HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministration MINUTES 07-06-21 Page 2 of 13
PHONE: (925)228-9500
TAX- (925)372-0192
Tuesday, July 6, 2021 www.centralsan.org
9:00 a.m.
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair David Williams
Member Tad Pilecki
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations
Emily Barnett, Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations Manager
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
John Huie, Information Technology Manager
Stephanie King, Purchasing and Materials Manager
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources and Organizational Development Manager
Tim Potter, Environmental Compliance Program Administrator (left after Item 5.b.)
Christina Gee, Management Analyst
Amelia Berumen, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Lupe Saldana, Records Program Administrator
1. Public Notice Regarding COVID-19
This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the
State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related
to COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on
March 17, 2020 that allowed Board Members, District staff, and the public to
participate in and conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or
both. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
participate in the meeting.
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2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
3. Public Comments — None.
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Conduct biennial review and approve revisions to Board Policy BP 039
- Internal Audit Function
Ms. Berumen asked the Committee to consider a minor revision to the
proposed changes to amend the last sentence ending of the second
paragraph in section 1 (Authority) from "of this"to "of the forementioned
objective"to provide clarity.
Member Pilecki requested that the two bullets under section 3
(Responsibility) be revised to specify that the plans be presented to the
General Manager for review before submitting the annual audit plan to the
Board of Directors and the internal audit report to the Board Committee.
Mr. Bailey explained that he reviews the plans before they are presented
to the Board because he is involved in the process but agreed it is more
apparent if stated in the policy.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the policy and recommended Board
approval with the noted revisions.
b. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute
a professional services agreement with SDI Presence, Inc. in an amount
not to exceed $1,039,042 to develop a District-wide Information
Technology (IT) Master Plan
Mr. Huie stated that he had provided a lengthy presentation on this topic
to the previous Board, and for the benefit of the current Board, he would
provide again. Mr. Huie reviewed the detailed information provided in the
draft Position Paper. He began with the background of the prior IT Master
Plan (ITMP) and covered the details of the work to be accomplished
through this professional services agreement. Mr. Huie emphasized that
the ITMP will focus mainly on the treatment plant and assets compared to
the 2015 plan, primarily focusing on administrative needs. He concluded
his presentation by reviewing the details of the three optional task orders
(Nos. 2, 3, and 4) and asked the Committee for comments.
Member Pilecki said to bifurcate the work into two phases and make
Phase One the ITMP (Task Order 1) because it will take seven months to
complete and the other task orders will evolve based on the results of the
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ITMP. His opinion is that the ITMP should be used to develop the costs of
the other task orders.
Member Pilecki, referring to the asset handover process (Task Order 2),
shared his experience that the asset handover process is very complex.
He gave construction documents as an example of a first hurdle,
explaining that setting requirements on how a contractor provides the
documents becomes problematic because the larger contractors may
meet the requirements, but smaller contractors may not.
Member Pilecki pointed out a revision needed in the second paragraph on
page 2 of the draft Position Paper, to change "strategic plan"to 'IT Master
Member Pilecki asked Mr. Huie to explain the difference between
"interoperate"and "integrate"as used in the first paragraph under the
"Approach"subheading on page 2 of the draft Position Paper. Mr. Huie
explained that both mean connected, that integration means that data can
flow in real-time between the connected systems, whereas interoperability
doesn't necessarily mean in real-time.
Member Pilecki said he preferred more information be added to the fourth
paragraph under the "Approach"subheading on page 2 of the Position
Paper concerning evaluating the proposals. He would like to know how
many proposals were received, from whom, etc., and the inclusion of a
sentence explaining why Brown & Caldwell is working on the ITMP.
Member Pilecki asked what the "digital twin concept"meant. Mr. Huie
explained that its meaning is different to many. For the utility arena, it
could be virtual modeling of a treatment plant, where every sensor is
monitored in real-time, providing the ability to change something in the
virtual version to see its effect on everything. A simpler version of a digital
twin concept would be modeling pieces of a facility to predict its impact on
the operation.
With that explanation, Member Pilecki asked that "modeling capability"be
added in parenthesis after "digital twin concept"in the Position Paper.
Member Pilecki expressed concern about the document management
system roadmap. He stated his recollection that in the 1970s, there was
limited documentation and staff relied on one person that knew the what,
when, where, and why to get information. He commented about his recent
experience acquiring older documents from the Secretary of the District's
office. His personal preference is that Mr. Bailey includes document
management as a case for an audit to get an independent perspective on
how the program is performing because he believes the audit may help
the document management aspects of the task orders.
