HomeMy WebLinkAbout19.b. Receive overview and conduct a Recycled Water Policy discussion Page 1 of 48 Item 19.b. CENTRALSAN Jdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT August 5, 2021 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: MELODY LABELLA, RESOURCE RECOVERY PROGRAM MANAGER REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY, GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE OVERVIEW AND CONDUCTA RECYCLED WATER POLICY DISCUSSION In response to a request from the Real Estate, Environmental & Planning (REEP) Committee for Board of Directors (Board) policy guidance on the types of recycled water projects that Central San should pursue, staff has prepared the attached presentation (Attachment 1) as background to assist the Board in determining any new direction to staff regarding proceeding with the development of recycled water projects that may use Central San's wastewater supply. As the Board's current Recycled Water Policy (Attachment 2) does not provide specific guidance on the prioritization of new recycled water projects, staff is seeking confirmation that the Board would like to continue with recycled water project commitments made by the Board in the past, including the following: 1. Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP) Will-Serve Letter-this August 2009 letter (Attachment 3), executed by prior Central San Board President, Jim Nejedly, was addressed to the Board President of Contra Costa Water District (CCW D) and the mayor of the City of Concord and affirmed Central San's commitment to provide recycled water to the CC RP, which will redevelop the Concord Naval Weapons Station. 2. Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) -this MOU (Attachment 4) between Central San, CCW D and Valley Water was originally executed in April 2018 and is currently in the process of being extended, by the three partner agencies, to June 30, 2022. 3. Diablo Country Club (DCC) MOU -this 2015 MOU (Attachment 5) between Central San and DCC for collaborative investigations and preliminary implementation of the DCC Satellite Recycled Water Treatment Plant Project superceded a 2012 MOU between East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), Central San and DCC for a preliminary investigation of the project, memorialized Central San's continued support for the project, documented Central San's role as California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Lead Agency, and contemplated negotiation of a future agreement between the two entities as the project's details developed further. August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 180 of 262 Page 2 of 48 4. Moraga Country Club Homeowners Association (MCCHOA) MOU -this 2016 MOU (Attachment 6) between EBMUD, Central San and MCCHOA was executed to support the preliminary investigation of a satellite recycled water treatment facility at MCCHOA with Central San's responsibility being to provide information and coordination on localized wastewater and access to a sewer connection point. I n addition to these existing commitments, and in light of a recent request from the Golden Rain Foundation on behalf of the Rossmoor community in Walnut Creek, staff is also seeking direction on the Board's interest in executing future MOUs for additional Satellite Water Recycling Facility projects. If the Board would like to take policy action as a result of this discussion, staff will bring any such item(s) back to a future Board meeting for consideration. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 3—Support regional development of local water supply ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. Current Recycled Water Board Policy BP 019 3. CCRP Will-Serve Letter 4. Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project MOU 5. DCC MOU 6. MCCHOA MOU August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 181 of 262 ATTACHMENTel of 48 4 c �* Ka CENTRAL SAN RECYCLED WATER POLICY DISCUSSION Melody LaBella, P.E. Resource Recovery Program Manager Board Meeting August 5, 2021 1 PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1 . Review of Central San's Water Recycling Efforts 2. Central San's Board of Directors (Board) Recycled Water Initiatives 3. Constraints Associated with Recycled Water 4. Summary of Current Commitments 5. Policy Questions 6. Questions/Discussion/Direction CFNTPAI SAN Iz August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 182 of 262 1 Page 4 of 48 1 . REVIEW OF CENTRAL SAN'S WATER RECYCLING EFFORTS CENTRAL SAN 1 3 .. ORIGINAL REFINERY PROJECT FACILITIES • � by ,ti' �^' -?�'�/�i �`+ s wx.s,.y n4+iw rv�ti. � 9 • Forebays and Applied Water Pumps " •° «sew fs • Filter Plant �, , :.� _ro,w.• _`.�s�_ � k: � • Clearwell Status: Project was constructed, but never moved • Conveyance Facilities forward. • Distribution Storage Tanks ' a CFNTPAISAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 183 of 262 2 Page 5 of 48 CENTRAL SAN'S ZONE 1 RECYCLED WATER PROGRAM • Central San owns and operates a 14-mile recycled water distribution system called "Zone 1." • Zone 1 has —50 metered customer connections. Him • In 2020, Central San sold —217 million gallons of recycled water, primarily for landscape irrigation. e • Central San's Wastewater Treatment Plant uses about 1 million gallons per day (MGD) of recycled water. Comma tow �, 6.n Rain°n CFNTPAt SAN D c.n ea,w.row N..ora s ZONE 1 RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DETAIL AREA 1 Facrciae YrweCYMman » 1 lse.Weave nMf cewmno.anl ■ ,Yr1 ". • I l 1 w O Q 0 E.eeny uw.n.. 5 � y 11 ..... . 7 w � —CENTRALSAN ,�� .� ' ccc so Reereba NRler srelem f 6 V August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 184 of 262 3 Page 6 of 48 ZONE 1 PIPELINE CUSTOMERS •Contra Costa Country Club Golf Course •Buchanan Fields Golf Course •Diablo Valley College •Mt. Diablo Unified School District •Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District •Contra Costa County; •Business in the Diamond Blvd. area of Concord _ •Coco San Sustainable Farm ' CENTRALSAN COMMERCIAL TRUCK FILL PROGRAM • Provides recycled water to licensed contractors for construction activities such as dust control, soil compaction, and plant establishment. • Contractors can access recycled water via purple fire hydrants or from Central San's Commercial Fill Station. • The first 100,000 gallons of recycled water provided through this program is free of charge. l One of Central San's three hydrants(left)and a portable meter(middle)that contractors can use to obtain Central San's recycled water. Central San's Fill Station(right). ' CENTRALSAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 185 of 262 4 Page 7 of 48 RESIDENTIAL FILL STATION The Residential Fill Station Program allows central Contra Costa County residents to pick-up up to 300 gallons per trip of recycled water, free of charge, at our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility in Martinez for hand- watering lawns, landscaping, and gardens. CENTRALSAN ' 9 DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT - EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT RECYCLED WATER AUTHORITY (DERWA) TEMPORARY DIVERSION 16 22 A -t -11 /•oX5111 •} 4 , y Ramon.P,,S. M30 22 - � . 23 yy �G August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 186 of 262 5 Page 8 of 48 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR CENTRAL SAN'S AGREEMENT WITH DERWA 1 . No Adverse Financial Impact to Central San 2. No Adverse Financial Impact to Concord and Clayton 3. Consistency with Existing Bond Covenants 4. Consistency with Proposition 218 5. Community Acceptance 6. Temporary Nature 7. Mitigation of Technical and Operational Impacts 8. Benefits to Central San Customers 9. Facilitate a Sustainable Solution to the Region's Water Supply Shortage CENTRALSAN 2. CENTRAL SAN'S BOARD RECYCLED WATER INITIATIVES Aim 12 CENTRAL SAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 187 of 262 6 Page 9 of 48 CONCORD COMMUNITY REUSE PROJECT 2.1 MGD By 2035 To 6.3 MGD AT BUILDOUT 2040+ • Redevelopment of the Concord Naval Weapons Station • Will serve letter provided ..,. by Board in 2009 Development to be ..,P.a...�---- y�.