HomeMy WebLinkAbout19.c. Committee Minutes - Finance 04-27-2021 Page 1 of 16 Item 19.c. CENTRAL SAN adfAhmm CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT May 6, 2021 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: KATIE YOUNG, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT SUBJECT: APRIL 27, 2021 - FINANCE COMMITTEE - CHAIR PILECKI AND MEMBER MCGILL Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Minutes of 04-27-21 meeting 2. (Handout) Item 4.c. Presentation from meeting May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 214 of 239 Page 2 of 16 F CENTRAL SAN CONTRACENTRAL •STA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IMHOFF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: TAD J PILECKI CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA President SANITARY DISTRICT DAVID R. WILLIAMS President Pro Tens FINANCE COMMITTEE BARBARA D.HocKETT MARIAHN LAURITZEN MICHAEL R.MCGILL MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500 Tuesday, April 27, 2021 FAX: (925)372-0192 2:00 p.m. www.centralsan.org (All attendees participated via videoconference) Committee: Chair Tad Pilecki Member Mike McGill Guest: Eric Heidel, Bartel Associates (joined during Item 4.a., left after Item 4.c.) Sarah Hollenbeck, PFM (joined during Item 3, left after Item 5.a.) Nick Jones, PFM (joined during Item 4.a.) Doug Pryor, Bartel Associates (joined during Item 4.a., left after Item 5.a.) Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Katie Young, Secretary of the District Philip Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (joined during Item 3) Steve McDonald, Director of Operations (joined during Item 4.a.) Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Stephanie King, Purchasing and Materials Manager (left during Item 4.d.) Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Mananger (joined during Item 4.a.) Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager Teji O'Malley, Human Resources & Organizational Development Manager (joined during Item 4.a., left after Item 5.a.) Thomas Brightbill, Senior Engineer Shari Deutsch, Risk Management Administrator Bryan McGloin, Management Analyst (joined during Item 3) Amelia Berumen, Provisional Assistant to the Secretary of the District 1. Notice This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related to COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 215 of 239 Page 3 of 16 Finance Committee Minutes April 27, 2021 Page 2 2020 that allowed attendance by Board Members, District staff, and the public to participate and conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or both. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could participate in the meeting. 2. Call Meeting to Order Chair Pilecki called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. 3. Public Comments — None. Chair Pilecki announced that Member McGill must leave at 4 p.m.; therefore, it is possible not all items would be heard today. Due to the time constraint, Mr. Bailey requested that Items 4.d. and 5.a. be heard out of order after Item 4.a.; Chair Pilecki concurred. 4. Items for Committee Recommendation to the Board a. Review and recommend approval of expenditures incurred March 18, 2021 through April 15, 2021 Staff responded to a list of questions provided by Chair Pilecki in advance of the meeting and a series of questions posed by Member McGill during the meeting. Mr. Mizuno noted Chair Pilecki's suggestion that the description field should be consistent for similar payments, as it can cause confusion in the manner in which it is described. Ultimately, the Committee expressed satisfaction with staff's responses and recommended Board approval. Regarding various trade-type payments, Member McGill reflected that District Counsel previously announced potential compliance changes to existing contracts to account for prevailing wage type work. He asked if the Committee will be presented with an update on how this will be handled. Mr. Bailey responded that he has met with District Counsel and Mr. Leiber about this matter. The situation may not be as dire as initially thought; the burden is on the contractor to flag, then it would go through a process. Staff will provide an update to the Committee at a future meeting and, if necessary, to the full Board. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. b. Receive February 2021 Budget-to-Actual Financial Overview COMMITTEE ACTION: Due to time constraints, this item was postponed to a future meeting. May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 216 of 239 Page 4 of 16 Finance Committee Minutes April 27, 2021 Page 3 C. Review draft Position Paper to conduct a public hearing to receive public comment and consider adopting the following ordinances to become effective July 1, 2021: • Uncodified Ordinance No. amending the Schedule of Capacity Fees, Rates and Charges, replacing Ordinance No. 309 in accordance with District Code chapter 6.12; and • Uncodified Ordinance No. amending the schedule of Environmental and Development-Related Fees and Charges, replacing Ordinance No. 310 in accordance with District Code chapter 6.30 This item was briefly reviewed at the conclusion of Item 5.a. Ms. Gemmell stated that the May 6 Board meeting agenda will include an item for the Board to set a public hearing on June 3 to receive public comment on the annual consideration of the two listed rates and fees categories. This draft Position Paper was to review the hearing material. She stated that Capacity Fees were up 8% due to an increase in capital project investments, and the administrative overhead rate decreased due to the District's transition to the Ca1PERS Healthcare plan. She acknowledged that prior to the meeting, she received comments on the two proposed ordinances (Attachments 1A and 2A) for her review. In response to a question from Member McGill regarding public comment on this matter, Mr. Brightbill replied that staff is preparing its annual mailing, anticipated for release early next week. The letter campaign normally does not generate much comment; however, this year staff may also include phone call outreach. Member McGill commented that the District does not refund the property once its connection fee has been paid that may later be reclassed to a lower- class of use status. Mr. Brightbill stated that capacity fees can be considered an entitlement to the property. It may be reduced due to a lower burden of use, such as a restaurant to a retail business. However, this would be an exception rather than the norm. For example, the time and effort a business takes to install grease removal for a restaurant tends to stay as some sort of food service. He also noted that staff does not track a property's change of business operation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended moving forward with the Position Paper as presented and conducting the public hearing. May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 217 of 239 Page 5 of 16 Finance Committee Minutes April 27, 2021 Page 4 d.* Review draft Position Paper to adopt Resolution 2021- to appoint the proposed 2021 Bond Offering Financing Team; authorize financing through the use of Certificates of Participation and other securities transactions; revise the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Sewer Service Charge (SSC) allocation ratios and direct distributions to reserve funds; and adopt Resolution 2021- to specify the intent of the FY 2020- 21 SSC spending be reimbursable from bond proceeds no earlier than 60 days prior to adoption This item was heard immediately after the conclusion of Item 4.a. Mr. Leiber reviewed the attached presentation, which included a refresher of the discussion at the Board Financial Workshop earlier this year, and additional materials related to progress on the transaction since then. Pension UAALI payments have had a significant impact to the budget since 2008 (represented in slide 2). Progress has been made over the years to decrease Central San's pension UAAL through various measures, including additional payments to CCCERA2 and a pension prefunding trust. He noted on slide 4 that the existing UAAL is scheduled to be paid off in about seven years. Another slide overviewed a menu of approaches other agencies have taken to address UAAL challenges. Mr. Leiber noted that Central San has already used most of the tools, except borrowing, and that there was merit in considering that option given low interest rates, and Central San's substantial capital program, which could utilize tax-exempt debt and thereby free-up Sewer Service Charge funds that could be used to pay down the UAAL. He noted progress in pursuing such a transaction, including the development of a schedule, recommended formation of a financing team, and settling on a proposed debt structure using Certificates of Participation (COPs), which would require the continued existence of the Central San Facilities Financing Authority. Furthermore, he discussed the fact that the savings that can be expected are