HomeMy WebLinkAbout14. Consider adopting revisions or maintaining status quo to Sec. 11 of Board Policy No. BP 037, GM Delegation of Authority Page 1 of 17
Item 14.
Roger S. Bailey Kenton L. Alm
General Manager District Counsel
Revisions to Board policies require Board approval.
Board Policy No. BP 035 — Purchasing was adopted in 2018. This policy along with two other Board
policies: BP 036— Informal Bidding, and BP 037— Delegation of Authority to General Manager address
various protocols about how goods and services are procured at Central San.
Past and current policies have provided that the General Manager may procure goods and services without
specific dollar limitations, except that such procurements may not result in spending exceeding the Operations
and Maintenance or Capital Improvement budgets. "Goods and services" does not include professional
services, which have a $200,000 limit per contract without requiring Board approval, and BP 037 (as well as BP
036) also provides for limitations of$200,000 for public works informal bidding in accordance with the Uniform
Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA). As such, District Projects above $200,000 require formal
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bidding and approval by the Board of Directors.
The language in BP 037 related to goods and services procurements currently reads:
11. Contracts for Goods and Services
a. Limited byAnnual Operating Budget. The General Manager and Purchasing and Materials
Manager are authorized to award and enter into contracts and purchase orders for goods and
services that are not "professional services" or"public works contracts," such as utilities,
maintenance services, equipment, chemicals and supplies so long as overall spending does not
exceed the Board's annual adopted operating budget, provided purchasing policy and procedures
are adhered to.
This provision merits consideration and, potentially, modification. In the experience of District Counsel,
and the Director of Finance and Administration, this provision appears to be somewhat of an outlier in
special district and municipal practice.
That said, this policy, while not widespread, is considered a best practice by the National Procurement
Institute (NPI) and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP). The NPI established the
Achievement of Excellence in Procurement (AEP)Award as a national program to benchmark
organizational excellence in procurement. Central San has received this award for the past 10 consecutive
years. The Purchasing Manager contacted the NPI to obtain information about how widespread this
practice is. Attachment 1, entitled "Criterion 17 AEP Stats," details the required authority for the Chief
Procurement Official to qualify as well as a list of all agencies who met this criterion. This list includes 36
agencies (19%) out of 188 agencies that received the award. Ten (24%) of these agencies were in
California out of 42 agencies in California that received the award.
In light of these facts, potential alternatives to provide more Board involvement or oversight over goods and
services procurements are summarized below, listed in order of"most restrictive"to "least restrictive:"
1. Contracting for goods and services above $200,000 would require Board approval. This would align
the procurement practice for goods and services with current delegated authority for Professional Services and
District Projects, where contracts above $200,000 require Board approval.
• Fuller transparency of all procurements taking place at Central San.
• More comparable practice to peer agencies.
• Additional volume of procurements would require Board approval, with impacts on staff and
Board. Additional staff workload in preparing Position Papers. Additional Board review of
position papers and potentially longer board meetings may result.
• Would need to specify how the $200,000 limit is enforced. Options for triggering Board
approval include:
a. Any individual purchase order(PO) and contract above $200,000 for the term of the
b.Any individual PO and contract above $200,000 for a given year.
c. Cumulative purchase orders and contracts to a particular vendor above $200,000 in a
given year.
District Counsel noted that Central San historically had several contracts that cumulatively
amounted to relatively large amounts and the periodic competitive procurements
were not as frequent as good practice would have commended. However, the
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Purchasing Division has prioritized bidding contracts that exceeded five years through
• Should define and provide for exceptions in the event of critical procurements that cannot wait
until the next Board meeting, such as:.
a. "The General Manager may issue purchase orders for goods and services in excess
of the above thresholds in such situations where a delay would represent a significant
threat to operations, health and safety, or finances of Central San. In such a situation,
the General Manager will timely report such procurements at a subsequent Board
• Would need to consider when Board approval would be required for amendments, change
orders or renewals to these purchase orders and contracts.