• located both within City of Concord and Central San services areas Concorbkj d unity Reuse Pian • Central San to produce Comm the recycled water and wholesale it to Contra Project Status: On Holdzy' �\CONTRA COSTA Costa Water District pending selection of a new WATER DJSTRICT (CCWD) CCWD responsible for master developer by City � sale and distribution of of Concord recycled water ' 13 CENTRALSAN SATELLITE WATER RECYCLING FACILITIES (SWRFS) • Diablo Country Club (DCC) • MOUs executed in 2012 and 2015 • Requesting Demonstration Project status • Moraga Country Club Homeowners Association • MOU executed in 2016 - • Others? • Recent request from Rossmoor • —Ten other golf courses in Central San's service area - I CFNTPAI SAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 188 of 262 7 Page 10 of 48 RECYCLED WATER WHOLESALE OPPORTUNITIES STUDY • The study's objective was to understand the water market and demand for Central Esc San's potential supply of recycled water. Recycled Water WhttieSOie ppp�gtunttie9 Centra]Contra Costa sanitary District • In 2015, the REEP Committee provided the Board Mwmg following guidance on the study: 2016 • Favor projects with year-round recycled water demand. • Favor a small number of large projects RMC Water and Environment(now Woodard over many small projects. and Curran)was hired by Central San to complete the study. • The following slides are excerpts from a presentation provided to the Board in February 2016. CENTRALSAN Overview Map of Potential Opportunities ,rsF LEGEND CCCSD WWTP EBMUD Aqueduct CCWD Canal DSRSD Facilities • • l CVP/SWP r — Facilities August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 189 of 262 8 Page 11 of 48 Market Assessment Indirect Potable(IPR) Direct Potable .P • CCWD Canal • EBMUD Mokelumne • EBMUD Mokelumne • Local Golf Courses Aqueduct#1 or#2 Aqueduct#1,2,or 3 • Local refineries • EBMUD San Pablo • CCWD Mallard Reservoir • Export to Ag— Reservoir Bollman WTP Delta Mendota • EBMUD Briones Res. Canal(DMC) • EBMUD Upper San • Export to DERWA Leandro Res • Export to Delta • Lafayette Reservoir milk iablo Los Vaqueros Reservoir Wastewater • CCWD Clayton groundwater recharge FSend San Ramon • DSRSD groundwater :,F-veeenea-:ratei Pump Station to recharge DSRSD t RMC 17 1Recycled Water to Refineries • Utilizes existing infrastructure • 20 mgd demand August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 190 of 262 9 Page 12 of 48 Alt #2 Recycled Water to DIVIC Approximately 40 miles to tr CVP pump facility Could potentially utilize all CCCSD's effluent Augment - • • Supplies Bay Area Regional Reliability Partners (BARR) • CCWD EBMUDk,l,.iw+,. .-.. San Francisco PUC Alameda Co. WD Santa Clara Valley WD rnR� Zone 7 Marin Municipal WD Bay Area Water Suppliers & Conservation Agencies (BAWSCA) ;rY DSRSD August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 191 of 262 10 Page 13 of 48 Recommended Next Steps from Wholesale Opportunities Study Ek- Initiate Discussions to Continue Evaluation Refinery RW exchange with CCWD for raw water IPR/DPR augmentation through EBMUD San Luis Delta Mendota Water Authority & Reclamation (Agriculture) Regional Reliability Partners IPR/DPR as a local reliable supply alternative CCWD Would serve as a critical partner in all alternatives through exchanges REFINERY RECYCLED WATER EXCHANGE PROJECT CONCEPT Martinez Refineries . s4ap�y Los Vaqueros Reservoir LOSE VAQUEROSMU RESERVOIR M EJ(PA PROJECT i Transfer-BethanyValley Wdter Contra Costa Pipeline South Bay (Santa Clara Water District (proposed) Aqueduct Valley Water (CCWD) District) August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 192 of 262 11 Page 14 of 48 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) On April 30, 2018, a three-way MOU was executed between Central San, CCWD, and Valley Water to conduct a Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation of the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project. On July 3, 2019, Amendment 1 was executed, extending the termination date to June 30, 2020. On June 22, 2020, Amendment 2 was executed, extending the termination date to June 30, 2021 . The three partner agencies are currently working to extend the termination date to June 30, 2022. ' 23 CENTRALSAN WORK PLAN DEVELOPED JUNE 2018 Central San, CCWD, and Valley Water staff collaborated to develop a Work Plan called for in the MOU Tasks included: Review and update costs Central San previously developed to provide recycled water for refinery use B. Review refinery water quality requirements C. Evaluate/estimate the project's yield D. Develop updated cost estimates E. Allocate costs, based on beneficiary pays F. Final report . io . CENTRALSAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 193 of 262 12 Page 15 of 48 WATER EXCHANGE PROJECT - NEXT STEPS Extend the termination date of the current MOU to June 30, 2022 Presentation to Valley Water's Recycled Water Committee on July 28, 2021 Finalize the cost allocation Complete the Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation Report Meet with the US Bureau of Reclamation? Determine if the project will proceed to a more-detailed Feasibility-level Evaluation CENTRALSAN 3. CONSTRAINTS ASSOCIATED WITH RECYCLED WATER CFNTPAI SAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 194 of 262 13 Page 16 of 48 CONSTRAINTS ASSOCIATED WITH RECYCLED WATER A. Water Service Duplication Laws B. Cost and Cost Recovery C. Preference for Large Recycled Water Users D. Seasonal vs. Year-round Recycled Water Demand E. Finite Volume of Wastewater in Dry Months CENTRALSAN A. WATER SERVICE - -, - DUPLICATION LAWS The water agencies within Central San's Service Area have purveying rights over the 41 distribution of water: • East Bay Municipal Utility -- District (EBMUD) b • Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) • City of Martinez v • Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) CFNTPAISAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 195 of 262 14 Page 17 of 48 'AYSRECYCLED OATERNE I PROJECT `,Ow EXAMPLE WITH C C W D — ZONE 1 cE.ML 0m 1 carr• eao y_ SaNl rlFn rP[srN[cr M�RTIINEZ • A 1996 Agreement between Central _..,4_ N; "' San and CCWD allows Central San to distribute and sell recycled water in a specific area of CCWD's service area. Ealy. , a CONCORD i PLEASANT . 5 ' ,I All&i -i�` HILL � � ' kw CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT rr [ — r WALNUT CREEK 24 29 rdVIEW.M.M. B. COST AND COST RECOVERY • Production and distribution of recycled water is expensive. • Advanced tertiary treatment facilities are required. • Distributing recycled water to homes and parks requires underground piping. "Wastewater is the • New recycled water regulations are very stringent on last new water supply monitoring requirements. in California." • Beneficiary pays. • Central San's Board has requested that future recycled water projects be cost-neutral to ratepayers. Water 4.0 0-id s.&A 30 CFNTPAI SAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 196 of 262 15 Page 18 of 48 C. PREFERENCE FOR LARGE RECYCLED WATER USERS • Central San's Board previously indicated a preference for projects with large recycled water demands over projects with small recycled water demands. REFINERY RECYCLED WATER EXCHANGE PROJECT CONCEPT XNMnIn ..,�.. . Aq . � t D. SEASONAL VS. YEAR-ROUND RECYCLED WATER DEMAND • Projects with year-round demand maximize Central San's potential opportunity to supply recycled water. • California Senator Hertzberg has attempted several pieces of legislation to ban wastewater discharges to the ocean/bays. • Zero discharge is very challenging because supply and demand are inverted. • There is no feasible means to store on-site (EBMUD or CCWD reservoirs would require a higher level (potable reuse) of treatment). • Central San's Board has favored projects with year-round over seasonal recycled water demand (limited to dry season recycled water demand (limited to dry season capacit�� '32 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 197 of 262 16 Page 19 of 48 E. FINITE VOLUME OF WASTEWATER IN DRY MONTHS • Seasonal recycled water demand is highest when WATER SUPPLY VERSUS WATER DEMAND influent wastewater flows are at their lowest. • Commitment to recycled water projects is governed by dry-season capacity. • Other factors may further reduce dry-season o-.. ___. ___ wastewater supply in the future. • Governor can issue orders for water conservation during droughts. • Senate Bill 606 (Hertzberg)and Assembly Bill 1168 (Friedman) require reduction in indoor water consumption. • Current proposal by Department of Water Resources is 47 gallons per person per day(gpcd)by 2025 and 42 gpcd by 2030. • Use of home gray water recycling is increasing. Central San's Board has favored projects with year- round demand over seasonal use of recycled water, limited to dry-season capacity. 