~ '"..~ ;::JrlrllCl'J1eprWr....fP\#llOleolMicll6 ""Cllf.st'.donda S1lIIl\1"""llpoal. shill belllllitc! "... ~oltl1:'Mr{j(~ evet) Cllf'I!rao erG illyC~il"eGOlllra:l 1\lIbjDr.t1O""~oItN5.IECbWl:"~.". a"",,",,~SlWI"SlgrIectby" ........10.. cxn-1C11Ief8\o. TllewNllQ !I1l1l1'11lti'lI'le 'o'!cM"", la' Tlle_. ~ ...~........,ftl..OOIlYartor. ondtle oar.... .......Q1iC-n-.oI;rlJ $~who-."Ot~"COllI-8C' jbl The~4ates ~ n.wo:t..:r. b9'I!ldWllM 3lIo0"5fII1ctO'lIt ~ beclllTCllelilll (cIA",",~~"';/qle._~.!Ol(lOCllMldon"'~~ """"""""'*'llIXXJl..-.!bd!lorl1cmt''''\1Il1Y8mOllI!;. i1~of""'-b""<""_~allIlP ".,.., lobe _Cl"iMlad nile 19"'l!dOOtlS<1u'II;o.,~.. ""'_. Cd} '''"",,*,,~~''lI'ctCT.lla:tpl1lV'des'''' a~!otepaidll>"'O!lIlIrZI:lr lw:tletlMllllShlterlrll~!!1eCQO~~'OIlYlI te~:shlfrdelO:mlMo:'fthd<<'lln (J2OO}'Y2~"'ofIl1llCOll~IC:ptb'w;~1"lClIS "''''''h'vslnldoil;n!Sllro,c''GllIfr.lJ1Ictlt'!! c-..nc:r.tn''''_~~" NrJ,J<j "'.l ~na;"..ec'aoves. "~oc_is ~_. (.) A~.:JII'ft>1n&1!l.~:1g:/1<Owm."';"'(llCI'~1llrt.sa!"II"'rdrflna1CQ!As. iIlme~ Sha!'i1l9P-"':;C~t''lJ''G~'or~~(m1r3'.ltr:Of@l:t'''e. 'JI ~\'ltI~ao:~'e:eMo~1s ;" c,~.ar !f}Jier.'f..,r oI~~'~Of'"""" !,ml,n'Ef!(l" ~..c'tjocl S1;JlY ''IlI...durJiog '^anc:.rchr.;lu. ':>l(OOP: N Pllo CCt'm'::r-.IIY M3Y fOCet'f'l! an ;,i1':.....ttwwI~I'...,:-t,! ,QI.nN:";e---Jby slltx1t"SIt'" ~t!. l/Ioitn re~piI..ctb.a- s", '''''''''!lP'O!~''''l>lo:'ht'''''' Pi'l"''''''' MlIy llI!",. .......<ml!llO'i:no( "".,., /lIdI""-'~ ~aI C<l/'.;"'Jtttt1 <,.,.,110:1 lnal3ny :1I:!'aIIo11l~" or c.or'I'1J<:llUf> ,,, .,......ent dec:t''1fI7 ''!l'CI''ll_1lO ~y 1.p'.;crrJacl is ~,' COI'VliI'tfl. A lall.,'&'" 'Ie(f.1'I,.~w;""'~'~""J""'l.:>IUOE3'''y~"""" "'''''', l;;,j~of;ll& iIIl~rom<ateda1esplded "~I te ctr.~~_ -".jtJ ~ ~~;i pr..sn-lhe ""<l"u"'l<!.'oC} ~ i:l II1PfX~'b-~tlcl:l!!~ ~~f'1<'volkJ~ k; ,to.; ~.,,: t,,~> "'"'r "Jtlslzr~(tII~'l'F.~i eiJllJ 'laVe OClI.I'ed.!f1C_,'!fYj:xr-l<' / ~~ ~ Thll ^-r./letlufe of P8l'/"IlIls 5~aII be lIar.: ~, doIl8l1 znd eMIlI. 8nd ~~.II be SI*i'IC"y ""r....ced Ie '" aroo\/lIlc'\lIllIll Of ....ltlbl ~ allllo'~ma!llria:1 Mde~"'blISUll""ed Wi.. '85il'l<' :.0 e'XltlIr.lcl"".cbll"l'.idM lor a ""_.. of......"., I>fII'I!IOI1l$lDbema;eby'" """"Of _18:1fl ,~. ~ .:Iltd.....01 1l8yfll8hI. :Clle~ Ie "(>00f1Ir~l'y a pen(lll\ll' er.tiIy 10 w!lclmlt.ec:lllIlar.lrJ' lMer':1, to MI'Q'l11le right'" "".11'(111I8 owr... s (Y. "~a.'I' s mon'Jlly 08tmtflls. 