Language to effectuate such a change is shown below(with additions underlined):
11. Contracts for Goods and Services
a. Goods and Services Limit. The General Manager and Purchasing and Materials
Manager are authorized to award and enter into contracts and purchase orders for goods and
services that are not "professional services" or"public works contracts," such as utilities,
maintenance services, equipment, chemicals and supplies that do not exceed $200,000.
The General Manager may also issue purchase orders and contracts for goods and services
in excess of the above threshold in such situations where, in the General Manager's written
opinion, a delay would represent a significant threat to operations, health and safety, or
finances of Central San. In such a situation. the General Manager will timely report such
procurements at a subsequent Board meeting_
2. Continue current practice while tightening budgetary control around specific Budgetary
Control Levels (BCLs). The General Manager and Purchasing and Materials Manager would retain
contracting authority for procurements that are not District Projects or Professional and Consulting
Services "as long as the anticipated annual expenditure does not result in an anticipated overage in the
relevant budgetary control levels (BCLs)". Such BCLs could beset at the following level of granularity,
which are the categories used for non-labor related costs in the Operating and Maintenance Budget:
1. Purchased Property Services (Repairs and Maintenance, Hauling and Disposal, Security,
Rentals, Cleaning)
2. Other Services (Professional, Technical, Other)
3. Supplies and Materials (Utilities and Fuel, Chemicals, General Supplies)
4. Other Expenses (Insurance, Memberships, Training and Meetings, Miscellaneous/Other)
As a variation, the BCL levels could be set instead as the Departments (Administration, Operations, and
Engineering and Technical Services).
• Would provide some additional level of Board oversight/approval if expenditures were
anticipated to exceed the overall levels specified in the BCL.
• Could potentially delay procurement of important goods and services.
• Some additional staff work needed for Board communication.
• Would need to be configured to provide necessary tracking in the Oracle Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system.
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Language to effectuate such a change is shown below(with additions underlined):
11. Contracts for Goods and Services
a. Limited byAnnual Operating Budget. The General Manager and Purchasing and
Materials Manager are authorized to award and enter into contracts and purchase orders for
goods and services that are not "professional services" or"public works contracts," such as
utilities, maintenance services, equipment, chemicals and supplies so long as purchasing
policy and procedures are adhered to, and overall spending does not exceed the Board's
annual adopted operating budget and annual budgetary limits by major expense type
category (Purchased Property Services, Other Services. Supplies & Materials. Other
Expenses) are not exceeded.
3. After-the-fact reporting to the Board on transactions. Authority remains for the General Manager and
Purchasing and Materials Manager to procure goods and services within the overall budget, but the Board
would receive an after-the-fact report on items that exceed certain limits, such as:
a. Any individual purchase order, contract or change order that exceeds the General Manager authority
limit ($200,000).
b. Cumulative contracted amount above the General Manager authority limit.
• Would provide transparency of purchases of goods and services above $200,000. The
specific format of the report is yet to be determined, but staff would work with the Oracle ERP
system implementer to develop a suitable report if this option is selected.
• Would not delay procurements due to the need for Board pre-approval.
• Continued maintenance of a "best practice" per NPI and NIGP.
• To the extent the Board wanted to approve in advance such procurements and potentially
decline to approve or modify such procurements, this option would not facilitate that. The
Board could still inquire about the transaction from the periodic reporting, and direct changes in
subsequent procurements.
11. Contracts for Goods and Services
a. Limited byAnnual Operating Budget. The General Manager and Purchasing and
Materials Manager are authorized to award and enter into contracts and purchase orders
for goods and services that are not"professional services" or"public works contracts,"
such as utilities, maintenance services, equipment, chemicals and supplies so long as
overall spending does not exceed the Board's annual adopted operating budget,
provided purchasing policy and procedures are adhered to. The Board shall be
provided with a quarterly announcement of procurements of goods and services in
excess of$200,000. The report will specify the criteria used to define transactions above
this limit.
4. Status quo. Authority remains for the General Manager and Purchasing and Materials Manager to
procure goods and services within the overall budget and within policies and procedures.
• Wouldn't require staff and Board resources in developing and reviewing a report for
procurements that are within staff authority.
