HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.b. Receive May 2021 Budget-to-Actual Financial overview Page 1 of 6
Item 4.b.
July 27, 2021
Financial Highlights
Attached is the Financial Overview Report summarizing Fiscal Year(FY) 2020-21 financial results for the
Running Expense (O&M) and Sewer Construction (Capital)funds through the month of May 2021.
The O&M Fund expenditure results are favorable at approximately$9.8 million (11.8%) under the year-to-
date budget estimates. Compared to the prior month, this reflects a modest increase in the favorable
spending variance of approximately$1.1 million or 0.3%. This relates primarily to timing issues in a
relatively slow month of expenditures, and the favorable O&M spending variance is expected to
significantly decrease following annual fiscal year-end close procedures, and the accrual of June
expenditures paid in July. The recently adopted budget for FY 2021-22 projected that FY 2020-21
expenditures would be approximately$5.6 million under the adopted budget, and that remains the outlook
at this time.
Generally, Sewer Service Charges (SSC) are moved from the O&M fund to the Capital fund based on
approved budget allocations. However, pursuant to the Board-approved decision to pay off the remaining
unfunded actuarially accrued liability (UAAL) balance with CCCERA in June ($70.8 million), the SSC
revenues were kept in the O&M fund after being received in April. Therefore, revenues for the O&M fund
are above the year-to-date budget projections by approximately$27.0 million, or 58.2%. 1 n August,
following the successful close of the FY 2020-21 books, staff plans to bring a budget amendment to the
Board to amend the split of SSC revenues between the O&M and Sewer Construction funds to reflect the
UAAL payoff and bond issuance transactions.
The Sewer Construction Fund has spent$54.9 million through May 2021, representing 65.6% of the
estimated year-to-date budget for capital project expenditures. At the end of May 2021, the Sewer
Construction Fund reported a negative year-to-date revenue variance of $22.8 million (30.0%), due to the
SSC revenues being kept in the O&M fund in order to pay off Central San's UAAL with CCCERA, as
described previously.
Refer to the attached Financial Overview for additional details on O&M and Sewer Construction fund
budgetary results.
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Stratedc Plan Tie-In
GOAL THREE:Fiscal Responsibility
Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability, Strategy 2—Ensure integrity and transparency in financial
1. May 2021 F I nancial Overview
July 27, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 92 of 100
Wednesday,July 7,2021
To:The Board of Directors I `CENTRAL SAN
From:Finance Division
Subject:0&M Fund Budget-to-Actual Overview 5019 IMHOFF PLACE,MARTINEZ.CA 94555-A392
Timeframe:FY 2020-21 Year-to-Date(Through May 2021)
YTD Fav/(Unfav)
Total YTD YTD Fav/(Unfav) Variance
FY Budget Budgeted Actual Variance (%) Significant Variance Explanations
Operating Revenues $ 62,464,762 $ 43,667,856 $ 70,336,067 $ 26,668,211 61.1% Sewer Construction Fund portion of SSC revenue maintained in
0&M Fund in order to have sufficient cash available for potential
UAAL payoff with CCCERA in June 2021.
Non-Operating Revenues 2,967,400 2,720,117 3,028,291 308,175 11.3% Positive variance is due to higher than budgeted revenues from
Side Sewer Inspection,Right of Way Fees,Lease Rental Income,
and Miscellaneous Income through May 2021.
Total Revenue $ 65,432,162 $ 46,387,973 $ 73,364,358 $ 26,976,386 58.2%
Salaries&Wages $ 39,543,191 $ 36,247,925 $ 32,946,334 $ 3,301,591 9.1% Savings result from higher than normal vacancy factor ranging
from 4.5%-7.8%through May 2021. Positive variance
decreased from 11.1%in March and should continue to shrink
due to COLA adjustment.
Employee Benefits 11,545,173 10,583,075 9,909,236 673,839 6.4% Savings result from higher than normal vacancy factor ranging
from 4.5%-7.8%through May 2021. Positive variance
decreased from 8.9%in March and should continue to shrink due
to COLA adjustment and increased benefit premium.
