HomeMy WebLinkAbout09. Reject a bid protest and award a construction contract to Basset Engineering for Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations,Phs 15, DP 8465 Page 1 of 19
Item 9.
Roger S. Bailey
General Manager
The Board of Directors (Board) must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. A
timely protest from the second low bidder has been received and the Board is required to consider the
merits of the protest and take action to reject or accept the protest. The General Manager also needs
authorization to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements and include up to a 15-
percent contingency for the project.
I n the midst of the novel coronavirus (COVI D-19), Central San continues construction activities as an
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essential service and infrastructure provider under guidelines provided by Contra Costa Health Services,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, state, and federal agencies. Several sites in this project
include work on private properties and public rights-of-way. The construction contract includes strict
provisions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, such as personal protective equipment, handwashing
stations, and other safety items, practices, and procedures as guidelines become more restrictive or
The Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 15, District Project 8465 (Project) is part of the Collection
System Program of the Capital Improvement Budget (Cl B). Its aim is to replace or rehabilitate
deteriorated sewer infrastructure at the end of its useful life and in poor condition. The construction work is
coordinated with local jurisdictions, cities, utilities, private property owners, and tenants.
This Project will replace or rehabilitate approximately 9,300 feet of small 6-to 8-inch diameter sewer
mains, utility access holes, and other work within public rights-of-way and private easements. Staff
prepared the plans and specifications for the Project. Construction methods primarily include open-trench,
pipe bursting, and cured-in-place pipe (CI PP).Attachment 1 provides an overview map of all the site
The Engineer's estimate for construction was $4,000,000. The Project was advertised on May 4 and 11,
2021. Central San received seven bids ranging from $3,117,488 to $4,698,191, and publicly opened
them on May 25, 2021. The Capital Projects Division conducted a technical and commercial review of the
bids and determined that Basset Engineering (Basset) is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder
with a total bid amount of$3,117,488. Attachment 2 supplies a summary of the bids received.
Central San will administer the construction contract and provide construction management, resident
engineering, survey, administration, and submittal review. Central San has engaged a consultant under an
existing agreement to provide inspection services.
Bid Protest
A timely bid protest was received by the second low bidder, California Trenchless, I nc. (CTI), as
provided in Attachment 3. The CTI protest claims that Basset's bid should be declared non-responsive
based on falsifying experience on the bid forms, as the experience stated was done under a different
license or by another contractor. Staff reviewed the assertions made by CTI and contacted the
references provided in Basset's bid. Three projects were listed with references and all of which
confirmed that the Principal at Basset was the person that managed and acted as the main point of
contact for the work performed, including the workforce. At the time of those projects, the Principal and
workforce were employed by the Principal's father(owner of a different company). Therefore, staff
considers the experience listed by Basset as personal experience and is not corporate experience.
Central San's bid specification does not distinguish the difference between the type of experience to
be provided by a bidder. However, there is clear and detailed language on rejecting a bidder based on
qualifications in the bid documents.
Section 10, Qualification of Bidders,of the Instructions to Bidders states that Central San reserves the
right to reject any bid such that it is in the best interest of Central San for the following reasons:
• For business and technical organization;
• Financial resources;
• Plant and equipment used in performing work; or
• Lack of successful experience in performing work or similar type and magnitude.
Based on the above criteria, staff conducted a detailed investigation on Basset and did not find any
reason to substantiate a recommendation to reject the bid based on qualifications. A summary of the
findings is included as Attachment 4. Basset has the business qualifications, A+ bonding rating and
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capacity, insurance, equipment, and meets the experience required to perform the Project.Although
Basset listed personal experience, a technicality, they also provided staff with additional information and
work experience performed by Basset for the City of San Francisco Public Works and City of
Sunnyvale. Several references have been verified by staff and all responses stated Basset is well
qualified to perform the type of work needed under this Project.