• Would not delay procurements due to the need for Board pre-approval.
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Continued maintenance of a "best practice" per NPI and NIGP.
• To the extent the Board wanted to approve in advance such procurements and potentially
decline to approve or modify such procurements, this option would not facilitate that.
• After the fact reporting on transactions under this authority is not provided.
This option would not require any change to the language in Section 11. Contracts for Goods and
Services of Board Policy No. BP 037 - General Manager Delegation ofAuthority
Staff recommends Alternatives 3 or 4. If, after a period of time (i.e., one year), the Board would prefer to
move toward a stricter control on contracting, then Alternative 1 or 2 could be adopted.
There are four alternatives for consideration. Staff recommends the third or fourth alternatives, providing
after-the-fact reporting regarding procurements exceeding $200,000, or maintaining the status quo.
The Board could choose any of the four alternatives, or provide some other direction to staff.
There are no direct fiscal impacts anticipated from adopting the revisions for the third alternative, apart
from some minor staff time related to reporting. This reporting would be developed and generated by the
Oracle ERP system, and provided as part of the quarterly financial report.
There would be no fiscal impacts for maintaining the status quo, the fourth alternative.
Staff presented these proposed revisions to the Administration Committee on May 4, 2021. One
Committee Member was of the view that no changes from the status quo were necessary given other
compensating controls and practices, which include: (1) Finance Committee review of expenditures; (2)
significant Committee and Board review of the annual budget document; (3) progress in reducing the
number of long-standing un-bid contracts (only two such small contracts outstanding); (4) availability of
internal audit to review contracts (one such audit took place in 2019). The other Committee Member
indicated they supported Option 3, but also did not see a strong need to change from the status quo. As a
result of the Committee's feedback, staff added an explicit "Option 4" to maintain the status quo.
Consider adopting revisions or maintaining the status quo related to Section 11. Contracts for Goods and
Services of Board Policy No. BP 037 - General Manager Delegation ofAuthority.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility
Strategy 2—Ensure integrity and transparency in financial management
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1. Criterion 17 AEP Stats
2. Current Board Policy No. BP 037
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Achievement of
<202710 Award Winner>*
Criterion 17. Authority of the Chief Procurement Official to Solicit and Award Contracts
The purpose of this criterion is to demonstrate that an elected body cannot overturn the professional
judgment of the Chief Procurement Official.
The agency has enacted a procurement code, directive or policy to allow the Chief Procurement Official
to solicit and award all competitively bid contracts for goods and non-professional (non-
Architecture/Engineering) services without limits for items that have been approved in the adopted
budget, without agency governing body(e.g. Mayor and Council, Board of Supervisors, School Board,
etc.) approval for specific contract award (source selection).This criterion covers those procurements
that have competitive specifications, multiple sources and formal bidding processes. If it is not clearly
demonstrated in your submittal that your Chief Procurement Official has unlimited authority to award
contracts,you will not receive points for this criterion.
