HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of $3,957,700 to Carone and Company, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Contractor Staging Improvements, District Project 7375; include award of an a Page 1 of 9 Item 4.a. CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS . , , . POSITION PAPER . , DRAFT MEETING DATE: MARCH 23, 2021 SUBJECT: REVIEW DRAFT POSITION PAPER TO AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT I N THE AMOUNT OF $3,957,700 TO CARONE AND COMPANY, INC., THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDDER FOR THE CONTRACTOR STAGING IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT 7375; INCLUDE AWARD OF AN ADDITIVE BID ITEM FOR THE RECREATIONAL VEHICLE RECEIVING STATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000; FIND THE PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITYACT; AUTHORIZE AN AMENDMENT TO AN AGREEMENT WITH WOODARD & CURRAN, INC. TO INCLUDE ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000, INCREASING THE COST CEILING TO $367,000; AND AUTHORIZE A TRANSFER OF $753,000 FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET CONTINGENCY FUND SUBMITTED BY: INITIATING DEPARTMENT: WILLIAM GRANT, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES- CAPITAL PROJECTS REVIEWED BY: NATHAN HODGES, SENIOR ENGINEER EDGAR J. LOPEZ, CAPITAL PROJECTS DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES ISSUE The Board of Directors (Board) must award the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorization is also required for the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements, amend an existing agreement in an amount over$100,000, and to transfer over $500,000 within the Capital Program. BACKGROUND COVI D-19 1 mpact: this project is expected to start by June 2021 and be completed by the end of the year. Staff has included provisions in the Contract Documents that follow County and State guidelines for safety and prevention of COVI D-19. Central San has a Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan of approximately$907 million which includes a March 23, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 4 of 31 Page 2 of 9 number of large projects that will begin or has started construction within the next several years. The wastewater treatment plant's (plant) existing main entrance, contractor parking, and staging areas are not equipped for large construction projects with multiple contractors onsite. The current contractor staging area has no delineation for multiple contractors or designated areas for parking or trailers, limited utility connections, and no permanent facilities for construction staff or secured equipment storage. The plant's main entrance is currently the only regular point of access for staff, contractors, vendors, and deliveries. Furthermore, the plant site is constrained by existing plant processes, underground infrastructure, and hazardous soil areas. The Contractor Staging Improvements Project (Project)will improve the contractor staging area for the immediate needs of the Solids Handling Facility Improvements, which is planned to be in construction for the next four years, and for the long-term needs of upcoming plant projects. Project elements to be constructed include: 1. Contractor Main Staging Area • Utility connections for construction trailers and contractor use • Site grading, paving, and access improvements off Imhoff Drive • New restroom trailer • Increase available space and Iaydown areas for equipment and material storage 2. Contractor Shipping, Receiving, and Parking • Designated area for contractor shipping and receiving away from the Main Gate • Delivery routes to minimize traffic disruption, turnarounds, and idling • Dedicated contractor parking to accommodate large or multiple projects 3. Construction Entry and Exit Gates with Guard Facility • New entrance and exit to contractor area off Imhoff Drive • Widen existing plant roads for emergency access • New security guard facility and automated gate 4. Security and Safety Improvements • Improve site lighting, fencing, signage, striping, security cameras, badge access, and safety near contractor areas 5. Miscellaneous Elements • New Recreational Vehicle (RV) Receiving Station for public use, if approved • Permanent trailers for construction management and staff use • Permanent structures to store and protect Central San equipment These proposed improvements will not only benefit future plant construction projects with the improved staging area, enhanced security and improved contractor and delivery areas, but will also limit interference with Central San's daily operations. The improvements will allow staff the means to monitor and easily identify contractor activities between several concurrent projects. Due to the existence of refinery sludge, the entire plant site is under a workplan approved by the Department of Toxic Substances and Control (DTSC). Any excavation work that requires a USA request requires a submittal to DTSC describing the work to be performed and documenting the completion of work. In addition, the area commonly referred to as the "soil cap" is a specially designated area of the plant where previously excavated contaminated material is consolidated.Attachment 1 includes location maps of the Project and "soil cap" areas.Any earthwork taking place in the "soil cap" area requires approval from DTSC and done according to the DTSC approved Consolidation Workplan. Most of the earthwork for this Project is taking place in the designated "soil cap" area. Based on previous earthwork in the vicinity of