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HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. Receive Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) actuarial valuation as of July 1, 2020 Page 1 of 46
Item 5.a.
April 27, 2021
JULY 1, 2020
On April 7, 2021, Central San's OPEB actuary, Bartel Associates, LLC (Bartel), issued their
July 1, 2020 Actuarial Valuation on the OPEB Plan funding forthe upcoming fiscal years (FY) ending June
30, 2022 (FY2021-22) and June 30, 2023 (FY2022-23). Central San employs the services an
independent qualified consultant to prepare this "funding" actuarial valuation every two years, which is
necessary in assessing the current and projected OPEB Plan funded status as well as determining the
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) requirements for the next two budget years.
Differences Between Report Types
Similar to the actuarial reports obtained from the Contra Costa County Employees' Retirement
Association (CCCERA)for Central San's pension plan, two types of actuarial reports are also issued for
the OPEB Plan. While the attached "funding" actuarial valuation is obtained every two years and also
assesses the OPEB Plan's funded position, it is largely a forward looking document that helps determine
minimum future Plan contribution requirements necessary to ensure the Plan remains sufficiently funded
and gradually pays down the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL). In contrast, Central San also
obtains an annual "reporting" actuarial valuation pursuant to Government Accounting Standards Board
Statement 75 (GASBS 75)that is necessary for compilation of the independently audited annual financial
statements. The annual GASBS 75 Report"reporting" valuation is largely a backwards looking document,
providing the UAAL on a market basis and eliminates the use of smoothing on investment gains and
losses, as well as other differences.
OPEB Plan's Funded Status
The attached OPEB valuation report demonstrates that Central San's OPEB Plan is healthy and has been
improving in funded status since the transition to CalPERS Healthcare effective July 1, 2019. The
valuation shows that the Plan's funded position on a valuation basis is projected to increase by 3.7% to a
funded status of 85.7% as of July 1, 2021. The ADC amounts for
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FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 are projected to be $3.324 million and $3.331 million respectively. With a
closed amortization period of fourteen years, the OPEB Plan's UAAL is projected to be paid off in FY
2034-35. This differs from the eighteen year rolling amortization period utilized in the CCCERA pension
plan actuarial report, which has an average of about 7 years remaining overall. The actuarial valuation also
reported a UAAL of$15.238 million as of July 1, 2020, which is a sharp decline from a UAAL of $48.779
million reported in the last actuarial valuation dated July 1, 2018, reflecting the Plan prior to the transition to
CalPERS Healthcare.
FY 2021-22 Budget Impacts
Given the relatively healthy status of Central San's OPEB Plan following the transition to CalPERS
Healthcare along with favorable investment returns over recent years, the OPEB Plan's
FY 2021-22 estimated cost of retiree healthcare premiums, referred to as "PayGo" costs in the actuarial
valuation, are projected to significantly exceed the ADC. Attachment 2 provides a chart illustrating the
historical trend of the ADC compared to PayGo costs using actual prior fiscal year retiree healthcare
premium costs. As indicated by the chart, following the transition to CaIPERS Healthcare on July 1, 2019,
projected retiree PayGo costs started to exceed the ADC. In prior years, when projected PayGo costs
fell short of the ADC, the practice was to make a contribution to the OPEB trust equal to the difference to
ensure the OPEB Plan continues to receive sufficient funding. Looking towards FY 2021-22, PayGo
costs are projected to exceed the ADC by approximately$1.036 million.
Given this significant difference, and as the ADC estimate for FY 2022-23 suggests this gap may continue
to grow in the near future, the FY 2021-22 budget limits OPEB costs at the ADC, assuming that the
difference is reimbursable (and will be reimbursed)from the OPEB trust. Capping the budgeted OPEB
cost at the ADC in this manner is a prudent approach given Central San's strategic plan objective of
striving to maintain fiscal stability and sustainability balancing the needs of conflicting priorities with limited
available resources. Capping budgeted OPEB costs at the ADC will not result in an increase to the
UAAL, but will slightly slow the pace at which the UAAL is eliminated. Capping annual budgeted OPEB
costs at the ADC will still result in the UAAL decreasing overtime as the ADC contains both a provision
for current costs (the "Normal Cost") as well as the UAAL. As noted previously, in this latest actuarial
valuation, UAAL is projected to be fully paid off in fourteen years, or FY 2034-35. Furthermore, the Board
can still direct additional payments towards the OPEB trust utilizing year-end favorable budgetary
variances which has been past practice.
Bartel will review a a presentation on the results of their actuarial valuation dated July 1, 2020 and be
available to answer any questions of the Finance Committee. The presentation primarily focuses on the
results of the latest actuarial valuation; however, it will also briefly cover the concept of reimbursing costs in
excess of the ADC from the OPEB trust.
Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility
Strategy 1—Maintain financial stability and sustainability,, Strategy 2—Ensure integrity and transparency in financial
1. July 1, 2020 OPEB Actuarial Funding Valuation
2.ADC to PayGo Trend Chart
3. Bartel Presentation
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July 1, 2020 Actuarial Valuation
Plan Funding for 2021/22 and 2022/23
Preliminary Report - Revised
Bartel Associates, LLC
Doug Pryor, Vice President
Catherine Wandro, Assistant Vice President
Daniel Park, Actuarial Analyst
April 21, 2021
Topic Page
Benefit Summary 1
Participant Statistics 7
Actuarial Assumptions Highlights 9
Assets 11
Results 17
Bartel Associates OPEB Database 37
Actuarial Certification 39
Premiums E- 1
Data Summary E- 5
Other Actuarial Assumptions E-16
Actuarial Methods E-28
Definitions E-29
Ap�fP ;°2t��°f"1 �ta 0'fir° Rfif��;1 Z�� i�Rilf��i"I � iF�` °A�' h° Zia°� �;"a d0tIcbf 217
Page 4 of 46
General Employees, Management Support/
Confidential MSCG , Management & Unre .
Tier I Tier II Tier III Board of
fired<5/1/85 Hired 5/1/85-6/30/09 Hired>6/30/09 Directors
■ Eligibility ■ Retire directly from the District under CCCERA (service/disability)
■ Rule of 65 — ■ Same as Tier I ■ Rule of 70— ■ No age or
age plus except MSCG & age plus service
District svc at Mgmt hired District svc at requirement
least 65 between 4/19/03 least 70
■ Minimum - and 6/30/09 - ■ Minimum - age
age 50 & 10 Minimum age 55 55 & 10 years
ears svc & 10 years svc svc
■ Change to ■ District joined PEMHCA effective 7/1/19
Medical Plans ■ PEMHCA mimimum, unequal method'
■ Participants retiring directly from the District but not meeting age and
service eligibility requirements will receive the PEMHCA minimum
1 PEMHCA minimum for retirees is$6.80/month in 2020,$13.90/month in 2021.
(BOA'-)Apri1 21,2021 1
General Employees, Management Support/
Confidential MSCG , Management & Unre .
Tier I Tier II Tier III Board of
Hired<5/1/85 Hired 5/1/85-6/30/09 Hired>6/30/09 Directors
■ Medical ■ District pays % of medical premium up to highest cost "Core Plan"
Benefit ■ Medical "Core Plans":
• Pre 65: Kaiser and Health Net SmartCare
• Post 65: Kaiser Senior Advantage and UnitedHealthcare
■ Dental & ■ District pays % of dental and vision premiums
Vision Benefit
■ % of ■ Pre 65: 100% ■ Pre 65: 100% ■ Pre 65: 50%2 ■ Medical:
Premiums for ■ Post 65: 100% ■ Post 65: 50% ■ Post 65: 50% PEMHCA
Medical, ■ Retiree and ■ Retiree and ■ Retiree and Minimum
Dental & dependents dependents spouse ■ Dental &
z Tier III General and MCSG employees hired between 6/30/09 and 4/18/13 will have 100%of the dental premium paid by
the District until age 65 for the retiree and qualified dependents.