1110 OIY:nefIiS tel8tnt<l 10 ., 'h., ~_1l1epaymer.ta" bedlsbvrsedll\'''' i1SlIIC}-8Ilff1lCll~~"'lffl".slObe_"""", _:I'lenanl. (I) Th. _~i lllal' UIIc ll1et I/PIIII Sll'trllCtOry PiIYlI1IIIl bttllll milde ~~ any porlIop Of !he ,..,.~ l)lIrfcrmeG. fleQllltJa!;lrJr5llallpnorlO ant f\,~ papnenlbeillOmadII. ftmillllOltIe llnlr conltll:~ng lor II>e tomeL~orl"""'j"'l ~1.h.:I iI'ld una)r1~.ttINM!Ion: ...""",,or 1'1eCh8nic.I'p'r jIllflU"," 10 SettIo, ~I" otrltQ,<jJ Code. (or 'hllIptrt~n -YL'" oN:lrII ron'hldll)eftn8nt"85*" fIl8I1e (I) The AJquIrell1ell!s of 5IIIldIvi~;o:,s (d!, Ie) flld (II !tIlIIIlIOlllPPlY ""en"" CO/III",t ptO',idoo let ~_. eon!rlt:torlO -...... apc~..., Daymont -.Ilen llldeomr:"1ion 1>0111. bar,,; OlpIi..'ert. 0" .,." Clllllrof~by"RegisqrofConlr1lt1ln -'9 ~1~Md~oI"'OlnInlc1 er~ Ihf IlcI'$ or fOIrI 0011\101 I$Cl.. ",^,oslNlcl by lIle cr.llll'<l<"". or....n~... c_. _ 'or Alllll'Y"'fnf kl toO 1I1IIl& upor Of tor . seht4u/e of oayMen151O ~ a!:er S~llCro.'Y CU'll\lll!ton 0' tt:. PlOlef.l I,~ co""acl s/!8I!cor.l.1lll1n cIoHpm...,.., h file S'l1r8!Vres O!~_ fIltlconl:lIdr,' a notlce II ~lleilSl '() J)Cint ~ypeSlaling ".. 1ll$ - c.lenln' "'" ','Ie,;glll ~ """"" tilt CGr'JaCIO" 10 11M .perforMance ...... 1"'I'.......lbo<1d. rhl Nc.J(.ra OfchangeJ,)'de< WOf!r :;hal ill! 'I!q~1,..: 10... petfO'ftl8d ;yjt.OUI,:ricrw:itle~ ald/lo<iulr<:" )1'" pe.'$l;~corl'al:fnG!tr '''Ctlr~tr\don of 1'I8~:ll<'e 1Mr;"OYlFlltllt Cf $WI"...... pool My e!'IIlge.or~ ~ r.vC~"'.l<Ird_shall ~ t<V:crlll:rare.1'. -ll<Jcnma~"''''acont'act (I) "lfle_II.,1 pew_ b. paymenl~1 a 1-.....'01.Sr:orM'~ionOlltolll<ccontract pr'CfII'::Jf Day"*""''' be madII~".pm:ale lleIII ;f\ plqlIlf1iCr to Ihtt sd'e<1ultof gay_ ..... ~ tIleeQrl\:1C\co; by IlledistllnlllO pIIly III a:ordanoe'lllttr IlilllIvisIon {ei (I) Thclanguloaolflenobrequinld;lllrlWlll" Serb rolSS IJq WIlaI~"""" CUbclanIiaI ~I 01-'< p'MU8l1IIo Ihe conIract. 1Il .~ MlIoe 1Ittl raitrl1t l'!' "'_tr~ willwllawlllf _..., '" subslMl.ally """-WG.... wdho, 20 a~ "on: !he 1ll,...,....lIltt _ >\P'I:.lled In 11>0 c'l,'riCl flIMln _ wl/l ClIgirI is a vlOltllon 011.... Con:ra::lars LicI!r1IIe llIw. (rIlllllhe c:onIrlCl ptOVlcIll$tor a CQr.t'VCtof 10 hrn'~h joint COC\I"". !be "'flhcIor "'fll ~O! havll8'ly Inane/II<< OlI1erm,**,1 if.... joint COt''-'''. A '8i!urltbylbe:xlfl/rlCl(Jr wIIIoaIllIWIIA lllCtu..1o subltln5llly toI\1nlIfIeeWOlk ",nllin 23d8J'1'llI'\ t~! ajlOl'OXi<na(e;1_ $DllCiIIed iq!be contracl wile" _k WIll