33 CFNTPAt SAN 4. SUMMARY OF CURRENT COMMITMENTS 34 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 198 of 262 17 Page 20 of 48 CURRENT COMMITMENTS • Plant Utility Water • Zone 1 • DERWA Diversion (Temporary) • Concord Community Reuse Project (Naval Weapons Station Redevelopment) — Will Serve Letter MOUS: • Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project • Diablo Country Club SWRF • Moraga Country Club Homeowners Association SWRF i CURRENT CENTRAL SAN RECYCLED WATER INITIATIVES Treatmen Pla ' V: Suisun Bay Discharge ✓� -J Plant liter Plant Advanced r"<0-. Refinery Recycled t Utility & Treatment � Water Clearwell Facilities �® Water Exchange • ; Project I { Martinez .y •.._ f `ALJ zone 1 �j/ vI Refineries Ak y A� Rec cled Water I I Diversion by Golf Temporary . ••� w +•'• Co.rses: Diversion by :•Contra Costa (Santa Clara • Diablo Country Club DERWA �• Watjer District Valley Water • Mora aCount Club (y �CWp --- ---- --------- ---- District) --- -- Concord CommunitL Reuse Project CENTPALSANI August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 199 of 262 18 Page 21 of 48 FUTURE WASTEWATER SUPPLY VS. RECYCLED WATER DEMANDS 38 MGD' Utility Water-1.4 MGD Zone 1-3.6 MGD Concord Community Reuse Project"-6 MGD Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project- 40M D Projected 2035 average dry 24 MGD+4 MGD of weather flow during drought effluent for Reverse "Assumes full project build-out Osmosis(RO) Concentrate Dilution Note:This assumes DERWA's temporary diversion of 1 MGD has stopped. Diablo country Club-0.5 MGD 0 Moraga Country Club—0.5 MGD CENTRALSAN 5. POLICY QUESTIONS f 38 CFNTPAL SAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 200 of 262 19 Page 22 of 48 POLICY QUESTION #1 • Should staff continue in accordance with the previous Board direction given regarding the commitment to serve the Concord Community Reuse Project? • Central San will be the producer/wholesaler and CCWD will be the distributor/retailer. • Serving the project requires a commitment of approximately 2 MGD of dry-season recycled water supply to the first phase of the development by 2035 and up to 6.3 MGD of dry-season recycled water supply for the ultimate build-out of the development in 2040+. • Producing the recycled water will require an additional Filter Plant infrastructure project (Phase 2 project to be financed by the others). '39 CENTPAL SAN POLICY QUESTION #2 • Should staff continue in accordance with the previous Board direction given regarding continuation of the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange project? • This project has an active MOU until June 30, 2022, which includes: • Finalizing the cost allocation. • Completing the Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation Report. ' -me CFNTPAISAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 201 of 262 20 Page 23 of 48 POLICY QUESTION #3 • Should staff continue in accordance with the previous Board direction given regarding the MOU for the Diablo Country Club SWRF? A. Does the Board want to continue the MOU for the Diablo Country Club Golf Course for a cost-neutral SWRF Project? B. Does the Board want to consider granting "Demonstration Project" status to Diablo Country Club SWRF Project? • Starting with a single demonstration project would allow Central San to gauge impacts from this approach of diverting wastewater from the collection system and returning the process solids (waste activated sludge) before committing to additional SWRF Projects. '41 CENTPAL SAN POLICY QUESTION #4 • Should staff continue in accordance with the previous Board direction given regarding MOUs on Satellite Water Recycling Facilities for other golf courses? • Does the Board want to continue the MOU with the Moraga Country Club Homeowners Association? (No project activity or communication since 2018.) '42 CFNTPAI SAN August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 202 of 262 21 Page 24 of 48 POLICY QUESTION #5 • Should staff discuss or entertain new MOU requests for SWRFs for other golf courses? • Staff recently received a request from Rossmoor/Golden Rain Foundation to execute an MOU for a cost-neutral SWRF Project. • Other golf courses may express interest in similar MOUs. CENTRALSAW 6. QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION/DIRECTION '44 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 203 of 262 22 Page 25 of 48 ATTACHMENT 2 Number: BP 019 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 17, 2016 zoo Revised: Reviewed: 03/06/18, 06/16/20 CENTRALSAN Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering & Technical Services Department BOARD POLICY RECYCLED WATER PURPOSE Periodically, the State of California experiences severe droughts and recycled water is one of the major alternatives for an uninterruptable source of water supply. The purpose of this Policy is to promote cost-effective projects in collaboration with water agencies to augment the region's water supply with treated effluent produced at the District's treatment plant. The District is in a key position to collaborate with water agencies and develop cost-effective projects making this new resource available. POLICY I. Promote, produce, sell and/or deliver recycled water to retail and wholesale customers both within and outside the District in a manner consistent with laws, regulations and prudent public policy. II. Develop a cost-effective program to maximize recycled water in coordination with water agencies. Projects must have a payback period of not more than 15 years. III. Work with the State of California, the County of Contra Costa and individual local cities and water agencies to develop ordinances and guidelines to encourage the use of recycled water. IV. Develop procedures and standards to ensure the safe and beneficial use of recycled water. V. Conduct ongoing public information and customer service programs to ensure that the public and individual customers have an appropriate understanding of recycled water including the benefits and responsibility of using recycled water. VI. Track all costs associated with recycling water and periodically report to the Board. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 204 of 262 Page 26 of 48 ATTACHMENT 3 Central Contra Costa sanitary District • ► + • . .►...a;. .sOr:!�'��':f^ +~�re�id�[ ��, r S�fr�.__ir��,__�`:_L.�,� S-�'� August 10, 2009 PHONE: (925)228-9500 FIV: (925)6 76-721/ www.centralsan.org Mr. Joseph L. Campbell Mayor Laura Hoffmeister At KELLY President, Board of Directors City of Concord General blonager he Contra Costa Water District 1950 Parkside Drive Counselv'tL. Dst`'" uun.rrl fir the�)LtYriC! 1331 Concord Avenue Concord, CA 94519 (510)808-2!X10 P.O. Box H2O k1_41NER.flo HslE Concord, CA 94524 Secretary"ItheDistrict -:S'oe— ��-CA Dear President Cfell and Mayor Ho,fmets, ter: CCCSD'S PROVISION OF RECYCLED WATER TO THE CONCORD COMMUNITY REUSE PROJECT This letter is in response to a request from the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) for commitment from the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) for the supply of recycled water to the Concord Community Reuse Project (CCRP), also known as the Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) Project. Water recycling is an integral part of CCCSD's mission to protect public health and the environment through maximizing use of this valuable resource. CCCSD is committed to recycling high-quality water meeting all regulatory requirements in ways that enhance the regional water supply. CCCSD is willing and able to serve recycled water to the CCRP. CCCSD is expressing its willingness and ability to supply the needed recycled water in the form of this "will serve" letter. It is CCCSD's understanding that the exact amount of recycled water needed for the CCRP has not yet been determined but that current estimates, as contained in the June 2009 Administrative Draft of the Environmental Impact Report, are up to 3,000 acre feet of recycled water per year for irrigation purposes, and CCWD indicates it could be as much as 6,000 acre feet per year. It is CCCSD's intention to supply, or make available, recycled water in sufficient quantity to meet the needs of the CCRP as determined by the City of Concord, up to the 6,000 acre feet per year. The State Water Resources Control Board has granted CCCSD the authority to provide up to 26,120 acre feet of recycled water per year for irrigation and industrial purposes. There are no water transfer or entitlement costs associated with making use of water made available by this grant. CCCSD currently only supplies 80:t RD OF DIRECTORS J.11f1•S,I .Ih:IFII/Yt'residew•Sfit 11,11ftlIf,oll1,1're"J"at'n,I'm•I?IRK fit,10 {!(N,1777•(,1.17.1/1)!t 11tI}-•lL1pit I.Sj7 ® ,, i , August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 205 of 262 Page 27 of 48 President Campbell and Mayor Hoffmeister August 10, 2009 Page 2 approximately 700 acre feet of recycled water annually; accordingly, it has sufficient recycled water supply available to meet even the highest demand estimates for the project. Delivery of recycled water to the CCRP would require construction of a pipeline connecting CCCSD's facility to the CCRP and potentially construction of a reservoir or other facilities on the CCRP property. Expansion and renovation of CCCSD's existing tertiary treatment facility would also be required. The specific needs and associated costs for additional recycled water facilities depend on refinement of recycled water demands of the CCRP as determined by future planning and legal considerations. All projects and related construction activities require separate environmental and technical analysis and project-level approval by CCCSD and possibly other agencies in the future. However, sufficient time and basic resources are available to meet the current base reuse development schedule, as we understand it. In addition to the construction of any necessary capital improvements, CCCSD's ability to provide recycled water to the CCRP will be subject to certain future actions of the City of Concord, the