April 21,2021 2
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General Employees, Management Support/
Confidential MSCG , Manage ent & Unre .
Tier I Tier II Tier III Board of
fired<5/1/85 Hired 5/1/85-6/30/09 Hired>6/30/09 Directors
■ Life Insurance ■ 50% of active ■ $10,000 ■ None ■Tier I -
coverage $25,000
■Tier II-$10,00
■ Elected
$10,000 self-
■ Medicare ■ 100% District paid for retiree and ■ None ■ None
Part B eligible dependent
■ Surviving ■ Benefits continue to qualified surviving dependents of active
Spouse & employees or retirees
April 21,2021 3
■ Pay-As-You- Cash Benefits Implied
Go Costs Medical Dental Life Subsidy Total
2019/20 $3,119,542 $303,337 $114,981 $607,795 $4,145,654
2018/19 4,440,116 326,085 116,239 815,000 5,697,440
2017/18 4,463,803 334,003 25,943 748,000 5,571,750
2016/17 4,372,618 350,058 25,951 656,000 5,404,628
2015/16 4,192,063 375,784 28,032 564,000 5,159,879
2014/15 4,306,105 384,769 28,212 595,000 5,314,087
2013/14 3,991,877 378,939 42,824 556,000 4,969,641
2012/13 3,867,854 375,913 43,329 536,000 4,823,096
April 21,2021 4 JfiffiL
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■ For PEMHCA, employer cost for allowing retirees to participate at active rates.
• General trend:
$300 25 30 1 35 1 40 1 45 50 55 1 60 1 64
*Blended Premium 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
-WCOSOyAge 400 420 460 500 1 550 1 600 1640 700 800
• Sample active age 40, retire age 60:
Premiums PEMHCA Cost of
$600 Active --___ -► $500 Active
$600 Retiree --' --'-. $700 Retiree
April 21,2021 5
■ GASB defers to actuarial standards of practice.
■ Actuarial Standards of Practice No. 63 (ASOP 6) allowed community rated plans to
value liability using premiums, resulting in no implied subsidy.
■ In May 2014, Actuarial Standards Board released revised ASOP 6:
• Requires implied subsidy valued for community rated plans such as PEMHCA.
• Timing: effective with all valuations on or after March 31, 2015
■ Valuation includes the implied subsidy.
3 Measuring Retiree Group Benefits Obligations and Determining Retiree Group Benefits Plan Costs or Contributions.
April 21,2021 6
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7/1/10 7/1/12 7/1/14 7/1/16 7/1/18 7/1/20
■ Counts
• Tier I 19 4 2 2 1 1
• Tier II 219 197 174 163 135 113
• Tier III 14 41 83 114 138 157
• Total 252 242 259 279 274 271
■ Average
• Age 47.0 46.2 46.0 46.5 46.1 46.5
• District Service 11.1 10.2 9.6 10.2 10.3 10.5
• CCCERA 12.5 11.2 10.2 11.3 11.5 12.4
• Pay $87,900 $87,300 $98,900 $110,100 $115,500 $128,200
■ Total Payroll 22,159 21,116 25,625 30,715 31,635 34,750
($000 s)
April 21,2021 7
7/1/10 7/1/12 7/1/14 7/1/16 7/1/18 7/1/20
■ Counts
• Tier 1 172 177 171 161 154 148
• Tier II 44 64 78 87 111 130
• Tier III - - - - - -
• Total 216 241 249 248 265 278
■ Average
• Age 67.5 67.3 68.1 69.4 70.0 70.8
• Retirement Age
➢ Service 57.1 57.1 57.0 57.2 57.6 57.6
➢Disability 52.6 52.6 52.5 52.5 53.1 53.1
April 21,2021 8
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Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Valuation Date ■ July 1, 2018 ■ July 1, 2020
■ Fiscal Years 2019/20 & 2020/21 ■ Fiscal Years 2021/22 & 2022/23
■ Funding Policy ■ Pre-fund full ADC with PARS ■ Same
Moderate Portfolio
■ General ■ 2.75% annually ■ 2.75% annually
Inflation ■ Same as CCCERA 12/31/17 ■ Same as CCCERA 12/31/19
valuation assumption valuation assumption
■ Discount Rate ■ 5.75% ■ Same
■ 55% confidence level
■ Retirement, ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
Termination, assumption assumption
Disability, (2012-14 Experience Study) (2015-17 Experience Study)
(*BAApril 21,2021 9
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Marital Status ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
at Retirement assumption assumption
(2012-14 Experience Study) (2015-17 Experience Study)
• Males- 75% married • Males-65% married
• Females- 50% married • Females- 50% married
■ Medical Trend Increase from Prior Year Increase from Prior Year
Post- Post-
Pre- Post- Calendar Pre- Medicare Medicare
Fiscal Year Medicare Medicare Year Medicare Kaiser Other
2018/19 Actual 2018/19 Premiums 2019 n/a
2019/20 7.50% 6.50% 2020 Actual 2020 Premiums
2020/21 7.25% 6.30% 2021 Actual 2021 Premiums
2021/22 7.00% 6.10% 2022 7.00% 5.00% 6.10%
2022/23 6.75% 5.90% 2023 6.75% 4.85% 5.90%
2023/24 6.50% 5.70% 2024 6.50% 4.70% 5.70%
2024/25 6.25% 5.50% 2025 6.25% 4.60% 5.50%
2025/26 6.00% 5.30% 2026 6.00% 4.50% 5.30%
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2075/76+ 4.00% 4.00% 2076+ 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
B �'�
April 21,2021 10
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ASSETS Page 9 of 16
Asset Allocation
June 30, 2020
PARS Moderate
Investment Policy
Asset Class Target Range
■ Equity 50% 40% - 60%
■ Fixed Income 45% 40% - 60%
■ Cash 5% 0% - 20%
■ Total 100%
('BAApril 21,2021 11
Discount Rate Development
PARS Moderate Allocation
50% 55% 60%
Confidence Confidence Confidence
Limit Limit Limit
■ Expected Return 6.27% 6.00% 5.72%
■ Investment Expenses 0� 30%) 0� 30%) 0( 30%)
■ Net Return 5.97% 5.70% 5.42%
■ Assumption 6.00% 5.75% 5.50%
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ASSETS Page10 o146
Market Value of Plan Assets
(Amounts in 000's)
2018/19 2019/20 2020/214
■Market Value $ 59,597 $ 65,926 $ 69,849
(Beginning of Year
• Employer Contributions 1,583 1,250 -
• Benefit Payments6 - - -
• Investment Earnings 4,921 2,995 10,245
• Adjustment - (139)
• Expenses (174) (183) (199)
■Market Value 65,926 69,849 79,895
(End of Year
■Approximate Annual Return 8.1% 4.5% 14.7%
a Actual assets at 2/28/21 of$80,102,483 projected to 6/30/21 assuming additional estimated expenses,but no additional
contributions or investment earnings,from 2/28/21 to 6/30/21.
s District contributes ADC less expected benefit payments to the trust.
