HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.b. Receive update on most recent Bay Area Clean Water Agencies BACWAItem 5.b. May 3, 2021 T O: R E A L E S TAT E, E NV I R O NME NTA L A ND P L A NNI NG C O MMI T T E E F RO M :L O R I S C HE C T E L , E NV I R O NME NTA L A ND R E G UL ATO RY C O MP L I A NC E D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R RE V IE WE D B Y:J E A N-MA R C P E T I T, D I R E C TO R O F E NG I NE E R I NG A ND T E C HNI C A L S E RV I C E S R O G E R S. B A I L E Y, G E NE R A L MA NA G E R S UB J E C T: R E C E I V E UP D AT E O N T HE MO S T R E C E NT ME E T I NG O F T HE B AY A R E A C L E A N WAT E R A G E NC I E S (B A C W A ) B A C WA Meetings and Upcoming E vents : L ast B A C WA Executive Board Meeting: A pril 16, 2021 Next B A C WA Executive Board Meeting: May 21, 2021 Key Discussions: Nutrients: B A C W A is working with HD R, I nc. to look at data variability and options related to compliance/triggers f or potential load caps in the third Nutrient Watershed P ermit. Mike C onnor, a B A C WA consultant, provided an overview of the state of the scientific work being done by the S an F rancisco E stuary I nstitute. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): B A C W A reviewed the preliminary data from the f irst part of the Region 2 P FA S study. E f f luent concentrations are higher than inf luent concentrations likely due to precursors in inf luent that are being transformed. A gencies are not making P FA S . Sewer System Waste Discharge Requirements (SSS WDR): B A C W A continues to participate in workgroups within B A C WA and the California A ssociation of S anitation Agencies (C A S A ) to provide feedback on the initial draft of the S S S W D R. Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD): D iscussion with B A C WA A ir C ommittee consultant Sarah Deslauriers regarding the recent B est Available C ontrol Technology D etermination f or standby generators and how to improve B A A Q MD permitting process. Additional I nformation/Monthly Bulletins: https://bacwa.org/bacwa-bulletins/ May 3, 2021 REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 37 of 40 Page 1 of 2 Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L TW O: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1 – Achieve 100% compliance in all regulations, Strategy 3 – Support regional development of local water supply May 3, 2021 REEP Committee Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 38 of 40 Page 2 of 2