HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.a. Committee Minutes-Administration 03-16-21 Page 1 of 8
Item 12.a.
jdf A- hom
April 1, 2021
Attached are minutes of the above Committee meeting.
1. Minutes of 03-16-21 meeting
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ol&)i Cwil ENTRAL SAN
PHONE: (925)228-9500
FAX: (925)372-0192
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 www.centralsan.org
9:00 a.m.
(All attendees participated via videoconference)
Chair David Williams
Member Tad Pilecki
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (joined during Item 4.a.)
Kent Alm, District Counsel (joined during Item 4.a.)
Katie Young, Secretary of the DistrictPhilip Leiber, Director of Finance and
Steve McDonald, Director of Operations
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager (left after
Item 4.a.)
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources and Organizational Development Manager
Kevin Mizuno, Finance Manager (joined during Item 4.a.)
Tim Potter, Environmental Compliance Superintendent (left after Item 4.a.)
Christina Gee, Management Analyst (joined during Item 4.a.)
Terrina Manor, Human Resources Analyst (left after Item 4.a.)
Chris Carpenter, Community Affairs Representative
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician
1. Public Notice Regarding COVID-19
This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the
State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related
to COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on
March 17, 2020 that allowed Board Members, District staff, and the public to
participate in and conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or
both. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could
participate in the meeting.
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2. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Williams called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
3. Public Comments — None.
4. Items for Committee Recommendation to Board
a. Receive update on Classification Study Recommendations - Management
Support/Confidential Group (MS/CG)
Ms. O'Malley reviewed the rationale for the staff-recommended changes
to certain MS/CG classifications, as more fully explained in the
memorandum included with the agenda material.
With regard to the proposed reclassification of the Pump Station
Supervisor(S75) to Chief, Pumping Stations Operations (S81), Chair
Williams noted that, if approved, the salary differential would be about
27% between that position and those it supervises. Ms. O'Malley
explained that salary compaction is taken into consideration when the
differential is less than 10-15%. However, there are instances where the
differential is justifiably higher. For that particular position, Ms. O'Malley
said her group reviewed the extent of competitiveness, the expanded
scope of duties, the position's impact on the organization, as well as
industry comparables. At the time of that review, the position was about
25% below market. Mr. Bailey added that both internal and external
factors were taken into consideration, after which it was deemed
appropriate to move the position to a place of industry competitiveness.
Member Pilecki said he had been involved with other classification studies
and job rewrites during the course of his career, and it can be a thankless
task because management, unions, and individual employees all have
their own perspectives. He thanked Ms. O'Malley for her and her team's
efforts in bringing forth this issue. However, he expressed some concerns
and offered suggestions as follows:
1) Complexity of the Current Employee Classifications. Over the
years, Central San's classifications have become very complex.
Employees are in multiple tiers with different rules applying to each
one, and it has become difficult to manage. Member Pilecki opined
that the Board bears some of the responsibility for that, as do past
management teams, and the bargaining units. He said he bears
some of the responsibility as well, having been president of MS/CG
in the past. He hoped this could be an opportunity to reduce some
of the current complexities.
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2) Primary Goal of the Classification Study. Member Pilecki said one
of the goals the Board sought as part of the classification study was
to reduce the number of classifications. When the classification
recommendations for Employees'Association, Public Employees
Union, Local One (Local 1) were reviewed in January, he believed
that goal was met. The number of classifications was reduced from
62 to 55, primarily by very effectively combining the Engineering
Technician and the Engineering Assistant classifications into a
single group.
3) Suggestions to Consolidate Supervisor and Superintendent
Classifications. Following the Local 1 example, Member Pilecki
suggested combining all S75 supervisors into a single classification
with no descriptor before the title "Supervisor." (Within the job
description, there could be further breakdown by job duties in
various divisions throughout the District.) He said those at the S75
level are not at that grade for their technical abilities, but for their
supervisory responsibilities. He suggested the same for S81
superintendents, including making the proposed Chief, Pumping
Station Operations position a superintendent as well. The result of
implementing these suggestions would reduce the number of
MS/CG classifications by seven.
Ms. O'Malley said the District's naming conventions, which were
developed as part of this class study, define superintendents as
those positions that supervise a function through subordinate
supervisors. She said she was comfortable having titles that
deviate from the naming conventions if the industry standard
supports that deviation. Also, she stated she is trying not to tie
salary grades to titles. Salaries should be paid for the duties tied to
the position. Obviously, there is a desire to standardize and be
consistent wherever possible and the action must make
organizational sense. On the other hand, she said it is important to
recognize that Central San is unique and must balance the
changes within the existing structure.
Member Pilecki reiterated that the current classification structure is
very complex and this was an opportunity to begin making
improvements; otherwise, the structure will become even more
complex. He recognized how much additional staff work will be
involved but said the current proposal, which would result in
$115,000 additional compensation, was not reflective of the
intended goal. For that reason, he said he would be voting no on
the current proposal. He was, however, prepared to support the
new classification for the Senior Community Affairs Representative
if brought forward separately.
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Chair Williams said that from a policy perspective, the Board
bought into the classification study with the primary goal to
consolidate classes. Thus, he tended to agree with Member
Pilecki's comments, despite the additional burden it would put on
staff. He also noted that there are typically salary adjustments
upward and downward as part of a classification study. He was
curious as to whether any of the latter arose from this process. He
asked Tim Potter(the current president of MS/CG) to comment.