btgI~ 's . >~ of"', "don ThIs seeIo:lS""'noIbeconslruedtopro/lillillhtPrie5Da~I__ICfClnftClrro.,,~ lDaeo<*acIOlICl:ll." s.ubjectUlChapler I (COIm1eIICIflgwlill SecDlIP~llolT,lte 2~Perl401~r 3 01 !he Qwii Code The ..,;,"'9 'IlII' alwcon.... ctlltrm*" "ll1Hd (0 by l!le p31~ to 'IIG<<",,~ T11U.ri1ir.9 shill hi' legillle IIIl<l shllfle ilia fatm Illa! cIefJ1y dNer-lJIl;'olllerdoc........ ."":11" 10 be '.C01lOlalr.l i"" ~.... CllIl1rIa. tnd beIln any WIIIlt is 1IofIf<. 1he_5/I8tI bftfumjpMd l<:q)y allfte lII\llen ~ slofled by lhe canQclat =et_ oflttlc secllcn. !1Ie\)Q~s/IaII. OJ ~,deIl!niMWlletCll'l$~lble!I...,O'.lII_JI _X'Cus.. ~ Tlwl provitialls 01"" sectool,.. ~fll<Clusivl! IIId 10 'MlI :elievc IIle cor.nclorOl8ly \lOIIlract subject 10 "bOlll tornjIIi_ willI_' n.... app'ir;8b;tt prt;YiOOn!i olthe IlIW ,. 'IIO'i1!illllolthlulI'lor1 by.I_. or .parson ~10118lico!1nSllll. Uf'\Jr ~""_. hit; or he' :Il)l'Ill. OI~. a~ plJ"""aIJItolly a !\neat r.t~ 'tlIiS 1han 008 ~J'ldreddolltl! (SIO'l)110' ""'" tnan 'NwIllovS3f'oCl ($!;.OOOlorby 1ll~1 in 1het>>>1ly 1JJI'l1Olexceedlrganeyear. (It by bc'IIll'.ort tN!'IIllI'llU"Olll1flll (nl Ally ~"- noI8lea VlIa ~eclioo as parlor a tJ/aI''ll' ,.;~.el1lllO<l.hud anow:wafa re!;.-Jen!lal o' """'Wo!nltJlllfuclllre.IIlClt-(I"!l8l'1Ob-.le~orl'lll"oJf;r:I"nfd/lcme ;"co!'flD:floo 18'lh!he offer,.. ~ ;)1-., 1O"'$Irut1';'lllo<~.....e~ec:; by"","" dlllIItle,. "'lifIbe~ by"'" COUr1Io m....fulres.Mion Iollle -"allllon t~ejle"SOrl'$ ailIlry to P'IY. Mr.t!lIned ir $lbJw'crl (elol S'lcl'~ 11C3.1b 011"" p.... Code In wJdtI;on 10 M1""~lvbl>, ar>::omor'ilO'll"'tlldllMlor!le:Jcr lfI:s soctic~.IheC<lUr may imoo!l'l a h III 00: '."lIla'llive ~lJl\dfae doil." (Stil-'tl\ N)f '1'1()'" I.." :wnnIY'~"'IMusa"<l r.')ll"" ($15 'lOO:b_\IWltllldtll!llll~r, 'IIltltylolPlIy. filii fUbcf" ;ior'ar.~'~ kl'd1L.Jldillll'te''or wf1itr1. :.Iata 0' e~ ;, prodItll1(!(J by lito Go--'f"'Vll j)<1"WlI'lllO ~lion 1I6l5of IIIe ('"em"",r' I".IX1e C' f<:' ,,1'iCh J'1 errllllthCy t'lmlJOf d1,..". i$ Ct'r.fereo by I~e '>resrderl~ ollhe l)n,ted SL'~ ~j~t"rhsWl1~"", Ol!lerIl'Jv';!Qr oIl8wloi"lClJ"1;JJ'Y. 1\1I rn'r.lmonI fJ/ "llrrfl8liorl '~aRlleb'~~. u' ~ cnmplailll t*",. 'or IW,Ia:io1l ~1\1lI> ,or.I""'. -.rrt~in 11\_ 'f'J#ft, I,,,", l~elIeclive dote 01 I'M! C"OrlrllC' I I CULBREATH ENGINEERING EXHIBIT A-1 License # 805032 Contract.. I Your r'9~f to carteel thiS tran.