On June 3, 2021, Basset issued a response to CTI's protest, as provided in Attachment 5. This letter
states that CTI is attempting to add a requirement that the bidder experience must be corporation entity
experience only. I n addition, Basset wrote that its officers have over 25 years of combined experience
in the industry, much of it focused on municipal sewer and pipeline projects. Basset pointed out that a
construction corporation which demonstrates experience based on its officer's experience and
knowledge is more qualified than a corporation which may have performed projects in the past but has
employees who have not led or performed such work. Basset has the financial resources and is willing
to proceed in a timely manner to complete the Project for Central San.
Central San's history on bidder experience includes decades of fairness and proven bid documents
and specifications. Throughout the years, several contractors have branched out to form their own
corporations, such as Cratus, Inc. (Cratus) as an example, which consisted of officers from Ranger
Pipelines, Inc. Cratus has and continues to perform quality work at Central San. CTI has benefited from
the qualified experience of their employees on Central San projects which included directional drilling
and CI PP experience. Staff's outreach to verify experience typically goes beyond the three potentially
listed projects in the bid forms. Bidders often provide attachments to their bid stating qualifications or
provide additional contacts or project experience during staff's verification process.
In conclusion, the issue of Basset including personal experience is a technicality or a bid discrepancy at
worst. This technicality is a non-material item and does not impact the bid price provided by Basset.
The total information given by Basset and the feedback received from the City of San Francisco Public
Works and others, Central San's past practices for qualified experience, and a satisfactory review of all
the other components of the bid, has lead staff to determine that the bid provided by Basset is
Staff has concluded that this Project is exempt from CEQA under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section
15302. It involves the replacement of existing facilities at the same locations and with the same purpose
and level of activity as the facilities being replaced. Any capacity increases are for non-growth inducing,
wet weather purposes. The Project also is exempt under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section
15061(b)(3), since there is no possibility that the Project may have a significant effect on the environment.
This certainty is based on Central San's experience with numerous sewer construction projects of this
nature, the relatively short distances involved, and Central San's mitigating construction specifications.
These specifications are standardized general and special conditions in the Project bid documents to
address environmental considerations, such as protecting trees and riparian areas. They comply with
applicable federal, state, county, district, municipal and local laws, ordinances, orders, and regulations.
Approval of this Project will establish the Board's independent finding that this Project is exempt from
Staff has provided two alternatives and the Board may choose to provide other direction. The alternatives
are as follows:
1. Accept the bid protest, declare the bid provided by Basset as non-responsive due to lack of
qualified experience, and award the project to CTI, which is not recommended. This alternative
would increase the total estimated Project budget by$101,867. CTI's bid included an arithmetic
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error in the extended pricing of one bid item, this discrepancy is outlined in the bid specifications and
can be corrected by Central San.
2. Reject all bids and postpone the Project. Staff has coordinated the construction work with private
property owners, the public, utilities and cities, and does not recommend this option.
The total estimated Project cost is $4.68 million. The cost includes planning, design, bid price,
contingency, construction management, and consultant costs as detailed in Attachment 6. The Project
budget is also shown on page 219 of Central San's Fiscal Year 2021-22 Budget at$5.4 million. Staff will
transfer the savings for the Project to the Capital Improvement Budget Contingency account.
Staff recommends a 15-percent contract contingency on this Project. The contingency would cover
additional urgently needed repairs or replacement of nearby sewers and for any unforeseen conditions that
may encountered during the renovation work.
Central San staff did extensive homeowner outreach to prepare residents for the upcoming construction
work. Initial Project letters were sent in the summer of 2020 informing residents of the design work.
Throughout the course of design, staff addressed email and phone inquiries about the Project and
conducted face-to-face outreach with several easement homeowners. Due to COVI D-19, staff was
creative in preparing residents for construction. In place of a public meeting, staff supplied a video
presentation on the Central San website.Additionally, the public was encouraged to reach out with any
other questions or concerns. To date, all questions and concerns received have been answered and
The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this matter at its meeting on June 8, 2021, and
recommended approval.