Below is a list of agencies that received credit for this criterion, California agencies highlighted in blue:
Name Last Name Email Agency
Boyd Donavon boyd.donavon@ventura.org Ventura County
Brian Cotham bcotham@csufresno.edu CSU Fresno
Carla Ozgunduz carla.ozgunduz@sdcounty.ca.gov San Diego County
Carrie Mathes Carrie.Mathes@ocfl.net
Chelseya Molner chelseya@mesc.org
Clara Vega clarav@iadb.org
Dan Howell howelld@emwd.org Eastern Municipal Water District
Daniel Garza daniel.garza@cityofconcord.org City of Concord
Diana Wilson diana.wilson@longmontcolorado.gov
Donna Ginter dginter@gwu.edu
Douglas McClement doug.mcclement@unlv.edu
Dru Zachmeyer dzachmey@calpoly.edu
Cal Poly State University
Duane Tucker duane.tucker@cu.edu
Gerald Plummer gplummer@isd.lacounty.gov Los Angeles County
Gina Encallado EncalladoGL@co.monterey.ca.us County of Monterey
Heather Moore heather.moore@ogs.ny.gov
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Jackie Lee Macchiusi jackie.macchiusi@vaughan.ca
Jana Vargas jvargas@san.org
San Diego County Regional Airport
Karen Frank kfrank@ufl.edu
Kim Austin kim.austin@njpacoop.org
laura jestings laura.jestings@tucsonaz.gov
Lori Peterson Ipeterson@dsdmail.net
Lorie Sheppard Iorie.sheppard@asu.edu
Mark Neihart mneihart@orovalleyaz.gov
Mike Sheets william.m.sheets@wv.gov
Nicole Brewer nbrewer@wmata.com
Priscilla Kung pkung@howardcountymd.gov
Ray Hooper rhooper@seminolecountyfl.gov
Rebecca Kee rkee@vbgov.com
Renee Funk renee-funk@uiowa.edu
Rosey Murton rmurton@fsu.edu
Roxann Parker Roxann.parker@state.de.us
Shari Powell shari@uoregon.edu
Stephanie King sking@centralsan.org Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Susan Levey slevey@panynj.gov
Treasa McLean tmclean@floridapoly.edu
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Attachment 2
Number: BP 037
Authority: Board of Directors
Adopted: 8/16/2018
Revised: 01/17/2020, 01/21/2021
Initiating Dept./Div.: Board of Directors/ .CENTRAL SAW
Secretary of the District
The proper functioning of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ("Central San")
requires that the General Manager and his or her staff have adequate authority to carry
out both the routine and reoccurring functions as well as the emergency functions of
Central San. With the exception of the Board's delegation of authority and limitations on
staff authority through the approval and adoption of the Central San Budget as well as
Board Policy No. BP 036 — Informal Bidding, this policy consolidates and clarifies the
Board's delegation of authority to the General Manager and his or her designee and
helps to ensure the efficient operation of Central San.
The General Manager and his or her designee shall have the authority to carry out the
functions of Central San as follows:
1. General Authorization
The General Manager is authorized to execute all deeds, contracts, warrants,
releases, receipts and similar documents for and on behalf of Central San in
accordance with California Health and Safety Code §6487, including all
documents prepared and circulated as part of the public competitive bidding
process. Nothing in this Section 1 is intended to alter or eliminate any other
statutory or District Code procedural requirements which may exist.
2. Emergency Powers
Pursuant to California Public Contract Code (PCC) §22050(b)(1), the Board has
delegated to the General Manager via Resolution No. 2020-002 the authority to
order any emergency action pursuant to PCC §22050(a)(1) as follows:
a. Immediate Action in Emergencies. The General Manager has the power
to take any directly-related and immediate action required by an
emergency, as defined in PCC §1102, and to procure the necessary
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equipment, services, and supplies for those purposes, when the
anticipated expenditures may exceed the lower limit of the threshold
requiring bidding for a project under the amount specified by PCC
§22032(a) (currently $60,000), without giving notice for bids to let
b. Reporting to the Board. In the event of an emergency, as defined, the
General Manager shall report to the Board not later than 7 days after the
action, or at its regularly scheduled meeting if that meeting will not occur
later than 14 days after the action, the reasons justifying why the
emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation
for bids and why the action is necessary to respond to the emergency.
C. Regular Review Required. In the event of an emergency, as defined, the
Board shall initially review the emergency action as set forth in paragraph
b. above, and at least at every regularly scheduled meeting thereafter until
the action is terminated, to determine, by a four-fifths (4/5) vote, that there
is a need to continue the emergency action, unless the General Manager
has terminated that action prior to the Board's review of that action.
d. Termination of Emergency. Upon its review of the emergency action, the
Board shall terminate that action at the earliest possible date that
conditions warrant so that the remainder of the emergency action
necessitated by the emergency may be completed by giving notice for
bids to let contracts.
3. Emergency Operations Plan
a. Director of Emergency Services. The General Manager is delegated the
authority to appoint a Director of Emergency Services and has the authority
set forth in Resolution No. 2020-003, or as set forth in Central San's most
recently adopted Emergency Operations Plan resolution or as amended by
state law.
b. Proclamation of Local Emergency. Under emergency conditions in which
immediate action must be taken to protect lives and property, respond to
emergencies, and to restore essential services for the public health and
safety, the Director of Emergency Services may activate the District's
Emergency Operations Plan and proclaim a local emergency.
