HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.a. Receive update on classification study recommendations - MS/CG Page 1 of 6
Item 4.a.
March 16, 2021
In 2015, the District underwent an organizational and staffing analysis which was completed by Raftelis
Financial Consultants. One of the recommendations was to conduct a classification study to ensure the
District had an effective and updated classification structure. In 2016, the District contracted with Koff and
Associates (K&A)to conduct a classification study. The study was undertaken by the District for several
• To ensure positions performing similar work with essentially the same level of complexity,
responsibility, knowledge, skills, and abilities are consolidated into like classifications;
• To update job descriptions to ensure that they reflect industry trends, current essential functions and
duties, the knowledge and skills required for the classification, and to ensure that they are compliant
with all relevant state and federal laws (e.g. Americans with Disability Act, Fair Labor Standards Act,
Family and Medical Leave Act, etc.); and
• To ensure that employees are appropriately classified and that employees are not assigned duties
that fall outside the scope of their classification.
K&A submitted their recommendations along with draft job descriptions in February 2017. At the request
of the bargaining units, since the upcoming negotiations were about to begin, the District felt it was best to
postpone the implementation of the study until negotiations were completed. I n April 2019, the District
began meeting once again with bargaining groups with Human Resources taking the lead on the project.
Human Resources divided the classification study into three separate phases as described below:
PHASE I - In the initial phase, a list of naming conventions was developed. The naming conventions are to
be utilized as a guide that will allow the District to consistently and fairly applyjob titles to classifications
based on the nature of the duties performed, the nature and level of responsibilities, and the knowledge,
skills, abilities, education, training, and experience required. Once the naming conventions were created
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and agreed upon with the bargaining units, Human Resources reviewed all classifications and
recommended title changes where necessary to adhere to the agreed upon naming conventions.As part
of this phase, Human Resources identified some classifications that were no longer needed as well as a
few classifications performing similar work that should be consolidated. Should the recommendations be
accepted, the District would eliminate five MS/CG classifications and add two new classifications,
reducing the total number of classifications from 47 to 44.A list of current MS/CG classifications with
recommended title changes can be found in Attachment 1.
PHASE II - Phase I I consisted of updating all District job descriptions. In this stage,job descriptions were
reviewed to ensure that essential functions and duties, as well as the knowledge, skills, abilities, and
minimum qualifications were relevant and appropriate for the work currently being performed.Additionally,
Human Resources created a newjob description template, standardized language across all job
descriptions, and ensured compliance with relevant state and federal laws. Human Resources sent draft
job descriptions to all incumbents and solicited their feedback to ensure accuracy. Numerous meet and
confers took place with MS/CG to review and receive feedback, and make necessary and appropriate
PHASE III -The final phase involved identifying any salary adjustments and/or reclassifications that may be
necessary based upon the completion of Phases I and I I above. Several incumbents whose job
classifications are being consolidated, as well as having significant scope changes, are being
recommended for reclassifications and/or salary adjustments, which are detailed below.
As part of Phase I and Phase 11, Human Resources identified like classifications performing similar
scopes of work that should be consolidated. Those include:
• Senior Administrative Technician and Senior Administrative Assistant (new title,Administrative
Services Assistant)
• Maintenance Supervisor, Mechanical Supervisor, Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Supervisor,
and Building and Grounds Supervisor(new title, Maintenance Supervisor)
After reviewing the above classifications, it was determined that the scope of work, as well as the
corresponding knowledge, skills, and abilities required, were similar enough that separate classifications
were not warranted. Further, because the salaries of these classifications are not the same, combining
them creates internal equity and ensures the District is paying equal wages for similar work.
Additionally, Human Resources identified the following classifications to further study due to the significant
change in the complexity of duties and responsibilities.
1. Senior Community Affairs Representative (new classifications— Beginning in 2015, the
Communications Division underwent an organizational change by adding the Intergovernmental
Relations role to the existing communications role.As such, the division manager took on additional
responsibilities which resulted in the addition of more complex and varied tasks being assigned to
this incumbent. In addition to this work, the incumbent also began providing lead direction and training
to others in the division.As these new tasks account for a very significant portion of the job duties,
the creation of a Senior Community Affairs Representative position is warranted. Human Resources
is recommending the salary be established at 10 percent above the lower level Community Affairs
Representative which would result in the current incumbent moving from S70 to S74.
2. Development Services Supervisor—The technical complexity of duties associated with this
classification have increased with the evolution of sewer development from new subdivision
construction to working around existing utilities. Further, development lot sizes have decreased. Both
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of these trends have added more complexity to the construction process including abandoning or
bypassing existing sewer mains and laterals, and phasing construction of new sewers within a fully
developed area with existing utility systems. These changes have required more detailed designs,
additional potholing, and melding existing site constraints to rigorous sewer construction standards.
As a result of these trends, positions in this class have taken on more complex and technical duties.
These changes are justification for the recommendation of increasing the salary of this classification
by 2.5 percent (S74 to S75).
3. Records Program Administrator(new classification) — Currently, one incumbent of the Administrative
Services Supervisor classification is assigned to the Secretary of the District. This position is
responsible for the administration of the District's records program as established by Board Policy.
During the job description review stage of the study, it became apparent that the incumbent's position
was different and unique enough that it requires its own classification to fully acknowledge the
specialized duties, knowledge, skills, abilities, and requirements needed to be successful in this role.
As a result, Human Resources is recommending the new class of Records Program Administrator
with the salary unchanged.