Reuse Commission, and potentially other governmental entities, as well as other financial and institutional agreements, as documented in the Attachment to this letter. CCCSD is committed to supporting the use of recycled water in the CCRP in the most cost-effective and environmentally-sound manner. CCCSD stands ready to work with the City of Concord, the Base Reuse Commission and CCWD to provide recycled water consistent with future approvals and environmental review. Given the importance to CCCSD of providing recycled water services to the CCRP, our Board of Directors has reviewed this matter and authorized sending this letter as confirmation of its clear intention to supply recycled water upon successfully addressing the conditions set forth above. If you have any questions, feel free to contact James M. Kelly, General Manager at (925) 228-9500. Sincerely, James A. Nejedly President, Board of Directors cc: Daniel E. Keen, City Manager, City of Concord Michael W. Wright, Reuse Project Director, City of Concord Walter J. Bishop, General Manager, CCWD Jerry Brown, Assistant General Manager, CCWD August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 206 of 262 Page 28 of 48 President Campbell and Mayor Hoffmeister August 10, 2009 Page 3 ATTACHMENT CCCSD's ability to commit to the supply of recycled water to the Concord Community Reuse Project is dependent upon the actions noted below: 1. The City of Concord, the Federal authorities and either CCCSD or CCWD must complete necessary environmental review including the use of recycled water in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and National Environmental Protection Act ("NEPA"). 2. The City of Concord, along with other applicable planning entities, must determine the basic recycled water flow rates, uses, system demands and requirements, such as any requirements for backup water supply, storage, fire uses, etc. 3. Mechanisms must be in place to ensure that all CCCSD cost of recycled water, including the treatment and delivery infrastructure, cost of regulatory compliance, as well as other direct costs, if any, associated with the use of recycled water is borne by the new users and/or developers of the CCRP. 4. A formal agreement between CCCSD and CCWD, or CCCSD and the City of Concord, as to the supply of recycled water to CCRP by CCWD or CCCSD may be required as a condition prior to obtaining service. Other service agreements will be necessary with the parties that are to receive recycled water service. 5. Unforeseen circumstances, and any changes in local, state, or federal law adversely affecting CCCSD's ability to supply recycled water to the CCRP, if any, will have to be addressed. August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 207 of 262 Page 29 of 48 ATTACHMENT 4 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT AND SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT TO CONDUCT A PRELIMINARY FEASIBILITY EVALUATION OF THE REFINERY RECYCLED WATER EXCHANGE PROJECT This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into on this 30th day of April , 2018, by and between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San), Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD), all special districts created by Legislature of the State of California. All three agencies hereinafter may be referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as "Parties." RECITALS 1. WHEREAS, California's semiarid and changing climate, its ambitious and evolving economy, and its continually growing population contribute to water management challenges; and 2. WHEREAS, the Parties recognize that integrated utilization of capacity in existing infrastructure, new interconnections and/or facilities, and water exchanges may provide water supply reliability and/or water quality benefits to multiple agencies and the public and businesses we serve; and 3. WHEREAS, it is a Central San strategic goal to embrace technology, innovation, and environmental sustainability by exploring partnering opportunities to augment the Region's water supply; and 4. WHEREAS, it is the mission of CCWD to strategically provide a reliable supply of high quality water at the lowest cost possible in an environmentally responsible manner; and CCWD is completing the environmental review of the Phase 2 Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project with several local agencies participating in the ongoing planning studies; and 5. WHEREAS, it is the mission of SCVWD to provide Silicon Valley safe, clean water for a healthy life, environment, and economy, and SCVWD is currently updating its Water Supply Master Plan, which describes the new water supply investments the District is planning to make to achieve its water supply reliability target, the anticipated schedule of those investments, and the associated costs and benefits of the investments; and Page 1 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 208 of 262 Page 30 of 48 6. WHEREAS, CCWD and SCVWD are members of the Bay Area Regional Reliability Partnership, which is working to develop regional solutions to enhance water supply reliability, leverage existing infrastructure investments, facilitate water transfers during critical shortages, and improve climate change resiliency for the benefit all Bay Area residents; and 7. WHEREAS, the Bay Area Regional Reliability Partnership prepared a Drought Contingency Plan that evaluated several potential drought mitigation measures, including the construction of the Transfer-Bethany Pipeline a key intertie facility included in the Phase 2 Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project; and 8. WHEREAS, the Parties are interested in conducting a preliminary feasibility evaluation of an innovative water exchange arrangement in which recycled water from Central San could be made available to SCVWD, and where such recycled water, in lieu of raw water, through an exchange arrangement, would be delivered by Central San to CCWD to serve existing industrial customers. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING AND THE MUTUAL PROMISES HEREINAFTER PROVIDED, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. TERM a) This MOU shall become effective upon its execution by all Parties. b) This MOU will terminate on June 30, 2019, or when all obligations under this MOU have been performed, whichever occurs first, unless this MOU is terminated pursuant to Article 11, Termination, or extended pursuant to Article 19, Amendment. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this MOU is to define the roles and responsibilities of each Party, and the timing, for conducting a Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation of the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project. 3. KEY ASSUMPTIONS The key assumptions to be investigated as part of this Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation are: a) In general, the Recycled Water Exchange Project will be considered in a manner that provides a betterment for the customers served by the Parties, and does not result in any unacceptable net adverse impacts to each respective Party or its customers. In evaluating various alternatives for the Recycled Water Exchange Project, the benefits and costs for all Parties will be developed as a foundation for any proposals that can be discussed and Page 2 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 209 of 262 Page 31 of 48 agreed among the Parties on how to move forward with the Recycled Water Exchange Project. b) CCWD currently serves two oil refineries approximately 22,000 acre-feet per year of high quality surface water, which consists of water received from the Central Valley Project (CVP) under CCWD's CVP water supply contract and/or CCWD's Los Vaqueros Water Right. CCWD is willing to offer recycled water to these customers in lieu of their current deliveries and if one or both of these customers desires to proceed, an appropriate amount of CCWD's supplies could be used to facilitate an exchange arrangement whereby SCVWD would be provided with the forgone CCWD supply subject to CCWD's operational and schedule requirements. c) Central San has available treated wastewater supply that could be recycled through further treatment, and be provided to CCWD to serve the two oil refineries near Central San's wastewater treatment plant. d) SCVWD is interested in exploring how the newly available CCWD CVP water could be transported or exchanged in the most beneficial way to improve its water supply reliability at a cost that the SCVWD Board believes is acceptable to its ratepayers. e) Delta resource impacts such as water quality, Delta outflow, and aquatic species impacts will be explored as part of the environmental review process, if the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project moves forward. f) CCWD shall handle all communications with its refinery customers regarding this evaluation. 