Unfunded Liabilities 15,827,016 14,508,098 13,823,075 685,023 4.7% Savings result from higher than normal vacancy factor ranging
from 4.5%-7.8%through May 2021. Positive variance
decreased from 7.1%in March and should continue to shrink due
to COLA adjustment and increased benefit premium.
Purchased Property Services 6,334,577 5,806,696 4,196,141 1,610,554 27.7% Largely attributable to YTD underspending in the treatment
plant for repairs&maintenance through May 2021. Variance
expected to contract by close of FY.
Purchased Professional,Technical& 6,305,477 5,780,021 3,666,001 2,114,019 36.6% Spending on contracted technical services lower than projected
Other Services in various divisions,including:Planning&Development Services,
Environmental&Regulatory Compliance,and CSO.
Supplies&Materials 9,466,300 8,677,442 7,641,412 1,036,030 11.9% Primarily attributable to savings in Treatment Plant Maintenance
Division where YTD general supplies for repairs and
maintenance are lower than projected.
Other Expenses 1,644,604 1,545,054 1,141,734 403,320 26.1% Lower costs incurred to-date while COVID-19 risk mitigation
measures remain in place.
Total Expenses $ 90,666,338 $ 83,148,310 $ 73,323,933 $ 9,824,376 11.8%
Abbreviations Legend,
FY=Fiscal Year
PY=Prior Year
UAAL=Unfunded Actuarially Accrued Liability
SSC=Sewer service Charges Pagel of4
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Running Expense Fund(O&M)Total Expense YTD FY 20-21(Millions)
$68.1 6.953
$60 $60.5 59.168
$50 $53.0 51.930
$45.5 5.632
$38.0 8.888
$30 $30.5 31.784
$20 18.652
$7.556 .460
July August September October November December January February March April May
-Budget -Actual
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Wednesday,July 7,2021 CENTRAL SAN
To:The Board of Directors
From:Finance Division
Subject:Sewer Construction(Capital)Fund Budget-to-Actual Overview
Timeframe:FY 2020-21 Year-to-Date(Through May 2021)
Total YTD YTD YTD Fav/(Unfav) Fav/(Unfav)
FY Budget Budgeted Actual Variance Variance(%) Significant Variance Explanations
Sewer Service Charges-Capital $ 56,673,402 $ 54,229,318 $ 30,156,394 $ (24,072,924) -44.4% Sewer Construction Fund portion of SSC revenue
maintained in 0&M Fund in anticipation of UAAL payoff to
CCCERA in June 2021.
Other Revenues 22,979,500 21,595,875 22,889,902 1,294,027 6.0% Attributable to the first property tax installment coming in
higher than projected in budget.
Capital Contributions 15,300,000 - - - Concord share of treatment plant capital billed at end of
the FY.
Total Revenue: $ 94,952,902 $ 75,825,193 $ 53,046,295 $ (22,778,898) -30.0%
Expenses by Program:
Collection System $ 49,686,784 $ 39,259,721 $ 30,042,330 $ (9,217,391) -23.5%
Treatment Plant 39,194,584 29,101,611 15,023,581 (14,078,030) -48.4%
General Improvements 6,108,365 5,252,206 4,805,029 (447,177) -8.5%
Recycled Water 11,506,037 10,025,082 4,982,539 (5,042,543) -50.3%
Contingency 2,100,000 -
Total Expenses: $ 108,595,770 $ 83,638,620 $ 54,853,479 $ (28,785,141) -34.4%
*Includes rollover of unspent capital project appropriations from prior year of$21.0 million.
**Spent 65.6%of projected YTD budget.
Abbreviations Legend:
FY=Fiscal Year
PY=Prior Year
UAAL=Unfunded Actuarially Accrued Liability
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SSC=Sewer Service Charges
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Sewer Fund(Capital)Spending FY 20-21(Millions)
$70 — $69 9.77
$63. 62.70
$60 —
$5 .07
$50 $50.9 0.38 3
.82 .63
$40 $41.343
37.209 38.47
$30 1.66
$28.5 4
20.37 .670
$20 $
18.339 6
$10 $8 .69 9.799
$3.632 .944
July August September October November December January February March April May
—Projected(100%spend) —Actual —90%Target
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