6 Benefit payments made outside of trust.
April 21,2021 13
Actuarial Value of Plan Assets
(Amounts in 000's)
2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
■Actuarial Value $ 59,356 $ 64,703 $ 69,623
(Beginning of Year
• Employer Contribution 1,583 1,250 -
• Benefit Payments/Adjustments - (139) -
• Expected Investment Return 3,458 3,752 4,003
■Expected AVA(End of Year) 64,397 69,566 73,626
■MVA (End of Year) 65,926 69,849 79,895
■Preliminary AVA7 64,703 69,623 74,880
• Minimum AVA (80% of MVA) 52,741 55,880 63,916
• Maximum AVA (120% of MVA) 79,111 83,819 95,874
■Actuarial Value 64,703 69,623 74,880
End of Year
■Approximate Annual Return 6.3% 5.8% 7.6%
7(f;�ted AVA plus 20%of the difference between the MVA and expected AVA.
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ASSETS Page 11 of 46
Historical Asset Changes
(Amounts in 000's)
$10,000 ..... ..... ... ..... ........................ .............................. ..... ..... -
$9,000 ----------------------------- - -------------------------------
$6,000 --------
❑Contributions ❑Net Return ❑Benefits Paid
(B—A)April 21,2021 15
Historical Annalized Asset Returns
18% ..... .................................................................................
16% ..... ...................................................
8% ..... ��` .>-._. .-
6/0 ..... ............................................ '-
4% ..... ................................................. ......................................................
2% ..... ......................................................
0% ..... ...................................................
(2%) 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20
fMVA 4.3% 17.5% 2.5% 10.7% 13.5% 2.8% 0.5%110.6%16.4%18.1% 14.5%
—Expected Return 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 6.250 o 6.25%6.25%6.25%6.25%6.25%5.75%5.75%
-f•AVA 6.0% 8.8% 6.8% 6.3% 8.3% 7.7% 5.6%16.5%16.4%16.3% 15.8%
B A al v
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Page12 of 46
Actuarial Obligations
Amounts in 000's
7/1/20 Valuation
7/1/18 Projected
Valuation 7/1/20 to 7/1/21
■ Present Value of Benefits
• Actives $ 60,675 $ 44,623
• Retirees 64,886 52,678
• Total 125,561 97,301
■ Actuarial Accrued Liability
• Actives 43,249 32,183
• Retirees 64,886 52,678
• Total 108,135 84,861 $ 87,336
■ Actuarial Value of Assets (59,356) 7� 4,880)
■ Unfunded AAL 48,779 15,238 12,456
■ AVA Funded Percent 54.9% 82.0% 85.7%
■ Normal Cost8 2,670 2,004 2,011
■ Expected Pay-Go Cost 5,418 4,360 4,642
a Normal Cost includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees,if applicable.
J 1� April 21,2021 17
Historical Plan Funded Status
(Amounts in 000's)
$100,000 - -
$40,000 ....................... 320//o ._.. .... ....................... ........................
7/1/07 6/30/09 7/1/10 7/1/12 7/1/14 7/1/16 7/1/18 7/1/20
Retiree pay-go o Retiree AAL less pay-go o Active AAL -a-•AVA —A—MVA
X%Funded Ratio
B �
April 21,2021 18
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Estimated Actuarial Gains & Losses
(Amounts in 000's)
■ 7/1/18 Actual $108,135 $59,356 $48,779
■ 7/1/20 Expected 114,442 69,300 45,142
■ Experience Gains/Losses:
• Asset Gain' - 323 (323)
• Demographic & Other Loss 2,158 - 2,158
■ Plan Changes:
• PEMHCA Medical Plans (28,321) - (28,321)
■ Assumption Changes:
• CCCERA 2015 to 2017 Experience Study10 (1,436) - (1,436)
• Kaiser Senior Advantage Trend (1,982) - (1,982)
■ Total Changes (29,581) 323 (29,904)
■ 7/1/20 Actual 84,861 69,623 15,238
v Mainly due to overall investment return slightly higher than expected between 7/1/18 and 6/30/20.
10 $284 gain from change to retirement rates,$170 loss from change to termination rates,$512 loss from changes to mortality
assumption,and$1,834 gain due to change in assumption for marital status at retirement.
1' April 21,2021 19
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• t'
B �
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Page14 of 46
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC)
(Amounts in 000's)
7/1/18 Valuation" 7/1/20 Valuation
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
■ ADC - $
• Normal CoSt12 $ 2,672 $ 2,682 $ 2,004 $ 2,011
• UAAL Amortization 4,641 4,641 1,320 1,320
• Total 7,313 7,323 3,324 3,331
■ UAAL Amortization Years 16 15 14 13
11 2019/20 and 2020/21 ADCs were subsequently revised to reflect the July 1,2019 move to the PEMHCA medical program.
The 2019/20 ADC was reduced to$3.906 million and the 2020/21 ADC was reduced to$3.917 million.
12 2021/22 and 2022/23 Normal Cost include estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees of$169,000 and$176,000
April 21,2021 21
Historical Actuarially Determined Contributions13
(Amounts in 000's)
$a Iti •••I I•• 11,11 11 1' I'I: ,:Ea 11 1 I 1ool1 '1 1!'1
i.-1 1.-4 '-1: '.'1: '.1:.1 '_.1¢l _.}', _.i�i '.d4i] 34.1U �r•-' ' '�' '.. .4 '!IE I
■Axnnctiuium 3,a5 i ;I%7 [,Ilii7 ])!Pl 5,',•i .�4 1 ..��l 5.1111 5.49J a 1,4 1 4,11 E i_ 1
AM I......... ...—.. _... I i i
fi.22516.976ifi.976�8.3DD�&:�U�S.lU3�8.111% '�L�, '.x��n ...-]-1 7.524
13 2019/20 and 2020/21 ADCs were subsequently revised to reflect the July 1,2019 move to the PEMHCA medical program. The
2019/20 ADC was reduced to$3.906 million and the 2020/21 ADC was reduced to$3.917 million.
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Proiected Benefit Payments
(Amounts in 000's)
Fiscal Cash Implied
Year Subsidy Subsidy
2021/22 $ 3,762 $ 598 $ 4,360
2022/23 3,978 664 4,642
2023/24 4,124 660 4,784
2024/25 4,399 785 5,184
2025/26 4,554 841 5,395
2026/27 4,616 817 5,433
2027/28 4,771 917 5,688
2028/29 4,816 930 5,746
2029/30 4,921 974 5,895
2030/31 4,987 1,012 5,999
April 21,2021 23
Estimated 10-Year Full ADC Pre-Funding Illustration
(Amounts in 000's)
Fiscal Benefit Pre-Funding/ Total
Year ADC14 Payments Disbursement Contribution
2021/22 $ 3,324 $ 4,360 $ (1,036) $ 3,324
2022/23 3,331 4,642 (1,311) 3,331
2023/24 3,338 4,784 (1,446) 3,338
2024/25 3,346 5,184 (1,838) 3,346
2025/26 3,353 5,395 (2,042) 3,353
2026/27 3,359 5,433 (2,074) 3,359
2027/28 3,367 5,688 (2,321) 3,367
2028/29 3,374 5,746 (2,372) 3,374
2029/30 3,381 5,895 (2,514) 3,381
2030/31 3,388 5,999 2,611 3,388
Includes estimated administrative fees.
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Page 16 of 46
Actuarial Obligations by Cash/Implied Subsidy
July 1, 2020
(Amounts in 000's)
Cash Subsidy Total
■Present Value of Benefits
• Actives $ 33,408 $ 11,215 $ 44,623
• Retirees 45,572 7,106 52,678
• Total 78,980 18,321 97,301
■Actuarial Accrued Liability
• Actives 24,766 7,417 32,183
• Retirees 45,572 7,106 52,678
• Total 70,338 14,523 84,861
■Actuarial Value of Assets15 (57,708) (11,915) (69,623)
■Unfunded AAL 12,630 2,608 15,238
■Normal Cost 2021/22 16 1,411 593 2,004
■Pa Go Costs 2021/22 3,762 598 4,360
1s Assets allocated in proportion to Actuarial Accrued Liability.