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Chair Williams asked for a response from staff concerning the need to go
forward with the two Asset Management and Document Management
Task Orders (No. 2 Assessment) and (No. 3 Implementation) at this time.
Mr. Huie said that the intent was to do it all at once. After hearing today's
discussions and the conclusion to bifurcate, he will take Task Order 1
(ITMP) to the Board for approval now, with the intent to bring the other
tasks back to the Board after the ITMP is done. Mr. Huie added that the
optional task orders were a high priority for the Executive Management
In response to the Committee's concerns on the dollar amounts for the
optional task orders, Mr. Huie said that the costs could go up or down; the
cost of the document management implementation would probably go
down because it was based on replacing the existing system.
Chair Williams said that it makes sense to bifurcate the ITMP. Once the
ITMP is completed, the work to refine the remaining three task orders can
start. Member Pilecki agreed.
Mr. Bailey agreed with the Committee's recommendation. Mr. Huie will
make the changes in the Position Paper to reflect that the agreement with
SDI Presence, Inc. will be to complete the ITMP. The remaining task
orders will come back to the Board with refined scope and costs for
approval at a future time.
Member Pilecki said it was important to highlight that all consultants were
aware that the additional tasks were optional.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval with revisions
noted above.
C. Review draft Position Paper to consider replacing a vacant Information
Technology (IT) Supervisor position (S-82, $5,558 - $6,717 bi-weekly) with
a Project Manager/ Business Analyst Position (S-83, $5,691 - $6,882 bi-
Mr. Huie reviewed the information presented in the agenda material. He
emphasized that if the Board approves the change, a new employee can
be brought in quickly; otherwise, he will need to open recruitment at the
lower level.
Mr. Bailey added that he had spoken with Mr. Huie and the Executive
Management team regarding current and future technology projects. He
believes this change in classification for the vacancy provides the
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opportunity to get the project management skills needed now by the IT
Division to meet current and long-term needs.
Mr. Huie commented on the pros and cons of using consultants for project
management and the importance of having the person involved in the
details be an employee, to provide support over the long term.
Chair Williams asked staff if it was presumptuous to recruit before getting
Board approval. Ms. O'Malley stated that competitive recruitment had
been completed because the need had already been identified and
explained that a viable eligibility list exists because the recruitment was
recently filled internally.
Member Pilecki further explained that the IT Division had one Project
Manager(S83) and two IT Supervisors (S82). The Project Manager
retired, and recruitment to fill the vacant position resulted in the active
eligibility list because the position was filled by one of the IT Supervisors.
The resulting vacant IT Supervisor position is proposed for change
because another Project Manager is needed to meet current and future
technology needs. He noted that the Project Manager could assume the
supervisory duties. Member Pilecki said he is comfortable with the
COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval.
5. Other Items
a. Conduct biennial review of the following Board Policies:
• BP 006 - Records Program
• BP 011 - Proposition 218 Notice
• BP 018 - Sick Leave for Temporary Employees
• BP 030 - Cost of Service Studies
• BP 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmaster Dues
The Committee reviewed the policies, and provided the following feedback
BP 006 - Records Program
Member Pilecki said he had no comment concerning the policy but noted
he is recommending an internal audit of the Records Program because he
believes it worthwhile to do the audit to determine Central San is following
its program.
Chair Williams asked Mr. Bailey for clarification on how the priorities for
internal audits get developed. Mr. Bailey responded that priority is given
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to high-risk areas; however, staff will put Member Pilecki's suggestion on
the list and try to come up with a plan.
No changes to the policy resulted from the discussion.
BP 011 - Proposition 218 Notice
Member Pilecki understands the process and is comfortable with it. He
expressed concern about getting greater participation and response from
the public for this process, though he recognizes it is not part of this policy.
In response to the concern, Chair Williams commented on the response
rate, that he believes the public relies on Central San to do the job
correctly and cost-effectively, that no protests in a way validates that
Central San is doing its job. However, public outreach could be increased.
Chair Williams, concerning item 1 under the "Determination of Validity"
section, stated he is comfortable with the Secretary of the District making
determinations of validity, however, he recommended to add that the
Secretary of the District shall present a report to the Board on the number
of invalidated letters. He believed that if ever a significant number of
letters were invalidated, the information would provide an opportunity for
the Board to review the reasons for the determinations.
Member Pilecki agreed and commented that having a report out to the
Board would be good for transparency to the public.
