HomeMy WebLinkAboutReal Estate, Environmental & Planning MINUTES 07-26-21 Page 2 of 11
President Pro Tem
M I N U T E S PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX. (925)372-0192
Monday, July 26, 2021
8:00 a.m.
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair Mike McGill
Member Barbara Hockett
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Katie Young, Secretary of the District
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations (joined during Item 4.a.)
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
John Huie, Information Technology Manager (left after Item 4.b.)
Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager
Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Mary Lou Esparza, Laboratory Program Administrator
Kim Stahl, Development Services Supervisor (joined during Item 4.a.; left after Item 4.b.)
Robert Hess, Assistant Engineer (joined during Item 4.b.)
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Notice
This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the
State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related to
COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 that allowed attendance
by Board Members, District staff, and the public to participate and conduct the
meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or both. The agenda included
instructions for options in which the public could participate in the meeting.
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2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m.
3. Public Comments
No public comments.
4. Other Agenda Items
a.* Recycled Water Policy Discussion (Continued)
This agenda item continued the July 20 Committee meeting discussion. These
discussions were to gain Committee input in order for staff to effectively
conduct a policy discussion with the full Board at its upcoming meeting.
Ms. LaBella began with an overview of the current Recycled Water
commitments, as shown on slide 39 (p. 21 of 24). In response to
Member Hockett's request at the last meeting, Ms. LaBella provided the
attached Central San 2009 will-serve letter regarding the Concord Community
Reuse Project. She noted its high-level agency representation on the intent to
provide recycled water.
Policy Question #3 Continuation (slide 43, P. 23 of 24)
[Regarding Diablo Country Club (DCC) and the Satellite Water Recycling
Facility (SWRF) project Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)]
Member Hockett preferred to do a pilot SWRF project rather than a
demonstration project if this were to move forward. However, she stated her
concern of tapping into the water supply source and not having enough supply
to provide to those already promised. Chair McGill favored the demonstration
project option.
In response to Mr. Bailey's inquiry of whether the previous Board limited the
MOU as a demonstration project, Ms. LaBella stated the DCC MOU does
discuss it being a demonstration project, but the Moraga Country Club (MCC)
MOU does indicate that it would be, if it were to move forward.
Policy Question #4 (slide 44, p. 23 of 24)
Staff reviewed the status of the MCC MOU established 2016, and the lack of
further communication from MCC since 2018.
Member Hockett said the District needs to get its messaging clear on the
avenue it wants to proceed and not have projects planned that may not be
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completed or be able to be served. Such as, not having hypothetical dream
projects but focus on volume available and actual customer commitments.
Mr. Petit replied that the District has both wet commitments (recycled water
already being produced) and paper commitments (MOUS). If all the
commitments were to come to fruition, Central San could face a challenge to
deliver. Peak demand during the summer could exceed the supply at times.
This could be partially solved with some storage; however, if all 12 golf
courses wanted to connect, it would create a real challenge as the water would
be diverted before it reached the District's facility.
Mr. Bailey directed staff to prepare an updated recycled water demand chart
for the current commitments. Chair McGill recalled a similar chart and data
from prior discussion of user projections that had also been provided to the
prior Board. Mr. Bailey asked for a catalogue of each project and associated
volume flow, an average daily flow during the driest period of the year, and
how it compares to the demand.
Member Hockett reiterated it would be wise to have a policy in line so that the
District is not moving all over the map doing small and medium projects when
the policy was for large projects. If a policy direction is not agreed upon, such
issues will continue to flounder.
Member Hockett replied to Chair McGill's inquiry of other known potential
small projects other than golf courses, and said the large number of golf
courses are a hinderance to keeping up with MOUs currently in place. She
also offered that the City of Walnut Creek may have interest in obtaining
recycled water in the future.
Policy Question #5 (slide 45, p. 24 of 24)
Ms. LaBella stated the Contra Costa Country Club and Buchanan Fields Golf
Course are currently served under Zone 1. Recently, another golf course in
Rossmoor has expressed interest and approximately 10 other golf courses in
Central San's service area could follow suit.
Chair McGill stated he was inclined to see how the DCC project goes, and
opined that the Boundary Oaks Golf Course in Walnut Creek is too far
upstream to serve.