4. WORK TO BE PERFORMED The preliminary feasibility evaluation of the Refinery Recycled Water Exchange Project will be completed with in-kind services and cooperative input from the Parties. The Parties will develop a work plan to outline the specific tasks to be completed (Work Plan). Topics to be covered in the Work Plan include: refinery recycled water quality and reliability, project yield, conveyance options and constraints, cost, and cost allocation. 5. TIMELINE The Parties will work together to develop the Work Plan within 45 days of execution of this MOU and complete the Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation by the end of calendar year 2018. 6. REGULATORY APPROVALS, ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVALS, ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS The Parties agree that the work contemplated in this MOU is for evaluation purposes only and is, therefore, exempt from the requirements of the Page 3 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 210 of 262 Page 32 of 48 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines that exempt projects involving only feasibility or planning studies for future actions which have not been approved, adopted, or funded. If a project resulting from this evaluation moves forward, all appropriate environmental reviews will be conducted at that time. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES Central San shall be the Project Manager of the overall evaluation effort; however, the Parties shall each have unique responsibilities that will be identified in the Work Plan that will be developed by staff of the respective Parties. General responsibilities of all Parties are as follows: a) Work cooperatively to develop the Work Plan and complete the Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation. b) Commit staff time to work with staff from other Parties. c) Share relevant engineering, permitting, regulatory and operational information regarding its own facilities, studies, and permits with other Parties for the benefit of the evaluation. d) Provide access to facilities and operational data that may be needed for conducting the preliminary feasibility evaluation (such as intakes, conveyance/distribution facilities, treatment plants, interties, etc.). If needed, commit staff time to conduct necessary analysis of its own facilities, permits, operational data, procedures or requirements, or any other data needed for consideration and share the information with other Parties. Access to facilities will be consistent with, and will follow, the facility owner's, security and standard safety and notification requirements. e) All Parties will, upon reasonable advance written notice, make available for inspection to the other Parties all records, books and other documents directly relating to the Work Plan as well as any other work related to water supply institutional arrangements and agreements that are required for conducting the preliminary feasibility evaluation. f) Provide appropriate level of oversight and review of any work products. g) Coordinate with the other Parties on all media outreach, media responses, and messaging, prior to any media outreach. h) The Parties, and any consultants retained by a Party or Parties, shall maintain the confidentiality of, and will not disclose, display, provide, or make available, any documents shared by a Party which contain confidential water facility data to any person other than another Party, unless written permission is granted by the sharing Party. Confidential documents shall be returned to the sharing Party at the expiration or termination of this MOU, or at any other time at the request of the sharing Party. Confidential data shall be identified as such at the time shared. Page 4 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 211 of 262 Page 33 of 48 8. IN-KIND SERVICES The Parties agree that in-kind services (i.e. in-house staff resources) will be used to complete this Preliminary Feasibility Evaluation, with each Party covering the cost for its own in-kind staff work. Activities undertaken by any Party in furtherance of this MOU shall be at that Party's sole cost and expense, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by all the Parties pursuant to Article 19, Amendment. 9. INDEMNIFICATION To the extent permitted by State law, each Party will indemnify, defend and hold all other Parties and their directors, officers, agents, and employees safe and harmless from any and all claims, suits, judgments, damages, penalties, costs, expenses, liabilities and losses (including without limitation, sums paid in settlement of claims, actual attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, consultant fees, engineering fees, expert fees and any other professional fees) that arise from or are related in any way to each Party's, directors, officers, agents, and employees negligent acts, errors or omissions, or willful misconduct, in the performance of this MOU. 10.DISPUTES Any claim that a Party may have against another Party or Parties regarding the performance of this MOU including, but not limited to, claims for compensation will be submitted to the other Party or Parties within three months of its accrual. Parties will attempt to negotiate a resolution of such claim and, if necessary, process an amendment to this MOU or enter into a settlement agreement to implement the terms of any such resolution. 11.TERMINATION If an individual Party elects to terminate its participation in this MOU, it may do so by delivering to each remaining Party a written notice of intention to terminate. Termination shall be effective ten days from the date of the notice. 12.RELEASE OF INFORMATION The approval of all Parties is required prior to the release of information developed pursuant to this MOU, other than in response to a Public Records Act request, subpoena, or court order. In the event of a request pursuant to the Public Records Act, subpoena, or court order, the Parties shall meet and confer regarding disclosure. Should a Party object to disclosure of certain documents or information, the objecting Party shall, at its own expense and risk, be provided the opportunity to seek a protective order to prevent disclosure. Page 5 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 212 of 262 Page 34 of 48 13.MOU NOT A PRECEDENT The Parties intend that the provisions of this MOU will not bind the Parties as to the provisions of any future MOU or agreement between them. 14. NOTICES Any notice, demand, or request made in connection with this MOU must be in writing and will be deemed properly served if delivered in person or sent by United States mail, postage prepaid, to the addresses specified below: If to Central San: Roger S. Bailey General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 If to CCWD: Jerry Brown General Manager Contra Costa Water District PO Box H2O Concord, CA 94524 If to SCVWD: Norma J. Camacho Chief Executive Officer Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 15.NO THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARIES No third-party beneficiaries are intended or created by this MOU. 16.SEVERABILITY If any term or provision of this MOU is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or by operation of any applicable law, it will not affect the validity of any other provision, which will remain in full force and effect. 17.COMPLETE MOU Other than as specified herein, no document or communication passing between the Parties to this MOU will be deemed to be part of this MOU. Page 6 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 213 of 262 Page 35 of 48 18.ASSIGNMENT This MOU is not assignable either in whole or in part, except upon the written consent of each and every non-assigning Party. 19.AMENDMENT Except as provided herein, no alteration, amendment, variation, or waiver of the terms of this MOU shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by all Parties. 20.SUCCESSORS This MOU shall bind the successors of the Parties in the same manner as if they were expressly named. 21.INTERPRETATION This MOU shall be deemed to have been prepared equally by all Parties, and its individual provisions shall not be construed or interpreted more favorably for one Party on the basis that another Party or Parties prepared it. 22.INTEGRATION This MOU represents the entire understanding of the Parties as to those matters contained herein. No prior oral or written understanding shall be of any force or effect with respect to those matters covered hereunder. 23.WAIVER Waiver by any Party of a default, breach or condition precedent, shall not be constructed as a waiver of any other or subsequent default, breach, or any right hereunder. 24.GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This MOU is governed by and will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in the Superior Court of the County of Contra Costa. 