Mr. Bailey added that it was important that the public understand that the
Secretary of the District does not have the authority to make up the
validation rules but also agreed with the Committee's proposed changes.
Chair Williams recommended adding "based on established rules"to the
statement in that section to clarify the limited authority. (The Secretary of
the District shall determine the validity of all written and verbal protests
based on the established rules and shall not accept....)
Staff will make the recommended change to the policy and bring before
the Board for approval at a future meeting.
BP 018 - Sick Leave for Temporary Employees
Member Pilecki had no changes since it follows the Labor Code.
Chair Williams had no changes but asked Ms. O'Malley to explain what is
meant by "...discretion when implementing the act..."(the first bullet in the
POLICY section concerning the Healthy Workplace/Healthy Families Act
of 2014.)
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Ms. O'Malley explained this was passed in 2014 and, based on her
recollection, there were a couple of provisions that were left to the
discretion of the employer where it could decide to be more generous, for
example, give more leave or more reasons for leave. Central San chose to
follow the minimum requirements of the law.
Chair Williams asked if three days for paid sick leave in the policy was a
Central San choice, to which Ms. O'Malley clarified that it is the minimum
required by law. She explained that Central San decided to use the
minimum because its temporary employees are not covered by a union.
No changes to the policy resulted from the discussion.
BP 030 - Cost of Service Studies
Member Pilecki had no comments on the policy. He asked Mr. Bailey if
Central San was due for a five-year update, to which Mr. Bailey responded
yes. Member Pilecki then asked if the update is planned for next year.
Ms. Gemmell explained that Central San is currently moving into the fourth
year of rates, and staff will begin working on the update after the fourth
year, over the next year and a half.
Chair Williams clarified that the requirement was a minimum of every ten
years. The policy states "generally be conducted not less than once every
five years,"meaning that the policy does not bind Central San to exactly
every five years.
Ms. Gemmell said that staff consulted with District Counsel, who advised
that Central San should have a recently completed cost of service study
before entering into any long-term rate schedules. Mr. Bailey added that
the Board adopted a four-year schedule with an understanding the
schedule would come back every year for validation, that if Central San
did only a validation again, it could potentially be outside of the ten-year
requirement. For this reason, he thinks that a full-fledged cost of service
study needs to be completed at the next round.
Member Pilecki commented he thinks it is important to do the full cost of
service study within the next year because of the pandemic's impact on
commercial establishments, restaurants, etc.; staff and Chair Williams
No changes to the policy resulted from the discussion.
BP 032 - Reimbursement of Toastmaster Dues - No changes.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Conducted Biennial Review and
recommended revisions to Board Policy BP 011 as noted above.
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b. Hold discussion regarding Return to Office and CAL OSHA Regulations
related to the COVID-19 pandemic response
Ms. Barnett and Ms. O'Malley presented the information in the
memorandum provided in the agenda material.
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the new CAL OSHA COVID-19 Prevention
Emergency Temporary Standards summarized in the memorandum. She
said that basically, OSHA made changes to align with the state reopening
plans and the Governor's executive order.
Member Pilecki, referencing the sixth bullet on page 1 of the
memorandum, requested that W95 mask"be added in parenthesis after
the word "respirator"to specify the type of respirator Central San would
provide to meet the new standards. Ms. O'Malley explained that it would
be clarified in the updated COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan.
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the Return to Office Proposed Timeline/Process
summarized in the memorandum. She said approximately 20%-25% of
employees are teleworking now and the remaining are on-site. The plan is
to notify employees in July that a structured phased-in approach will start
September 13, and all employees will return to work by
December 21, 2021.
Mr. Bailey interjected a clarification that the timelines Ms. O'Malley
addressed are for bringing employees back to the office; it is not the
timeline for adopting the CAL OSHA standards.
Ms. O'Malley said that staff brought the first item (new CAL OSHA
standards) to the Committee as an informational item to receive questions
and comments; the second item, Return to Office Proposed
Timeline/Process, was to get Committee recommendation before
presenting to the Board for approval.
Mr. Potter, a representative of the Management Support/Confidential
Group (MS/CG), expressed support for the timeline. He said the schedule
was compassionate in terms of considering the availability of daycare
options and allowing education situations to be addressed by families. He
emphasized the importance of tracking the status of the pandemic so that
Central San can quickly change direction if there is a resurge in infection
Member Pilecki, in response to Mr. Potter's concern for flexibility,
commented on recent information about the "Delta"and "Lambda"variants
and the Pfizer vaccine effectiveness; he emphasized that information is
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tracked weekly and if Central San were to see an uptick, especially in
hospitalizations and deaths, it would adjust to the actual circumstances.
