HomeMy WebLinkAbout08. Replace a vacant Lead Engineering Asst position with an Assistant Engineer position for Capital Projects Page 1 of 3 Item 8. Algi CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS WE VS.101 M POSITION PAPER MEETING DATE: JUNE 17, 2021 SUBJECT: REPLACE A VACANT LEAD ENGINEERING ASSISTANT POSITION (G-72, $4,356 - $5,273 BI-WEEKLY) WITHANASSISTANT ENGINEER POSITION (S-73, $4,484 — $5,424 B I-W E E KLY) SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- DIVISION MANAGER CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Roger S. Bailey General Manager ISSUE Board of Directors approval is needed when the addition and deletion of vacant positions results in an increase in the District's budgeted labor costs. If calculated at the maximum step of the salary range and including the full benefit cost, this action may result in an increase in the labor costs; thus, falling outside the purview of the General Manager's delegated authority related to personnel actions. BACKGROUND Central San's Capital Projects Division continues to evaluate its staffing needs and is recommending to replace a vacant Lead Engineering Assistant position with a similar position in the professional engineering class or series. Capital Projects is responsible for the administration, design, and construction of the Capital Improvement Program (CI P). Starting in 2021, the CI P is projected to reach approximately$100 million (M) annually until 2027. The peak projection is in 2024 with a total budget of $125 M. The increase in the Cl P is due to the infrastructure investment proposed by Central San to its collection system (sewers), recycled water, general improvements, and for the wastewater treatment plant. The C I P includes several new, large, complex projects within the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and Recycled Water Programs. In June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 45 of 168 Page 2 of 3 addition, there are many smaller to mid-size projects that need to be completed during the same timeframe. The Lead Engineering Assistant has been used in the Collection System Program for over the past decade on sewer replacement projects. Although the CI P will continue replacing a minimum of 6 miles of sewers a year completed by in-house design and construction managers, a heavy focus and Division resources have been and continue to be reallocated to the Treatment Plant and for large special projects, such as the Solids Handling Facility Improvements and the Filter Plant and Clearwell Improvements. Currently, up to 13 full time employees work in the Collection System Program and is considered adequate for the near term (next 5 years). These employees perform administration, survey, drafting, design, bidding, construction management, and record drawings for sewer renovation projects. The Treatment Plant Program utilizes many outside design firms and consultants due to the specialty nature of wastewater facilities and the unique systems at Central San, i.e. incinerators, power generation, and heat recovery (steam). An Assistant Engineer position requires a degree in Engineering and with experience are very likely to achieve or obtain a professional engineer license. The requested position will work in the Treatment Plant Program where the additional education and potential license will be a benefit to the Capital Projects Division. In addition, this position has the abilities to perform project manager duties for less complex and smaller projects with the proper guidance of a Senior Engineer. The added flexibility of an Assistant Engineer is needed for the small to mid-sized projects in the Cl P. ALT ERNAT IVES/CONSIDERAT IONS Do not replace the position as proposed. This is not recommended because the Treatment Plant Program is in need of an engineer that can perform the work as previously stated. FINANCIAL IMPACTS Approval of the Assistant Engineer position may increase the Capital Projects Operating Budget by $3,926 in future years at the maximum step of the salary range. Depending on the hire and potential reciprocity, benefits and overall total compensation may be a decrease to the Operating budget compared to the employee that vacated the Lead Engineering Assistant position. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Administration Committee reviewed this matter at its June 8, 2021 meeting and recommended approval. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Replace the vacant Lead Engineering Assistant position (G-72, $4,356 - $5,273 bi-weekly) in Capital Projects with an Assistant Engineer position (S-73, $4,484 — $5,424 bi-weekly). Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 1—Deliver high-quality customer service GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 46 of 168 Page 3 of 3 Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability GOAL FOUR: Workforce Development Strategy 1—Proactively plan for future operational staffing needs GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 2—Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program June 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 47 of 168