16 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
(J)April 21,2021 25
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) by Cash/Implied Subsidy
FY 2021/22
(Amounts in 000's)
Cash Subsidy Total
■ADC - $
• Normal Cost17 $ 1,411 $ 593 $ 2,004
• UAAL Amortization 1,087 233 1,320
• Total 2,498 826 3,324
■PayGo Costs 3,762 598 4,360
17 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
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Actuarial Obligations by Tier
July 1, 2020
(Amounts in 000's)
Tier I Tier II Tier III Total
■Present Value of Benefits
• Actives $ 393 $ 30,317 $ 13,913 $ 44,623
• Retirees 26,486 26,192 - 52,678
• Total 26,879 56,509 13,913 97,301
■Actuarial Accrued Liability
• Actives 386 25,675 6,122 32,183
• Retirees 26,486 26,192 - 52,678
• Total 26,872 51,867 6,122 84,861
■Actuarial Value of Assets18 (26,689) (39,711) (3,223) (69,623)
■Unfunded AAL 183 12,156 2,899 15,238
■Normal Cost (2021/22)19 53 910 1,041 2,004
■Pa Go Costs 2021/22) 1,877 2,449 34 4,360
18 Assets were first allocated to retiree AAL with the remainder allocated based on active AAL.
i9 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
J 1� April 21,2021 27
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) by Tier
FY 2021/22
(Amounts in 000's)
Tier I Tier II Tier III Total
■ADC - $
• Normal Cost20 $ 53 $ 910 $ 1,041 $ 2,004
• UAAL Amortization - Actives 15 1,028 277 1,320
• Subtotal-Active ADC 68 1,938 1,318 3,324
• UAAL Amortization - Retirees - - - -
• Total ADC 68 1,938 1,318 3,324
■Number of Actives 1 113 157 271
■Active ADC Per Capita 68 17 8 12
■PayGo Costs 1,877 2,449 34 4,360
21 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
, 1' April 21,2021 28
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Page18 of 46
Actuarial Obligations by Benefit Type - July 1, 2020
(Amounts in 000's)
Medical21 Dental Life Subsidy Total
■Present Value of Benefits
• Actives $ 30,880 $ 2,347 $ 181 $ 11,215 $ 44,623
• Retirees 38,983 3,874 2,715 7,106 52,678
• Total 69,863 6,221 2,896 18,321 97,301
■Actuarial Accrued Liability
• Actives 22,928 1,676 162 7,417 32,183
• Retirees 38,983 3,874 2,715 7,106 52,678
• Total 61,911 5,550 2,877 14,523 84,861
■Actuarial Value of Assets22 (50,7941 (4,553) (2,361) (11,915) (69,623)
■Unfunded AAL 11,117 997 516 2,608 15,238
■Normal Cost 2021/22 23 1,294 108 9 593 2,004
■Pa Go Costs (2021/22) 3,297 312 153 598 4,360
21 Includes vision.
2' Assets allocated in proportion to Actuarial Accrued Liability.
23 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
(PPAprit 21,2021 29
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) by Benefit Type24
(Amounts in 000's)
FY 2021/22
Medical Dental Life Subsidy TOM
■ADC - $
• Normal Cost $ 1,294 $ 108 $ 9 $ 593 $ 2,004
• UAAL Amortization 958 85 44 233 1,320
• Total 2,252 193 53 826 3,324
■Pa Go Costs 3,297 312 153 598 4,360
FY 2022/23
Medical I Dental Life Subsidy Total
■ADC - $
• Normal Cost $ 1,300 $ 108 $ 9 $ 594 $ 2,011
• UAAL Amortization 958 85 44 233 1,320
• Total 2,258 193 53 827 3,331
■Pa Go Costs 3,493 325 160 664 4,642
' Normal Cost includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees. Medical includes vision.
April 21,2021 30
April 27, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 184 of 217
Page19 of 46
Actuarial Cost Method Sensitivity
Discount Rate 5.75%
Amounts in 000's
EAN Cost Method
Valuation Sensitivity
Level Dollar Level % of Pa
■Present Value of Benefits 7/1/20 $ 97,301 $ 97,301
■Funded Status 7/1/20
• Actuarial Accrued Liability 84,861 80,810
• Assets (69,623) 69 623
• Unfunded AAL 15,238 11,187
■2021/22 ADC - $
• Normal Cost25 2,004 2,319
• UAAL Amortization 1,320 751
. Total 3,324 3,070
■Projected 2021/22 Payroll 35,793 35,793
■2021/22 ADC - % of Payroll 9.3% 8.6%
25 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
(BOAD April 21,2021 31
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• t'
B �
April 21,2021 32
April 27, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 185 of 217
Page 20 of 46
Generic Actuarial Cost Method Comparison
ADC as a $ Amount
o --- ------------------------------------------
Level $
April 21,2021 33
Generic Actuarial Cost Method Comparison
ADC as a % of Pay
Level $
----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4* Level %
------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
17� April 21,2021 34
April 27, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 186 of 217
Page 21 of 46
Discount Rate Sensitivity
(Amounts in 000's)
Discount Rate
5.50% 5.75% 6.00%
■Present Value of Benefits 7/1/20 $ 101,092 $ 97,301 $ 93,741
■Funded Status 7/1/20
• Actuarial Accrued Liability 87,657 84,861 82,210
• Assets (69,623) (69,623) (69,623)
• Unfunded AAL 18,034 15,238 12,587
■2021/22 ADC - $
• Normal Cost26 2,113 2,004 1,902
• UAAL Amortization 1,622 1,320 1,033
• Total 3,735 3,324 2,935
■Projected 2021/22 Payroll 35,793 35,793 35,793
■2021/22 ADC - % of Payroll 10.4% 9.3% 8.2%
26 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
(BOAD April 21,2021 35
Medical Trend Sensitivity
(Amounts in 000's)
Current Medical Trend
Valuation All Years
■Present Value of Benefits 7/1/20 $ 97,301 $ 113,177
■Funded Status 7/1/20
• Actuarial Accrued Liability 84,861 97,230
• Assets (69,623) (69,623)
• Unfunded AAL 15,238 27,607
■2021/22 ADC - $
• Normal Cost27 2,004 2,456
• UAAL Amortization 1,320 2,753
• Total 3,324 5,209
■Projected 2021/22 Payroll 35,793 35,793
■2021/22 ADC - % of Payroll 9.3% 14.6%
21 Includes estimated PARS and PEMHCA administrative fees.
April 21,2021 36 JfiffiL
April 27, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 187 of 217
Page 22 of 46
Bartel Associates OPEB Database
Sample Percentile Graph
50% — 95th Percentile
40% — 75th Percentile
35% 50%of 90%of
0. results results
are are
q 30% —50th Percentile within within
this this
p., range range
20% 25th Percentile
10% 5th Percentile
April 21,2021 37
Bartel Associates OPEB Database
120% ------------------------------ ------------------------- --------------------------
100% -------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------
80% -----__---__ -__ -__ -__-- ---------------------- -------------------------------------
a 60%
20% ..—.—..—.—..—.—.._..._........_..—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.._..._...
95th Percentile 124% 125%
75thPercentile 78% 78%
50thPercentile 55% 55%
25thPercentile 34% 33%
5th Percentile 8% 8%
Funded Ratio 82% 82%
Percentile 79% 77%
Discount Rate=5.75%
B �
April 21,2021 38
April 27, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 188 of 217
Page 23 of 46
This report presents the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Retiree Healthcare Plan("Plan")July 1,2020
actuarial valuation. The purpose of this valuation is to:
■ Determine the Plan's July 1,2020 Funded Status,and
■ Calculate the 2021/22 and 2022/23 Actuarially Determined Contributions.
