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24.a. Provide voting direction to Member McGill re CSDA election-Seat A position
Page 1 of 10 Item 24.a. CENTRALSAN SANITARYjdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA , . June 17, 2021 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: MICHAEL R. MCGILL, BOARD MEMBER REVIEWED BY: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARYOF THE DISTRICT ROGER S. BAILEY GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: PROVIDE VOTING DIRECTION TO MEMBER MCGILL, THE DISTRICT'S REPRESENTATIVE AND VOTING DELEGATE FOR THE CONTRA COSTA CHAPTER OF THE CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION (CSDA), ON HOW TO VOTE AT THE UPCOMING CSDA ELECTION FOR A REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BAYAREA NETWORK, SEATA Attached is a memo from Board Member Michael McGill regarding the upcoming election for the California Special District Association (CSDA), Bay Area Network, Seat A. Central San is requested to vote for one candidate via internet ballot no later than July 16, 2021. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Memorandum from Member McGill June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 159 of 168 Page 2 of 10 CENTRAL SAN CONTRACENTRAL DISTRICT DATE: June 17, 2021 TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD FROM: MICHAEL R. MCGILL, BOARD MEMBER SUBJECT: CSDA ELECTION FOR REPRESENTATIVES, BAY AREA NETWORK, SEAT A Attached is an email from the California Special Districts Association (CSDA) requesting that Central San vote for one representative to the CSDA Board of Directors for the Bay Area Network (Region 3). The representative for Seat A will serve the full three-year term ending December 31, 2024. Seat A is currently held by Chad Davisson, Ironhouse Sanitary District. His term will expire December 31, 2021 and he is running for re-election. Each of the six regional divisions (see attached map) has three seats on the CSDA Board with staggered three-year terms. The Bay Area Network currently has two representatives - Stanley R. Caldwell (Seat C) and Ryan Clausnitzer (Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District) (Seat B). The following candidates are running: • Chad Davisson (Ironhouse Sanitary District) • Ric Lohman (Montara Water And Sanitary District) • Cheryl Sudduth (West County Wastewater District) Candidate statements are attached. Per CSDA Bylaws, the candidate with the highest number of votes will assume the full term (Seat A). Central San is requested to vote for one candidate via internet ballot no later than July 16, 2021 . As the Board representative of the Contra Costa Chapter of the CSDA, I am strongly recommending that the District votes be cast for Chad Davisson. As the District's voting delegate, I am requesting direction as to how to cast Central San's vote. M M/KY Attachments: 1. Email from CSDA 2. CSDA Regions/Networks Map 3. Candidate Statements/Fact Sheets June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 160 of 168 AttachmentPpge 3 of 10 From: voteCalsimplyyoting.com on behalf of CSDA To: Katie Youna Subject: CSDA 2021 Board of Directors Elections Date: Friday,May 28,20217:03:56 AM Dear CSDA Member: A link to an electronic CSDA Board of Directors election ballot is below for your district's use in voting to elect a representative to the CSDA Board of Directors in your Network for Seat A. To vote,please visit: https:HCSDA.simi2lyvoting.com/ Then enter: Elector ID - D3315 Password-ZYNT8 Or follow this link to access the ballot directly: htips://CSDA.siml2lyvoting.com/auth.12hl2? e=D3315&mac=f62cee28ac9d74585bcb Each of CSDA's six (6) networks has three seats on the Board and the candidates are either a board member or management-level employee of a member district located in your Network. Each Regular Member(district) in good standing shall be entitled to vote for one (1)person to represent its Network in Seat A. Once logged in, you will see the candidates for CSDA Board Seat A in your Network as well as candidate information for each person who submitted the optional background information. Please vote for only one candidate to represent your Network in Seat A and be sure to fully complete all required fields and submit your vote. Unfortunately, if any part of the ballot is not complete, the ballot will not be valid and will not be counted. The deadline to complete your voting through the system is July 16, 2020 at 5:00 pm. If you have any questions or would like to request the ability to vote by hard-copy mail,please contact Amber Phelen at 916.442.7887 or amberp&csda.net Thank you! Unsubscribe June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 161 of 168 Page 4 of 10 Attachment 2 California Spec°al Distracts Associaton DISTRICT NETWORKS i©oo Del Norte �r"O0 Modec > Northern Network Strada err 14UM130111 Td* Tehama, plumes Mendocino ®1e19,, Butte $1erra Sierra Network Nev Lake Col Yub placer r Yob EI Dorado Sonoma Napa Alps Bay Area Sar~ "^ed solano caTuolumne laver N etwo rk n sen Sian,Co Joaquin Mono Sia Central Network Stanisl San tea Santa ra Merced S Madera San. Fresno Monterey brgs Tulare Coastal Network Sad Wh OIA" Kan Santa San Bernardino Barbava tabes LosAngeles Riverside Southern Network San Diego Imperial LAST UPATED APR.15,2016 June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 162 of 168 Page 5 of 10 Attachment 3 California Special Districts Association 13©19M Districts Stronger Together 2021 CSDA BOARD CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET The following information MUST accompany your nomination form and Resolution/minute order: Chad Davisson Name: District/Company: Ironhouse Sanitary District Title: General Manager Elected/Appointed/Staff: _Staff Length of Service with District: 6-years 1. Do you have current involvement with CSDA (such as committees, events, workshops, conferences, Governance Academy, etc.): I am currently a Boardmember of CSDA, I serve as the Chair of the Professional Development Committee, am a member of the CSDA Finance Committee and serve on the SDRMA Board. 