25.COUNTERPARTS This MOU may be executed in counterpart. Facsimile, including email, and electronic signatures shall be binding. Page 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 214 of 262 Page 36 of 48 This MOU will be effective as of the date of the last signature below. C RA CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT t � w oger S. Bailey Katie oung General Manager Secretary o th D�(), t Date Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel Page 8 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 215 of 262 l Page 37 of 48 I C CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT Aw Jerry UMa Mary A. eher Generg District Secretary &J&Z Date Approved as to form: Doug oty District Legal Counsel Page 9 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 216 of 262 Page 38 of 48 SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Norma J. amacho Chief Executive Officer 1.111 Date Approved as to form: Anthony;(. Fulcher Senior Kssistant District Counsel Page 10 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 217 of 262 Page 39 of 48 ATTACHMENT 5 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND THE 3 DIABLO COUNTRY CLUB FOR COLLABORATIVE 4 INVESTIGATIONS AND PRELIMINARY IMPLEMENTATION OF 5 THE DIABLO COUNTRY CLUB SATELLITE RECYCLED WATER 6 TREATMENT PLANT PROJECT 7 This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into this 8 /C?^ day of 2015, by and between Central 9 Contra Costa Sanitary District, ("CCCSD") and the Diablo Country Club ("DCC') 10 for the purpose of the ongoing investigations, design, implementation, and 11 operation of the Diablo Country Club Satellite Recycled Water Treatment Plant 12 Project ("SRWTP" or "Project') and related activities as described herein. 13 Together, CCCSD and DCC are known as the Parties to this MOU. 14 Recitals 15 WHEREAS, the Parties have previously executed and have been 16 collaborating on a variety of topics pursuant to an existing planning MOU dated 17 July 24, 2012, and that said MOU has provided the framework for collaborative 18 growth and development of the proposed Project by the DCC; and 19 WHEREAS, CCCSD is a signatory to the 2012 MOU, and because of its 20 planned role in the proposed Project as the CEQA Lead Agency, as the source of 21 raw sewage to the Project and for other purposes, is anticipated to execute a 22 new separate MOU with the DCC; and 23 WHEREAS, this MOU is being entered into in order to establish 24 coordination between CCCSD, and DCC to carry out the mission, goals, and 25 objectives stated herein related to investigation of the potential for expansion of 26 beneficial uses of recycled water at DCC; 27 WHEREAS, the parties intend that participation in this MOU be entirely 28 voluntary, and that any party may elect to withdraw from the MOU at any time 29 and for any reason and there is no intent to form any independent or additional 30 public or public/private entity or authorities; and 31 WHEREAS, the parties hereto find that promoting the stewardship of 32 water resource management in general, appropriate development and use of 33 recycled water at DCC in particular, for the common benefit of all parties and 34 their constituencies within the region and the public benefit for CCCSD in 35 avoiding some costs for the pumping and treatment of the flow diverted from the 36 wastewater collection system; and 37 WHEREAS, the parties hereto, as well as East Bay Municipal Utility 38 District, have stated their belief that it is sound public policy to develop recycled 39 water resources through financially and environmentally sound; and Page 1 of 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 218 of 262 Page 40 of 48 1 WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that "recycled water" refers to 2 wastewater treated to meet Title 22 standards of the California Code of 3 Regulations for production, storage, and use of disinfected tertiary recycled 4 water; and 5 WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose of the proposed Project to create 6 a new source of irrigation water for a drought resistant, sustainable and reliable 7 supply to the DCC golf course through the diversion, treatment and recycling of 8 existing municipal wastewater; and 9 WHEREAS, CCCSD is the wastewater collection and treatment agency 10 for the service area where DCC is located; and 11 WHEREAS, DCC has collaborated with CCCSD regarding environmental 12 documentation, sanitary sewer flow monitoring, water quality sampling and 13 engineering analysis of minimum flow requirements necessary to prevent solids 14 deposition and additional sampling and analysis may be required; and 15 WHEREAS, DCC met with CCCSD staff, presented and discussed 16 technical memorandums confirming the availability of source water flows, 17 minimum flow velocities, volume and strength of waste discharges, and proposed 18 facility ownership; and 19 WHEREAS, the implementation of the proposed Project by the DCC may 20 result in additional operational and regulatory risk to CCCSD, both parties will 21 work towards mutually beneficial solutions to eliminate those risks; and 22 WHEREAS, the parties hereto recognize the value of effectively using 23 resources common to all and desire to be proactive on both regulatory and 24 conservation issues affecting water resources; and 25 WHEREAS, the parties hereto declare their intent to establish and 26 maintain business relations that facilitate the implementation of a cost-effective 27 recycled water project, at no net cost to the District's operation and maintenance; 28 and 29 WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this MOU to facilitate additional 30 and continued collaboration among themselves, and that this MOU should 31 recognize the results, conclusions and recommendations of DCC through the 32 ongoing development of the proposed Project and for the following specific 33 purposes: 34 1. Of defining the pilot-nature of the proposed Project; 35 2. As a means of support to the proposed Project; 36 3. To define the acceptable volumes, rates and timing of wastewater 37 diversions by the proposed Project from CCCSD's existing 21-inch 38 sewer pipeline in Diablo Road that would be pumped by DCC to its Page 2 of 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 219 of 262 Page 41 of 48 1 proposed SRWTP for the sole use by DCC for irrigation, without 2 resulting in detrimental impacts to downstream CCCSD facilities, 3 and that the volumes diverted and concentrations returned may be 4 adjusted to mitigate such detrimental impacts to CCCSD; 5 4. To develop the operational requirements for the proposed diversion 6 structure and its operations by DCC in consideration of minimum 7 flow rates, flow depths and in consideration of other operational 8 requirements such as flow monitoring, flushing, and other 9 appropriate operations in order to maintain acceptable performance 10 of CCCSD's sewer system; 11 5. To collaborate on development of formal terms for facility 12 ownership and maintenance responsibilities for normal and 13 emergency operations and maintenance procedures for the 14 proposed diversion and discharge facilities; 15 6. For CCCSD to provide letters of support for efforts made by DCC in 16 applying for grants and low-interest loans for the design and 17 construction of the proposed Project; 18 7. Design review of the proposed diversion and discharge structures; 19 8. For CCCSD's development of reasonable and appropriate fees for 20 the routine monitoring of the waste discharges, receipt of wastes 21 from the proposed Project, for any increased maintenance and 22 monitoring activities as a result of the Project and for the 23 enumeration of any other relevant charges that will be required of 24 the proposed Project. For example, the Project impact may be 25 measured by net discharge rather than gross discharge since the 26 project is diverting flows already within the CCCSD's system, and 27 the Project fees may be structured with concentration thresholds to 28 encourage dilution; 29 9. To schedule activities of Project review by CCCSD as the Lead 30 Agency in the environmental review of the Project; and 31 10. To develop a coordinated plan relative to the safe operations of the 32 proposed diversion structure following input from the Regional 33 Water Quality Control Board. 34 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, for and in reliance on the foregoing, 35 the parties hereby agree to negotiate and document in a technical 36 memorandum(s) the following provisions: 37 a. PILOT-NATURE OF THE PROJECT: The proposed Project has 38 been deemed a "pilot" and that the intention and nature of the pilot designation is 39 to facilitate the further investigations, analysis and development of the proposed 40 Project without the potential encumbrance of establishing precedent that might Page 3 of 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 220 of 262 Page 42 of 48 1 otherwise directly be assigned to development of other similar projects. The 2 development of a recycled water project by a private entity (DCC) and diverting 3 sewage from a public wastewater collection agency service area (CCCSD's) has 4 unique and individual characteristics that must be analyzed and potentially 5 modified prior to use or expectations of use in other similar situations. Piloting 6 offers the opportunity to modify agreed upon criteria in order to adapt to 7 observed impacts and minimize negative impacts. By "piloting" the development 8 of this proposed Project, both parties are intending to develop a means of 9 clarifying the requirements, benefits and costs of such projects. 