Staff recommends the following:
1. Reject the bid protest by California Trenchless, I nc.;
2. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA;
3. Award a construction contract in the amount of$3,117,488 to Basset Engineering, the lowest
responsive and responsible bidder for the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 15, District
Project 8465; and
4. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal
requirements and include up to a 15-percent contingency.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL ONE: Customer and Community
Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service, Strategy 2—Maintain a positive reputation
GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship
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Strategy 1—Achieve 100% compliance in all regulations
GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability
Strategy 2—Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program, Strategy 3—Protect personnel and assets
from threats and emergencies
GOAL SEVEN:Agility and A daptability
Strategy 1—Maintain a safe working environment for employees and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic
1. Project Location Map
2. Summary of Bids
3. CTI Bid Protest Letter dated 05-28-21
4. Summary of Qualified Experience Findings
5. Response to CTI Bid Protest dated 06-03-21
6. Post-Bid/P reconstruction Estimate
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• I
680 � �. � , :. �•,� o •• i
24 L .
ct Location and Number
Note: Map Displayed in North American Datum of 1983 Attachment
Central San data as of May 2021. California State Plane,Zone III FIPS 0403,US Feet 1 1
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PROJECT NO.: 8465 NO. OF ADDENDA: 1 DATE/TIME: MAY 25, 2021/12:00 PM
Basset Engineering $3,117,488
San Francisco, California
2 California Trenchless, Inc. $3,219,355*
Hayward, California
3 K.J. Woods Construction, Inc. $3,238,000
San Francisco, California
4 Cratus, Inc. $3,312,088
San Francisco, California
5 Precision Engineering, Inc. $3,612,450
San Francisco, California
6 Andes Construction, Inc. $4,375,015
Oakland, California
7 Ranger Pipelines, Inc. $4,698,191
San Francisco, California
*Upon bid evaluation, staff corrected the bid provided by California Trenchless, Inc.
from $3,181,855 to $3,219,355 based on arithmetic discrepancies. Per the project bid
specifications, Central San can recalculate the total bid based on the resolution of any
arithmetic discrepancy. The lowest bid is determined after any required recalculations.
BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Katie Young
DATE: May 25, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. via livestream due to COVID-19
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Attachment 3
2315 Dunn Rd.
Hayward, CA 94545
P: 510-782-5335. F: 510-266-1543
May 28, 2021
Via Email to dzepedagcentralsan.org
and U.S. First Class Mail
Damasio Zepeda Aragon, P.E.
Central Contra Cost Sanitary District
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, CA 94553
Re: District Project 8465, Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 15
Protest of Intent to Award Basset Engineering
Dear Mr. Zepeda Aragon:
California Trenchless, Inc. ("CTI") hereby formally protests the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District's ("District") intent, if any, to award a contract to Contractors, Inc. for the
above referenced project ("Project") to Basset Engineering ("Basset"). Basset's bid is
nonresponsive, because Basset has not satisfied the District's requirements for the listing of
similar projects previously completed by the bidder.
The District cannot award to Basset for the reasons that follow.
The District's bid documents specify the mandatory minimum level of experience that a
bidder must have in order to be eligible to be awarded a contract for the Project: "To meet the
experience required for the proposed Project, the Bidder shall have completed one or more
projects involving 8-inch diameter or larger sanitary sewer of at least 1,000 feet by open cut;
1,000 feet by pipe burst of which 500 feet shall be utilizing static equipment and 500 feet
utilizing pneumatic equipment; 1,000 feet by cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) and appurtenant
structures." (emphasis added.) (District Bid Documents, Part III, Bid Form, Section 5(c).)
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May 28, 2021
A. The Project Cannot Be Awarded to Basset Because Basset's Bid Is Nonresponsive
A bid is nonresponsive if it does not comply with the requirements set forth in bid
specifications. See Menefee v. County of Fresno, 163 Cal, App. 3d 1175 (1985). "A basic rule
of competitive bidding is that bids must conform to specifications, and that if a bid does not so
conform, it may not be accepted." Valley Crest Landscape v. Davis, 41 Cal. App. 4th 1432, 1440
Basset's bid is nonresponsive because Basset provided inaccurate information as to
"similar" work of the kind specified by the District that Basset completed within the past five
Based upon the language in the District's bid form, "Basset represented that it"...submits
below a statement describing work the Bidder has completed within the last five (5) years that is
similar in character to that anticipated in the proposed Project. A listing of three (3) jobs is
preferable." f emphasis added.] (District Bid Documents, Part III, Bid Form, Section 5(c).)
