HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 08-19-21 (Special, with Workshop) CENTRAL SAN CONTRACENTRAL • IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CA 9A553-A392 MINUTES* BOARD OF DIRECTORS.- TAD J PILECKI President SPECIAL BOARD MEETING DAVID R. WILLIAMS Multi-Purpose Room Presiden t Pro Tent Thursday, August 19, 2021 BARBARA D.HOCKETT 12.00 p.m. MMICHAEL R.MCGILL Open Session — Multi-Purpose Room (Video recorded) NOTICE This meeting was held in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20, which suspended certain requirements of the Brown Act due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Board Members attended the meeting in-person or participated via videoconference. Members of the public were provided options to participate in the meeting as provided on the agenda. ROLL CALL A special meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Pilecki at 12:00 p.m. Secretary of the District Katie Young called roll: PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lauritzen, McGill, Pilecki ABSENT: Members. Williams PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Board, staff and audience joined in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD No comments. ANNOUNCE CLOSED SESSION (pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.7) District Counsel Kenton L. Alm announced that a closed session would be held for Item 2. These summary minutes are supplemented by a corresponding video recording available on the District's website at centralsan.org. Book 69— Page 171 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes—Book 69-Page 172 RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION The Board recessed at 12:02 p.m. to reconvene in closed session. CLOSED SESSION (Not video recorded) 2. Personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1) - Performance Evaluations for following members of Executive Management Team: General Manager, Secretary of the District, and District Counsel RECESS TO OPEN SESSION (Video recorded) The Board recessed at 2:56 p.m. to reconvene in open session. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION President Pilecki reported that he was provided direction from the Board Members as to next steps for the matters discussed. CONSENT CALENDAR 3. Approve the following: a. August 5, 2021 Board meeting minutes 4. Adopt the Constructive Receipt Amendment to Public Employees Union, Local #1 Memorandum of Understanding 5. Adopt the Constructive Receipt Amendment to Management Support/Confidential Group Memorandum of Understanding 6. Adopt the Constructive Receipt Amendment to Management Group Memorandum of Understanding 7. Approve changes based on classification study recommendations - Management Group 8. Award a construction contract in the amount of $2,838,000 to K.J. Woods Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the North Orinda Sewer Renovations, Phase 8, District Project 8463; find that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize up to a 15-percent contingency 9. Set a public hearing for September 16, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. to consider relinquishment of a District sewer facility at 0 Country Club Drive and 1600 St. Andrews Drive in Moraga CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes—Book 69-Page 173 BOARD ACTION: Motion was made by Member McGill and seconded by Member Hockett to adopt the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed by unanimous vote by those Board Members present (4-0-1). STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP 10. Conduct Fiscal Years (FYs) 2022-2024 Strategic Planning Workshop, including discussion of Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals Facilitator: Larry Bienati, PhD, Bienati Consulting Group General Manager Roger S. Bailey provided an introduction regarding Central San's current two-year Strategic Plan that will conclude at the end of this fiscal year. To draft the next Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-24, staff needs high-level direction from the Board in the form of the Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals. He noted that the workshop would begin with an overview of the Strategic Planning Program to be led by himself and Management Analyst Christina Gee, followed by a high-level conversation facilitated by consultant Dr. Larry Bienati so the Board may provide input and direction to staff. From this discussion, staff would apply the Board input to synthesize a proposed set of Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals to be reviewed by the Administration Committee and then brought to the full Board for consideration and adoption. Mr. Bailey stated that the Board has the ability to make as many changes as they see fit to reflect its priorities and the path to set for Central San for the next two fiscal years. Ms. Gee reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials. Dr. Bienati provided an overview of a Governance Model that touched upon several aspects of how the Board provides guidance to the General Manager. Ms. Gee reviewed the schedule for the development of the new Strategic Plan, culminating with Board approval in May 2022. Member McGill advocated for keeping the priorities and pillars as set by the previous Board that spent over three cycles to develop them. Member Lauritzen suggested the Board be proactive and stressed the importance of including climate change in the District's priorities and future plans. Member McGill supported the point. Member Lauritzen also suggested adding good governance, including the access to the meetings by the public. President Pilecki stressed that the Board needs to be careful when addressing global issues and suggested the Board focus on matters that would affect District customers and the service Central San provides. Member Hockett opined that the COVID pandemic and the lockdown in 2020 gave people an opportunity to look at the world differently and how ethics, inclusion and empathy are used to employ and embrace one another. Dr. Bienati commented on CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes—Book 69-Page 174 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice (DEISJ) and how it could be embedded