Information provided in this report may be useful to the District for the Plan's financial management. Future
valuations may differ significantly if the Plan's experience differs from our assumptions or if there are changes in
Plan design,actuarial methods,or actuarial assumptions. The project scope did not include an analysis of this
potential variation.
The valuation is based on Plan provisions,participant data,and asset information provided by the District as
summarized in this report,which we relied on and did not audit. We reviewed the participant data for
To the best of our knowledge,this report is complete and accurate and has been conducted using generally
accepted actuarial principles and practices. As members of the American Academy of Actuaries meeting the
Academy Qualification Standards,we certify the actuarial results and opinions herein.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Pryor,ASA,EA,MAAA Catherine A.Wandro,ASA,MAAA,FCA
Vice President Assistant Vice President
Bartel Associates,LLC Bartel Associates,LLC
April 21,2021 April 21,2021
)April 21 2021 39
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April O�Ar#%dW FINANCE Committee Meeting9Qgenda Packet- Page 189 of 217
Page 24 of 46
2020 PEMHCA Monthly Medical Premiums
Region 1
Non-Medicare Eli ible Medicare Eligible
Medical Plan Single 2-Party Family Single 2-Party Family
Anthem Select $ 868.98 $ 1,737.96 $2,259.35 $ 388.15 $ 776.30 $1,164.45
Anthem Traditional 1,184.84 2,369.68 3,080.58 388.15 776.30 1,164.45
Blue Shield Access+ 1,127.77 2,255.54 2,932.20 n/a n/a n/a
Blue Shield Trio 833.00 1,666.00 2,165.80 n/a n/a n/a
Health Net SmartCare 1,000.52 2,001.04 2,601.35 n/a n/a n/a
Kaiser 768.49 1,536.98 1,998.07 339.43 678.86 1,018.29
UnitedHealthcare 899.94 1,799.88 2,339.84 327.03 654.06 981.09
Western Health Advantage 731.96 1,463.92 1,903.10 n/a n/a n/a
PERS Choice 861.18 1,722.36 2,239.07 351.39 702.78 1,054.17
PERS Select 520.29 1,040.58 1,352.75 351.39 702.78 1,054.17
PERSCare 1,133.14 2,266.28 2,946.16 384.78 769.56 1,154.34
)April 21 2021 E-1
2021 PEMHCA Monthly Medical Premiums
Region 1
Non-Medicare Eli ible Medicare Eligible
Medical Plan Single 2-Party Family Single 2-Party Family
Anthem Select $ 925.60 $ 1,851.20 $ 2,406.56 $ 383.37 $ 766.74 $ 1,150.11
Anthem Traditional 1,307.86 2,615.72 3,400.44 383.37 766.74 1,150.11
Blue Shield Access+ 1,170.08 2,340.16 3,042.21 n/a n/a n/a
Blue Shield Trio 880.50 1,761.00 2,289.30 n/a n/a n/a
Health Net SmartCare 1,120.21 2,240.42 2,912.55 n/a n/a n/a
Kaiser 813.64 1,627.28 2,115.46 324.48 648.96 973.44
UnitedHealthcare 941.17 1,882.34 2,447.04 311.56 623.12 934.68
Western Health Advantage 757.02 1,514.04 1,968.25 n/a n/a n/a
PERS Choice 935.84 1,871.68 2,433.18 349.97 699.94 1,049.91
PERS Select 566.67 1,133.34 1,473.34 349.97 699.94 1,049.91
PERSCare 1,294.69 2,589.38 3,366.19 381.25 762.50 1,143.75
A ril'L� O�ArI� �fd FINANCE Committee Meetin E enda Packet- Page 190 of 217
p � 9 � g
Page 25 of 46
Retiree Dental, Vision & Life Premiums
Effective January 1, 2020
Plan Single 2-Party Family
Delta Dental $66.40 $116.60 $186.10
Vision 7.70 13.60 15.70
Life $0.315 per $1,000 of coverage
Effective January 1, 2021
1 Plan Single 2-Party Family
Delta Dental $65.70 $115.40 $182.20
Vision 7.70 13.60 15.70
Life $0.315 per $1,000 of coverage
April 21,2021 E-3
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April O�Ar#%dW FINANCE Committee Meeting%enda Packet- Page 191 of 217
Page 26 of 46
Active Participant Statistics
July 1, 2020 Valuation
General MSCG Mgmt Board28 Total
■ Count
• Tier I - 1 - - 1
• Tier II 62 44 5 2 113
• Tier III 89 55 11 2 157
• Total 151 100 16 4 271
■ Average:
• Age29 46.0 46.4 48.1 66.8 46.5
• District Service 9.7 11.9 8.9 13.6 10.5
• CCCERA Service 10.9 14.0 15.8 13.6 12.4
• Pay $113,198 $141,997 $214,983 $4,40030 $128,229
■ Total Payroll (OOO's) 17,093 14,200 3,440 18 34,750
28 One Board member is a retiree receiving retiree healthcare benefits. The remaining four Board members in the data were
elected after 1/1/95 and retiree healthcare benefits are self-pay only.
29 Average age by Tier: Tier I—54.6,Tier II—50.3,and Tier III—43.8.
3o Assumed 24 board meetings at$185 per meeting.
(B)April 21,2021 E-5
Active Participant Statistics
July 1, 2018 Valuation
General MSCG Mgmt Board31 Total
■ Count
• Tier I - 1 - - 1
• Tier II 79 48 6 2 135
• Tier III 78 47 11 2 138
• Total 157 96 17 4 274
■ Average Age32 45.7 45.6 47.9 64.8 46.1
■ Average District Service 9.8 11.5 8.0 11.6 10.3
■ Average CCCERA Service 10.5 12.9 12.7 11.6 11.5
■ Average Pay $102,500 $127,300 $194,100 $4,40033 $115,500
■ Total Payroll (OOO's) 16,095 12,223 3,299 18 31,635
31 One Board member is a current retiree receiving retiree healthcare benefits. The remaining four Board members were
elected after 1/1/95 and retiree healthcare benefits are self-pay only.