not known with certainty but will depend on the return CCCERA obtains on invested funds in the coming years, and that PFM had conducted a thorough analysis of this issue. He introduced Ms. Hollenbeck of PFM and acknowledged the complex analysis PFM prepared and her time spent separately with Mr. Bailey and himself to review in great detail. She proceeded with the presentation included in the agenda materials. She stated that borrowing specifically for the purpose of paying down pension obligations (pension obligation bonds) would require the use of taxable debt, whereas, capital use of funds is not allowed. Interest rates on UAAL = Unfunded actuarial accrued liability 2 CCCERA = Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement Association May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 218 of 239 Page 6 of 16 Finance Committee Minutes April 27, 2021 Page 5 tax exempt borrowing are near historic lows, which makes the proposed transaction particularly timely. Mr. Hollenbeck discussed the extensive modeling completed to assist the District in its decision on proceeding forward. She responded to several inquiries posed by Member McGill regarding the probability of success model shown on PFM's slide 4 and what is included in the model. She reviewed the structure of the model and confirmed that the approach considered the costs of the transaction on the overall financial benefit. Mr. Leiber added that staff time in not included as no incremental costs related to staff are required. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the modeling and the probability of a favorable outcome. Both Ms. Hollenbeck and Mr. Leiber noted that the approach discussed today is not risk-free given exposure to CCCERA's market return. However, risk already exists with the assets on hand at CCCERA, and the incremental risk would be with the additional assets Central San would provide to pay down the URAL. Mr. Leiber continued with his presentation reviewing the key transaction steps that must be taken prior to June 30 of this year, which is the target date to make the payment to CCCERA to eliminate being charged for the existing UAAL during FY 2021-22. One of the actions is to rescind a resolution approved in January 2021 to dissolve the District's Facilities Finance Authority as its existence is still needed to issue COP transactions. The Committee reviewed the draft Position Paper page-by-page; staff responded to various questions and the Committee provided input for clarifications. Mr. Leiber noted those items and stated he would include the comments/changes in the final Position Paper when presented to the full Board. Also discussed was the issue of `supen`unding; the return on those potential amounts, and whether those funds are treated differently than other assets with regard to potential risk if other CCCERA participants were to default on their obligations. Following further lengthy and in-depth discussion, Mr. Leiber explained that issuing revenue bonds would require a somewhat longer process than doing COPs, and that time is of the essence for this transaction given the June 30 target date; therefore, COPs are the recommended avenue. He also explained that under the California code, a sanitary district cannot use revenue bonds for new-money needs, but it can use COPs. In response to a question about the reimbursement resolution by Member McGill and only going back 60 days and not more, Mr. Leiber explained that was the maximum time allowable by the Internal Revenue Service, and that time period was sufficient for purposes of sizing the transaction for its intended purpose. May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 219 of 239 Page 7 of 16 Finance Committee Minutes April 27, 2021 Page 6 In response to Chair Pilecki's statement that the draft Position Paper discussed the upcoming budget that has not been provided-to or approved- by the Board, Mr. Leiber stated that the proposed budget will not reflect the proposed transaction. If the District does proceed with the transaction, staff foresees adopting a budget amendment to reflect various changes; therefore, he wanted to acknowledge that likely amendment need ahead of time. This would primarily be changes within budget line items, and the Sewer Service Charge allocation. The Committee acknowledged the time sensitivity and requested the matter be added to the upcoming May 6 Board agenda for approval. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval with the inclusion of input provided to staff. 