2. Have you ever been associated with any other state-wide associations (CSAC, ACWA, League, etc.): I have been involved with the California Assoc. of Sanitation Agencies, serving on the State Leg. Committee, as well as the California Water Environment Association. 3. List local government involvement (such as LAFCo, Association of Governments, etc.): I have worked closely with Contra Costa LAFCo, participating in the Municipal Service Review process, as well as chairing the East CC County Water Management Association looking at regional Water sustainability. 4. List civic organization involvement: I am on the Executive Committe for the Contra Costa Chapter of CSDA. I also serve on the Exec Committee of the Bay Area Consortium of Water and Wastewater Education, as well as teach college level Water and Wastewater Courses preparing the future industry workforce. "Candidate Statement—Although it is not required, each candidate is requested to submit a candidate statement of no more than 300 words in length. Any statements received in the CSDA office after March 29, 2021 will not be included with the ballot. June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 163 of 168 Page 6 of 10 My name is Chad Davisson. I am asking for your support in my efforts running for re-election to the CSDA Board of Directors. It has been my privilege to have spent my entire 35-year career serving California Special Districts. I have built my career in the field of water and wastewater,working for different Districts throughout California. I am currently the General Manager of Ironhouse Sanitary District in Contra Costa County. Reflecting back on my career in Special Districts, I have had the unique opportunity to see first-hand,the value these singly focused agencies have in delivering our services efficiently and cost effectively, while maintaining the highest service levels. Building my career from entry level to executive management within Special Districts has given me both an understanding of day-to-day operational and resource needs as well as providing me with a deeper understanding of what I believe is critically important to an organization in terms of organizational culture and support of our communities. I am passionate about issues of organizational sustainability and succession planning,fiscal responsibility and workforce diversity. As a current CSDA Board member, I am currently the chair of the Professional Development Committee and a member of the Fiscal Committee. Participation on these committees provides me the opportunity to work with the CSDA staff to develop relevant, cutting edge professional development content to educate and assist our Special District members. Serving on the Executive Committee for the Contra Costa Chapter of CSDA, I have worked with my colleagues to interactively provide interesting, relevant content to our local Special District members on a myriad of important local issues. Again, it has been an honor to serve on the CSDA Board and I appreciate your consideration in my re- election to a second term. Respectfully, Chad Davisson General Manager, Ironhouse Sanitary District f June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 164 of 168 Page 7 of 10 California Special Districts Association 13©100 Districts Stronger Together 2021 CSDA BOARD CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET The following information MUST accompany your nomination form and Resolution/minute order: Name: Ric Lohman District/company: Montara Water and Sanitary District Title: Director, Secretary Elected/Appointed/Staff: Elected Length of service with District: 3 years. 13 with Granada Comm. Serv. Dist. 1. Do you have current involvement with CSDA (such as committees, events, workshops, conferences, Governance Academy, etc.): Former president and current member of San Mateo County CSDA Chapter. Attend state conferences 2. Have you ever been associated with any other state-wide associations (CSAC, ACWA, League, etc.): Member of ACWA, Cal-LAFCo, CASA 3. List local government involvement (such as LAFCo, Association of Governments, etc.): Current LAFCo representative for county Special Districts. Member Coastside Sewer Authority JPA 15 years. Former member Midcoast Community Council 4. List civic organization involvement: Director, California State Parks Assoc., Resource Conservation District SOI Committee. Active in County infrastructure and Sea Level Rise committees. "Candidate Statement—Although it is not required, each candidate is requested to submit a candidate statement of no more than 300 words in length. Any statements received in the CSDA office after March 29, 2021 will not be included with the ballot. June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 165 of 168 Page 8 of 10 Candidate Statement Ric Lohman Open Seat A on the BAY NETWORK Board Dear Bay Network Colleagues, have a unique position in our Special Districts on the San Mateo County Coastside. I currently serve on the Montara Water and Sanitary District and manage both water and sewage issues. This area is also unique in that the three Sanitary agencies work together