HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a. Receive annual update on Pollution Prevention Program Page 1 of 33 Item 9.a. CENTRALSAN SANITARYjdf A- hom CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA , . March 18, 2021 TO: HONORABLE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM: COLLEEN HENRY, SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE INSPECTOR REVIEWED BY: LORI SCHECTEL, ENVIRONMENTALAND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DIVISION MANAGER JEAN-MARC PETIT, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERINGAND TECHNICAL SERVICES ROGER S. BAILEY GENERAL MANAGER SUBJECT: RECEIVE ANNUAL UPDATE ON CENTRAL SAN'S POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM Central San is required to prepare and submit an Annual Pollution Prevention (P2) Report to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) by the end of February every year. The report details the performance of Central San's P2 Program and includes a summary of Central San's efforts to expand P2 awareness. The 2020 Annual Pollution Prevention Report was submitted to the Regional Board via the California Integrated Water Quality System on February 19, 2021. The P2 presentation and report executive summary are attached. Please contact the Secretary of the District if you wish to receive a copy of the full 132-page report. Strategic Plan Tie-In GOAL ONE: Customer and Community Strategy 2—Maintain a positive reputation GOAL TWO: Environmental Stewardship Strategy 1—Achieve 100% compliance in all regulations ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation 2. P2 Executive Summary March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 263 of 340 Page 2 of 33 ATTACHMENT 1 ANNUAL UPDATE ON CENTRAL SAN'S Lot III POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM Colleen Henry Senior Environmental Compliance Inspector Board Meeting l March 18, 2021 f 2020 PRIORITY POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN National Polluant Regional Requirements Contribute to Sanitary Discharge Elimination Sewer Overflows System Permit Limits Acrylonitrile Copper Fats,Oils&Grease (FOG) Ammonia Cyanide Flushable&Non- Dioxins Mercury Dispersible Products Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) Selenium LPollutants moved to the"Watch List": Bis-2(ethyl-hexyl)phthalate CENTRALSAN 1 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 264 of 340 Page 3 of 33 Community Outreach 7H.u :h . . HazardousPretreatment PreventionWaste Pollution rogram Legislative ollaborative i, Efforts Relationships CENTRALSAN � 3 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (HHW) COLLECTION PROGRAM Collected over 1.9 million pounds of HHW • Mercury= approximately 96 pounds — ,,4 • 210,360 feet of fluorescent lamps '' • 427 thermometers ` • Pesticides = 19,158 pounds • Pharmaceuticals = 5,213 pounds at 12 partner collection sites • Most sites closed for much of 2020 due to COVID-19 • Increasing number of retail pharmacy collection sites through the County's Safe Medication Disposal Program (currently 31) • Over 145,000 pounds since program inception (2009) \,1 r!4 CENTRALSAN 2 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 265 of 340 Page 4 of 33 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM • Conducted 633 inspections at 485 businesses • Issued or administered 803 discharge permits • Updated existing and created new outreach materials • Continued monitoring pollutants from Industrial Users • Continued implementing the Mandatory Dental Amalgam Program 46�- 5 COMMUNITY OUTREACH Pipeline Newsletter 2 issues Mail Student Education Pipe Protectors(Award Winning) Classroom,before shelter in place (reached over 14,000 students) (SIP) Virtual Water Wizards Classroom,before SIP Delta Discovery Voyage In person,before SIP Go with the Flow Assembly Virtual Videos Don't Flush Your Wipes 150,444 YouTube views 664 commercial TV spots Dispose of Your Cooking Oil 1,438 YouTube views Properly(aired for Thanksgiving) 504 commercial TV spots Community/Speaking Events Sustainable Contra Costa,Kiwanis Virtual Club,Rotary Club,retirement groups,community organizations Treatment Plant Tours Given to employees,students,and In person,before SIP the public Virtual,starting April 2020 Public Service Announcements HHW,non-dispersibles,FOG, Facebook,Instagram,Twitter, pharmaceuticals YouTube \,1 r16 CENTRALSAN 3 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 266 of 340 Page 5 of 33 COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIPS ` • Contra Costa Green Business Program • 3 new businesses certified (349 total) • Contra Costa Clean Water Program • 524 inspections at 445 businesses Sustainable Contra Costa • Visionary partner • P2 Awards - virtual 17 REGULATORY & LEGISLATIVE EFFORTS As a member of the Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group, identify and track pesticide regulatory actions at federal and state level: • Communicate with the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)and Department of Pesticide Regulation to ensure wastewater issues are addressed • Support preparation of Bay Area Clean Water Agencies letters to EPA on several different pesticides: • Insecticides • Pet flea control chemicals • Swimming Pool,Spa,and Fountain chemicals • Root control chemicals • Endangered Species Act Biological Evaluation 'ls =or-- CIENTRALSAN 4 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 267 of 340 Page 6 of 33 2021 P2 PLA Pollutants of Emerging Concern Pesticides Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS), including flame retardants Nanoparticles Nonylphenol Ethoxylates Pharmaceuticals and Personal-care products Microplastics Air toxics 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS P2 Contributors Communication Services Environmental Compliance Household Hazardous Waste Laboratory Regulatory Compliance 10 CENTRAL SAN 5 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 268 of 340 Page 7 of 33 QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION CENTRALSAN 6 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 269 of 340 Page 8 of 33 ATTACHMENT 2 Annual Pollution Prevention Report Calendar Year 2020 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District February 2021 Prepared by Randy Schmidt, P.E. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 270 of 340 Page 9 of 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................... 1 II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................... 2 A. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Wastewater Treatment Facilities. 2 B. Central San's Pollution Prevention (P2) Program ...................................... 2 C. Central San's 2020 Pollutants of Concern ................................................. 3 D. Central San's 2020 Summary of P2 Activities............................................ 5 E. Central San's 2021 P2 Plan..................................................................... 17 III. REQUIRED STATUS REPORTS ....................................................................... 25 A. Cyanide Control Program ........................................................................ 25 B. Copper Control Program.......................................................................... 25 C. Polychlorinated Biphenyls........................................................................ 