C. Managinq Emergency Operations. Upon proclamation of a local emergency,
the Director of Emergency Services will direct and manage all emergency
operations and make decisions to allocate resources and expend funds as
necessary to meet the needs of the emergency.
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d. Ratification of Proclamation of Local Emergency. The Board shall meet within
seven (7) days of proclamation of the local emergency to ratify the
proclamation by resolution and authorize continued emergency operations
and recovery actions.
e. Duration of Proclamation. The proclamation of local emergency shall remain
in effect for fourteen (14) days from the date of ratification, unless terminated
or extended by the Board.
f. Modifications to Emergency Operations Plan. The Director of Emergency
Services shall be authorized to make modifications to the Emergency
Operations Plan and modify practices and procedures to maintain compliance
with the California Emergency Services Act (CESA).
4. Use of Small Claims Court
The General Manager is authorized to pursue civil remedies against persons or
entities in California Small Claims Court, including seeking judgments and any
other remedies available within its jurisdiction.
5. Claims Handling
a. Reiection of Claims. The General Manager is authorized to act on behalf
of the Board pursuant to Government Code §§910, et seq. to reject, return
as insufficient, or return as untimely any claims against it, and to provide
any notices authorized under those statutes on behalf of Central San.
b. Settlement/Payment of Claims. Pursuant to Government Code §935.4
and Resolution No. 2020-004, the Board delegates the authority to the
General Manager to allow, compromise or settle claims against Central
San not exceeding $50,000, and to authorize payment of any such claims
up to the stated limit. The term "claims" excludes District expenses,
including emergency response costs, incurred as part of the claims
adjusting process.
C. Reportinq of Settlements. All settlements greater than $25,000 and less
than $50,000 will be reported promptly to the Board as informational items
at a publicly-noticed Board meeting.
6. Easement Acquisitions and Leasing Property
a. Acquisition of Easements. The General Manager is authorized to negotiate
for grants of easements or offers of dedication and, where required,
purchase easements and offers of dedication in favor of Central San. This
delegation is limited to easement acquisitions or exchanges in amounts up
to $200,000 each when easement acquisitions are included in project
budgets. Easement acquisitions or exchanges valued in excess of
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$200,000 require separate Board action. The General Manager shall also
be authorized to prepare the documentation as may be required for
recording the property rights with the County Recorder's Office, and to take
other such action as may be required to implement the acquisition of said
easements and offers of dedication. The General Manager will provide
periodic reports to the Board on such purchases and expenditures.
However, the Board shall retain the sole power to accept by resolution any
and all easements and offers of dedication received by Central San. After
acceptance of an easement or dedication by the Board, the General
Manager shall have the authority to record said easements and offers of
dedication for the purpose of providing legal notice of Central San's
acceptance and the property rights contained therein.
b. Rights of Entry, Etc. The General Manager is authorized to purchase or
otherwise obtain rights of entry and approve restoration agreements,
encroachment permits, real property agreements and similar documents
affecting access to or use of real property deemed necessary or prudent
for the carrying out of Central San activities. If recording of any such
documents is required to create permanent rights and legal notice with
regard to such real property matters, such documents will require Board
approval for formal acceptance and authorization to record.
C. Real Property Agreements. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2021-008, the
General Manager is authorized to approve, execute and record with the
County Recorder's Office real property agreements intended to address
any existing and/or proposed Class One encroachments as well as
existing known and unknown Class Two encroachments as defined by
District Code 7.15.010.