in the pillars of the plan or a standalone policy. Mr. Bailey reminded the Board that, as an organization, Central San needs to remain flexible to adapt to circumstances beyond its control. Measures taken should include how adaptive and flexible the District strives to be. Dr. Bienati reviewed Central San's current mission statement. Member Lauritzen reiterated her stance that climate change should be addressed by the District and also included in its mission statement. President Pilecki did not agree with this request. Member Hockett suggested addressing the individual pillars prior to changing any statements. Next, Dr. Bienati reviewed the current vision statement. Again, Member Lauritzen stated that she believes climate change should be acknowledged in Central San's vision statement. Dr. Bienati discussed the District's core values and how the District is measured on the rightness of the decisions made. It was noted by Human Resources and Organizational Manager Teji O'Malley that these values are embedded in the District's performance planning process. Member Lauritzen believes Central San needs to take a stance on climate change. She stated that it is not just a component of the environment, but it includes making the District's collection system more robust and should affect the reliability of the systems within the treatment plant. Member McGill opined that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is not included in the values and needs to be captured. Mr. Bailey stated that there is an opportunity to capture all things which are driven by society today and that staff will come back to the Board with ideas to address DEI and climate change. Dr. Bienati presented the seven goals/pillars, and a discussion was held. Member McGill requested the entire Board have another look at the revisions prior to the Administration Committee's review. Goal 1: Customer Service This goal was generally viewed as workable, but subsequent comment noted some possibilities for enhancements. Director of Finance and Administration Philip Leiber commented about weaving in some of the DE1 language at the Goals level. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes—Book 69-Page 175 Goal 2: Environmental Stewardship Member Lauritzen believes climate change should be mentioned at a higher level. President Pilecki opined that climate change could be addressed at this level. Goal 3: Fiscal responsibility Member McGill suggested adding a statement to this section "costs do matter." President Pilecki opined this inclusion should be at the level of values. A discussion was held on the issue of affordability and where this could be housed. Mr. Leiber advised that "Fiscal Responsibility"could be outwardly focused as well as inward (i.e., customer assistance programs). There was a subsequent discussion whether this could be included as an amendment to Goal 1, such as "provide high quality service in an equitable and affordable manner. " Goal 4: Workforce Development Member Pilecki stated that the DEI topic could be addressed in this goal. Member Hockett requested addressing the silo issue in departments and stated that it should be built into the goals, otherwise it will not happen. Ms. Gee stated that this is covered under Strategy 3 - Inspire Employee Engagement. President Pilecki recalled a rotational program in the past and believes this could be redone so that employees understand what their counterparts are doing and how they can help them. Goal 5: Infrastructure Reliability President Pilecki opined climate change could be addressed in this goal. Director of Operations Steve McDonald spoke to the importance of Goal 5 and stated that staff is handling some of the extremes that have occurred in recent years. Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit stated that staff has been working on Goal 5 for the past several years creating a robust asset management program and geographical information system and highlighted the District's $1 billion-dollar Ten-Year Capital Improvement Program. President Pilecki opined that the capital project information is not really shown in Goal 5, but there is a lot of information in the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). Goal 6: Innovation and Optimization In response to a question posed by Member McGill regarding the Smart Initiative, Mr. Petit provided an overview of the program and the cross-functional team that is currently implementing the program. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes—Book 69-Page 176 Goal 7: Agility and Adaptability Dr. Bienati stated that this was a newer goal and requested input from the Board. Member Lauritzen requested a goal of ensuring access to the government and provided a list of things that could be done to accomplish this goal. Mr. Bailey opined that good governance could be a stand-alone initiative that could measure several aspects. Mr. Bailey stated that staff will review and take into consideration all of the Board's comments during this workshop, including additional goals, such as a safe and secure workplace with its own set of strategies. BOARD ACTION: Conducted the workshop and provided direction to staff. REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. General Manager—Announcements a. Announcements — August 19, 2021 Ms. Young announced the following upcoming Board and Committee meetings: • Monday, August 23rd Closed Session 2 p.m. (hybrid) • Tuesday, August 24 Finance 12 p.m. (virtual) • Thursday, August 26 Special Workshop, 3 p.m. (hybrid) • Thursday, September 2 Board Meeting, 1.30 p.m. • Thursday, September 23 Board Workshop, 2:30 p.m. (recently added) BOARD ACTION: Received the announcements. 12. Board Members — Committee Minutes a. August 3, 2021 — Administration Committee — Chair Williams and President Pilecki b. August 10, 2021 — Engineering & Operations Committee — Chair Williams and Member Lauritzen BOARD ACTION: Received the Committee minutes. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes—Book 69-Page 177 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:14 p.m. Tad J. Pilecki President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: �Agb" Katie Young Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California