Basset listed three projects, all purported to have been performed in 2019, none of which
could have been and/or were performed by Basset. The bidder is Basset, a California
corporation. (See Basset Bid Form, p. 22, which lists entity number C4594742 as the entity
submitting the bid.) According to the official records of the California Secretary of State, Basset
did not come into existence until May 15, 2020. Therefore, this corporation could not have
legally undertaken any work in 2019. Further, the Contractor's State License Board did not issue
a license to Basset until October 26, 2020. Basset could not legally have undertaken any work
prior to that date. Therefore, it is impossible for Basset to satisfy the mandatory requirements
stated in the District's bid documents.
Further, the District's own due diligence has confirmed that at least one of the three
projects purported to have been performed by Basset was in fact performed by a different
Through a search of the City and County of San Francisco's public records, CTI also has
confirmed that the Polk Strectscape project claimed to have been performed by Basset was in
fact performed by a different contractor, M Squared. The following information was found on
the City's website, via the link included below.
Project: Polk Streetscape 3000 LF 2019
Start Date August 01, 2016
Completion Date December 01, 2018
Project Manager
David Froehlich
M Squared Construction, Inc. (contractor)
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Coma Te
Based upon the foregoing facts, it is clear that Basset submitted a false certification as to
its experience and therefore is not a responsible contractor because it lacks the basic experience
and qualifications to perform work for public agencies. Pub. Contract Code § 1103
("'Responsible bidder,' as used in this part, means a bidder who has demonstrated the attribute of
trustworthiness, as well as quality, fitness, capacity, and experience to satisfactorily perform the
public works contract."); City of Inglewood-LA County Civic Center v. Superior Court, 7 Cal, 3d
861, 867 (1972).
B. Basset and Its Lack Of Responsibility With Regard To This Proiect
"It is a long and well-established rule that where contracts are required to be let upon
public bidding, the proposals and specifications inviting such bids must be sufficiently detailed,
definite and precise so as to provide a basis for full and competitive bidding upon a common
standard." Baldwin Lima Hamilton Corp. v. Superior Court, 208 C.A.2d 803, 810 (1962); Ertle
v. Leary, 114 Cal. 238 (1896).
A public agency may require that bidders comply with requirements that are in addition
to those that are mandated by statute. See, , MCM Constr., Inc. v. San Francisco, 66 C.A.4th
359, 374 (1998) (upholding requirement that nonstatutory information be included in
subcontractor list about dollar amount of work to be performed by each subcontractor); Valley
Crest Landscape, Inc. v. Davis, 41 C.A.4th 1432, 1442 (1996) (enforcing nonstatutory
requirement that 50% of work be performed by the general contractor); Domar Elec. v. City of
Los Angeles, 9 Cal. 4th 161 (1994) (upholding rejection of a bid as nonresponsive where the
specifications had required bidders to engage in good faith efforts to hire disadvantaged
businesses); Beverly Hills v. Su ep r.Ct., 272 C.A.2d 876 (1969) (finding that failure to licensing
information rendered a bid nonresponsive notwithstanding that the information was not required
by statute).
In M & B Construction v. Yuba County Water Agency, 68 C.A.4th 1353, 1361 (1999),
the Court of Appeal ruled that an agency "made a prebid determination that the public would be
better served in terms of quality and economy by letting the project only to licensees with the
most appropriate experience." Id. (emphasis supplied). The Court found that the awarding
agency acted properly in rejecting a bid from a contractor that did not have a license in the
specific license classification that the District had specified in its solicitation.
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Courts that have considered this specific issue have ruled that an agency may adopt and
enforce minimum requirements that must be met for a contractor to be deemed responsible. For
example, in P & C Giampilis Constr. Corp. v. Diamond, 210 A.D.2d 64, 65-66 (N.Y. App.