5. Other Items a. Receive Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) actuarial valuation as of July 1, 2020 Mr. Mizuno stated that the actuarial valuation shows a healthy funded position of 85.7%, up over 3% from the 2019 valuation figures, as adjusted for the transition to CaIPERS Healthcare. This valuation also poses a first- time situation for the District where the Pay-Go costs differ from the actuarial determined contribution (ADC) by$1.036 million, which is a significant amount. With that, the District is eligible to reimburse itself from the OPEB Trust account, which is an assumption incorporated into the draft FY 2021-22 Budget that will presented to the Board in May. Chair Pilecki noted that using this approach could extend the timeframe by which the OPEB UAAL is paid off, but that it would still decrease over time. Mr. Leiber concurred. Mr. Pryor of Bartel Associates reviewed the valuation summary (top of p.45 of 46 of the agenda material) regarding a traditional approach versus an equivalent alternative. The traditional approach reflects a contribution to the trust equal to the ADC of$3.3 million and a Pay-Go payment out of the trust of$4.3 million resulting in a net outflow of$1.036 million from the trust. This is the same outcome as doing the alternative approach, where the District pays the full Pay-Go costs for premiums and reimbursements and reimburses a total of$1.036 million from the trust. Mr. Mizuno concurred with Mr. Pryor that the end effect in the budget is the same. May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 220 of 239 Page 8 of 16 Finance Committee Minutes April 27, 2021 Page 7 In the interest of time, and the Committee's understanding of the summary provided, there were no questions. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information. At this point, due to agenda item time sensitivity, Item 4.c. was then heard. b. Review Risk Management Loss Control Report as of April 12, 2021 COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report. 6. Announcements None. 7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list. 8. Future Scheduled Meetings Monday, May 17, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. (Special) Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. 9. Adjournment— at 4:02 p.m. * Attachment May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 221 of 239 Page 9 of 16 Item 4.c. (Handout) PENSION OVERVIEW AND FUNDING FINANCIAL STRATEGIES: INITIAL RESOLUTIONS RELATED TO FINANCING April 27, 2021 Finance Committee Presentation Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration CEN TRALSAN 1 PENSION COSTS HAVE BEEN A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR AFFECTING OUR O&M BUDGET IN PAST DECADE • Labor related costs are about 75% of the O&M Budget • Pension UAAL costs most volatile component Budgeted salaries and BenOitsWL E in millions 100 80 U 60 HE T zm 0 2am2onz 2nzi6 2oT72nzo2uo 2 1 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 222 of 239 Page 10 of 16 PENSION AND OPEB FUNDING STATUS ($MILLIONS) o PensionNOPEB $lso tw9: $90 Loos Sao $12o mfc $70 (Nt 'm` 56v tox $100 wss 5so box $80 m $6o 3 530 Boz $40 $zo mx zox $z0 10% SID $o ox $o os V/ L —Funded% _u_L —Fended% Pension Assets in OPEB Prefunding CCCERA Trust(1) Trust11) Trust(2) Reserves-Start of Year(6/30/20)(1) $69.8 $10.3 $338.3 Anticipated Increases $99 $1.6 $22,.1 Projected Ending Balances ZZ9. 1L. JafiQA (1) OPEB and Pension Prefunding Trust balances as of 6/30/20 and 12/31/20. (2) Initial actuarial value of assets per December 31,2018 CCCERA valuation and ending balanceis per 2019 CCCERA Valuation. 3 3 rUnfunded UAAL UPDATE ..ctuarially Accrued Liability("WAL") Progress: AAL has been reduced by 50%since 2012 (Pension funded status up from .8%) • Each year, layers are added to the UAAL,which are then amortized over 18 years. • We are on track to pay off UAAL this decade. • Board's commitment to directing additional funding has helped make this happen faster. Anticipated UAAL with Scheduled Amortization(Blue) and with Additional UAAL Payments to Pension Prefu nding Trust to Date and at$1.25 million through 2025(Red) 540 Net Asset 520 ® —� Isfinl (580) 2019 2818 2021 2822 2823 2824 2025 282fi 2821 2028 •VML(29[9 Yaoaionl 1510151 t552I (553) (544) (Smn (53]1 (523) (514) (54) 52 p Ne[l1ApL[1819 Vauananl (62) (51) (411 1381 (22) 1131 0) 1 19 26 wiF,Person p0uraing Tn6 MST • Years above are CCCERA"valuation date". Lag of 2 years for Central San for FY Impact.