Mr. Bailey expressed that the key is to remain flexible and adaptable. He
indicated that he spoke to the bargaining units and conveyed those
sentiments and that Central San would adjust as needed.
Member Pilecki acknowledged the positive benefits employees receive by
working from home. He, however, is also looking at what is important to
Central San and the ratepayers. He shared his negative personal
experiences using virtual communications, noting that the non-verbal
communications in-person meetings provide are lost in a virtual meeting.
He believes that broadly (not just Central San), employees are busy but
maybe not be working on the best work (e.g. "filler"work), and studies
show the negative impacts working from home has on productivity.
Member Pilecki said that customer service is important, which is why the
Board has asked staff to open the Permit Counter to the public. He noted
that internal customer service and staff development are also important
reasons for returning to in-person work.
Member Pilecki expressed that from his perspective as a Board Member,
equity is very important. He expressed concern that while 25% or so of
employees are working from home, the rest are working on-site and
dealing with childcare and all the other issues. For this reason, he does
not want work schedules that were not in place before the pandemic. He
expressed that he did not like the timeline and prefers that all employees
be back to work by the end of September, which coincides with the
Governor's orders, and that for most employees, two months is sufficient
Chair Williams agreed with Member Pilecki's comments, expressing he
does not understand the need for an additional three months.
Mr. Bailey acknowledged the feedback received from the Committee. He
said given the state trend to "open up"(return to on-site work), Central
San needs to remain flexible. To the extent that the infection rates get
worse, Central San can adjust and change the plan to ensure the health
and safety of employees and the public.
Chair Williams agreed with Mr. Bailey's comments. He restated his
agreement with Member Pilecki to recommend September 30 as the
return to work timeline for all employees.
Mr. Potter said the whole concept of rolling out a phased-in approach
allows for higher occupancy office areas, in particular, to not have so
many people all at once in case of a resurge due to the variants. He said
that discussions are still ongoing concerning the declaration of vaccination
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status and how staff would know who must wear a mask or not. Some
employees working effectively remotely now may want to continue while
others want to come back. The phased-in approach provides employees
working in high-density cubicle areas a buffer to any potential impact if the
variants spread.
Ms. Barnett clarified that the remaining Governor's orders expire on
September 30. She said the Governor indicated his powers will not extend
beyond September 30 unless the infection rates surge.
Mr. Bailey interjected he is convinced the Board is very adaptable and
flexible and knows the situation, and if there is a need to adjust, it will be
done in a timely manner.
Chair Williams commented that Central San's practice has been to take
the lead in many aspects from the state and the county guidelines and
orders to deal with the pandemic. If there were to be an upsurge, the
Governor would issue new executive orders, the county would adopt new
rules, and the District would follow suit.
Ms. Barnett agreed and added that Central San has a county health officer
that has more discretion locally. If the situation were to worsen locally,
Central San has its own COVID-19 Exposure Prevention Plan to address
an upsurge.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided
direction to staff.
C. Receive annual status report on biennial review of Board Policies
Ms. Berumen briefly reviewed the information provided in the agenda
material. She stated that 20 policies had been reviewed this year,
including the seven today, with a few more to conclude for the year.
In response to Member Pilecki's inquiry of three policies that appear past
due, Ms. Berumen provided the following updates:
BP 007 and BP 027— The policies are under review. Staff will present
the policies for consideration once the initial review is complete
pending any further information not yet confirmed that may require
BP 013— The revisions to the policy were presented in April along with
two proposed new policies. The formal approval has been rescheduled
to accommodate other matters requiring priority attention; the policies
will be brought forward for approval at a future meeting.
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Chair Williams, addressing Mr. Bailey, commented that during recent
discussions on the water transfer and other recycled water projects, he
recalled a Board Member stating the need for a recycled water policy. He
observed that Central San already had one, referring to BP 019.
Mr. Bailey said staff is preparing a presentation to bring it to the Board to
give an overview of where Central San is now and where it is headed to
see if the Board would like to change the recycled water policy.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received report.
d. Review timelines (Gantt charts) for activities related to upcoming labor
negotiations with the Management Group, Management
Support/Confidential Group, and Public Employees Union, Local #1
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information.
6. Announcements
Mr. Bailey announced that he will be out of the office July 7 and would be
available the following day.
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list.
8. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
9. Adjournment— at 10:37 a.m.
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