However, the Board has retained the sole power to approve, execute and
authorize the recording of any real property agreements related to new
Class Two encroachments, as defined by District Code 7.15.010. Any
such proposed new Class Two encroachments shall continue to be
presented to the Board for consideration.
d. Fundin . The General Manager is authorized to fund the purchase of
easements, offers of dedication and similar real property-related rights,
provided adequate funding is included in Central San's Board-approved
Capital Improvement Budget.
e. Lease Agreements. The General Manager, in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter 7.08 of the District Code, is authorized to execute
agreements relating to the leasing out of Central San property which has
been declared by the Board after a public hearing as not needed for
Central San's operations for the period covered by the lease term.
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7. Joint Powers Agreements
a. Board-approved Construction Projects. The General Manager is
authorized to execute Joint Powers Agreements and similar cooperative
agreements with cities, counties, special districts and other government
entities relating to Board-approved construction projects, such as paving
or landscaping, where the funds exchanged in the agreement do not
exceed $200,000.
b. Other Construction Activities. The General Manager, or his or her
designee, is authorized to execute Joint Powers Agreements under Board-
approved projects designated to exchange funds related to construction
activities, such as raising manhole covers, where the funds exchanged in
the agreement do not exceed $200,000.
8. Contracts for District Projects Not Exceeding the General Manager Public
Works Delegation Limit
Pursuant to PCC §22034 (c), the General Manager's Public Works Delegation
Limit is $200,000 or the amount of the informal bid limit as established
periodically by the State of California through Statute (PCC §22032(b)) related to
the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA).
The General Manager is authorized to take such actions as are statutorily
provided to the Awarding Body for contracts for District Projects of not more than
the General Manager's Public Works Delegation Limit provided legally
appropriate bidding or procurement procedures have been undertaken.
See Exhibit A.
9. Professional Consulting, Technical Consulting and Professional
Engineering Services Agreements
a. New Agreement Authorization Limit. The General Manager is authorized
to approve and execute services agreements for Professional Consulting,
Technical Consulting and Professional Engineering that do not exceed
$200,000 in total cost.
b. Agreement Amendments. The General Manager is authorized to amend
services agreements for Professional Consulting, Technical Consulting
and Professional Engineering as follows:
1) Current Agreement - $2 Million or Less. For agreements with a
current amount of$2 million or less, the amendments shall not
exceed $100,000.
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2) Current Agreement— More than $2 Million. For agreements with
an original amount of more than $2 million, the amendments shall
not exceed $200,000.
3) Amendments Causing Agreement Total to Exceed$200,000.
Board approval is required to amend any agreement originally
signed by the General Manager under this delegation of authority if
the initial agreement and amendment(s) combined exceed
The above limits are cumulative.
C. Reporting Requirement. Any professional consulting agreements entered
into by the General Manager between $50,000 and $200,000 will be
periodically included in an informational announcement to the Board.
See Exhibit A.
10. District Projects and Capital Improvement Program
a. Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits. The General
Manager is authorized to expend funds available within the Capital
Improvement Budget as set forth and limited by the amounts and other
limitations set forth in Exhibit A.
b. Change Orders. The General Manager is authorized to approve change
orders (cumulatively) up to the construction contract contingency budget
determined at time of award on all District Projects, limited by the
authorizations defined in Exhibit A. As a guideline, typically the contract
contingency shall not exceed 10 percent of the award amount. The
percentage may be adjusted to a lower figure for larger projects or may
be increased on projects where special circumstances are present. Such
lower or higher contingency amount will be evaluated on a case-by-case
C. Increase to Contract Contingency. Board authorization is required to
increase the contract contingency budget amount on contracts awarded
by the Board after time of award.
See Exhibit A.
11. Contracts for Goods and Services
a. Limited by Annual Operating Budget. The General Manager and Purchasing
and Materials Manager are authorized to award and enter into contracts and
purchase orders for goods and services that are not "professional services" or
"public works contracts," such as utilities, maintenance services, equipment,
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chemicals and supplies so long as overall spending does not exceed the
Board's annual adopted operating budget, provided purchasing policy and
procedures are adhered to.
12. Procurement Cards
The General Manager is authorized on behalf of Central San to enter into credit
card agreements and administer the credit card program on behalf of Central
13. Personnel Actions Otherwise Reserved to Board pursuant to District Code
Chapter 4
The General Manager is authorized to take the following personnel actions which
are otherwise reserved to the Board pursuant to Chapter 4 of the District Code:
a. Adds/Cancels. The addition or deletion of any permanent positions
approved in the annual budget (Section 4.04.020 of the District Code).