~1on "IUtIject to Provitlons contained In C.lffom~ CiVIl COde 18895 through 1689.13. Cffteln ,rll1PCtions are not subject to cal'lClllUon under tflos proyt,' If h8v . rlgM to canoel. contact CULBREATH ENGINEERiNG at 925-7~7.8~~" YOIJ e any queetfOOS reprdlng your NOTICE OF CANCEI~LATlON DATE. ,... 'f-cJ 7 (t).tt ofTnul!llliCtion) YOM ".Y cotel "" trAIIIaCtIM "II"'. .., patalty Dr ohUpdoe, 1ritJU. three (3).. lnuinas daY' frona the a.e date. "1'* taIKd. ,. _ ..... n...... .. Seller at )'MIl' residellct, In .....1ItiaJIy as pod conditien .., wbn recd*. an)' podt "end ..,.. _der.... ceetnct or nle, or,.. .." if you wi", coeply MI' the "ltl'llCtlons fill" Seller repnlDI tile ..... __.. fII tile ... 8' tile lder', ape8It IItd ritk. If,., do...ke the llOOtk ."ailaltle to tile SeDer .. 1Iae Seller doll IItt pick ... ., .nf... 20 dayl or the date fA 1'JUr lt4)tfce of clllCellattoa, )'011 ....,. retain or ....... ef tile .... witIIelIt .y1llrtlltr oN""" If YOII fall to lUke tile .... ava"'" to the SeDer. or if ,.. .... lit ,..... tile ..... Ie tM Seller .. fall ..... lOt theJa 1011 rem.i. liable ror perfannence d .. obIIgetIons W'lcfer oontroKt . To ClInClltl thla transtlCtkm. mati or deliver. signed and deled copy of thla canc:eltIIIIcn notice, or any other written notlC, or tend · tefegrem to: CUlBREATH ENGINEERING (Seller) at 187! AIbanl Pfece, BrentWood. CA. 94513 (Adlfrns 01 Se\len Office) not later d1IIa midaight oP . 0-7-07 -<0*) 1 hereby cancel this tranaa/::tioo_ (DR) (Sipatwe of Owner or Authorized Apn') . ( TheM bin, to be rillfld in by CULBREATH ENGINEERING) .. ( 9USine1t day meena lIflY calendar dIy except S~ end thtldlowlnv buaIness hOlId8yt: New Yen Day, WaShington'!> BIi1hd8y. Memorial Day, Independ8nc:e Day, labor O-V. V....,.. Oey, ~ Day end Chrlstmes Day, ) WAIVER RIGHT TO CANCEL HIMng InIlieted · COflIrAct in CQl"lnedlon WIl" ~ reptars or MlVICe, far the ~ pIOIeC8Qn of I)8l'WOnt or Iftt or .,...-acne' property. wit" CCA.8AEAnt ENGlIlleERING. I hereby stale ttlal 'lie foIowing ~ .... ~ lmmedl"'~. ( 10 be IiIId In by Owner cr Autttortmd Agenr ) ~ .. L n I want theM SCJ'\lices performed immediately due to (IO be .ft.Uod in by Owner or Authort7.ed Apllt) ....H. ~suant to 8<<tion J 689.1 J of {be QItfOmiII CivtI c-~ I ac1aIOWIedIe ana hmlby waf\'" all ngbll to cancel the ale \\l1Jim thtee (3) days. (Date) (Sipatun: of Owner or Authorized Agent) rlUNTNAME AddreS!l __~.____________ _.______ ....____ City. State. Zip _____.________ I j J