Mr. Potter said he wanted to address some comments made earlier
in the meeting. He said MS/CG participated in the naming
conventions, and a lot of the concerns raised during this meeting
were also raised by MS/CG. Some incumbents did not have a
desire to change from superintendent, but the naming convention
drove that decision. He pointed out that the Maintenance
Supervisor classification is a consolidation of several titles into one,
and the same could be done for superintendents. MS/CG
advocated for a title other than Chief, Pumping Stations Operations
because it was opposed to having a supervisor paid 15% higher
than most of the other supervisors. He wanted to go on record that
MS/CG was not advocating for a lot of new classifications.
Mr. Bailey asked if Mr. Potter was saying MS/CG would be
comfortable making the proposed Chief, Pumping Station
Operations a superintendent. Ms. O'Malley instead responded that
the suggestion was driven by Human Resources; however, if the
industry trend is that other organizations call the position a
superintendent, she was comfortable doing so. Member Pilecki
said he would be comfortable with that as well because all
superintendents basically use the same skill set and the term is well
known within the industry.
Ms. O'Malley asked Member Pilecki if he was suggesting that all
S75 supervisors be in the same classification. He said yes, except
for supervisors within the Information Technology division, who are
at a higher-grade level and should have their own classification. In
that case he would use the descriptor "Information Technology"
before the word "Supervisor." At the very least, there may be two
other supervisor classifications, one for operations and another for
all the rest.
Chair Williams said that from a policy perspective, the Committee would
like to see consolidation of classifications as much as possible, despite the
recognition that it would involve more staff effort. Mr. Bailey said he would
work with staff to make changes to gain the Committee's support for
proposed improvements to the current MS/CG classification structure.
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COMMITTEE ACTION: Requested that staff review the proposed
recommendations with a view toward further consolidation of certain
classes for review by the Committee at a future meeting.
5. Other Items
a. Review material in advance of April 15, 2021 public hearing for annual
review of Board Member compensation and benefits
Ms. Young introduced the item, noting that the public hearing would be
scheduled in mid-April for the Board to hold its annual review.
Member Pilecki thanked staff for the comprehensive report included with
the agenda material, stating that it contained everything he needed from a
policy perspective to be able to provide his input at the public hearing.
Chair Williams said he would support keeping the stipend at its current
level in view of the benefits package offered to Board Members.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the information and recommended
holding the public hearing.
b. Discuss potential development of a new Board policy for appointing the
President and President Pro Tem
Ms. Young introduced the item, which was an outgrowth of a discussion at
the Board Workshop held on January 14, 2021 where the Board provided
input to staff toward formulating written guidelines and a potential policy
for selecting Board leadership roles. She briefly recapped the information
contained in the memorandum included with the agenda material.
Member Pilecki noted that the full transition to area-based elections will
not be complete until the beginning of calendar year 2025, at which time it
would be appropriate to implement a rotation-by-division process,
beginning with Division 2. Until then, he suggested a draft policy be
developed with the following "rotation"through 2024. His suggested
rotation commencing with the next calendar year is set forth below:
Year President Pro Tem
2022 Member Williams Member Hockett or Lauritzen
2023 Member Hockett or Lauritzen Member Hockett or Lauritzen
2024 Member Hockett or Lauritzen Member, Division 2
2025 Member, Division 2 Member, Division 3
2026 Member, Division 3 Member, Division 4
2027 Member, Division 4 Member, Division 5
2028 Member, Division 5 Member, Division 1
2029 Member, Division 1 Member, Division 2
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Year President Pro Tem
2030 and Rotation by division Rotation by division
beyond continuing the above continuing the above
sequence sequence
Chair Williams said he was comfortable with that suggestion in that it was
simple and logical. He has always believed the Board President position
was somewhat ceremonial and anyone appointed to the position, even if
newly elected, could get up to speed very quickly.
Member Pilecki said he understood Chair Williams'last comment, but the
rotation he suggested should allow at least two years'experience on the
Board before becoming President.
Member Pilecki recalled that when this item was discussed at the January
workshop, the topic of developing a policy for Board Committee
assignments and Board Liaison/Representative assignments was
mentioned. Ms. Young said staff will be bringing a proposed Board
Compensation Policy to one of the next meetings, which is related to
some of those issues.
Chair Williams asked how many current Board policies existed.
Ms. Young said less than 50. Chair Williams suggested it might be a good
idea, as a future project, to consider whether any policies could be
consolidated for simplification purposes and ease of administration.
Ms. Young said she could provide a list of current Board policies for
discussion. Member Pilecki said he would appreciate staff's insights as to
the merits of consolidating Board policies and any other recommendations
staff may have to help simplify administration of the Board policy process.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Requested that staff develop a proposed new
Board policy for appointing the Board President and President Pro
Tem, and requested staff provide input and recommendations with
respect to the possibility of consolidating various Board policies,
where appropriate, for ease of administration.
6. Announcements — None.
7. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any
other future agenda items
1) See Committee Action for Items 4.a. and 5.b. above.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
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8. Future Scheduled Meetings
Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.
9. Adjournment— at 10:09 a.m.
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