1994),the Court ruled that the awarding agency
had a rational basis for rejecting the petitioner's bids. The bids were non-
responsive to the specific requirements set forth in the bid documents
(mandatine that bidders must, within the prior five years, have successfully
completed in timely fashion at least two roofine projects similar in scope and
tie to the work required under the contracts bid upon, which projects must have
been completed and been in service for a minimum of two full years prior to the
bid opening and requiring specific prior experience by the corporate petitioner
itself, the bidder corporation).
In another, a public agency owner, the Town of Islip, was found to have acted reasonably
in rejecting a bid. Eldor Contr. Corp. v. Town of Islip, 277 A.D.2d 233 (N.Y. App. 2000). The
court noted that
When the petitioner failed to furnish information with respect to the type and
duration of its relevant experience, as requested by the bidding documents,
the Town directly solicited additional information from the petitioner. The
petitioner's subsequent submissions lacked specificity regarding its experience
maintaining a lighting system as large as that of the Town's. The Town
determined that the petitioner was not a responsible bidder ...
Accordingly, under these legal authorities, the bid submitted by Basset is nonresponsive
and must be rejected. Additionally, under the reasonable criteria set forth in the District's
bidding documents, Basset is not a responsible bidder. Accordingly, the District cannot legally
award the contract for the Project to Basset. See Pub. Contract Code § 20503.
C The Material Irregularities in Basset's Bid Cannot Be Waived
By statute, any material changes to the bidding requirements had to be made at least 72
hours before bids were opened and by written notice to all bidders. Pub. Contract Code §
Given the restrictions that Public Contract Code Section 4104.5 imposes on making
changes to bidding requirements, the District has no discretion to waive bidding requirements.
"[W]here a statute or ordinance clearly defines the specific duties or course of conduct that a
governing body must take, that course of conduct becomes mandatory and eliminates any
element of discretion." Great Western Savings & Loan Assn v. Los Angeles, 31 Cal. App. 3d
403, 1413 (1973).
In Eel River Disposal & Resource Recovery, Inc., 221 Cal. App. 4th 209, 238 (2013), the
Court of Appeal addressed a situation very similar to the one here. In Eel River, as in this matter,
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the bidding requirements addressed the qualifications that the bidders had to possess. In
awarding a contract, the governing body for the agency had emphasized that the company that
received the contract was a local employer. Effectively, the governing body had changed the
qualifications for a successful bid. The Court of Appeal determined that award of the contract
was illegal, ruling that a contract must be "set aside where specifications are changed after the
bidding has been closed." See Valley Crest Landscape, Inc. v. Davis, 41 Cal. App. 4th 1432
Waiving bidding requirements to allow Basset's bid to be considered would introduce an
improper and unfair element of subjectivity into the bid process. City of Inglewood-LA County
Civic Center v. Superior Court, 7 Cal, 3d 861, 867 (1972). To fail to enforce the District's
bidding requirements uniformly would be arbitrary, capricious, and grounds for setting aside an
award of the project. Id.
In addition, waiving or changing requirements after the opening of bids would provide a
competitive advantage Basset over not only the companies that actually submitted bids, but also
contractors that could have submitted a bid if they had not been required to meet the experience
requirements of the Instructions to Bidders. Given the competitive advantage that Basset
obtained, the irregularities in Basset's bid cannot be waived. Valley Crest Landscape, Inc. v.
Davis, 41 Cal. App. 4th 1432 (1996).
D. The District Lacks Authority To Accept Basset's Bid
Basset's bid is nonresponsive and cannot be accepted. MCM Construction, Inc. v. City
and County of San Francisco, 66 Cal. App. 4th 359, 374 (1998) (failure to include dollar amount
in subcontractor listing form rendered bid nonresponsive); Glasgow, Inc. v. Penn. Dept. of
Transportation, 851 A.2d 1014 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2004) (bid nonresponsive because of
noncompliance with DBE requirements); Carl Bolander & Sons Co. v. City of Minneapolis, 451
N.W.2d 204 (Minn. 1990) (bid nonresponsive because of failure to list WBE requirements).