` CENTRALSAN 4 2 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 223 of 239 Page 11 of 16 HISTORY OF ADDITIONAL UAAL PAYMENTS ($MILLIONS) Pension Date of CCCERA Prefunding OPEB FY Payment Trust Trust Trust Total Source of Funds 2013-14 Dec 2013 $5.0 Budgeted 2014-15 Dec 2014 5.0 Budgeted 2015-16 Dec 2015 2.5 Budgeted Budgeted-Board Decision 2016-17 Feb 2017 $2.5 Funded by FY 2015-16 variances 2017-18 Aug 2017 $3.4 Budgeted-Board Decision 2017-18 Various 2.5 Funded by FY 2016-17 variances 2017-18 Various 2.0 2018-19 Various 2.5 Budgeted-Board Decision 2019-20 Various 1.25 1.25 Budgeted$1.25M to OPEB Trust,and$1.25M variance from FY 2018-19 to Pension Prefunding Trust Subtotal 12.5 9.15 6.25 27.9 20-216 1.25 1.25 Budgeted$1.25M to Pension Prefunding Trust al $12.5 $10.4 $6.25 $29.15 Totals 5 WIRT-72TV"MM 5 UAAL REDUCTION STRATEGIES AIML 7- Central San has taken many proactive steps manage pension costs including adopting a pension funding strategy with goal of a fully funded pension • Borrowing for CIP,freeing up funds for UAAL - paydown and reducing interest cost is a strategy for consideration. Measure Status —� -- f• Pension Reform Change in benefit levels Q pensionable Compensation Lawsuits,PEPRA • Establish new tiers for new employees M 2013 PEPRA Establish Pension. Pension Payment Stabilization Reserve Fund Q can use Seofion 115 Pension Trusifor this purpose if Board elects.Also have Rate Stablllz flan Account Designated Reserves Section 115 Frust Established in 2017 Prepayment of annual contribution to Retirement Q Have teen doing this for years payment of UAL System for discount(year-to-year strategy) Pre • Partial prepayment of total Retirement UAAL Q Addrl paymerdsannuairytocccERA and (longer-term strategy) to Pension Trust Pposed for Reallocating capital reserves and issuing tax-exempt Croonslderatlbn Now infrastructure financing in-lieu of Taxable POB Issuance of DebFefunding saved int—tcwisDi _ d nal • Targeted returtdings for budget relief Q 2018 R tlafer pnnclpai • Pension Obligation Bonds(POB) Explored.FY2012-13 ` r 6 CENTRAL SAN 6 3 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 224 of 239 Page 12 of 16 1.1-EVANG10-4 0 UAAL REDUCTION STRATEGY: INTEREST EXPENSE REDUCTION • Strategy: • Debt financing for CIP and free up SSC revenue that have would gone towards Capital Spending, then use it to pay down pension UAAL. • Goal: • Replace 7% interest cost for Pension "debt"with —1% interest on debt for CIP • Term of debt would be same as schedule for payoff of UAAL • Net Savings of--$9.4 million: Interest Costs on Pension Debt vs.CI P Debt a,000,aoo 3,500,00o 3.000,000 2,500.000 z,000,000 i,soo,000 i,00a,000 ,500,000 ■ ' 1�1 L ■ cr zz-u cv zz-za cv z�za Fr z4zs cv zs zs Fr z�z> Fr zz zs cv zaz9 Y 1-Cos As M M fltte!ea Cos To Be CENTRAL SAN 7 UAAL STRATEGY: MW 104 MORE BORROWING FOR CIP Steps: • 1. Allocate more SSC($58 million)to Running Expense (O&M)fund in FY 2021-22 that is sufficient, along with Pension Prefunding Trust($12 million), to pay down UAAL of$70 million. • 2. Collect SSC next year and transmit it and Pension Funding Trust balance to CCCERA. • 3. Borrow(Revenue Bond offering)$58 million to fund CIP that would have been funded with SSC. • 4. Maturity schedule for$58 million debt matches the original UAAL amortization schedule so that overall (Debt&Liability) burden is no different than status quo. Money that would have gone to UAAL payment in those upcoming years goes to pay down loan. • 5. "Debt'remains well within limits specified in the 2017 Debt Management Policy(BP 029),whereby not more than 60% of 10 year CIP is debt financed • ($173MM SRF loan+$58MM for CIP for UAAL payoff= $231 MM/$939MM CIP =24.6%) • 6. Result: Lower financing costs by--$9.4 million over the next decade. 8 CENTRAL SAN 8 4 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 225 of 239 Page 13 of 16 UAAL STRATEGY: INTEREST EXPENSE REDUCTION 7- RWii s: • Actual savings could vary depending on pension asset earnings • PFM Analysis Completed to assess this • Interest rates for CIP Borrowing may change until issuance [ • Rates still favorable; • Moving expeditiously, while rates are low,and to remit funds to CCCERA prior to 7/1 to get credit for UAAL payments in FY 2021-22. ANLI CENTRALSAN 9 - - KEY TRANSACTION STEPS • Create proposed financing calendar 0 • Assemble Financing Team 0 • Select key structuring details p • Negotiated vs.rompetitive sale • Revenue bonds or Certificates of Participation • Assemble documents including Preliminary Official statement ❑ • Underway; major