through a complex facilities-sharing agreement. I have served the local public in elected positions for over 25 years. These positions have been challenging, since much of our area is in San Mateo County's unincorporated region. I have had to deal with County laws and processes, demands from the City of Half Moon Bay, and the needs of our local unincorporated citizens. I have also been active in our county LAFCo for years, defending 7 attempts to merge local districts out of existence. feel that smaller districts have been under-represented in regional Boards, and their needs are different than the larger districts that are traditionally represented on our regional and state boards. Even though we are a small district, we still have to deal with all the larger issues, such as, affordable housing developments, sea level rise, ocean pollution, and regulators. would like to bring my broad political skills to our regional network and represent the often under-represented districts. I feel our smaller districts have unique issues in staffing, funding, and compliance that are often over- looked by the larger districts would appreciate your vote in the upcoming election. Looking forward to seeing everyone live again in Monterey in the Fall. Sincerely, Ric Lohman June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 166 of 168 Page 9 of 10 California Special Districts Association 00100 Districts Stronger Together 2021 CSDA BOARD CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET The following information MUST accompany your nomination form and Resolution/minute order: Name: Cheryl Sudduth District/Com an West County Wastewater p Y� Title: Board of Directors, President Elected/Appointed/Staff: Elected Length of Service with District: 3 years 1. Do you have current involvement with CSDA (such as committees, events, workshops, conferences, Governance Academy, etc.): Yes; I have attended nearly all of the CSDA in-person and virtual events and workshops over the past few years. I also attend the Contra Costa County and Alameda County quarterly meetings&events.Prior to the pandemic,I attended all in-person meetings. 2. Have you ever been associated with any other state-wide associations (CSAC, ACWA, League, etc.): Yes;I am actively involved with ACWA,W.E.L.L.,CA-HI NAACP Statewide Environmental&Climate Justice Committee,AWWA,AWWEE and Women in Water&Wastewater, Black Women in Science&Engineering(BWiSE),Nat'l Society Hispanic Engineers,Nat'l Disability Council,CA Disability Council,CA Diversity Council 3. List local government involvement (such as LAFCo, Association of Governments, etc.): Vice-Chair WCA,appointed Commissioner of the CCC Racial Justice Oversight Body,Board of Sups Equity Task Force,Dist Atty Juvenile Justice Task Force Community Advisory Bd:Senator Padilla(prev.Sen.Harris),Senator Feinstein,Rep.DeSaulnier,Rep.Lee,WCCUSD Parent Advisory Board,Albany Unified BPAG 4. List civic organization involvement: ACLU-ABNEB Board,CCC Budget Justice Coalition SC,CC Immigration Rights Alliance SC,Racial Justice Coalition SC,Reimagine Public Safety CC SC,NAACP Legal Redress Comm Climate Reality Project,Climate 350 Contra Costa,Contra Costa County Climate Leaders(4CL),Community for a Better Environment(CBE),Sierra Club,Sunflower Alliance "Candidate Statement—Although it is not required, each candidate is requested to submit a candidate statement of no more than 300 words in length. Any statements received in the CSDA office after March 29, 2021 will not be included with the ballot. June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 167 of 168 Page 10 of 10 Cheryl Sudduth CANDIDATE STATEMENT At a time when our society continues to grapple with its deep ambivalence towards the freedoms, rights and humanities of people who may look, act, think and love differently from one another, there should be one constant that should never be at stake - access to clean, safe, affordable water Ft sewage systems. Our communities have been complacently standing by for fair treatment in a system that views equity as a balancing act rather than a must for all. I spend my days in contracting, compliance and procurement, living my life with a strong ethical framework and approach all business and personal matters with unwavering integrity and diplomacy. As an environmental scientist, I believe action, not talk, will help us make forward progress, which is why I lead by example. In addition to WCW Board President, I am also an ACLU Board Member, an appointed Commissioner of the CCC Racial Justice Oversight Body Et Member of CA-HI Statewide Conference NAACP Environmental ft Climate Justice Committee, as well as many environmental justice groups. I am confident I possess the right blend of business acumen, political knowledge, technical expertise, listening, commUNITY involvement, relationship building, creative solution solving, consensus building, and balancing various stakeholder interests to positively serve the CSDA and it would be my honor to do so. Throughout my career and my life, I have been unafraid to `do the work' - whatever it takes to take on righteous fights against systemic injustices. I will work tirelessly to ensure every Californian has access to clean, affordable water and sewage systems. This is what I do. The same passion, courage, humanity and commitment to justice I have carried in all of my social justice work, I will bring to this Board. Anyone can fill a position; i am and have been committed to do the work... I humbly ask for your support and your vote. Gracias. June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 168 of 168