32 Average age by Tier: Tier 1—52.6,Tier 2—49.6,and Tier 3—42.6.
33 Assumed 24 board meetings at$185 per meeting.
A riI 0nr# @W FINANCE Committee Meetin enda Packet- Pa
p E e 192 of 217� 9 � g
Page 27 of 46
Retiree Participant Statistics
July 1, 2020 Valuation
General MSCG M mt Board Total
■ Count
• Tier I 82 50 16 - 148
• Tier II 76 42 11 1 130
• Tier III - - - - -
• Total 158 92 27 1 278
■ Average Age 71.5 69.0 72.1 72.8 70.8
■ Average Retirement Age
• Service 57.3 58.0 57.7 65.2 57.6
• Disability 53.8 51.7 n/a n/a 53.1
)April 21 2021 E-7
Retiree Participant Statistics
July 1, 2018 Valuation
General MSCG M mt Board Total
■ Count
• Tier I 87 51 16 - 154
• Tier 11 63 37 10 1 111
• Tier III - - - - -
• Total 150 88 26 1 265
■ Average Age 71.2 67.8 70.7 70.8 70.0
■ Average Retirement Age
• Service 57.1 58.1 57.8 65.2 57.6
• Disability 53.8 51.7 n/a n/a 53.1
Ap ril'L� O�ArI� �fd FINANCE Committee Meetin g �E e 193 of 217 enda Packet- Page g
Page 28 of 46
Medical Plan Participation
Non-Waived Participants
Medical Plan Actives < 65 > 65
Anthem Select 1% 0% 0%
Anthem Traditional 1% 0% 3%
Health Net SmartCare 30% 32% 0%
Kaiser 66% 55% 54%
UnitedHealthcare 0% 0% 29%
PERS Choice 2% 2% 9%
PERS Select 0% 2% 0%
PERSCare 0% 9% 5%
Total 100% 100% 100%
)April 21 2021 E-9
Active Medical Coverage
Medical Plan Region Single 2-Party Family Waived Total
Anthem Select 1 - 1 1 - 2
Anthem Traditional 1 1 - 1 - 2
Health Net SmartCare 1 18 15 46 - 79
Kaiser 1 23 44 107 - 174
UnitedHealthcare 1 - - 1 - 1
PERS Choice 1 - 1 5 - 6
Waived - - - 7 7
Total 42 61 161 7 271
April FINANCE Committee Meetin�-A@enda Packet- Page 194 of 217
Page 29 of 46
Retiree Medical Coverage
Under Age 65
Medical Plan Region Single 2-Party Family Waived Total
Health Net SmartCare 1 5 12 3 - 20
3 - 1 - - 1
Kaiser 1 7 16 13 - 36
PERS Choice 1 1 - - - 1
PERS Select 1 - 1 - - 1
PERSCare OOS 2 3 1 - 6
Waived - - - 5 5
Total 15 33 17 5 70
)April 21 2021 E-11
Retiree Medical Coverage
Age 65 and Over
Medical Plan Region Single 2-Party Family Waived Total
Anthem Traditional 1 2 1 2 - 5
Kaiser 1 42 49 7 - 98
2 2 1 - - 3
OOS 1 - 1 - 2
UnitedHealthcare 1 25 19 - - 44
2 - 1 - - 1
3 - - 1 - 1
OOS 7 3 - - 10
PERS Choice 1 9 5 2 - 16
OOS - 1 1 - 2
PERSCare 1 2 2 - - 4
OOS 1 3 2 - 6
Waived - - - 16 16
Total 91 85 16 16 208
April(, FINANCE Committee Meetin�Qenda Packet- Page 195 of 217
Page 30 of 46
Dental Coverage
Delta Dental Single 2-Party Family Waived Total
Actives 39 63 166 3 271
Retirees 95 145 32 6 278
Vision Coverage
VSP Single 2-Party Family Waived Total
Actives 39 62 167 3 271
Retirees 84 127 23 44 278
)April 21 2021 E-13
Actives by Age and District Service
District Service
Age < 1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 >25 Total
<25 1 - - - - - - 1
25-29 1 7 1 - - - - 9
30-34 1 8 10 1 1 - - 21
35-39 2 16 16 14 2 - - 50
40-44 2 18 10 7 10 - - 47
45-49 3 9 11 5 6 4 1 39
50-54 1 7 9 10 15 2 4 48
55-59 - 1 11 9 5 3 6 35
60-64 - - 5 1 2 2 3 13
> 65 - - 4 1 3 - - 8
Total 11 66 77 48 44 11 14 271
April FINANCE Committee Meetin�-A6enda Packet- Page 196 of 217
Page 31 of 46
Retiree Healthcare Coverage by Age Group
Age Single 2-Party Family Waived Total
Under 50 1 - - - 1
50-54 1 - 1 - 2
55-59 6 7 8 3 24
60-64 7 26 8 2 43
65-69 22 29 13 5 69
70-74 28 20 3 4 55
75-79 13 20 - 4 37
80-85 17 10 - 2 29
85 & Over 11 6 - 1 18
Total 106 118 33 21 278
Average Age 73.4 70.5 63.6 70.7 70.8
)April 21 2021 E-15
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Medical Trend Increase from Prior Year
Increase from Prior Year Post- Post-
Fiscal Pre- Post- Calendar Pre- Medicare Medicare
Year Medicare Medicare Year Medicare Kaiser Other
2018/19 Actual 18/19 Premiums 2019 n/a
2019/20 7.50% 6.50% 2020 Actual 2020 Premiums
2020/21 7.25% 6.30% 2021 Actual 2021 Premiums
2021/22 7.00% 6.10% 2022 7.00% 5.00% 6.10%
2022/23 6.75% 5.90% 2023 6.75% 4.85% 5.90%
2023/24 6.50% 5.70% 2024 6.50% 4.70% 5.70%
2024/25 6.25% 5.50% 2025 6.25% 4.60% 5.50%
2025/26 6.00% 5.30% 2026 6.00% 4.50% 5.30%
2026/27 5.80% 5.15% 2027 5.80% 4.45% 5.15%
2027/28 5.60% 5.00% 2028 5.60% 4.40% 5.00%
2028/29 5.40% 4.85% 2029 5.40% 4.35% 4.85%
2029/30 5.20% 4.70% 2030 5.20% 4.30% 4.70%
30/31-34/35 5.05% 4.60% 2031-35 5.05% 4.25% 4.60%
35/36-44/45 4.90% 4.50% 2036-45 4.90% 4.20% 4.50%
45/46-54/55 4.75% 4.45% 2046-55 4.75% 4.15% 4.45%
55/56-64/65 4.60% 4.40% 2056-65 4.60% 4.10% 4.40%
65/66-74/75 4.30% 4.20% 2066-75 4.30% 4.05% 4.20%
2075/76+ 4.00% 4.00% 2076+ 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
April,O�Ar'I��g�f�d FINANCE Committee Meetin�-Abenda Packet- Page 197 of 217
Page 32 of 46
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Medicare Fiscal Fiscal
Part B Year Increase from Prior Year Year Increase from Prior Year
Premiums 2018/19 Actual Premiums 2019 n/a
2019/20 3.70% 2020 Actual Premiums
2020/21 4.40% 2021 Actual Premiums
2021/22 5.10% 2022 5.10%
2022/23+ Same as Medicare 2023+ Same as Medicare
Medical Trend Medical Trend
■ Dental and ■ 3.75% ■ Same
Vision Trend
■ Life Insurance ■ 0% ■ Same
■ PARS ■ 0.20% of beginning of year ■ Same
Administrative Market Value of Assets added
Fee to Normal Cost
)April 21 2021 E-17
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ PEMHCA ■ N/A ■ 0.24% of PEMHCA Premiums
Administrative ■ Added to Normal Cost
■ 2018/19 ■ Sample monthly claims costs used in 2018 valuation:
Age-Related Health Net Health Net
Claims Costs— Plan Kaiser HMO HMO PPO
Implied Age M F M F M F
Subsidy 30 $301 $646 $535 $1,148 $653 $1,148
Estimate 40 450 654 799 1,162 1,024 1,312
50 741 812 1,317 1,443 1,623 1,634
60 1,229 1,159 2,186 2,060 2,321 2,163
64 1,495 1,366 2,658 2,429 2,773 2,501
April FINANCE Committee Meetin�-A6enda Packet- Page 198 of 217
Page 33 of 46
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ 2021 ■ Sample monthly claims costs used in 2020 valuation:
Age-Related PEMHCA Region 1
Claims Costs— HMO HealthNet United
PEMHCA Plan Kaiser SmartCare Healthcare
Implied Age M F M F M F
Subsidy 30 $330 $590 $419 $751 $380 $680
Estimate 40 449 712 572 907 518 821
50 682 891 867 1,136 786 1,029
60 1,138 1,192 1,447 1,519 1,311 1,376
64 1,346 1,334 1,713 1,700 1,552 1,540
Plan PERS Choice PERS Select PERSCare
Age M F M F M F
30 $300 $570 $220 $437 $389 $726
40 425 700 321 540 545 887
50 674 891 522 695 853 1,123
60 1,173 1,220 928 963 1,466 1,525
64 1,399 1,373 1,110 1,086 1,743 1,713
)April 21 2021 E-19
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Mortality ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
assumption (2012-14 assumption (2015-17
Experience Study) Experience Study)
■ Service Retirees & ■ Pre-Retirement: PUB-2010
Beneficiaries: RP-2014 General Employee Amount-
■ Disabled Retirees: RP-2014, +8 Weighted Above-Median
■ Service Retirees: PUB-2010
General Healthy Retiree
Amount-Weighted Above-
■ Beneficiaries: PUB-2010
Contingent Survivor Amount-
Weighted Above-Median (105%)
■ Disabled Retirees: PUB-2010
Non-Safety Disabled Retiree
Amount-Weighted (105% M,
100% F)
April(, FINANCE Committee Meetin�-A@enda Packet- Page 199 of 217
Page 34 of 46
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Mortality ■ Projected generationally with ■ Projected generationally with
Improvement the two-dimensional MP-2015 the two-dimensional MP-2018
Scale projection scale projection scale
■ Termination ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
assumption (2012-14 assumption (2015-17
Experience Study) Experience Study)
■ Based on Service: ■ Based on Service:
Service General Service General
0 13.50% 0 14.00%
1 9.25% 1 9.50%
2 9.00% 2 9.25%
3 6.00% 3 6.50%
4 4.50% 4 5.25%
5 4.25% 5 5.00%
10 2.75% 10 3.25%
15 2.10% 15 2.25%
20+ 1.50% 20+ 1.25%
)April 21 2021 E-21
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Disability ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
Retirement assumption (2012-14 Experience assumption (2015-17 Experience
Study) Study)
CCCERA General ■ No change
Age Tiers 1 and PEPRA
20 0.01%
25 0.02%
30 0.04%
35 0.08%
40 0.22%
45 0.36%
50 0.52%
55 0.60%
60 0.60%
65 0.60%
70 0.60%
April FINANCE Committee Meetin�-Qenda Packet- Page 200 of 217
Page 35 of 46
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Service ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
Retirement assumption (2012-14 assumption (2015-17
Experience Study) Experience Study)
Tier 1 Tier 1(Enhanced)
Age (Enhanced) PEPRA Age <30 Yrs >30 Yrs PEPRA
50 5% 0% 50 5% 9.0% 0%
51 4% 0% 51 4% 7.2% 0%
52 5% 2% 52 4% 7.2% 2%
53 5% 3% 53 4% 7.2% 3%
54 14% 3% 54 12% 21.6% 3%
55 20% 5% 55 15% 27.0% 5%
60 28% 10% 60 25% 30.0% 8%
65 35% 25% 65 35% 35.0% 25%
70 50% 50% 70 35% 35.0% 40%
75 100% 100% 75 100% 100% 100%
■ Expected Retirement Age: ■ Expected Retirement Age:
General Tier 1 (Enh.) z 56.6 General Tier 1 (Enh.) z 58.6
General PEPRA z 61.4 General PEPRA z 61.9
)April 21 2021 E-23
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Participation at ■ Currently Covered— 100% ■ Same
Retirement ■ Currently Waived—95%
■ Self-pay Board members— 50%
■ Medical Plan ■ Currently Covered— current ■ Same
at Retirement plan election
■ Currently Waived—Kaiser
■ Waived ■ N/A ■ None will re-elect medical
Retirees coverage in the future
■ Medicare ■ 100% ■ Same
Eligibility ■ Everyone eligible for Medicare
will elect Part B coverage
■ Marital Status ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
at Retirement assumption (2012-14 assumption (2015-17
Experience Study) Experience Study)
. Males—75% married . Males—65% married
. Females— 50% married . Females— 50% married
April(, FINANCE Committee Meetin�-A6enda Packet- Page 201 of 217
Page 36 of 46
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Spouse Age ■ Actives: ■ Same
. Males 3 years older than
. Females 2 years younger than
■ Retirees - spouse birth date
■ Dependents at ■ 25% have family coverage until ■ Same
Retirement age 65
■ Aggregate ■ N/A for Level Dollar results ■ N/A for Level Dollar results
Payroll ■ 3.00% for Level % of Pay ■ 3.00% for Level % of Pay
Increases for sensitivity results, inflation plus sensitivity results, inflation plus
Sensitivity 0.25% 0.25%
■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
assumption is 3.25%, inflation assumption is 3.25%, inflation
plus 0.50% plus 0.50%
)April 21 2021 E-25 ago&
Assumption July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Merit Payroll ■ N/A for Level Dollar results ■ N/A for Level Dollar results
Increases for ■ CCCERA 12/31/17 valuation ■ CCCERA 12/31/19 valuation
Sensitivity assumption (2012-14 assumption (2015-17
Experience Study) Experience Study)
Service General Service General Service General Service General
0 10.00% 8 1.25% 0 12.00% 11 1.10%
1 7.25% 9 1.20% 1 7.00% 12 1.00%
2 5.25% 10 1.15% 2 5.25% 13 0.90%
3 3.75% 11 1.10% 3 3.75% 14 0.80%
4 2.75% 12 1.00% 4 2.75% 15 0.75%
5 2.25% 13 0.90% 5 2.25% 16 0.70%
6 1.75% 14 0.80% 6 1.75% 17 0.65%
7 1.50% 15+ 0.75% 7 1.50% 18 0.60%
■ Added to aggregate payroll 8 1.40% 19 0.55%
increase assumption for Level 9 1.300 0 20+ 0.50%
% of Pay of sensitivity results 10 1.20/o
■ Added to aggregate payroll
increase assumption for Level
% of Pay of sensitivity results
April(, FINANCE Committee Meetin�-Abenda Packet- Page 202 of 217
Page 37 of 46
Assumption July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Basis for ■ CCCERA 2015 to 2017 experience study was used since covered
Assumptions employees are in CCCERA plan
■ Inflation based on our estimate for the Plan's long-term time horizon
■ Short-term medical trend was developed in consultation with Axene
Health Partners' healthcare actuaries.
■ Long-term medical trend developed using Society of Actuaries'
Getzen Model of Long-Run Medical Cost Trends.