4. Chief, Pumping Stations Operations (formerly Pumping Stations Supervisor)— In 2015, the Raftelis
study recommended an organizational change for this specific position and the Pumping Station
function at the District. The Pumping Stations Supervisor had historically been assigned to the
Collection Systems Operations (CSO) Division and reported to a Superintendent. The study
recommended that this position be removed from CSO and moved to the Plant Maintenance
Division where the position now reports directly to the Plant Maintenance Division Manager.
Removing a layer of supervision has increased the operational independence, complexity, and
scope of duties required for this position. Due to these changes, Human Resources is
recommending a salary increase of 15 percent(S75 to S81)to compensate for the significant
change in scope over the past several years.
5. Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program Administrator(formerly Household Hazardous Waste
Supervisor)— The scope of this position has changed overtime with the ever-evolving and more
stringent federal, state, and local regulations related to the collection and disposal of hazardous
waste as well as expansion of public-facing services such as the Residential Recycled Water Fill
Station.As a result, Human Resources is recommending a 2.5 percent salary increase (S74 to S75).
6. Environmental Health and Safety Program Administrator(formerly Safety Officer)—The District
strives to maintain a classification structure that provides an appropriate differential between
supervisory and subordinate classifications. On average, this difference is between 10-15%.After a
review of the entire District classification structure, it was determined that there is salary compaction
between the Environmental Health and Safety Program Administrator and the subordinate
Environmental Health and Safety Specialist classifications as there is only a five percent difference
between the two. To address this, Human Resources is recommending a five percent increase (S73
to S75)to address the compaction issue. This increase will create an appropriate differential of 10
percent between the two classifications.
The recommendations for MS/CG classifications along with their cost are summarized in Attachment 2.
These recommendations will ensure that MS/CG positions are appropriately classified and compensated.
Staff will be available during the meeting to answer any questions.
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Strategic Plan Tie-In
GOAL THREE: Fiscal Responsibility
Strategy 2—Ensure integrity and transparency in financial management
GOAL FOUR: Workforce Development
Strategy 1—Proactively plan for future operational staffing needs
1. MS/CG Current and Proposed Class Titles
2. MS/CG Class Study Cost Sheet
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Attachment 1
Current and Proposed Class Titles - MS/CG
Current Class Title Proposed Class Title Salary Reallocation
Administrative Services Supervisor Administrative Services Supervisor
Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer
Assistant to the Secretary of the District Assistant to the Secretary of the District
Associate Engineer Associate Engineer
Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor S73 to S75
Chemist I Chemist I
Chemist II Chemist II
Chemist III Chemist III
Community Affairs Representative Community Affairs Representative
Development Services Supervisor Development Services Supervisor S74 to S75
Electrical Shop Supervisor Electrical Shop Supervisor
Environmental Compliance Superintendent Environmental Compliance Program Administrator No
Executive Assistant Executive Assistant to the General Manager
Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent
Finance Administrator Finance Administrator
GIS Analyst GIS Analyst
Asset Management Program Administrator Asset Management Program Administrator
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor HHW Program Administrator S74 to S75
Human Resources Analyst Human Resources Analyst
Information Technology Supervisor Information Technology Supervisor
Instrument Shop Supervisor Instrument Shop Supervisor
Laboratory Superintendent Laboratory Program Administrator No
Land Surveyor Land Surveyor
Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor
Management Analyst Management Analyst
Materials Services Supervisor Materials Services Supervisor
Mechanical Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor S73 to S75
Operations Safety Specialist Environment Health and Safety Specialist No
Payroll Analyst Payroll Analyst
Plant Maintenance Superintendent Plant Maintenance Superintendent
Plant Operations Superintendent Plant Operations Superintendent
Project Manager/Business Analyst Project Manager/Business Analyst
Pumping Stations Supervisor Chief, Pumping Stations Operations S75 to S81
Records Program Administrator new class Set at S62
Risk Management Administrator Risk Management Administrator
Risk Management Specialist Risk Management Specialist
Risk Management Technician ABOLISH
Safety Officer EHS Program Administrator S73 to S75
Senior Accountant Supervising Accountant No
Senior Administrative Assistant Administrative Services Assistant No
Senior Administrative Technician Administrative Services Assistant S57 to S58
Senior Chemist Supervising Chemist No
Senior Community Affairs Representative New Class Set at S74
Senior Engineer Senior Engineer
Shift Supervisor Shift Supervisor
Staff Engineer Staff Engineer
Utility Systems Engineer Utility Systems Engineer
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor S73 to S75
*The recommendations above are a result of the meet and confer process with MS/CG
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Attachment 2
#of Current Proposed Cost per
Proposed Class incumbents Salary Range Salary Range incumbent*
Community Affairs Representative Senior Community Affairs Representative 1 S-70 S-74 $16,868.59 $16,868.59
Pumping Stations Supervisor Chief, Pumping Stations Operations 1 S-75 S-81 $28,809.76 $28,809.76
Sr. Administrative Technician Administrative Services Assistant 4 S-57 S-58 $2,958.38 $11,833.52
Sr.Administrative Assistant Administrative Services Assistant 2 S-58 S-58 $0.00 $0.00
Buildings And Grounds Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor 1 S-73 S-75 $8,839.27 $8,839.27
Mechanical Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor 2 S-73 S-75 $8,839.27 $17,678.54
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Maintenance Supervisor 1 S-73 S-75 $8,839.27 $8,839.27
Development Services Supervisor no change 2 S-74 S-75 $4,438.04 $8,876.08
Administrative Services Supervsior Records Program Administrator 1 S-62 S-62 $0.00 $0.00
Household Hazardous Waste Supervisor HHW Program Administrator 1 S-74 S-75 $4,438.04 $4,438.04
Safety Officer Environmental Health and Safety Program 1 S-73 S-75 $8,839.27 $8,839.27
OVERALL COST $115,022.34
* calculated with top step annual salary plus benefits
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