The requirements Basset violated are mandated by state law. The District lacks
discretion to violate the law. "Action that transgresses the confines of the applicable principles
of law is outside the scope of discretion and we call such action an `abuse' of discretion.."
Horsford v. Bd. of Trustees of Cal. State Univ. 132 Cal. App. 4th 359, 393 (2005).
E. Any Contract Awarded To Basset Will Be illegal And Void
A contract awarded to Basset would be illegal and void. Valley Crest Landscape, Inc, v.
Davis, 41 Cal. App. 4th 1432; Monterey Mechanical v. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation
City, 44 Cal. App. 4th 1391 (1996).
Payment of any funds on a contract awarded to Basset would violate the California
Constitution. Section 17 of Article IV of the Constitution provides that "The Legislature has no
power to grant, or to authorize a city, county, or other public body to grant, extra compensation
or extra allowance to a public officer, public employee, or contractor after service has been
rendered or a contract has been entered into and performed in whole or in part, or to authorize
the payment of a claim against the State or a city, county, or other public body under an
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agreement made without authority of law."
A concerned taxpayer, as well as CTI, may bring an action to enjoin payments on a
contract awarded Basset. Rubino v. Lolli, 10 Cal. App. 3d 1059 (1970); Miller v. McKinnon, 20
Cal. 2d 83 (1942).
Basset would be required to disgorge any payments made to it. Davis v. Fresno Unified
School Dist., 57 Cal. App. 5th 911, 917 (2020) see Hensel Phelps Construction Co. v.
Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, 45 Cal. App. 5th 679, 683 (2020). The public
policy underlying competitive bidding is so strong that a court is required, on its own initiative,
to order the return of payments even if the parties to a lawsuit do not request such an order.
Greer v. Hitchcock, 271 Cal. App. 2d 334 (1969).
This Project involves risky work with significant safety factors that affect numerous
multi-million dollar homes and hundreds of residents through the hills of Walnut Creek. CTI has
23 years of experience in exactly the type of work at issue; its bid is a negligible $100,000 higher
than Basset's.
Please be advised that CTI is prepared to move forward legally and seek an injunction
against award of the Project to Basset, who is neither a responsible nor a responsive bidder, and
to bar the arbitrary rebidding the project. CTT reserves all of its remedies.
If you have any questions, please contact me undersigned directly at 510-782-5335, as I
am the person handling this bid protest. My address is listed on our letterhead, above.
Sincerely, -—-
Chris Asbury
California Trenchless Inc.
Cc Via U.S. Mail:
Shane McCarthy, President
Basset Engineering
PO BOX 22095
Cc: Leonidou& Rosin Professional Corporation
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Attachment 4
Excerpt-Volume 1,Section 10, Paragraph 3. "The District expressly reserves the right to reject any bid if it determines that the Bidder's
business and technical organization,finacial resources,plant and equipment to be used in performing work, or lack of successful experience
in performing work of similar type and magnitude,is such that it is not in the District's best interest to accept the Bidder's Bid."
Business and Technical Organization:
Has General License
Has DIR Registration
Owns Business Licenses at several Cities he is doing work at.(SF,Sunnyvale, Hayward, Mill Valley...;
Financial Resources:
Able to meet bonding requirements. Bonding from Hartford Fire Insurance Company(Page 2)
Able to meet Insurance requirements. Walsh Carter&Associates Insurance Services,LLC as well as AON Insurance Co.
Plant and Equipment to be Used:
Owns heavy construction equipment(Backhoes,Excavators,Skid Steer,Dump Trucks,Sweeper,etc.)
Main staging yard located at 700 Gilman St. in SF.
Successful Experience in Performing Work of Similar Type and Magnitude:
Personal Experience on several projects when he was part of M Squared Construction
Experienced leadership and crews from Contractors that have worked at Central San(KJ Woods, Ranger Pipelines,etc.)
Under Contract with San Francisco Public Works($2.5M),meets magnitude and similar work.
City of Sunnyvale(560k) Newly awarded
Page 1 of 2
1.(Attachment)Letter from The Hartford Group dated 05-27-2021 -considered as Page 2 of 2
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Attachment 4
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Prepare. Protect. Prevail.