the Project, staff expects to encounter contaminated soil. However, soil from each work area of the Project will be segregated and tested; and, if acceptable, it may be reused as fill. Staff has obtained DTSC approval for the work to proceed, and all work will be performed according to the Consolidation Workplan. March 23, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 5 of 31 Page 3 of 9 On July 15, 2020, the Board authorized staff to enter into an agreement with Woodard and Curran, Inc. for design services with a cost ceiling of$250,000. The current amended agreement amount is $317,000. Staff recommends continuing services with Woodard and Curran, Inc. to include engineering services during construction (ES DC). The fee for these services has been negotiated at a cost not to exceed $50,000, bringing the cost ceiling to $367,000. ESDC includes shop drawing review, responding to design changes or clarifications, and other design services. Central San, with the help of Woodard and Curran, Inc., prepared the plans and specifications for the Project. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $4,000,000. This Project was advertised on February 12 and 19, 2021. Five bids ranging from $3,819,700 to $4,731,300 were received and publicly opened on March 18, 2021. The Capital Projects Division conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that Carone and Company, Inc. (Carone) is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with a corrected total bid amount of$3,957,700.A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. This conclusion came after staff evaluated and recalculated the total bid due to an error in Carone's Bid Schedule. Carone inadvertently entered its bid prices for the disposal of Class I and Class I I hazardous soils incorrectly. Carone confirmed that the error occurred in a letter to the District. Staff concurs with Carone's error since the corrected amounts are directly in line with the other bidders. In addition, staff had reissued the Bid Schedule by addendum to reverse the bid quantities between Class I and Class I I disposal. Bids for the RV Receiving Station ranged from $9,300 to $50,000. Carone provided a bid in the amount of $20,000, which is less than the $80,000 Engineer's estimate. This item was included with this Project as an additive item since the new entrance and exit to I mhoff Drive impacts the location for the proposed receiving station. The RV Receiving Station will address a need to remedy illegal dumping which poses an environmental and public health hazard. The new RV Receiving Station will provide Central San with convenient and secure access for proper disposal. Central San will administer the construction contract and provide construction management, survey, and administration. Consultant inspection and hazardous testing services will be used on an as-needed basis. California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Staff has concluded that this Project is exempt from CEQA under Central San CEQA Guidelines Section 15302 because it involves replacement of existing facilities at substantially the same locations and with the same purpose and level of activity as the facilities being replaced.Approval of this Project will establish the Board's independent finding that this Project is exempt from CEQA. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS The Board could consider the following alternatives: 1. Delay or postpone the Project. This is not recommended as the access and staging area improvements are needed in preparation for the Solids Handling Facility Improvements Project. Staff has spent a significant amount of time coordinating necessary improvements to handle the immense amount of traffic that will be created during construction as well as coordinating the improvements with Contra Costa County or DTSC. 2. Another alternative would be to reject all bids, or revise the Project scope and rebid. This is not recommended as all the Project scope items are essential for access, site security, and safety. 3. Reject the additive bid item for the RV Receiving Station. This is not recommended as competitive bid pricing was received for this scope of work and the contractor will already be mobilized onsite. March 23, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 6 of 31 Page 4 of 9 Postponing the work or rebid under a separate project will not be cost effective.Additionally, this work will immediately address a public concern and the environmental and public health risk associated with illegal dumping of sewage. FINANCIAL IMPACTS The total estimated Project cost is $5,153,000, including planning, design, total bid price, contingency, construction management, and consultant costs as detailed in Attachment 3. This construction effort will be funded by three sources which were combined for bidding from this fiscal year's Budget. Two projects (Treatment Plant Security Improvements and Contractor Staging I mprovements) are in the Treatment Plant program of the Capital I mprovement Budget (CI B) and can be found on pages 219 and 233, respectively. Additional funds are required to complete the work which would require a transfer in the amount of $753,000 from the Cl B Contingency, summarized below: • The RV Receiving Station was not included in the C I B and the total estimated cost for this facility is $150,000, which includes design and all construction costs. If the additive bid item is approved by the Board, staff proposes to use contingency funds. • Additional disposal costs, in the amount of$603,000, were identified as part of the the Project due to the "soil cap" and potential contaminated soils removal.Approximately 3,500 tons of Class I and Class I I material have been identified and is anticipated for disposal. The costs of the Contractor Staging Improvements did not budget for this issue. There are adequate funds in the Fiscal Year(FY) 2020-21 Cl B Contingency to fund this additional work scope. At this time, staff does not foresee any financial impact on this Project due to COVI D-19. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The Engineering and Operations Committee reviewed this Project at the meeting on March 23, 2021, and recommended RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION Staff recommends the following: 1. Find that the Project is exempt from CEQA; 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of$3,957,700 to Carone and Company, I nc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Contractor Staging I mprovements, District Project 7375; 3. 1 nclude award of the additive bid item in the amount of$20,000 for the construction of the Recreational Vehicle Receiving Station; 4. Authorize the General Manager to execute the Contract Documents subject to submittal requirements; 5. Authorize the General Manager to amend an existing agreement with Woodard & Curran to include engineering services during construction in the amount of$50,000, increasing the agreement cost March 23, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 7 of 31 Page 5 of 9 ceiling to $367,000; and 6. Authorize a transfer of $753,000 from the FY 2020-21 C1 B Contingency for the inclusion of the Recreational Vehicle Receiving Station and potential hazardous soil disposal. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 2—Maintain a positive reputation GOAL FOUR: Workforce Development Strategy 4—Meet or exceed industry safety standards GOAL FIVE:Infrastructure Reliability Strategy 1—Manage assets optimally to prolong their useful life, Strategy 2—Execute long-term capital renewal and replacement program, Strategy 3—Protect personnel and assets from threats and emergencies GOAL SEVEN:Agility andAdaptability Strategy 1—Maintain a safe working environment for employees and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Maps 2. Summary of Bids 3. Post Bid/P reconstruction Estimate March 23, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 8 of 31 Page 6 of 9 O p0 CLEARWELL BASIN 0 v, pO o NORTH �+Q BASIN X7 0 q3 I� FILTER p DRAIN BACK °\ PLANT CHANNEL N J0 r O 0 400 800 OQ FEET PROJECT \ AREA \ SOUTH C)2 O NORTH \\ BASIN CLARIFIERS'� \ a \ AERATION \ TANKS O \ SOUTH CLARIFIERS SOLIDS M �J � BUILDING o - � o -� PRIMARY as TANKS as Attachment Y CENTRAL SAN CONTRACTOR STAGING IMPROVEMENTS ' PROJECT 1 DISTRICT PROJECT 7375 0 09—Mar-2021 K:\Projects\7375_Contractor Staging Improve ments\Autocad\7375_Attach1 a.dwg �Wg V N 87°10'45'E 182.76' MW�B FILTER37.46'38'16"W p� PLANT OR Q � N 6m9�3 ,�n\� FF Q� N 646.67 24'E �\'```O w M 2 N 67°59'55"E 89.35' N 68'05'17'E < 217.30' 0MNOl\• SOUTH M/ "'6'z 11N23°32'015'E BASIN 2.21' 5.9z71.5w 07'34'W m 1. 45 5 °20'36"W 7` 6, E 55.04' ti = a O O Da° 0'40'E Q °p NORTH O '57.5'- W 5 CLARIFIERS 27'51 MW' r2g� 12°48 5'w1 0 125 250 83. W� FEET AERATION a h Slz 563e' 9102'z9' ms'w LEGEND s � q9' B 589°m0'5 59°19'57'W's� W 95.58' 11'44'21'W 44.73' Sm,00 45.66' 41'05'E 27. 566 A106 27.44' 2 CAPPED PROPERTY MW 12 S57°36'23"W N35°45'06'W 61.84'42'59" _ _ GROUND SURFACE CONTOUR 14.84' 83.49' (ELEVATIONS IN FT AMSL +100) SOUTH \ ® ^` Mw 3 1 GROUNDIMATE WATER IO N OF CLARIFIERSDWATER MONTORING WELL (� � � CENTRAL SAN Attachment CAPPED PROPERTY 1 Page 8 of 9 ATTACHMENT 2 CONTRACTOR STAGING IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT PROJECT 7375 SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 7375 NO. OF ADDENDA: 3 DATE/TIME: MARCH 18, 2021/12:00 PM PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR STAGING IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT MANAGER: WILLIAM GRANT PROJECT LOCATION: 5019 IMHOFF PLACE, MARTINEZ CA ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $4,000,000 NO. BIDDER BID PRICE 1 Carone and Company, Inc. $3,957,700* 2 McGuire and Hester $4,001,000 3 O.C. Jones & Sons, Inc. $4,249,500 4 NTK Construction, Inc. $4,506,700 5 Aztec Consultants, Inc. $45731,300 * Corrected bid price per the bidding specifications. BIDS OPENED BY: /s/Katie Young DATE: March 18, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. via Iivestream due to COVID-19 March 23, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 11 of 31 Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENT 3 CONTRACTOR STAGING IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT PROJECT 7375 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE %of Item Description Amounts Construction No. Cost 1. CONSTRUCTION a. Construction Contract $3,957,700 b. Contingency $300,300 c. Additive item for RV Receiving Station $20,000 d. Permits $25,000 SUBTOTAL- CONSTRUCTION COST $4,303,000 100% 2. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT a. District Forces - Construction Management $90,000 - Survey $35,000 - Operations $15,000 b. Outside Services - SCA(Hazardous Materials Consultant) $40,000 - Inspection (Consultant) $100,000 - Engineering Support (Consultant) $50,000 SUBTOTAL- CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $330,000 8% 3. DESIGN (PREBID ESTIMATE) a. Staff& Consultant Costs $520,000 SUBTOTAL - PREBID EXPENDITURES $520,000 12% 4. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $5,153,000 March 23, 2021 EOPS Regular Committee Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 12 of 31