Mr. Bailey said this topic is important as a meeting is soon to occur between
staff and representatives of the Golden Rain Foundation, on behalf of
Rossmoor, about an MOU for a potential SWRF project there. He anticipates a
similar commitment request like that of DCC to have flow available to them, to
the extent the capacity exists. With that said, he wants to ensure the Board is
aware of this recent inquiry and if there are any issues or concerns, he would
like to hear them.
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Member Hockett replied that since the Board has not yet made a policy
decision, why continue to entertain these inquiries.
Chair McGill stated that with treated water that is discharged into Suisun Bay,
he would not want to see any opportunities missed. Moreover, he said he
would like to see how Rossmoor plans to achieve this, engineering wise.
There was discussion to continue dialogue with East Bay Municipal Utility
District (EBMUD), as there are currently a number of overlapping projects and
they are the biggest water supplier in Central San's service area. Mr. Bailey
has had lengthy discussions in the past with EBMUD's former General
Manager and former EBMUD Board that had a strong position against using
recycled water as part of its delivery supply. However, there is a new General
Manager and new Board members to engage with. Member Hockett opined
that the District needs to reengage with the new colleagues.
The Committee stated they would reach out to their respective liaison
agencies to schedule time to meet and discuss the agencies'future visions.
As it pertained to the upcoming meeting on Rossmoor, Member Hockett
opined not to enter into any agreement at this time. Chair McGill opined to
enter into an investigation.
Ms. LaBella replied to Mr. Bailey regarding the flow available for a Rossmoor
diversion. She said there is approximately 380,000 gallons per day of
wastewater flow and they anticipate 350,000 gallons per day of recycled water
Chair McGill asked what would happen to the system when that much flow is
pulled out at a certain area. Mr. Petit responded that some water would be
needed to allow some flushing, so that any solid materials could flow downhill
by gravity without a lot of maintenance. Also, a diversion does not allow the
flow to be used at the main Central San treatment facility for large supply
projects. With that explanation, Chair McGill opined that if the flow availability
does not work, then he would say no to Rossmoor; but, if it can, it reverts back
to a policy issue. Member Hockett stated these are important details to know.
Mr. Bailey concluded that an important criteria is the availability of wastewater
flow and impact to the collection system, which needs to be sorted out.
Staff confirmed they had enough input from the Committee to finalize the
presentation to the Board.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Continued the discussion and provided input to
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b. Receive an update on the Oracle permitting software
Ms. Gemmell provided an overview of the permitting software integration with
Oracle as part of the early adopter program for the District's latest ERP,
implementation. Central San is the second agency working with Oracle on this
particular software. The first agency's integration, City of Vallejo, was much
simpler and did not integrate with its Finance system. Staff has been working
directly with Oracle since August 2019 on this implementation, which is
different than the Finance and Human Resources components already in use.
As part of this integration, in May 2021 older permits were migrated as
historical records into the system that currently has two platforms: test and
production. A problem occurred recently when Oracle performed some
updates; the old permits that were closed triggered the software to think they
were live and expired. That glitch generated thousands of emails to customers
that their permits had expired; some emails were fortunately not received by
the recipients. The Permit Counter staff received a lot of activity of customers
inquiring about those notifications.
Mr. Huie stated the software is a beta program that is not 100% complete; this
glitch was a mistake on Oracle's side. The auto-generated notification function
has since been turned off so no further accidental emails are released. He
stated the occurrence has been taken seriously and steps are being taken to
ensure it does not happen again.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
C. Receive an update regarding the cost analysis for the furnace and related
improvements for Clean Air Act requirements
Mr. Petit stated this update was an informational item regarding the Clean Air
Act 129 Rule which would impact the Solids Handling Facility Improvements
Project (Solids Project) that recently bid. The regulations stipulate that as long
as the modifications are made within 50% of the original construction cost of
the multiple hearth furnaces (MHF), the operations and permitting could
continue under the current rules. Once over the 50% threshold, it would trigger
a requirement to meet the new MHF rule's compliance category, which has
stricter air emission limits.