Business Insurance
Employee Benefits
May 27, 2021
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa
State of California
RE: Basset Engineering, Inc.: Capability to provide Performance and Payment bonds
District Project 8465—Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 15
To Whom This May Concern:
Hartford Fire Insurance Company acts as surety for Basset Engineering, Inc. Hartford Fire Insurance
Company is rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best with a financial size category of XV($2 Billion or grater).
Hartford Fire Insurance Company is listed in the Federal Register as licensed, admitted surety for
California. Hartford Fire Insurance Company's U.S. Treasury Limit exceeds$1 Billion.
We have every confidence in Basset Engineering, Inc.'s abilities to successfully undertake, manage and
complete projects. If Basset Engineering, Inc. is awarded a contract for the above referenced project and
requests that Hartford Fire Insurance Company is prepared to provide the necessary Performance
and/or Payment Bonds.
If there are further questions, please feel free to contact me.
I ..e, ly�lxi
7ko-fl" vGr"LZ)
Andrew Holloway
San Francisco Regional Bond Manager
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
2001 N. Main Street I Suite 660
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Direct: 415-836-4837
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Attachment 5
June 3, 2021
Via Email: kyoung(a centralsan.orl!
Central Contra Costa County Sanitation District
c/o Katie Young, Secretary of the District
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, CA 94553
Re: District Project 8465 —Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 15
Response to California Trenchless, Inc., Bid Protest
Dear Sanitation District:
We represent Basset Engineering, Inc. ("Basset"), the low bidder on the above project.
California Trenchless, Inc. ("CTI") submitted a bid protest to the Central Contra Costa County
Sanitation District("District") on 05.28.21 and this is Basset's response to the bid protest. The
bid protest should be rejected and the contract awarded to Basset as the lowest responsive bidder.
CTI's protest is based on the meaning of a word—Bidder—in connection with Basset's
qualification experience. CTI argues that the word"Bidder" can only mean the corporate entity
and cannot in any way reflect the people who act for and as the corporation. Specifically, CTI
argues that Basset's experience listings in its bid reflect only the experience of its corporate
officers and leaders, and not of the corporate entity"Bidder," so the bid should be rejected.
CTI's protest improperly attempts to rewrite the bidding instructions and add requirements that
do not actually exist and which would not be in the District's best interest.
Basset has both the experience and the financial wherewithal to perform the District's
project. Basset is currently the prime contractor for similar projects for other municipal entities
who necessarily determined that Basset has the requisite experience, including the City of San
Francisco and the City of Sunnyvale. Basset's officers have over 25 years of combined
experience in the industry much of its focused on municipal sewer and pipe projects.
Demonstrating Basset's financial strength is the fact that it is fully prepared and able to provide
the required performance and payment bond for this project.
275 BATTERY STREET FAX 415 3946687
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Ms. Katie Young
Central Contra Costa County Sanitation District
June 3, 2021 SMITH CURRIE
Page 2 of 3
Naturally, a corporation only acts through its employees and representatives based on
their knowledge and experience. (See, CLD Construction, Inc. v. City of San Ramon (2004) 120
Cal.AppAth 1141, 1146, "[A] corporation, as an artificial entity created by law, can only act in
its affairs through its natural person agents and representatives;"Moore v. Phillips (1959) 176
Cal.App.2d 702, 709, "[i]n order to promote the corporate interests, a corporation can act only
through its agents . . .. [¶] That a corporation can have knowledge only through its officers and
agents is elementary;"Janken v. GM Hughes Electronics (1996) 46 Cal.App.4th 55, 77, "[a]
corporation can act only through its individual employees.") Indeed, for purposes of
construction, the corporation's leaders have the critical knowledge and experience needed to
competently perform the work. A construction corporation which demonstrates experience
based on its officers' experience and knowledge is more qualified than a corporation which may
have performed projects in the past but the employees who led such work are no longer with the
Bearing that reality in mind, CTI argues that for the experience qualification for the bid,
only the experience of the "Bidder,"the corporate entity, should be considered. That is
misplaced and would not be in the District's best interest. The District wants the project to be a
success, meaning the work satisfactorily performed, which means that the actual people leading
the construction need to have the necessary experience and knowledge to perform the work.