These deletions and additions may not exceed the number of authorized
positions and result in an increase in Central San's annual budgeted labor
b. Classifications. The establishment of new classifications and assignment
of pay grade within the existing salary schedule, as well as any
amendments to or the abolition of classification descriptions. These
actions may not result in an increase of Central San's annual budgeted
labor costs (Sections 4.12.010 and 4.12.040 of the District Code).
C. Manager Appointments. The appointment of management-level positions
(Section 4.16.070(a) of the District Code).
14. Other Personnel Actions
The General Manager is authorized to take the following actions without Board
a. Transitional Positions: Authorize up to five (5) General Manager
"transitional positions" at any given time for up to 24 months to backfill
positions vacated due to an extended leave of absence or as necessary to
properly address succession planning. General Manager "transitional
positions" are positions not necessarily authorized in the annual budget.
The cost associated with these appointments cannot result in an increase
in Central San's annual budget.
b. Appointments/Disciplinary Actions. Make appointments and promotions,
take disciplinary actions and take such other actions as required for the
proper operation of Central San, provided such actions are consistent with
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the then current Central San personnel rules and procedures, Memoranda
of Understanding (MOU) and Board Policies.
C. Employee Recognition. Grant administrative leave for employee
recognition purposes, such as for safety awards or similar special
recognitions for undertaking Central San responsibilities outside of the
employee's existing job function. The granting of such leave will be
evaluated by the General Manager on a case-by-case basis.
d. Other Actions. Take any other actions as set forth in the Board approved
MOUs with Central San's bargaining units.
15. Records Management Program
a. Records Retention Schedules. Pursuant to Resolution No. 2019-051, the
General Manager is authorized, in conjunction with District Counsel, to
approve all revisions to Central San's Records Retention Schedules
involving the following: changes in state law, changes in record keeping
practices or operational needs, lengthening of retention periods, and
changes determined by District Counsel to be of a ministerial nature.
Board approval is required by resolution for changes to the Records
Retention Schedules involving the following: shortening of retention
periods, and changes determined by District Counsel to be substantive.
[Original retained by the Secretary of the District]
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Capital Improvement Program Authorization Limits
Action General Manager Board
Approve Capital Improvement Plan and Budget None No limit
Transfer funds to individual project budgets $500,000 or less Greater than$500,000
Professional Consulting Services
Enter into Technical Consulting Services $200,000 or less Greater than$200,000
Professional Engineering Services
Amend Amend Agreements<_$2 million $100,000 or less 2 Greater than$100,000
Agreements Amend Agreements>$2 million $200,000 or less 2 Greater than$200,000
Transfer funds from CIB contingency account to $200,000*or less per Greater than$200,000*
projects not included in the CIB project 3
Authorize purchase of individual equipment Not to exceed the limit of the No limit
items Equipment Budget
Authorize supplemental funds to program budgets None No limit
and contingency account
Award construction contracts 4 $200,000*or less Greater than$200,000*
Authorize Additive $200,000*or less Greater than$200,000*
Construction No limit; if greater than$200,000,
Change Orders Deductive informational announcement to Not applicable
Authorize subcontractor substitutions All substitutions unless protested Substitutions protested by
by subcontractor subcontractor
Accept construction projects All projects Informational announcement to
Close out projects All projects Memo provided to Board at fiscal
Acquire easements $200,000 or less Greater than$200,000
Limited by the remaining balances of the applicable program and contingency account.
2 This limit is cumulative.
3 Limited by the remaining balance of the applicable contingency account.
4 Bid protests and rejection of all bids must go to Board with the exception of those under$200,000 and which fall under the
provisions of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act(UPCCAA)(California Public Contract Code§§22042 and
*These limits shall be raised concurrently with changes to the UPCCAA(California Public Contract Code§22032(a), representing
the threshold above which formal bidding is required.
June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 113 of 168