28 IV. DETAILED DISCUSSION OF 2020 P2 ACTIVITIES.......................................... 28 A. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program................................... 28 B. Pretreatment Program ............................................................................. 34 C. Dental Amalgam Program........................................................................ 35 D. Stormwater Inspection Program .............................................................. 36 E. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program .......................................... 36 F. Student Education ................................................................................... 36 G. Business Outreach ..................................................................................42 H. Community Outreach...............................................................................43 I. Employee Outreach .................................................................................44 J. Cooperative Partnerships ........................................................................45 APPENDIXA.................................................................................................................47 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 271 of 340 Page 10 of 33 2020 POLLUTION PREVENTION ANNUAL REPORT I. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Pollution Prevention Program is a testament of every employee and Board member's commitment to the mission of protecting the environment. The following groups deserve special recognition for their contributions to this report: • Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division • Communication Services and Intergovernmental Relations Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 1 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 272 of 340 Page 11 of 33 II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Wastewater Treatment Facilities The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) owns and operates a municipal wastewater collection system and a secondary wastewater treatment plant rated for 53.8 million gallons per day. Central San collects, treats, recycles, and discharges wastewater from 483,600 residents and more than 3,000 businesses within 10 cities and four unincorporated communities in central Contra Costa County. The collection area covers 145 square miles and includes over 1,500 miles of sewer pipelines. Central San's treatment plant consists of screening, pre-aeration, grit removal, primary sedimentation, anaerobic selection, biologically-activated sludge secondary treatment, secondary clarification, and ultraviolet disinfection. Each year, Central San sends approximately 600 million gallons of treated effluent to a dual-media tertiary treatment plant to produce recycled water. The treatment plant uses about 400 million gallons of recycled water with the balance of 200 million gallons of recycled water sent to a portion of Central San's service area primarily for landscape irrigation. The remaining treated effluent discharges via a deep-water outfall to Suisun Bay. B. Central San's Pollution Prevention (P2) Program Central San has conducted several award-winning P2 programs in its service area and beyond. P2 activities are often multifunctional programs, requiring coordination among several operating units at Central San which when taken together, contribute to an effective P2 Program. Central San's P2 activities include the following: • Education Outreach o Pipe Protectors for kindergarten, 1St, and 2nd grade students o Water Wizards for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students o Sewer Science for high school students o Delta Discovery Voyage for 5th grade students o Go With The Flow for kindergarten through 5th grade students • The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program (HHWCP) provides a solution for proper disposal of hazardous household products and chemicals. • Communication Services staff provide regular outreach and educational materials to the public and Central San employees about how to keep toxics out of sewers and storm drains, tips for "going green", and other information to encourage fewer toxic choices and purchases. • Environmental Compliance staff perform wastewater inspections, stormwater inspections, and P2 audits at businesses and industries in Central San's service area. • Laboratory staff sample and analyze constituents to identify and monitor pollutants of concern and evaluate the effectiveness of P2 efforts. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 2 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 273 of 340 Page 12 of 33 • Central San staff provide representation, leadership, project management, and technical support on local, regional, statewide, and national committees to collaborate on P2 campaigns, projects, and issues. Central San works with the following agencies and organizations to take advantage of local, regional, statewide, and national efforts for reducing wastewater pollution and protecting water quality: • Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) • Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group (BAPPG) • California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) • California Water Environment Association (CWEA) • Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority • Contra Costa Clean Water Program (CCCWP) • Contra Costa County Hazardous Materials Commission • Contra Costa Environmental Health • Contra Costa Green Business Program (CCGBP) • National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Central San participates in BAPPG, a subcommittee of BACWA, to coordinate P2 activities and reduce toxic pollutants discharged into the San Francisco Bay and local waterways. The efforts of BAPPG are summarized in BAPPG's annual report. C. Central San's 2020 Pollutants of Concern Central San's pollutants of concern for 2020 comprised three groups of pollutants, described below. 1. Priority Pollutants Pollutants with effluent limits in Central San's 2017 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit or in the San Francisco Bay Mercury and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Watershed Permit are classified as priority pollutants. Fats, oils, grease (FOG), and flushable products are also classified as priority pollutants because of their significant contribution to sanitary sewer overflows. Although Central San does not have a Selenium effluent limit in the current NPDES permit, a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) has been established for Selenium in the North San Francisco Bay. Central San's Priority Pollutants for 2020 were: • Mercury • PCBs • Dioxins • Ammonia • Cyanide • FOG • Copper • Flushable and Non-Dispersible Products • Acrylonitrile • Selenium Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 3 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 274 of 340 Page 13 of 33 2. Watch List Pollutants Central San's Watch List pollutants appeared in previous NPDES Permits but did not have effluent limits in the 2017 NPDES Permit. Pollutants are removed from the watch list if they have not had effluent limits in Central San's NPDES Permit for two permit cycles. Central San's watch list pollutant for 2020 was: • Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 3. Pollutants of Emerging Concern This category includes chemicals and products emerging as pollutants of concern to water quality. It also includes pollutants for which TMDLs are being developed. The following were Central San's pollutants of emerging concern for 2020: • Pesticides • Nonylphenol Ethoxylates • Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl • Pharmaceuticals and Substances (PFAS), including personal-care products flame retardants • Microplastics • Nanoparticles • Air toxics Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 4 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 275 of 340 Page 14 of 33 D. Central San's 2020 Summary of P2 Activities The following table provides the results of the activities that Central San committed to complete in the 2020 P2 Plan. Table 1. Central San's 2020 P2 Accomplishments Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report any Sampling performed. Monthly effluent performance/impacts by observed trends. and annual average effluent conducting targeted monitoring for concentrations continued to be low. mercury, as appropriate. Maintain Mandatory Amalgam Report compliance level of dental Continued issuing permits and Separator Program, including facilities. Report number of dental processing certifications from new or permitting new practitioners. operations permitted (existing and sold practices (321 practices currently Continue routine inspections. new)and number of inspections permitted). Based on information in conducted. self-certifications, periodic compliance reports, and on-site inspections, all dental facilities achieved compliance with amalgam separator installation. 22 site visits were conducted at 20 dental practices. Implement the Federal Dental Description of necessary program Implemented the Federal Dental Amalgam Rule provisions and changes, if any. Amalgam Rule, including mailing and incorporate program changes as receiving the Dental Facility necessary. Compliance Report from existing and new dentists. Track development of the Description of necessary program No significant developments during 2 statewide objectives for mercury changes, if any. 2020 that would affect Central San's water quality. Monitor effect on Mercury Pollution Prevention Program. San Francisco Bay Watershed Permit to determine if changes will be driven by addition of subsistence consumption of fish. Continue collecting, tracking, and Amount of elemental mercury and The HHWCP collected over 91.9 properly disposing of elemental mercury-containing products pounds of elemental mercury and 4.1 mercury and mercury-containing collected and properly disposed of pounds of mercury-containing products via Central San's by the HHWCP. products for a total of slightly over 96 HHWCP. pounds of mercury-containing wastes. This included 210,360 feet of fluorescent lamps. Continue the Mercury Number of mercury thermometers 427 mercury-filled, fever-grade Thermometer Exchange Program exchanged for digital (residents) thermometers were exchanged for 17 for residents and schools and spirit-filled (schools). digital thermometers. No (chemistry laboratories)via the thermometers were exchanged from HHWCP. schools. Continue recycling the mercury- Number of lamps properly Central San recycled approximately containing lamps used in the recycled. 5,166 spent ultraviolet mercury lamps. Ultraviolet Disinfection Facility in Central San's treatment plant. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 5 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 276 of 340 Page 15 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue partnerships with local Report number of partner stores Central San's eight local hardware hardware stores in Central San's and amount of mercury-containing store retail collection program partners service area for proper disposal of waste collected through these collected 40,322 feet of fluorescent mercury-containing lamps. partnerships. lamps and 14,718 pounds of household batteries, which were crecycled or disposed of through the V HHWCP in 2020. 2!, Continue to enforce the tiered Report number of businesses 321 dental offices in Central San's Local Discharge Limits (LDL)for permitted under the tiered mercury service area were permitted under the 4) mercury, as adopted in February LDL. mercury LDL as of December 2020. In 2007. addition, all Central San's permitted industries have the mercury LDL included in their permits. Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report any Sampling performed. Results for performance/impacts by observed trends. dioxins were consistent with previous conducting targeted monitoring for years. dioxin, as appropriate. Continue collecting, tracking, and Amount of dioxin-containing The HHWCP collected 122 pounds of properly disposing of dioxin- wastes collected and properly dioxin-containing wastes. o containing wastes via the disposed of by the HHWCP. o HHWCP. Tracked substances include pentachlorophenol, 2,4,5- T and trichlorophenol. Continue to enforce the discharge Continue enforcement of the Facility inspections continued. No prohibition for dioxin compounds, discharge prohibition for dioxin significant sources of dioxins were as adopted in February 2007. compounds. identified. Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report any Sampling performed. Results for performance/impacts by observed trends. cyanide were consistent with previous conducting targeted monitoring for years. See the Cyanide Action Plan cyanide, as appropriate. section of this report for additional details. Continue collecting, tracking, and Amount of cyanide-containing The HHWCP collected 0 pounds of properly disposing of cyanide- wastes collected and properly cyanide-containing wastes. containing wastes via Central disposed of by the HHWCP. San's HHWCP. Continue to implement the Description of appropriate Cyanide Central San continued to implement a Cyanide Action Plan of the Action Plan requirements. the Cyanide Control Program Cyanide Site Specific Objective, elements, including inspection of the vwhich includes: two off-site facilities identified in the • Maintaining inventory of original inventory of significant cyanide significant cyanide sources sources. Central San continued to • Conducting required monitor these facilities for cyanide to monitoring of identified cyanide determine if their discharges are a sources significant source of cyanide to Central • Investigating any cyanide San's system. No cyanide excursions excursions that occur in were identified in the effluent during treatment plant monitoring routine plant monitoring in 2020. See the Cyanide Action Plan section of this report for additional details. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 6 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 277 of 340 Page 16 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue to enforce the tiered Report number of businesses Facility inspections continued. No new LDL for cyanide, including permitted under the cyanide LDL. industries were permitted under the E discharge prohibition for cyanide LDL. All Central San's unpermitted Central San permitted industries received the U 0 businesses, as adopted in cyanide LDL in their permits. February 2007. Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report any Sampling performed. Results for performance/impacts by observed trends. copper were consistent with previous conducting targeted monitoring for years. copper, as appropriate. Continue collecting, tracking, and Amount of copper-containing The HHWCP collected 1,683 pounds properly disposing of copper- wastes collected and properly of copper-containing wastes. containing wastes via Central disposed of by the HHWCP. San's HHWCP. Continue Pretreatment Program, Number of pretreatment Central San's Environmental which includes inspection of inspections conducted at vehicle Compliance staff completed 164 vehicle service facilities, including service facilities. inspections at 128 vehicle service permitting new facilities. facilities. Citations (6 Notice of Violations (NOVs) and 2 Warning Notices)were issued as a result of these inspections. Continue implementation of the Continue implementation and Support BAPPG's efforts to control Copper Action Plan, which report results. copper discharges, which includes includes the following elements: information on their website, • Support of BAPPG's Regional Baywise.org. 39 Special Discharge Copper Project Permits were issued to authorize L • Central San's Pool and Spa the discharge of pool, spa, and a Permitting Program fountain water to Central San's CL Communication with water collection system. L) purveyors in Central San's Central San periodically service area regarding copper communicates with water purveyors algaecide dosing of reservoirs regarding corrosion control and corrosion control practices practices and copper algaecide dosing of reservoirs. No significant changes reported in the corrosion control practices and no correlation with copper algaecide dosing contributing to elevated copper concentrations in Central San's influent. Continue implementation of tiered Number of businesses permitted Applications for Class III Best LDL for copper as adopted in under the tiered copper LDL. Management Practices (BMP) permits February 2007. continued to be sent to vehicle service facilities that could potentially have elevated copper in their discharge. There were 313 facilities with BMP permits as of December 2020. Businesses that perform engine degreasing activities are issued Class III Industrial User(IU) Permits. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 7 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 278 of 340 Page 17 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report any Sampling performed. Results for performance/impacts by observed trends. acrylonitrile were consistent with W conducting targeted monitoring for previous years. acrylonitrile, as appropriate. = Continue accepting, tracking, and Since acrylonitrile is an occasional Central San's HHWCP collected 0 0 properly disposing of acrylonitrile- component of paint-related 251,635 pounds of paint-related containing products, such as material, the measurement will be material. adhesives, auto finishing paints, the amount of paint-related wood surface products, etc. via materials collected and properly Central San's HHWCP. disposed of by the HHWCP. Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report any Sampling performed. PCBs were not performance/impacts by observed trends. detected in Central San's effluent conducting targeted monitoring for when using the United States PCBs, as appropriate. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)-approved method. 00 Continue collecting, tracking, and Amount of PCB-containing wastes The HHWCP collected 2,800 pounds U e properly disposing of PCB- collected and properly disposed of of PCB-containing wastes. U) containing wastes (less than 50 by the HHWCP. ppm)via Central San's HHWCP. W Continue investigating potential Summary of potential PCB Inspections of facilities within Central 0' significant sources of PCBs in our sources. San's service area did not identify service area. Coordinate with any significant sources of PCBs. CCCWP efforts to identify and c inventory PCB sources, as `o required under the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit. 2' Perform outreach encouraging Description of outreach. PCBs were included in the list of a0 proper disposal of PCB-containing materials that can be brought to the light ballasts at Central San's HHWCP. HHWCP. Continue surveying/researching Report any significant sources Central San has not identified any potential significant sources of found and summarize any follow- manufacturers that generate ammonia ammonia to Central San's up programs created. in significant quantities. Staff cvwastewater, aside from human continued to conduct limited surveys 0 waste. of potential operations with potential E large quantities of ammonia. No E controllable sources were identified. Q Continue to collect and properly Amount of ammonia-containing The HHWCP collected 1,323 pounds dispose of ammonia-containing wastes collected and properly of ammonia and ammonia-containing wastes at Central San's HHWCP. disposed of by the HHWCP. products. Continue collecting, tracking, and Amount of residential FOG The HHWCP collected about 2,473 properly disposing of residential collected and properly disposed of gallons of residential FOG. Collected O FOG wastes via Central San's by the HHWCP. FOG was sent to a biofuel refining ILL HHWCP. company. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 8 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 279 of 340 Page 18 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue inspecting and enforcing Number of inspections completed Environmental Compliance staff existing standards for controlling at food service facilities and completed 261 FOG inspections at discharges of FOG wastes to number of enforcement actions 191 food service facilities. Due to Central San's sewer system using taken. these inspections, 10 NOVs and 10 a targeted frequency based on Warning Notices were issued. potential for FOG discharges. Continue outreach on proper FOG Description of outreach. Proper FOG disposal was featured in disposal. Central San's Fall 2020 Pipeline newsletter(see Appendix A). FOG ° as frequently mentioned on social media channels and highlighted in an 0 outreach campaign during the holiday season. 0 Continue making presentations at Number of presentations given by Environmental Compliance staff ILL Contra Costa County's Food Central San staff. presented information on proper Safety Class and other forums to disposal of FOG at two Contra Costa educate Food Service staff about County Food Safety Classes. (NOTE: proper FOG disposal. all in-person classes were canceled after February 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic) Continue outreach to encourage Description of outreach. Central San's Spring and Fall 2020 all customers not to flush wipes Pipeline newsletters (see Appendix A) and other products labeled as featured information on wipes. Wipes flushable. were highlighted frequently on Central ' San's social media channels and were v ° featured in a billboard ad in m partnership with Mt. View Sanitary 73 District. Wipes were also discussed at N all community events and speaking ILL° engagements. M Continue outreach program, Report number of outreach pieces Central San's outreach postcard M targeting neighborhoods with high sent. includes information about non- °' accumulations of wipes with direct flushable products. About 100 cards w mailers to encourage behavior g were distributed on request to property Q. change. owners/managers. Continue to track opportunities to Identify support provided under Central San participated in regional = give input on the development of these opportunities. Include any efforts to educate the public about z° flushability standards and submit comment letters submitted. non-dispersible and flushable products comments when appropriate. through BAPPG. E Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report any Monitoring performed. Results for ° performance/impacts by observed trends. selenium were consistent with conducting targeted monitoring for previous years. Z selenium, as appropriate. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 9 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 280 of 340 Page 19 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue investigating potential Summary of potential selenium Facility inspections continued. No sources of selenium in our service sources. significant sources of selenium were _ area. identified. W o Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 10 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 281 of 340 Page 20 of 33 Section 2: Watch List Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue evaluating P2 Conduct monitoring and report Sampling performed. Results for bis performance/impacts by any observed trends. (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate were conducting targeted monitoring consistent with previous years. or bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, as appropriate. m c° Per the 2017 NPDES Permit, "reasonable potential analysis s shows that the discharge no Q. longer demonstrates reasonable x potential for this pollutant to s cause or contribute to >% exceedances of the applicable s Water Quality Orders. This Order, therefore, does not retain A these limitations". Bis (2- 00 ethylhexyl) phthalate was moved out of the priority pollutants section and into the watch list pollutant section for the 2018 P2 Plan and on. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 11 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 282 of 340 Page 21 of 33 Section 3: Pollutants of Emerging Concern Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue collecting, tracking, and Amount of pesticides collected and The HHWCP collected 19,158 properly disposing of pesticides properly disposed of by the pounds of pesticides, which via Central San's HHWCP. HHWCP. included 12,159 pounds of pyrethroid pesticides. Continue outreach on pesticide Description of outreach. Outreach included in HHWCP list reduction and proper disposal. of accepted materials. Consider supporting future Description of support provided, if Central San supported ongoing research studies related to applicable. pesticide research, conducted by pesticides of emerging concern. the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI), with its participation in the Alternate Monitoring and Reporting Permit(R2-2016-0008). Fees associated with the permit are assigned to Contaminants of Emerging Concern investigations within SFEI's Regional Monitoring Program (RMP). In addition, Central San participated in the Region 2 PFAS sampling at publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and submitted samples w for an SFEI managed project that measured Bisphenols in POTW w.2 effluent. a Central San, through BACWA, assisted in writing comment letters to support changes in the pesticide registration and reregistration process in 2020. Link to Comment letters: https://bacwa.org/document- category/comment-letters/ Continue leading and supporting Support and describe efforts by Central San continued to employ a BACWA/BAPPG's efforts to track BACWA/BAPPG. landscaping company that utilizes and comment on Federal and Integrated Pest Management in State pesticide registration their maintenance of Central San's activities in support consideration grounds. Central San continued to of water quality concerns and explore ways to reduce pesticide reduce pesticide discharges at usage in structural pest control heir source. applications. BAPPG efforts included funding the Our Water Our World outreach program, conducting outreach to veterinarians about flea and tick products, and continuing to track and comment on Federal and State pesticide registration. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 12 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 283 of 340 Page 22 of 33 Section 3: Pollutants of Emerging Concern Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue to maintain and Amount of pharmaceutical waste Over 5,213 pounds of unwanted promote Central San's collected and properly disposed of.medications were collected and Pharmaceutical Collection properly disposed of at 12 Program, which includes collection sites. collection sites at 12 law enforcement agencies throughout the service area. Continue support of statewide Describe support activities by Central San plans to participate in and national projects on the Central San staff. further pharmaceutical collections. establishment of pharmaceutical collection programs that are funded by the product chain manufacturers and retailers . Track implementation of the Describe program implementation Nearly all of Central San's Contra Costa County Safe Drug as it affects Central San. Measure pharmaceutical collection sites are Disposal (CCCSDD) ordinance and report estimated decline in located in the lobbies of police 06 and support adoption by the use of Central San's collection departments, which were closed w o cities in the Central San service sites as a result of residents' much of 2020 due to COVID-19. v a area. utilization of CCCSDD collection This decrease coupled with 3 sites. increasing number of retail v pharmacy collection sites (now 31), E the program saw a 62 percent o decrease in the amount of a L medications it collected when compared to 2019. a There are now 43 pharmaceutical collection sites in the Central San service area. Continue accepting and properly Continue acceptance and proper The HHWCP continued to collect disposing of personal care disposal of personal care products personal care products from products via Central San's by the HHWCP. residents, although the amount HHWCP. collected was not tracked. Continue outreach to encourage Description of outreach. Proper pharmaceutical disposal customers to dispose of (with list of collection sites)was pharmaceuticals and personal included in each issue of the care products properly. Pipeline newsletter(see Appendix A). Proper pharmaceutical disposal also was featured on Central San's social media channels. Continue accepting and properly Continue acceptance and proper The HHWCP collected zero disposing of PFAS (e.g. flame disposal of PFAS (e.g. flame pounds of PFAS (e.g. flame retardants)via Central San's retardants) by the HHWCP. retardants). N HHWCP. ILL Continue to track developing Continue to track information. Central San staff relies on regional a information on the sources and programs studying PFAS (e.g. control of PFAS (e.g. flame flame retardants) in the San retardants). Francisco Bay (e.g. RMP and BAPPG). Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 13 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 284 of 340 Page 23 of 33 Section 3: Pollutants of Emerging Concern Pollutant Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue supporting Identify support provided. Central San supports y BACWA/BAPPG and CASA BACWA/BAPPG and CASA efforts to track developing projects to monitor US EPA and information on nanoparticles and Department of Pesticide M comment in support of water Regulation registrations for 0 quality concerns on any federal products containing nanoparticles. z regulatory action on products and chemicals that use nanoparticles. o w Evaluate any potential sources of Summary of potential sources Inspections did not identify any c nonylphenol ethoxylates in the found and follow-up actions taken. significant sources of nonylphenol aC commercial laundries and other ethoxylates in Central San's large laundry operations within service area. o = Central San's service area. zW Continue outreach on Description of outreach. Microplastics outreach included on microplastics. social media channels. N Continue providing support for Description of support provided, if Provided support, through RMP, future research studies related to applicable. for continued monitoring and Q- microplastics. refinement of transport model. 0 U 2 Provided funding to support SFEI's microplastic manuscripts. The Bay Area Air Quality Identify potential pollutants of BAAQMD will conduct a Health Management District(BAAQMD) concern to ensure compliance with Risk Assessment(HRA)to quantify adopted Regulation 11: Rule 18 the new regulation. the health risk associated with air toxics regulations to ensure Central San's Treatment Plant. that emissions of toxic air Central San continued to monitor contaminants from existing the ongoing HRA efforts for Phase facilities do not pose an I facilities, and Central San's HRA 0 unacceptable health risk to will follow as a Phase II facility. L people living and working a nearby. Central San will continue o identify potential pollutants of concern with cross-media impacts and potential reduction through P2 efforts. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 14 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 285 of 340 Page 24 of 33 Section 4: Continuous P2 Efforts Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue the operation and Total amount of Household The HHWCP completed its 2311 promotion of Central San's Hazardous Waste (HHW) year of operation and collected HHWCP to keep pollutants out of collected and properly disposed 1,921,544 pounds of hazardous the wastewater stream. of by the HHWCP. waste in 2020. Nearly 82 percent o the waste collected was used for a beneficial purpose such as redistributed for use (re-use), recycled, or blended as a fuel. The remaining 18 percent was treated, incinerated, or landfilled. Landfill only accounted for 0.1 percent of the total waste volume. Continue Pretreatment and Number of inspections These programs were continued. Stormwater Inspection Programs. conducted and enforcement 633 pretreatment inspections were actions taken. conducted at 485 facilities with 18 NOVs and 34 Warning Notices issued. 524 stormwater inspections were completed at 445 facilities with 13 NOVs and 6 Warning Notices issued. d Continue student education Number of students participating 4,177 students participated in the programs (Water Wizards, Sewer in each program. Pipe Protectors Program. 859 Q Science, and Delta Discovery students participated in the Water N Voyage). Wizards Program. 840 students v, participated in the Sewer Science c Program. 3,827 students = participated in the Delta Discovery Voyage Program. 5,229 students participated in the Go With The U Flow Program Continue attendance at Description and number of Central San shared P2 messages environmental/community events. events attended. with 763 people at 12 environmental/community events. Continue Treatment Plant and Number of people given tours. Central San conducted virtual plant HHWCP tours to educate people tours for 264 people. on the efforts to reduce pollution by the treatment of wastewater and the collection and proper disposal of HHW. Description of recognition Central San chose one business to program. receive a Pollution Prevention Award in 2020 and honored a local elementary school as a Pollution Prevention Partner. Central San also recognized "Water Quality Community Partners" and two "Recycled Water Champions," one business champion and one citizen champion. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 15 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 286 of 340 Page 25 of 33 Section 4: Continuous P2 Efforts Plan Activity for 2020 Measurement of Activity 2020 Accomplishments Effectiveness Continue education and outreach Description of outreach and Central San's website received through Central San's website, relevant statistics. 76,591 visitors in 2020. Video television (TV) ads, social media, ads/Public Service Announcements and various publications. aired on TV 1,168 times. Central San shared numerous P2 posts on its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube channels. Social media followers and activity have continued to grow in 2020, with followers increasing by more than 36%. Continue partnership with Continue partnership and green Certified three new businesses, for CCGBP. Continue providing business inspections. Report a total of 349 in Central San's environmental compliance number of new and existing service area. Continued r inspection services to aid in businesses certified in Central inspections to recertify existing certifying green businesses in San's service area. green businesses. Attended 0 Central San's service area. CCGBP partner meetings. Maintain green business Maintain green business Central San maintained its green certification standards and certification. business certification in 2020. continue making green a improvements in Central San's N operations that will ensure the a next green business o recertification. Continue active participation, Continue active participation, Central San staff continued active c membership, and support(where membership, and support of the participation and/or financial j appropriate)of various regional, various organizations/programs support of the various statewide, and national listed. organizations committed to in organizations/programs that serve 2020. as a conduit for P2 information, such as BACWA, BAPPG, CCCWP, CCGBP, CWEA, CASA, Household Hazardous Waste Information Exchange (HHWIE), NACWA, and the North American Hazardous Materials Management Association (NAHMMA). Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 16 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 287 of 340 Page 26 of 33 E. Central San's 2021 P2 Plan Central San's 2021 P2 Plan reflects continued efforts to mitigate pollutants of concern. For many pollutants, there are no reasonable methods to assess the effectiveness of Central San's P2 efforts. In these cases, success is measured by the number of events conducted, the number of flyers distributed, the number of participants using the HHWCP, etc. Table 2 on the following pages outlines Central San's P2 Plan for 2021. Table 2. Central San's 2021 P2 Plan Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any targeted monitoring for mercury, as appropriate. observed trends. Maintain Mandatory Amalgam Separator Program, including Report compliance level of dental facilities. permitting new practitioners. Continue routine inspections. Report number of dental operations permitted (existing and new) and number of inspections conducted. Continue implementing the Federal Dental Amalgam Rule Description of necessary program provisions and incorporate program changes as necessary. changes, if any. Track development of the statewide objectives for mercury Description of necessary program water quality. Monitor effect on San Francisco Bay Watershed changes, if any. Permit to determine if changes will be driven by addition of subsistence consumption of fish. Continue collecting, tracking, and properly disposing of Amount of elemental mercury and 3 elemental mercury and mercury-containing products via Central mercury-containing products collected and San's HHWCP. properly disposed of by the HHWCP. m Continue the Mercury Thermometer Exchange Program for Number of mercury thermometers residents and schools (chemistry laboratories)via the HHWCP. exchanged for digital (residents)and spirit- filled (schools). Continue recycling the mercury-containing lamps used in the Number of lamps properly recycled. Ultraviolet Disinfection Facility in Central San's treatment plant. Continue partnerships with local hardware stores in Central Report number of partner stores and San's service area for proper disposal of mercury-containing amount of mercury-containing waste lamps. collected through these partnerships. Continue to enforce the tiered LDL for mercury, as adopted in Report number of businesses permitted February 2007. under the tiered mercury LDL. U) Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any .X targeted monitoring for dioxin, as appropriate. observed trends. 0 0 Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 17 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 288 of 340 Page 27 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Continue collecting, tracking, and properly disposing of dioxin- Amount of dioxin-containing wastes containing wastes via the HHWCP. Tracked substances include collected and properly disposed of by the = pentachlorophenol, 2,4,5-T and trichlorophenol. HHWCP. c 0 w Continue to enforce the discharge prohibition for dioxin Continue enforcement of the discharge = compounds, as adopted in February 2007. prohibition for dioxin compounds. .X 0 'c Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any targeted monitoring for cyanide, as appropriate. observed trends. Continue collecting, tracking, and properly disposing of cyanide-Amount of cyanide-containing wastes containing wastes via Central San's HHWCP. collected and properly disposed of by the HHWCP. Continue to implement the Cyanide Action Plan of the Cyanide Description of appropriate Cyanide Action Site Specific Objective, which includes: Plan requirements. CU v Maintaining inventory of significant cyanide sources Conducting required monitoring of identified cyanide sources Investigating any cyanide excursions that occur in treatment plant monitoring Continue to enforce the tiered LDL for cyanide, including Report number of businesses permitted discharge prohibition for unpermitted Central San businesses, under the cyanide LDL. as adopted in February 2007. Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any targeted monitoring for copper, as appropriate. observed trends. Continue collecting, tracking, and properly disposing of copper- Amount of copper-containing wastes containing wastes via Central San's HHWCP. collected and properly disposed of by the HHWCP. L Continue Pretreatment Program, which includes inspection of Number of pretreatment inspections CL radiator shops and auto repair facilities, including permitting newconducted at radiator shops and auto cfacilities. repair facilities. U Continue implementation of the Copper Action Plan, which Continue implementation and report includes the following elements: results. • Support of the BAPPG's Regional Copper Project • Central San's Pool and Spa Permitting Program • Communication with water purveyors in Central San's service area regarding copper algaecide dosing of reservoirs and corrosion control practices Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 18 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 289 of 340 Page 28 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Continue implementation of tiered LDL for copper as adopted in Number of businesses permitted under the 3 February 2007. tiered copper LDL. CL 0 U o v Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any targeted monitoring for acrylonitrile, as appropriate. observed trends. Continue accepting, tracking, and properly disposing of Since acrylonitrile is an occasional acrylonitrile-containing products, such as adhesives, auto component of paint-related material, the finishing paints, wood surface products, etc. via Central San's measurement will be the amount of paint- HHWCP. related materials collected and properly _o disposed of by the HHWCP. Q Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any targeted monitoring for PCBs, as appropriate. observed trends. Continue collecting, tracking, and properly disposing of PCB- Amount of PCB-containing wastes containing wastes (less than 50 ppm)via Central San's collected and properly disposed of by the HHWCP. HHWCP. N Continue investigating potential significant sources of PCBs in Summary of potential PCB sources. M our service area. Coordinate with CCCWP efforts to identify and CL inventory PCB sources, as required under the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit. Perform outreach encouraging proper disposal of PCB- Description of outreach. containing light ballasts at Central San's HHWCP. Continue surveying/researching potential significant sources of Report any significant sources found and 2 ammonia to Central San's wastewater, aside from human summarize any follow-up programs C waste. created. £ Continue to collect and properly dispose of ammonia-containing Amount of ammonia-containing wastes Qwastes at Central San's HHWCP. collected and properly disposed of by the HHWCP. Continue collecting, tracking, and properly disposing of Amount of residential FOG collected and residential FOG wastes via Central San's HHWCP. properly disposed of by the HHWCP. 0 Continue inspecting and enforcing existing standards for Number of inspections completed at food U_ controlling discharges of FOG wastes to Central San's sewer service facilities and number of system using a targeted frequency based on potential for FOG enforcement actions taken. discharges. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 19 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 290 of 340 Page 29 of 33 Section 1: Priority Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Continue outreach on proper FOG disposal. Description of outreach. m c Continue making presentations at Contra Costa County's Food Number of presentations given by Central UL Safety Class and other forums to educate Food Service staff San's staff. �°, about proper FOG disposal. Continue outreach to encourage all customers not to flush wipes Description of outreach. and other products labeled as flushable. ca � :5 o Continue outreach program, targeting neighborhoods with high Report number of outreach pieces sent. accumulations of wipes with direct mailers to encourage N behavior change. _ M � s c Continue to track opportunities to give input on the development Identify support provided under these z FL of flushability standards and submit comments when opportunities. Include any comment letters appropriate. submitted. E Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any .E targeted monitoring for selenium, as appropriate. observed trends. Continue investigating potential sources of selenium in our Summary of potential selenium sources. m v� service area. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 20 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 291 of 340 Page 30 of 33 Section 2: Watch List Pollutants Pollutant Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Continue evaluating P2 performance/impacts by conducting Conduct monitoring and report any _ targeted monitoring for bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, as appropriate. observed trends as needed. Per the 2017 NPDES Permit, "reasonable potential analysis shows 5'.5 that the discharge no longer demonstrates reasonable potential for r s his pollutant to cause or contribute to exceedances of the 9' t applicable Water Quality Orders. This Order, therefore, does not y retain these limitations". Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate was moved out 'm of the priority pollutants section and into the watch list pollutant section for the 2018 P2 Plan. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 21 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 292 of 340 Page 31 of 33 Section 3: Pollutants of Emerging Concern Pollutant Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Continue collecting, tracking, and properly disposing of pesticides Amount of pesticides collected and via Central San's HHWCP. properly disposed of by the HHWCP. U) Continue outreach on pesticide reduction and proper disposal. Description of outreach. Consider supporting future research studies related to pesticides of Description of support provided, if i."—., emerging concern. applicable. V1 Continue supporting BACWA/BAPPG's efforts to track and Support and describe efforts by comment on Federal and State pesticide registration activities in BACWA/BAPPG. support consideration of water quality concerns and reduce pesticide discharges at their source. Continue to maintain and promote Central San's Pharmaceutical Amount of pharmaceutical waste Collection Program, which includes collection sites at 13 law collected and properly disposed of. enforcement agencies throughout the service area. Continue support of statewide and national projects on the Describe support activities by Central establishment of pharmaceutical collection programs that are San staff. funded by the product chain (manufacturers and retailers). N � V Track implementation of the CCCSDD ordinance and support Describe program implementation as it w o adoption by the cities in the Central San service area. affects Central San. Measure and U a report estimated decline in use of Central San's collection sites as a result v v f resident's utilization of CCCSDD collection sites. yContinue accepting and properly disposing of personal care Continue acceptance and proper a- `0 products via Central San's HHWCP. disposal of personal care products by IL the HHWCP. Continue outreach to encourage customers to dispose of Description of outreach. pharmaceuticals and personal care products properly. Continue accepting and properly disposing of PFAS (e.g. flame Continue acceptance and proper retardants)via Central San's HHWCP. disposal of PFAS (e.g. flame U) retardants) by the HHWCP. Q LL Continue to track developing information on the sources and controlContinue to track information. of PFAS (e.g. flame retardants). Continue supporting BACWA/BAPPG and CASA efforts to track Identify support provided. W developing information on nanoparticles and comment in support of water quality concerns on any federal regulatory action on products aand chemicals that use nanoparticles. 0 c �o Z Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 22 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 293 of 340 Page 32 of 33 Section 3: Pollutants of Emerging Concern Pollutant Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Evaluate any potential sources of nonylphenol ethoxylates in the Summary of potential sources found c commercial laundries and other large laundry operations within and follow-up actions taken. 5, Central San's service area. Q- x c s o w ZW N Continue outreach on microplastics. Description of outreach. N aContinue providing support for future research studies related to Description of support provided, if L_ microplastics. applicable. The BAAQMD adopted Regulation 11:Rule 18 air toxics Identify potential pollutants of concern U) regulations to ensure that emissions of toxic air contaminants from to ensure compliance with the new •X existing facilities do not pose an unacceptable health risk to people regulation. C living and working nearby. Central San will continue to identify L potential pollutants of concern with cross-media impacts and Q potential reduction through P2 efforts. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 23 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 294 of 340 Page 33 of 33 Section 4: Continuous P2 Efforts Plan Activity for 2021 Measurement of Activity Effectiveness Continue the operation and promotion of Central San's HHWCP Total amount of HHW collected and o keep pollutants out of the wastewater stream. properly disposed of by the HHWCP. Continue Pretreatment and Stormwater Inspection Programs. Number of inspections conducted and enforcement actions taken. Continue student education programs (Water Wizards, Sewer Number of students participating in each Science, and Delta Discovery Voyage). program. Continue attendance at environmental/community events. Description and number of events attended. m Continue Treatment Plant and HHWCP tours to educate people Number of people given tours. on the efforts to reduce pollution by the treatment of wastewater and the collection and proper disposal of HHW. Q Continue conducting Central San's Annual P2 Awards Program Description of recognition program. IL to recognize local businesses for achieving excellence in P2 and 3 sustainability. Continue education and outreach through Central San's Description of outreach and relevant = website, TV ads, social media, and various publications. statistics. r o Continue partnership with CCGBP. Continue providing Continue partnership and green business L) environmental compliance inspection services to aid in certifying inspections. Report number of new and green businesses in Central San's service area. existing businesses certified in Central San's service area. Maintain green business certification standards and continue Maintain green business certification. making green improvements in Central San's operations that will ensure the next green business recertification. Continue active participation, membership, and support(where Continue active participation, membership, appropriate)of various regional, statewide, and national and support of the various organizations/programs that serve as a conduit for P2 organizations/programs listed. information, such as BACWA, BAPPG, CCCWP, CCGBP, CWEA, CASA, HHWIE, NACWA, and NAHMMA. Central San 2020 Pollution Prevention Annual Report Page 24 March 18, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet- Page 295 of 340