■ Age-based claims are based on tables published by the Society of
Actuaries and tables developed by Axene Health Partners based on
demographic data for the CalPERS health plans provided by
CalPERS and Axene's proprietary AHP Cost Model
■ Participation and coverage based in part on Plan experience
■ Capital market assumptions for the recommended discount rate are
based on our study of investment advisor 10-year 2017 capital
market assumptions adjusted in some cases to reflect anticipated
long-term trends
)April 21 2021 E-27
Method July 1, 2018 Valuation July 1, 2020 Valuation
■ Cost Method ■ Entry Age Normal, Level Dollar
■ Sensitivity—Level % of Pay
■ Actuarial Value of ■ Investment gains and losses spread over a 5-year rolling
Assets period
■ Not less than 80% nor more than 120% of market value
■ Amortization Method ■ Level dollar
■ Sensitivity—Level % of pay
■ Amortization Period ■ 16-year fixed (closed) ■ 14-year fixed (closed)
period for projected 7/1/19 period for projected 7/l/21
■ Implied Subsidy ■ Employer cost for allowing non-Medicare eligible retirees
to participate at active rates
■ Implied subsidy valued for employee and spouse coverage
■ Future New Entrants ■ Valuation Results—closed group, no new hires
April(, FINANCE Committee Meetin�-Abenda Packet- Page 203 of 217
Page 38 of 46
■ OPEB ■ Project future employer-provided benefit cash flows for current active
Actuarial employees and current retirees
Valuation ■ Discount projected cash flow to valuation date using discount rate(assumed
return on assets used to pay benefits) and other actuarial assumptions to
determine present value of projected future benefits (PVB)
■ Allocate PVB to past, current, and future periods using the actuarial cost
■ Actuarial cost method used for this valuation is the Entry Age Normal Cost
method which determines Normal Cost as a level dollar amount
■ Normal Cost(NC) is amount allocated to current fiscal year for active
■ Actuarial Accrued Liability(AAL) is amount allocated to prior service with
■ Unfunded AAL (UAAL) is AAL less plan assets pre-funded in a segregated
and restricted trust
■ PayGo Cost ■ Cash subsidy is the pay-as-you-go employer benefit payments for retirees
■ Implied subsidy is the difference between the actual cost of retiree benefits
and retiree premiums subsidized by active employee premiums
)April 21 2021 E-29
Present Value of Benefits
Present Value of Benefits Present Value of Benefits
(Without Plan Assets) (With Plan Assets)
Future Future
Normal Normal
Costs Costs
Normal Cost Normal Cost
Unfunded Actuarial Unfunded Actuarial
Accrued Liability Accrued Liability Assets
April QOAr#%6W FINANCE Committee Meetin�A@ enda Packet- Page 204 of 217
Attachment 2
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) to Retiree
Premium Cost (PayGo) Trend
$7,500,000 $7,865,000
$5,573,753 $5,697,440
$4,500,000 $4,642,000
$3,967,334 $4,092,000
$3,906,000 /
$3,500,000 $3,917,000
$3,324,000 $3,331,000
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2022** 2023**
Fiscal Year Ending June 30
tRetiree Premium Costs Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC)
*Per FY 2020-21 Budget,using revised ADC estimates from Bartel
**Per 7/1/20 actuarial valuation
April 27, 2021 Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 205 of 217
Page 40 of 46
SSOCIAI 1:5. l_Lf
Valuation Summary
July 1, 2020 Actuarial Valuation
Doug Pryor, Vice President
Bartel Associates, LLC
April 27, 2021
■ Eligibility ■Retire directly from the District under CCCERA (service/disability)
■Additional OPEB eligibility which varies by hire date
■Medical ■District pays % of medical premium up to highest cost "Core Plan" 1
Benefit (family coverage for Tier I & II; dual coverage Tier III)
■ Tiers vary by hi her date.
Tier I Tier II Tier III
< 5/1/85 5/1/85 - 6/30/09 > 6/30/09
• Pre-65 100% 100% 50%
• Pre-65 100% 50% 50%
■ Other ■ Tier I-III: District pays % of dental and vision
■ Tier I-II: District pays life insurance and Medicare Part B
■Directors benefits differ (e.g. PEMHCA minimum for medical
Pre 65: Kaiser and Health Net SmartCare
Post 65: Kaiser Senior Advantage and UnitedHealtheare
April 27, 2� 12Regular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 206 of 217
Page 41 of 46
Historical Participant Counts
-39 549
500 468 483
400 248 265
260 266 252 242 259 279 274 271
2007 2009 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
■Actives ■Retirees
April 27,2021 2
Historical cash Benefit Payments
$5.0 (in Millions)
$4.7 $4.6 $4.7
$4.3 —
$3.0 —
■Medical ❑Dental ❑Life
Aril l 2021 3
April 27, 21 �egular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 207 of 217
Page 42 of 46
District's PARS OPEB Trust
■ Initiated 2008/09
■ Moderate Portfolio
• 50% equity/45% fixed income/5% cash
• Approximately $70 million at June 30, 2020
■ Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) paid annually
• District has been contributing ADC less benefit payments to Trust
April 27,2021 4
Historical Trust Changes
(in Millions)
$9 - - - -
$S - - -
$7 ---
$6 - - -
$5 - --------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------—
$4 --------- --------- -------- - ---
$3 - -- - - -
$2 - - - --
$1 ......... ......... ........ --------- --------- -------
W Net Return ❑Contributions
(t) AA rill 2021 5
April 27, 2�21 �egular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 208 of 217
Page 43 of 46
Historical Funded Status
(in Millions)
$100 MOO 5100
$80 - ............................................................. ...................
56R S69 'i)
$60 S60
$40 .................. S43.................. ................... ----
ti i6
$20 ti�3
s0 $ Ll
2007 2009 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
f =Retiree Accrued Liability DActive Accrued Liability —Market Value of Assets
April 27,2021 6
Changes Since 2018 Valuation
■ Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability changes
($29.9 million less than expected)
• $28.3 million decrease from move to Ca1PERS Medical Program
• $2.0 million decrease from medical trend change
• $1.8 million increase from plan experience different than expected
• $1.4 million decrease from new CCCERA Experience Study
1 A ril l 2021 7
April 27, 2�21 �egular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 209 of 217
Page 44 of 46
Historical Actuarially Determined Contributions (ADC)
$8.3 $8.3 (in Millions)
58.1 58.1
$S ------ -------- ---------$7-8 -$7 2----------------------------
57.5 $7.5 $7.3 $7.3
$7 $7.0 $7.0
$5 3 $5.4
$5.6 $5 7
ga s
--------- --------- ------- $a i'------- -------- -------- --------
$3.6 $3.3 $3.3
$3 -------- - ----- --------- -------- -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ----
$2 4 f
$2 - - - - -- - -- -
N" � 65
=Normal Cost =UAAL Amortization —Benefit Payments(Cash+Implied Subsidy)
April 27,2021 8
■ District has contributed ADC less benefit payments into PARS Trust
■ Benefit payments currently exceed ADC
■ District can request reimbursement for benefit payments > ADC
■ ADC is effectively still being contributed
117 A rill 2021 9
April 27, 2�21 �egular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 210 of 217
Page 45 of 46
2021/22 Contribution
(Amounts in 000's)
Traditional Equivalent
Approach Alternative
■ Trust Contribution
• ADC (to Trust) $ 3,324 -
• Benefit Payments (from Trust) (4,360) (1,0361
• Net Trust In/(Out) Flow (1,036) (1,036)
■ District Payments
• Trust $ 3,324 (1,036)
• Benefit Payments - 4,360
• Total $ 3,324 $ 3,324
April 27,2021 10
Protected 10-Year Full ADC Pre-Funding
(Amounts in 000's)
Fiscal Benefit Pre-Funding/ Total
Year ADCZ Payments Disbursement Contribution
2021/22 $ 3,324 $ 4,360 $ (1,036) $ 3,324
2022/23 3,331 4,642 (1,311) 3,331
2023/24 3,338 4,784 (1,446) 3,338
2024/25 3,346 5,184 (1,838) 3,346
2025/26 3,353 5,395 (2,042) 3,353
2026/27 3,359 5,433 (2,074) 3,359
2027/28 3,367 5,688 (2,321) 3,367
2028/29 3,374 5,746 (2,372) 3,374
2029/30 3,381 5,895 (2,514) 3,381
2030/31 3,388 5,999 2,611 3,388
2 Includes estimated administrative fees.
1 A ril l 2021 11
April 27, 2�21 �egular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 211 of 217
Page 46 of 46
Ba[tel Associates OPEB Database
M"A A►'A
95th Pe[ren[ile 124% 125%
751h Perrea[[le 78% 78%
50thPercea[ile 55% 55%
25th Percentile 34% 33%
3th Percentile 8% 90/0
Funded Ratio 8244 82ai
PezcentilP 794 774
Discount Rate=5,75%
April 27,2021 12
� tt�
A rill 2021 13
April 27, 2621 �egular FINANCE Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 212 of 217