effort in first 3 weeks of May • Finalize issuance amount and maturity schedule ❑ • Around $58 million; maturities match UAAL payments • Financing Authority/Board adoption of documents-June 3 ❑ • Bond Competitive Sale-June 16 ❑ • Closing Date-June 29 ❑ CENTRALSAN 10 5 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 226 of 239 Page 14 of 16 RESOLUTIONS FOR 7� UPCOMING BOARD MEETINGS • District: Appoint Financing Team • District: GM, Director of Finance and Board officers authorized to deliver documents to effectuate purpose of resolution • District : Adopt reimbursement resolution • Financing Authority: Rescind dissolution decision of January 2021 CENTRALSAN 11 BACKGROUND MATERIALS CENTRALSAN 12 6 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 227 of 239 Page 15 of 16 RISK CONSIDERATIONS IN MULTI-EMPLOYER PENSION PLANS • Question from March 2020 Financial Workshop: Can Central San contributions to CCCERA be paid to other agencies' retirees? • Answer: •CCCERA CEO/General Counsel: all assets are available to fulfill all benefit obligations. Plan is de-pooled in the accrued liability for each agency&certain assumptions used to set contribution rates. •Offsetting factors: -CCCERA is a very healthy plan. Valuation shows plan has an overall funding status over 90%on both an actuarial valuation basis(90.6%)and market value basis(91.9%) •CCCERA has payment remittance policies that monitor and assess penalties for late payments. •If an agency doesn't pay,or goes into bankruptcy,CCCERA would initiate legal action. Central San exposure would be on a pro rata basis,likely as a percentage of payroll(Central San is about 3.6%of total). -We have some other financial exposure outside the Pension System. Example: Central San provides$27+M in services to Concord/Clayton throughout the year without any installment payments. This could be a greater liability than our CCCERA exposure. Bottom Line:Risk exists but is minimal ` 13 CENTRALSAN 13 OTHER CCCERA PARTICIPANTS • CCCERA is administered by the CCCERA Board of Retirement to provide service retirement, disability, death and survivor benefits for county employees and 16 other participating agencies under the California State Government Code,Section 31450 et.seq. (CERL) and Section 7522 et.seq. (PEPRA). eeeeRA mwcl..N.M cpAa WAUkIf 359 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION[LAFCOI AAA SOB IN-HOME SUPPORTIVE SERVICES AUTHORITY IiHSS] AAB 5901 CC MPSOVITOABATEMENT DISTRICT AAC 9405 CENTRAL CONTRA CD$TA$ANITARY DISTRICT AAD ]414 ROOEO$ANITARYDI$TRICI AAE 34&9 DELTA OIABLO SANITATION DISTRICT PAF 3501 IRONHOIISE SANITARY DISTRICT AAG 380.7 BYROHBRENTWOOD CEMETERY AAH $770 BETHEL 131-AND MUNICIPAL DISTRICT AAI ]914 DIABLOWATERDISTRICT AA3 4161 CHILDREN A FAMl1ES COAAMISSION APl[ 49W CONTRA COSTA COUNTY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION AAL 7035 CCC FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AAM 7060 EAST CONTRA COSTA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AAN M74 MORACA-ORINDA FIRE DISTRICT AAo 7300 CCC FRE PROTECTION DI$TRICT AAP 76W RODEO-HERCULES FIRE PROTU DISTRICT PAC} 7930 SAN RAMON VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT AAfi 9®90 HOIISINGAUTHORTY AAS 9991 r4wo"ITTSOURG Mi 9992 OFFICE OF EDUCATION JAAIJ -- CONTRAOO$TACODNTYCENTRALSAN AAY I� 14 7 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 228 of 239 Page 16 of 16 OTHER CCCERA PARTICIPANTS • CCCERA is administered by the CCCERA Board of Retirement to provide service retirement, disability, death and survivor benefits for county employees and 16 other participating agencies under the California State Government Code, Section 31450 et.seq. (CERL) and Section 7522 et.seq. (PEPRA). • F:agdo.r�.4.lgnrJ rnae.Fula.Irnrcrnurvll OCCOtA eM~V Rrlr CPA$ w.ald0 cad• 9500 SUPERIOR COURTS AAX 3011 RODEO FIRE DIST CBA 3306 DIABLO VALLEY MOSQUITO DIST CBS 3618 STEGE SANITARY DIST sac 3601 ALAMO.LAFAYETTE CEMETERY DIST BBD T003 BETHEL ISLANO BBE 7013 EAST WELD FIRE DISTRICT BBF 7050 MORAGA FIRE DISTRICT BBG 7090 ORINDAFIRE BBH 7126 CONSOL IDATED FIRE BBI 7200 WEST COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 661 7250 MORAGA FIRE DISTRICT BBK 7250 WEST COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT BBL 7280 ORINDAFIRE CBM 7802 ROOEOIHERCULES FIRE WN 74W 1 KENSINGTON FIRE SBO https://www.cccera.org/sites/main/files/fiIe- atta ch m ents/pa rti d pati ng_e m ployersh a In d book.pdf?1575413348 15 CENTRAL SAN 15 8 May 6, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 229 of 239