10 b. DECLARATION OF PROJECT SUPPORT: In acknowledgement of 11 the history and ongoing cooperation between the parties on the Project, CCCSD 12 will establish and adopt a formal Board Resolution to memorialize and project 13 forward the continued spirit of support for the Project. The purpose of the 14 Resolution will be to sustain the relationship between the parties as a means of 15 enhancing CCCSD's support for the proposed Project and to delineate such 16 other means of material support that may include contribution of staff time, 17 expertise, oversight, actual materials and other such support as are appropriate 18 and are consistent with legal and administrative requirements. 19 C. PARTICIPANTS RESPONSIBILITIES: DCC and its Consultant will 20 lead its efforts in the review and investigations of design and construction of the 21 potential Satellite Recycled Water Treatment Plant. CCCSD will provide 22 collaboration and participation with DCC. Each participant to this MOU may 23 provide data applicable to the design and construction of the Project related to 24 this MOU. Data may include mapping, facility infrastructure information, 25 pressure data, flow data, operational data, water quality data and other 26 information pertinent to the intent of this MOU. CCCSD will provide information 27 and coordination on localized wastewater and access to a sewer connection 28 point. 29 d. WASTEWATER DEDICATIONS: Both parties seek to conduct 30 additional work together to define details that describe adequate amounts of 31 wastewater for DCC's diversion that will be sufficient in volume and timing for its 32 irrigation demands and adequate to maintain flow in CCCSD's gravity collection 33 system downstream of the diversion without creating nuisance conditions. 34 CCCSD and DCC shall therefore continue their coordination to determine 35 operations of the diversion structure to meet the requirements of both parties. At 36 this time, DCC envisions the requirement for approximately 0.5 mgd of raw 37 wastewater with variable rates of withdrawal while maintaining appropriate 38 minimum flows in the downstream pipeline. The proposed Project will require a 39 long-term financing commitment by DCC of twenty to thirty years, and therefore 40 the Club will seek funding assistance that may be available through the State 41 Revolving Fund (SRF) or other similar program. Therefore, future agreements 42 with the District shall provide that DCC shall have access to the raw wastewater 43 for a time period not less than as required to meet DCC's financial obligations of 44 the project plus a reasonable additional period of additional time beyond the 45 financing period that is acceptable to both parties. The details and terms of the Page 4 of 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 221 of 262 Page 43 of 48 1 period of time will be negotiated at the time of the formal agreement. Options to 2 extend such agreement may also be considered. The District and DCC will 3 agree to manage the wastewater flows in a manner that allows for access at 4 times and retains the District's remaining flow requirements. CCCSD will retain 5 the rights to the wastewater following the term of the formal agreement including 6 any agreed upon extensions. 7 e. OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY OF 8 PROJECT: DCC will be legally and financially responsible to own, maintain and 9 operate the SRWTP facility from the point of diversion. DCC will be responsible 10 to obtain approval and meet their Title 22 recycled water permit with the State of 11 California regulatory agencies, obtain and pay for all such permits. DCC will be 12 legally and financially responsible for any sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) and 13 spill, as well as fines and reporting requirements of such events to the Regional 14 Water Quality Control Board, from the point of diversion, and all the way through 15 their SRWTP, and associated distribution system. DCC will also take a lead role 16 in coordinating with representatives of Contra Costa County and the Town of 17 Danville to obtain required easements, access and construction permits. 18 CCCSD shall not be obligated to use its powers of eminent domain to obtain 19 easements or rights required for project construction. 20 f. MINIMUM FLOW AND DEPTH REQUIREMENTS: Both parties 21 shall coordinate during the planning and design of the wastewater diversion 22 structure to allow for flows to be maintained according to the District's scouring 23 velocity requirements within the existing 21-inch diameter wastewater pipeline, 24 and not cause detrimental effects to downstream District facilities. The DCC will 25 coordinate with CCCSD for its review of DCC's flow monitoring analysis and 26 water quality sampling at the proposed diversion locations. This will occur prior 27 to CCCSD's review of design to confirm appropriate flow rates and water quality. 28 g. NORMAL AND EMERGENCY OPERATIONS: DCC will take a 29 lead role in coordination with CCCSD to outline normal and emergency 30 operations of diversion structure and discharge facilities required for the Project. 31 Coordination will address construction details such as appropriate location and 32 size of wastewater diversion structure and discharge flows. Coordination shall 33 take place during Project siting and considerations shall include: Location of 34 conflicting utilities, evaluation of accessibility, permitting requirements, 35 minimization of construction and operational impacts, constructability, and 36 available area. Both parties shall coordinate emergency response plans. 37 h. FUNDING ASSISTANCE TO THE PROJECT: The DCC will take a 38 lead role in seeking to obtain funding assistance from the State Water Resources 39 Control Board, the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and the United 40 States Army Corps of Engineers for the application to these and other programs 41 that could provide financial assistance to the Project. CCCSD will coordinate 42 with DCC on these funding issues and provide letters of support if required for 43 specific funding opportunities. Page 5 of 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 222 of 262 Page 44 of 48 1 1. DESIGN INSPECTION AND CONSTRUCTION: DCC will take the 2 lead role in the analysis and development of appropriate design, construction, 3 installation and rehabilitation specifications of the wastewater diversion facilities. 4 CCCSD will have the right to review designs and inspect construction relating to 5 the wastewater diversion and return facilities in its role as the owner and operator 6 of the public wastewater collection system. Both parties shall coordinate to 7 develop construction plans that include equipment standards and sizing, 8 installation and construction schedule, and staff training to ensure correct 9 operations and maintenance. Construction considerations at the diversion 10 location will be evaluated to minimize impacts to Diablo Road and adjacent 11 properties. It is also understood that DCC's engineer(s) will be the engineer of 12 records for the project. 13 j. CONSIDER CONTRACT OPERATIONS OF DIVERSION 14 STRUCTURES: The parties shall consider future contract agreements in which 15 CCCSD may provide contract maintenance services for the proposed diversion 16 facilities. Any such operation or arrangement would likely exclude the pumping 17 and screening facilities. Nothing in this MOU obligates CCCSD to assume the 18 role of contractor operator. 19 k. FEE AND FUTURE INDUSTRIAL PERMIT: It is understood from 20 ongoing coordination that CCCSD will be imposing some fees on DCC for the 21 potential use of the wastewater and for returning discharge flow to the sewer 22 system. CCCSD and DCC will continue to discuss the appropriate fee rate 23 structure for this special pilot project. CCCSD shall also determine the industrial 24 permit category to allow the discharge of wastes from the proposed Project to 25 their collection system. A future permit will regulate the quantity and quality of 26 discharges from the SWRTP to CCCSD's facilities. Screenings and rags 27 removed from the sewer for use by the scalping plant downstream of the 28 diversion structure will not be allowed to be returned to the sewer. Use of 29 chemicals for the operation of the SWRTP shall be equalized and neutralized 30 before being returned to the sanitary sewer system in accordance with District 31 pretreatment program requirements. 