Staff has historically been tracking the costs closely and recently provided data
on the project's estimate at the request of the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). A case was made by staff that the seismic work component
should not be accounted within the 50% threshold. However, since the Solids
Project cost estimates were recently updated from a recent bid opening, the
Enterprise Resource Planning management system
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work related to solids handling and MHFs is higher than originally estimated;
the threshold may be impacted. Staff continues to be in close contact with the
Ms. Schectel added that BAAQMD will defer to the EPA's decision on the 50%
cost analysis.
In response to Chair McGill's inquiry of dollar adjustments over time, Mr. Petit
said the rules do allow inflation. Staff uses the Engineering News Record
(ENR) cost index. More work will continue and the determination has not yet
been made.
During the discussion of the table on slide 8, Mr. Petit explained that should
the cost determination go over the threshold, the items represented in red
would need to be added to the project. It is a not a surprise for design and
layout, as this scenario was anticipated, but the components were not included
in the current project scope. Staff is cautious of being required to include
additional work in the middle of the project. He reiterated this update was for
informational purposes for furnace and pollution control. Staff will present the
project's construction bid award to the Engineering & Operations Committee at
an upcoming meeting.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
d. Receive update on the most recent meeting of the Bay Area Clean Water
Agencies (BACWA)
Ms. Schectel reviewed the memorandum content included and focused
discussion on the more recent July BACWA meeting.
In regard to the BACWA triennial Basin Plan review, she stated the stage has
been set for their intended priorities of climate change and wetlands fill
policies. Workshops will be provided in the future to present more information.
There was some discussion on climate change impacts with sea level rise and
its potential effect of flow being pumped back into systems. Mr. McDonald
shared that Bay Area agencies (i.e., San Francisco) are looking at their
infrastructure and increasing their berm heights. Mr. Petit stated Central San is
already addressing similar matters now. For example, the current Filter Plant
Improvements Project has work scope to use soil excavated as part of the
project to increase an onsite berm near the Filter Plant. Ms. Gemmell shared
that staff is also working on a project to raise berms along the creeks.
2 Bay Area Air Quality Management District
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Regarding Central San's participation in the regional PFAS3 study, staff is
working in close collaboration with other participating agencies to ensure the
study is meaningful and cost effective. Thus far, effluent values were generally
higher than influent levels, and grab samples were lower than composite
samples. Central San's values have been at the median level and similar to
other participating agencies.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
5. Announcements
Staff provided an update of a BAAQMD meeting held July 21, 2021 that reviewed its
regulations rules 6-5, in which BAAQMD reduced the refinery levels on particulate
matters to a very low number. This will be a significant financial impact to the
refineries as the new rules would require a high investment to meet the new
standards imposed. BAAQMD estimated the impact to be $200 million; the refineries
rebutted the impact at a cost closer to $1 billion, and may make it difficult to stay in
business. The rules would allow a five-year compliance time allowance. The
immediate concern, that would require further information and investigation, is the
extent on the rules impact to the refineries and how it would affect the Water
Exchange project currently under a feasibility study.
6. Suggestions for future agenda items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other
future agenda items
In regard to the announcement made above, Chair McGill requested an
update be provided on any implications the BAAQMD rules would have on
Central San, particularly relative to the scrubbers. However, the new rules do
not have an impact on Central San as it was related to oil refineries.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
7. Future scheduled meetings
Monday, August 16, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, September 13, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, October 25, 2021, at 9:00 a.m.
8. Adjournment— at 9:22 a.m.
3 Per- and polyfluroalkyl substances
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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
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August 10, 2009 Pl1oNE: (925)228-9500
FIX: (925)676-7111
Mr. Joseph L. Campbell Mayor Laura Hoffmeister KELLY
President, Board of Directors City of Concord General Manager
Contra Costa Water District 1950 Parkside Drive Counxel fi)rlhe Dislnt!