Basset's experience qualifications meet this requirement.
The bid documents themselves give the District the complete discretion to determine if
the experience qualifications are "in the District's best interests to accept the Bidder's bid." (See
Volume 1 of 3 Bid Documents, Bidding Conditions, § 10 (p. 14).) Moreover, the bid documents
do not define "Bidder" as only the corporate entity,particularly for the experience qualifications.
The bid documents do not state that the corporate officers' experience will not be considered to
evaluate the experience qualifications of a bidder. The bid documents do state certain basic
guidelines regarding a bidder's experience qualifications. (CTI agreed in its protest at page 4
that these are "reasonable criteria set forth in the District bidding documents.") Had the District
desired, it could have placed more stringent guidelines on the experience qualifications in the bid
documents, or even mandated that the experience can consist only of the corporate entity's
experience and not the experience of the corporate leaders actually performing the work. But it
did not do that. This allows the District to make full use of its discretion to determine what is in
the best interests of the District regarding a bidding contractor's experience to perform the work.
CTI's argument,which is, in practical effect, that such strict limitations should now be read in or
added to the bid documents to disqualify Basset's bid, must be rejected.
As noted above, Basset's officers and leaders have substantial knowledge and experience
performing the type of work to be done for the project, including on projects on which they
worked before they became officers of Basset. CTI asserts that the Polk Streetscape project
which Basset listed as part of its experience in its bid was not performed by Basset. However,
Basset's President, Shane McCarthy, managed that project for the prime, M Squared,prior to
forming Basset. CTI's assertion of a"false certification"regarding this experience is soundly
misplaced. Consistent with the bid documents, the District should exercise its discretion to
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Ms. Katie Young
Central Contra Costa County Sanitation District
June 3, 2021 SMITH CURRIE
Page 3 of 3
consider these experience qualifications and conclude Basset is fully qualified to perform the
CTI's protest letter contains a number of other arguments, all apparently premised on its
assertion that the corporate entity is not properly experienced. CTI argues variously that
Basset's bid was "nonresponsive" (see heading letter"B" and"D"), that Basset was not a
responsible bidder(heading `B"), that accepting Basset's bid would require a waiver of the
bidding requirements (heading"C"), and last, that any contract awarded to Basset would be
illegal and void(heading"E") and even threatens the District with an injunction if it does not
award the project to CTI. CTI cites to a host of case law snippets, along with the California
Constitution, and a number of statutes,but wholly fails to provide any argument as to why such
case law, Constitutional mandates, or statutes are applicable or provide any enlightenment to the
sole issue upon which the protest is based, i.e.,whether the undefined term"Bidder" in the
experience qualification requirements of the bidding documents is strictly limited to only the
corporate entity, or whether the District can and should exercise its discretion to consider the
experience qualifications of those people in the bidding corporation actually responsible for the
performance of the work. CTI provides no discussion about this issue in its headings `B"
For the reasons above, Basset requests the District reject CTI's bid protest and award the
contract to Basset as the lowest responsive bidder.
Very tt ours,
Cra* Wallace
Cc: client(via email)
Damasio Z. Aragon,. P.E. (CCCSD) (via email: dzepeda(d),centralsan.org)
Alexandr Mestetsky, P.E. (CCCSD) (via email: sashagcentralsan.org)
Chris Asbury (California Trenchless, Inc.) (via email: casbury(a califomiatrenchless.com)
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% Of
Item Description Amounts Construction
No. Cost
a. Construction Contract $3,117,488
b. 15% Contingency $467,512
c. Permits $55,000
a. District Forces
- Construction Management (Engineering, Survey) $190,000
- Public Relations/Right-of-Way $20,000
- Operations (Collection System Operations) $30,000
b. Consultants
- Inspection $180,000
- Material Testing/Arborist/Others $40,000
a. Engineering (Design, Survey, Right-of-Way, Drafting) $580,000
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