HomeMy WebLinkAboutReal Estate, Environmental & Planning MINUTES 03-08-21 Page 2 of 12 CENTRALSAN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA • IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ, CA 9A553-A392 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: TAD J PILECKI REGULAR MEETING OF THE President CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA DAVID R. WILLIAMS President Pro Tent SANITARY DISTRICT BARBARA D.HOCKETT REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL MARIAHNLAURITZEN MICHAEL R.MCGILL & PLANNING COMMITTEE PHONE: (925)228-9500 M I N U T E S FAX.• (925)372-0192 www.centralsan.org Monday, March 8, 2021 9:00 a.m. (All attendees participated via videoconference) Committee: Chair Mike McGill Member Barbara Hockett Staff. Roger S. Bailey, General Manager (joined during Item 5.a.) Steve McDonald, Director of Operations Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Emily Barnett, Communications and Intergovenmental Relations Manager (left after Item 5.b.) Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager Melody LaBella, Resource Recovery Program Manager Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (left during Item 5.c.) Lori Schectel, Environmental and Regularoty Compliance Division Manager Paul Seitz, Collection System Operations Division Manager (left after Item 5.b.) Mary Lou Esparza, Laboratory Superintendent Blake Brown, Senior Chemist David Wyatt, Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor Chris Carpenter, Community Affairs Representative (left during Item 5.c.) Amelia Berumen, Senior Administrative Technician 1. Notice This meeting was held in accordance with the Brown Act as in effect under the State Emergency Services Act, the Governor's Emergency Declaration related to COVID-19, and the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020 that allowed attendance by Board Members, District staff, and the public to participate March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 319 of 340 Page 3 of 12 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes March 8, 2021 Page 2 and conduct the meeting by teleconference, videoconference, or both. The agenda included instructions for options in which the public could participate in the meeting. 2. Call Meeting to Order Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. 3. Public Comments - None. 4. Consent Items a. Review draft Position Paper to Adopt Resolution No. 2021- authorizing execution of a real property agreement for the property located at 0 West Park Street in Martinez, and authorizing staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended Board approval. 5. Other Agenda Items a.* Receive update on the Pharmaceutical Collection Program Mr. Wyatt presented an update of the program (attached), which, since its start in 2009, has been successful. It was noted, during discussion of the annual result graph shown on slide 7, that following a program peak in 2017, MED-Project's participation in collecting pharmaceuticals began impacting Central San's collection figures. This follows a county ordinance that became effective in 2018 requiring manufacturers to be responsible for collection and disposal. By 2019, staff noticed a 20% decline at Central San's collection sites; further impacted by the pandemic, a 68% decline in 2020, with a lack of access to Central San's collection sites during that time. Mr. Wyatt shared a map (slide 9) that showed the various pharmaceutical collection sites in the Central San services area and reflects the increase in convenient options for residents since the program began. In this regard, Mr. Wyatt advised that there is a push for MED-Project to begin taking over some of the Central San collection sites, possibly beginning in Clayton, Concord, and Orinda. Discussions with MED-Project and those cities has occurred. With that, the Central San program may be slowly fading away. He asked for the Committee's opinion on whether to end the District's program early. Member Hockett provided a history of the program's start and its main goal, protecting the environment. This began with her leadership during her prior March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 320 of 340 Page 4 of 12 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes March 8, 2021 Page 3 tenure on the Board, and much progress has followed since that time. Although she does not mind discussing discontinuing Central San's collection program considering the number of available options, she does not want to lose collection tracking information to quantify the positive effect on the environment or to lose sight of the program's overall impact and goal. Chair McGill generally agreed, stating that keeping track of the take-back numbers would be of value, but not necessarily essential. He suggested staff return to the Committee with a plan to end the Central San program, with options, to discuss at a future meeting. Member Hockett added that although the number of opioid prescriptions has decreased with better oversight in place, a need exists and opined that perhaps a program end is premature. Mr. Bailey stated that it is important to first understand the impact Senate Bill 212 will have once it goes into effect, therefore, he opined it is premature to step back from the program at this time. He advised that he will meet with staff to discuss an assessment of the program and provide an update to the Committee when appropriate. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. b. Review Maintenance Access (aka Manhole) Covers Beautification proposal Mr. Bailey requested this item be pulled from today's agenda so that internal conversations can first be reconciled. He planned to reagendize the discussion for the next Committee meeting. The Committee agreed to the request. Chair McGill encouraged that staff be bold on their proposal- to make a lot better rather a little. COMMITTEE ACTION: Item to be rescheduled for discussion. C. Review of Central San's 2016 Recycled Water Wholesale Opportunities Study Ms. LaBella provided an overview of the 2016 study presentation included with the agenda material, noting the following clarifications during her review: • This report's information was based on 2015 average existing recycled water demands and future recycled water commitments at that time. • Market Assessment, slide 7: 1) the Export to Ag-DMC bullet under Recycled Water refers to the Delta-Mendota Canal, and 2) the red boxes reflected the ideas that rose to the top of the evaluation at the time. Mr. Bailey discussed the Bay Area Regional Reliability Partners (BARR) collaboration (slide 11), in that the group recognized the region's water supply issues and together assembled a list of action items to accomplish the same March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 321 of 340 Page 5 of 12 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes March 8, 2021 Page 4 end goal- to provide water to the end users. From this effort, the Transfer- Bethany Pipeline was established as a high priority item, as was the Los Vaqueros Reservoir expansion. Ms. LaBella added that BARR came together during an intense drought and with an incentive of grant funding from the Bureau of Reclamation to investigate options. Interties between water agencies were prioritized as part of the list of future recommended projects. In relation, Mr. Bailey spoke about a recent NACWA' discussion regarding water exchange study efforts in an attempt to remedy a complex problem being faced with the Colorado River. Different studies are underway, that include Nevada and California, to recycle more water and keep more natural source water in the lakes. It is hoped that Bay Area agencies will also consider these creative concepts. Continuing with the review, Ms. LaBella noted that the capital cost estimate for Alternative 1 - Refinery on slide 13 is closer to $400 million today vs. $135 million at the time of the study. She replied to an inquiry from Chair McGill regarding the remaining estimates, stating that the other estimates were more realistic. The low estimate for Alternative 1 was based upon the exclusion of reverse osmosis treatment. Ms. LaBella said that resulting water supply cost for the Water Exchange Project, as presented to the Board of Directors last week, is closer to the Alternative 2 costs presented in this study. Mr. Bailey provided an overview of prior Board direction to staff in response to a question posed by Member Hockett of whether a policy was in place or how participating areas may be chosen. He explained that since the two major water agencies in Central San's service area (Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and East Bay Municipal Utility District) have not expressed interest in recycled water from Central San, staff has pursued the other options developed from the study, which look outside of the service area. Member Hockett noted the complexities surrounding these matters and stated that a policy decision plan regarding Satellite Recycled Water Facilities (SWRF) provisions for golf courses, as discussed at the last Committee meeting, needs to be finalized. Chair McGill stated that he was not certain whether the District is at a point to finalize such a policy; stating he preferred receiving additional periodic updates on recycled water exchanges and other opportunities on a recurring schedule (e.g., every three months or semi-annually). Mr. Bailey mentioned the ad hoc Board Water Exchange Committee which meets quarterly and includes board representatives from Central San, CCWD, and Valley Water. He stated that the ad hoc committee recently agreed to hire National Association of Clean Water Agencies March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 322 of 340 Page 6 of 12 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes March 8, 2021 Page 5 a consultant to assist with a cost allocation methodology; a Request for Proposal is currently out to obtain the consultant. The Committee concurred that it was desired to keep a focus on recycled water opportunities and further concurred for staff to present the Committee with semi-annual updates on recycled water opportunities and developments. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and requested semi- annual updates on recycled water discussion. d. Receive update on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Ms. LaBella reviewed the information included in the agenda materials. On slide 7, Ms. LaBella noted that Central San participated in the San Francisco Institute's study in 2014 and Central San's results are indicated in the bar graph that appears second from the right for each PFAS. She clarified that the "Concentration, ng/L"graph label equates to parts per trillion. Ms. Brown presented the topics on the evolution of PFAS investigations and the statewide order vs. Region 2 study (slides 11-13). It was noted that careful consideration was undertaken to not only select Region 2 participants but to also select the sampling locations to prevent contamination. In contrast to the statewide investigation, all Region 2 participants use one lab for consistency. She explained that the participants use the State Board's database system, Geotracker, that houses compliance data to track the study information. This program provides online data access to the State Board, Regional Board, and local agencies. Some data is also accessible to the public. In discussion of Phase 1 sampling, Ms. Brown stated that the cake-to-ash samples are of particular interest to Central San. PFAS thermal destruction begins at 600°F (Fahrenheit); Central San's incinerators operate between 1,200-1,800°F. Ms. LaBella concluded the presentation and responded to questions. Chair McGill stated that PFAS are a large problem with no easy solution and ongoing Committee updates are critical. Ms. LaBella replied that due to the pandemic, media and legislative attention on PFAS had subsided a bit; however, staff is fully engaged in this matter and anticipates an uptick in activities related to PFAS. Staff already provides semi-annual updates but will provide additional updates if warranted. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 323 of 340 Page 7 of 12 Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes March 8, 2021 Page 6 6. Announcements - None. 7. Suggestions for future agenda items a. Receive list of upcoming agenda items and provide suggestions for any other future agenda items COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list. 8. Future scheduled meetings Monday, April 12, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, May 3, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, June 14, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. 9. Adjournment— at 10:58 a.m. * Attachment March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 324 of 340 Page 8 of 12 Item 5.a. (Handout) PHARMACEUTICAL COLLECTION PROGRAM UPDATE David Wyatt Household Hazardous Waste Program Supervisor March 8, 2021 r PROGRAM HISTORY • Program development began in 2005 • Collaborative team was formed in 2008 with Central San staff / Member Hockett, CCC Sheriff, and RecycleSmart. • Pilot Program began in February 2009 at three locations: Walnut Creek City Hall, CCCRMC, and Sheriff FOB. 1 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 325 of 340 Page 9 of 12 HISTORY CONTINUED • After a successful pilot, the program was open to all law enforcement agencies in HHW service area • By the end of 2010, we had 11 collection sites. Lafayette and Alamo were added by 2013 for a total of 13 collection sites 3 COLLECTION TOTALS • Through December 2020, the program collected and properly disposed of a total of 146,800 pounds of medications at a cost of about $310,000 �..-..,,.,wl--Ptr � / 1 I 4 G 2 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 326 of 340 Page 10 of 12 NEW PROGRAMS • Late 2018, CCC Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance began requiring manufacturers to be responsible for collection and disposal • MED-Project is the product stewardship organization used in CCC, as well as 13 other cities and counties in California • MED-Project operates *23 sites at Kaiser and CVS pharmacies in HHW service area 'One of their sites is San Ramon PD, which converted from our program in late 2019 NEW PROGRAMS CONT. • There are also 10 voluntary retail collection sites in the service area located at Safeway and some Walgreen's pharmacies • Later this summer SB 212 will require statewide collection of pharmaceuticals and sharps, which may increase the number of collection sites in our service area 3 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 327 of 340 Page 11 of 12 Annual Pharmaceutical Collection Results Per Collection Site 3,500 2017 to 2020 3,000 2,500 a 2,000 0 1,500 1,000 500 0 Alamo Clayton Concord Danville Lafayette Martinez Moraga Orinda Pleasant Hlll San Ramon Sheriff FOB CCCRMC Walnut Creek ■2017 582 577 2,397 1,718 469 607 1,136 1,004 1,905 1,807 927 248 3,381 ■2016 630 527 2,156 1,597 727 677 1,254 1,060 1,749 2,232 1,097 73 3,399 ■2019 582 336 1,310 1,415 461 529 993 846 1,581 2,225 743 187 2,398 ■2020 90 220 525 713 434 230 391 588 1,064 0 393 66 782 *11/2019-San Ramon PD site converted to Med Project ' 7 Total Pounds Collected Per Year 2017 to 2020 ■2017 16,758 •2018 17,178 ■2019 13,606 I I i ■2020 5,496 20%Ilecline in Use I I 68%Decline in Use 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Total Pounds 8 4 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 328 of 340 Page 12 of 12 Pharmaceutical Collection Sites in Ll (6 vme adl J HHW Service Area as of 2/11/21 G, zp,-C o O O Med-Project Sites ova °n d em ae�e0 © 0 E� Q Voluntary Retail Sites erones Re,—A ftk OD O Central San Sites walglemerv.M G (BoosofereYxgneee veilM.. 0 Vr--u^ Waluu/l�Cleek v V_ `0. 16]BSUM Mein SVeel. 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