HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.a. (Handout) Presentation from meeting Item 5.a. (Handout) CONTRACTOR STAGING IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT PROJECT 7375 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AWARD Engineering and Operations Committee Meeting April 20, 2021 r Edgar J. Lopez, P.E. Capital Projects Division Manager BID SUMMARY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $4,000.00 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 Carone&Company, Inc. $3,819,790` I2 McGuire&Hester $4,001,000 3 O.C.Jones&Sons, Inc. $4,249,500 4 NT Construction, Inc. $4,506,700 5 Aztec Consultants,Inc. $4,731,340 Bid non-responsive. Bid Opening: March 18, 2021 z CENTRALSAN 2 1 BID ITEMS 5 AND 6 COMPARISON Bid Item 5Bid Item B Extended Cost Extended Cost Aztec Consultants,Ina $4.9,000 $56,001] McGuire&Hasler $285,000 $12,000 NTK Construction,Inc- $325,000 $44,000 ................. O C Janes&Sons,Inc- $270,00 $20,000 AVERAGE From Bids $334,750 $33,000 Engineers Estimate $325,000 $.35,000 Carone 8,Company.Inc. $112,500 $137,000 • Carone & Company(Carone)submitted a letter on March 18th stating a mistake had occurred in their bid and requested an additional amount of$138,000 with a corrected bid schedule for a total of$3,957,700. l 3 —r CENTRALSAN RECOMMENDING TO REJECT CARONE'S BID • Carone, the apparent low bidder, made significant errors for Bid items#5 and #6 . • Errors are not considered clerical as they impact pricing and the cost of the contract as Carone presented in their letter on March 18th (Attachment 4 of the Position Paper). Therefore, the errors are material. Staff can not recommend an award with material errors and or a contractor corrected bid total. • Carone has written that they would perform the work at the original amount given at bid time. The errors for Bid items#5 and #6 result in unbalanced bid items. These items are the highest risk for project costs and unknown conditions, Central San would be at a disadvantage on Bid item#6. Staff does not recommend awarding a contract with unbalanced items, resulting in a disadvantage that is detrimental to the District as stated in the bid specifications (Volume 1, Part II Instruction to Bidders, Section 8.) �l CENTRALSAN I' a 4 2 BID PROTEST AND PROCEDURES Bidders have no later than 5 p.m. of the fifth (5) business day (March 25th) to submit a protest per the procedures specified: Staff received a timely bid protest from McGuire & Hester (M&H) on March 24. In review of all correspondence, Carone did not follow several of the protest procedures, as follows: A bidder may not rely on the Protest submitted by another bidder, but pursue its own protest in a timely manner. Carone submitted a letter responding to M&H on March 26th and stated "Carone would have to strongly consider a bid protest..." . Carone did not transmit copies to M&H. Staff did not get a protest as defined in the specifications by Carone and anything beyond March 25th is untimely. CENTRALSAN REVIEW OF M&H BID When evaluating bids, the project bid specifications is used by Staff in resolving discrepancies. M&H Bid did contain minor discrepancies (missing written word "Dollars" or I" which are noted and addressed in the bid specifications. These discrepancies are considered clerical and non-material. Staff has reviewed and discussed the pricing provided by M&H and did not find any unbalance between the various contract items. Therefore, staff considers M&H's bid to be responsive and responsible. CENTRALSAN 6 3 SOLIDS PROJECT IMPACT One of the immediate needs for the Contractor Staging Project is for the Large project currently out to bid (Solids Project —$120 Million). • Staff plans to issue an addendum to include a contingency plan in the event of a delay. • The contingency plan will include such items as an alternative entrance and exit for the contractor on Imhoff Drive. Staff will meet with Refinery for use of parking lots. • This plan will alleviate concerns for impacting the Solids project and will be bid as an additive bid item so that the District can possibly delete it later. STAFF RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTIONS • Make findings: • The Project is exempt from CEQA; • Reject the bid by Carone&Company, Inc. • Award the project bids: • Award a construction contract in the amount of$4,001,000 to McGuire&Hester,the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Contractor Staging Improvements, District Project 7375; • Include the additive bid item in the amount of$9,300 for the construction of the Recreational Vehicle(RV)Receiving Station; • Authorize the General Manager to: • Execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements; • Amend an existing agreement with Woodard&Curran to include engineering services during construction in the amount of$50,000, increasing the agreement cost ceiling to$367,000;and • Authorize a Budget Transfer: • Transfer$800,000 from the FY 2020-21 CIB Contingency for the inclusion of the RV Receiving Station and hazardous soil additional budget. ` CENTRAL SAN 8 4 QUESTIONS? 'AI 9 CENTRALSAN 5