32 I. OPERATIONS OF DIVERSIONS AND DISCHARGE 33 STRUCTURES: Both parties shall evaluate the routine and emergency 34 operations of diversion structures and discharge facilities. DCC will provide 35 modeling studies for review by CCCSD to determine optimal locations and 36 volumes in the sewer collection system for the diversion of raw wastewater to the 37 SRWTP. 38 M. ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF THE 39 PROJECT: CCCSD shall act as the Lead Agency in compliance with the 40 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis of the Project. CCCSD will 41 not be the engineer of record for the design and construction of the proposed 42 project. Page 6 of 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 223 of 262 Page 45 of 48 1 n. MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE: 2 The parties shall consider the future development of a Mutual Aid Agreement for 3 Emergency Response to institute procedures and training that will enable 4 coordinated and effective actions to be taken to address emergency operations 5 of the diversion, discharge, and storage facilities for the Project. 6 WITNESS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and the Diablo Country 7 Club entered into this Memorandum of Understanding as of the date first written 8 above. 9 Representative of the Diablo Country Club: 10 11 12 (D � 13 Aignature Title bate 14 15 Repre a ative of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District: 16 17 \ ,rte 18 t .� 4 1 �.• C Y�►. c:�-F� h► _^�� DS —II- ttz 19 Signature Title Date 20 21 22 23 Approved as to form: 24 Kento Alm, Esq. 25 Counsel for the District Page 7 of 7 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 224 of 262 Page 46 of 48 ATTACHMENT 6 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT,EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT, and MORAGA COUNTRY CLUB HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION his Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made and entered into this �5� day of 2016 by and between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD), East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), and Moraga Country Club Homeowners Association (MCCHOA) for the purposes described herein. Recitals WHEREAS, EBMUD is the water purveyor to MCCHOA and CCCSD is the wastewater collection and treatment purveyor to MCCHOA; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto believe that it is sound public policy and good operational practice to develop recycled water resources through financially and environmentally sound projects; and WHEREAS, the parties recognize for their own purposes and by their independent means the benefits of energy and water conservation and the goals of developing sustainable resource use through the proper conservation and reuse of these resources; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a MOU to collaborate among themselves for purposes of exploring the feasibility of expanding the beneficial use of recycled water which may lead to the potential for the construction and operation of a recycled water satellite treatment plant at MCCHOA thereby promoting the conservation of potable water resources, energy and potentially reducing greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, the parties do not intend to create a separate public agency through this MOU; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto may later explore the feasibility of establishing a more formal understanding or agreement among themselves as in a separate agreement, if deemed mutually agreeable and beneficial to the development of a recycled water satellite treatment plant at MCCHOA; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto recognize the value of using common resources effectively; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to be proactive on both regulatory issues, and conservation issues affecting water and energy resources; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto agree that "recycled water" refers to wastewater treated to meet Title 22 standards of the California Code of Regulations for production, storage, and use of disinfected tertiary recycled water; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to inform the MCCHOA community about the importance of water and energy conservation and the benefits of water reuse; and Page I of 3 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 225 of 262 Page 47 of 48 WHEREAS, the parties hereto find that promoting the stewardship of water resource management in general and the appropriate development and use of recycled water at MCCHOA in particular, for the common benefit of all parties and their constituencies within the region; and WHEREAS, the parties intend that participation in this MOU be entirely voluntary, and that any party may elect to withdraw from the MOU at any time if the project is determined to be infeasible by any of the parties and for any reason. WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that the Diablo Country Club is investigating development of a project similar to the one envisioned within this MOU, and that the lessons learned therein may inform the MCCHOA project since the MCCHOA project will likely follow the Diablo Country Club project. WHEREAS, the parties agree to the following terms of this Memorandum of Understanding: 1, Definitions. As used in this MOU, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth below unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. a) "MOU" shall mean this Memorandum of Understanding. b) "Coordinating Parties" shall mean the staff from each of the parties and their designated representatives authorized by each party to collaborate on behalf of this MOU. Consultants representing the members may also be part of the Coordination Committee. 2. Purpose. This MOU is being entered into in order to establish coordination between CCCSD, EBMUD, and MCCHOA to carry out the mission, goals, and objectives stated herein related to investigation of the potential for expansion of beneficial uses of recycled water at MCCHOA. While this MOU will serve to better facilitate and clarify the intent of the coordination of these efforts, there is no intent to form any independent or additional authorities. The parties intend that participation in this MOU be entirely voluntary, and any party may elect to withdraw from the MOU at any time and for any reason. 3. Participant Responsibilities. a) MCCHOA and its Consultant will lead its efforts in the review and investigations of feasibility and concept development of a potential satellite water reclamation facility. EBMUD and CCCSD will provide collaborative participation with MCCHOA and, as appropriate, may conduct their own independent feasibility investigations and will specify to MCCHOA applicable regulatory guidelines for recycled water production, distribution, and use. b) Each participant to this MOU may provide data applicable to the feasibility investigations and discussions on matters related to this MOU including the investigations of the potential for a new recycled water satellite treatment facility that may be Iocated at MCCHOA. Data may include mapping, facility infrastructure data, pressure data, flow data, operational data, water quality data and other information pertinent to the intent of this MOU. c) CCCSD will provide information and coordination on localized wastewater and access to a sewer connection point. d) EBMUD will provide information on potable water service at MCCHOA for uses other Page 2 of 3 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 226 of 262 Page 48 of 48 than golf course irrigation and on issues relating to its purveyorship of water, including recycled water. 4. Preliminary Status of Investigations a) The participants in this MOU agree that investigation of the potential development of a new recycled water satellite treatment facility at MCCHOA is in preliminary stages and that no concrete project proposal has yet been developed. b) If and when a concrete project proposal is developed, EBMUD and CCCSD retain absolute discretion to modify the proposed project as may be necessary to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), require mitigation measures or pursue other feasible alternatives to avoid significant environmental impacts prior to taking any approval action, and/or determine not to proceed with the proposed project. EBMUD and CCCSD will exercise this discretion consistent with their respective roles in the CEQA environmental review process. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby enter into this Memorandum of Understanding, as follows: Representative of the Moraga Country Club Homeowner's Association: pre s r c �c--14 L- .Z�• /aj Signature Title Date APPROVED AS TO FORM Representative of the East Bay Municipal Utility District: � - i::ist bay Municipa Utility District Office of General Counsel �4 ! Signature Title Date 7ep sentative of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District: I -*-+ M %4.: 1 (re e-4 h4-dtn r -L[. Signature Title �— Date Page 3 of 3 August 5, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 227 of 262