1331 Concord Avenue Concord, CA 94519 '5//'',108- WO
P.O. Box H2O 1:1-41 'E R.flOh'HS1E
Concord, CA 94524 .Secretary afthe District
- �L-k-CA
Dear President C�pFfell and Mayor Hof ter:
This letter is in response to a request from the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD)
for commitment from the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) for the
supply of recycled water to the Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP), also
known as the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) Project. Water recycling is
an integral part of CCCSD's mission to protect public health and the environment
through maximizing use of this valuable resource. CCCSD is committed to recycling
high-quality water meeting all regulatory requirements in ways that enhance the
regional water supply. CCCSD is willing and able to serve recycled water to the
CCCSD is expressing its willingness and ability to supply the needed recycled water
in the form of this "will serve" letter. It is CCCSD's understanding that the exact
amount of recycled water needed for the CCRP has not yet been determined but that
current estimates, as contained in the June 2009 Administrative Draft of the
Environmental Impact Report, are up to 3,000 acre feet of recycled water per year for
irrigation purposes, and CCWD indicates it could be as much as 6,000 acre feet per
year. It is CCCSD's intention to supply, or make available, recycled water in sufficient
quantity to meet the needs of the CCRP as determined by the City of Concord, up to
the 6,000 acre feet per year.
The State Water Resources Control Board has granted CCCSD the authority to
provide up to 26,120 acre feet of recycled water per year for irrigation and industrial
purposes. There are no water transfer or entitlement costs associated with making
use of water made available by this grant. CCCSD currently only supplies
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President Campbell and Mayor Hoffmeister
August 10, 2009
Page 2
approximately 700 acre feet of recycled water annually; accordingly, it has sufficient
recycled water supply available to meet even the highest demand estimates for the
Delivery of recycled water to the CCRP would require construction of a pipeline
connecting CCCSD's facility to the CCRP and potentially construction of a reservoir or
other facilities on the CCRP property. Expansion and renovation of CCCSD's existing
tertiary treatment facility would also be required. The specific needs and associated
costs for additional recycled water facilities depend on refinement of recycled water
demands of the CCRP as determined by future planning and legal considerations. All
projects and related construction activities require separate environmental and
technical analysis and project-level approval by CCCSD and possibly other agencies
in the future. However, sufficient time and basic resources are available to meet the
current base reuse development schedule, as we understand it.
In addition to the construction of any necessary capital improvements, CCCSD's
ability to provide recycled water to the CCRP will be subject to certain future actions
of the City of Concord, the Reuse Commission, and potentially other governmental
entities, as well as other financial and institutional agreements, as documented in the
Attachment to this letter.
CCCSD is committed to supporting the use of recycled water in the CCRP in the most
cost-effective and environmentally-sound manner. CCCSD stands ready to work with
the City of Concord, the Base Reuse Commission and CCWD to provide recycled
water consistent with future approvals and environmental review. Given the
importance to CCCSD of providing recycled water services to the CCRP, our Board of
Directors has reviewed this matter and authorized sending this letter as confirmation
of its clear intention to supply recycled water upon successfully addressing the
conditions set forth above.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact James M. Kelly, General Manager at
(925) 228-9500.
James A. Nejedly
President, Board of Directors
cc: Daniel E. Keen, City Manager, City of Concord
Michael W. Wright, Reuse Project Director, City of Concord
Walter J. Bishop, General Manager, CCWD
Jerry Brown, Assistant General Manager, CCWD
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President Campbell and Mayor Hoffmeister
August 10, 2009
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CCCSD's ability to commit to the supply of recycled water to the Concord Community
Reuse Project is dependent upon the actions noted below:
1. The City of Concord, the Federal authorities and either CCCSD or CCWD must
complete necessary environmental review including the use of recycled water in
accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and National
Environmental Protection Act ("NEPA").
2. The City of Concord, along with other applicable planning entities, must
determine the basic recycled water flow rates, uses, system demands and
requirements, such as any requirements for backup water supply, storage, fire
uses, etc.
3. Mechanisms must be in place to ensure that all CCCSD cost of recycled water,
including the treatment and delivery infrastructure, cost of regulatory compliance,
as well as other direct costs, if any, associated with the use of recycled water is
borne by the new users and/or developers of the CCRP.
4. A formal agreement between CCCSD and CCWD, or CCCSD and the City of
Concord, as to the supply of recycled water to CCRP by CCWD or CCCSD may
be required as a condition prior to obtaining service. Other service agreements
will be necessary with the parties that are to receive recycled water service.
5. Unforeseen circumstances, and any changes in local, state, or federal law
adversely affecting CCCSD's ability to supply recycled water to the CCRP, if any,
will have to be addressed.
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